前往巴慕卡雷,参观著名的棉堡,特殊的地理奇景,洁白有 如棉花筑成的独特自然地形,这是由地底下温泉流过含有钙 质成分的石灰炭层,富含钙质的温泉冒出地表后,白色的钙 质沉淀在地表上所形成的,并经年累月的堆积,形成如此壮 观的自然奇景。
海洋公园全新景区“梦幻水都”,有多个精彩震撼的新设施,包括:全球首 创的360度水幕表演“双龙奇缘”,共有5000条珍贵鱼类的世界十大之一 的"海洋奇观",以及全港首间水族馆餐厅"海龙王餐厅"."亚洲动物天 地"是海洋公园另一个很受欢迎的园区,总面积达25000平方米,拥有室内 及室外园区,里头有多个亚洲动物的品种.其中"大熊猫之旅"是国宝大熊 猫盈盈和乐乐的居所.此外,"七彩升空天地""水母万花筒""极速之 旅""越矿飞车""飞天秋千"等,也是备受欢迎的精彩设施.除登山缆车 外,旅客亦可乘坐"海洋列车",往返山上的高峰乐园与山下的海滨乐园.
主要殖民工程师约翰·弗雷德里克阿道夫捷参与了这座总督府的设计和 建设。虽然那些印度囚犯劳工每天拿到二十美分,而且没有熟练的技术, 他们却担当了石匠,管道工,木工,油漆工和石材切割的任务去建造总督府。
辛亥革命后,1925年北海辟为公园对外开放。1949年新中国成立后,党和政 府对北海公园的保护极为重视,拨巨资予以修葺,1961年被国务院公布为第 一批全园重点文物保护单位。
A Team 刘碧云 史磊 吴莲娇 2014年4月8日
工能:传递信息和诱导行动 Informative function, directive function, evocative function
超语言因素:旅游文体具推广促销 的功能与作用,所以撰写手法偏向 于突出所介绍目的地的特点,影响 读者做决定,到该地方观光。
(2)历史人物、事件等的说明性翻译 中国拥有悠久的历史和古老的文化,在介绍文 物古迹的时候,总会联系到大量的历史事件和 朝代名称,而国外游客对我国的历史朝代并不 熟悉,因此最好补充一个朝代的公元年份。在 翻译国外游客不熟悉的历史名人时,可以添加 相关的背景资料,补充这个人的身份,在历史上 的地位和功绩等,以增加国外游客对此人的了 解。
第二章 旅游翻译
第一节 旅游文本的文体特点
1. 实用性强,文体丰富多样 例如 旅游广告属描写型,用词生动形象;旅游 广告属感染型,用词短少精悍,富有创意, 句式活泼简洁,具有很强的吸引力。旅游合 同属契约型,用词正式,规范,准确,程式 化。旅游行程属信息型,用词明了简略,具 有提示性。
景点名称多涉及本民族文化的专有名词,单 纯的音译不能传递任何实际信息。这类名称 应该在音译的基础上另作释义,对音译进一 步做出解释。 如 海南景点“鹿回头”可译为“ Luhuitou (turn-round deer scenic spot) 天涯海角可译为 Tianya-Haijiao (the end of the earth and th edge of the sea)
2. 意译法 有些景点名称文化含义丰富,而直译又不能把相应的 文化含义翻译出来,此类名称翻译时要突出其内在 含义或相应典故与传说,便于游客理解,记忆。对 此类名称多采用意译,即用意义相同而形式不同的 词语来译。意译的特点在于能够填补文化空缺,消 除文化差异 。如“兵马俑”译为“Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses”,“十三陵”译为“Ming Tombs”,“故宫”译为“the Imperial Palace”,“颐和园” 译为“the Palace Museum
第二章 旅游文本的翻译策略总论
![第二章 旅游文本的翻译策略总论](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/75bbd742767f5acfa1c7cdbf.png)
• 例8: • 路左有一巨石, 石上有苏东坡手书“云外流 春”四个大字。 • To the left is another rock engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo (1037 - 1101), the most versatile poet of the North Song Dynasty (960- 1127).
