
1. One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning.2. In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease English films in the original to them.3. On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with it by putting up more discount notices.4. When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in socie they will gradually be~ by the public.5. The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.6. Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertiseto attract customers.7. It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.8. I feel gratitude to him because every time I encountered difficultiesin my study he would help me.9. It will take great pains to improve/change the financial situation ofthe factory.10.Those who advocate the purity of a language protect the language forthesake of their culture.2单元1. Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided.2. The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.3. The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and culture to culture.4. Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye,t~-~re faultsof their children.5. The country needs a leader who will hold the nation togetherwhenviolence breaks out.6. A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likesand those he dislikes.7. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn't my intention to hurt her.8. It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students.9. In some foreign countries, a person who intentionally leaves his jobcan find it easy to step aside for a while, supported by unemployment insurance and other benefits.10. She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died.那些常常说谎又没有充足理由的人被称为病态说谎者。

Unit1 从能力到责任当代的大学生对他们在社会中所扮演的角色的认识模糊不清。

A 1、A deficiency in educational2、A survey shows that ambitious3、All the children in deficient4、Although he was confronted with5、Electronic art is a6、After his graduation from try his luck7、As you are married spouse8、A person who has therapist9、An overwhelming majority10、A number of formidable11、a number of (hypotheses)12、About 100 years theorized13、After cutting the wheat glean14、After two hours .manifest15、almost all the real (stipulate)16、All the survivors psychotherapy17、Americans are tilt18、As a top student. .initiated19、Any action disruptB 1、Between Christmas list2、Because he was driving deviate3、Bert*s wife stick by4、Buying a stretch cost big bucks5、Bill disliked?was mutual6、Both sides have?binding onC1、Could you spare me2、Climate is especil in the case of3、Chronic in digestion come in forms D1、During the interview, certainty2、Do you kown was referred to as3、Death was criminologist4、During negotiation contentiousE1、Examples extracted from2、European TV in comparison3、Electronic art4、Examples of successful initiative5、Educators are worried cocoonF1、Foreign language learners courtesy2、for different endowments3、Faced with the to the hilt4、Feeling a threat depreciateH1、He is loved by sense2、He met with be having an affair with3、He has been watching for every mail4、He is of American origins5、He was arrested and committing6、He is a shrewd7、He left his seek his fortune8、He capabilities opening9、Having the car screwed up10、His behavior is depressive11、His friends slapped12、He showed us all gleanings13、He took her alarmingly14、He wangted to to the hilt15、His life was compartmentalized16、He was a famous articulately17、he is a very (sheer)18、He is quite different s s parklesI1、It is important that functional2、In spite of a good confronted3、It is a very demanding novelty4、In order to make some lease5、It is very interesting prevalent6、It is reported that extracting7、I couldn*t believe he had a stroke8、It is really amazing stroke9、If you want to quit goes with10、I was born and grew up11、I still feel it draw a line between12、I should not let him take on13、In that country, piled up14、It is unlikely that amount to15、If you don*t kown end up16、I asked him was working out17、In order to have a touchy18、In order to prevent in public19、It is a place where dignity20、It is the accumulated differentiates21、I have been ashamed of my refusal22、I could hear (blundering )23、In many places laissez-faire 24、In order to attract fluctuates25、in order to (get into tamper)26、it is unrealistic(infallible)27、it is reported that (conned)28、It was too dark identify29、It is always prudent30、It is wrong for destinyL1、Long time tension deviantly2、Lioyd has carved a niche for3、Life was pure miseryM1、Many discoveries sensitivity2、Many teenagers compulsion3、Many new and lease4、Many immigrants deficiency5、More than twenty confrontation6、Many people in China going through7、Most foreign visitors on their own8、My university, excellence9、My friends and I overly violent10、Many people feel run amok11、Many people stand manifestation12、Many countries have victims13、Many people enjoy wrestling14、Mr.Steele thinks victimization15、more and more people (wincing)N1、Nowadays the tradition prevalent2、Not many people beyond their dreams3、Nowdays the (instantaneously)4、Nowadays,some monstersO1、One evening, stroke2、On children*s Day, waiting around3、On this hot irresistible4、on a hot day (fling off)P1、People who are sensitive2、People feel sorry stroking3、People are expecting be done with it4、People*s