①He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.②They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.国外一个网站评选的2003年十大pun,下面是其中的三个例子,如果您能看懂、听懂,肯定会觉得pun很有意思。
①He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。
这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。
②Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.这句话乍一看,好象是说:时光像箭一样飞逝,水果像香蕉一样飞逝。
其实这句话后半部分的真正意思是:果蝇喜欢吃香蕉,也就是fruit flies/like/a banana。
③A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred.这句话的表面意思是:自行车自己站不起来,因为它只有两个轮胎(two-tyred)。
而这句话的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired)。
该修辞格巧妙利用词的谐音、词的多义或歧义等,使同一句话可同时表达不同意义,以造成语言生动活泼、幽默诙谐或嘲弄讥讽的修辞效果,使人读来忍俊不禁、英语中双关语的构成通常需要两个基本条件,即双重情境(double context)和多义词或同音异义词。
eg1. Seven days without water makes one weak.七天不进水,人就会虚弱。
因此这句话听起来可以理解为:Seven days without water makes one week.eg2. You earn your living and you urn your dead.生前劳碌奔命,死后化灰入土。
eg1. A: What's the longest sentence in the world?世上最长的句子是什么?B: Prison for life. 无期徒刑。
eg2. Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left.女性对善恶感觉惊人,而对左右感觉麻木。
eg3.We must all hang together, or we shall all hang se-parately. 我们必须团结一致,否则将一一被绞死。
该修辞格巧妙利用词的谐音、词的多义或歧义等,使同一句话可同时表达不同意义,以造成语言生动活泼、幽默诙谐或嘲弄讥讽的修辞效果,使人读来忍俊不禁、英语中双关语的构成通常需要两个基本条件,即双重情境(double context )和多义词或同音异义词。
eg1. Seven days without water makes one weak.七天不进水,人就会虚弱。
weak 和week 是同音异义词。
因此这句话听起来可以理解为:Seven days without watermakes one week.eg2. You earn your living and you urn your dead.生前劳碌奔命,死后化灰入土。
earn 与urn(火化)同音异义,用在一起显得俏皮,别有趣味。
eg1. A: What's the longest sentence in the world?世上最长的句子是什么?B: Prison for life. 无期徒刑。
eg2. Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left.女性对善恶感觉惊人,而对左右感觉麻木。
eg3.We must all hang together, or we shall all hang se-parately. 我们必须团结一致,否则将一一被绞死。
英语语法双关的例子篇一:有趣的英语双关语PunsPuns例句:1.On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday prey on you.星期天他们为你祈祷,星期一他们却向你榨取.2.Seven days without water makes one weak (week).七天不喝水,虚的拉不动腿.Homonyms [ h?m?nims] :Why is an empty purse always the same?Because there is never any change in it.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱.Polysemy [,p?li si:mi, p? lis?mi, p?lisi:mi]We eat what we can and what we can’t we can.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头.Asteismus岐解双关(asteismus) 即后者在回答前者的话时有意(无意)地曲解原意,造成不同理解,进而形成岐解双关.1.A professor tapped on his desk and shouted: 〝Gentlemen ,order!〞 The entire class yelled 〝Beer!〞一位教授敲着桌子喊道:〝先生们,安静!〞全班同学异口同声地喊〝啤酒〞.双关语的语义范围双关语为世界各国人民所喜爱和使用.在汉语中,双关语的例证比比皆是.双关语既可用于故事.笑话.谜语.儿歌等,又可以用于正式场合,表达严肃的思想和深邃的感情.(一)广告Give your hair a touch of Spring.给你的头发洒满春色,让你的头发富有弹性.(二)笑话What’s the difference between a soldier and a young girl?One powders the face ,the other faces the powder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药.(三)谜语1.What is black and white and red all over.这则谜语的谜底是newspaper .black 和white 是表示颜色,而谜语中的red (read)则是read的过去分词,与红颜色(red)发音相同.巧妙的同音而不同义,构成了谜语.2.What weather does mice most dislike?--When it is raining cats and dogs.Cats and dogs 是倾盆大雨的意思E_ercises1. Then there was a man in the restaurant.〝You’re not eating your fish,〞 the waitresssaid to him〝Any thing wrong with it?〞〝Long time no sea. (see)〞 the man replied.这时,饭馆里坐着一位男士.女招待对他说:〝怎么啦?为什么不来一份鱼?〞〝鱼不新鲜,〞那个人说道.3.A little boy came up to his mother. 〝Ma,〞 he said, 〝I have some to tell you. My teacher kissed me.〞〝Well, were you a good boy and did you kiss her back?〞〝Of course not!〞 he denied indignantly, 〝I kissed her face.〞小男孩来到身边,说:〝妈,跟你说件事,老师吻了我.〞〝那好啊,乖孩子,你也吻她了吗?〞〝当然没有!〞他气气冲冲地否认道,〝我吻她脸了.