• 例6: • 湖南省位于长江中游南部,东经108°至114°, 北纬24°至30°。因地处洞庭湖之南,所以叫 做湖南。 • Hunan Province is located just south of the middle reaches of the Changjiang (Yan longitude and 24°and 30°N latitude. Since it lies to the south of the Dongting Lake, it has its name Hunan, which means “south of the lake”.
• 夏季,因特拉肯的文化活动和体育活动一 样精彩纷呈。有些活动历史悠久,成为少 女峰地区一道不容错过的美丽风景。
• More ambitious ‘high-flyers’ can book a skydiving session and admire a bird’s-eye view of the spectacular scenery. The rivers in the region offer cool experiences, with river rafting, canyoning and hydrospeeding.
No U Turn
Do not trespass on the railway! Penalty $ 200 残疾人通道
2.1.2 交通用语的语言特点
★ 词汇简洁,措辞精确
Owner please claim at the Lost and Found Office(Lost Property Office), Rm.320 on the 3rd floor of the Office Building.
“注意安全”, “休息观景平台”, “爱护环境,讲究卫生”, “安全通道”, “游览通道”
• 2.2.4 小结
景点牌示语具有解说、指路、服务、忠告等社会功能,它最主要的目 的就是提供基本的旅游信息和导向服务,同时达到宣传的目的。其文 本特点具有说明和描写文的特点,作为指路、服务或忠告牌示,其文 字内容广泛地使用名词、动词、动词词组、短语等词语,或是简单句 和祈使句;而篇章性的景点牌示其语言风格较为简约,用词简洁,结
交通标识语广泛使用名词、动词、动名词、词组、短语和缩略语,严格禁用 生僻词语,在多数公共场所,其标识语文字常常和醒目的图形标志共同使用。
★ 应用现在时态:
Give Way To Buses
Don’t Drive When Tired 严禁疲劳驾驶
为避免拥ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 请勿在楼梯附近停留——
To Avoid Congestion Please Do not Stand Near The Stairs
Three Pools Mirroring the Moon 三潭映月
High-rise buildings ornamented with colored lanterns and bright banners stan d out along the river banks. On the river itself, gaily decorated dragon-shaped b oats await their challenge, displaying their individual charms to their hearts' con tent. One boat wags its head and tail another spits fire and sprays water. 江岸上彩楼林立,彩灯高悬,旌旗飘摇,呈现出一派喜气洋洋的节日场面。 千姿百态的各式彩龙在江面游弋,舒展着优美的身姿,有的摇头摆尾,风彩 奕奕;有的喷火吐水,威风八面。
1 내용을 입력하세요
Keep-fit-tour-qigong, taiji, prescription on indi vidual diagnosis, and herbal cuisine.
Seen at the entrance is the typical Greek Doric colonnade featuring in som e what way with classic eclecticism.
张显男 朱晓琳 李洋洋 尹威力
2 3
云南有26个少数民族,是中国少数民族种类最多的 省份。各民族的服饰、建筑、风俗、歌舞、饮食等, 形成了一幅美丽的风情画卷。 Home to 26 ethnic groups —the largest number in China— Yunnan Province offers tourists a cultural feast of unique ethnic costumers, architectures, customs, cuisines, songs, and dances.
1. 推敲原文语境因素,弄清原文实质 这里三千座奇峰拔地而起,形态各异,有的似玉柱神 鞭,立地顶天;有的像铜墙铁壁,巍然屹立;有的如 晃板垒卵,摇摇欲坠;有的若盆景古董,玲珑剔透 ... 神奇而又真实,迷离而又实在,不是艺术创造胜似艺 术创造,令人叹为观止。 --- 《武陵源风景》画册 3000 crags rise in various shapes. They are like whips or pillars propping up the sky; or huge walls, solid and sound; or immense eggs piled on an unsteady boarder; or miniature rocky or curious ... Fantastic but actual, dreamy but real! They are not artistic works, but more exquisite than artistic works. One can not help marveling at the acme of perfection of Nature's creation.
