1. Sun xVM VirtualBox概述
• Solaris hosts (32-bit and 64-bit):
– OpenSolaris ("Nevada" build 81 and higher) – Solaris 10 (u4 and higher, experimental support)
• 理论上,可以运行任意的x86 OS
• 多种操控前端
• 提供SDK,二次开发 • 不需要硬件虚拟化
– Intel处理器的VT-x,AMD处理器的AMD-V – 芯片辅助(Chip-Assisted)的虚拟化技术 – 可以在老硬件的计算机上使用
• 支持多种平台 • 硬件支持 • 通过VRDP远程访问,内置RDP服务器
1. Sun xVM VirtualBox概述
• 可用于桌面环境,企业环境和嵌入式系统 环境的虚拟机产品
– Microsoft:Virtual PC,Virtual Server – VMware:VMware Station,VMware Infrastructure …… – 产品单一,用途广泛
– It should be possible to use VirtualBox on most systems based on Linux kernel 2.4 or 2.6 using either the VirtualBox installer or by doing a manual installation
• 定义1
– 应用软件,为来宾操作系统提供的特殊环境, 是虚拟OS的载体 – 一认为
– 一组设定参数,用于决定虚拟机的操作,行为, 状态,这些参数被映射到GUI或CLI
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新品上市 S195 超薄19寸液晶,2毫秒急速响应,LED背光技术 16:10屏幕比例,支持4:3模式, 最佳解析度(Hz):1440*900/60
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产品名称:S198U 产品尺寸:18.5寸 产品特点:新款上市 超薄至美
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80000:1超高动态对比度 GTG2ms极速响应时间,杜绝拖 影 支持4:3宽普,有VESA壁挂 金牌A屏:金牌超A屏幕 VGA/DVI双路输入接口 时尚简约,超薄钢琴亮黑造型
惠科SUN显示器高清系列产品 显示器高清系列产品 惠科
产品名称:S229T 产品尺寸:22寸 产品特点:
惠科SUN显示器工厂简介 显示器工厂简介 惠科
惠科SUN显示器工厂简介 显示器工厂简介 惠科
面对日渐普及的液晶显示器市场,以至众商家无不挥 师向往,这也导致了今天液晶显示器市场有着百雄相 争的局面。有竞争才有发展,作为北海地区液晶市场 的领航者,北海惠科将于2010年夏天主推显示器品牌, “阳光数码SDUVN”,产品主要是针对大众用户群, 在性价比方面有着更大的提升空间;而且根据不同人 群的需求对产品性能卖点也做了细分,让消费者以最 好的价格就能买到最理想的产品,旨在做最适合大众 的消费品牌,成为新一代的液晶显示器王者。
惠科SUN显示器高清系列产品 显示器高清系列产品 惠科
产品名称:S209 产品尺寸:20寸 产品特点:
GTG2ms极速响应时间,杜绝拖 影 40000:1超高动态对比度 支持4:3模式,有VESA壁挂 金牌A屏:金牌超A屏幕 VGA/DVI双路输入接口 时尚简约,超薄钢琴亮黑造型
SUN T系列服务器产品介绍
王佃华 技术支持管理部
客户目前面临的问题 ULTRASPARC T1处理器介绍 ULTRASPARC T2处理器介绍
IBM p5+ p550 rx2660 Itanium II HP
SPECweb2005 SPECjappServer2004
性能Performance 16407/884 能耗Power Usage 340W
最好的性能、性能/电源功耗、和性能/机架高度 最佳的数据中心适用性,包括电源功耗和机架密度 最高的计算扩展性,包括多线程和高内存
Sun Fire/SPARC Enterprise T5120/T5220 新一代的UltraSparc T系列平台
GA 9 Nov. 2007
• 新浪选择12台Sun Fire T1000服务器运行Solaris 10和Sun Java System Directory Server,用以代替30台运行Linux的Dell Xeon 服务器 • • • • 增加5倍的服务器性能 只占原1/4的机架空间 只消耗元1/7的电源功耗 减少维护/电源/空调的成本
一个芯片上有8个核心 一个核心上有4个线程, 共32线程 一颗处理器相当于以往32 颗处理器 超过100项专利
SUN V440 服务器产品说明
Sun Fire™ V440服务器产品说明Sun Microsystems, Inc.4150 Network CircleSanta Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A.650-960-1300部件号817-2848-102003年7月,修订版A请将您对本文档的意见提交到:/hwdocs/feedback请版权所有2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A.保留所有权利。
Sun Microsystems, Inc.拥有本文档所提到产品中使用的技术的知识产权。
需要特别说明的是,这些知识产权可能包括(但不限于)/patents 上列出的一项或多项美国专利,以及Sun 在美国和其它国家/地区已申请到或正在申请的一项或多项专利。
未经Sun 及其许可证颁发机构(如果有)的书面授权,不得以任何方式、任何形式复制本产品或本文档的任何部分。
包括字体技术在内的第三方软件受Sun 供应商的版权保护和许可证限制。
本产品的某些部分从Berkeley BSD 系统派生而来,经University of California 许可授权。
UNIX 是在美国和其它国家/地区注册的商标,经X/Open Company, Ltd.独家许可授权。
Sun 、Sun Microsystems 、Sun 徽标、Solaris 、OpenBoot 、AnswerBook2、 、SunSolve Online 、SunVTS 、ShowMe 、Sun Fire 、Install Check 和Solaris JumpStart 是Sun Microsystems, Inc.在美国和其他国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
所有SPARC 商标都按许可证使用,是SPARC International, Inc.在美国和其它国家/地区的商标或注册商标。
boot [device_name] - [options] Printenv Devalias
System SCSI Bus
Device Tree
Solaris的优点 3.硬件支持(SPARC和X86)
Sun系统的经典CPU是SPARC芯片。Sun系统的总线体系结构要比相对 应的PC的总线结构快很多,这大大超过了补偿处理器速度的需要。
Solaris 2.1开始支持Intel平台,支持ISA、EISA、MCAH和PCI总线类型 它完全可以在高端486系统上执行。由于PC硬件的种类和厂商发生了很大的变 化,它并不支持所有的设备。 Intel用户使用的Solaris需要硬件兼容列表(Hardware Compatibility List,HCL)来决定他们的特定系统或者外围设备是否被支持。HCL列出了所有 测试过的、可以被Intel平台上的Solaris支持的系统、部件和外围设备。
列出所有EEPROM的参数 # eeprom
# eeprom boot-device
修改缺省的boot device
# eeprom boot-device=disk2
# eeprom “auto-boot?”=true
主要版本 Solaris版本 SunOS内核版本 发布日期
Sun Microsystems 1998 版本产品说明书
Copyright1998Sun Microsystems,Inc.All rights reserved.Protected by copyright and licenses restricting use,copying,distribution,and decompilation.Sun,Sun Microsystems,the Sun Logo,SunSoft,Quad FastEthernet,OpenBoot,and Solaris are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, the United States and in other countries.Portions of this product may be derived from the UNIX®system,licensed from Novell,Inc.,and from the Berkeley4.3BSD system,licensed from the University of California.UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and in other countries and is exclusively licensed by X/Open Company Ltd.Third-party software,including font technology in this product,is protected by copyright and licensed from Sun’s suppliers.RESTRICTED RIGHTS:Use,duplication,or disclosure by the ernment is subject to restrictions of FAR52.227-14(g)(2)(6/87)and FAR52.227-19(6/87),or DFAR252.227-7015(b)(6/95)and