± 0.19 dB
160 MHz; 频率范围高达 50 GHz
100%, 信号宽度窄至 3.57 μs
在实际的信号分析中,仪器的 演进能力通常意味着您的成功。对 于未来设计,出色的测量性能能够 保证对复杂信号进行详细分析; 对于 现有技术,设备的通用性能可帮助 您降低产品成本; 对于传统测试系 统,继承式更新换代能够确保持续 的稳定性。
使用 SNS 或 346 系列噪声源和 N9069A 测量应用软件进行噪声 系数测量。
使用外部触发输入信号 对指定事件进行测量。
使用外部触发输出信号将分 析仪与其它测试设备同步。
用于日后应用 的数字总线。
内置功能让您做得更多, 优化连通性和控制
PXA 支持 USB 功率探头和安捷 伦智能噪声源 (SNS 系列),能够进行 功率和噪声系数测量。作为系统控 制器,PXA 还可以通过 GPIB、LAN 和 USB 端口以及 Windows XP Pro 操作 系统控制其它仪器。在控制器模式 下,PXA 可以取代测试系统 PC,因 此有可能简化系统体系结构以及机 密军事 ATE 应用的安全程序。外部混 频器还支持您测量频率高达 325 GHz 及以上的信号。
一个真正的面向未来的信 号分析仪具有高度灵活性,能够 升级并增强所有主要的子系统: 机械、电子、固化软件和软件。 PXA 分析仪能够在上述 4 个方面 进行升级和增强:
● 仪器组件能够提供 7 个扩展插 槽,以用于增强未来功能
● 可拆卸的 CPU 主板,能够支持 CPU、存储器和 I/O 升级
目录目录 (1)1、N9340B简介 (2)1.1前端面板概述 (2)1.2顶部面板介绍 (3)1.3显示屏幕简介 (4)1.4设置N9340B (5)1.5进行基本测量 (5)1.6文件保存及查看 (6)1.7按键结构及功能 (7)2、南京现场扫描结果及分析 (13)2.1 初步分析: (13)2.2 GSM信号: (14)2.3 PHS信号: (16)2.4 TDL信号: (18)3、南京干扰情况定位结果 (20)3.1干扰定位结论 (20)3.2存在的问题 (24)1、N9340B简介1.1前端面板概述1.2顶部面板介绍1.3显示屏幕简介1.4设置N9340B(1)按[SYS] > {设置} > {通用} 来设置时间和电源节能模式。
按{时间/日期} 来设置频谱仪的时间和日期。
按{电源管理} 来选择节能模式:关闭背景灯或显示屏,以及同时关闭背景灯和显示屏。
(2)按[SYS] > {设置} > {语言} 来选择屏幕显示语言。
(3)按[SYS] > {亮度} 手动调节N9340B频谱仪的显示亮度(4)按[SYS] > {按键音} 来开关按键音。
1.5进行基本测量(1)用信号源产生一个连续波信号(1 GHz, 0 dBm)。
(2)按[SYS] > {设置} > {开机/复位} ,选择默认定为出厂设置。
(3)选择面板上绿色的[PRESET] 键可将仪器恢复至出厂设置。
(4) 将频谱仪顶部的RF IN与信号源的RF OUT连接上。
(5)按[FREQ] > {中心频率} > 1> {GHz}将中心频率设置为1 GHz。
(6)按[SPAN] > 5 > {kHz} 将扫宽设置为5KHz。
(7)按[MARKER] > {搜索峰值} > {峰值}为显示的最高峰值(1 GHz处)作标记(标记为1)。
Agilent N9330B手持式天馈线测试仪
Agilent N9330B 手持式天馈线测试仪
Agilent N9330B 手持式天馈线测试仪
可在频域中测试驻波比、电缆损耗和回波损耗,在时域中测试驻波比和电缆损耗测量速度快,精度高,能在不足2 秒时间内完成全频段最高分辨率的扫描内置USB 接口,能够进行无限量的测试结果的拷贝和存储,可以和计算机直接连接通信大尺寸,防反光超亮度液晶显示屏适合室内外测试的显示和观察仪表按键采用背光设计,无论环境明亮还是黑暗都可以方便地操作仪表严密的金属屏蔽层使仪表具有极强的抗干扰能力和极高的稳定性和可靠性特有的锂离子电池和节电工作模式,延长了电池的使用寿命技术指标:
25M ~ 4G
0 ~ -20
2 秒/屏幕(全扫描,521 数据点,CW 扫描方式)。
N9030A-PXA 信号分析仪
AgilentPXA信号分析仪N9030A技术资料C类认证可用的频率范围N9030A-5033Hz至3.6GHzN9030A-5083Hz至8.4GHzN9030A-5133Hz至13.6GHzN9030A-5263Hz至26.5GHz目录定义和条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)频率范围 (4)频段 (4)频率参考 (4)频率读出精度 (4)标记频率计数器 (4)频段扫宽 (5)扫描时间和触发 (5)时间选通 (5)扫描(迹线)点范围 (5)分辨率带宽(RBW) (5)分析带宽 (6)视频带宽(VBW) (6)测量速度 (6)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (7)幅度范围 (7)电子衰减器 (7)最大安全输入电平 (7)显示范围 (7)频率响应 (8)输入衰减转换不确定度 (8)总体绝对幅度精度 (8)输入电压驻波比(VSWR) (8)分辨率带宽转换不确定度 (9)参考电平 (9)显示刻度转换不确定度 (9)显示刻度保真度 (9)迹线探测器 (9)前置放大器 (9)动态范围技术指标 (10)1dB增益压缩(双音频) (10)显示的平均噪声电平(DANL) (10)杂散响应 (11)二次谐波失真(SHI) (12)三阶互调失真(TOI) (12)相位噪声 ...........................................13PowerSuite测量技术指标 . (15)信道功率 (15)占用带宽 (15)相邻信道功率 (15)功率统计CCDF (15)谐波失真 (15)三阶互调失真(TOI) (15)猝发脉冲功率 (15)一般技术指标 (16)温度范围 (16)EMC (16)安全性 (16)噪声 (16)环境压力 (16)电源要求 (17)数据存储 (17)重量 (17)尺寸 (17)保修期 (17)校准周期 (17)输入和输出 (18)前面板 (18)后面板 (18)二次中频输出 (19)任意中频输出 (19)I/Q 分析仪 (20)频率 (20)幅度精度 (20)中频相位线性 (20)动态范围 (21)数据采集 (21)I/Q分析仪-选件B25 (22)中频频率响应 (22)动态范围 (22)数据采集 (22)I/Q分析仪-选件B40 (23)中频频率响应 (23)动态范围 (23)数据采集 (25)I/Q分析仪-选件B1X (26)中频频率响应 (26)动态范围 (26)数据采集 (28)其他输出选件 (28)通用端口技术指标 (28)快速对数视频输出 (28)选件YAV Y轴输出 (29)通用端口技术指标 (29)屏幕视频 (29)对数视频输出 (29)线性视频输出 (29)订货信息 (30)硬件 (30)应用软件 (30)附件 (31)保修和服务 (31)校准 (31)其他信息 (31)安捷伦面向未来的PXA是现有高性能信号分析仪的更新换代产品。
N9030A-PXA 信号分析仪
AgilentPXA信号分析仪N9030A技术资料C类认证可用的频率范围N9030A-5033Hz至3.6GHzN9030A-5083Hz至8.4GHzN9030A-5133Hz至13.6GHzN9030A-5263Hz至26.5GHz目录定义和条件 (3)频率和时间技术指标 (4)频率范围 (4)频段 (4)频率参考 (4)频率读出精度 (4)标记频率计数器 (4)频段扫宽 (5)扫描时间和触发 (5)时间选通 (5)扫描(迹线)点范围 (5)分辨率带宽(RBW) (5)分析带宽 (6)视频带宽(VBW) (6)测量速度 (6)幅度精度与范围技术指标 (7)幅度范围 (7)电子衰减器 (7)最大安全输入电平 (7)显示范围 (7)频率响应 (8)输入衰减转换不确定度 (8)总体绝对幅度精度 (8)输入电压驻波比(VSWR) (8)分辨率带宽转换不确定度 (9)参考电平 (9)显示刻度转换不确定度 (9)显示刻度保真度 (9)迹线探测器 (9)前置放大器 (9)动态范围技术指标 (10)1dB增益压缩(双音频) (10)显示的平均噪声电平(DANL) (10)杂散响应 (11)二次谐波失真(SHI) (12)三阶互调失真(TOI) (12)相位噪声 ...........................................13PowerSuite测量技术指标 . (15)信道功率 (15)占用带宽 (15)相邻信道功率 (15)功率统计CCDF (15)谐波失真 (15)三阶互调失真(TOI) (15)猝发脉冲功率 (15)一般技术指标 (16)温度范围 (16)EMC (16)安全性 (16)噪声 (16)环境压力 (16)电源要求 (17)数据存储 (17)重量 (17)尺寸 (17)保修期 (17)校准周期 (17)输入和输出 (18)前面板 (18)后面板 (18)二次中频输出 (19)任意中频输出 (19)I/Q 分析仪 (20)频率 (20)幅度精度 (20)中频相位线性 (20)动态范围 (21)数据采集 (21)I/Q分析仪-选件B25 (22)中频频率响应 (22)动态范围 (22)数据采集 (22)I/Q分析仪-选件B40 (23)中频频率响应 (23)动态范围 (23)数据采集 (25)I/Q分析仪-选件B1X (26)中频频率响应 (26)动态范围 (26)数据采集 (28)其他输出选件 (28)通用端口技术指标 (28)快速对数视频输出 (28)选件YAV Y轴输出 (29)通用端口技术指标 (29)屏幕视频 (29)对数视频输出 (29)线性视频输出 (29)订货信息 (30)硬件 (30)应用软件 (30)附件 (31)保修和服务 (31)校准 (31)其他信息 (31)安捷伦面向未来的PXA是现有高性能信号分析仪的更新换代产品。