译:Fo Tiao Qiang or Buddha-Jumps-Overrk’s Fin and Fish Maw: Fujian’s Number One special dish, carefully prepared with shark’s fin, abalone and more than 20 other ingredients. The dish is so tempting that even a Buddhist monk will jump over the wall for it.)
at the National Dance Contest) Dan is the female role in traditional Chinese opera. There are many different kinds of dan, among whom hua dan or huadan refers to one of the main types of the female role in Peking Opera. This type is cute, lively and young, notable for her imprudence and her charm.
例2:山东青岛啤酒节 如果你曾到过慕尼黑啤酒节,那么你也应该光 临每年6月在青岛进行的亚洲啤酒节,品尝品尝 那里的啤酒味道如何。这座城市有数家著名啤 酒厂,其中就有闻名天下的青岛啤酒厂。这里 最早的啤酒厂建于1897-1915年间,许多品酒 专家把青岛啤酒誉为亚洲之冠。
Beer Festival Qingdao (Tsingtao), Shangdong P rovince If you’ve already been to Munich’s famous Oktoberfest, it’s time to try the Asian version -the summer Beer Festival in Qingdao each June. The city boasts several breweries including the world-famous Tsingtao factory. The original breweries were built between 1897 and 1915 when Qingdao was a German treaty port and many connoisseurs feel that the city produces the best beer in Asia.
3) 综合性。
4) 灵活性.旅游是一项休闲活动,因此,旅游口译与气氛严肃的会议口译有着很大区别。
例2:山东青岛啤酒节 如果你曾到过慕尼黑啤酒节,那么你也应该光 临每年6月在青岛进行的亚洲啤酒节,品尝品尝 那里的啤酒味道如何。这座城市有数家著名啤 酒厂,其中就有闻名天下的青岛啤酒厂。这里 最早的啤酒厂建于1897-1915年间,许多品酒 专家把青岛啤酒誉为亚洲之冠。
Beer Festival Qingdao (Tsingtao), Shangdong P rovince If you’ve already been to Munich’s famous Oktoberfest, it’s time to try the Asian version -the summer Beer Festival in Qingdao each June. The city boasts several breweries including the world-famous Tsingtao factory. The original breweries were built between 1897 and 1915 when Qingdao was a German treaty port and many connoisseurs feel that the city produces the best beer in Asia.
Back Translation (回译) 该技巧是指将译文翻回原文,以此来检
验译文的准确性。在英汉互译人名、地 名和物名时,若原语本身是从目标语译 的,我们应该将之还原到原来的读音和 拼写的规范系统中。
例1:Getting a custom-made cheongsam is very sophisticated process. When measuring the size of the customer, 19 parts of the body are measured. The buttons come in hundreds of styles, making the work even more complicated. Next are two shops in Shanghai that do custommade cheongsams: Hanyi Cheongsam Shop and Old Shanghai Cheongsam Shop. 译:定制一件旗袍是一个非常复杂的过程。为顾 客量体裁衣时,需要测量身体19个部位的尺寸。 而一百多种不同风格的盘扣,使得制作工艺更加 复杂。以下有两家在上海的定制旗袍店——瀚艺 旗袍店和老上海旗袍店。
第二章 旅游英语翻译技巧
![第二章 旅游英语翻译技巧](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c1f2b16248d7c1c708a1459f.png)
2.6 归化
西施 Chinese Cleopatra; Xishi, name of a fmous beauty in the late Spring and Autumn Period 月下老人 Chinese Cupid; God who unites man and woman in marriage 济公 Robin Hood in China
2.5 释义
英国人喜爱的饮料是啤酒,酿制啤酒的啤酒品 牌种类众多;“苦啤酒”可能最受欢迎,”浓烈 “黑啤酒是酒精含量很高的黑啤酒,在爱尔兰 很受欢迎。英国啤酒有别于欧洲大陆啤酒,后 者在冷的让人发抖是适于饮用,而英国啤酒在 略有些凉的时候最适宜饮用。
2.5 释义
The Maori people of New Zealand is a hospital nationality good at singing and dancing. Its greeting rituals perfectly maintain Maori people’s social customs and hongi is a very important kind of the greeting rituals. 新西兰的毛利人是一个能歌善舞、热情好客的 民族,它的欢迎仪式完好地保存着毛利人独有 的社会风俗习惯。碰鼻礼是毛利欢迎仪式中的 一个重要方面。
Case Study
山海关在河北秦皇岛市长城 尽头,因关处于北边的燕山 与南边的渤海之间而得名。 这里是河北通往东北的咽喉, 历来是军事关, 有“两京锁 钥无双地,万里长城第一关”e Mountain and Sea Pass) is located at the end of the Great Wall in the city of Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province. It stands south of the Yanshan Mountain and north of the Bohai Sea, that is, between the mountain and the sea. It is a strategic passage from Hebei to the northeast, and was of great military importance for centuries. People say: “The greatest pass on the Great Wall of ten thousand Li,/Occupies a matchless key position between two capital cities.”