DFAR227.7202-3(a).Copyright1998Sun Microsystems,Inc.Tous droits réservés.Protégépar un copyright et distribuépar des licences qui en restreignent l’utilisation,la copie,la distribution,et ladécompilation.Sun,Sun Microsystems,le logo Sun,SunSoft,Quad FastEthernet,OpenBoot, et Solaris sont des marques déposées ou enregistrées de Sun Microsystems,Inc.aux Etats-Unit et dans d’autres pays.Des parties de ce produit pourrontêtre derivées du système UNIX®licenciépar Novell, du système Berkeley4.3BSD licenciépar l’Universitéde Californie.UNIX est une marque enregistrée aux Etats-Unis et dans d’autres pays,et licenciée exclusivement par X/Open Company Ltd.Le logiciel détenu par des tiers,et qui comprend la technologie relative aux polices de caractères,est protégépar un copyright et licenciépar des fournisseurs de Sun.SunQuadFastEthernet2.1The Sun Quad FastEthernet2.1CD-ROM contains the software required by the Sun™Quad FastEthernet™SBus adapter and the Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter.The Sun Quad FastEthernet SBus adapter is supported on systems running the Solaris™operating environment,versions 2.4,2.5,2.5.1,2.5.1Hardware releases,and2.6.However,the Sun Quad FastEthernet SBus adapters that have the hme OpenBoot™PROM property name cannot use the software on this CD.The Sun Quad FastEthernet PCI adapter is only supported on systems running the Solaris2.5.1Hardware releases and Solaris2.6.This CD insert describes how to install the driver software. Note-For complete information about how to configure the Sun Quad FastEthernet driver software,refer to the installation and user’s guide that came with your adapter.12Before Installing the SoftwareInstalling the Sun Quad FastEthernet AdapterYou must install the Sun Quad FastEthernet adapter into your system before you install and configure the driver software.Note -Refer to the installation and user’s guide that came with your adapter for instructions on how to shut down the system,install the adapter,and perform a reconfiguration boot on the system.Removing Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.0Software PackagesIf your system already has the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.0software installed,you must remove the 2.0software before installing the new Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1software.Caution -It is recommended that you do not overwrite anyexisting Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.0software packages.If you install the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1software packages over existing 2.0software packages,you will have two instances of the software packages.This may cause problems wheninstalling or backing out software patches.!o Check for any Sun Quad FastEthernet software packages by using the pkginfo command:#/usr/bin/pkginfo | grep SUNWqfesystem SUNWqfed Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter Driversystem SUNWqfedu Sun Quad FastEthernet Adapter Driver Headers If you find any Sun Quad FastEthernet2.0packages,you mustremove them.Caution-If you are using qfe as your main network interface,do this de-installation process from the system console only.Make sure no users or applications are on the system.o As superuser(root),remove any existing QuadFastEthernet software packages by using the pkgrmcommand:#/usr/sbin/pkgrm SUNWqfed SUNWqfedu34Mounting the CD-ROM1.Become superuser (root).2.Insert the Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1CD into a CD-ROM drive that is connected to your system.•If your system is running Volume Manager,it shouldautomatically mount the CD-ROM to the/cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1directory.•If your system is not running Volume Manager,mount the CD-ROM as follows:# mkdir -p /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1# mount -F hsfs -r /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1Files and Directories on the CD-ROMYou will see the following files and directories in the/cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1directory.Table1Sun Quad FastEthernet2.1Files and DirectoriesFile or Directory Contents Supported PlatformsCopyright U.S.Copyright fileFR_Copyright French Copyright fileSol_2.4Directory containing the SUNWqfed andSUNWqfedu software packages that rununder the Solaris2.4operatingenvironment.SBus only56Sol_2.5Directory containing the SUNWqfed and SUNWqfedu software packages that rununder the Solaris 2.5operatingenvironment.SBus onlySol_2.5.1+Directory