〞篇二:英语中有趣的双关语英语中有趣的双关语所谓pun,通常是指利用一个单词的两个含义,或者利用两个特定的单词,达到〝一语双关〞的目的.比如下面第一句话,其中的grave有两个含义,一个是〝严肃的〞(形容词),一个是〝坟墓〞(名词),因此这句话的意思是:他不是一个严肃的人,除非他躺到坟墓里,才能严肃起来.再比如下面第二句话,其中的pray(祈祷)和prey(捕食),发音相同,外形相似,因此这句话的意思是:他们今天为你祈祷,明天就会加害于你.这就是两个典型的pun.①He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.②They pray for yo u today and prey on you tomorrow.国外一个网站评选的_年十大pun,下面是其中的三个例子,如果您能看懂.听懂,肯定会觉得pun很有意思.①He drove his e_pensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的.这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends.②Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.这句话乍一看,好象是说:时光像箭一样飞逝,水果像香蕉一样飞逝.其实这句话后半部分的真正意思是:果蝇喜欢吃香蕉,也就是fruit flies/like/a banana.③A bicycle can t stand on its own because it is two-tyred.这句话的表面意思是:自行车自己站不起来,因为它只有两个轮胎(two-tyred).而这句话的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired).怎么样,pun是不是很有意思?我下面再列出三个pun,但不告诉您意思,请您自己琢磨一下.如果您能琢磨出来,那说明您的英语水平已经很高了.①She wore a new hairpiece every day and was considered a big wig.②Old math teachers never die, they just become irrational.③When a clock is hungry it goes back four seconds. 篇三:英语语法时态表及例子Tense and aspectTaking 〝work〞 as an e_amplePassive voice。
①He is not a grave man until he is a grave man.②They pray for you today and prey on you tomorrow.国外一个网站评选的2003年十大pun,下面是其中的三个例子,如果您能看懂、听懂,肯定会觉得pun很有意思。
①He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。
这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。
②Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like abanana.这句话乍一看,好象是说:时光像箭一样飞逝,水果像香蕉一样飞逝。
其实这句话后半部分的真正意思是:果蝇喜欢吃香蕉,也就是fruit flies/like/a banana。
③A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tyred.这句话的表面意思是:自行车自己站不起来,因为它只有两个轮胎(two-tyred)。
而这句话的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired)。
homonyms['h?m?nims]:whyisanemptypursealwaysthesame? becausethereisneveranychangeinit.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱。
polysemy[,p?li'si:mi,p?'lis?mi,'p?lisi:mi] weeatwhatwecanandwhatwecan’twecan.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头。
1.Aprofessortappedonhisdeskandshouted:“gentlemen,orde r!”Theentireclassyelled“beer!”一位教授敲着桌子喊道:“先生们,安静!”全班同学异口同声地喊“啤酒”。
(二)笑话what’sthedifferencebetweenasoldierandayounggirl? onepowderstheface,theotherfacesthepowder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药。
1.Aprofessortappedonhisdeskandshouted:“Gentlemen,ord er!”Theentireclassyelled“Beer!”一位教授敲着桌子喊道:“先生们,安静!”全班同学异口同声地喊“啤酒”。
homonyms['h?m?nims]:whyisanemptypursealwaysthesame? becausethereisneveranychangeinit.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱。
polysemy[,p?li'si:mi,p?'lis?mi,'p?lisi:mi] weeatwhatwecanandwhatwecan’twecan.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头。
(二)笑话what’sthedifferencebetweenasoldierandayounggirl? onepowderstheface,theotherfacesthepowder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药。
---Why are lawyers all uneasy sleepers?
-----Because they lie first on one side and t wide awake all the time.
1) How do you keep cool at a football game? ----Sit next to a fan.
----Why can you never expect a fisherman to be so generous? ----Because his business makes him sell fish.
B. Homonyms(同形(同音)异义词), i.e., words (or phrase) that have two or more distinctive meanings but have the same sound and spelling. (词义双关)
The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations.
A. Homophones(同音异义词), i.e., words (or phrases) that have the same or almost the same sound, but different form and meanings
Why a river is rich? - Because it has two banks.