这句话如果完全按照原文翻译,可译作:Near the forest there once was a cave which was said to be the very place where Lady White cultivated herself。
但是如果这样译的话,外国人虽然也能看懂,却会产生不解:中国的怀特太太在洞里一个不足一平方米的小水潭里怎样修炼呢?如果能够译作:Near the forest there once was a cave which was said to be thevery place where Lady White,thelegendary heroine of The Story of the White Snake cultivated herself according to Buddhist doctrine.有了这些添加,游人才能更好的理解这句话。
2. 对我国的传统节日也需要作这种解释性翻译。
比如说云南的“泼水节”,可译作Water—Sprinkling Festival(a big festival for the Dai nationality to wish everyone happiness by splashing water to one another)。
例如,旅游景点中常见的标语指示牌:“参观由此去”,译成“To visit from here!”会让外国游客难以理解,如果译成“This way ,please!”简洁明了,效果会好很多。
二. 直译加注释 1. 当时在城西南的锡山开采出了锡矿,锡矿发现后, 人们就把这个地方称为“ 有锡”。天长日久,锡矿 挖完了, “ 有锡” 便改成了“无锡”。 Then on the Xishan Hill to the south of the city, a tin mine was discovered. After that, the city was named “ Youxi” ( which means “ having tin”). As time went by, the tin mine was exhausted, and the city was renamed “ Wuxi”( which means” having no tin).
三. 增译 1. Towers, domes, balanced rocks, and arches have been formed over millions of years of weathering and erosion, and the process continues, constantly reshaping this fantastical rock garden. a. 千百年的风雨剥蚀形成了高塔、穹窿、摇摇欲坠的 岩石和拱门。这个过程还在延续,不断改变这个神 奇的石头公园。 b.岁月沧桑,风化雨蚀,造就了这里奇特的山体风貌: 满山“巨塔”高耸,“ 穹丘” 浑圆,“不倒翁” 摇摇欲坠,“大拱门” 凌空而立,奇形怪状,浑然 天成。大自然造物不尽,还在不断创造新的神奇。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
2. 今天,长城是中国最为著名的旅游胜地,闻名遐 迩,享誉全球。来自世界各地的游客都把长城作为 来中国旅游的首选。长城的历史、文化、艺术和建 筑帮助他们更好地理解中国。 Today, the Great Wall stands as one of China’s most well –known tourist attractions. People from all over the world put the Great Wall at the top of their list of places to visit when they come to China. The history, culture, art, and architecture of the Great Wall help them better understand China.
扬州的真实写照。江、河、湖、池,在这座 古城任意纵横交织,形成了独具特色的水上 园林城市。真可谓“不作水上游,不算到扬 州”。 An ancient saying goes, “Most of the gardens are private houses while carriages are less than boats.” This is a true scene in Yangzhou. Rivers, lakes and ponds lie crisscross in this ancient city, making it a unique gardenlike city on water. So water sightseeing is a must for tourists.