containing the SUNWqfed andSUNWqfedu software packages that rununder the Solaris 2.5.1operating environment (SBus only),and theSolaris 2.5.1Hardware:4/97,8/97,and 11/97operating environments.SBus onlySBus and PCISol_2.6Directory containing the SUNWqfed and SUNWqfedu software packages that rununder the Solaris 2.6operatingenvironment.SBus and PCITable 1Sun Quad FastEthernet 2.1Files and Directories (Continued)File or Directory Contents Supported PlatformsInstalling the Sun Quad FastEthernet Driver Software1.Install the Sun Quad FastEthernet driver softwarepackages required for your operating system.a.For the Solaris2.4operating system,type:#pkgadd -d /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.4 \SUNWqfed SUNWqfedub.For the Solaris2.5operating system,type:#pkgadd -d /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.5 \SUNWqfed SUNWqfeduc.For the Solaris2.5.1operating systems,type:#pkgadd -d /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.5.1+ \SUNWqfed SUNWqfedud.For the Solaris2.6operating system,type:#pkgadd -d /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1/Sol_2.6 \SUNWqfed SUNWqfedu78 2.After the software has been installed,unmount and eject the CD-ROM.Note -After installing the driver software,refer to theinstallation and user’s guide that came with your adapter for information on how to configure the software.#cd /#umount /cdrom/sun_quadfast_2_1#eject cdrom。
本产品说明包含在文档集发布后公开的有关 Sun SPARC® Enterprise M4000/M5000 服 务器硬件、软件和文档的最新重要信息。
如果您遇到通过 Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000 服务器文档无法解决的技术问 题,请与当地的 Sun 服务代表联系。 对于位于美国或加拿大的客户,请致电 1-800-USA-4SUN (1-800-872-4786)。对于位于 世界其他地方的客户,请通过访问以下 Web 站点查找离您最近的全球解决方案中心: /service/contacting/solution.html/
3. 如果建议使用修补程序 118833-xx,请通过单击修补程序 ID 左边的框选择该修补程 序,然后单击 "Install" 按钮。 该修补程序将被下载到 /var/sadm/spool。
注 – 118833-xx 是需要按照特定说明进行安装的内核修补程序 (具体信息请参见该修补 程序的自述文件),因而该修补程序是只能通过下载获得并需要进行手动安装的 (交互 式)修补程序。必须先安装修补程序 118833-xx,然后才能安装修补程序集中的其余修 补程序,这一点很重要。
版权所有 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. 及 FUJITSU LIMITED, 1-1, Kamikodanaka 4-chome, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 211-8588, Japan。保留所有权利。 对于本文档中介绍的产品和技术, Sun Microsystems, Inc. 和 Fujitsu Limited 分别拥有相关的知识产权,此类产品、技术及本文档受版权法、专 利法与其他知识产权法和国际公约的保护。 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 和 Fujitsu Limited 在此类产品、技术及本文档中拥有的知识产权包括 (但不 限于)在 /patents 中列出的一项或多项美国专利,以及在美国或其他国家/地区申请的一项或多项其他专利或待批专利。 本文档及其相关产品和技术的使用、复制、分发和反编译均受许可证限制。未经 Fujitsu Limited 和 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 及其适用许可方 (如果有)的事先书面许可,不得以任何形式、任何手段复制此类产品或技术或本文档的任何部分。提供本文档并不意味着赋予您对相关产品 或技术的任何明示或默示的权利或许可,而且本文档不包含也不表示 Fujitsu Limited 或 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 或各自分支机构作出的任何种 类的任何承诺。 本文档以及其中介绍的产品和技术可能包含已从 Fujitsu Limited 和/或 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 供应商处获得版权和/或使用许可的第三方知识 产权,包括软件和字体技术。 根据 GPL 或 LGPL 的条款,一经请求,最终用户可以使用受 GPL 或 LGPL 约束的源代码副本 (如果适用)。请与 Fujitsu Limited 或 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 联系。 本发行版可能包含由第三方开发的内容。 本产品的某些部分可能是从 Berkeley BSD 系统衍生出来的,并获得了加利福尼亚大学的许可。UNIX 是 X/Open Company, Ltd. 在美国和其他 国家/地区独家许可的注册商标。 Sun、 Sun Microsystems、 Sun 徽标、 Java、 Netra、 Solaris、 Sun Ray、 Answerbook2、 、 OpenBoot 和 Sun Fire 是 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的商标或注册商标。 Fujitsu 和 Fujitsu 徽标是 Fujitsu Limited 的注册商标。 所有 SPARC 商标的使用均已获得许可,它们是 SPARC International, Inc. 在美国和其他国家/地区的注册商标。标有 SPARC 商标的产品均基 于由 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 开发的体系结构。 SPARC64 是 SPARC International, Inc. 的商标, Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc. 和 Fujitsu Limited 已获得其使用许可。 OPEN LOOK 和 Sun™ 图形用户界面是 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 为其用户和许可证持有者开发的。Sun 感谢 Xerox 在研究和开发可视或图形用 户界面的概念方面为计算机行业所做的开拓性贡献。Sun 已从 Xerox 获得了对 Xerox 图形用户界面的非独占性许可证,该许可证还适用于实现 OPEN LOOK GUI 和在其他方面遵守 Sun 书面许可协议的 Sun 许可证持有者。 美国政府权利 - 商业用途。美国政府用户应遵循 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 和 Fujitsu Limited 的政府用户标准许可协议,以及 FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulations,即 “联邦政府采购法规”)的适用条款及其补充条款。 免责声明:Fujitsu Limited、 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 或各自的任何分支机构作出的与本文档或其中介绍的任何产品或技术有关的担保仅限于在 提供产品或技术所依照的许可协议中明确规定的担保。除非在此类许可协议中明确规定,否则 FUJITSU LIMITED、 SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC. 及其分支机构对于此类产品或技术或本文档不作出任何种类的陈述或担保 (明示或默示)。此类产品或技术或本文档均按原样提供,对于 所有明示或默示的条件、陈述和担保,包括但不限于对适销性、适用性或非侵权性的默示保证,均不承担任何责任,除非此免责声明的适用范 围在法律上无效。除非在此类许可协议中明确规定,否则在适用法律允许的范围内,对于任何第三方 (基于任何法律理论)的收入或利润损 失、效用或数据丢失或业务中断,或任何间接、特殊、意外或继发的损害, Fujitsu Limited、 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 或其任何分支机构均不承 担任何责任,即使事先已被告知有可能发生此类损害。 本文档按 “原样”提供,对于所有明示或默示的条件、陈述和担保,包括对适销性、适用性或非侵权性的默示保证,均不承担任何责任,除非 此免责声明的适用范围在法律上无效。
