Harvard's Referencing System
哈佛引用体系1. 前言在学术界,引用是十分重要的一环。
2. 什么是哈佛引用体系?哈佛引文体系(Harvard Referencing System)又称作哈弗德引用法、学术会诊法、一般性认证法。
3. 如何在文中引用?在文中引用的格式化是可以根据所引用的资料的类型进行变化的。
当我们引用一篇科学论文时,一般遵循以下格式:a. 直接引用如果我们要直接引用一段文字,我们需要在引用的文本之后加上作者或编辑的姓名、出版年份以及对应的页码。
<b>例如:</b>牛津大学在12-15世纪的发展是由战争形势和谷价波动所促使的(Souter, 2011, p. 50)。
b. 非直接引用如果我们想就一个特定的观点进行讨论,而非直接引用,我们可以这样:<b>例如:</b>Souter (2011) 指出,在12-15世纪的英国,牛津大学的快速发展是由国内战争以及谷物价格的波动所推动的。
4. 如何在文末列出参考文献?在你的论文的最后,你要列出你所有的参考文献。
<b>例如:</b>Souter, A. (2011). The Development of Oxford University. Oxford University Press.5. 结论哈佛引用体系是学术界应用最为广泛的引用体系之一。
哈佛注释法(Harvard Referencing System)是一种常见的文献引用格式,被广泛应用于学术写作中。
Harvard Reference System
APPENDIX VHarvard Referencing GuideWritten byEnglish Language Centre (ELC), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University(https://.hk/referencing/harvard.aspx)The Harvard referencing systemReferencing is a standard practice for acknowledging information sources in academic writing at university. Whenever you write an assignment that requires you to find and use information, you are expected to reference all the sources of information and ideas included in your writing.This webpage provides guidelines for using the Harvard referencing system. There are two components to a Harvard reference:1. an in-text reference in the body of your assignment:Chan (2011) explores a range of themes and ideas ...2. full reference details in your reference list:Chan, D.P., 2011. Business in China. Hong Kong: Dragon Press.Use the menu at the top to explore the different parts of the Harvard referencing system.Part 1 Basic rulesWhy do we reference?Most academic assignments require wide reading so that previous and current thinking about a particular topic can be identified. It is important to show your reader that you have sought out expert, reliable sources to help support and develop your thinking on your topic. The referencing in your assignment should:•demonstrate good research practice•show the range of ideas and approaches you have found and thought about•acknowledge where those ideas came from•tell your reader where they can locate the sources you have usedReferencing also helps you to avoid plagiarism. If you present someone else's ideas, and/or the way they express their ideas, as if they are your own work, you are committing plagiarism. Plagiarism can be unintentional due to poor referencing, but the consequences are always serious. Accurate referencing helps you to avoid this.In-text references1. When to referenceEvery time you include someone else's words, ideas or information in your assignment, an in-text reference must be provided. Insert an in-text reference whenever you:•paraphrase someone else's ideas in your own words•summarise someone else's ideas in your own words•quote someone else's ideas in their exact words•copy or adapt a diagram, table or any other visual material2. How to referenceAn in-text reference is provided each time you refer to ideas or information from another source, and includes the following details:the author's family name (do not include given names) + the year of publication + page numbers when needed.There are two main ways to present an in-text reference:a) Integral referencingThe reference is in the body of your sentence, with the author's family name integrated into the sentence structure, and the date is given in brackets. This type of reference is often used when you want to give prominence to the author.Lam (2010) argues that Hong Kong needs to further assimilate into the Pearl River Delta economy if its long term growth is to be assured.b) Non-integral referencingThe reference is enclosed in the sentence in brackets. This type of reference is often used when you want to give prominence to the information.The Hong Kong economy expanded by 2.3% in the third quarter of 2011 (Census and Statistics Department, 2012).3. Including page numbersPage numbers should be included when you:•use a direct quote from a particular source•copy tables or figures, or present specific information like dates/statisticsCheung (2012, p.48) notes that "universities in Hong Kong need to strengthen their academic credentials" if they are to compete in the world economy.You can also include a page number when you take an idea from a particular page. However, it would not be appropriate academic style to include a page number in all or most of your in-text citations if you are only taking ideas from a source.4. Use of "et al."Where there are several authors (more than four), only the first author should be used followed by "et al." (which is Latin for et alia) meaning and others:Wong et al. (2005) found that the majority ...or as a non-integral reference:Recent research (Wong et al., 2005) has found that the majority of ...The following chart shows how to format in-text citations for Harvard referencing style:Type of citation→Integral Non-integralNumber of authors ↓First citation intextSubsequentcitations in textCitation inbrackets, firstcitation in textCitation inbrackets,subsequentcitations in textOne author Chan (2010)argues ...Chan (2010)argues ...(Chan, 2010) (Chan, 2010)Two authors Chan and Leung(2010) suggest ...Chan and Leung(2010) suggest ...(Chan & Leung,2010)(Chan & Leung,2010)Three authors Tsui, Leung andCollins (2010) find...Tsui, Leung andCollins (2010) find...(Tsui, Leung &Collins, 2010)(Tsui, Leung &Collins, 2010)Four authors Wong et al. (2010)mention ...Wong et al. (2010)mention ...(Wong et al.,2010)(Wong et al.,2010)Groups (easily identified by abbreviation) as authors The Hong KongHousing Authority(HKHA, 2008)states ...The HKHA (2008)states ...(The Hong KongHousing Authority[HKHA], 2008)(HKHA, 2008)Groups (no abbreviation) as authors Animals Asia(2007) defines ...Animals Asia(2007) defines ...(Animals Asia,2007)(Animals Asia,2007)With pagenumber forquotationChan (2010, p.15) argues ... (Chan, 2010, p.15)5. Other expressions used in referencingThe terms ibid. and op. cit. are used to avoid repeating the same reference details in-text i.e. the body of your text and in your Reference List.ibid. is Latin for ibidem, which means 'in the same place'. You can use ibid. when your next citation is the same as the last one.op. cit. is also Latin and stands for opere citato, which means 'in the work cited'. You can use op. cit. when the same reference is cited somewhere else in your text, but is not the most recent citation.Look at the example below:The advantages of having effective referencing skills are well-recognised in terms of students having greater control over their written work (Walker, 2009), achieving and sustaining higher grades (Choi, 2010) and in developing competence as a writer (Lau, 2009). But, students need to "... be mindful of the importance of referencing and be consistent in their use at all times ..." (Aziz, 2010, p.11). However, it can be hard for some students to distinguish between Western surnames and Western given names, and Aziz (ibid., p.12) states that "... students need to read more widely to understand the differences between Western and Chinese names". The findings of some researchers (Walker, op. cit.) show that reading in the target language is essential for sustained academic progress.6. Ellipsis and Square bracketsEllipsis refers to dots in the middle of a sentence. Their purpose is to let the reader know that some part of a quotation has been left out. If it is necessary to interrupt a quotation you are citing in order to clarify something, you should enclose your remarks in square brackets. Original: "Students in the university should study outside class, in all credit bearing subjects, for at least 6 hours a week."With text omitted and clarification: "Students in the university [The Hong Kong Polytechnic University] should study ... for at least 6 hours a week."Sample text with in-text referencing and reference listHarvard in-text referencing uses author's surname and year. Include a page number (or paragraph number for online sources) for direct quotations. The reference list is in alphabetical order.Until recently, development in the textile and clothing industry has focused on "technological and cost aspects" (HKRITA, 2012, para.5). According to Chen and Burns (2009, p.255), emphasis has been placed on keeping the price of the "final product low and increasing efficiency in production". Tukker et al. (2011) further point out that designers, manufacturers and retailers have paid less attention to other dimensions of the offering, e.g. ownership and related business models, as well as consumer wishes and values. Hence, the products are designed and produced according to regularly changing trends that enable quick profit (Lee & Chen, 2009), rather than radically rethinking the ways of designing and manufacturing the offering that is based on consumer needs and sustainability as proposed by Park and Tahara (2011). ReferencesThe reference list1. What it doesThe reference list provides full bibliographic details for all the sources referenced in your essay so that readers can easily locate the sources. Each different source referenced in your essay must have a matching entry in your reference list.It is important to note that the reference list is not a bibliography. A bibliography lists everything you have read, while a reference list is deliberately limited to those sources for which you have provided in-text references. A bibliography is not needed unless specifically requested by your lecturer.2. How it looksThe reference list is titled "References" and must be:•arranged alphabetically by author's family name (or title/sponsoring organisation where a source has no author).• a single list where books, journal articles and electronic sources are listed together. Do not divide into separate lists.The main elements required for all references are the author's name(s), year, title and publication information. The basic reference formats are shown in the following examples. These should be followed exactly, paying special attention to details of capitalisation, punctuation, use of italics and order of information.3. Journal article formatFirst author's surname, Initials., Second author's surname, Initials. and Third author's surname, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of journal, Volume number(Issue number), pp.Page range of article.4. Book formatFirst author's surname, Initials., Second author's surname, Initials. and Third author's surname, Initials., Year of publication.Title of book. City of publication: Publisher.5. Internet source formatOrganisation, Year of publication.Title of article. [type of medium] Available at: <url> [Accessed date].Frequently asked questions1. How do I cite two or three authors?When there are two or three authors for a reference, include all their family names in the in-text reference, in the same order that they are listed in the original source. For example: •According to Choi, Fang and Lee (2012), students in Asia are more studious than their North American counterparts.•Wong and Morrison (2011) strongly support the use of technology in the classroom.•Asian students devoted on average 16 hours per week to out-of-class study compared to10 hours for North American students (Choi, Fang & Lee, 2012).2. How do I cite more than three authors?If there are four or more authors, you should only use the first author's family name in the in-text reference followed by the abbreviation "et al.". For example:•This is supported by Wilson et al. (2011) in their educational change study.However, all the authors' names must be included in your reference list, in the same order that they are listed in the original source.3. How do I cite when there is no author and/or no date?When no person is mentioned, include the title of the source or the authoring/sponsoring organisation in place of the author.For example:•The centre aims to improve students' communication skills to enable them to attain excellent results in their academic and professional lives (English Language Centre,2012).•Oral presentations, like written assessment tasks, should contain an introduction, body, and conclusion ('Making the most of oral presentations', 2011).When no year of publication is given, use the abbreviation "n.d." which stands for 'no date' in place of a year, or give an approximate date preceded by "ca." which stands for 'circa'.However, be cautious about using sources without dates. A source with no date might not be reliable.4. How do I cite information from one author (Author 1) which I have found in a book or journal article by another author (Author 2)?Sometimes you will need to refer to authors whose work you encounter secondhand (i.e. mentioned in other people's work) rather than firsthand. You should mention both authors (Author 1 and Author 2) in your in-text reference, but would only list the actual item you read (Author 2) in your reference list.For example, if you read an idea by Choy (Author 1, published in 2008) in a source by Martins (Author 2, published in 2012) you would need to mention both authors in your in-text reference. For example:•One scholar (Choy, 2008, cited in Martins, 2012, p.143) states that ...•Choy (2008, cited in Martins, 2012, p.143) states that ...However, in the reference list you should only list Martins (Author 2, the source you read) and not Choy (whose idea you read about in Martins).5. How do I cite multiple sources by the same author published in the same year?If an author has published more than one item in the same year, place a lower case letter of the alphabet next to the dates in your in-text referencing to distinguish between these separate publications. For example:•Preston argues that a man paints with his brain, not his hands (2011a) and reiterates this elsewhere (2011b).You must also include these lower case letters in your reference list entries as well. The order in which you attach the letters is determined by the alphabetical order of the titles of these sources.6. What if there are two authors with the same family name?Occasionally you will need to reference two different authors who share the same family name. To avoid ambiguity, include the author's first initial after their family name in the in-text references. For example:•Urban deprivation in Hong Kong has been seen to increase in the first decade of this century (Chan, E., 2010). Whether this will affect the language skills of fresh graduatesin Hong Kong is still disputed (Chan, C., 2010).7. How do I present exact quotations?Short quotations of fewer than thirty words should be enclosed in double quotation marks (" ... ") and be accompanied by an in-text reference including a page number (where possible).For example:•Research indicates that "students in Hong Kong devote on average 5 hours a week to their English studies from the age of four" (Leung, 2010, p.31).Longer quotations of more than thirty words should be presented without quotation marks and indented (using Tab key) at the left.For example:According to Obama (2006), America:should be more modest in our belief that we can impose democracy on a country through military force. In the past, it has been movements for freedom from within tyrannical regimes that have led to flourishing democracies; movements that continue today. This does not mean abandoning our values and ideals; wherever we can, it’s in our interest to help foster democracy through the diplomatic and economic resources at our disposal. (para.45)8. Where exactly do I put the full stop when quoting and/or citing?Full stops must always be placed at the very end of a sentence, after the quotation and/or in-text reference. For example:•According to Mooney (2011, p.88), "exam pressure in Hong Kong has lessened slightly in the past decade".•Research indicates that students in Hong Kong have had four mobile devices before their 18th birthday (Samson, 2012).9. Can I cite two or more sources at the same time?Yes. Use a semi-colon to separate the sources in the in-text reference, and list the items alphabetically according to their authors' family names. For example:•Social networking has had a major impact on young people (Chan & Erickson, 2012;Lam & Mok, 2008).If referencing multiple sources by the same author, present the items in chronological order (oldest to most recent) and separate them with commas. For example:•Burns (2006, 2009, 2012) argues that there should be more universities in Hong Kong.10. Can I paste the URL of a webpage into my essay as an in-text citation?No. Follow the author-date in-text referencing conventions for all sources. If you are unsure how to reference a website because there is no author or date information, follow the guidelines provided for referencing sources without authors or dates.11. How do I cite e-mail messages?E-mail messages from individuals should be cited as personal communications. Because they do not provide recoverable data, personal communications are not included in the reference list. Cite personal communications in text only. Give the initials as well as the surname of the communicator, and provide as exact a date as possible. For example:• E. Cartman (personal communication, June 28, 2015) reveals that ...