步环游。市区外任何值得一看的 景点都有快速、方便的公共汽车 直达。长长的主街风格随意,大 型的购物商场使冰岛的首都成为 购物的理想之处(游客购物免税)
海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点,也是云 南第一峰,终年雪冠冰峰,云缠雾罩。 译:The snow-capped and mistshrouded Kagebo Peak— the dominant peak of the Meili Mountain range in the northwest of Diqing— stands aloft 6740 meters above sea level, the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan Provence as well.
of people from around the world come to Jazz Fest every year to lounge in the grass, eat jambalaya and Po’Boys, and of course, to enjoy the music. The fairgrounds become huge dance floors as people move and groove to the rhythms of jazz. 每年有数百万人从世界各地来到爵士庆典。 人们慵懒地躺在草地上,吃着什锦饭和新 奥尔良三明治,当然,同时享受着音乐。 露天集市变成大的舞蹈场地,人们随着爵 士乐的韵律舞动,尽情享受。
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧3
![第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧3](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/53d35be8aeaad1f346933f03.png)
2.13 典故、诗词、俗语、楹联的 翻译
依栏杆水拍堤。”这是古人赞美青岛海滨的诗句。青岛是一 座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶洲湾 入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80 多里的海 滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。
在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主 峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。相传在中国 古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。大禹决心治 水,但船不能行,有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导 水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山 之下,因而其地就称为黄龙。
One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong, which lies
Case Study
晚唐诗人杜荀鹤有诗《送人游吴》:“君到姑苏见,人家 尽枕河。古宫闲地少,水港小桥多。” 这首诗可谓脍炙人 口,它描述的是古时苏州一带的水乡形态。 The Chinese poet Du Xunhe in the late Tang Dynasty (618-907) once wrote: “When Suzhou comes into sight, Houses’re all pillowed on the waterside. The old capital with few vacant fields Is crisscrossed by jetties and bridges.” This is a poetic description of old Suzhou, a time-honored water town in Jiangsu province.
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧(1)
![第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧(1)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1aeb0d2c4b73f242336c5f9f.png)
2.2 直译加注法
路左有一巨石, 石上有苏东坡手书“云外流春” 四个大字。 To the left is another rock engraved with four big Chinese characters Yun Wai Liu Chun (Beyond clouds flows spring) written by Su Dongpo (1037 - 1101), the most versatile poet of the North Song Dynasty (960- 1127).
西安是古丝绸之路的起点,也是中国历史上建 都最多的城市之一。秦兵马俑被称为“世界第 八大奇迹; 大雁塔、鼓楼是唐代留下来的建 筑;您可以到杨贵妃洗澡的华清池去洗温泉澡; 作为炎黄子孙还可以去拜谒离西安不远的黄帝 陵。在西安还可以欣赏到仿唐音乐和歌舞,尝 品唐菜。
Xi’an, the staring point of the ancient Silk Road, was capital intermittently for many dynasties in the Chinese history. The life-size terra cotta soldiers and horses of the Qin dynast are praised as the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” Other interesting sites in the vicinity are Dayan Ta (Great Wild Goose Pagoda) and Gu Lou (Drum Tower), both erected in the Tang dynasty; and the Huaqing Hot Springs where visitors may bathe in the warm mineral water. This site used to be the private baths for Yang Guifei, favorite concubine of the Tang emperor. If you are of Chinese descent, you may pay tribute to the tomb of Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), first Chinese emperor. In addition, tourists will enjoy the pleasing Tang music and dance, as well as the duplication of fancy Tang dishes available there.
例1:花一个下午品尝当地名酒,了解全 世界最南端产酒地的奥秘。 例2:赶快计划您的新春之旅,以一身喜 庆红衣与全港市民一起开心度岁,投入这 个环球欢乐派对吧!
在旅游宣传材料中,祈使句一般表示请求和号召。 因为英语的旅游文本中也常用祈使句,所以一般可 以直译。
• 2. Endowed with special geological landforms and a mild climate, Qingcheng Mountain enjoys exuberant vegetations and forests through which the paths wind and the ancient temples disperse in ranges of mountains.