SUN2000-(20KTL-M3, 33KTL-NH, 40KTL-NH) 快速指南文档版本:06部件编码:3150HLN发布日期:2023-01-10华为技术有限公司•由于产品版本升级或其他原因,本文档内容会不定期进行更新。
1产品简介(1)LED指示灯(2)主机面板(3)散热片(4)遮阳棚固定螺钉孔(5)通信接口(COM)(6)直流开关锁定螺钉孔(7)直流开关(8)智能通信棒接口a(9)透气阀(10)直流输入端子(PV1~PV8)(11)交流输出接口(12)点检端子盒(13)接地点注a:SUN2000MA V100R001C20SPC109及之后的版本仅在50kW未满低压解决方案场景支持接入智能通信棒,且不支持并网点功率控制。
安装前准备4.1序号名称类型规格1保护地线单芯户外铜芯线缆导体横截面积≥ 5.5mm 22交流输出线户外铜芯线缆/铝芯线缆•导体横截面积:16mm 2~50mm 2户外铜芯线缆/35mm 2~50mm 2户外铝芯线缆•线缆外径:16mm ~38mm 3直流输入线行业通用的户外光伏线缆(推荐型号:PV1-F )•导体横截面积:3.5mm 2~6mm 2•线缆外径:5.5mm ~9mm 4(可选)RS485通信线两芯户外屏蔽双绞线•导体横截面积:0.2mm 2~1mm 2•线缆外径:4mm ~11mm5交流开关推荐使用三相交流断路器额定电压≥500V AC ,额定电流:80A4电气连接•禁止在逆变器和与逆变器直连的交流开关之间接入负载,避免引起开关误脱扣。
T-Series 1-4 Socket + 2x Throughput Solaris 10 Update
M-Series 1-64 Socket + 20%
T-Series 1-4 Sockets +3x Single Strand
M-Series 8-64 Sockets +6x Throughput +1.5x Single Strand
功耗 处理器特性 Target @ 1.05V, 95C, 1.65GHz 16 核, 8 线程/核(128 线程/核) 1 Socket: 146W 4条非直连系统通道;6条直连通道 (每 2 Sockets: 162W 条带宽9.6Gb/s) 4 sockets: 169W 内存 晶片技术 2个内存控制器(2条到BOB总线) 40纳米 每个内存通道4x DDR3 每条BOB通道带宽为 6.4Gb/s
芯片对I/O 和网络的扩展 2x PCIe2 x8 links @ 5GTS 2x 10GbE (XAUI interface)
SPARC T3 与T2+的比较
处理器配置为16 核,主频为1.65GHz 16 核, 8 线程/核(128 线程/核) 内存控制单元(MCU) 每个控制单元加了2个BOB缓存 内存类型为DDR3 晶片工艺为40纳米 新增 9 FP 每核 新加一些指令地址 L2缓存从4MB增至6M L2带宽增至211GB/sec 处理器增加Dual 10GbE 接口 处理器增加Dual PCIe Gen 2 x8 接口 增加加密算法的支持 DES, 3DES, AES, SHA1, Kasumi, Galois Field, SHA256/384/512, MD5, RSA to 2048 key, ECC,CRC32
Sun Machine 450EL Serial B 产品说明书
EEOS131BSun Machine 450ELSerial B Unit SetupPage: 1 of 8ONLYUSE THESE INSTRUCTIONS WHEN SETTINGUP THESUN MACHINE 450EL SERIAL B UNIT FOR THE FIRST TIMETEEOS131B (10/26/2001) REV B.Installation InstructionsINSTALLATION MUST BE PERFORMEDBYQUALIFIED EQUISERV PERSONNEL ONLY INSTALLATION OVERVIEW:_____________________________________________The Installation Instructions listed are for the SUN MACHINE 450EL Serial B W/O Gas Analyzer. The unit is shipped as a fully assembled unit with the exception of the items as listed in the PARTS & ACCESSORIES LIST. To insure that the most recent release of operating software is received, the software will be added to the unit before it is shipped to the customer.NOTE: There are several upgrade kits that are available for the Sun Machine 450EL. The Sun Machine 450EL must be completely setup and verified for proper operation before installing any of these kits. Install the kits one at a time and verifying proper operation of the unit and upgrade prior to installing the next upgrade kit.PARTS & ACCESSORIES LIST:__________________________________________ PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTY0002-0133-15Test Lead Assembly, Jumper10528-1088-01Paper, Printer10552-0043Adapter, Thexton Gm/Ford Coil Terminal10552-0103-01Pad, Mouse10552-0120-01Adapter, Thexton Chry/Jeep/Eagle10552-0130-02Mouse, 3 Button Black PS/210672-0035-01Test Clip, Wire Piercing10682-1049-01Labels, Stickers40692-1834-01Quality Control Questionnaire SEL 1403C10692-2291-01Warranty Registration Form11-2385Cover, Keyboard11747-0101Test Adapter Assembly, Pat Pickup11747-0102Test Adapter Assembly, Hei Pickup14100-5016-01Screw, Shoulder, 5/16-18 x 3/8” LG36002-0346Test Lead Assembly, Jumper W/Probe16004-0544-02Test Lead Assembly, Pattern Dual Hd26004-0763-02Test Lead Assembly, Pattern Conventional16004-0775-02Cable, Secondary “Y” Adapter16004-0819-01Adapter, Universal Pattern Pickup16005-0171-03Test Lead Assembly, Current Pickup16005-0182-02Test Lead Assembly, Universal17009-2325-02Test Lead Assembly, Trigger Pickup18-2663License Certificate1EAE0050L20A LED Printer, OkiPage 10E or 1PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION QTYEAE0050L40A LED printer, OkiPage 14EEAK0157L14B Software Kit1EAW0058C00A Test Lead Assembly, Volt/Ohm Pinpoint1EAW0060C00A Cable, Adapto1SS1495POP (Point Of Purchase) Kit1TEEOS131B Installation Instructions1ZEEOS140B Operator’s Manual1 REQUIRED TOOLS:____________________________________________________•Complete Tool KitINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS:_________________________________________ NOTE:STEPS 1 THROUGH 6 WILL REQUIRE TWO OR MORE PEOPLE.1. Cut and remove the straps. Carefully slide the unit carton off the shipping pallet. Remove the top of theshipping carton.2. Remove the carton by sliding the carton over top of the unit.3. Remove