


n Dynasties, Stilt-walking, then called ―stilts skill‖, began to popularize among the public. • In the Song Dynasties, it was changed to ―stepping-stilts‖. • In the Qing Dynasties, the name ―stiltswalking‖ was finally adopted.
约2000年前,在中国建立了一系列的舞龙运动。在 宋代​​,始建于10世纪,形成一种视觉艺术。舞龙成为元宵 节主要的娱乐项目。
The dragon is an emblem of the Chinese nation. It is also an emblem of good harvest, national prosperity and people’s happiness. So the dragon dances is indispensable for festivities in Chinese communities all over the world. 龙是中华民族的象征,这也象征着一个好 收成,国家富强和人民幸福的。因此,舞 龙是世界各地的华人必不可少的庆祝活动。
Lantern show (闹花灯)
Lantern show is the major folk activity of Lantern festival or Yuanxiaojie, which falls on the 15th of the first mouth of the Chinese New Year. The name derives itself from the fact that the first lunar mouth is called yuan mouth and in the ancient times people called night xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is called Yuanxiao Festival in China.

人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 5 单元话题阅读与写作课件 (共10张PPT)

人教版九年级英语上册课件:Unit 5 单元话题阅读与写作课件 (共10张PPT)
ng) 是中国最流行的传统的民间艺术形式 之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期 (the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。
人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在春节和婚庆期间, 剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常 用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地都 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。
_p_le_a_s_a_n_t_a_t_m__o_s_p_h_e_r_e._T__h_e_c_o_l_o_r_m__o_st__fr_e_q_u_e_n_t_ly__u_s_e_d_i_n__p_a_per _c_u_tt_i_n_g_i_s_r_e_d_,__w_h__ic_h__sy_m__b_o_l_iz_e_s_h_e_a_l_t_h_a_n_d__p_r_o_s_p_e_r_it_y_. ___ _C_h_i_n_e_s_e_p_a_p_e_r__cu__tt_in__g_s _a_r_e_v_e_r_y_p_o_p__u_la_r__a_ro_u__n_d_t_h_e_w__o_r_ld__ _a_n_d__th_e_y__a_r_e_o_f_te_n__g_iv_e_n__a_s_p_r_e_s_e_n_ts__to__f_o_re_i_g_n_f_r_i_en__d_s._____
写作指导 一、当我们介绍某物时,我们需要更多的细节信息,通常 用上“be made of/from/in/ used for...”等句式。请你 根据上面短文内容造句。 1. be made of:T_h_e_c_l_o_th__t_ig_e_r_i_s_u_s_u_a_ll_y_m__a_d_e_o_f_c_o_t_to_n__o_r_s_il_k_. 2. be made in:___T_h_e_c_l_o_t_h_t_ig_e_r__is_m__a_d_e__in__C_h_i_n_a___. 3. be made by:_T_h_e__c_lo_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__m_a_d_e__b_y_C__h_i_n_e_se__p_e_o_p_le_. 4. be used for:_T_h_e__cl_o_t_h_t_i_g_er__is__u_se_d__f_o_r_w_a_r_d_i_n_g__o_ff_e_v_i_ls

弘扬中国传统文化英语 ppt课件

弘扬中国传统文化英语 ppt课件
flourished in the Tang dynasty and the Song
dynasty. China is the homeland of tea, and
tea have become the national drink.

绿茶:green tea 红茶:black tea 白茶:white tea 花茶:scented tea 黄茶:yellow tea 黑茶:dark tea
月饼是中秋节的传统食品,月饼是圆 形的,象征团圆,反映了人们的家庭 团聚的愿望。
Mid-Autumn Festival moon cakes are the traditional food, moon cakes are round, symbolizing the reunion(重聚), and reflects the people's aspiration for family reunion.
中 国 剪 纸 文 化
Chinese Paper Cutting
Although the cuts here seem simply like animals or flowers, in fact, they can represent many longstanding symbols in Chinese culture or literary idioms.
Chinese Tea Culture
谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从 唐代与宋代兴盛起来的。中国是茶的故乡,茶已 成为国饮。
Referring to Chinese tea, it can be traced
back to the ancient times, and it was