We must all hang together, or most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.
1、Pun[pʌn]Definition:The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of which suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect.Typology(or types)1、The homophonic pun(谐音双关).The homophonic pun, a common type, utilizes the exploitation [,eksplɔi'teiʃən] of word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous.A homophonic pun exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds. Because of their nature, they rely on sight more than hearing, contrary to homophonic puns. They are also known as heteronymic puns.a common type, uses word pairs which sound alike (homophones) but are not synonymous(the meaning is diffirent).Examples:①In George Carlin's phrase "Atheism is a non-prophet institution", the word "prophet 'prɔfit] " is put in place of its homophone "profit'prɔfit] ", altering the common phrase "non-profit institution".②"Pinky and the Brain" cartoon film series: "I think so, Brain, but if we give peas a chance, won't the lima beans feel left out?" which plays with the similar - but not identical - sound of "peas" and "peace".③Seven days without water makes one week(weak)2、The homographic pun(同形异义双关)exploits words which are spelled the same (homographs) but possess different meanings and sounds. Because of their nature, they rely on sight more than hearing, contrary to homophonic puns. They are also known as heteronymic puns.Examples:Douglas Adams's line "Y ou can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass." (Bible)The phrase uses the homophonic qualities of "tune a" and "tuna", as well as the homographic pun on "bass", in which ambiguity is reached through the identical spellings of /ˈbeɪs/ (a string instrument), and /ˈbæs/ (a kind of fish).3、Homonymic puns(同音异义双关语), another common type, arise from the①exploitation of words which are both homographs and homophones.The statement "Being in politics is just like playing golf: you are trapped in one bad lie after another" puns on the two meanings of the word lie as "a deliberate untruth" and as "the position in which something rests".②a joke repeated by Isaac Asimov gives us "Did you hear about the little moron who strained himself while running into the screen door?", playing on 'strained' as "to give much effort" and "to filter".4、compound pun is a statement that contains two or more puns.Examples:①a complex statement by Richard Whately includes four puns: "Why can a man never starve in the Great Desert? Because he can eat the sand which is there. But what brought the sandwiches there? Why, Noah sent Ham, and his descendants mustered and bred."[8]This pun uses "sand which is there/sandwiches there, "Ham/ham", "mustered/mustard", and "bred/bread".5、A recursive pun is one in which the second aspect of a pun relies on the understanding of an element in the first.Examples:① the statement "π is only half a pie." (π radians is 180 degrees, or half a circle, and a pie is a complete circle).②"Infinity(无限大)is not in finity(有限的)," which means infinity is not in finite range.③"A Freudian slip is when you say one thing but mean your mother."[9] Finally, we are given "Immanuel doesn't pun, he Kant(康德)" by Oscar Wilde.6、Visual puns are used in many logos, emblems, insignia, and other graphic symbols, in which one or more of the pun aspects are replaced by a picture. In European heraldry, this technique is called canting arms.Visual and other puns and word games are also common in Dutch gable stones as well as in some cartoons Examples:① Visual and other puns and word games are also common in Dutch gablestones;② In some cartoons such as Lost Consonants and The Far SidePuns in comedies、jokes、literatureIn Romeo and Juliet when Mercutio begs Romeo to dance, Romeo refuses.Unlike Mercutio’s shoes with “nimble soles,” Romeo says that he has a “soul of lead.” At one point, Romeo asks for a torch, saying “being heavy [sad], I will bear the light.”Captain Aubrey: "Do you see those two weevils, Doctor?...Which would you choose?"Dr. Maturin: "Neither. There's not a scrap of difference between them. They're the same species of Curculio."Captain Aubrey: "If you had to choose. If you were forced to make a choice. If there were no other option."Dr. Maturin: "Well, then, if you're going to push me. I would choose the right-hand weevil. It has significant advantage in both length and breadth."Captain Aubrey: "There, I have you!...Do you not know that in the Service, onemust always choose the lesser of two