foam packing from around the sides of the unit.4. Lean the Sun Machine 450EL so that half of the foam base can be removed.5. Lean the Sun Machine 450EL so that other half of the foam base can be removed.6. Remove tape from ALL drawers and covers.7. Remove bubble wrap from Keyboard, located in the keyboard drawer.8. Inventory all items using the Parts & Accessories List and inspect for damage. The Unit Accessories arelocated in the bottom drawer of the unit. The Literature Kit is also located in the bottom drawer of the unit.NOTE:ANY SOFTWARE OR HARDWARE OWNERS’ MANUALS AND PRE-LOADED SOFTWARE THAT COME WITH THE COMPUTER, SUCH AS MICROSOFT® WINDOWS® 98 AND THE SUNMACHINE 450 OPERATING SOFTWARE PACKAGE, ARE LOCATED IN THE BOTTOM DRAWEROF THE UNIT.NOTE:ANY REGISTRATION CARDS FOR THE INSTALLED SOFTWARE, SUCH AS MICROSOFT®WINDOWS® 98 MUST BE FILLED OUT AND SENT IN BY THE CUSTOMER TO ENSURECOMPLIANCE WITH ANY SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENTS.NOTE: THE BOOM IS SHIPPED IN THE LOWER POSITION AND WILL NEED TO BE RAISED TO PROPER HEIGHT.9. Open the back cover of the unit, locate the boom journal and remove the stop bolt on the boom. Raise theboom approximately 7 inches to expose new stop bolthole; place the stop bolt into the new hole.10. Locate the shoulder screws (4100-5016-01), install the shoulder screws in the three holes at the bottom ofthe boom journal. The shoulder screw heads must be on the inside of the journal.11. The monitor is shipped separately from the unit. Remove the monitor from the box and inspect the monitorfor damage.12. Remove the swivel base of the monitor if attached.NOTE: IF YOU ARE MOUNTING A 15” SAMPO MONITOR, THE BACK MOUNTING BRACKET MUST BE TURNED AROUND AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 1.BACKFigure 1, Monitor Base Plate for 15” Sampo Monitor.13. Place the monitor into the monitor base plate with the back of the monitor pushed snug against the backbracket. Slide the front bracket snug up to the front of the monitor and tighten the nuts of the brackets.14. Fasten the Velcro straps over the top of the monitor and snug down.15. Discard the A.C. Cable supplied with the monitor. Use the A.C. Cable found attached to the top of the unit.16. Connect monitor power, data, mic and audio cables to the unit.17. Locate the mouse and install the Mouse Cable to the Mouse Connector of the connector plate on the leftside of the unit.18. Locate the Printer Paper (0528-1088-01) in the bottom storage drawer. Load printer paper into PaperCassette of the printer (100 Sheets maximum). A portion of the remaining paper can be placed under the Printer.19. Connect all Test Leads and the Vacuum Hose to their respective connectors located on the boom of theSun Machine 450. Store any unused leads and accessories in the lower storage drawer.Starting Windows 98 for the first time21. Turn on the analyzer. Windows will boot to the Window 98 Setup Wizard.22. When prompted: Enter the shop owner’s name in the Name: field, and the shop name in the Company:field, then select Next >.23. The end-user (customer) must select I accept the agreement to accept the License Agreement, thenselect Next >.24. Enter the Product Key number from the Certificate of Authenticity found on the Getting StartedMicrosoft Windows 98 book that came with the analyzer, then select Next >.25. Select Finish.26. Enter the shop owner’s name in the User Name: field, and then select OK. Do Not Enter A Password.27. Date/Time Properties: Select your time zone, set the date and time, and select Apply, then select OK.28. Enter the validation code and select OK.29. You will be prompted to insert the Initial Installation floppy disk into the unit. Place the Sun Machine InitialInstallation disk in the floppy drive then select OK.30. You will be prompted to insert the Sun Machine software upgrade floppy disk into the unit. Place the SunMachine Software upgrade disk in the floppy drive then select OK. Once completed remove the floppy disk from the drive.31. Deselect the Show this screen each time Windows starts box on the Welcome window.32. Close the Welcome window by pressing the X in the upper right corner of the Welcome window.33. If the Windows desktop size does not closely match the monitor viewing area, you will need tochange the refresh rate in the windows program. Select Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel.34. From the Control Panel Select Display. From display select the Settings