•... (Marsh, S., personal communication, May 5, 2015).12. How do I cite images such as photographs from websites?All images including graphs, charts, maps, drawings and photographs are referred to as figures. You need to label the image as a figure and place a caption directly below the image, which includes the title and author of the image, and its year of publication. For example: •Figure 1: Flamingos standing and feeding in a pool near salt beds, Netherlands Antilles (Volkmar K. Wentzel, 2015)The in-text citation would be like this:•Figure 1 shows that ...Your reference would be as follows:•Wentzel, V. K., 2015. Flamingos standing and feeding in a pool near salt beds, Netherlands Antilles. [photograph] Available at: </> [Accessed 5 July 2015].Part 2 Referencing guideType ofsourceIn-text references Reference listBooks Surname of author,year of publication,(page number for directquotations)Example:Wong (2009) points outthat ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title.City of publication: Publisher.Wong, B.K., 2002.Fostering creativity. Oxford: Blackwell.Chapters in an editedbook Cite the author(s) of thechapter in the text ofyour paper, not theauthor(s) of the book,year of publicationExample:Carter, Hughes andMcCarthy (1998) arguethat ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.'Title ofchapter', in Surname of editor, Initials., ed.,Title of book.City of publication: Publisher, pp.Page range of chapter.Carter, R., Hughes, R. and McCarthy, M., 1998. 'Tellingtails: Grammar, the spoken language and materialsdevelopment', in Tomlinson, B., ed.,Materialsdevelopment in language teaching. Cambridge: CUP,pp.67-86.Books with different editions Surname of author,year of publicationExample:Finney (2012) identifies...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title.Edition number. City of publication: Publisher.Finney, T.K., 2012.Fostering creativity. 3rd ed. Oxford:Blackwell.Books with no date Surname of author(n.d.)Example:Nelson (n.d.) identifies...Surname of author, Initials., n.d.Title. City of publication:Publisher.Nelson, T.Z., nguage matters. Bristol: Simpsons.ebooks andpdfs Surname of author,year of publicationExample:Tsang (2004)ascertains ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title.[type of medium] City of publication (if known): Publisher.Available at: <URL> [Accessed date].Tsang, S., 2004.A modern history of Hong Kong. [ebook]London: I.B.Tauris. Available at:</books> [Accessed 10 April2014].Journal articles (with author) Surname of author,year of publication,(page number for directSurname of author, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of Journal, Volume number(Issue number),pp.Page range of article.quotations) Examples: Poon et al. (2003)argue that studentsshould refer to sources properly ...(use et al. when citing 4or more authors)Lam (2005, p.19)mentions that "studentsneed to be mindful ofthe importance ofreferencing" ...Poon , L .S ., Lee , J .C ., Chan , A .B ., Jones , J .E . and Smith , J .F ., 2003. Re-evaluating the effects of computer gameson young people . Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 12(3), pp .88-100.Lam , L .S ., 2005. Referencing . Journal of Applied Social Psychology , 14(2), pp .19-26. Journal articles (no author) 'Title of article', year of publicatonExample:Many organisationsalready use this method('Organisational changein the 21st century',2012).Title of article . Year of publication . Name of Journal ,Volume number (Issue number ), pp.Page range of article .Organisational change in the 21st century . 2012. Perspectives in Management , 12(3), pp .28-29. URLs and DOIs Surname of author, year of publication Examples: Anderson-Clark, Green and Henley (2008) believe that students should ... If the article has a DOI , use it in your reference. If there is no DOI , include the journal homepage URL in your reference.Surname of author , Initials ., Year of publication . Title of article . Name of journal , [e-journal] Volumenumber (Issue number ), pp.Page range of article . doi: # [Accessed date ].Anderson-Clark , T ., Green , R . and Henley , T ., 2008. Therelationship between first names and teacherexpectations for achievement motivation . Journal ofLanguage & Social Psychology , [e-journal] 27, pp .94-99.doi :10.1177/0261927X07309514 [Accessed 8 April2014].Electronic journals Surname of author, year of publication Example: ... and this has been formulated by Halonen et al. (2010) who ... Surname of author , Initials ., Year of publication . Title of article . Name of journal , [e-journal] Volumenumber (Issue number ). Available at: <url > [Accessed date ].Halonen , S .J ., Simpson , R .R ., Jolly , D .G ., Au , P .R .,Bagot , F .P . and Chui , J .J ., 2010. Computer games andpersonal development . Family Forum , [e-journal] 12(3).Available at : <>[Accessed 31 March 2014].Internet sources (electronic only sources) Name of organisation, year of publication, (paragraph number for direct quotations) Example: The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA, 2011, para.6)Name of organisation , Year of publication . Title of article . [type of medium ] Available at: <url > [Accessed date ]. The Hong Kong Housing Authority , 2011. Housing in figures . [pdf] Available at : <.hk/en/pdf/about -us/publications-and-statistics/HIF2011.pdf> [Accessed 2 April 2014].maintains that ...Government/ Companyreports Name ofdepartment/company,year of publicationExample:The EqualOpportunitiesCommission (2010) hasreported that ...The Coca-ColaCompany (2015)announced...Name of department/company, Year of publication.Titleof article (Number of document – if given). City ofpublication: Publisher.Equal Opportunities Commission, 2010.Preventing anddealing with sexual harassment. Hong Kong: EqualOpportunities Commission.The Coca-Cola Company, 2015.2014 Annual report.[pdf] Available at: <http://www.coca-colacompany.com/investors/annual-other-reports> [Accessed 5July 2015].DVDs or films For a film or DVD, usethe surname of thedirector and year ofrelease.Examples:The ups and downs ofa Hong Kong familythrough the eyes of ...(Echoes of the rainbow,2010).... as was shown bynumerous films in the1980s (Great films fromthe 80s, 2005).(non-integral citationrecommended)For a film the suggested elements should include:Title of film. Year of release. [type of medium] Directedby Initials. Surname of director. Country of origin: Filmstudio.Echoes of the rainbow. 2010. [film] Directed by A. Law.Hong Kong: Mei Ah Entertainment.Full title of DVD or video. Year of release. [type ofmedium] Country of origin: Film studio or maker. (Otherrelevant details).Great films from the 80s: A selection of clips from WarnerBrothers top films from the 1980s. 2005. [DVD] NewYork: Warner Brothers.YouTube videos It is suggested that anon-integral referenceshould be used foryoutube sources.Example:... celebrated its 70thanniversary in 2007(HongKongPolyU,2011).Screen name of contributor, Year.Video title, Series title.(if relevant) [type of medium] Available at: <URL>[Accessed date].HongKongPolyU, 2011.PolyU milestones. [video online]Available at:</watch?v=8XsfWmFyrNg>[Accessed 8 April 2014].Newspaper articles (with author) Surname of author,year of publication.Example:Van der Kamp (2012)believes that ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of newspaper, Day Month, p.Pagenumber(s).Van der Kamp, J., 2012. Just leasing more land won'topen up the property market.Sunday Morning Post, 1April, p.15.Newspaper articles (no author) Name of newspaper,year of publicationExample:Sunday Morning Post(2012) points out that ...Name of newspaper, Year of publication. Title of article.Day Month, p.Page number(s).Sunday Morning Post, 2012. Put pedestrians first, notcars. 1 April, p.14.Online newspaper Surname of author,year of publicationSurname of author, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of newspaper, [type of medium] DayarticlesExample:Cross (2013) opinesthat ... Month. Available at: <URL> [Accessed date].Cross, G., 2013. News of a children's commission will bring good cheer to Hong Kong.South China Morning Post, [online] 24 December. Available at:</comment/insight-opinion/article/1389081/news-childrens-commission-will-bring-good-cheer-hong-kong> [Accessed 26 December 2013].Magazine articles Surname of author,year of publicationExample:Pringle (2011)illustrates that ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of magazine, Volume number(Issuenumber), p.Page number(s).Pringle, H., 2011. Lofty ambitions of the Inca.NationalGeographic Magazine, 219(4), p.34.Online magazine articles Surname of author,year of publicationExample:Toobin (2013)comments that ...Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication. Title of of magazine, [type of medium] Day Month.Available at: <URL> [Accessed date].Toobin, J., 2013. Same-sex marriage, the legal deluge.The New Yorker, [online] 24 December. Available at:</online/blogs/comment/2013/12/same-sex-marriage-the-legal-deluge.html> [Accessed26 December 2013].Translatedwork Surname of author,year of publication,(page number for directquotations)Examples:Freud (1914) statedthat ...Freud (1914, p.109)stated, "...".When quoting from a foreign language work in the mainbody of the text, the quote should be provided in English.Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title.Trans. Initials. Surname of translator. City of publication:Publisher.Freud, S., 1914.The psychopathology of everyday life.Trans. A.A. Brill. London: T. Fisher Unwin.Chinese sources Surname of author,year of publication,(page number for directquotations)Example:Xiao (2008) shows that...According to Xiao(2008, p.37), "...".Do a romanisation of the author's name and title ofbook/article. If readers cannot read Chinese, add atranslation of the book/article's title in square brackets. Ifthere is no official translation, list the item at the end ofthe reference list alphabetically.Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title[Translation of book/article's title]. City of Publication:Publisher.Xiao, L., 2008.Zhongguo su miao yi shu [The art ofChinese drawing]. Shanghai: Mei Shu Chu Ban She.Foreign sources Surname of author,year of publicationExample:Kundera (1984) derides...When quoting from a foreign language work in the mainbody of the text, the quote should be provided in English.Surname of author, Initials., Year of publication.Title[Translation of book/article's title]. City of Publication:Publisher.Kundera, M., 1984.L'Insoutenable légèreté de l'être[The unbearable lightness of being]. Paris: Gallimard.Lecture notes Surname of author,yearYou are advised not to cite university lecture notes: to doso is often deemed unacceptable. You ought to locate,。
Harvard Referencing System
Harvard Quick Referencing Guide1Harvard Referencing Quick GuideWhat is referencing?Referencing is a system used in the academic community to indicate where ideas, theories, quotes, facts and any other evidence and information used to undertake an assignment, can be found.Why do I need to reference my work?• To avoid plagiarism, a form of academic theft.• Referencing your work correctly ensures that you give appropriate credit to the sources andauthors that you have used to complete your assignment.• Referencing the sources that you have used for your assignment demonstrates that youhave undertaken wide-ranging research in order to create your work.• Referencing your work enables the reader to consult for themselves the same materials thatyou used.What do I need to reference?All the information that you have used in your assignment will need to be acknowledged. It isessential to make a note of all the details of the sources that you use for your assignment as you go along. Harvard examples in this guide are based on guidance in:BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTE. (2010). BS ISO 690:2010. Information and documentation - Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources . Switzerland: ISO Copyright Office.NEVILLE, C. (2010) The Complete Guide to Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism . 2nd Ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.The basicsHarvard is known as the Author & Date system:1. Citations in the text of your assignment should be made following the in-text guidelines given inthe examples on the following pages.2. A complete list of all the citations used in your text will need to be provided at the end of yourassignment. This is called your reference list or bibliography and needs to be presented in alphabetical author/originator order.Capitals:Harvard is not prescriptive about capitalisation of authors’ names in your reference list. If you do wish to use capitals, then the family/surname of authors are only capitalised in this reference list and not in the body of your work. If you prefer not to use capitals in this list, that is fine, but you must be consistent in the style you decide to use.Italics & underlining:Only the title of the source of information is italicised or underlined, but you should choose only one method throughout your assignment and stick to it! Do not use both italics and underlining.Punctuation:Harvard has no one true style of punctuation so the generally accepted rule (BS ISO 690:2010) is to be consistent with your style of punctuation throughout the whole of your assignment.Information ServicesAcademic Skills Know-howHow to reference sourcesHere are some examples of how to reference commonly used materials. If you need more guidance please look at the RefZone website: /support_depts/infoservices/learning_support/refzone or ask the Academic Skills Tutors/Librarians for help.Harvard Quick Referencing Guide 2Harvard Quick Referencing Guide 3Harvard Quick Referencing Guide 4Author: Academic Skills Tutors/Librarians, Information ServicesDate: May 2013Harvard Quick Referencing Guide 5。
英文assignment的写作细节(请各位愿意长期合作的朋友,尽量仔细阅读,在行文中注意这些要求)我们的assignment通常分为两种形式,一是essay, 一是report.二者在形式上有所差别,essay 偏向于理论论述,report则大都结合case进行理论应用。
一篇assignment上面会对写成essay 还是report格式作出明确要求。
相同点:1、字体:Times New Roman或者Arial, 字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。
通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和论文的结构。
Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。
第一:标题页:顾名思义,将report的题目写在此页第二:Executive summary,是对文章的摘要,要把写这篇报告的目的(也就是为什么要写这篇报告),报告得出的结果,最后的结论,以及报告给出的建议一一交代清楚,但不需要交代题目背景,摘要的目的是让busy reader能快速掌握报告的全部内容。
一、MLA引用格式(Modern Language Association)MLA引用格式主要适用于人文学科,例如文学、语言学和艺术等领域的研究论文。
例如:(作者姓氏,出版年份,页码)或(作者姓氏)二、APA引用格式(American Psychological Association)APA引用格式主要用于社会科学领域,如心理学、教育学和社会学等。
例如:(作者姓氏,出版年份,页码)或(作者姓氏,出版年份)三、Chicago引用格式(Chicago Manual of Style)Chicago引用格式主要适用于历史学和人文学科等研究论文。
四、Harvard引用格式(Harvard Referencing System)Harvard引用格式广泛应用于各个学科领域,包括科学、工程、商业和法律等。
Harvard-referencing System 哈弗参考体系
Because of copyright law (it is illegal to use other ideas without giving credit)
- Because it shows us which ideas are your own for which you should get credit
(last name, initials) Date (in Brackets) Title (In Quotation marks) Website name (in italics) Website Address (underlined)
P. (2009). “Obama Faces Big Decisions” New York Times
This 1. 2.
System has two parts:
In Text References Bibliography
“in text” or only Bibliography is not enough
should appear at the end of your report should be organized alphabetically by author’s surname
wrote it? (Author) What is it called? (Title) When was it published? (Date) Where was it published? (Place) Who published it? (Publisher)
For example: "It has been shown that ... (Paraskevas 2000)." "Paraskevas (2000) has shown that ..." Where you refer to a specific part of the work, or when using a direct quotation (see more below), the page number or numbers should be included as follows; (Harris 2000: p 27) or (Harris 2000: pp 27-32). When referencing the works of a number of different sources on a subject they should be cited in alphabetical order as follows: (Altinay 2000; Harris 2000; Roper, Doherty and Brookes 1999). When there are more than two authors of a single source, the first entry should list all the authors but subsequent references may be abbreviated as follows: (Roper et al 1999). When referencing more than one work by the same author in the same year you should distinguish between them - (Roper 1998a; Roper 1998b).