Keysight N9320B RF Spectrum Analyzer 配置指南说明书
Keysight TechnologiesN9320B RF Spectrum AnalyzerConfiguration GuideThe Keysight Technologies, Inc. N9320B is a general purpose spectrum analyzer from 9 kHz to 3 GHz. Its standard features include:–Frequency power measurements–One-button power suite, auto tune, and frequency counter –AM/FM tune and listen–12 markers, 4 traces, and 2 customer-definable limit lines –U2000 Series USB power sensor support–USB and LAN connectivity This step-by-step process will help you to configure yourN9320B RF spectrum analyzer by tailoring its options to meet your requirements.For detailed specifications, refer to the N9320B spectrum analyzer data sheet (5990-8119EN). For a product overview, refer to the N9320B spectrum analyzer brochure (5990-8118EN).Ordering informationmodulation rate, AM depth, frequency deviation, SINAD1, and carrierfrequency offsetASK and FSK demodulation metrics N9320B-DMA Provides modulation metrics of an ASK or FSK signal: Carrier power,ASK error, depth, and index, FSK deviation, FSK error, magnitude error,and carrier frequency offset1.Signal-to-noise and distortion ratio200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz, and 1 MHz pre-compliance measurementsGPIB interface N9320B-G01IEEE-488 bus connector, used in test automation systems Customized save-last utility N9320B-C20N9320B automatically saves its settings and status once any changes aremade. After the power cycle, the N9320B recovers the prior setups beforepowering offInstrument power-on utility at AC power cycle N9320B-C30N9320B powers on directly at AC power cycle without the user pushingthe power-on button on the unit’s front panel. A solution designed for testautomation systemsPrepared for RF teaching labs or training agenciesHard transit case (D x W x H)N9320B-1TC–645 x 444 x 268 mm, 13 kg nominal–25.4 x 17.5 x 10.6 in, 29 lb nominalRack mount kit N9320B-1CM Includes a rackmount flange and front handle kit. Fits standard 19-inch rackand occupies three units of rack spaceHandle and bumper N9320B-1HB Available for ordering only at time of initial instrument purchaseNeed more RF and microwave accessories? Visit /find/accessoriesprovides measurement resultsSelect Keysight Calibration Plan3-year calibration assurance plan (return to Keysight)R-50C-011-3Priority calibration service covering all calibration costs for3 years; 15% cheaper than buying stand-alone calibrations5-year calibration assurance plan (return to Keysight)R-50C-011-5Priority calibration service covering all calibration costs for5 years; 20% cheaper than buying stand-alone calibrationsOther calibration options may available, for more information on calibration, go to: /find/calibration. For more information on training and application support services, go to: /find/training.Instrument UpgradesMost of the Keysight N9320B RF spectrum analyzer options are available for post-sales retrofit.For license-key upgrades that do not require additional hardware:1. Place an order for the upgrade with Keysight and requestto receive the software entitlement certificate through email2. Install the license key in the N9320B. Upgrade firmware tothe latest revision if required 3. Restart the N9320B4. Begin using the new capabilityDescriptionUpgrade number Additional informationAdd preamplifier, 3.0 GHz N9320BK-PA3Add AM/FM demodulation metrics N9320BK-AMA Add ASK/FSK demodulation metrics N9320BK-DMA Add tracking generator, 100 kHz to 3.0 GHz N9320BK-TG3The