tab and then select theAdvanced button.35. Select the Adjustments tab and then select the Refresh Rate button. Select Show All Refresh Rates(select OK within the message box that appears).36. Select 75Hz non-interlaced for the refresh rate and select Change (select OK within the message box thatappears).37. Select Yes to the message box “Did windows reappear correctly”.38. Select OK (select OK within the message box that appears).39. Select OK to close the Display window, close the settings window by selecting the X in the upper right handcorner of the Display window.Configure the Speakerphone Software40. Double-click the Quick Link Message Center icon on the right side of the screen, to start the program.41. Type in your “Local Area Code” and then press ENTER.42. Select I Agree on the Quick Link Message Center III Setup Wizard.43. Complete the requested information and select Next >.44. Complete the address information and select Next >.45. When prompted to choose a modem, verify that the “US Robotics 56K Voice PCI” is highlighted, andselect Next >.46. Next a modem setup box will appear and automatically detect the modem.47. After the modem has been detected select Next > and deselect “Electronically register this product.”48. Click on Finish and ignore any error that may come up.49. Click on OK and click on Continue and click on Continue again to proceed past the Advertisements.50. When an “Upgrade” window appears, click on Cancel.51. Select View and click on Speakerphone.52. Select View and click on Speed Dial.53. Adjust the Microphone Volume Control level to about 1/3 volume.54. Adjust Speaker Volume Control to maximum.55. Close the Quick Link Message Center III window by clicking on the X in the upper right-hand corner of thebox.SAMPO Monitor Display Position Adjustment (DOS Mode)When entering or leaving the Sun Machine program, if the monitor screen jumps to the right or left, perform steps 56 through 65 to correct.56. Perform the following steps only while in the Sun Machine program.57. Using the front buttons on the monitor, select the OSD button. This will bring up a monitor adjustmentwindow.58. Using the Select“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, highlight Horizontal Position symbol, asshown in figure 2 below.59. Using the Adjust“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, adjust the horizontal position to the centerof the monitor screen.60. Using the Select“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, highlight Horizontal Sizing symbol, asshown in figure 2 below.61. Using the Adjust“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, adjust the horizontal size to the desiredsize on the monitor screen.62. Using the Select“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, highlight Vertical Position symbol, asshown in figure 2 below.63. Using the Adjust“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, adjust the vertical position to the center ofthe monitor screen.64. Using the Select“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, highlight Vertical Sizing symbol, as shownin figure 2 below.65. Using the Adjust“+“ or “–“ buttons on the front of the monitor, adjust the vertical to the desired size onthe monitor screen.Horizontal PositionVerticalPositionHorizontalSizingVerticalSizing Figure 2, Monitor Adjustment SymbolsCheck Printer SelectionThis unit may come with either the OkiPage 10E printer or the OkiPage 14E printer; use the following procedure to check proper printer setup.66. From the Windows Desktop select Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Printers.67. Check to see which printer you are using by looking at the label next to the LED Control Panel (Top Right-hand side of printer); it will read either Okipage 10E or OkiPage 14E68. Verify that there is a checkbox beside the appropriate printer icon in the Printers window. If not, right clickon the appropriate icon and double-click on the Set as Default selection.69. Right-click on the default printer and select Properties.70. Select Print Test Page.71. Wait for the printer to print the test page. If printed correctly click on Yes, if not click on No andtroubleshoot accordingly.If you are using a different printer or you need to load, the proper printer drivers for this unit perform the following:72. Insert the Sun Machine Ver 5.0 CD-ROM disk into one of the CD-ROM drives.73. Select Start ⇒ Run, in the run window typeX:\printers\printer driver install.htm¬, (where