The_Harvard_System_of_ReferencingThe Harvard System of ReferencingWhen writing an essay or other piece of work you will need to show all documents you have referred to. These may include books, journal or newspaper articles, World Wide Web sites, television programmes, films and so on. Academic writing always involves commenting on, comparing and contrasting other people's work. It follows that you must show (cite) references carefully and accurately so that readers can identify and locate them.References need to be cited in two different places. Firstly at the point at which a document is referred to in the body of your piece of work; secondly in a list at the end. There are a number of ways of doing this. The preferred method at ICS is called the Harvard System.Using the Harvard System in the body of your essayAs you write, all statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be acknowledged, whether you are directly quoting from the work or summarising it. In the Harvard System cited works are referred to in the body of the text by giving the author's surname and the year of publication in one of the forms shown below.If the author's name occurs in a sentence the year is given in parentheses.e.g. In a recent study Taylor (1997) argued that…If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, then both name and year are given in parentheses.e.g. A recent study (Taylor 1997) shows that...If an author has published more than one cited document in the same year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.) after the year and within the parentheses.e.g. Harvey (1989a) discussed the subject….If there are two authors, the surnames of both should be given.e.g. 'As Lash and Urry (1994) have proposed…'If there are more than two authors the surname of the first author only should be given, followed by 'et al'.e.g. Clarke et al. (1975) conclude that…'If you quote, or refer to a specific passage rather than a general theme, you should insert a colon after the year and then add page numbers.e.g. According to Barthes, 'Semiology is a science of forms, since itstudies signification's apart from their content' (1973: 120).If a quotation amounts to more than four lines long in your own text then instead of enclosing it in quotation marks indent the left margin of the quote, returning to the full margin at its end.e.g. Charles Keil attributes 'groove' in popular music to discrepancies ormismatches in rhythm:It is the little discrepancies between hands and feet within a jazz drummer's beat, between bass and drums… (Keil 1994:98) If you reference an author's work as you come across it in another work then you must cite both writers.e.g. Foucault has suggested that, 'The present epoch will perhaps beabove all the epoch of space' (quoted in Soja, 1993:136)If the quotation or passage referred to runs over more than one page in the source text then link page numbers with a dash.e.g. McLuhan only begins to discuss television in a short section at theend of the book (1967:329-360).Using the Harvard System to compile a list of references at the end of an essayAt the end of a piece of work you should show a list of the references you have cited. This is sometimes called bibliography. In the Harvard System, the references are listed in alphabetical order of author's names.If you have cited more than one item by a specific author they should be listed chronologically (earliest first), and by letter (1993a, 1993b) if more than one item has been published during a specific year.For references toauthors you should use the following format and punctuation:Author or authors' surname(s), initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title in italics or underlined. Edition (if not the first). Place of publishing: Publishere.g. Monaco, J. (1981). H ow to read a film: the art, technology,language, history, and theory of film and media.2nd ed. London: Oxford University PressFor a reference to a contribution in a collection or anthology:Surname of contributing author, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of contribution within quotation marks, the word 'in' followed by author oreditor of publication (initials, surname), ed. Or eds. (if relevant). Title in italics or underlined. Edition (if not the first). Place of publishing: publishere.g. Benveniste, E. (1996) 'The nature of the linguistic sign', in P.Cobley, ed. The communication theory reader. New York: RoutledgeAuthor's surname, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of article within inverted commas. Title of journal in italics or underlined, volume number and part number (with the latter in parentheses)e.g. Cornford, J and Robins, K. (1992) 'Development strategies in theaudio-visual industries: the case of North East England', Regional Studies, 26(5)For a reference to a (e.g. a Name of issuing body Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of publication (in italics or underlined). Publisher, report number (where relevant)e.g. Independent Television Commission (1991) The ITC code ofadvertising standards and practice. ITCAuthor's surname, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses) Title of article within inverted commas, Title of newspaper in italics or underlined, month and day of publicatione.g. Meek, J. (1997) 'Who pays the piper decides the news', The Guardian, September 12Title of programme (in italics or underlined). Year of broadcast (in parentheses) Name of production company (if available) Channel, month and day of broadcast (if available)e.g. Eastenders (1997) BBC, September 11Director's surname, initials. Year of release (in parentheses) Title of film (in italics or underlined). Name of Production Company (if available)e.g. Lean, D. (1945 Brief Encounter. Eagle-LionAuthor's surname, initials (if available). Title of site (in italics or underlined), URL, date of access (in parentheses)e.g. The Bhangra Net,http:/doc/de2b1327482fb4daa58d4b70.html /Bhan1.htm (1997, SeptemberPerformer's surname, initials or group name. Year of release (in parentheses) Title of piece within inverted commas, Title of album or CD (if applicable) (in italics or underlined). Record company, catalogue numbere.g. Funkadelic (1970) 'Eulogy and light', Free your mind. WestboundRecords, CDSEWM 012。
哈佛参考文献注释体系 Harvard Referencing System
STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemThis student guide presents the most commonly used aspects of the Harvard Referencing System.SourcesSnooks & Co 2002, Style manual: for authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Australia.Sons,American Psychological Association 2001, Publication manual of the American PsychologicalAssociation, 5th edn, APA, Washington, DC.If further information is needed, students can refer to the ‘COMPREHENSIVEGUIDE: Harvard Referencing System’ or to the above publications in the MacquarieUniversity Library. Students can also check with their departments or lecturers foron-campus Harvard referencing support.AcknowledgementA significant component of the Master of Accounting (MAcc) program is the Language for Professional Communication in Accounting Program (LPCA). The LPCA program is a collaboration of the Master of Accounting program and The Centre for Macquarie English (CME), formerly the National Centre for English Language Teaching and Research (NCELTR). The LPCA program provides tailored resources for specific units, as well as providing materials for additional generic workshops. Students are able to develop a high level of communication and professional skills and, at the same time, to develop technical skills. These resources are integrated with relevant technical content and are a significant part of the teaching and learning within individual units. Communication and professional skills are assessed, often together with technical skills, in individual units. The development of these skills is essential to students’ success, not only within the units of this program, but also in an accounting career.As part of the LPCA program, resources have been made available to provide students with an understanding of the plagiarism policies of the University and the Master of Accounting program. Also referencing materials, including this Harvard referencing guide, have been developed to address the methods and style requirements necessary to cite research sources. MAcc and CME acknowledge Eugen Klissarov in collaboration with Mary Cayley, both CME-LPCA staff members, for the design and development of this Harvard referencing guide.This project was funded by the 2006 Macquarie University Flagship Grant Scheme.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemCONTENTSFAQs: referencing & plagiarism 1 Specific guidelines: in-text citations, paraphrases & direct quotations 2 Specific guidelines: reference lists 4 Examples: in-text & reference list citations 7 Sample reference list 14 Excerpts from a paper highlighting in-text citations 15STUDENT GUIDE Harvard Referencing SystemFAQsSTUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing System• When using a referencing system for in-text citations and a reference list , you must usethe appropriate formatting elements. •Formatting refers to the use of layout and punctuation, including spacing, indenting, lower and upper case letters, period or full stops, colons, semicolons, commas, brackets and italics. These formatting elements are used to clearly and consistently present in-text citations and a reference list in your written work.• The examples throughout this guide indicate the formatting you should use.IN-TEXT CITATIONSEach time you use an author's words or ideas in your writing, you must place a citation in the text. This applies to both direct quotations and paraphrases. It is important to place the in-text citation directly in, or immediately after, the sentence or clause which uses information or ideas from a source. It is not adequate to put the in-text citation at the end of the paragraph because this indicates that only the information in the last sentence belongs to the source.The basic in-text citation is very similar for all types of sources. However, the type of source being cited cannot usually be identified until the reader looks at the reference list. In-text citations in written work may appear either: a) as part of a sentence[manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.} [in-text citation ] {paraphrase } The use of [ ] and { }, above, are for explanatory purposes only, and should NEVERbe used in written assignments.In the above example, the author is a grammatical part of the sentence and, in this instance, appears at the beginning of the sentence.The above citation can also be placed in different positions in the sentence, for example: i. According to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993. ii. Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers, according to Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6), have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.b) or at the end of a sentencei.Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF) manufacturers have suffered a significant loss ofdomestic market share since 1993 (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).These conventions apply to authors and authoring bodies or organizations of all types of sources.It is often useful to vary the citation styles, e.g., as part of a sentence or at the end of asentence. Varying citation styles may allow for better linking between sentences andbetween ideas. It also allows for different emphasis – either on the topic or the author. ParaphrasesParaphrases occur when you read a source and use the information in your assignment, but rephrase or write the information in your own words.i.Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) states that Textile, Clothing & Footwear (TCF)manufacturers have suffered a significant loss of domestic market share since 1993.This example is a paraphrase and it needs to be cited.The absence of double quotation marks (“ ”) informs the reader this is a paraphrase.It is expected that you will extensively research and use information found in sources.However, it is also expected that most of the information from the sources will beparaphrased, that is, written in your own words.Direct quotationsDirect quotations are used when you want to use some words exactly as they are found in the source.If you rely on a source and use the exact words in your assignment, you must indicate this by the use of double quotation marks (“ ”). These indicate a direct quotation.Direct quotations need to be as brief as possible. They should only be used occasionally and only for good reasons, for example, when:•the author’s words convey a powerful meaning that cannot be paraphrased with the same effect•you use the author as an authoritative voice in your own writing•you introduce an author’s position which you want to discuss•you need to provide supporting points or evidence for your own position.Generally, direct quotations in the text are placed within your own sentences.i.Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by morethan 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998, p. 69) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than 40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001”.With direct quotations only, page numbers may also be separated and placed at the end of the direct quotation:i.Innes and Warburton (1998) report that “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).ii.As Innes and Warburton (1998) report, “employment in the TCF sector fell by more than40 per cent over the ten years to June 2001” (p. 69).Page numbers or paragraph numbers should be provided in in-text citations for bothdirect quotations and paraphrases.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemREFERENCE LISTSThe reference list is usually the last page/s of the assignment. It should begin on a new page and be simply headed References.• A reference list consolidates all the various sources in alphabetical order using either the author’s surname or the names of authoring bodies. The titles of documents (or the titles of media such as videos, CD-ROMs and radio programs) are used if the author’s name or the name of the authoring body is not known.•Numbers, letters or bullets are not used when citing sources in a Reference List.•The 2nd and subsequent lines of each entry are indented (this is called a ‘hanging indent’). •Single spacing within an entry, but 1.5 spacing between entries is used.•Alignment for the reference list page/s is ‘Align left’. ‘Justify’ should not be used for the reference list.Following are the reference list details needed for the more common source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list aresignificantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print &electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventionsrelating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOK, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of series, if applicable•description of work, if applicable•edition number, if not first edition•editor, compiler, reviser or translator, if applicable•volume number or number of volumes, if applicable•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited,plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationReference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Pedersen, H 1937, A concise comparative Lycian grammar, monograph, Vandenhoeck &Ruprecht, Gottingen, Sweden.CHAPTER IN EDITED BOOK, print(An edited book is a collection of writings by different authors; the ‘editor’ is theperson who compiles or selects the work to be included).•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body (use the author of the chapter/ article you have read, not the editor/s of the book)•year of publication•title of chapter/article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•the word ‘in’•editor(s)’ initial(s) and surname(s) (initials precede surnames)•(ed.) or (eds)•title of edited book (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •edition number, if not first edition•name of publisher (business identifiers such as company, Pty, Inc., Ltd, Co., Limited, plc. and Corporation not included)•place of publicationIn-text:It is likely, as has been suggested, that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until inherent cross-cultural issues have been addressed (Adler, 1980).Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-cultural organizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.JOURNAL ARTICLE, print•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (in italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for journal articles) Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and textile clothing and footwear industries: Australia 1992/93-1996/97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12. JOURNAL ARTICLE, electronic•author’s surname & initial(s) or name of authoring body•year of publication•title of article (single quotation marks; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms)•title of journal (italics; maximal capitalisation)•title of series, if applicable•issue details; may include volume no., issue no., month or season•page numbers of the whole article (these are always cited for electronic journal articles,if available)•date article was viewed•name of databaseReference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factorswith a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.WEBSITE•author (person or organization responsible for the site)•year (year the site was created or last revised)•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date website was viewed•domain name enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005,<http:// .au>.WEBSITE DOCUMENT•author (may be person or organization responsible for the site)•year (the year the site was created or last revised)•title of document (in italics; minimal capitalisation other than proper nouns & acronyms) •version number, if applicable•description of document, if applicable•name & place of source sponsor (‘owner’/‘publisher’); name may be same as author•date document was viewed•complete URL for the page/section, including links, needs to be shown and is enclosed in angle < > bracketsReference list:Macquarie University 2006, What is Plagiarism?, Macquarie University, Sydney, viewed 10April 2006, <.au/plagiarism>.STUDENT GUIDEHarvard Referencing SystemExamples of in-text & reference list citationsExamples of in-text citations for types of sources have been provided. The first example in each case is as part of the sentence, and the second example is at the end of the sentence. Examples of reference list entries have also been provided for these source types.Although the details required for each type of source in the reference list are significantly different, the reference list entries for all source types, both print & electronic, are based on the entry for a print book, particularly the conventions relating to multiple authors and authoring bodies.BOOKS , printSingle authorApplies to authors of all source types. Page no. spans 22-3, not 22-23.In-text:According to Harris (2001, pp. 22-3), the possibility that ... Statistics indicate that ... (Harris 2001, pp. 22-3).Reference list:Harris, RA 2001, The plagiarism handbook: strategies for preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism, Pyrczak Publishing, Los Angeles. Single authoring body , e.g. companies, government & non-government organisations In-text:Telstra Corporation (2004) stresses the importance of ...Corporate governance is stressed due to ... (Telstra Corporation 2004). Reference list:Telstra Corporation 2004, Annual report , Telstra, Melbourne.Unknown authorUse title and italicize both in the text and in the reference list. Articles ‘a’, ‘an’ or ‘the’ aredisregarded when placing entry alphabetically in reference list. Page no. spans 111-2, not 111-112.In-text:The inns of court (1965, pp. 111-2) outlines ...It was thought these matters ... (The inns of court 1965, pp. 111-2).Reference list:Department of Finance and Administration 2005, Annual report 2004-05, DFA, Canberra.The inns of court 1965, Jordan & Sons, London.Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations , 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Two authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:Hatim and Munday (2004, pp. 49-50) present data indicating that ... Data has been presented that ... (Hatim & Munday 2004, pp. 49-50). Reference list:Hatim, B & Munday, J 2004, Translation: an advanced resource book, Routledge, New York.Three authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use ‘and’ when part of sentence, but ‘&’ when in brackets. Use ‘&’ in reference list.In-text:May, May and Andrew (1999, pp. 31-2) provide ...Guidelines relating to ... (May, May & Andrew 1999, pp. 31-2).Reference list:May, CB, May, GS & Andrew, JD 1999, Effective writing: a handbook for finance people , Prentice Hall, New Jersey.BOOKS, print, continuedFour or more authors or authoring bodiesApplies to authors of all source types. Use, et al., when part of sentence and when in brackets. Details of all authors cited in reference list.In-text:Kotler et al. (2001, pp. 103-4) believe, however, that ...It is believed, however, that ... (Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 103-4). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn, Prentice Hall, Sydney.Secondary sourceThe work of one author, Kotler et al., refers to the work of another author, Gupta. Both sources are cited in the text. Only the source that has been read, Kotler et al., is shown in the reference list.In-text:Gupta (cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12) claims that ... It is argued that ... (Gupta, cited in Kotler et al. 2001, pp. 11-12). Reference list:Kotler, P, Brown, L, Adam, S & Armstrong, G 2001, Marketing, 5th edn,Prentice Hall, Sydney.Chapter in edited book Specific chapter in edited book cited. Note use of, in, before names of editors in reference list. Editor’s initials precede surnames. Note use of (eds).In-text:As argued by Adler (1980), cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... It is argued that cultural synergies cannot be achieved until ... (Adler, 1980). Reference list:Adler, NJ 1980, ‘Cultural synergy: the management of cross-culturalorganizations’, in WW Burke & LD Goodstein (eds), Trends and issues in OD: current theory and practice, University Associates, San Diego.Edited bookGeneral focus or content of edited book cited. Editor in author position. Note use of (ed.) in reference list; (eds) if more than 1 editor. In-text:Kamwangamalu’s (1998) evidence that ...There is some evidence that ... (Kamwangamalu, 1998).Reference list:Kamwangamalu, NM (ed.) 1998, Aspects of multilingualism in post-apartheid South Africa, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin.2nd or later edition Note use of, edn, in reference list.In-text:Moorhead and Griffin (2001) emphasise that ...It is strongly emphasised that ... (Moorhead & Griffin, 2001).Reference list:Moorhead, G & Griffin, R 2001, Organizational behavior: managing people and organizations, 6th edn, Houghton Mifflin, Boston.Multiple works by same author published in same yearLower case letters, a,b,c, used to distinguish works. Multiple works convention applies to all source types. In-text:Nunan (1992a; 1992b; 1992c) indicates that ...A number of theories indicate that ... (Nunan 1992a; 1992b; 1992c). Reference list:Nunan D 1992a, Introducing discourse analysis, Penguin, London.Nunan D 1992b, Research methods in language learning, Cambridge University Press, New York.Nunan D 1992c, Teachers interactive decision-making, National Centre forEnglish Language Teaching and Research, Sydney.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), single authorCite author as for print book; Note translator, trans.; initial(s) precede surname, Sage.In-text:Cirlot (1971) explores the concept of alchemy by using ... The concept of alchemy is explored by using ... (Cirlot 1971).Reference list:Cirlot, JE 1971, A dictionary of symbols, 2nd edn, trans. J Sage, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), no author In-text:The Macquarie dictionary (2005) defines drafting as a process by which ... Drafting is defined as a process by which ... (The Macquarie dictionary 2005). Reference list:The Macquarie dictionary 2005, 4th edn, Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW.BOOKS, electronic1.For electronic books, the conventions for multiple authors and editors are the same as for print books.2.If page numbers are not available, then paragraph numbering conventions used: para., paras or ¶, ¶¶.3.Electronic books are generally accessed online through university library databases using student access codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic books, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Electronic databaseIf page nos. not available, provide paragraph nos. if they can be reasonably identified. Name of database provided, URL not required. In-text:As Hofstede, Pedersen and Hofstede (2002, para. 14) acknowledge, the ...It is acknowledged that ... (Hofstede, Pedersen & Hofstede 2002, para. 14). Reference list:Hofstede, GJ, Pedersen, P & Hofstede, GH 2002, Exploring culture: exercises, stories, and synthetic cultures, Intercultural Press, Yarmouth, Maine,viewed 16 November 2005, NetLibrary database.InternetComplete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Scott’s (1998, paras 3-4) strong support of the view that ...This view is strongly supported because ... (Scott 1998, paras 3-4). Reference list:Scott, WD 1998, Increasing human efficiency in business: a contribution to the psychology of business, viewed 17 June 2006, </ catalog/world/readfile?fk_files=38334>.Dictionaries (& encyclopedias), internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:Online dictionary (2006) defines governance as ...Governance is defined as ... (Online dictionary 2006).Reference list:Online dictionary 2006, Merriam-Webster, USA, viewed 7 June 2006, <http:// /cgi-bin/dictionary>.PERIODICALS: JOURNALS, MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS, print & electronic1.The conventions for journal articles are the basis for magazine and newspaper article conventions.2.In relation to all print and electronic periodicals, the conventions for multiple authors are the same as forprint books.3.Electronic periodicals are generally accessed online through university library databases using studentaccess codes, but can sometimes be accessed directly via the internet.4. In relation to electronic periodicals, date viewed and complete URL (including any links for pages/sections) enclosed by angle < > brackets or name of database must be provided.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronicJournal article, print Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 1-12, in reference list. In-text:Jayanthakumaran (2001, p. 6) seems to dismiss the idea that ...The idea that ... (Jayanthakumaran 2001, p. 6).Reference list:Jayanthakumaran, K 2001, ‘Trade policy reform and the textile, clothing and footwear industry: Australia 1993-97’, Economic Papers, vol. 20, no. 2, June, pp. 1-12.Journal article, electronic databaseName of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 21-8, in reference list. Page no. spans 21-8 not 21-28. In-text:Waldmann’s (2000, p. 23) suggestion that a number of factors relating to ...A number of factors relating to ... (Waldmann 2000, p. 23).Reference list:Waldmann, E 2000, ‘Teaching ethics in accounting: a discussion of cross-cultural factors with a focus on Confucian and Western philosophy’, Accounting Education, vol. 9, no. 1, May, pp. 21-8, viewed 25 July 2005, EBSCOhost database.Periodicals: Journal articles, print & electronic, continuedJournal article, internet Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 167-78, in reference list. Page no. spans 171-2 not 171-172 & 167-78 not 167-178.In-text:Shirabe (2004, pp. 171-2) has noted that ...It has been noted that ... (Shirabe 2004, pp. 171-2).Reference list:Shirabe, M 2004, ‘Measures of performance of universities and their faculties in Japan’, Information-Knowledge-Systems Management, vol. 4, no. 3, pp.167-78, viewed 17 November 2005, </citation.cfm?id 1096329.1096334&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=63620412& CFTOKEN= 89901306>.Periodicals: Magazine articles, print & electronicMagazine article, print Note use & placement of day & month of publication in reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 33-9. Publisher & place of publication not required.In-text:Le Mesurier and Tandukar (2006, pp. 34-5) clarify this viewpoint which ... This viewpoint holds that ... (Le Mesurier & Tandukar 2006, pp. 34-5). Reference list:Le Mesurier, K & Tandukar, A 2006, ‘Conflict stirs trade fears’, BRW, 1 April, pp. 33-9.Magazine article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided in reference list, pp. 5-9. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list. In-text:Reason (2005, p. 7), on the other hand, believes that ...On the other hand, it is believed that ... (Reason 2005, p. 7).Reference list:Reason, T 2005, ‘The narrowing GAAP: the convergence of foreign anddomestic accounting rules could catch some U.S. companies by surprise’, CFO, vol. 21, no. 17, December, pp. 5-9, viewed 5 May 2006, Business Source Premier database.Magazine article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos. (paras 2-3) if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Wolff (2006, paras 2-3) argues that there has been a paradigm shift in ... Due to technology, one argument is that ... (Wolff 2006, paras 2-3). Reference list:Wolff, M 2006, ‘ipod, therefore, I am’, AFR Boss, 9 March, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au/edition.aspx>.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronicNewspaper article, print Day & month provided in reference list. Publisher & place of publication not required. In-text:Indeed, Baker’s (2005, p. 4) confirmation that ...Indeed, it was confirmed that ... (Baker 2005, p. 4).Reference list:Baker, J 2005, ‘No rest for credit cards’, Sydney Morning Herald, 26 December, p. 4.Newspaper article, no title, no author, printTitle of newspaper in italics used in in-text citations & reference list. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 13-14. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:As was noted recently in the Sydney Morning Herald (2006, p. 13), the ... The use of natural resources ... (The Sydney Morning Herald, 2006, p. 13). Reference list:The Sydney Morning Herald 2006, 15 May, pp. 13-14.Newspaper article, electronic database Name of database provided, URL not required. Page nos. of complete article provided, pp. 11-16. Publisher & place of publication not required in reference list.In-text:Austen (2005, pp. 14-15) reports that ...It is reported that ... (Austen 2005, pp. 14-15).Reference list:Austen, I 2005, ‘A patent dispute threatens to cut executives off’, The NewYork Times, 3 December, pp. 11-16, viewed 26 December 2005, Expanded Academic ASAP database.Periodicals: Newspaper articles, print & electronic, continuedNewspaper article, internetIf page nos. not available, use paragraph nos., paras 5-6, if these can be reasonably identified. In-text:Gittins (2003, paras 5-6) examines a number of possible causes for ... Several possible causes for ... are examined (Gittins 2003, paras 5-6). Reference list:Gittins, R 2003, ‘The truth of the rich-poor divide’, The Age, 4 March, viewed 22 July 2005, <.au/articles/2003/10/28/10672331 B71873.html?from=storyrhs&oneclick=true>.WEBSITES & ELECTRONIC DISCUSSION FORUMSWebsite, e.g. companies, government & non-government organisationsYear 1999, year website created or last revised; Author & publisher same entity. Domain name enclosed in < > brackets. In-text:The St Vincent de Paul Society (1999) provides information which ... Available information indicates ... (St Vincent de Paul Society 1999). Reference list:St Vincent de Paul Society 1999, St Vincent de Paul Society, ACT, viewed 8 July 2005, <.au>.Website document, authorConventions for author & title of document follow that of a print book. Year 2005 refers to year page created or last revised. Complete URL enclosed in < > brackets should be provided irrespective of URL length.In-text:In discussing the accounting cycle, Ketz (2005, paras 11-12) indicates ... The accounting cycle seems to indicate that ... (Ketz 2005, paras 11-12). Reference list:Ketz, JE 2005, The accounting cycle, viewed 20 February 2006, <http:// /x50918.xml>.Website document, authoring bodyIf the authoring body uses paragraph numbering, these can be used in the in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. AASB, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. AASB may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:In relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, paras 29-32), outlines ... orIn relation to multi-employer plans, the Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) (2006, pp. 22-3), outlines ...Multi-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, paras 29-32). orMulti-employer plans are those which ... (Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, pp. 22-3).Reference list:AASB—see Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006.Australian Accounting Standards Board 2006, AASB 119 Employee Benefits,AASB, Canberra, viewed 14 July 2006, <.au>.Website document, no dateIf there is no date, use ‘n.d.’ in place of the date. In-text:According to the Australia China Business Council (n.d.) an FTA between Australia and China would result in increased living standards in both countries.Reference list:Australia China Business Council n.d., Australia China FTA Round-up, viewed 16 July 2008, .au/.Website, PDF document .pdf in URL indicates PDF document and page numbers should be provided in in-text citations. Acronym, e.g. NAATI, may be used in author position in subsequent citations, but then 2 cross-referenced entries needed in reference list. NAATI may be used in ‘publisher’ position in reference list.In-text:According to the National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters (NAATI) (2005, p. 66), it seems that ...... (National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, p. 66).Reference list:NAATI 2005—see National Accreditation Authority for Translators &Interpreters 2005.National Accreditation Authority for Translators & Interpreters 2005, Manual for candidates 2004, rev. edn, NAATI, viewed 22 December 2005, <http:// .au/documents/manuals/manual_for_candidates.pdf>.。
哈弗参考文献格式harvard referencing