4. 中国传统绘画的传承与创新:展示名家传世绘画作品,介绍传统绘画的基本技法 和题材特点,以及当代绘画家对传统艺术的现代表现和个人风格的发展。
1. 中国民间艺术的传承:传承是中国民间艺术发展的重要环节。
自古以来,中国人民通过口头传统、师徒相传等方式将民间艺术技艺代代相传。传承不仅保留了民间艺术的核心特征,更加丰富了中国的艺术文化。今天,许多地方仍保留着独特的传统艺术 形式,如土地神的祭祀、庙会活动等,并积极开展传统工艺品的保护和传承工作。
中国剪纸技艺源远流长,经过千百年的发展,形成了独特的技法和方法。剪纸师傅们精湛的手艺和 独特的创作方式,使得中国剪纸作品充满了艺术的魅力和独特的审美价值。
4.寓意和象征的运用:中国剪纸作品的文化价值 中国剪纸的特色之四是寓意和象征的运用。
中国剪纸作品常常通过形状、纹理、颜色等元素的选择和组合,传递特定的寓意和象征。这种寓意 和象征的运用使得剪纸作品具有更深层次的内涵和文化价值,引人思考和赏析。
木版年画 起源
木版年画起源于中 国,历史悠久,是 中华传统文化的重
清时期 历史传统

木版年画的特点之一是其独特的工艺和材料选择。木版年画通常采用纯天然的木 材作为版画的底材,画家在木版上绘制出图案,然后再用刀具将图案雕刻出来。 这种传统的木板雕刻技法使得画面具有明显的线条感和质感,同时还能够表现出 木质纹理的独特美感。
2.木版年画:喜庆与创意的融合,展现传统文化的丰富内涵 木版年画的表现形式多样且富有创意。在木版年画中,画家常常运用饱满的构图、 鲜艳的色彩和夸张的形象来突出表现节日的喜庆气氛和主题。他们通过细腻的线 条和丰富的纹饰,表现出人物形象的饱满和生动,同时还能够展示出中国传统文 化和民俗的丰富内涵。木版年画不仅具有装饰性和欣赏性,还承载着人们对于美 好生活的向往和祝福的寄托。


中国画的题材主要有人物、山水、花鸟三大类。其技法可 分为工笔和写意。不同于西画的素描写实,中国画的艺术特 质强调以形写神,重神韵、重意境。
In general, traditional Chinese paintings are rich in content and forms. Besides, its style is grandiose, containing boldness as well as fineness. In terms of the artistic creation, traditional Chinese painting is a reflection of the aesthetic consciousness and artistic sentiment of the Chinese people.
笔墨纸砚是中国古代文 人书房中必备的宝贝,被称 为“文房四宝”。
A Chinese brush is made primarily of hairs from a beast and a small bamboo pipe. The best-known Chinese brush is manufactured in Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. Chinese calligraphers and painters pay particular attention to the quality of the ink stick. The best ink stick is produced in Huizhou, Anhui Province.
汉字结构“外圆内方”,源于古人“天圆地方”的观念。 汉字有五种基本笔画,即:横、竖、撇、捺、折。
Chinese Calligraphy 中国书法


Chinese Culture
Porcelain(瓷器) Paper Cutting(剪纸) Beijing Opera(京剧)
Chinese Cuisine(中国菜)
瓷 器
China is the hometown of porcelain(瓷器). The invenபைடு நூலகம்ion of china is a great contribution to world civilization. In English, china means porcelain.
Paper Cutting 剪纸艺术
• The paper-cut art is the Chinese Han nationality's most ancient one of folk art. Its history can be traced back to the sixth Century a.d.. some with scissors, some use a knife, although the tools are different, but the creation of works of art is basic and same, collectively known as the paper-cut. The carrier can be paper, gold foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather and other sheet materials.
礼来 当 物装 人 的饰 们 最婚 结 好礼 婚 方, 生 式节 子 。日 , ,这 各是 种用
(2) Character which represents happy. When people are getting married and having children, it is used to decorate the wedding festivals, and gifts.