tracking generator is additional hardware that is installed inside the N9320B. Upgrade is performed at Keysight’s local service center Add GPIB interface N9320BK-G01Requires additional hardware be installed inside the N9320BAdd EMC filter (-6 dB down)N9320BK-EMF Add hard transit case N9320BK-1TC Add rack mount kitN9320BK-1CM Add customized save-last utilityN9320BK-C20Add instrument power-on utility at AC power cycle N9320BK-C30Upgrade performed at Keysight’s local service center Revision to currentN9320BK-R2CEnables the latest feature set for the instrumentA comprehensive summary about the N9320B upgrades is also available at: /find/n9320b_upgrade .Other InformationKeysight product registrationRegister your instruments for service notifications, firmware update alerts, application notes and more. You have the Keysight edge. Register today and keep it sharp: /find/register .Keysight education cornerYour one-stop education resource for college and university engineering educators, researchers and students: /find/edu .Related LiteraturePublication number Publication title5990-8116ENKeysight N9310A RF Signal Generator , Data SheetmyKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.Keysight Infoline/find/InfolineKeysight’s insight to best in class information management. Free access toyour Keysight equipment company reports and e-library.Keysight Services/find/service sOur deep offering in design, test, and measurement services deploys anindustry-leading array of people, processes, and tools. The result? We helpyou implement new technologies and engineer improved processes thatlower costs.Three-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarrantyKeysight’s committed to superior product quality and lower total costof ownership. Keysight is the only test and measurement company withthree-year warranty standard on all instruments, worldwide. And, we providea one-year warranty on many accessories, calibration devices, systems andcustom products.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to ten years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure yourinstruments are operating to specification, so you can rely on accuratemeasurements.Keysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and productbreadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/n9310bFor more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Keysightoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada(877) 894 4414Brazil55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States(800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong800 938 693India 1 800 11 2626Japan0120 (421) 345Korea080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries(65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle EastAustria0800 001122Belgium0800 58580Finland0800 523252France0805 980333Germany***********Ireland1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg+32 800 58580Netherlands0800 0233200Russia8800 5009286Spain800 000154Sweden0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-06-08-16)/go/qualityKeysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2015Quality Management SystemThis information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 2013 - 2016Published in USA, October 13, 20165990-8120ENEvolvingOur unique combination of hardware, software, support, and people can helpyou reach your next breakthrough. We are unlocking the future of technology.From Hewlett-Packard to Agilent to Keysight。
RBW固然有助於宽频带信号的侦测,将增加底噪(Noise Floor),降低测量灵敏度,对於侦测低强度的信号易产生阻 碍,因此应综合考虑适当的RBW宽度。 >分辨率带宽><数字键>(softkey)
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回波损耗测试 以上功能需要配合跟踪发生器使用,在此不做说明。 如有兴趣了解,请参阅《N9320B User’s Guide》。
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关闭频率计数器 >功能>频率计数器>频率计数器>(关) 使用频率计数器功能时,分辨率带宽与扫宽的比值必须大 于0.02。
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xx/mobile: …………………….