Harvard referencing: a guide for SoM students IntroductionAcademic work demands that you consider the work of other writers and researchers. To use their work without acknowledgement is to steal the ideas of other people and is called plagiarism.You should acknowledge the sources which have informed your work by citing them in the text of your work, and referencing them at the end of your essay, project report, dissertation or thesis. Otherwise, you run the risk of being accused of academic misconduct.There are several widely used methods for writing references. The School of Management uses the Harvard system. If you do not use this method properly you will lose marks.What sources of information should I be reading?Before you use any document, you should consider the quality of the information it provides. Articles published in refereed academic journals are the most authoritative, because they have been through a thorough checking process known as peer review. Books may not have been checked so rigorously by their publishers. Articles in newspapers and trade magazines are not checked as carefully as those in refereed academic journals so may not be as reliable. And information found on the Internet needs to be treated with caution, as anyone can put material there, accurate or otherwise!How do I put a citation in my text?To avoid being accused of plagiarism, you need to put a citation in the text you are writing whenever you mention another person’s work. This applies whether you are summarising or paraphrasing their ideas or quoting their words directly.Basically, all you need to do is to write the author’s or editor’s surname and the year of publication like this (Hales, 1986) or like this as discussed by Hales (1986). You may sometimes have a corporate author, rather than a personal author, like this (British Retail Consortium, 2007). If you have used two documents by the same author published in the same year, distinguish them by adding a suffix like this (Lowe, 2005a; Lowe, 2005b). If there are two or more authors or editors for a document, put them all in your citation like this (Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002). If you want to cite several works together, because they all support your argument about a particular point, list them chronologically, and if there is more than one for a particular year put those in alphabetical order, like this (Hales, 1986; Wrigley and Lowe, 1996; Howard, 2001; Sigala, Lockwood and Jones, 2001; Riley, Ladkin and Szivas, 2002; Lowe, 2005b; Key Note, 2006; Lee-Kelley, 2006; Sadler-Smith, 2006).If you are quoting another author’s words, it is important that you make this clear by using quotation marks and including the page numbers in your citation like this “Many businesses now operate in a knowledge economy that is networked, digital, virtual, fast-moving, global and uncertain.” (Sadler-Smith, 2006, p.30).How do I write a reference?The full reference for each of the documents you have cited in your text should be put in a list of references at the end of your work.For a journal article, you need to include the author or authors (surname followed by initials), the year of publication (and suffix if used) (in brackets), the title of the article (in quotation marks), the name of the journal (in italics), the volume number, the part or issue number (in brackets), and the page numbers (use p. for one page, pp. for more than one page).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.For some journals, you may have to put the date instead of the volume and part numbers.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.For a book, you need to include the authors or editors (use ed. in brackets for one editor, eds. for more than one editor), the year of publication, the title of the book (in italics), the edition (except for the 1st edition; use edn. for edition), the place of publication, and the publisher.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and foodtechnology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital:towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.For a chapter in an edited book, you need to include the author of the chapter, the date of publication, the title of the chapter (in quotation marks), the word in, the editor of the book, the title of the book (in italics), the edition, the place of publication, the publisher, and the page numbers of the chapter.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International culturaltourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.If you used an electronic version of a journal article or a book, you should also include the name of the online database (in italics), the word Online [in square brackets], the phrase Available at followed by the URL, and the word Accessed followed by the date you read the document (in brackets).Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of waitexpectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect[Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).For a web page, you need to include the author, the date of publication (or last updated), the title, the URL, and the date you read the document.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1(Accessed: 30 November 2007).What should my list of references look like?Something like this. Note that all types of publication are included in a single list, and that the list is arranged alphabetically.Baxter, I. and Chippindale, C. (2005) "Managing Stonehenge: the tourism impact and the impact on tourism", in Sigala, M. and Leslie, D. (eds.) International cultural tourism: management, implications and cases. Oxford: Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, pp.137-150.Bender, D.A. and Bender, A.E. (1999) Bender's dictionary of nutrition and food technology. 7th edn. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.British Retail Consortium (2007) British Retail Consortium 2007. Norwich: The Stationery Office.Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (2007) Whistleblowing. Available at: /subjects/empreltns/whistleblw/whistle.htm?IsSrchRes=1 (Accessed: 30 November 2007).Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003a) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268.Grewal, D., Baker, J., Levy, M. and Voss, G.B. (2003b) "The effects of wait expectations and store atmosphere evaluations on patronage intentions in service-intensive retail stores", Journal of Retailing, 79(4), pp.259-268. ScienceDirect [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 26 November 2007).Hales, C.P. (1986) "What do managers do?: a critical review of the evidence", Journal of Management Studies, 23(1), pp.88-115.Howard, M. (2001) "If it ain't broke, don't fix it", Financial Management, May, p.14.Key Note (2006) Mobile telecommunications: market report. Hampton: Key Note. Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Lee-Kelley, E. (2006) Trust and identification in the virtual team : exploring the bases of trust and the processes of intra-group identification. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of Surrey.Lowe, M.S. (2005a) "The regional shopping centre in the inner city: a study of retail-led urban regeneration", Urban Studies, 42(3), pp.449-470.Lowe, M.S. (2005b), "Revitalizing inner city retail?: the impact of the West Quay development on Southampton", International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33(9), pp.658-668.Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.Pettit, L. (2005) "Forte at sixty", Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 8 December, pp.26-30.Riley, M., Ladkin, A. and Szivas, E. (2002) Tourism employment: analysis and planning. Clevedon: Channel View.Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning and development for managers: perspectives from research and practice. Oxford: Blackwell. NetLibrary [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2007).Sigala, M., Lockwood, A. and Jones, P. (2001) "Strategic implementation and IT: gaining competitive advantage from the hotel reservations process", International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 13(7), pp.364-371.Wrigley, N. and Lowe, M.S. (eds.) (1996) Retailing, consumption and capital: towards the new retail geography. Harlow: Longman.What do I do if there is no author?If there is no obvious personal author or corporate author, the title can be used instead, both as the citation in your text (Chef2Chef Culinary Portal, 2007) and in your reference list.Chef2Chef Culinary Portal (2007) Available at: / (Accessed: 4December 2007).What do I do if there is no date of publication?If there is no obvious date of publication, you should put (no date).Leatherhead Food International (no date) FoodlineWeb. Available at:/FoodWeb/ (Accessed: 4 December 2007).Can I include documents in languages other than English?Yes, these should be included in their original language.Egmond, T. van (1999) Het verschijnsel toerisme: verleden, heden, toekomst. Leiden: Toerboek.What about other types of publication, such as newspaper articles, company reports, and market research reports?There is a longer list of examples of references at/pls/portal/docs/PAGE/LIBRARY/FINDING/BIBREFS/HARVARD %20REFERENCING%20SOM.PDF. This covers all the types of publication that are likely to be used by management students, including custom textbooks, conference papers, law reports, and theses and dissertations. For further information, see a book by Pears and Shields (2005).Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2005) Cite them right: the essential guide to referencing and plagiarism. Newcastle upon Tyne: Pear Tree Books.What is secondary referencing?There may be occasions when you want to mention someone’s work which has been referred to in a document you have read, even though you haven’t actually read the ori ginal piece of work yourself. This is known as secondary referencing.In your text you might say something like this. Barney in 1999, quoted by Sadler-Smith (2006, p.30), said that ... . In your list of references you should include Sadler-Smith but not Barney. If anyone wants to read Barney’s document, they will be able to find the details of it in Sadler-Smith’s list of references.What is a bibliography? And how does it differ from a list of references?A bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the documents published on a particular subject. The list of references that you put at the end of your academic work should only include the documents that you have read for that particular piece of work. Check that everything you have cited in your text (except secondary references) is included in your list of references, and that everything in your list of references has been cited in your text.I’m worried that I haven’t done my references properly. Do you have any further advice?The purpose of writing a reference for a document you have read is to enable someone else to find a copy of the same document. So check that the details you have given are correct and complete. In particular, double check the spelling of the author’s name and the accuracy of volume numbers, page numbers, dates and URLs. And make sure you have made a note of all the details you need for the reference, while you have the original document in front of you - if you photocopy a chapter from a book and forget to write down which book it came from, you could waste a lot of time later trying to find out which book it was!。
Harvard Referencing System
This is a guide to the Harvard system but you should always check your course handbook and/or module outline for any further guidance, as your lecturers may prefer a different style of referencing.If there are more than two authors, cite only the first followed by ‘et al.’ (and others):e.g. …adoptive parents were coping better with the physical demands of parenthood and found family life more enjoyable (Levy et al. 1991).Note: up to three authors’ names can be given in your reference list/bibliography.If an author has published more documents in the same year, distinguish between them by adding lower-case letters:e.g. In recent studies by Smith (1999a, 1999b,1999c)…ReferencesFull references of sources used are given at the end of your work. This list of references or bibliography is arranged alphabetically. Whenever possible, elements of a bibliographical reference should be taken from the title page of the publication. Each reference should give the elements and punctuation as found below. In these examples, the source (e.g. title) has been italicised; you can also emphasise the source by underlining or typing in bold. It does not usually matter which you use, so long as you are consistent throughout your reference list.BooksAUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title. Edition. Place of publication, Publisher.e.g. GOLOMBOK, S. (2000) Parenting: what really counts? London, Routledge.Books with two or three authorse.g. LI, X. and CRANE, N.B. (1993) Electronic style: a guide to citing electronic information. London, Meckler.Books with more than three authors – give the name of the first author, followed by ‘et al.’ (and others).e.g. LEVITT, R. et al. (1999) The reorganised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes.Chapters in booksAUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title of chapter. In:AUTHOR(S)/EDITOR(S) Book title. Place of publication, Publisher, Pages (p. or pp.).e.g. TUCKMAN, A. (1999) Labour, skills and training. In: R. LEVITT et al, eds. The reorganised National Health Service. 6th ed. Cheltenham, Stanley Thornes,pp. 135-155. Electronic informationElectronic references should contain the following elements: AUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title of document [Type of resource, e.g. CD-ROM, e-mail, WWW] Organisation responsible (optional). Available from: URL address [Date accessed]. e.g. UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD LIBRARY (2001) Citing electronic sources of information [WWW]Sheffield, University of Sheffield. Available from:/library/libdocs/hsl-dvc2.html [Accessed 6/8/03].If you are referencing an item, such as a journal article, use the normal format for that item then add the type of resource, URL and accessed details, as for electronic information.e.g. DREXHAGE, J. (2004) Still up in the air. Carbonfinance, January, pp 16-17 [WWW] Available from: /pdf/2004/climate_still_up_air.pdf [Accessed 12/2/04].Exhibition cataloguesARTIST (Y ear) Title of exhibition [Exhibition catalogue] Place of publication, Publisher.e.g. HARRIS, W. (1983) William Harris as designer [Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Whitworth Art Gallery, 3 May – 4 June 1983] London, Arts Council.Journal articlesAUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title of article. Title of journal, Vol. no. (Part no.), Pages (p. or pp.).e.g. LU, H. and MIETHE, T.D. (2002) Legal representation and criminal processing in China. British journal of criminology, 42 (2), pp. 267-280.Media (video, film, or broadcast)Title (Y ear) Type of media. ORIGINATOR (e.g. director). Place of production, Producer.e.g. Rebel without a cause (1983) Film. Directed by Nicholas RAY. USA, Warner Bros.A television broadcast should also include the date and time of broadcast, where possible.e.g. Dyslexic children (1999) TV. Channel 4, July 29, 1900 hrs.Newspaper articlesAUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Article title. Newspaper title, Day and Month (abbreviated), Pages (p. or pp.).e.g. BROWN, P. (2002) New foot and mouth outbreak suspected. Guardian, 27 Feb., p. 1.Online imagesDescription or title of image (Y ear) [Online image] ORIGINATOR (if relevant). Available from: URL address. [Date accessed].e.g. Hubble Space Telescope release in the Space Shuttle’s Payload Bay (1996) [Online image] Available from: /pub/SPACE/GIF/s31-04-015.gif [Accessed 1/10/96].Papers in conference proceedingsAUTHOR(S) (Y ear) Title. In: EDITOR(S) Title of conference proceedings. Place and date of conference (unless included in title). Place of publication, Publisher, Pages (p. or pp.).e.g. GIBSON, E.J. (1977) The performance concept in building. In: Proceedings of the 7th CIB Triennial Congress, Edinburgh, September 1977. London, Construction Research International, pp. 129-136.Publications from a corporate body (e.g. Government publications)NAME OF ISSUING BODY (Y ear) Title. Place of publication, Publisher, Report no. (where relevant), Pages (p. or pp.).e.g. DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT, Development Commission (1980) 38th Report, 1st April 1979 to 31st March 1980. London, HMSO, 1979-80 HC. 798, pp. 70-81.Theses and dissertationsAUTHOR (Y ear) Title. Designation (Level, e.g. MSc., PhD.), Institution.e.g. MARSHALL, J. (2002) The Manuscript tradition of Brunetto Latini’s “Tresor”. Unpublished thesis (PhD), University of London. Further InformationFurther help and guidance on citation and referencing can be obtained from the following online sources. Remember, it is always advisable to consult the person for whom you are writing, whether it is a tutor or an editor, as to which style of referencing they want you to use.HARNACK, A., and KLEPPINGER, E. (2003) Online! A reference guide to using internet sources [WWW]. Bedford, St Martin’s. Available from:/online/index.html [Accessed 1/6/05].HOLLAND, M. (2003) Citing references – the Harvard system [WWW]. Bournemouth, Bournemouth University. Available from: /library/using/ citing_references.html [Accessed 1/6/05].UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM (2002) Preparing & quoting references [WWW]. Birmingham, University of Birmingham, Information Services. Available from:/ppm/publications/skills/preparing. pdf [Accessed 1/6/05].UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND (2004) Citing references [WWW]. Bristol, University of the West of England, Library Services. Available from:/library/resources/general/info_study_ skills/tutorial/ret/cite0.htm [Accessed 1/6/05]. Available in large print and screen .pdf. Publication No 23056.© De Montfort University, July 2005. (PC1989). Right of revision; this leaflet is issued without prejudice to the right of the University authorities to make such modifications to the matter dealt with as the University authorities consider necessary without prior notice.。
Harvard Referencing System
What if there is no author, or the author is not known? If the document was published or sponsored by a corporate body, government agency or some other organisation, then use the name of that organisation. For example: (The Examiner 10 Jul. 2004, p. 7), (UNESCO 1999). If the document has an editor rather than an author, then put the abbreviation 'ed.' in front of the name. For example: (ed. Smith 2004), or: edited by Smith (2004). If none of these are known, then use the title of the document. For example: (The Yeti is real 2004). What if there are lots of authors? For two or three authors, enter all the surnames. For example: (Dark, Maclean & Weatherhead 2003). If there are more than three authors, enter the first surname only, followed by the expression et al. which means and others. For example, a book with authors K. Adams, R. Grose, D. Leeson and H. Hamilton, published in 2003 would be cited as: (Adams et al. 2003). What if there is no date? If you know roughly when the document was published, put a 'c.' (an abbreviation for circa or about) before the date. Example: (Peal c.1860). If you think you know the year but are not sure and have no way of checking, put a '?' in front if it. Example: (Swift ?1922). Lastly, if there is no way you can establish the publication date, then use 'n.d.' (no date). Example: (Frederick n.d.).
Harvard referencing 写Essay的好帮手!