Chinese Paper cuts
什么是剪纸? What is Chinese paper-cutting?
剪纸的历史 History of Chinese Papercuts
剪纸与生活 Paper-cutting and life
剪纸的表现形式 Forms of Paper-cutting
• Papercuts refer to handicraft s made by cutting paper with scissors to form different pat terns and pasting them on w alls, windows, doors and ceilings.
Types of Paper-cutting
• Chinese papercuts are rich in content. The auspicious designs symbolize g ood luck and the avoidance of evil. The child, lotus and bottle gourd desig ns suggest a family with a large number of children and grandchildren. Do mestic birds, livestock, fruit, fish and worms are also familiar objects depi cted by Chinese farmers. Papercuts made in different areas have different characteristics. Shanxi window papercuts are simple and bold; papercuts f rom Hebei Province and Shanxi Province are bright in color; papercuts in southern provinces are delicate and fine.



剪纸是中国传 统文化的重要
剪纸的题材广 泛,包括民间 故事、传说和
历史事件ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
剪纸的风格独 特,具有浓郁 的民族特色和
剪纸作品体现 了中国人民的 智慧和创造力, 具有很高的艺 术价值和文化
中国剪纸的传承 和创新
家庭传承:父 母传授给子女,
师傅带徒弟: 通过拜师学艺 的方式,学习
探讨了中国剪纸的 传承与保护问题
剪纸艺术与其他文化的融 合
《中国剪纸英文 介绍》PPT课件
目 录
添加 目录标题
中国剪纸 的起源和 历史
中国剪纸 的材料和 工具
中国剪纸 的题材和 风格
中国剪纸 的传承和 创新
中国剪纸 的应用和 价值
单击此处 添加章节标题
中国剪纸的起源 和历史
起源时间:汉代 起源地点:中国 起源背景:民间艺术 起源传说:关于蔡伦发明造纸术的传说
社区传承:在 社区或村庄中, 由经验丰富的 剪纸艺人传授
学校教育:将 剪纸技艺纳入 学校教育体系, 通过课堂教学 和实践活动进
传统剪纸艺术的 创新
现代剪纸艺术的 发展
剪纸艺术的创新 应用
剪纸艺术的未来 展望
剪纸艺术的国际影响力 剪纸艺术在国际交流中的价值 剪纸艺术在国际市场的潜力 剪纸艺术国际化推广的策略与途径



Introduction of operas in different period
Yuan Dynasty
1、Definition: Yuan zaju(元杂剧) were poetic and musical dramas,
in four (or, occasionally, five) acts, with the "act" defined as a set of songs following and completing a certain musical modal progression The zaju featured particular specialized roles for performers, such as Dan (旦, dàn, female), Sheng (生, shēng, male), Hua (花, huā, painted-face) and Chou (丑, chŏu, clown).
The Development of Chinese Opera
Famous works: 窦娥冤(关汉 卿)、汉宫秋(马致远)
Extension phase: In Ming dynasty, Kunqu grew up on the regions south of Yangtze River(江南).
The Development of Chinese Opera
Forming stage: Primitive society (to satisfy people’s spiritual need)
Booming period: In Yuan dynasty, commercial and professional performing group emerged.

