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votes "not guilty" just so that the deliberation may end.

NO7. After Jurors 2 and 6 also decide on "not guilty," 7 becomes tired and also
NO8. Juror 8 dissents in the initial voting, stating that the evidence presented is

NO.10. Juror 10 loses all favor or respect after indulging in a
bigoted rant, after which he is told to shut up by the bespectacled Juror 4. He is so consumed by his personal prejudices that he is unable to accept the possibility that the Hispanic defendant is innocent.
Votes: 12 Times: 6 Results:11:1;10:2;8:4;6:6;3:9;1:11

Question 2

List the evidence and the contradictions.

Evidence for guilty

NO.9. Juror 9 is the first to support Juror 8, not necessarily
believing the accused is not guilty but feeling Juror 8 deserves the opportunity for discussion.
material evidence-one unusual switch knife the boy’s missing knife and the murderous weapon are the same style. Human testimony 1.) the old man who lives under the room where the killing took place. At ten minutes after twelve, he heard a loud noise which sounded like a fight. Then he heard the kid yell out, “I’m going to kill you!” A second later, he heard the body hit floor. He ran to the door, opened it up, and saw the kid running down the stairs and out of the house. The coroner fixed the time the time of death at around midnight. 2.) the woman across the street. She saw the kid stick his knife into his father’s chest. In court, they’ve proved at night if you look through the windows of an el train when the lights were out, you can see what’s happening on the other side. 3.)the boy No one in the house saw him leave at 11:30, no one at the theater identified him and he couldn’t even remember the names of the movies he saw. motive Testifiers heard an argument and the father hit the boy twice. criminal record At 10, the boy was in children’s court. At 15, he was in reform school. He’s been arrested for mugging, picked up for knife-fighting.
circumstantial and the boy deserves a fair deliberation, upon which he starts questioning the accuracy and reliability of the only two witnesses to the murder, the fact that the knife used in the murder is not as unique as assumed (he produces an identical one from his pocket), and the overall shady circumstances.
glancing at and furiously tearing up a picture of him and his son. He is unopen to

reason because he has been physically harmed by his teenaged son, and, consequently, views all teenagers, including the defendant, as aggressive and reckless enough to commit murder. NO5. The one fellow (NO5) who grew up in a rough neighborhood, where he witnessed numerous knife fights, is the only one who sees any problem in assuming that the defendant could have made the stab wound found.

Leabharlann Baidu
The reasons for jurors change their mind.

NO3. Juror 3, who, after a long confrontation with Juror 8, breaks down after

NO6. The one juror (NO6)who had done contract work by the elevated
subway was the only one in a position to question what one of the witnesses might or might not have heard.

Reasonable doubt for not guilty ( contradictions)
1). material evidence- the knife: No.8 showed his knife which looked exactly as the same as the murderous weapon and there were no fingerprint left on the knife. 2.)Human testimony A.] old man a.)It was not possible for the old man to hear the boy’s yelling because the el had been going by the old man’s widow for at least 6 seconds before the body fell and the noise of the el was so loud. b.) almost everybody have said that he wanted to kill somebody when he was very angry but he didn’t really mean that. What’s more, if the boy really killed his father, it’s not wise to say that so loud. c.) According to the diagram of the apartment, No.8 had recreated the scene and proved that the old man who dragged one foot couldn’t get from his bedroom to the front door in 15 seconds so he couldn’t see the boy beat it downstairs. B.]woman’s eyesight She has two marks on her nose and she kept rubbing them in the court. So may be she is near-sighted and only saw a blur. C.]boy The boy didn’t remember the details of the movie because he was under great emotional stress (he was questioned in the kitchen of his apartment when the body of his father was lying on the floor of his bedroom). 3.) The motive is not strong: the boy was born in a slum and the violence is practically a normal state of affairs with him. So two slaps in the face couldn’t proved him into committing murder. 4.) the absence of proof Time of death: about midnight The boy went to a movie at about 11:30 and returned home at about 3:10 5.) it was not so wise for the boy to do these things if he did kill his father by his knife. a.) he came back home after the time of hid father’s death. b.) he left his knife at crime scene c.) his loud yelling 6.) the wound of the boy’s father It’s very hard for the boy to stab down into his father’s chest because he is 5 feet 7 inches and his father is six two.