appearance makes a difference5、Ping Smulling penaltyS1、Some people are very sensitive2、Statistics reveal prevalent3、Some scientists and doctor purified4、Sometimes, leasing an5、Some people believe hold our peopletogether6、Sometimes, the subtle7、She likes her new job gallivant8、Some educators holding back9、She is quite comfortable with10、She had a talent for11、She sang an emotional12、She suffered burnout13、She was absent a touch of14、She bought a stroll15、she is a good (choked)16、She's an excellent conscientious17、Some people want prestige18、Some problem student identity19、students who by the book20、such a kind (After all)21、surveys made by (fallible)T1、This book is highlights2 The applicants documents withheld3、The Chinese government compulsory4、Those who plan compulsory5、The investigation deviation6、The prevalence of complaints7、The demerits deficient8、There is no need extracts9、Two U.S Army confronted10、The proverb“spare the rod and spoil thechild”11、The documents came in response to12、That pop singer teamed up with13、They look upon training14、Ted cleaned out his desk15、The young generation hates slavingaway16、The big company corporate17、The consulant even devious18、The actress now estate19、The young woman greed20、The policeman took away violated21、These were creatures so to speak22、The strange noise turned out23、They went into a small bar counterpart24、The experienced businessman counseled25、The director told the prospective26、The problem of some adorable27、The projector is connected with28、Aside from taking twenty29、The cultural argument heritage30、The vegetarian ingredients31、They are convinced in corporate32、The minister mandatory33、The tragedy could averted34、The U.S. government rash of35、The best moral sanction36、There was a definite bias37、The British Army in the throes of38、The identical twins adjoining39、These community are likely to40、The investigation bureaucrats41、The university priority42、Through long-time currency43、The people’s shrine44、The differences irreconcilable45、The governing body constituted46、The football match wrestling47、They wrestled the whole day48、The salesman talked victimized49、The colour and manifests50、The saying he gleaned51、The boy said impulsion52、The newly-unearthed embodies53、These sculptures are embodiment54、The arrangement and embodies55、The suffering of multitudinous56、Teachers are required initiate57、the professor had (obscure)58、the treasurer (screwed up)59、the baby kept (embedded)60、To show our appreciation61、To express their multitude62、this man has (credulous)63、these islands are(nonetheless)V Viewers in Shanghai at their disposalW1、We should not turn a blind eye to2、We saw a lot of flattering3、With the encouragement take comfort in4、We had planned make up for it5、With keen insight,6、With the development believe in7、We went to specializes in8、When we visited at any given moment9、With the support multitude10、When she learned that impulse11、We should carefully impulsive12、When he was contending13、Whether the stationed contention14、When kids meddlesomeY1、You will be spared the fine2、Young people tend jump ship3、You need to bring a spare tire改错:A project --C、byA knowledge --C、itA Brazilian--C、untilA great--D、of whichAs you--D、learn better。

这道题考察的是对JavaScript语法的掌 握情况。JavaScript是一种脚本语言, 用于在网页中实现交互效果。在 JavaScript中,可以使用if语句来根据 条件执行不同的代码块。例如,下面的 代码将检查变量x的值是否大于5,如 果是,则输出"x大于5"
```javascript if (x > 5) {
SELECT first_name, last_name, salary
FROM employees;
03 练习三答案
练习1.1解答 练习1.2解答
这道题考察的是对网络编程 的理解。在Python中,我们 可以使用socket模块来进行 网络编程。socket模块提供 了许多用于创建和管理套接 字的函数和类,例如 socket()可以创建一个新的 套接字对象,bind()可以将 套接字绑定到一个特定的地 址和端口上,listen()可以开 始监听传入的连接请求等。
这道题考察的是对字符串操作的 理解。在Python中,我们可以使 用切片操作来截取字符串的一部 分。例如,字符串"hello world" 的第3个字符到第7个字符是"ell",
它的索引范围是[2, 6]。
这道题考察的是对文件 操作的理解。在 Python中,我们可以 使用内置的open函数 来打开文件,并使用 read方法来读取文件 的内容。如果文件不存 在,open函数会抛出 一个 FileNotFoundError异 常。

第一部分课文翻译旅行通用语1 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。
就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing也变成了credit-bail。
法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组) byte stream之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。
2 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。
3 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下:4 旅行作家波洛?菲利浦曾不惜笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。
他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有“a speedy execution‟——快速处死(毫无疑问,想表达的应是“送货及时”)。
此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人“please hang yourself here”——请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是“将衣帽挂在这儿”)。
unit2课后答案Microsoft Office Word 文档 (2)