weevils?"Other great works of literature have included puns as well. Poet John Donne, whose name rhymed with “done,” often punned his name in his own poetry. In one of his hymns, he even puns the name of his wife Anne More, with the line “Thou hast not done, For I have more.”Our Bible reveals to us the character of our God with minute andremorseless exactness ... It is perhaps the most damnatorybiography that exists in print anywhere. It makes Nero an angelof light and leading by contrast. [Msark Twain]Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do —but gravitation can not be held responsible for it. [AlbertEinstein]Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future. [NielsBohr]Essentially, all models are wrong, but some are useful. [George E.P. Box]The best material model of a cat is another, or preferably thesame, cat. [Norbert Wiener]As a child, I received instruction both in the Bible and in theTalmud. I am a Jew, but I am enthralled by the luminous figure ofthe Nazarene. [Albert Einstein]One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got intomy pajamas I'll never know. » [Groucho Marx]Puns often are used in the titles of comedic parodies. A parody of a popular song, movie, etc., may be given a title that hints at the title of the work being parodied, substituting some of the words with ones that sound or look similar. Such a title can immediately communicate both that what follows is a parody and also which work is about to be parodied, making any further "setup" (introductory explanation) unnecessary.Examples would include the Star Trek: V oyager episode entitled "False Profits" (a pun on the saying 'false prophets') or the episode of Psych entitled "The Polarizing Express" (spoofing The Polar Express and the definition of polarization, which means 'to break into factions')Non-humorous puns were and are a standard rhetorical and poetic device in English literature. Puns and other forms of word play have been used by many famous writers, such as Alexander Pope, James Joyce, Vladimir Nabokov, Robert Bloch, Lewis Carroll, John Donne, and William Shakespeare, who is estimated to have used over 3,000 puns in his plays.[citation needed]Here is an example from Shakespeare's Richard III:"Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of Y ork"(Son/sun)Shakespeare was also noted for his frequent play with less serious puns, the "quibbles" of the sort that made Samuel Johnson complain, "A quibble is to Shakespeare what luminous vapours are to the traveller! He follows it to all adventures; it is sure to lead him out of his way, sure to engulf him in the mire.It has some malignant power over his mind, and its fascinations areirresistible."[14] Elsewhere, Johnson disparagingly referred to punning as "the lowest form of humour".[citation needed]In the poem A Hymn to God the Father, John Donne, married to Anne More,reportedly puns repeatedly: "Son/sun" in the second quoted line, and twocompound puns on "Donne/done" and "More/more". All three arehomophonic, with the puns on "more" being both homographic andcapitonymic. The ambiguities serve to introduce several possible meanings into the verses."When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done / For I have more.that at my death Thy Son / Shall shine as he shines now, and heretoforeAnd having done that, Thou hast done; / I fear no more."。
Puns例句:1.On Sunday they pray for you and on Monday prey on you.星期天他们为你祈祷,星期一他们却向你榨取。
2.Seven days without water makes one weak (week).七天不喝水,虚的拉不动腿。
Homonyms ['hɔmənims] :Why is an empty purse always the same?Because there is never any change in it.钱包为什么老是瘪的?因为它里面从来就没有零钱。
Polysemy [,pɔli'si:mi, pə'lisəmi, 'pɔlisi:mi]We eat what we can and what we can’t we can.我们能吃的就吃,不能吃的就做成罐头。
Asteismus岐解双关(asteismus) 即后者在回答前者的话时有意(无意)地曲解原意,造成不同理解,进而形成岐解双关。
1.A professor tapped on his desk and shouted: “Gentlemen ,order!”The entire class yelled “Beer!”一位教授敲着桌子喊道:“先生们,安静!”全班同学异口同声地喊“啤酒”。
(一)广告Give your hair a touch of Spring.给你的头发洒满春色,让你的头发富有弹性。
(二)笑话What’s the difference between a soldier and a young girl?One powders the face ,the other faces the powder.一个士兵和一个年轻姑娘的区别是什么?一个往脸上抹粉,一个面对火药。
• Perhaps from some vague rumor of his college honors, which had been whispered abroad on his first arrival, perhaps because he was an unmarried, unencumbered没有(抵押、债务等)负担的 gentle man, he had been called the Bachelor. • 也许是因为他初来时大家交头接耳说他在 大学里有过学位,也许是因为他是一位没 有结婚、无拘无束的绅士,人们便称他为 光棍学士。
• The professor tapped on his desk and shouted, “Gentle men, Order!” The entire class yelled, “beer!”