32 Harvard Referencing 2006Note: this page is only an introduction to the Harvard referencing system. Curtin Library & Information Service provides a modified version of the author-date system presented in:Snooks & Co. 2002, Style manual: For authors, editors and printers, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons Australia, n.p.For referencing electronic sources, refer to the American Psychological Association's Publication manual: American Psychological Association 2001, Publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th edn, APA, Washington, DC.Note: A modified APA style is used for electronic sources to fit in with the Harvard referencing styleprovided by Curtin Library & Information Service as the Style manual does not cover this area fully.The information and examples contained on this page are chiefly derived from the above publications.It is very important that you check your department or school's assignment guide as some details, eg.punctuation, may vary from the guidelines on this page. You may be penalised for not conforming to your school's requirements.What is Referencing?Referencing is a standardised method of acknowledging sources of information and ideas that you have used in your assignment in a way that uniquely identifies their source. Direct quotations, facts and figures, as well as ideas and theories, from both published and unpublished works must be referenced.There are many acceptable forms of referencing. This information sheet provides a brief guide to the Harvard referencing style. Within the text of the assignment the author’s name is given first, followed by the publication date. A reference list at the end of the assignment contains the full details of all the in-text citations.Why Reference?Referencing is necessary to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations, and to enable readers to follow-up and read more fully the cited author’s arguments.Steps Involved in Referencing1. Note down the full bibliographic details including the page number(s) from which the information is taken.In the case of a book, ‘bibliographical details’ refers to: author/editor, year of publication, title, edition, volume number, place of publication and publisher as found on the front and back of the title page. (Not all of thesedetails will necessarily be applicable).In the case of a journal article, the details required include: author of the article, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, volume and issue number of the journal, and page numbers.For all electronic information, in addition to the above you should note the date that you accessed theinformation, and database name or web address (URL).2. Insert the citation at the appropriate place within the text of the document (see examples below).3. Provide a reference list at the end of the document (see examples below).In-Text CitationsUse the name of the author, followed by the year of publication when citing references within the text of an assignment. Where authors of different references have the same family name, include the author’s initials in the in-text citation i.e. (Hamilton, CL 1994) or CL Hamilton (1994). If two or more authors are cited at the same point in the text then they are included in the same in-text citation, separated by a semicolon e.g. (Brown 1991; Smith 2003). They are presented alphabetically by author.When directly quoting from another source, the relevant page number must be given and quotation marks placed around the quote. When paraphrasing or referring to an idea from another source which is a book or lengthy text, include the relevant page number, as this might be useful to the reader.In general, page numbers should be included in all in-text citations, as many schools insist on this practice. How to Create a Reference ListA reference list only includes books, articles etc that are cited in the text. A bibliography is a list containing the sources used in developing a publication and other sources the author considers might be of use or interest to the reader.The reference list is arranged alphabetically by author. Where an item has no author it is cited by its title, and ordered in the reference list or bibliography alphabetically by the first significant word of the title.The Harvard style requires the second and subsequent lines of the reference to be indented, as shown in the examples below, to highlight the alphabetical order2 of 11Semester 1 2006Examples of referencing:Books In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Single author ‘The theory was first propounded in1993’ (Comfort 1997, p. 58)OR‘Comfort (1997, p. 58) claimedthat…’ Comfort, A 1997, A good age, Mitchell Beazley,London.Book2 or3 authors (Madden & Hogan 1997, p. 45)ORMadden and Hogan (1997, p. 45)discuss this idea… Madden, R & Hogan, T 1997, The definition ofdisability in Australia: moving towards nationalconsistency, Australian Institute of Health andWelfare, Canberra.Book4 or more authors (Leeder et al. 1996, p. 69) Leeder, SR, Dobson, AJ, Gibbers, RW, Patel, NK,Mathews, PS, Williams, DW & Mariot, DL 1996,The Australian film industry, Dominion Press,Adelaide.BookNo author ‘This was apparently not the casebefore about 1995’ (Advertising inthe Western Cape 1990, p. 14)…OR‘In Advertising in the Western Cape(1990, p. 14) it was claimed that…’ Advertising in the Western Cape 1990, ABCPublishers, Cape Town.BookMultiple works by same author ‘University research (Brown 1982,1988) has indicated that…’Brown, P 1982, Corals in the Capricorn group, CentralQueensland University, Rockhampton.Brown, P 1988, The effects of anchor on corals,Central Queensland University, Rockhampton.Order chronologically in the reference list.Book3of11 Semester12006Multiple works published in the same year by the same author ‘In recent reports (Napier 1993a,1993b)…’Use a/b etc. to differentiatebetween works in same year.Napier, A 1993a, Fatal storm, Allen & Unwin, Sydney.Napier, A 1993b, Survival at sea, Allen & Unwin,Sydney.Order alphabetically by title in the reference list.BookEditor (Kastenbaum 1993, p. 78) Kastenbaum, R (ed.) 1993, Encyclopedia of adultdevelopment, Oryx Press, Phoenix.Edited BookDifferent Editions Renton (2004, p. 5) suggests that… Renton, N 2004, Compendium of good writing, 3rdedn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton.An edition number is placed after the title of thework - this is not necessary for a first edition.BookEncyclopedia or Dictionary The new Grove dictionary of musicand musicians (1980, p. 85)defined it as...Sadie, S (ed.) 1980, The new Grove dictionary ofmusic and musicians, 6th edn, Macmillan,London.Edited BookArticle or chapter in a book As discussed by Blaxter (1976, p.101)…Blaxter, M 1976, ‘Social class and health inequalities’,in C Carter & J Peel (eds), Equalities andinequalities in health, Academic Press, London,pp. 120-135.Book SectionArticle or chapter in a book – no author (Solving the Y2K problem 1997, p.23).‘Solving the Y2K problem’ 1997, in D Bowd (ed.),Technology today and tomorrow, Van NostrandReinhold, New York, p. 27.Book SectionYou will need to edit the in-text citation forit to appear in italics.Brochure (Research and Training Centre1993, p. 2) Research and Training Centre on Independent Living1993, Guidelines for reporting and writing aboutpeople with disabilities [Brochure], 4th edn,Research and Training Centre, Lawrence, KS.The publisher’s name may be abbreviated if it isalso the author.BookYou will need to type [Brochure] manuallyafter the title.4of11 Semester12006E-book (Pettinger 2002) Pettinger, R 2002, Global organizations, CapstonePublishing, Oxford. Retrieved September 28,2004, from NetLibrary database. Electronic Book(put September 28, 2004 in the Date Accessed field, NetLibrary in Name of Database)Thesis (Jones 1998, p. 89) Jones, F 1998, ‘The mechanism of Bayer residueflocculation’, PhD Thesis, Curtin University ofTechnology. Retrieved December 21, 2005, fromCurtin University of Technology Digital Theses. Thesis(put PhD in Thesis Type,December 21, 2005 in Access Date, Curtin University of Technology Digital Theses in URL.)Conference Proceeding (Debono 2000) Debono, C 2000, ‘The National Trust into the newmillennium’, Proceedings of the ninth meeting ofthe International National Trust, AustralianCouncil of National Trusts, Alice Springs, NT, pp.44-6. Retrieved January 20, 2006, from InformitOnline database.Conference Proceeding(put The National trust into the newmillennium in Title, Proceedings of theninth meeting of the International NationalTrust in Conference Name, AustralianCouncil of National Trusts in Publisher,Alice Springs, NT in Conference Location, January 20, 2006 in Access Date,Informit Online in Name of Database.)Annual report of an organisation (Department of Transport andRegional Services 2001)ORBillabong’s annual report (2005)Department of Transport and Regional Services 2001,Annual report 2001-2002, Canberra.ORBillabong International Ltd. 2005, Annual report 2005 –brands. Retrieved January 27, 2006, from Connect4database.ReportImage in a book The poster ‘Buy Australian Apples’(Cowle & Walker 2005, p. 65) Cowle, C & Walker, D 2005, The art of apple branding, Apples from Oz, Hobart.BookPrint Journals In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Article As mentioned by Wharton (1996, p.8)… Wharton, N 1996, ‘Health and safety in outdoor activitycentres’, Journal of Adventure Education andOutdoor Leadership, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 8-9.Journal Article5of11 Semester12006Article – no author ‘It’s a growing problem in the U.K.’(Anorexia nervosa 1969, p. 530)… ‘Anorexia nervosa’ 1969, British Medical Journal, vol.1, pp. 529-30.Journal ArticleYou will need to edit the in-textcitation for it to appear in italics.Newspaper/Magazine article (Towers 2000) Towers, K 2000, 'Doctor not at fault: coroner',Australian, 18 January, p. 3.Newspaper ArticleNewspaper article – no author .....in the Sydney Morning Herald(24 January 2000, p. 12)Provide all the details in the in-text citation – noneed for an entry in the reference list.Press release (Watersmith 2000) Watersmith, C 2000, BHP enters new era, mediarelease, BHP Limited, Melbourne, 1 March.Report(put media release in the AccessionNumber field, BHP Limited in Institution, 1March in Report Number)Electronic Journals In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Full text from an electronic database (Madden 2002) Madden, G 2002, ‘Internet economics and policy: anAustralian perspective’, Economic Record, vol.78, no. 242, pp. 343-58. Retrieved October 16,2002, from ABI/INFORM Global database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, ABI/INFORM database in Name ofDatabase.Full text from an electronic database – no author ‘The internet has had a hugeimpact on the Australian economy’(Internet economics and policy2002, p. 350)'Internet economics and policy: an Australianperspective' 2002, Economic Record, vol. 78, no.242, pp. 343-58. Retrieved October 16, 2002,from ABI/INFORM Global database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, ABI/INFORM Global database inName of Database)You will need to edit the in-textcitation for it to appear in italics.6of11 Semester12006Full text newspaper, newswire or magazine from an electronic database – no author (WA packed with overseas appeal2004)‘WA packed with overseas appeal’ 2004, WestAustralian, 12 November, p. 47. RetrievedNovember 13, 2004, from Factiva database.Newspaper Article(put November 13, 2004 in the AccessDate field, Factiva database in Name ofDatabase)You will need to edit the in-text citationfor it to appear in italicsFull text from the internet It was proposed by Byrne (2004)that…Byrne, A 2004, 'The end of history: censorship andlibraries', The Australian Library Journal, vol. 53,no. 2. Retrieved November 16, 2004, from.au/publishing/alj/53.2/full.text/byrne.htmlJournal Article(put November 16, 2004 in the AccessDate field,.au/publishing/alj/53.2/full.text/byrne.html in Database)Article from Curtin E-Reserve (Davidhizar & Dowd 1997, p. 29) Davidhizar, R & Dowd, SB 1997, ‘The art of giving aneffective presentation’, Health Care Supervisor,vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 25-31. Retrieved October 16,2002, from Curtin University Library & InformationService E-Reserve.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, Curtin University Library &Information Service E-Reserve inDatabase)Article from database on CD-ROM (BPO) (La Rosa 1992, p. 58) La Rosa, SM 1992, 'Marketing slays the downsizingdragon', Information Today, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 58-9. Retrieved October 16, 2002, from UMIBusiness Periodicals Ondisc database.Journal Article(put October 16, 2002 in the Access Datefield, UMI Business Periodicals Ondisc inName of Database)Secondary Sources In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Book ‘Including neuralgia’ (Carini andHogan, cited in Thibodeau & Patton2002, p. 45)ORCarini and Hogan (cited inThibodeau & Patton 2002, p. 45)… Thibodeau, GA & Patton, KT (eds.) 2002. The humanbody in health and disease, Mosby, St. Louis, Mo.Record the book that you actually sourced.BookYou will need to type Carini and Hoganmanually in the in-text citation.7of11 Semester12006Journal Article ‘…origins of neuralgia’ (Carini andHogan, cited in Patton 2002, p.2154)ORCarini and Hogan (cited in Patton2002) Patton, KT 2002, ‘Neuralgia and headaches’, Science,vol. 4, pp. 2153-55.Record the journal that you actually sourced.Journal ArticleYou will need to type Carini and Hoganmanually in the in-text citation.World Wide Web In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Document on WWW ‘It’s essential you learn how toreference’ (Dawson et al. 2002). Dawson, J, Smith, L, Deubert, K & Grey-Smith, S2002, ‘S’ Trek 6: referencing, not plagiarism.Retrieved October 31, 2002, from.au/Electronic Source(use Access Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Document on WWW – No author (Leafy seadragons and weedyseadragons 2001)Leafy seadragons and weedy seadragons 2001.Retrieved November 13, 2002, from.au/~jenny/seadragons/Electronic Source(use Access Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Document on WWW – No date (Royal Institute of British Architectsn.d.)Royal Institute of British Architects n.d., Shaping thefuture: careers in architecture. Retrieved May 31,2005, from /Electronic Source(put Royal Institute of British Architects inthe Author field, n.d. in Year, useAccess Date & URL for retrievedstatement.)Image on the web The image of the bleached coral(Coral bleaching and massbleaching events 2002) Coral bleaching and mass bleaching events [Image]2002. Retrieved September 2, 2005 from.au/corp_site/info_services/science/bleachingElectronic Source(type [Image] manually after the title of theimage)8of11 Semester12006GovernmentPublicationsIn-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Act of Parliament The Commonwealth’s CopyrightAct 1968...[future references do not includedate] Legislation is included in a list of references only ifit is important to an understanding of the work. Setthe list apart from the main body of the referenceunder the subheading 'Legislation'.Essential elements: Short title Date (Jurisdiction)eg. Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth).If legislation is obtained from an electronicdatabase, add a retrieved statement as forelectronic journal articles.Enter in-text citation manually.Cases The State of New South Wales v.The Commonwealth (1915) 20 CLR54 Legal authorities are included in a list ofreferences only if they are important to anunderstanding of the work. Set the list apart fromthe main body of the reference under thesubheading 'Legal Authorities'.CaseYou will need to edit the in-text citation forit to appear in italics and add the caseabbreviationAustralian Bureau of Statistics Bulletin (Australian Bureau of Statistics1999)Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999, Disability, ageingand carers: summary of findings, cat. no. 4430.0,ABS, Canberra.Report(put cat. no. 4430.0 in the AccessionNumber field, ABS in Institution)Australian Bureau of Statistics from AusStats (Australian Bureau of Statistics1999)Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999, Disability, ageingand carers: summary of findings, cat. no. 4430.0,ABS, Canberra. Retrieved October 14, 2002, fromAusStats database.Report(put cat. no. 4430.0 in the AccessionNumber field, October 14, 2002 in AccessDate, AusStats in Name of Database.)Census Information (Australian Bureau of Statistics2001) Australian Bureau of Statistics 2001, Census ofpopulation and housing: B01 selectedcharacteristics (First release processing) postalarea 6050. Retrieved November 20, 2002, fromAusStats database.Report(use Access Date & Name of Databasefor retrieved statement.)Government Report (Resource AssessmentCommission 1991) Resource Assessment Commission 1991, Forest andtimber inquiry: draft report, vol. 1, AustralianGovernment Publishing Service, Canberra.Report(put vol. 1 in the Accession Number field,Australian Government PublishingService in Institution.)9of11 Semester12006Patent U.S. Patent No. 4554399 (1985) Cookson, AH 1985, Particle trap for compressed gasinsulated transmission systems, U.S. Patent4554399. Patent(put Cookson, AH in Inventor, U.S. Patent 4554399 in Patent Number.)Standard (Standards Australia 1997) Standards Australia 1997, Size coding scheme forinfants’ and children’s clothing – underwear andouterwear, AS 1182-1997. Retrieved January 10,2006, from Standards Australia Online database. Report(put AS 1182-1997 in the Accession Number field, January 10, 2006 in Access Date, Standards Australia Online in Name of Database.)Other Sources In-Text Example Reference List Example EndNote 9 (which reference type?)Personal communication, e-mail and discussion lists with no web archive. ‘It was confirmed that an outbreakoccurred in London’ (S Savieri1999, pers. comm., 24 April).Not included in reference list as they cannot betraced by the reader.Enter in-text citation manually.Films and videorecordings, (Grumpy meets the orchestra 1992) Grumpy meets the orchestra 1992, videorecording,Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Sydney.Featuring the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.Any special information may be noted after thecitation.Film or Broadcast(put videorecording in the Format field,Featuring the Sydney SymphonyOrchestra in Credits.)Television and radio programmes (What are we going to do with themoney? 1997)What are we going to do with the money? 1997,television programme, SBS Television, Sydney, 8August.Film or Broadcast(put television programme in the FormatField, SBS Television in Distributor,Sydney in Country.)Podcasts (The wings of a butterfly – children,teenagers and anxiety 2005) The wings of a butterfly - children, teenagers andanxiety 2005, podcast radio programme, ABCRadio National, Sydney, 10 September.Retrieved September 16, 2005, from.au/podcast/default.htm#mindFilm or Broadcast(put podcast radio programme in theFormat field, ABC Radio National inDistributor, Sydney in Country, 10September in Date Released,September 28, 2005 in Access Date,.au/podcast/default.htm#mind in URL.)10of11 Semester12006CD-ROMS (Dr Brain thinking games 1998) Dr Brain thinking games 1998, CD-ROM, KnowledgeAdventure Inc., Torrance, California.Computer ProgramERIC document (microfiche) Davis and Lombardi (1996) putforward the proposal that…Davis, RK & Lombardi, TP 1996, 'The quality of life ofrural high school special education graduates', inRural goals 2000: Building programs that work.ERIC Document No. 394765, microfiche.Generic(put Rural goals 2000: Building programsthat work in the Secondary Title field,ERIC Document No. ED394765 inPublisher, microfiche in Type of Work)E-mail discussion list – web archive (Little 2002) Little, L 2002, 'Two new policy briefs', ECPOLICYdiscussion list, 16 April. Retrieved November 13,2002 from /VirtualListserv_Archives/ECPOLICY/2002/Apr_2002/Msg00003.htmlNewspaper Article(put Little, L in the Reporter field,ECPOLICY in Newspaper, discussion listin Section, November 13, 2002 in Notes,/VirtualListserv_Archives/ECPOLICY/2002/Apr_2002/Msg00003.html in Type ofArticle)It is very important that you check your department's or school's assignment guide as some details, e.g. punctuation, may vary from the guidelines on this page. You may be penalised for not conforming to your school's requirements.11of11 Semester12006。