Unit21.Washington London Ottawa Canberra Wellington2.earthquakes diseases3.qualities4.advantage5.foreign1-5 is spoken of as leveled guard associating6-10 peculiar are laid out imitated imagine1-5 commerce present imitation association ambition6-10 glorious professional emperors imagination wonderful 翻译:1.I found that the books were laid out neatly on desk.2.We would like to thank all who had a share in this project.3.Their delay was due to bad weather.4.What influences people is not the past but the present and thefuture.5.Generally speaking, people often associate politics with wars.6.Tom had a first-rate education, so he had an advantage overthose children who were not as well educated as he.7.Many students complain that the food is by no meanssatisfactory.8.Their screams of excitement all but drowned out the music.造句:1.Most tourists speak of Guilin as an earthly paradise, abeautiful city on the Li River.2.People all over the world speak of Brazil as a dominant powerin soccer.3.The air in a hilly region is cooler than that no plains.4.In my opinion, his misdoings are those of a fool.5.A father should do whatever he can to make himself worthy of the name of father.6.By doing so ,he proved himself worthy of trust.7.It would be worthwhile making such an experiment at the cost of so much money.8.It is worthwhile for the soldiers to fight or ever die for the freedom of their country.听力选择:B A D选词:1.Ablecapable of seatingable to comecapable of handling2.especially specially specially especiallypare compared contrasts contrasts 改错:which/ thatwhomwhichwherewhomwhosewherethatwhywhen填词:choicemeanthatfrombeenwhytheironcesotoAll Under Over Get Right阅读:A BCDE BEACD F F T F T。
多维教程-探索翻译 课后问题详解

多维教程-探索翻译+课后答案旅行通用语1 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。
就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing也变成了credit-bail。
法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组)byte stream 之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。
2 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。
•3 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下:4 旅行作家波洛•菲利浦曾不惜笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。
他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有“a speedy execution’——快速处死(毫无疑问,想表达的应是“送货及时”)。
此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人“please hang yourself here”——请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是“将衣帽挂在这儿”)。

多维教程探索2、3、4、12单元汉译英Unit 1 Lies and Truth1、关于说谎是否总是坏的,是否应该避免,不同的人有不同的看法。
(avoid)Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether is should be avoided. 2、伦敦最高的大楼同纽约的摩天大楼比较起来,仍算是小的。
(in comparison with)The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York .3、在可接受的谎言与恶意的谎言之间定界是因人而异,因文化而异的。
(draw a/ the line between)The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and from culture to culture.4、溺爱孩子的母亲常常会对自己孩子的过错睁一只眼闭一只眼。
(turn a/ one’s blind eye)Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye to the faults of their children.5、当暴力行为发生的时候,这个国家需要一个能使人民团结一致的领袖。
(hold…together)The country need a leader who will hold the nation together when violence breaks out.6、自私者将所有的人分成两类:他喜欢的人和他不喜欢的人。

u n i t多维教程探索课后习题文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]ExercisesB部分1 The big company has a corporate way of doing most things and it is much the same whether in Hong Kong or in Shanghai.这家大公司有一个公司的做法大多数事情都是一样的,无论在香港或在上海。
2 The consultant even suggested that they use devious means to justify their actions.顾问甚至建议,他们使用狡滑奸诈的手段来证明他们的行动。
3 He is of American origins but he is now a naturalized Chinese subject with a Chinese name.他是美国的起源但他现在裔语文学科与中国的名字。
4 The actress now lives most of year on her country estate.那位女演员现在每年的大多数时间住在她的国家遗产。
5 The young woman’s greed for expensive jewelry was well known.这位年轻女士的贪婪是众所周知的奢华的珠宝。
6 He was arrested and sentenced to 10 years’ imprisonment for committing several crimes.他被逮捕并被判处十年以上有期徒刑而实施数罪并罚。
7 We saw a lot of flattering pictures of Wellington in the museum.我们看见许多谄媚的惠灵顿的照片的博物馆。

1. One theory refers to the sensitivity to the target language as being one of the most important factors in language learning.2. In order to help students in their study of English, the library has decided to lease English films in the original to them.3. On weekends, if one shop puts up discount notices, other shops, big or small, will come up with it by putting up more discount notices.4. When ungrammatical expressions of a language become prevalent in socie they will gradually be~ by the public.5. The closing of the company was not caused by a shortage of capital but by management deficiency.6. Advertisements usually highlight the product or service they advertise to attract customers.7. It is argued that we should withhold the speed of language change; otherwise we may have to learn a new language every twenty years.8. I feel gratitude to him because every time I encountered difficulties in my study he would help me.9. It will take great pains to improve/change the financial situation of the factory.10.Those who advocate the purity of a language protect the language for the sake of their culture.2单元1. Different people have different opinions about whether lying is always bad and whether it should be avoided.2. The tallest buildings in London are small in comparison with the skyscrapers of New York.3. The point at which people draw the line between an acceptable lie and a bad lie varies from individual to individual and culture to culture.4. Mothers who spoil their children often turn a blind eye,t~-~re faults of their children.5. The country needs a leader who will hold the nation togetherwhen violence breaks out.6. A selfish man categorizes all people into two groups, those he likes and those he dislikes.7. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn't my intention to hurt her.8. It is wrong for teachers to stereotype naughty students.9. In some foreign countries, a person who intentionally leaves his job can find it easy to step aside for a while, supported by unemployment insurance and other benefits.10. She has gone through tremendous pain since her husband died.那些常常说谎又没有充足理由的人被称为病态说谎者。