中国传统艺术中英文介绍 PPT

中国传统艺术中英文介绍 PPT

• 我国传统艺术的遗产极其丰富并且辉煌。绘画、书法、音乐、 戏曲、剪纸、放天灯、陶土艺术、刺绣、皮影戏,传统美食、 传统服饰等等,中国是一个有着五千年悠久历史和文化传统 的文明古国,传统人文文化底蕴深厚。
• The heritage of traditional Chinese art is extremely rich and brilliant; there are Chinese Painting,Calligraphy, Music,Dancing, Chinese opera, Paper Cutting,Sending the sky lantern,Clay Art, Embroider , Shadow Play , Traditional food, Traditional costume. Etc. China, a ancient country of over 5,000 years of history and cultural tradition, has a profound traditional cultural foundation
Part 1 中国传统艺术 Part 2 Paper Cutting 剪纸
02~04 05~10
Part 3 Sending the sky lantern 放天灯
Part 4 Calligraphy 书法 Chinese painting 国画
Part 5
16~25 26~31
Part 6 Embroider 刺绣 Part 7 Shadow Play 皮影戏
• With their long history, papercuts, which origina ted in China, have been very popular among the ordinary people of China. The first papercut can be traced back to the Northern and Southern D ynasties (386~581) period. The initiation and sp read of papercuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. People pasted papercuts on walls, windows and doors at wedding cerem onies or festivals to enhance the festive atmosp here.


中国非物质文化遗产--剪纸Chinese Paper-cutting Paper Cutting
Chinese Paper Cutting is a folk art to create various designs or patterns with scissors or engraving knives for the decoration or ornament in various folk activities . As a traditional folk art , Paper Cutting is a very popular art with a very long history . The art of Paper Cutting was created almost at the same time with the birth of paper and has unique features . Paper Cutting creates a motley collection of designs and images , which contain rich cultural and
The skills of Paper Cutting are easy to learn , and its tools and materials are readily accessible . The Paper Cutting creators are usually the ingenious and crafty folk women . The working scenes , images of some characters , animals and plants , folklores , auspicious designs and expectations for a better future are the Paper Cutting creators ' favorite subjects . Traditional Paper - Cutting creation is not confined by time and space , because the flexible combination ,

Chinese paper art 中国的剪纸艺术精品PPT课件

Chinese paper art 中国的剪纸艺术精品PPT课件
the time of ……时期/年代,time 时代 时期
learned to do 学着去做
Paragraph two
“It is a Chinese folk art with a long history,” Mr Chen told me, “Paper cuts of animals have been found in tombs which date back to the time of the Northern and Southern Dynasty!”
People think these paper cuts can bring _g_o_o_d_ _lu_c_k_ to them. Paper cuts which feature the Chinese _c_h_a_ra_c_t_e_r for double happiness are commonly used to _ce_l_e_b_r_a_te_ w__e_d_d_in_g_s_. Another type of paper cuts is used for r_e_li_g_i_o_u_s purposes. A third kind of paper cuts is used in the d_e_s_i_g_nof other crafts.
Chinese Paper Art
Chinese characters
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The red rope bracelet
Chinese knot
• Chinese knot is a kind of Chinese folk art forms. Called LaoZi, has a long history, and affect the adornment art of neighboring countries such as Japan and Korea.
Twelve cper cutting is one of the most popular folk art in China, its history can be traced back to the 6th century AD, but people think it's actually began hundreds of years earlier than that. Paper-cut is often used in religious ceremonies, decoration and plastic arts...Country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,On June 8, 2007, Shanghai Li Shoubai paper-cut master studio by the state ministry of culture to get the first prize for cultural heritage day
4. Sugar-coated figurine
• Sugar-coated figurine is boil all sorts of modelling figures, animals, plants... It is said that the song dynasty that is long, flat shape, like today's candy painted, later also known as sugar, sugar officer person , sugar pagoda, sugarturtle...
• Facebook is Chinese opera actors face painting for makeup modelling art stage. Facebook for different business, different situation. "Born", "Dan" facial makeup is simple, just painting, called "good play", and "face", "cleansing". But the "net" and "scandal" facial painting is more complex, especially the net, are heavy oil paints, so called "works". The facebook drama, the main facial painting refers to the net. And "ugly", because the role play, therefore, on the bridge of the nose wipe a small piece of white powder, commonly known as a buffoon. Have a song facebook and TV play facebook.