英文参考文献著录常用格式 伦敦模式
伦敦模式(The Harvard referencing system),又称哈佛体系,是英国伦敦大学作为文献引用的一种标准著录格式。
盛顿模式那样规定页面(Reference list)中的条目项目排序。
THE HARVARD CITATION AND REFERENCING SYSTEM Terry Marris September 2004INTRODUCTIONAs students and scholars, the assignments and work we produce are based on the work of others. In general, the introductions and conclusions we write are entirely our own, but the rest of what we write uses information and ideas we find in textbooks, journals, the Internet, lecture notes and in talking with other people.As students and scholars we are obliged to acknowledge these sources of information and ideas. If we do not, then we are passing off the ideas and work of others' as if they were are our own; this is dishonest.Scholars use systematic methods to acknowledge their sources. One such method is the Harvard Citation and Referencing SystemThe Harvard system uses in-text citation and a list of references.An in-text citation might include the author's name and the year of publication, written within square brackets at the end of the sentence and before the full stop.A reference might include the author's name in capitals, the year published, the book title in italics, and the publisher. A list of references, one for each citation and organised in alphabetical order by author's surname, is placed at the end of the document.A list of references is not a bibliography. A bibliography is a list of sources that may or may not have been used to create your work.IN-TEXT CITATIONTextbookA quality computer program is accurate, reliable, robust, efficient, usable, maintainable and readable [CHANTLER 1981].Surname in capitals, year of publication, written within square brackets at the end of the sentence and before the full stop.A Boolean object has one of two possible values: true and false. [KNOTT et al 1990]et al means "and others". Use if there are more than three authorsWebsiteScholars include references to the words, information and ideas of others in their work [.au/onlib/ref2.html].Cite just the website URL if the author's name is unknown. Otherwise cite the authors name and year of publication.Students are often told they must do their own work and not copy others. But in industry most computing projects are completed by teams [DOBBIE 2003].Dictionaries and Reference WorksTo plagiarise means to steal ideas or passages from another person's work and present them as one's own [Collins Paperback Dictionary 1999].Cite the title of the reference work and the year published.Unpublished work such as lecture notes and lecturesZ is a notation that uses the mathematics of sets and logic to describe the behaviour of computer systems [MARRIS 2004]Z is not difficult. It becomes quite easy when you get used to the notation. What makes Z hard is that it forces you to think about the computer system you are trying to describe [MARRIS 2003]Personal CommunicationsThere is a direct link between the ability to do mathematics and the ability to write computer programs [CHANDARANA H. 2004]include the source's initialsREFERENCE LISTin alphabetical order. Include full publication details.TextbookCHANTLER A. 1981 Programming Techniques and Practice NCC Manchester UK author surname in capitals, initial, year of publication, title in italics, publisher, place of publicationKNOTT G, WAITES N, CALLAGHAN P, ELLISON J. 1990 Computer Studies for BTEC 2nd edn Business Education Publishers Sunderland UKfull list of authors, edition (edn) if not the first, indent if need to continue on the next lineWebsiteDOBBIE G. March 2003 National University of Singapore, accessed 3 Sep 20004 <.sg/link/mar2001/team1.htm>for websites include whatever you can from author, site date, name and sponsor ofsite, date of viewing and URL between angle brackets.The Learning Centre @ The University of south Wales, Sydney, Australia, accessed2 Sep 2004 <.au/onlib/ref.html>Dictionaries and Reference WorksPaperback English Dictionary 1999 Collins Glasgow UKfor dictionaries and reference works include the title, year published, publisher andwhere publishedUnpublished work such as lecture notes and lecturesMARRIS T. 7 Oct 2003 Formal Methods Lecture 1 Leicester College.MARRIS T. 2004 Z Notes Leicester College unpublishedPersonal CommunicationsCHANDARANA H 2004 pers. comm. 3 Sep interview by authorpers. comm. means personal communication e.g. by interview, letter, e-mail etcCONCLUSIONEvery piece of written work you hand in must acknowledge your sources of information and ideas. Within the text of your work you quote the source, at least author and year, and possibly page number, alongside each idea or piece of information. At the end of your document you produce a list of references. Each citation must have an entry in your reference list. Each entry in your reference list must have a citation in the body of your work somewhere. In your reference list you include as much information as you can with the information you have to hand. As far as you possibly can you stick to the conventions for punctuation and layout.A reference list is not a bibliography. A bibliography is a set of references that are relevant to the subject.BIBLIOGRAPHYThe Learning Centre @ The University of South Wales, Sydney, Australia, accessed2 Sep 2004, <.au/onlib/ref.html>Maritime/Transport Studies Information Sources Jan 2003, accessed 1 Sep 2004, </lea/info/sci/maritime.htm>The University of Newcastle Australia, Library<.au/services/library/biol1030/ref_harvard.html>Curtin University of Technology Library & Information Service, accessed 21 Jan 2004<.au.reference/harvard.html>。
Brief Guide to Referencingwith Harvard S y s t e mReferencing with Harvard SystemThis is a guide to the Harvard system but you should always check your course handbook and/or module outline for any further guidance, as your lecturers may prefer a different style of referencing.Introduction:This guide gives advice on referencing using the Harvard System. This is the preferred referencing system for many of the departments at the Xi’a n Jiaotong –Liverpool University. There are numerous different types of referencing systems available. And most style guides fall into two commonly used system: 1) author-date system (Harvard, APA) and 2) numeric system (Vancouver, MLA). To be noted, Harvard is an author-date citation system rather than a bibliography style itself. Bibliographic style is a personal choice, it is about whether titles are italicised, in bold, underlined, authors’ full names or initials are included. So the Harvard system can use different styles which dictate the appearance of your document but you should always have a citation in the text and a bibliographic reference at the end of your document. This guide suggests a style within Harvard system which aligns with the guidance of University of Liverpool.Plagiarism:When writing assignments you must acknowledge the source of your ideas and quotes in sufficient detail so that readers can locate the item. Referencing is important to avoid plagiarism, to verify quotations and to enable readers to follow up what you have written and locate the cited work. Plagiarism is d efined by Xi’a n Jiaotong –Liverpool University Student Regulations as “Re producing material from other works or a paraphrase of such material without acknowledgemen t”. For more information on how to avoid plagiarism please refer to Department of Registry.Collecting and organizing references:It is often not easy (or possible) to retrieve sources after you have written your text. For this reason it is best to write down all the citation details of a source as you use it, and to compile a reference list at the end of the document that includes full details of all references cited. Bibliographic software, such as EndNote, RefWorks, will help you organize your references according to different citation systems and to add the citations to your text.Two parts in Harvard System:•In-text citation -Citing in the text of your work: this means acknowledging, within your text, the sources that you have used.•Your Bibliography (containing bibliographic citations): these are the details of the sources you have used. You list them in alphabetical order at the end of your work. This is your reference list. You can see instructions for developing your bibliography later in this guideline.In-text citations:•In an author-date style, in-text citations usually require the name of the author(s) and the year of publication.• A page number is included if you have a direct quote, paraphrase a passage or you want to direct the reader to a specific page. Page numbers may also be included if you are referring to a long work and the page numbers might be useful to the reader.How to create a reference list/bibliography• A reference list contains only the books, articles, and web pages etc. that are cited in the text of the document. A bibliography includes all sources consulted for background or further reading.• A reference list is arranged alphabetically by author.•If you have more than one item with the same author, list the items chronologically, starting with the earliest publication.August 2013ContentsBooks (4)Chapter in a book (6)Conference papers (7)Journal articles (8)Theses (8)Reports (9)Web pages (9)Tables, Images or Diagrams (10)Other internet sources (11)Patents (11)Standards (12)Maps (12)DVD or Video (13)Non-English texts ...................................................... . (13)Lecture notes (14)Personal communications (14)Indirect citations (15)Direct quotations (15)Further Information (16)Acknowledgement (16)。
What is the Harvard reference system
What is the Harvard reference system?The Harvard reference system, also known as the author-date system, is Emerald's approved system of citing other works. A distinguishing feature of the system is that in the body of the text, the cited work is given a simple parenthetical reference as follows:"While information sharing between the private and public sector has improved since 9/11, sharing of information requires additional enhancements (Dacey, 2002)."转述的话最后标注"Although much recent research has focused on the importance of long-term strategic relationships (Morgan and Hunt, 1994; Wilson, 1995)."多个人的文献引用The quoted work will then be listed in full, in alphabetical order, in a section entitled "References" at the end of the article.按姓氏字母顺序References should be used whenever you use a direct quotation from another author, also when you are quoting someone else's opinion or research. Sometimes, the reference may be direct, as in the second example, at others it may be indirect, as in the first, when the author is acknowledging that he or she has taken the statement from someone else's work.Elements of a Harvard-style referenceThe basic structureList alphabetically by lead author's surname (i.e. the surname that appears first in the work quoted).While conventions of use of italics, quotations etc. will vary according to the media, the basic structure is as follows:∙Surname, initials∙(year of publication)∙Title∙Publisher, place of publication, journal, etc.∙Exact reference.Putting references in orderEntries should follow alphabetical order of author surname.∙If there is more than one entry by the same author, put them in date order of publication.∙If an author wrote more than one of your references in a single year, then use 2000a, 2000b, etc.References by more than one author always follow single author references.∙Three authors follows two, four authors follows three and so on.∙Sort alphabetically using lead author's surname first, then second author, then third author etc.∙Sorting by names in this way is more important than sorting by date.Punctuation should be as follows:∙for two authors, separate by "and", without a comma∙for multiple authors, separate by a comma, but the last name should be linked by "and"without the comma.ExampleRichardson, A. (1988)Richardson, A. (1989a)Richardson, A. (1989b)Richardson, A. and Brown, B., (1988)Richardson, A. and Smith, S., (1986)Richardson, A., Brown, B. and Smith, S. (1983)Ingram, T.N., Schwepker, C.H. and Hutson, D. (1992)Ingram, T.N., Laforge, R.W., Schwepker, C.H. Jr, Avila, R.A. and Williams, M.R. (1997)Ingram, T.N., Laforge, R.W., Avila, R.A. and Schwepker, C.H. Jr and Williams, M.R. (2001)How to cite different source typesBooks书的引用∙Surname, initials∙(year of publication)∙Title∙Edition∙Publisher∙Place of publication.ExampleAbbott, A. (1988), System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor , University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.Patton, M.Q. (1990), Qualitative Evaluation and Research Methods , 2nd ed., Sage, Newbury Park, CA.A chapter from an edited book∙Surname, A.N.引用的章节的作者∙(year of publication)∙"Title of chapter"引用的章节∙in Editor surname, initials (Ed.)书的主编∙Title of Book∙Edition∙Publisher∙Place of publication∙Chapter page numbers.ExampleBourdieu, P.(1977), "The forms of capital", in Richardson, J.G. (Ed.), Handbook of Theory and Research for the Sociology of Education, Greenwood Press, New York, NY, pp. 311-56.A translated work∙Surname, A.N.∙(year of publication)∙Title of Book∙Edition∙Translated by Translator name, initials翻译作者∙Publisher∙Place of publication.ExampleBourdieu, P. (1977), Outline of a Theory of Practice, translated by Nice, R., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Journal articles∙Surname, A.N.∙(year of publication)∙"Article title"∙Journal Title∙Volume number, Issue number (if it exists)∙Article page numbers.ExampleBaron, R.M. and Kenny, D.A. (1986), "The moderator-mediator variable distinction in social psychological research", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 51, pp. 1173-82.Guthrie, J. and Parker, L. (1997) "Editorial: Celebration, reflection and a future: a decade of AAAJ", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal , Vol. 10 No.1, pp. 3-8Electronic sourcesNB this refers to a source which is only available electronically, and not to sources which you may have accessed electronically but which are also available in print form, such as an article from an Emerald journal accessed via the Web.These follow the same convention of referencing as for printed sources, but include elements unique to the Web:∙Name∙(year of publication)∙"Article title"∙available at: full url∙(accessed date)For the last two elements, please try to remember the following conventions:∙When giving the url, "http://" should only be included if the address does not include "www"∙(accessed date) is important because of the lack of permanence of Internet sites. ExampleBetter Business Bureau (2001), "Third-party assurance boosts online purchasing", available at: /about/press/2001/101701.asp (accessed 7 January 2002).Hummingbird (2002), Hummingbird corporate website, available at: (accessed 2 January 2002).Leeds Metropolitan University (2002), "Business Start-Up@Leeds Met", available at: /city/bus_startup.htmPitkow, J. and Kehoel, C. (1997), "GVU's WWW user surveys", available at: Ballantyne, D. (2000), "Dialogue and knowledge generation: two sides of the same coin in relationship marketing", paper presented at the 2nd WWW Conference on Relationship Marketing,November 1999-February 2000, Monash University and MCB University Press, available at: /services/conferen/nov99/rm/paper3.htmlAn electronic journal would be referenced as follows:电子期刊∙Surname, A.N.∙(year of publication)∙"Article title"∙JournalTitle∙Volume number, Issue number∙Article page numbers∙Available at: url∙(accessed date)ExampleSwaminathan, V., Lepkoswka-White, E. and Rao, B.P. (1999), "Browsers or buyers in cyberspace? An investigation of electronic factors influencing electronic exchange", Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Vol. 5 No. 2, available at: www. / jcmc/vol5/ issue2/Conference papers会议论文Some papers may not be published in journals but may be delivered at a conference and then published as part of the proceedings of that conference, in which case, use one of the following styles as appropriate.ExampleLodi, E., Veseley, M. and Vigen, J. (2000), "Link managers for grey literature", New Frontiers in Grey Literature, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Grey Literature, Washington, DC, October 4-5, 1999, GreyNet, Amsterdam, pp. 116-34.