ExercisesB部分1 Many people in China now cannot forget what had happened in the 10-year turmoil and no one can bear 1going through1 that again.中国有许多人现在不会忘记发生在10混乱、没有人能忍受穿越那了。
2 If you want to quit your job, you have to move out of the apartment, which 1goes with1 the job.如果你想要辞去你的工作,你不得不去离开公寓时,要和工作。
3 The documents came 1in response to 1various suggestions put forward by the public.这些文件来针对不同的建议提出了以公众。
4 I was born and 1grew up1 in a world of silence, a world of hard work and necessary patience.我出生并成长在一个世界的沉默,世界上的努力工作和必要的耐心5 He met with some trouble when he was reported to 1have had an affair with1/be having an affair with his secretary.他遇到了一些麻烦,有报道称,有一腿的/有外遇呢?他的秘书。
6 We should not 1turn a blind eye to 1the fact that her marriage would not break up if love and loyalty count for anything.我们不应该视而不见的事实,她的婚姻不分手如果爱和忠诚让比分发生变化。
(直打版)人教版英语八年级下unit2讲解与练习(含答案)(word版可编辑修改) 编辑整理:尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布的,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((直打版)人教版英语八年级下unit2讲解与练习(含答案)(word版可编辑修改))的内容能够给您的工作和学习带来便利。
Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks.Section A1。
You should help to clean up the city parks.Clean up意为“彻底打扫;清除”,是“动词+副词”结构的短语动词,后面跟名词作宾格时,名词放在up前后均可,后面跟代词作宾格时,代词应当放在up前面。
He often helps parents clean up the rooms on weekends。
The girl could visit the sick kids in the hospital to cheer them up。
Cheer up意为“变得更高兴,振奋起来",是“动词+副词”结构的短语,cheer up既可以作及物动词短语,也可以作不及物动词短语e。
He cheered up at once when I agreed to help him.Cheer up! The news isn’t too bad.He took her to the cinema to cheer her up。

多维教程-探索翻译+课后答案旅行通用语1 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直捍卫着法语的尊严。
就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing也变成了credit-bail。
法国总统希拉克很可能会继续加大力度,直至连英特网internet和字节流(信息组)byte stream 之类的词也找到相应的法语新词。
2 不幸的是(或许并非不幸),英语没有受到如此的保护。
•3 实际使用中,甚至还有更糟的英语呢!只要你在外国旅游并注意一下菜单、海报、旅店、甚至当地日常生活中的英语,就可以证明过去的标准用语在这些地方已变得不伦不类,让我详例如下:4 旅行作家波洛•菲利浦曾不惜笔墨地渲染自己的几番经历,我觉得该有更多的读者了解一下。
他提及某份荷兰的灯泡目录,上面对用户承诺有“a speedy execution‟——快速处死(毫无疑问,想表达的应是“送货及时”)。
此外,东柏林的一个衣帽间告示要求客人“please hang yourself here”——请在这儿吊死自己(本想说的是“将衣帽挂在这儿”)。

Unit1 B1.有些人对别人对自己的看法很敏感。
15 .当肥皂剧的新鲜感很快就消失了,所以当肥皂剧作家是一项费力的工作。
Vocabulary:sensitive 敏感的list 列表prevalent 流行的deficiency 缺乏withheld 拒绝certainty 肯定的functional 功能的confronted 面对courtesy 礼貌spared 摆脱stroke 击,打ambitious 有野心的purif ied纯净highlights强调novelty 新鲜感C1. 性格敏感的人很难交到朋友。
2. 他深受学生们的喜爱,因为他不仅是个有学问的人,而且还很有幽默感。
4. 中国政府颁布了一项法律,规定每个孩子必须接受9个阶段的义务教育。
5. 现在许多青少年没有周末。
6. 那些打算出国留学的人必须参加语言能力考试。

Unit OneAnswer KeyComprehensionA1. D2.It contrasts the attitudes of the French and the English-speaking peopletoward keeping their mother tongue "pure."3.The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that theyhave gone to the extreme, because he says that 'the mind boggles at what the world might face. "That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to imagine what they will do to keep French pure in the future.4. B5.It refers to the differences between British and American English withregard to pronunciation and spelling of English. The author seems to agree with the Americans' viewpoint.6. C7.The King's English refers to English in its most proper and formal use.However, as it is used in foreign places, it is often used improp erly. Here "lingo" mocks the formality of English that no longer exists in these foreign Usages8.Foreign varieties of English are very different from the original standardBritish English, sometimes they are barely recognizable.9. B10.The author thinks that communication is more important than thepurification of the English language.B1. fast delivery (of the product)/rapid killing (of the customer)2. Please hang your own coat and hat here/die by hanging yourself3. "revolutionary" ideas are being sold/disgusting new ideas are being sold4. best bakers/idle, lazy persons5. the latest rnethod/a Christian denomination6. a doctor for women's diseases/regard women as a disease or womanizer(vulgar meaning)7. press the button of the lift to move it/inefficiency of the lift8. how to get service/open the door and call out the words “Room service”.(rude)9. in an European atmosphere/a car that rushes a person to the hospital10. serve the best wine/our wine is very bad; hopeless11. from 12~ 14 o'clock chamber maids are not busy/treat chambermaidsunfairly (with possible sexual meaning)12. the pictures were painted in the last ten years/the painters were put todeath13. leave your laundry/be naked or take off your clothes14. dancing is going on/very vulgar language (a reference to male sex organs)15. moral requirement for who can share the same room/implies that men andwomen must marry in order to live togetherVocabulary and StructureA1--b 2--d 3--f4—j 5—I 6--hB1. sensitive2. list3. prevalent4. deficiency5. withheld6. certainty7. functional 8. confronte 9. courtesy10. spared 11. stroke 12. ambitious 13. purified 14. highlights 15. noveltyC1. A. sensitive B. sense C. sensitivity2. A. compulsory B. compulsion C. compulsory3. A. Lease B. lease C. leasing4. A. deviate B. deviantly C. deviation5. A. prevalence B. prevalent C. prevalent6. A. deficient B. deficiency7. A. extracts B. extracting C. extracted8. A, confronted B. confrontation C. confronted9. A, spare B. spare C. spare10. A. stroke B. stroking C. strokeD1. C. make alternative2. B. of taking advantage3. C. of a head injury4. D. remains5. A. accepted6. A. as much energy as7. C. would end up 8. C. has been9. B. or 10. D. with whichE1. language2. associates3. in-laws4. total5. responds6. swell7. Hardly8. lives9. dreams 10. aloud 11. ourselves 12. so13. distinguishes 14. humanity 15. makes 16. expressed 17. source 18. newborn 19. act 20. tradition Speaking(Open)Translation and Writing在过去,当探险者或商人们走落发园到外面的世界去寻觅新的领地、市场或原材料资源时,他们通常与跟他们打交道的本地人说的不是同一种语言。