• 教授敲着桌子大声说:“先生们,安静!” 全班一致回答“啤酒”
• •
• • •
• • • •
Pun (双关语)
Pun: “also play on words—n. An amusing use of a word or phrase that has two meanings, or words with the same sound but different meanings: He made this pun: „Seven days without water make one weak‟(=1 week)”。
• 例 Not I, believe me. You have dancing shoes with nimble soles; I have a soul of lead so stalks me to the ground. I cannot move. • 莎士比亚利用、sole(鞋底)和、soul(灵魂) 这一对同音异义词,生动地反映了罗密欧 当时苦恼的心情:虽有轻快的舞鞋,灵魂确 如铅一般沉重、
外国语 Journal of Foreign Languages
总第 130 期 General Serial No.130
文章编号 1004-5139 2000 06-0034-05 中图分类号 H1/9 文献标识码 A
(1a) Sartorius: … What Lickcheese did for me, I do for you. He and I are alike intermediaries: you are the principal. It is because of the risks I run through the poverty of my tenants that you exact interest from me at the monstrous and exorbitant rate of seven percent, forcing me to exact the uttermost farthing in my turn from the tenants … (B.Shaw, Widowers’ Houses)
语双关时也提到 双关语有的是利用重复
这类 pun 是以 重复 为其特征的 请看以 下各例
(3) “If you’re pointing at me, Mr. Macey,” said
the f anxious propriety, I’m
pun 与 双关 辨异
国立华侨大学 外语系 福建 泉州 362011
摘 要 pun 与 双关 长期以来被视为英 汉对等修辞格 实际上 两者并非处处对应 首先 双关 即 一语双关 但 pun 除了 一 语双关外 还可以 二 语双关 即利用 两个 有时甚至两个以 上 同音或同形异义词 近音词或者多义词来做文章 这类 pun 专称 antanaclasis 或 ploce 相当于 汉语另一修辞格 换义 再则 双关 必为 双 重含义 而 pun 没有 双 的语义成分 可以 多 关 本文论证了 pun 与 双关 的主要区别 关键词 pun; 双关 辨异
还剩三条 * 才。
例⑤中的“还剩三条 * 才”。
xcx 14-pun双关语
![xcx 14-pun双关语](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb70283883c4bb4cf7ecd1ef.png)
The whole point of a pun is the user’s intent to produce a humorous or witty effect from the juxtaposition of meanings.
Homonyms, homophones and homographs are commonly used to construct puns.
Pun in riddles
Easy. He rubbed his hands together until they were sore. He took the saw and cut the table in half. Two halves make a whole. He climbed through the hole and shouted until he was hoarse. Then he jumped on the horse and rode away.
Homonymic pun
+4. If we don’t hand together we’ll hang separately. +5. An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country. +6. What is the difference between a soldier and a young girl? One powders the face, the other faces the powder.
b. lie—[lai] v. to have one’s body in a more or less horizontal position along ground or surface
pun用法的真题1. "I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!"2. "Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!"3. "I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough dough."4. "Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field."5. "I'm not a big fan of puns, but I find them quite punny."6. "I'm on a seafood diet. I see food, and I eat it!"7. "Why don't eggs tell jokes? Because they might crack up!"8. "Why don't skeletons fight each other? They don't have the guts!"9. "I hate jokes about German sausages. They're the wurst!"10. "I started a band called 999 Megabytes. We haven't gotten a gig yet."11. "I'm friends with all the numbers. They're all real'digits' to me!"12. "I tried to catch some fog, but I mist."13. "What did one wall say to the other wall? I'll meet you at the corner!"14. "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!"15. "I'm reading a book about anti-gravity. It's impossible to put down!"16. "I asked my French friend if she likes to play video games. She said, 'Wii!'"17. "Did you hear about the mathematician who's afraid of negative numbers? He'll stop at nothing to avoid them!"18. "Why don't seagulls fly over the bay? Because then they would be bagels!"19. "I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day!"20. "Why couldn't the leopard play hide-and-seek? Because he was always spotted!"这些是一些关于pun(双关语)的例子。