X is the letter of the CD-ROM Drive you have the CD inserted in).NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE AN INTERNET BROWSER LOADED ON THIS UNIT TYPE X:\printers\printer driver install.DOC¬, THIS WILLBRING UP A WORDPAD VERSION OF THE INSTRUCTIONS.74. This will bring up the driver install document for all of the LED printers.Check Printer Properties (Skip this step if your analyzer does not have a printer)75. Select the Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Printers.76. Press the right mouse button over the printer icon for the installed printer on the Printers page.77. Select Properties on the dialog.78. Select the Details tab.79. Select the Port Settings… button.80. Verify that there is no check mark on Spool MS-DOS print jobs, then select OK.81. Select the OK button on the printer properties dialog.82. Close the Printers window by pressing the X in the upper right corner of the window.Check Network Adapter PropertiesNOTE: THESE SETTINGS ARE ONLY USED IF THIS UNIT IS NOT BEING ATTACHED TO A NETWORK. IF YOU ARE ATTACHING THIS UNIT TO A NETWORK, REMOVE THE CHECKMARK FROM THEDISABLE IN THIS HARDWARE PROFILE CHECK BOX.83. Select the Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel ⇒System.84. Select the Device Manager Tab from the System Properties Window.85. Select the plus sign (+) to the left of Network Adapters to expand the list.86. Highlight Intel 82558-Based… adapter then select Properties in the Device Manager Tab.87. Under the General, tab in the Intel 82558-Based… dialog box place a check mark in the box next toDisable in this hardware profile. Select OK ⇒ OK.88. Select Start ⇒ Shut Down ⇒ Restart ⇒ OK, this will restart the computer so the changes will take effect. Check CD-ROM Properties89. Select the Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel ⇒System.90. Select the Device Manager Tab from the System Properties Window.91. Select the plus sign (+) to the left of CD-ROM to expand the list.92. Select one of the CD-ROM drive’s listed.93. Select Properties on the Device Manager tab.94. Select Settings on the CD-ROM Properties dialog.95. Verify that there is no check mark on Auto insert notification in the Settings tab.96. Select the OK button on the CD-ROM Properties dialog.97. Repeat steps 92 through 96 for each CD-ROM drive installed.98. Select the OK button on the System Properties dialog.Check Power Properties99. Select Start ⇒ Settings ⇒ Control Panel ⇒ Power Management.100. Set Turn off monitor and Turn off hard disks to Never.101. Select the OK button on the Power Management Properties dialog.102. Close the Control Panel window by pressing the X in the upper right corner of the window.INSTALLATION COMPLETE。
SUN设备及系统维护手册目录1概述 (4)2SUN设备介绍 (5)2.1S UN E NTERPRISE 3500服务器 (5)2.1.1技术细则 (5)2.2S UN E NTERPRISE 450服务器 (9)2.2.1优点 (9)2.2.2技术细则 (10)2.3S UN E NTERPRISE 250服务器 (13)2.3.1产品定位 (13)2.3.2技术细则 (14)2.4S UN F IRE 280服务器 (17)2.4.1特性 (17)2.4.2环境配置指标 (18)2.5S UN U LTRA 60工作站 (19)2.5.1要点 (19)2.5.2Sun Ultra 60规格 (20)2.6S UN S TOR E DGE A1000 (22)2.6.1特点 (22)3SOLARIS初级系统管理 (24)3.1系统启动和测试 (24)3.1.1OK提示符 (24)3.1.2在串口状态测试 (24)3.1.3重启SUN的工作站 (24)3.1.4测试系统 (25)3.2系统管理硬盘 (26)3.2.1逻辑硬盘地址 (26)3.2.2分区 (27)3.2.3意外错误记录 (27)3.2.4示例 (28)3.2.5可移动设备 (29)3.2.6复制硬盘 (31)3.2.7使用SDS软件将系统硬盘镜像 (31)3.3交换分区 (32)3.3.1在vfstab文件中永久修改 (32)3.3.2临时添加swap分区 (32)3.4系统的安装和维护 (33)3.4.1从光盘安装 (33)3.4.2软件包的安装 (33)3.4.3系统补丁的安装 (34)3.5X-S ERVER和CDE用户使用界面 (34)3.5.1综合设置 (34)3.5.2定制登陆界面 (34)3.5.3双屏显示,双屏连接和24位深色的设置 (35)3.6系统管理 (36)3.6.1主机名 (36)3.6.2串口连接 (36)3.6.3打印机 (36)3.6.4用户建立 (36)3.7网络连接 (37)3.7.1/etc-files (37)3.7.2ifconfig (38)3.7.3路由 (38)3.7.4NIS客户端 (38)3.7.5DNS客户端 (38)3.7.6DHCP客户端 (39)3.7.7sys-unconfig (39)3.7.810兆和百兆,全双工和半双工 (39)3.8提示收集 (39)3.8.1提示 (39)3.8.2分析硬件管理 (40)3.8.3分析运行时间数据 (40)3.8.4调试工具 (41)3.9网络资源 (41)3.9.1网络资源 (41)1概述随着互联网的飞速发展,网络系统在今天的生活中的作用越来越重要,网络已经成为一切经济活动的基础。
以上这个LOGO是Sun Microsystems(美国太阳微系统公司)的标志。
服务器 入门级服务器 Sun Fire V210(N31) Sun Fire V215(215) Sun Fire V240(N32) Sun Fire V245(245) Sun Fire V440(A42) Sun Fire V445(445) Midrange服务器 Sun Fire V490(A52) Sun Fire V890(A53) Sun Fire V1280(A40) Sun Fire E2900 Sun Fire E4900 Sun Fire E6900 高端服务器 Sun Fire E20K Sun Fire E25K
7x24小时现场服务,2小时响应; 优先技术支持; 预先系统健康检查; 全面协同能动性技术支持; SUN 操作系统升级; 在线资源和技术支持发布; 定期巡检; 现场备件更换; 远程拨入分析; 备份恢复评估; 专人客户支持; 专业培训服务;
每种设备都支持很多的配件,如V890服务器, 扩充硬盘时可选择PN号为XRA-FC1CB146G10K的硬盘,安装网卡时可以选择产 品号(PN)为X4111A、X4112A、X4444A、 X4445A等的网卡,这些PN号代表了不同种 类的硬盘或网卡,订购时按需求选用。