Unit 1 travel language旅行通用语The Academie Francasie has for decades been the watchdog over the French language. A few years ago, French sensitivity to the influx of English words became so great that law for the purification of French was adopted. The law covers even technical applications. For example, in theory, it is now compuslory in France to refer to the Boeing 747 as a gros-porteur, leasing as credit-bail, etc. the list is very long and detailed and applies to all facets of life. Mr. Chirac, the French President, might well expand on this list and come up with some new French terms for words such as "internet" or "byte stream" just to name a couple. The mind boggles at what the world might face. 数十年来,法兰西语言研究院一直保卫着法语的尊严。
就拿波音747 (Boeing747)来说吧,现在法国人必须用法语词gros-porteur;表示出租的leasing 也变成了credit-bail。

Unit OneKeyComprehensionA1. D2. It contrasts the attitudes of the French and the English-speaking people toward keeping their mother tongue "pure."3. The author does not appreciate the French attitude. He believes that they have gone to the extreme, because he says that 'the mind boggles at what the world might face. "That means the French are so sensitive that it is difficult to imagine what they will do to keep French pure in the future.4. B5. It refers to the differences between British and American English with regard to pronunciation and spelling of English. The author seems to agree with the Americans' viewpoint.6. C7. The King's English refers to English in its most proper and formal use. However, as it is used in foreign places, it is often used improperly. Here "lingo" mocks the formality of English that no longer exists in these foreign Usages8. Foreign varieties of English are very different from the original standard British English, sometimes they are barely recognizable.9. B10. The author thinks that communication is more important than the purification of the English language.B1. fast delivery (of the product)/rapid killing (of the customer)2. Please hang your own coat and hat here/die by hanging yourself3. "revolutionary" ideas are being sold/disgusting new ideas are being sold4. best bakers/idle, lazy persons5. the latest rnethod/a Christian denomination6. a doctor for women's diseases/regard women as a disease or womanizer (vulgar meaning)7. press the button of the lift to move it/inefficiency of the lift8. how to get service/open the door and call out the words “Room service”. (rude)9. in an European atmosphere/a car that rushes a person to the hospital10. serve the best wine/our wine is very bad; hopeless11. from 12~ 14 o'clock chamber maids are not busy/treat chambermaids unfairly (with possible sexual meaning)12. the pictures were painted in the last ten years/the painters were put to death13. leave your laundry/be naked or take off your clothes14. dancing is going on/very vulgar language (a reference to male sex organs)15. moral requirement for who can share the same room/implies that men and women must marry in order to live togetherVocabulary and StructureA1--b 2--d 3--f4—j 5—I 6--hB1. sensitive2. list3. prevalent4. deficiency5. withheld6. certainty7. functional 8. confronte 9. courtesy10. spared 11. stroke 12. ambitious13. purified 14. highlights 15. noveltyC1. A. sensitive B. sense C. sensitivity2. A. compulsory B. compulsion C. compulsory3. A. Lease B. lease C. leasing4. A. deviate B. deviantly C. deviation5. A. prevalence B. prevalent C. prevalent6. A. deficient B. deficiency C.deficient7. A. extracts B. extracting C. extracted8. A, confronted B. confrontation C. confronted9. A, spare B. spare C. spare10. A. stroke B. stroking C. strokeD1. C. make alternative2. B. of taking advantage3. C. of a head injury4. D. remains5. A. accepted6. A. as much energy as7. C. would end up 8. C. has been9. B. or 10. D. with whichE1. language2. associates3. in-laws4. total5. responds6. swell7. Hardly8. lives9. dreams 10. aloud 11. ourselves 12. so13. distinguishes 14. humanity 15. makes 16. expressed17. source 18. newborn 19. act 20. traditionSpeaking(Open)103fTranslation and Writing在过去,当探险者或商人们走出家园到外面的世界去寻找新的领地、市场或原材料资源时,他们通常与跟他们打交道的当地人说的不是同一种语言。