地址:武汉市光谷创业街67号 邮编:430073 邮箱:xwdeng@
频谱仪功能 频谱仪的功能
频谱仪的主要功能是在频域里测量显示输入信号的频谱分布和 幅值信息,将复杂信号分离,或者解调为频率和幅值不同的正选
调制解调功能的频谱仪,还能测量模拟电视信号的CSO、CTB、 C/N比等参数值。
安捷伦N9330B 使用说明全新
字体大小:大| 中| 小2009-05-11 13:26 - 阅读:125 - 评论:0关于安捷伦的N9330A/B天馈线测试仪的简易操作一、硬键说明:1、MODE----测量模式键:用于选择仪表的测量模式。
二、硬键/软键的结合功能:A、MODE—测量模式键:包括:1、FREQ(频率模式):该模式下包括:1.1 驻波比1.2 回波损耗1.3 电缆损耗2、DTF(故障定位模式):该模式下包括:2.1 驻波比2.2 回波损耗1、FREQ(频率模式):1.1、FREQ—驻波比:在这种模式下,按动下列硬键,将会分别出现相关的软键,其功能分别为:1.1.1 FREQ/DIST—频率设置键(此时只能设置频率):此时的软键分为:起始---用于设置测试的起始频率。
Agilent N9320B频谱分析仪介绍
图 2-2参考信号在屏幕外的 Delta标记对
使用 Delta 标记比较不在同一屏幕上的信号
7 电源接口 用作频谱仪的电源输入端口。
8 VGA 端口 此视频输出端口可连接到一个外部显示器或投影仪。
9 USB端口 当您需要程控此频谱仪时,此端口用于连接电脑。
2 功能与应用
2.1 基本测量
在本介绍中,标有 [
] 的键,比如 [Preset/System], [Frequency]以及 [Marker]
提供了可选购的 AM/FM调制分析功能。
• 跟踪信号发生器
• 分辨率为 0.1Hz 的频率计数器
频谱分析仪内置的计数器可使信号的频率测量精度达到 0.1Hz。
• 支持 USB 功率传感器
N9330B 用户手册
1 N9330B 简介
15 14
13 12
9 8
7 6
标题 1 待机开关 2 功能健
3 复位健 4 确认健 5 校准健 6 退出 / 清除 7 保存和调用健 8 自动调整健 9 拷屏键 10 旋钮 11 亮度 12 蜂鸣器 13 软键 14 屏幕 15 手提带
开启仪器电源前请务必确保取下电子校准器,以免 C小A心U- 对其内部电路造成损坏。
N9330B 用户手册
2 使用指南
C小A心U -
仪器所允许输入的信号平均功率不能超过 23 dBm, 或者 50 VDC 的直流电压,以免过大的信号输入对仪 器内部电路造成损伤。
仪器的操作系统要求其连接的 USB 存储盘全面满足 USB 1.1 或 2.0 规范。然而并非所有 USB 存储盘都能全
晰容易地读数。 • 内置光线感应器根据环境光线自动调节屏幕亮度以及
按键背光方便用户操作并同时节省电量。 • 可充电锂离子电池可支持四小时连续工作。( 待机状
态下更高达五小时 )。 • 弧形的手柄和带条纹的橡胶外套使用户握起来非常舒
适与牢固。 • 联想文件名使编辑文件名称简单快捷。 • 通过 USB 接口可方便地保存和读取测量数据。
本仪器内部没有可供用户操作的零部件,请不要擅 警告 自打开仪器外壳,否则可能造成人身伤害。详情请
本仪器是 I 类安全产品。请务必使用具有保护接地的 插座。本仪器内部或外部保护导线的任何中断都可
频谱分析仪N9340B频谱分析仪N9340B是一款便携式频谱分析仪,由Keysight Technologies推出。
它重量只有 4.3 kg,便于用户在实地操作时携带。
安捷伦业界领先的89600 VSA 软件和VXA 测量应用软件能够在时域、频 域和调制域中对信号进行全面的查看和分析,并且支持 70 余种信号标准和调 制类型,允许您进行雷达和通信信号分析,调制范围为 2 FSK 至 1024QAM, 标准范围是从 RFID 到 LTE。
PXA 测试时间较 PSA 缩短 了 30% 至 70%
PXA 分析仪内置的多种功能, 能够节省生产测试时间: ● 自动调谐确保简便的信号设置 ● 强大且丰富的标记功能支持快速的
频率、信号功率和相关测量 ● 极限线简化了合格 / 不合格测试 ● 幅度修正可补偿电缆、天线和信号路径内的其他非 UUT 仪器
P X A 具有高代码兼容性,是
Agilent/HP 856x 频谱分析仪的一款
替代产品。远程语言一致性 (RLC) 测 量应用软件 (N9061A) 是其一个主要功
能,该软件支持 X 系列信号分析仪仿
真 HP/Agilent 8566/68 和 856xE/EC
频率范围 3 Hz 至 3.6 GHz 3 Hz 至 8.4 GHz 3 Hz 至 13.6 GHz 3 Hz 至 26.5 GHz
分析带宽 宽范围选择: 10 MHz (标配)、25、40 和 140 MHz
W-CDMA ACLR 动态范围 -83 dBc (-88 dBc 标称值) 启动噪声校正功能时
通过 PXA 信号分析仪实现掌控, 推动技术演进
面向未来的 Agilent PXA 是 现有高性能信号分析仪的更新换 代产品。它能帮助您保持以前的 性能,改进当前设计并加速未来 创新。
Agilent N9330B手持线路和天线测试器25MHz到4.0GHz技术概述说明书
Agilent N9330BHandheld Cable and Antenna Tester25 MHz to 4.0 GHzTechnical OverviewYour perfect solution for testing cables and antennas in today’s communication networksToday, the increasing range of wireless applications provides end users on the move with faster and more diverse services.Broadband mobile data and telephony are now becoming ubiquitous, with coverage in most urban and many rural areas.The number of base stations (BTS) needing fast, efficient installation continues to grow. Moreover, the vast numbers of existing installed base stations need periodic maintenance and, from time to time, trouble shooting and repair.Whether you do your own maintenance test or rely on third-party contractors, you need well-maintained antenna networks and cables to ensure:• Better voice and data quality • Fewer dropped calls • Less dropped links An efficient and effective cable and antenna tester is an essential basic test tool for network engineers and technicans for wireless network installation and maintenance.• New site installation and deployment• Routine maintenance• Trouble shootingVerity performance and trouble-shoot base station cable and antenna systems: test wide band or narrow band from 25 MHz to 4 GHz.Ensure the Reliability of Your Cable and Antenna System Easy to use and convenient to carry to any siteKey measurements:Frequency domain • Return loss vs. frequency• VSWR vs. frequency• Cable loss testDistance to fault (DTF)• Return loss vs. distance• VSWR vs. distance• Fault locationHigh accuracy power measurement • Support Agilent U2000 series USB power sensor• Wireless service providers:Base station cable & antennasystem I&M• Aerospace and defense:Radio and radar cable andantenna system I&M• Broadcasting and radiolinks:Cable and antenna systemI&M• Utilities, emergency andsecurity services• Contractors for all the aboveEarly identification of potential problemsDeteriorating cable and antenna conditions, such as a loose or corrodedconnector, a pinched or restricted cable, or damaged lightning arrestors causemeasurable RF impedance changes. Slight changes in VSWR, power loss andantenna bandwidth drift are early indications of system deterioration.Distance-To-Fault testing uses frequency domain reflectrometry (FDR)techniques that readily detects and locates these slight changes in RFimpedance. With routine DTF testing as part of a preventative maintenance