每种设备或者配件都有着自己的产品号(PN),代表 了是这种类型的产品,而一种类型的产品一定会 批量生产,所以在出厂时为了标识的方便,给批 量生产出来的每一件都进行了编号。如PN号为 SG-XLIBLTOS-C4的产品生产了10000件,给这 些产品按照出厂顺序编号0603X00140, 0603X00141,0603X00142,0603X00143, 0603X00144,0603X00145等等,这些号码就叫 做产品序列号,即SN号
SUN T3 产品说明
(CR 6978171) 21
iv SPARC T3-1 服务器产品说明 • 2010 年 12 月
set /SP send_break_action=break 只有在域和服务处理器启动 3 分钟以后才能成功 (6984298) 22
SPARC T3-1 服务器
文件号码: 821-2879-15 2010 年 12 月,修订版 A
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SUN服务器系列产品分类 由于SUN公司一直以来都在力推自己开发的SPARC处理器架构产品,所以其产品线相对IBM和HP来说要简单得多,直到现在也没有多大改变。
1. 入门级服务器系列 SUN的入门级服务器产品目前来说还主要是基于SPARC处理器架构的,不过近两年也推出几款基于IA处理器架构和AMD 64位Opteron处理器架构的。
sun M3000-mM9000系列T3-1-T4-2系列小型机简介
William Wu
SystemsLOB , China April. 2011
Oracle 创新技术介绍 Oracle 最新主机平台产品
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SPARC T3 系统参数
Size (RU) Cores/Threads Max Memory I/O Slots 1 GbE/10 GbE Max HDD Recommended Oracle VMs Service Processor Availability 1-slot Blade 16/128 256 GB 2/4 2/2 4 16 ILOM Mid-Q4 CY2010
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• 模块化结构设计(CMU, IOU, expansion box, XSCF) • 目前可达到达256个CPU Core • 最大2TB内存 • 最大 24个全可用的物理分区
• Solaris 10 操作系统
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ILP只能够缩短指令在CPU中的 执行时间,却不能有效改善由于 内存等待而造成的延迟
Sun UltraSPARCTM T2 8 cores
改进性能的唯一途径(而且我们认为是 解决功耗的唯一途径)是走多核路线。 多核技术可以把我们推回历史上的摩尔 定律的轨道。
-- Justin R. Rattner, Intel C
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Up to 4 or 8 dual core SPARC64 VI/VII processors Upgradable to SPARC64 VII (mixed support) New higher performance interconnect New industry standard PCI express I/O
Dell R710 2U 2 Sockets 18 DDR2
IBM X3650M2 2U 2 Sockets 16 DDR2
12 x 2.5” SAS/SATA
Intel Xeon 5500 Intel Xeon 5500 Intel Xeon 5500 Intel Xeon 5500 Intel Xeon 5500
线程级并行(Thread Level Parallelism, TLP)技术应运而生。TLP 技术将处理器内部的并行由指令级上升到 线程级,旨在通过线程级的并行来增加指 令吞吐量,提高处理器的资源利用率。 TLP处理 器的中心思想是:当某一个线程 由于等待内存访问结构而空闲时,可以立 刻导入其他的就绪线程来运行。这样,处 理器流水线就能够始终处于忙碌的状态, 系统的处 理能力提高了,吞吐量自然也 相应提升了。我们可以从下面示意图的比 较看出TLP相对于ILP的优势
X4600 M2 X4640(New)
2S Server
48 Disk
Sun Fire 服务器
4S 2S
X4450 X4170 X4270 X4275
X2270 M2
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
Competitive Landscape – X4270/X4275
Less down time
Greatly improved RAS functionality
Economical, modular datacenter design
6U and 10U, rack-optimized enclosures Up to 4 dynamic system domains New: Support for soft partitions
• 4个 SPARC V9 内核 @ 2.42.52/2.88GHz
> 改进的线程实现机制,每核2个 SMT 线程 > > > >
System Interconnect
5B @ 530Mhz
64KB I$ and 64KB D$ per core 5-6MB 片上L2 Cache 65纳米工艺 功耗: ~120W @1.1v & 2.52/2.88GHz
Ding Jie
Mail: Jie.ding@
SPARC Enterprise Servers
(1-64 Processors 4-256 Cores)
T-series Servers
(32, 64, 128, 256 Threads) T5120, T5220 T5140, T5240 T5440
RAID 0, 1, 5 2x GbE 4 x PCIe Yes IPMI 2.0 3 Yr NBD
RAID 0, 1, 5 2x GbE 4 x PCIe 2 x 675W None IPMI 2.0 3 yr NBD
4 x GbE 3 x PCIe 2 x 750W Yes ILOM 3 Yr NBD
Solaris 10 operating system
Sun Proprietary & Confidential: Signed CDA Required
Sun SPARC Enterprise Server M4000
M4000 SPARC64 VI/VII 2.15/2.52GHz, 5MB L2 Cache Max 4 (16 core) Max 256GB Max 2 (2.5” SAS) DVD, DAT 2 GbE ports 20 GBps 6 GBps 4 PCI-E, 1 PCI-X Yes 6U Disk, PSU, Fan Disk, PSU, Fan 1-phase 1+1 cables Max 2 XSCF (service processor)
2x 750/1200W 2 x 570/850W
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
为了提高处理器的性能,传统的 解决方法是力图不断提高处理器的 指令级并行性(ILP,Instruction Level Parallelism) 为了加强ILP.一方面改善CPU 的体系结构 技术,例如:加强整型 处理部件、浮点处理部件、加载/ 存储部件等 ,多级缓存,预测执行 等指令级并行处理技术引入到微处 理器芯片;另一方面,引入深度流 水,将指令的执行划分为更多更细 的流水级。
144GB (w/8GB) 8 x 2.5” SAS or SSD RAID 0, 1, 5, 6
Sun Fire X4270/ X4275 2U 2 Sockets 18 DDR3
16x 2.5” SAS /12x 3.5” SAS
HP DL380 G6 2U 2 Sockets 18 DDR3
8x 2.5” SAS /6x 3.5” SAS
#CPU Sockets 1 SPARC64 VI Cores SPARC64 VII Cores 4 Max Threads Memory (GB) I/O Slots Domains 8 64 4
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only
SPARC64 VII四核处理器
DVD Drive
Power Switch
Key Switch
(Lock, Service)
Hard Disk Drives
Rear View
RCI USB Serial LAN 0 & 1
PCIe slots
SAS Giy & Confidential: Signed CDA Required
144GB (w/8GB ) 144GB (w/8GB ) 144GB (w/8GB ) 128 GB (w/ 8GB)
6 x 3.5” SAS/SATA
RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 RAID 0, 1, 5, 6 4 x GbE 6 x PCIe 2 x 1050W Yes ILOM 3 Yr NBD 2x GbE 6 x PCIe Yes iLO 2 3 Yr NBD
64KB D$ 64KB I$
System Interface Arbiter / Switch 5-6MB L2$
64KB D$ 64KB I$ 64KB D$ 64KB I$ 64KB D$ 64KB I$
• 相同的系统互联技术 • 可与现有的双核SPARC64 VI CPU在 同一系统中共存
M4000 6RU 4 8 16 32 256 25 2
M5000 10RU 8 16 32 64 512 50 4
M8000 Rack 16 32 64 128 1024 112 8
M9000-32 Rack 32 64 128 256 2048 224 16
M9000-64 Rack+Expansio n 64 128 256 512 4096 288 24