Unit 1 Travel LanguageText1 The Academie Francasie has for decades been the watchdog over the French language. A few years ago, French sensitivity to the influx of English words became so great that law for the purification of French was adopted. The law covers even technical applications. For example, in theory, it is now compuslory in France to refer to the Boeing 747 as a gros-porteur, leasing as credit-bail, etc. the list is very long and detailed and applies to all facets of life. Mr. Chirac, the French President, might well expand on this list and come up with some new French terms for words such as “internet” or “byte stream” just to name a couple. The mind boggles at what the world might face.2 Unfortunately (or perhaps not), the English language is not so protected. Quite apart from the unforgivable deviations from the king’s English prevlent in America, where “honour” is commonly written as “honor” and “night” as “nite,” many well-tested has also been give new meanings, making communication somewhat difficult. For example, the boot of a car has become to be called a trunk – a word reserved in England for the main part of a tree. The bonnet is a hood, good old nappies are diapers, and a baby’s matinee jacket is a vest. It’s obvious that the tw o countries are indeed separated by what once was a common language! From an American point of view, of course, it could be argued that the British speak English with a speech deficiency.3 Even worse English, however, is in use. Anyone who travels in foreign countries and observes it on menus and posters, in hotels, and indeed in everyday life can testify that what used to be the king’s lingo has become in these places but a poor relation thereof. Allow me to elaborate.4 The travel writer Perrot Phillips has taken pains to highlight some of his experiences, whichI feel should not be withheld from a wider readership. He refers to a Dutch bulb catalogue which promised customers “a speedy execution” and to an East Berlin cloakroom sign that requested gu ests to “please hung yourself here.” One hopes that nobody took the advice literally.5 To these I can add some of my own experiences, encountered in long years of traveling the world. There was, for example, the observation in an Ostend novelty shop tha t “revolting new ideas” were being marketed, and the boast of some Bombay bakers that “we are No. 1 loafers, best values in whole town.”6 I realized how far Christinanity had come when I read in Hong Kong the following call by a dentist: The teeth they are extracted here by the latest Methodists.7 I fear it can not be answered with certainty whether these actually illustrate a progressive use of English or are simply reflections of local usages. I feel quite strongly, however, that the Haifa Medical Association should have prevented one of its members from claiming on his brass plate that he is a “Specialist in Women and Other Diseases.”8 Hotels seem to revel in their multilingual signs. One supposes these signs were designed to facilitate the use of modern services in otherwise sterile and barely functional establishments. Nevertheless, the unsuspecting guests confronted in a Brussels hotel with the following instruction for the use of the life (elevator) might well prefer to walk: “To move the life, push button to wishing floor. If the cabin should enter more persons, each one should push number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by natural order. Button retaining pressed position shows received command for visiting station.” The less sophisticated notice in Istanbul (“To call room service, please to open door and call ROOM SERVICE”) at least does not confront the guest with electronics that might not always work.9 In Turkey, the delight in “straight talk” expresses itself in t he by-now-famous Ankara brochure which advises, “Visit our restaurant where you can eat Middle East foods in an European Ambulance.” A note on a Swiss menu that “Our wines leave nothing to hope for” was equally inviting.10 Eastern European courtesies have never left the once grand hotels of the former Austro-Hungarian empire. A notice in the hotel rooms that “the honoured guests are invited to take advantage of the chamber maids from 12-14 o’clock” might, however, result in some unplanned traffic jams. A recent Moscow exhibition’s announcement drew attention to “a showing of 300 paintings by Russian artists, most of whom were executed in the last ten years” –hardly a welcoming thought to the occasional visitor.11 A Bangkok laundry’s advertisement to the visiting public (“Leaving your clothes here and enjoy yourself”) could also be seen as a invitation to extracurricular activities in that Far Eastern capital of fun.12 In Rome, a laundry advertised a similar invitation: Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time.13 It should not surprise the traveller that nightspots advertise their wares in Europe in many and diverse language. The German preoccupation with Majorca led a Munich nightclub to copy a trilingual Palma announcement that dancing was going on in what is indeed a surprising way. The notice read, “Baile! Baile! Baile!” in Spanish, “Tanz! Tanz! Tanz!” in German, and “Balls! Balls! Balls!” in what was meant to be English. We are spared the upper Bavarian version o f the activity.14 The Black Forest Germans, on the other hand, are known to be rather prudish in their outlook, but is it really necessary to post a sign: “It is strictly forbidden on our Black Forest camping site that people of different sexes, for example men and women, live together in one tent unless they are married with each other for that purpose.”15 I am told that for the otherwise unsuspecting tourist, the following sign proved a real crowd puller. Parrot