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在四川西部,有一美妙的去处。它背倚岷山主 峰雪宝顶,树木苍翠,花香袭人,鸟声婉转, 流水潺潺。这就是松潘县的黄龙。相传在中国 古代,洪水肆虐,人民苦不堪言。大禹决心治 水,但船不能行,有黄龙来为他负舟,于是导 水成功。黄龙疲惫,未及回归大海,死于岷山 之下,因而其地就称为黄龙。
One of Sichuan’s finest scenic spots is Huanglong, which lies in Songpan County just beneath Xuebao, the main peak of the Minshan Mountains. Here you will enjoy lush green forests, fragrant flowers, bubbling streams, and songbirds. There is a story about the place as follows: Once in ancient China, when great floods threatened the people of central China, Yu the Great was determined to tame the mighty floods by himself. However, water was too inundant for any boat to carry him. Then, a yellow loong (pronounced huanglong in Chinese, with the image similar to English “dragon”) appeared to boat him, leading to his success in the fight against the floods. Too exhausted to return to its ocean, the loong died at the foot of the Minshan Mountains. And the place was named after it.
2005年,冰川快车迎来了自己75周年生日的庆典。 一切都始于20世纪20年代的黄金时代。当时,对
的山村变成了著名的旅游胜地。政府发现了火车 探险旅游的潜力,最终,冰川快车于1930年6月 25日首次从圣莫里茨开往采尔马特。当时,整个 旅程耗时11小时,旅客乘坐的是优雅的特等客车 和经特别改装的客车。
2.13 典故、诗词、俗语、楹联的 翻译
“烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人 依栏杆水拍堤。”这是古人赞美青岛海滨的诗句。青岛是一 座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶洲湾 入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80 多里的海 滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。
秦始皇统一六国后,一方面拆毁诸国间的长城,另一 方面为防御北边匈奴,又再修筑Baidu Nhomakorabea横亘万余里的长城, 成为我国最早的万里长城。此后的各朝各代都对长城 进行了修复和加固。
After unifying all other six states, Emperor Qinshihuang, the first emporer of the Qin Dynasty, while pulling down the walls between the former states, had new walls built in the north to defend the Hun. The walls stretched more than five thousand kilometres, forming the oldest Great Wall. From then on, it was restored and reinforced by successive dynasties.
第二章 常用旅游文本翻译技巧
2.13 典故、诗词、俗语、楹联的 翻译
In 2005, the Glacier Express celebrated its 75th anniversary. It all began in the golden years of the 1920s. As a result of the reports by keen alpine climbers of their adventures, members of high society with a yearning to travel came from all over the world to discover the stark beauty of the Swiss Alps. Previously remote mountain villages like Zermatt and St. Moritz turned into sophisticated resorts. The powers discovered the potential of adventure tours by rail, and finally, on June 25th, 1930, the Glacier Express made its first trip from St. Moritz to Zermatt. At that time, the trip lasted 11 hours, and passengers travelled in elegant saloon carriages and specially converted passenger trains.