会议日期Naude, P. and Holland, C. (1998), "Marketing in the information domain", in Halinen-Kaila, A. and Nummela, N. (Eds), Interaction, Relationships and Networks: Visions for the Future, Proceedings of the 14th Annual IMP Conference, pp. 245-62.Stauss, B. and Weinlich, B. (1995), "Process-oriented measurement of service quality by applying the sequential incident technique", paper presented at the Fifth Workshop on Quality Management in Services, EIASM, Tilburg.Strandvik, T. and Storbacka, K. (1996), "Managing relationship quality", paper presented at the QUIS5 Quality in Services Conference, University of Karlstad, Karlstad.As you see, some of the above references give the date of the conference, others do not; if in doubt, follow the convention used by the conference.Government or commercial reportsParticularly when writing a case study, you may want to refer to company or government documents. In which case, the organization may become the author and the form of entry would be as follows:∙Organization name∙(year of publication)∙Title of report∙Publisher and place of publication (may be same as author).ExampleApollo Enterprises (1993), Annual Report , p. 8.Ernst and Ernst (1978), Social Responsibility Disclosure: 1978 Survey, Ernst and Ernst, Cleveland, OH.Bank of England (2003), Quarterly Report on Small Business Statistics, Bank of England, London.Department for Trade and Industry (DTI) (2002), White Paper on Enterprise, Skills and Innovation, DTI, London.European Commission (1998), Fostering Entrepreneurship in Europe: Priorities for the Future, European Commission, Brussels.Yorkshire Forward (1999), Regional Economic Strategy, Yorkshire Forward, Leeds.Some guidelines to remember for all source typesIf all the above seems complicated, it's worth remembering that the Harvard system is actually quite logical. Bear in mind the following guidelines:∙The entry always begins with the author's surname, followed by initials, followed by the date in brackets.∙Authors' surnames and initials are always inverted, i.e. Other, A.N. (whether you are referring to the author of an article/chapter, or the editor of the work within which the work is found).∙If more than one entry by the same author, put in order of dates.∙Publications, whether book or journal titles, are always in italic, with significant words only capitalized. Make sure that the journal title is exactly the same, e.g. use of &/and.∙Excerpts from publications, i.e. book chapters, journal articles, always come in "quotes", with only the first word, proper names, and German nouns, capitalized.∙The name of the publisher is shown before the place of publication (as it would be in an address). Abbreviations for US states should be in short capitalized form, e.g. CA, MA, rather than Ca., Mass., and should be added as necessary.∙Electronic references follow the same conventions as printed ones, followed by "available at:" and the URL. Only retain "http://" if the address does NOT include www. Also, state the date when last accessed (accessed ...).∙Use commas to separate elements of the entry.References within the textWhere should the reference appear?All citations in the text will appear by just author surname and date of publication, in parenthesis.If, as in the second example given below, it is more natural to integrate the author's name into a sentence, then only the date will appear in parenthesis. If both name and date appear together in parentheses, it is Emerald style to separate them with a comma.ExampleThe results (Vroom, 1960) were quite striking.Several decades later participation became a key ingredient of several management theories, including those of Likert (1967), Maier (1970), and Hersey and Blanchard (1982).What if there is more than one author in the reference?In the case of two authors, use "and" (never &):ExampleEarlier (Vroom and Jago, 1988) we described a systematic evaluation ...Vroom and Yetton (1973) studied this potential limitation.In the case of more than two authors, use " et al." to avoid listing author names in full (note italics).... the ability to respond intuitively and often very rapidly (Bar-Tel et al., 1999; Prietula and Simon, 1989; Schoemaker and Russo, 1993; Simon, 1997).Crossan et al.(1999) stress that the subconscious is critical to understanding how people come to ...The references will be listed in full at the end of the article.ExampleBar-tel, Y., Raviv, A. and Spitzer, A. (1999) ...Crossan, M., Lane, H. and White, R. (1999) ...However, if there is more than one multi-authored work in the same year by the same lead author, the names should appear in full.ExampleBar-tel, Raviv and Spitzer (1999)Crossan, Lane and White (1999)How should the reference be positioned if it follows a quote?In the case of a longer, indented quote it should be positioned at the end of the quote, after the full-stop. In the case of a shorter quote, in quotation marks, it should come immediately after the quotation marks and before the full stop if at the end of a sentence.ExampleAs they note:"Holistic approaches rely on experience-based knowledge rather than on abstract knowledge ...and a search for the 'middle way' between opposing propositions". (Nisbett et al., 2001)National culture is "perhaps the broadest social context within which negotiation can occur" (Carnevale, 1995, p. 310).What happens if there is a string of references?List in alphabetical order of first author name, separating by a semi-colon.... the ability to respond intuitively and often very rapidly (Bar-Tel et al ., 1999; Prietula and Simon, 1989; Schoemaker and Russo, 1993; Simon, 1997).The literature on cross-cultural negotiations is expanding at a rapid rate and scholars have begun to develop both generic frameworks for explaining the dynamics of cross cultural negotiations (Brett, 2000; Gelfand and Dyer, 2000; George et al ., 1998; Kumar, 1999a) as well as frameworks unique to a specific culture (Fang, 1997; Faure, 1998; Kumar, 1999b).What if the author has published two or more works in the same yearThese should be labelled 1999a, 1999b, etc. with the letter closed up to the date. If more than one of these references is used then it should be shown as 2000a, b.ExampleSuch is the scale of improvement within less than a year that "they [the workers] don't call this the Bat Cave any more" (Burt, 2000e; Parsley, 2001a).Between January and July 2000, 500,000 Focuses were sold worldwide and 300,000 of the sales were in Europe (Ford, 2000a, b).What if the author is an organization?The same principles apply – the organization's name will appear as the author.Example... to unlock greater growth and competitiveness (European Commission, 1998).... so that local organizations can help new and growing businesses (DTI, 2002).Note that the second of the two examples uses initials; the full name will appear in the reference list as follows.ExampleDepartment of Trade and Industry (DTI) (2002) ...What happens in the case of electronic references?The principle is exactly the same as for print-based references, as in the following two examples (the full reference is given in square brackets underneath).ExampleFurthermore, a biased sample may be a desirable outcome, as data will be gathered from actual true users (Pitkow and Kehoel, 1997).[Pitkow, J. and Kehoel, C. (1997), "GVU's WWW user surveys", available at: ]... contribute to the growth of sustainable development within the region (Leeds Metropolitan University, 2002).[Leeds Metropolitan University (2002), "Business Startup@LeedsMet", available at: /city/bus_startup.htm]。
The Harvard System of ReferencingWhen writing an essay or other piece of work you will need to show all documents you have referred to. These may include books, journal or newspaper articles, World Wide Web sites, television programmes, films and so on. Academic writing always involves commenting on, comparing and contrasting other people's work. It follows that you must show (cite) references carefully and accurately so that readers can identify and locate them.References need to be cited in two different places. Firstly at the point at which a document is referred to in the body of your piece of work; secondly in a list at the end. There are a number of ways of doing this. The preferred method at ICS is called the Harvard System.Using the Harvard System in the body of your essayAs you write, all statements, opinions, conclusions etc. taken from another writer's work should be acknowledged, whether you are directly quoting from the work or summarising it. In the Harvard System cited works are referred to in the body of the text by giving the author's surname and the year of publication in one of the forms shown below.✓If the author's name occurs in a sentence the year is given in parentheses.e.g. In a recent study Taylor (1997) argued that…✓If the name does not occur naturally in the sentence, then both name and year are given in parentheses.e.g. A recent study (Taylor 1997) shows that...✓If an author has published more than one cited document in the same year, these are distinguished by adding lower case letters (a,b,c, etc.) after the year and within the parentheses.e.g. Harvey (1989a) discussed the subject….✓If there are two authors, the surnames of both should be given.e.g. 'As Lash and Urry (1994) have proposed…'✓If there are more than two authors the surname of the first author only should be given, followed by 'et al'.e.g. Clarke et al. (1975) conclude that…'✓If you quote, or refer to a specific passage rather than a general theme, you should insert a colon after the year and then add page numbers.e.g. According to Barthes, 'Semiology is a science of forms, since itstudies signification's apart from their content' (1973: 120).✓If a quotation amounts to more than four lines long in your own text then instead of enclosing it in quotation marks indent the left margin of the quote, returning to the full margin at its end.e.g. Charles Keil attributes 'groove' in popular music to discrepancies ormismatches in rhythm:It is the little discrepancies between hands and feet within a jazz drummer's beat, between bass and drums… (Keil 1994:98)✓If you reference an author's work as you come across it in another work then you must cite both writers.e.g. Foucault has suggested that, 'The present epoch will perhaps beabove all the epoch of space' (quoted in Soja, 1993:136)✓If the quotation or passage referred to runs over more than one page in the source text then link page numbers with a dash.e.g. McLuhan only begins to discuss television in a short section at theend of the book (1967:329-360).Using the Harvard System to compile a list of references at the end of an essayAt the end of a piece of work you should show a list of the references you have cited. This is sometimes called bibliography. In the Harvard System, the references are listed in alphabetical order of author's names.✓If you have cited more than one item by a specific author they should be listed chronologically (earliest first), and by letter (1993a, 1993b) if more than one item has been published during a specific year.✓For references toauthors you should use the following format and punctuation:Author or authors' surname(s), initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title in italics or underlined. Edition (if not the first). Place of publishing: Publishere.g. Monaco, J. (1981). H ow to read a film: the art, technology,language, history, and theory of film and media.2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press✓For a reference to a contribution in a collection or anthology:Surname of contributing author, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of contribution within quotation marks, the word 'in' followed by author oreditor of publication (initials, surname), ed. Or eds. (if relevant). Title in italics or underlined. Edition (if not the first). Place of publishing: publishere.g. Benveniste, E. (1996) 'The nature of the linguistic sign', in P.Cobley, ed. The communication theory reader. New York: Routledge✓Author's surname, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of article within inverted commas. Title of journal in italics or underlined, volume number and part number (with the latter in parentheses)e.g. Cornford, J and Robins, K. (1992) 'Development strategies in theaudio-visual industries: the case of North East England', Regional Studies, 26(5)✓For a reference to a (e.g. a Name of issuing body Year of publication (in parentheses). Title of publication (in italics or underlined). Publisher, report number (where relevant)e.g. Independent Television Commission (1991) The ITC code ofadvertising standards and practice. ITC✓Author's surname, initials. Year of publication (in parentheses) Title of article within inverted commas, Title of newspaper in italics or underlined, month and day of publicatione.g. Meek, J. (1997) 'Who pays the piper decides the news', The Guardian, September 12✓Title of programme (in italics or underlined). Year of broadcast (in parentheses) Name of production company (if available) Channel, month and day of broadcast (if available)e.g. Eastenders (1997) BBC, September 11✓Director's surname, initials. Year of release (in parentheses) Title of film (in italics or underlined). Name of Production Company (if available)e.g. Lean, D. (1945 Brief Encounter. Eagle-Lion✓Author's surname, initials (if available). Title of site (in italics or underlined), URL, date of access (in parentheses)e.g. The Bhangra Net,http:/Bhan1.htm (1997, SeptemberPerformer's surname, initials or group name. Year of release (in parentheses) Title of piece within inverted commas, Title of album or CD (if applicable) (in italics or underlined). Record company, catalogue numbere.g. Funkadelic (1970) 'Eulogy and light', Free your mind. WestboundRecords, CDSEWM 012。
哈佛大学文献标注方法(Harvard referencing system)外国的老师很看重学生参考文献的引用,这个也是占分数的。
(一)文中不出现作者姓名如果引用作者的某句话或者某个观点,就在这句话的末尾加(),()内要标注作者的姓名和该文章出版的年份,如(Author 2005)。
如:Making reference to published work appears to be characteristic of writing for a professional audience (Cormack 1994).如:(Jones 1946; Smith 1948)如:Recent research has found that the majority of……(Green et al 1995)(二)文中出现作者姓名如果正文中出现了作者的姓名,如xxx said/ concluded/ suggests….则在姓名后面加(),()内只要标注年份即可,如(2005)。
如:Cormack (1994, p.32-33) states that 'when writing for a professional readership, writers invariably make reference to already published works'.如:Jones (1946) and Smith (1948)have both shown……如:Green et al (1995) found that the majority ……(三) 其他情况如果一个作者同年出版了两本书,如2005年,要这样标:(Author 2005a) 或(Author 2005b);如果在一篇文章中引用多篇报纸文章,要表明这篇报纸文章的具体日期,如(The Guardian, October 18, 2005)。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
哈佛参考文献注释体系与学术规范参考文献的呈现方式有一定的规范,本文仅就目前较为普遍使用的哈佛体系(Harvard System)作一介绍。
哈佛注释体系(Harvard System),也叫“作者-日期法”(Author-date method)。
比如,In a recent study Harvey (1993) argued that ...。
2.当作者姓名不在句子中自然出现时,姓和出版年份都放在括号中,比如,A recent study (Harvey, 1993) shows that…。
3.被引用的作者在同一年中出版了两部以上著作或发表了两篇以上的论文,用小写字母a.b.c等予以区别,放在年份后面,如,Johnson (1989a) discussed the subject…。
4.如果被引用著作有两位作者,要将两位作者的姓同时给出,如,Matthews and Jones (1992) have proposed that…。
5.如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.(等人),如,Wilson et al.(1993) conclude that…。
比如,Aitchison (1981), for example, points out that language is subject to change, and is not caused by “unnecessary sloppiness, laziness or ignorance”. 当直接引用的原话超过三行以上时,有的更确切地规定引文超过30个词时,引文须另起一行空格与正文分开,左边缩进,字号缩小或字体变化,不需用引号,在引文结束处将页码放入小括号内。
比如,Paine et al.(1983)added that good praise f ollows the “if-then” rule:The “if-then rule” states that if the student is doing something you wantto encourage—something you want to see the student do again or domore often in the future (and if you are sure that that is what the studentis doing)—then (and only then) you should praise the student for it(p.46).(二)在书(文)后参考书目处的注释规范1.所有参考书目以作者姓名的字母顺序排列,一个作者有多本著作时,则按年份先后排列顺序,一个作者一年内有多本著作出版或论文发表,在年份后按月份先后加小写字母a. b. c.等加以区别。
作者姓,名的首字母大写.(出版年份).书名.出版地:出版商.比如,White, R.( 1988). Advertising: What it is and How to do it. 2nd ed. London: McGrawhill.注意:英语人名书写的顺序一般为名在前,姓在后,比如,Mark Wolery, 和汉语正好相反。
换句话说,只要后面紧跟了逗号,说明逗号前面的就是姓,而不是名,比如,Wolery, M.。
作者姓,名的首字母大写.(出版年份).章节标题.In: 主编名首字母大写 姓,ed. 或者eds. 书名.再版著作注明版次.丛书注明卷次.出版地:出版商.出版年份.论文所在页码.如,Wright, P.(1986). Reactions to an Ads contents versus judgments of Ads impact. In: J. Olsen, & K. Sentis, eds. Advertising and consumer psychology. V ol. 3. New York: Praeger, 1986, 108-117.(3)学术期刊、学报参考文献注释要素和顺序。
作者姓,名的首字母大写.(出版或发行年份).论文题目.刊物名称. 总卷号(本期号).页码。
如,Greco, A.J., & Swayne, L.D. (1992). Sales response of elderly customers to point-of-purchase advertising. Journal of Advertising Research, 32 (5), 43-63.注意:多位作者时,作者与作者之间用逗号,名的首字母大写后用句号。
作者姓,名首字母大写.(年份).论文题目In: 会议文集主编名首字母大写. 姓,ed. 或eds. 文集名,会议地点.时间.出版地:出版商.论文所在页码.如果不是会议文集,而只是会议交流论文,则不必写出编者姓名和文集名,但要给出会议名称、具体的时间、地点。
如,Silver, K.(1989). Electronic mail: the new way to communicate. In: D.I. Raitt, ed. 9th international online information meeting, London 3-5 December 1988. Oxford: Learned Information, 323-330.(5)来自法人团体(如政府部门或其它机构)的参考文献注释。
如,Independent Television Commission.(1991). The ITC code of advertising standards and practice. London: ITC.(6)网上信息或电子出版物参考文献注释。
其规范如下:作者姓,名首字母大写.(日期).题目.[在线]. (编辑、版次). 出版地: 出版商. 网站名: [下载时间].如,Holland, M. (1996). Harvard system [online]. Poole, Bournemouth University. Available from: http://www.fys.uio.no/hovedfag/skriving/harv.html#Electronic%20%20material%20-%20following%20the%20Harvard.如果没有在网上发布的时间,则不必标明,但无论如何一定要给出下载时间。
作者姓名,书名(用斜体或下划线),(出版地和出版年份),页码.如,James Barrett, The Great Southern Railway, (Dublin, 1982), p.3.(2)论文.作者姓名,题目(用引号),in 刊物名称(用斜体或下划线),卷次(年份),页码.如,Jennifer Ryan, “Management Marketing: a case study of Grafton Printers plc”, in The Irish Marketing Journal, V ol. 3 (December 1998), p. 12.(3)论文集。
作者姓名,题目(用引号),in编者姓名(ed),文集名(下划线或斜体),出版地和出版时间(放入括号),页码.如,Howard Lemontr ee, “Discourse Markers” in Joseph Keyes (ed), Discourse across Varieties, (Oxford, 1980), p. 45.(4)重复脚注.当文中连续两次或多次引用同一文献的资源时,第一次引用时按上面规范,同一页上第二次引用同一本书或同一篇论文时,用ibid, 页码。