Phillips claims it to be true that i n an Austrian hotel room he found the sign: “If service required, give two strokes to the maid and three to the valet.”16 There are undoubtedly more and varied versions of the use of English, unprotected as our language is from the interference of emerging and ambitious entrepreneurs. Nevertheless, I prefer seeing English develop as the lingua franca around the world rather than being suffocated for the sake of so-called purity by some ill-advised legislative process.ExercisesB部分1 Some people are very sensitive about what others might think of them.2 Between Christmas and New Year’s day, many stores have a long list of goods on sale. This is known as New Year’s sale.3 Statistics reveal that traveling during one’s vocation is becoming prevalent as mo ney and spare time increase.4 A deficiency in educational resources puts at risk the intellectual development of our children.5 The applicant’s documents required for immigration were withheld by the local police station because of his criminal record.6 During the interview, Mary told the interviewer that she would like to do something interesting but Tom said with certainty that he would choose the job which pays well.7 It is important that the elevators be functional before the Spring Festival.8 In spite of a good harvest, farmers were confronted with many difficulties in selling their grain, which they alone could not overcome.9 Foreign language learners should know that the way of expressing courtesy will be quite different from country to country.10 You will be spared the fine if you tell us who else was involved.11 One evening, I was running after a robber in the nearby woods. Suddenly, I was hit by a stroke of a heavy thing from behind and lost my consciousness.12 A survey shows that ambitious companies will provide the customer with high-quality goods as well as first-class services.13 Some scientists and doctors claim that purified water, which is popular in the market, may be harmful to children.14 This book is worth buying for it highlights all the famous American writers and their works.It is a very demanding job to be a soap-opera writer because the novelty of a soap-opera wears off quickly.C部分1. People who are sensitive in character my have difficulty in making friends.2. He is loved by his students, for he is not only a learned person but also has a sense of humor.3. Many discoveries resulted from the sensitivity of scientists to seemingly common things.4. The Chinese government has issued a law that nine years of education is compulsory for every child.5. Many teenagers have no weekends nowadays. They undertake extra training or remedial classes under the compulsion of their parents.6. Those who plan to study abroad have to take a compulsory examination of language proficiency.7. Many new and tall buildings have big posters on their front windows saying “For lease or Sale” but the real estate prospects are still quite bleak.8. In order to make some money Mr. Wilson moved his family to the first floor and started to lease the ground floor.9. Sometimes, leasing an apartment can be cheap and easy for a person who wants to settle down in a new place.10. Because he was driving his car at a speed of over 180 miles an hour, a tiny rock was enough to deviate his car off the road.11. Long time tension and pressure may cause people to behave deviantly.12. The investigation shows that the air crash was caused by a deviation from normal airport procedure.13. The prevalence of complaints about the bad weather all over the world may make people aware how serious air pollution is.14. It is very interesting that some styles of clothes that were prevalent in the last century have again become a fashion now.15. Nowadays the tradition of three generations of a family living under the same roof is no longer prevalent in many cities of China.16. All the children in kindergarten are required to drink at least one glass of milk a day because rickets can result from a diet deficient in vitamin D.17. The demerits of the present educational system are revealed by college graduates who are deficient in practical experience.18. There is no need to read the whole novel. Sometimes people may benefit a lot from reading just a few extracts.19. It is reported that some peasants have made a fortune by extracting poison from snakes they raised.20. Examples extracted from our daily life are vivid and easy for people to understand.21. Two U.S. Army experts were sent from Germany to join the air force officers in the search for answers to the mystery that confronted them.22. More than twenty years’ confrontations between the two countries have solved by diplomaticnegotiations.23. Although he was confronted with many difficulties in setting up a new company, he did not give up.24. The prover b “Spare the rod and spoil the child” means that discipline is necessary for children; otherwise they may grow up to be spoiled.25. You need to bring a spare tire with you just in case your car breaks down in the middle of somewhere.26. Could you spare me a few minutes? I have something important to talk with you.27. I couldn’t believe he had a stroke last month because he can walk like a normal person now.28. People feel sorry for some young women who think that a happy life means to spend their time at home watching TV and stroking their pets.29. It is really amazing that he could write complicated Chinese characters with one stroke.