英语报刊阅读教程unit 12 Information Engineering

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7. attorney: [ə'tɜːnɪ]n. 律师
The evidence demolished the attorney's case. 那证据驳倒了律师提出的理由。
8. fellow: [‘fɛlo]n. 同事;会员 Consult books, magazines, websites and ask fellow designers and professors: where would they go and who would they want to work with? 查阅书籍,杂志,网站,并且问你的设计 师同事们和你的教授:哪里是他们想要去 的,谁是他们想要共事的人?
Content Questions Vocabulary
Content Questions
1. What did teenagers’ say to their parents about technology?
In para.1-2. Teenagers thought they knew more about technology than their parents and have come to understand the issues of security and privacy on the Internet.
Detailed Reading
After Reading
Global Reading
Structure of the passage Text Analysis
Global Reading
Part Division of the Text
Global Reading
Text Analysis
3. predators: ['prɛdətɚ] n. [动] 捕食者;掠夺者 Another example is the gradual collapse of life on coral reefs once the primary predator is removed from the balance. 另一个例子是,一旦鲨鱼这个主要捕食者 从生态平衡中消失,珊瑚礁上的生命就会 逐渐崩溃。
4. circumvent: [,sɝkəm‘vɛnt] vt. 包围;绕行 The current crisis came about, according to Meltzer, not because of lack of regulation, but because banks and financial institutions learned to circumvent regulations. 根据迈尔策的看法,目前危机的发生不是 由于缺乏监管,而是银行与金融机构学会 如何规避监管。
2. ethics:['eθɪks] n. 伦理学;道德标准
I know some of you will have to make difficult choices just to save your businesses, but when you do, remember to make them with the utmost ethics and integrity. 我明白我们中的一些人为了挽救自己的事 业将不得不做一些艰难的选择。 但当你真 要这么做时,记住要在最大限度的道德和 正直下做选择。
2. What was Elizabeth’s opinions about internet security?
3. How did teenagers know pitfalls oBaidu Nhomakorabea the internet?
4. What was the teenagers attitude to parents violations of their children's privacy for fearing their children's safety?
4. In the body part, the author explains the students’ and parents’ different opinions on the privacy and security. The truth of the news is presented by the author by quoting a lot of panelists’ words.
5. What was Kevin Bankson’s comment about the issues of internet security and privacy?
1.Teenagers thought they knew more about technology than their parents and have come to understand the issues of security and privacy on the Internet largely without any guidance from educators or their parents..
2. What was Elizabeth’s opinions about
internet security?
In para.4. Elizabeth considered school should talk about computer security if no course in computer ethics and tell the students there are Internet predators in the adult site, give them the basic education.
Passage 3 Cool It: Is the Internet Too Hot for Data Centers to Handle?
Passage 1
Teenagers Struggle With Privacy, Security Issues
Before Reading
Global Reading
5. definitely: ['dɛfɪnətli] adv. 明确地,肯定地
I am not saying we should all be alone forever, although there’s definitely nothing wrong with that. 我不是说我们应该永远独自一个人,尽管 这样做肯定没什么错。
2. Elizabeth considered school should talk about computer security if no course in computer ethics and tell the students there are Internet predators in the adult site, give them the basic education.
6. panellist: ['pænəlɪst] n. 小组辩论
The panellist will provide commentary on what works, what does not, what delivers the most value to visitors and how the demands of visitors are changing. 小组成员将提供什么该做,什么不该做的评 论,怎样想参观者提供最大价值,参观者 的需求如何在变化。
5. What was Kevin Bankson’s comment about the issues of internet security and
privacy? In para.18. In general, society does not pay enough attention to what young
people think, particularly in policy questions involving students and schools.
1. panel: [‘pænl] n. 座谈小组 He assembled a panel of scholars to advise him. 他集结了一个学者小组为他出谋划策。
9. moderator:['mɑdəretɚ] n. 仲裁人;调 解人
The moderator can also see to it that consumer input is seen and responded to by the right people within the company. 该仲裁人还能够照应到,由公司内恰 当的人来看到消费者的输入并对其做 出回应。
5. In the last part, the author gives his opinions on the question.
6. The whole structure of the passage is the Inverted Pyramid Form.
Detailed Reading
英语报刊阅读教程unit 12 Information Engineering
Passage 1 Teenagers Struggle With Privacy, Security Issues
Passage 2 Secret Computer Code Threatens Science
After Reading
Exercises :
Question answering Translation
Question Answering
Answer the following questions
1. What did teenagers’ say to their parents about technology?
1. The news belongs to social news.
2. The title put out the problems to the readers.
3. In the lead or introduction part, the writer briefly present the security and privacy questions in teenagers and parents, thus the readers very clearly know what is going to discuss. The sentences here are very short and simple. It can raise the readers’ attention at once.
Content Questions
3. How did teenagers know pitfalls on the internet?
In para.6. on their own. Parents and schools tended not to know how to
address the subject of security and privacy on the Internet.
4. What was the teenagers attitude to parents violations of their children's privacy for fearing their children's safety?
In paras.13-15. Some teenagers were against it. Other panellists saw such tactics as easily circumvented security measures.