plan,you can find and fix these problems before the system fails and repairs becomecostly. Agilent’s N9330B provides fast startup time, so technicians are ready totest in seconds.It’s small size and light weight make it easy to handle and it stands up to roughfield use and all weather conditions.Fast measurement speed means your technicians can evaluate one of thetrouble spots in a matter of minutes.N9330B speeds up installation of cables and antennas at new site, too.Whatever your tasks, speed is important, with N9330B you can test more sitesper day.And USB data storage lets you save all of the results for post-test analysis.You will find the Agilent N9330B tester useful and reliable, in rugged fieldenvironments for rapid installation of a new cellular network infrastructure,2-way radio communication system or any type of communication system.The N9330B supports U2000 series USB power sensor for high accuracy power measurement.High accuracy power measurement (option PWM)The N9330B now supports high-accuracy, USB plug-and-play power measure-ments when connected to an Agilent U2000 series USB power sensor. Make true average power measurements for all signal types with wide dynamic range up to 18 GHz with just the push of a button. The Agilent U2000 USB sensors require no external power supplies and with internal zeroing eliminate the need for external calibration. Without the need for additional boxes, the user can easily set up, calibrate and control the power meter/sensor via the analyzer’s USB port.The N9330B can collect, display and save the power meter results. The analyzer also provides Pass/Fail testing with user set upper and lower limits and a Pass/Fail indicator. Test results are shown in dBm and W when making absolute measurements and in dB and percentage when measurements are relative. Two display modes are available: Meter or the Chart mode to log power measurements over time.Meter modeEasier OperationN9330B optimized usability:• Long battery life • Modern USB connectivity • Sunlight-viewable LCD • Multi-language UI • Rugged design for field use A fast job, well done A busy technician needs fast tester setup, quick calibration, and a straightfor-ward, repeatable test procedure.Agilent N9330B gives you:• Fast startup time • Auto calibration • Test set-up recall • USB memory stick support • USB connectivity for PC software • More direct-access hard keys • Rapid cursor control and marker movement using scroll knob • Easy data storage • Customized, unmistakably named data files and auto-sequential file naming • Comprehensive results saved in a an easy-to-use format • Auto pass/fail test comparisons The Agilent N9330B is easy to use, so it minimizes the need for training. Technicians will get up to speed fast – and get their work done quickly.The optimum combination of hardkeys and softkeys provides an intuitive interface for all measurements.The most-used functions are conveniently selectable, via large, front-panel keys.The front-panel knob provides a simple scroll function, allowing rapid cursor movement to access data points across scan displays, or data entries.Well organized front-panel with more hard buttons and function keys for faster access to essential test functions.Powerful functions:• Smart and fast electronic calibrator• Powerful post analysis PCsoftware'T-combo' open/short/50 Ω load N9330B-203 Electronic calibratorSmart, fast calibrationAt the start of any new test setup, a three-step calibration is necessary, using an open, a short, and a calibrated test load.The most accurate calibration method is to use mechanical calibration stan-dards, an optional special ‘T-combo’ open/shot/load, makes it easy for use in the field.For fast and automatic calibration, you can choose the N9330B-203 electronic calibrator. Simply connect the electronic calibrator and press a key to run the electronic calibration.Use sensible archive file names related to each site tested The N9330B lets you choose meaningful names for your stored data: names that you customize and relate to your site.You no longer have to tolerate anonymous file names with no linkage to your site. It is easy to recognise and recall archived data files without the need for cross-referencing.And you can use sequential file names as you store successive files. Powerful PC based post analysis softwareEffective cable and antenna testing is more than just the measurements. Agilent provides a powerful PC based post-analysis tool. This software tool, standard with every Agilent N9330B, provides trace analysis, trace comparison, customized reports and data file management.The USB connection makes it fast