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该修辞格巧妙利用词的谐音、词的多义或歧义等,使同一句话可同时表达不同意义,以造成语言生动活泼、幽默诙谐或嘲弄讥讽的修辞效果,使人读来忍俊不禁、英语中双关语的构成通常需要两个基本条件,即双重情境(double context)和多义词或同音异义词。
eg1. Seven days without water makes one weak.七天不进水,人就会虚弱。
因此这句话听起来可以理解为:Seven days without water makes one week.eg2. You earn your living and you urn your dead.生前劳碌奔命,死后化灰入土。
eg1. A: What's the longest sentence in the world?世上最长的句子是什么?B: Prison for life. 无期徒刑。
eg2. Women have a wonderful sense of right and wrong, but little sense of right and left.女性对善恶感觉惊人,而对左右感觉麻木。
eg3.We must all hang together, or we shall all hang se-parately. 我们必须团结一致,否则将一一被绞死。
短语动词hang together作“团结一致”解,但hang亦可作“吊死”、“绞死”解。
eg1. Customer: Waiter, will the pancakes be long?煎饼还是要等很久吗?Waiter: No, sir. Round. 不,先生,是圆的。
eg2. Customer: Have you got any chicken's legs?你有鸡腿吗?Waiter: No, sir, I always walk this way!不,先生,我一直是这样走路的呀!这个对话表现出顾客同服务员之间的误解。
服务员误解为顾客嘲笑他像用鸡腿走路的那副样子,于是反驳道:“我一直是这样走路的呀!” eg3.A: Can you see a female? 你能会见一位女士吗?B: Of course, I can see a female as easily as a male. Do you suppose I'm blind?当然可以(看得见),我看女士和看男士是一样地容易。
难道你认为我是个瞎子?第一句话中的see本意是“约见,会见”之意,而B把它歧解为“能看见(have the ability of seeing)”。
eg1. A: What is the worst kind of fish? 最坏的鱼是什么鱼?B: Selfish. 自私。
eg2.A: Which is the longest word in English?英语中最长的单词是哪一个?B: Smiles, because there is a "mile" between the first letter "S" and the last letter "s".是Smiles,因为从第一个字母S到最后一个字母s,中间相隔一英里(mile)。
现在举几个有趣的英语双关例子:1.-What is the worst weather for mice ?-When it rains cats and dogs.2.-Which can run faster , heat or cold ?- Heat. Because everyone can catch cold.3.-Why is the bride always unlucky on her wedding ?-Because she can never marry the best man.然后,再看看下面这些有趣的问答:1. —Why is a river rich?—Because it has two banks.【提醒】bank有两个意思:一是表示“银行”,二是表示“河岸”。
2. —Why does a man’s hair become grey before his mustaches?—Because a ma n’s mustaches come up after his hair.【提醒】答语句意为:因为人们先长头发后长胡须。
3. —Why is a ship one of the most polite things on earth?—Because it always advances with a bow.【提醒】bow有两个意思是:一是表示“鞠躬”,二是表示“船首”。
4. —Why is your nose in the middle of your face?—Because it is a scenter.【提醒】动词scent 意为“嗅”,其派生名词scenter 意为“嗅的东西”,而scenter刚好与center 读音相同5. —Why should fish be well educated?—Because they are so often found in schools.【提醒】school 有两个意思:一是指“学校”,二是指“鱼群”。
6. —Why is the letter A like a flower?—Because the B is after it.【提醒】字母B与bee读音相同。
7. —Why does the letter T look like an island?—Because it is in the middle of “water”.【提醒】答句的字母意思是:因为字母T在单词water的中间。
8. —Do you know why birds fly to south in the winter?—Because it’s t oo far to walk there.【提醒】太远不能走着去,当然要飞着去。
9. —Why is a room full of married couples empty?—Because there is not a single man in the room.【提醒】there is not a single man 有两个意思:一是指“没有一个单身未婚男人”,二是表示“没有一个人”。
10. —Why did the student take a ladder to school?—Because he/she was going to high school!【提醒】由于按传统思维,人们一般会将ladder(梯子)与high(高)联系在一起。
11. —Why did the man throw the butter out the window?—He wanted to see the butterfly.【提醒】butterfly 的意思是“蝴蝶”,但若将butterfly分开,则成了butter(黄油)和fly(飞)。
下面有一些例子:1. He is not a grave (adj.严肃的)man until he is a grave (n.坟墓)man.2. They pray(祈祷) for you today and prey (捕食)on you tomorrow.3. He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends.他违章超速驾驶,结果将昂贵的名车撞到树上,他终于看到他的奔驰车(Mercedes)是怎样撞弯(bends)的。
这句话的幽默之处是将Mercedes Benz(奔驰车)中的Benz,故意改写成bends。
4. Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.这句话乍一看,好象是说:时光像箭一样飞逝,水果像香蕉一样飞逝。
其实这句话后半部分的真正意思是:果蝇喜欢吃香蕉,也就是fruit flies/like/a banana。
5. A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tyred.这句话的表面意思是:自行车自己站不起来,因为它只有两个轮胎(two-tyred)。
而这句话的另外一个意思是:这辆自行车被它的主人骑了很长时间,它现在太累了(too tired)。
6.She wore a new hairpiece(假发)every day and was considered a big wig(大人物).Wig原意指假发,口语中指要人,大亨7.Old math teachers never die, they just become irrational.老的数学老师永远不会死,他们只是失去理智了(变成无理数)。