• 例1. 苏州,始称吴,又名“吴门”、“姑 苏”,位于长江三角洲,面积8,848.4平方 公里(其中古城为14.2平方公里),人口 570余万。 • 例2. 青城山地质地貌独特,植被茂密,气 候适宜,林木葱翠,层峦叠嶂,曲径逶迤, 古观藏趣。
• 汉语旅游文本中逗号使用频繁,多用 逗号将若干小句联系在一起,结构紧 凑,朗朗上口,将景点描写得细致入 微,惟妙惟肖,让人向往。在翻译由 小句组成的汉语句子时,首先找出句 子的主要结构,然后将其他小分句变 为其附属的成分,如从句或短语。
课堂练习 1)无锡自古物产丰富,富庶江南,是中国著 名的“鱼米之乡”。 2)漓江的水,澄明清澈,晶莹碧绿,恰似 翡翠玉带,逶迤于奇山秀峰之间。 3)杭州不仅风景奇异,名胜古迹众多,她 的传说和故事也甚为美丽动人,可以说处处 引人入胜,令人流连忘返。
A fascinating city between sea and sky, like Venus rising from the waves, Venice welcome tourists from the five continents drawn to her by the charm of her water and pellucid light, free from all dust and cooled by the sea breeze. She also offers the intellectual pleasures to be derived from her masterpieces which mark the meeting of East and West.
旅游翻译2——英语旅游文本的句型特 点及翻译
英:The environment is friendly. The physical beauty of Hawaii is almost unparalleled. Majestic mountains were created millions of years ago by volcanic activity that thrust these islands three miles from the ocean floor. Wave action across endless time created coral refs, and then battered and broke them to create miles of white sand beach.
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2.13 典故、诗词、俗语、楹联的 翻译
“烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人 依栏杆水拍堤。”这是古人赞美青岛海滨的诗句。青岛是一 座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶洲湾 入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80 多里的海 滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。
秦始皇统一六国后,一方面拆毁诸国间的长城,另一 方面为防御北边匈奴,又再修筑了横亘万余里的长城, 成为我国最早的万里长城。此后的各朝各代都对长城 进行了修复和加固。
After unifying all other six states, Emperor Qinshihuang, the first emporer of the Qin Dynasty, while pulling down the walls between the former states, had new walls built in the north to defend the Hun. The walls stretched more than five thousand kilometres, forming the oldest Great Wall. From then on, it was resቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱored and reinforced by successive dynasties.
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧
2.13 典故、诗词、俗语、楹联的 翻译
In 2005, the Glacier Express celebrated its 75th anniversary. It all began in the golden years of the 1920s. As a result of the reports by keen alpine climbers of their adventures, members of high society with a yearning to travel came from all over the world to discover the stark beauty of the Swiss Alps. Previously remote mountain villages like Zermatt and St. Moritz turned into sophisticated resorts. The powers discovered the potential of adventure tours by rail, and finally, on June 25th, 1930, the Glacier Express made its first trip from St. Moritz to Zermatt. At that time, the trip lasted 11 hours, and passengers travelled in elegant saloon carriages and specially converted passenger trains.
在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主 峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。相传在中国 古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。大禹决心治 水,但船不能行,有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导 水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山 之下,因而其地就称为黄龙。
One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong, which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains. Here you will enjoy lush green forests, fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds. There is a story about the place as follows: Once in ancient China, when great floods threatened the people of central China, Yu the Great was determined to tame the mighty floods by himself. However, water was too inundant for any boat to carry him. Then, a yellow loong (pronounced huanglong in Chinese, with the image similar to English “dragon”) appeared to boat him, leading to his success in the fight against the floods. Too exhausted to return to its ocean, the loong died at the foot of the Minshan Mountains. And the place was named after it.
2005年,冰川快车迎来了自己75周年生日的庆典。 一切都始于20世纪20年代的黄金时代。当时,对
的山村变成了著名的旅游胜地。政府发现了火车 探险旅游的潜力,最终,冰川快车于1930年6月 25日首次从圣莫里茨开往采尔马特。当时,整个 旅程耗时11小时,旅客乘坐的是优雅的特等客车 和经特别改装的客车。