and easy to transfer the measurement data to the PC for analysis.Take a closer look and see where Agilent puts the emphasis on usabilityPressing the front panel “Save” function key displays the soft key, “Save DATA as”. This then allows you to enter an appropriate file name.Subsequently, press the “Save DATA” soft key, each new file name automatically increments, as in example: CHICAG_SITE2, CHICAG_SITE3,...Store data and setup configurationWhen you take the tester out into the field, and have a large number of sites and installations to check, you need sufficient storage capacity for previous, historic data. The internal memory stores up to 200 traces, and you can save screen images.For fast instrument set up, you can store up to 15 stored configurations in the internal memory.If you need even more, simply use a USB memory stick for external storage of configurations, traces and screen images.N9330B Handheld Cable and Antenna Tester1. Test port, with connector protection cap.2. Modern USB connectivity for both remote control and memory stick. Support high accuracy power measurement with Agilent U2000 USB power sensor.3. Rapid marker positioning to measurement points using the fast-scroll rotary control.4. The protective soft carrying case with it’s ergonomic design provides further protection for the Agilent N9330B.5. Robust, comfortable, quick-grab hand strap.6. The 6.5“ transflective LCD gives sharp and clear display of results even working in direct sunlight with the high resolution of 640 x 480 pixels.7. Easy access to most common tests and settings using keypad.8.Easy results comparisonfast recall of stored data.64578Agilent Reliable Field UseTesting in the field means working in remote locations and out in the open:sometimes carrying test equipment up towers, or possibly working in small, cramped buildings with no direct access to AC power on site.You may have to test:• Under temperature extremes•I n bright sunlight or in the dark • In poor weather conditionsNone of these is the best operating environment for precision electronic test equipment.Agilent designed the N9330B cable and antenna tester.See traces clearly indoors and outdoorsAs with all the newest Agilent portable field equipment, operating under challenging bright sunlight or other difficult natural lighting conditions is not a problem. The bright new 6.5’’ TFT display with resolution of 640 x 480 pixels provides a superior, bright and clear trace for indoor and outdoor use.Back-lit keys for night use The new back-lit keys in the N9330B make it easy to see the keys clearly, even in the dark. The user can adjust the brightness of the keys and the duration of the key light, making it easy to use in light or dark, day or night.Carry-case options provide safe, comfortable transportThe soft carrying case provides added protection. A convenient shoulder strap leaves hands free for carrying other tools and equipment, or for safe climbing of access towers and gangways.For further protection of the tester when storing or transporting it in more harsh environments, an optional hard transit case is available.The tester itself has a strong hand strap for a sure grip when carried without thecase.Outstanding display technology provides superior performance under the mostdemanding lighting conditionsLow-cost, with Agilent worldwide supportSuperior battery performanceBased on customer inputs, Agilent understands that good battery life is essen-tial for remote, on-site testing.There is often no convenient conventional AC power line connection available atremote BTS or antenna sites.Agilent N9330B incorporates advanced battery pack technology with intelligentcharging technology, to provide you with up to four hours of continuous use.To maximize useful instrument test time when on site, each tester incorporatessmart power management to help conserve battery power.The long-life lithium-ion batteries in the N9330B have no ‘memory’, which is animportant improvement over earlier battery types.When extended operation is necessary, you simply switch batteries which onlytakes seconds.Earlier battery technology used in some portable testers allowed only limitedtester operating time before needing recharging.Worldwide service supportOf course, when you buy an Agilent tester, you are confident that should youneed it you have the best worldwide support.The Agilent N9330B Cable and AntennaTester – The newest in Agilent’s lineup oflow cost handheld instruments.N9330B Handheld Cable and Antenna Tester Specifications Display 6.5” 640 x 480 transflective color LCD with adjustable backlightSize (W x H x D)317 mm x 207 mm x 69 mm (12.5 in x 8.1 in x 2.7 in) Weight Net weight: 2.6 kg (5.73 lbs)Weight with battery: 2.9 kg (6.39 lbs)N9330B handheld cable and antenna testerRechargeable battery Automotive 12 V DC adaptorPhase-stable extension cable Electronic calibratorHard transit caseSoft carrying caseT-combo’ open/short/50 Ω loadOrdering InformationN9330B25 MHz to 4 GHz handheld cable and antenna testerAccessories supplied as standard with the tester:• Soft carrying case• Rechargeable battery• AC-DC adaptor with power cord• USB cable• Quick-start tutorial• Documentation CD (also includes measurement analysis PCSelect Agilent calibration planR-50C-011-33-year calibration assurance plan (return to Agilent):Priority calibration service covering all calibration costs for 3 years; 15% cheaper than buying stand-alonecalibrations.R-50C-011-55-year calibration assurance plan (return to Agilent):Priority calibration service covering all calibration costs for 5 years; 20% cheaper than buying stand-alonecalibrations./find/ThreeYearWarrantyBeyond product specification, changing the ownership experience.Agilent is the only test and measurement company that offers three-year warranty on all instruments, worldwide.Agilent Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansFive years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure your instruments are operating to specifications and you can continuallyrely on accurate measurements./qualityAgilent Electronic Measurement Group DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management SystemAgilent Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Agilent’s measurement expertise and product breadth, combined with channel partner convenience./find/n9330bFor more information on AgilentTechnologies’ products, applications or services, please contact your local Agilent office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus AmericasCanada (877) 894 4414 Brazil (11) 4197 3600Mexico 01800 5064 800 United States (800) 829 4444Asia PacificAustralia 1 800 629 485China 800 810 0189Hong Kong 800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan 0120 (421) 345Korea 080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore 180****8100Taiwan 0800 047 866Other AP Countries (65) 375 8100Europe & Middle EastBelgium 32 (0) 2 404 93 40 Denmark 45 45 80 12 15Finland 358 (0) 10 855 2100France 0825 010 700* *0.125 €/minute Germany 49 (0) 7031 464 6333 Ireland 1890 924 204Israel 972-3-9288-504/544Italy 39 02 92 60 8484Netherlands 31 (0) 20 547 2111Spain 34 (91) 631 3300Sweden 0200-88 22 55United Kingdom 44 (0) 118 927 6201For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-09-27-13)Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2014Published in USA, February 26, 20145989-8567EN。
Agilent N9320B RF 頻譜分析儀 说明书
Agilent N9320B正是為了滿足您的這項需求而設計。
(50 MHz,-10 dBm),供高阻抗RF探棒使用RF(N型,母座)Kensington TTL當您需要速度更快且更符合成本效益的RF分析工具,來測試現今的消費性電子產品與元件時,不必再考慮了!5當您發現自己必須反覆執行同一種複雜的量測或量測程序時,擁有一些捷徑能讓您聰明地提高效率。
這也是我們在Agilent N9320B 頻譜分析儀中,為您準備的功能。
Agilent N9320B 頻譜分析儀延續了安捷倫一貫堅持的傳統,就是測試設備應該具有容易設定且簡單好用的功能。
熟悉安捷倫其他頻譜分析儀的使用者會發現,Agilent N9320B 採用了類似的使用者介面,對於縮短學習曲線及簡化操作很有幫助。
使用頻譜分析儀所執行的其中一項最基本的量測,就是在頻域中量測RF 功率。
利用RMS 平均運算偵測器,精確而快速地計算出通道功率和功率頻譜密度。
(ACP)可同時在最多6個偏移頻帶或通道,針對載波相對於載波洩漏,進行快速又準確的濾波式RMS 功率量測。
2.设置中文操作界面:按屏幕下方的【SYS】-> {F3 Setting Language}-> {F2 LanguageEnglish} ->{F2简体中文}。
3.显示幅度刻度:按下【AMPTD】->{F7 更多 1 of 2}->{F4 Grid Scale 开}。
4.设置Y轴单位:按下【AMPTD】->{F7 更多 1 of 2}->{F2 Y轴单位}->根据测试需要选择相应的单位即可。
2)进入功率测量模式:按下【MEAS】->{F2 Channel Power}。
3)设置中心频率和测量带宽:按下{F1 中心频率}->2140,{F2 MHz}->{F2 积分带宽}->60,{F2 MHz}。
4)设置参考电平偏移(外接衰减器和电缆的损耗,比如31dB):按下【AMPTD】->{F7 更多1 of 2}->{F1 参考偏移}->31,{F1 dB}。
5)设置功率平均类型:按下【BW/SWP】->{F4 平均类型}->{F2,功率}。
6)设置单次测量:按下{F7 单次扫描}。
2)进入信道带宽测量模式:按下【MEAS】->{F4 OBW}。
3)设置测量带宽:按下【FREQ】->{F3 终止频率}->2170,{F2 MHz}->{F2 起始频率}->2110,{F2 MHz}。
您将发现单键的功率测量套件会 通过简化键区∕菜单选择而缩短例行测 试的设置时间。
直接从软键菜单选择这些单键 例程将保证测试设置和测量的精度 及重复性,而无论是哪位操作员按 这些按键。
选定感兴趣的信号所占的功率百 分比,在波形上会出现高低频的两个 光标,这两个光标就刻画了这部分功 率所占的带宽。
6.5 能选择键和软键 为每一测量步骤提供简明直接 的操作
USB 接口 用U盘 实现方便 的数据 存储
跟踪发生器 Cal Out 探头电源 RF 输入
输出用于频率 (50 MHz, 用于高阻抗 (N 型, 阴头)
-10 dBm) RF 探头
提高 RF 相关课程教学效率的最好方法是把讲授和动手实践相结合。我们猜想您可能希望通过 利用精心设计和价廉的 RF 教学实验室来节省指导教师的时间。N9320B 频谱分析仪和它的教学套 件(订货代码: N9320B-TR1),以及 Agilent 基础信号发生器 N9310A 为您和您的学生提供了新的和系 统性的 RF 教学环境。您可为学生设计和开展几乎任何 RF 电路实验,从发射器和接收器到关键 RF 元件,如混频器、放大器和滤波器。
该 RF 培训套件包括两块电路板。一块作为 TX 电路,另一块作为 RX 电路。每块板上的主要 RF 元件都可作为分立元件独立使用。我们给予了套件很高的灵活性,您会发现使用 Agilent RF 教 学解决方案是方便、省时和高效的。
无论您的应用领域是电子制造、工作台维修、射频教育,还是研发项目,您都需要一款价格经济的、 能提供必要功能和性能的频谱分析仪。N9320B 恰好可满足您的需求。
增强的功率测量和轻松的 自动化测试编程特性
安捷伦N9330B 使用说明知识分享
安捷伦N9330B使用说明N9330B天馈线测试仪使用指南字体大小:大 | 中 | 小 2009-05-11 13:26 - 阅读:125 - 评论:0关于安捷伦的N9330A/B天馈线测试仪的简易操作一、硬键说明:1、MODE----测量模式键:用于选择仪表的测量模式。