改错1 If our friends cannot take us, we must make alternative arrangements to get to the airport.2 No one in this department has ever accused the governor of taking advantage of his position; he is hard-working and considerate.3 The pet dog died when it was fifteen, not of old age, but of a head injury when it fell down a flight of stairs.4 Casualties are said to be very high and in some villages, where older and less substantial buildings predominate, it is said that not a house remains standing.5 It was an accepted custom in western countries for men to open the door for women and always to let ladies go first on social occasions.6 Early industrial people used three times as much energy as their agricultural ancestors; modern people are using three times as much as their industrial ancestors.7 Geothermal sources, though in a sense free, in order to be maintained, would end up using more energy than they produced.8 Ever since the invention of the two-day weekend, where-to-go-for-the-holiday has been a live topic for people in this city.9 When we speak of leisure nowadays, we are not thinking of securing time or opportunity to do something; time weighs less heavily on your hands, and the problem is how to fill it.10 There is absolutely no reason for saying that there are no regularities in Nature with which our statements of natural law correspond.完形填空Whatever else people do when they come together – whether they play, fight, or make automobiles – they talk. We lie in a world of language. We talk to our friends, our associates, our wives and husbands, our bosses, our teachers, our parents and in-laws. We talk to bus drivers and total strangers. We talk face to face and over the telephone, and everyone responds with more talk. Television and radio further swell this torrent of words. Hardly a moment of our waking lives is free from words, and even in our dreams we talk and are talked to. We also talk when there is no one to answer. Some of us talk aloud in our sleep. We talk to our pets and sometimes to ourselves. We are the only animals that do so.The possession of language, more than any other attribute, distinguishes humans from other animals. To understand our humanity we must understand the language that makes us human. According to the philosophy expressed in the myths and religions of many peoples, it is language that is the source of human life and power. To some people of Africa, a newborn child is a kuntu, a “thing”, not yet a muntu, a “person.” Only by the act of learning does the child become a human being. According to this tradition, we all become “human” because we all come to know at least one language.翻译在过去,当探险者或商人们走出家园到外面的世界去寻找新的领地、市场或原材料资源时,他们通常与跟他们打交道的当地人说的不是同一种语言。
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1 Many people in China now cannot forget what had happened in the 10-year turmoil and no one can bear 1going through1 that again.
2 If you want to quit your job, you have to move out of the apartment, which 1goes with1 the job.
3 The documents came 1in response to 1various suggestions put forward by the public.
4 I was born and 1grew up1 in a world of silence, a world of hard work and necessary patience.
5 He met with some trouble when he was reported to 1have had an affair with1/be having an affair with his secretary.
6 We should not 1turn a blind eye to 1the fact that her marriage would not break up if love and loyalty count for anything.
7 Some people believe that some lies are necessary to 1hold 1our people 1together 1and better our relationship.
8 He has been 1watching for1 every mail as he cherishes a hope that one day his missing brother will contact him.
9 European TV was a fairly dull affair 1in comparison 1to American TV, but occasionally it was enlivened now and then by American imports.
10 I still feel it is rather difficult for us to 1draw a line between 1white lies and dirty lies.
1 The first English immigrations to A what is A now the United States crossed the Atlantic long after Spanish colonies had been established in Mexico, the West Indies and South America.
2 We’d rather have long waits A than have Ano shifting of the scenes, with all the
actors on the stage doing nothing.
3 The teacher said that if we believed something was true and good we should hold on to Dit.D
4 The text and dialogues below focus on cultural differences between Chinese and Western societies which can create misunderstanding if Dignored.D
5 When sailors are not supposed to be at work on the ship, they Cgo ashoreC and look around town.
6 Abraham Lincoln once spoke of democracy by saying that he would not be a slave and nor Dwould he be Da master.
7 I didn’t mind their coming late to the lecture, but Cobjected to Ctheir making so much noise.
8 It’s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer; we won’t take the new one, Cthough, C because we don’t feel as safe on it.
9 Don’t make the examiner spend too much time trying to get you D to say something.D
10 On seeing the young girl falling into the lake, Eric C sprang to his feet Cand went to her rescure.