二、硬键/软键的结合功能:A、MODE—测量模式键:包括:1、FREQ(频率模式):该模式下包括:1.1 驻波比1.2 回波损耗1.3 电缆损耗2、DTF(故障定位模式):该模式下包括:2.1 驻波比2.2 回波损耗1、FREQ(频率模式):1.1、FREQ—驻波比:在这种模式下,按动下列硬键,将会分别出现相关的软键,其功能分别为:1.1.1 FREQ/DIST—频率设置键(此时只能设置频率):此时的软键分为:起始---用于设置测试的起始频率。
【摘要】安捷伦科技公司推出N9030A PXA信号分析仪——Agilent X系列信号分析仪中性能最高的分析仪。
1.安捷伦科技推出针对先进射频和微波应用的高性能信号分析仪 [J],
2.安捷伦科技推出针对先进射频和微波应用的高性能信号分析仪 [J], 小颖
3.安捷伦科技推出针对先进射频和微波应用的高性能信号分析仪 [J],
4.安捷伦科技推出针对先进射频和微波应用的高性能信号分析仪 [J],
5.安捷伦科技推出针对先进射频和微波应用的高性能信号分析仪 [J],
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是德科技PXA X 系列信号分析仪,多点触控 N9030B 3 Hz 至 3.6、8.4、13.6、26.5、44 或 50 GHz技术资料目录利用杰出的全方位信号分析,促进对信号的深入了解PXA 是可加快苛刻应用创新的性能基准。
凭借从优秀到卓越的测量选件,PXA 让您一路领先。
分析高达 510 MHz 分析带宽、超过 70 dB SFDR 的最新信号,并发现此前由本底噪声扩展(NFE )所隐藏的信号。
通过添加是德科技获得专利的基于 DDS 的 LO,看到器件的真实行为,获得业内领先的相位噪声性能。
利用向后代码兼容性和紧凑的 4U 外形,简化从传统安捷伦/惠普频谱分析仪的过渡。
定义与条件 ..............................................................................3频率和时间技术指标 ..................................................................4幅度精度和范围技术指标 ............................................................6动态范围技术指标 .....................................................................9PowerSuite 测量技术指标 ............................................................15一般技术指标 ...........................................................................16输入和输出 ..............................................................................17其他输出选件 ...........................................................................20I/Q 分析仪 .................................................................................21I/Q 分析仪――选件 B40 ...............................................................24I/Q 分析仪——选件 B85 或 B1X ...................................................25实时频谱分析仪(RTSA ) ............................................................27相关文献 (27)本技术资料是 PXA 信号分析仪完整技术指标和条件的摘要。
请访问以下网站,获取完整的技术指标指南:/find/pxa_specifications定义与条件技术指标是指产品保证中所包括的参数性能,除非特别注明,这些技术指标只在 0 至55℃的温度范围内有效。
95% 表示环境温度在 20 至 30℃之间时,在 95% 的情况下有 95% 的把握预计能够达到性能容限范围(~ 2σ)。
典型值是指不在产品保证范围之内的其他产品性能信息,指的是在 20℃至30℃的温度范围内80%的设备单元可以表现出 95% 的置信度的性能指标。
在下列条件下,分析仪能够达到其技术指标:– 分析仪处于校准周期内。
– 除 Auto Sweep Time Rules(自动扫描时间规则)=Accy(精确)外,分析仪处于自动耦合控制下。
– 信号频率 < 10 MHz 时,应用直流耦合。
– 如果分析仪是在允许的储存温度范围内但超出允许的工作温度范围的环境中存放,则在启动分析仪之前,必须将其放在允许的工作温度范围内至少两小时。
– 如果 Auto Align(自动校正)设置为 Normal(正常),则分析仪必须开机预热至少30 分钟;如果 Auto Align 设置为 Off(关闭)或 Partial(部分),则必须在近期进行过校正,以避免出现告警消息。
一旦告警条件从 Time and Temperature(时间和温度)变成禁用的时间长度之一,则该分析仪可能达不到相关技术指标,并且不会通知用户。
如果 Auto Align(自动校正)设置为 Light(光),则性能无法得到保证,额定性能将会下降,任何技术指标都会因为校正变为原来的 1.4 倍,例如幅度容限。
该术语是一个概念性的数量,定义如下:混频器电平(dBm)=射频输入功率电平(dBm)-(电子 + 机械)衰减(dB)。
请访问以下网站,获取完整的技术指标指南:/find/pxa_specifications频率和时间技术指标量程0 Hz(零扫宽),10 Hz 至仪器最高频率分辨率 2 Hz精度扫描FFT ±(0.1% x 扫宽 + 水平分辨率)±(0.1% x 扫宽 + 水平分辨率)1.水平分辨率 = 扫宽/(扫描点数 –1)。
量程 1 Hz 至 3 MHz (10% 步进),4、5、6、8 MHz 和宽开(标记 50 MHz )精度± 6% 标称值(扫描模式和零扫宽)幅度精度和范围技术指标射频/微波(选件 503、508、513、526)9 至 100 kHz100 kHz 至 50 MHz50 MHz 至 3.6 GHz3.5 至 8.4 GHz8.3 至 13.6 GHz13.5 至 17.1 GHz17.0 至 22.0 GHz22.0 至 26.5 GHz± 0.68 dB± 0.55 dB± 2.0 dB± 2.3 dB± 2.5 dB± 3.0 dB± 3.5 dB± 0.36 dB± 0.26 dB± 0.28 dB± 0.64 dB± 0.76 dB± 0.95 dB± 1.41 dB± 1.61 dB毫米波(选件 544、550)9 至 100 kHz100 kHz 至 50 MHz50 MHz 至 3.6 GHz3.5 至 5.2 GHz5.2 至 8.4 GHz8.3 至 13.6 GHz13.5 至 17.1 GHz17.0 至 22.0 GHz22.0 至 26.5 GHz26.4 至 34.5 GHz± 0.68 dB± 0.60 dB± 2.0 dB± 2.0 dB± 2.3 dB± 2.5 dB± 3.0 dB± 3.5 dB± 3.0 dB± 4.1 dB± 0.40 dB± 0.34 dB± 0.31 dB± 0.81 dB± 0.70 dB± 0.79 dB± 0.88 dB± 1.07 dB± 1.03 dB± 1.35 dB± 1.69 dB(10 dB 输入衰减)50 MHz10 MHz 至 3.6 GHz3.5 至 8.4 GHz8.3 至 13.6 GHz13.5 至 17.1 GHz17.0 至 26.5 GHz26.4 至 34.5 GHz34.4 至 50 GHz 1.07 标称值1.139(95%)1.290(95%)1.388(95%)1.41(95%)1.48(95%)不适用不适用1.025 标称值1.134(95%)1.152(95%)1.178(95%)1.204(95%)1.331(95%)1.321(95%)1.378(95%)前置放大器接通(0 dB 输入衰减)(选件 P03。
P08、P13、P26、P44 和 P50)10 MHz 至 3.6 GHz3.5 至 8.4 GHz8.3 至 13.6 GHz13.5 至 17.1 GHz17.0 至 26.5 GHz26.4 至 34.5 GHz34.4 至 50 GHz1.45(95%)1.54(95%)1.57(95%)1.48(95%)1.54(95%)不适用不适用1.393 标称值1.50(95%)1.310(95%)1.330(95%)1.339(95%)1.41(95%)1.42(95%)频率范围1选件 P03选件 P08选件 P13选件 P26选件 P44选件 P509 kHz 至 3.6 GHz 9 kHz 至 8.4 GHz 9 kHz 至 13.6 GHz 9 kHz 至 26.5 GHz 9 kHz 至 44 GHz 9 kHz 至 50 GHz增益9 kHz 至 3.6 GHz3.6 至 26.5 GHz26.5 至 50 GHz +20 dB 标称值+35 dB 标称值+40 dB 标称值1.低于 100 kHz 时,仅提供 95%(~ 2 σ)的频率响应值。
动态范围技术指标射频/微波(选件 503、508、513、526)前置放大器断开前置放大器接通启用 LNP 2、3频段 0,f > 20 MHz 频段 1频段 2频段 3频段 49 dB10 dB10 dB9 dB10 dB10 dB9 dB10 dB10 dB8 dB不适用10 dB10 dB10 dB10 dB有效的 DANL 实例20 至 30 °C 前置放大器断开前置放大器接通启用 LNP 2、3中频段 0(1.8 GHz)中频段 1(5.95 GHz)中频段 2(10.95 GHz)中频段 3(15.3 GHz)中频段 4(21.75 GHz)-161 dBm-158 dBm-159 dBm-152 dBm-149 dBm-171 dBm-172 dBm-168 dBm-165 dBm-160 dBm不适用-162 dBm-162 dBm-160 dBm-160 dBm1.在 NFE(本底噪声扩展)“关闭”的情况下。