
Accident Area
Foggy Area
Soft Roadbed
Don'tDrink andDrive
Don't Drive WhenTired
Don'tUseCellphones When Driving
Don't Exceed HeightLimit
Road WorkAhead
Falling Rocks

交通相关的英语highway 高速公路traffic 交通traffic light 交通信号灯traffic sign 交通标志vehicle 机动车train 火车bus 公共汽车terminal 终点站station 公交站taxi 出租车pedistrain 人行道bycicle 自行车motorcycle 摩托车boat 船ferry 渡船jeep 吉普车1. 交通规则traffic regulation2. 路标guide post3. 里程碑milestone4. 停车标志mark car stop5. 红绿灯traffic light6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯red light8. 绿灯green light9. 黄灯amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转turn left37. 右转turn right38. 靠左keep left39. 靠右keep right40. 慢驶slow41. 速度speed42. 超速excessive speed43. 速度限制speed limit44. 恢复速度resume speed45. 禁止通行no through traffic46. 此路不通blocked47. 不准驶入no entry48. 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头no turns50. 让车道passing bay51. 回路loop52. 安全岛safety island53. 停车处parking place54. 停私人车private car park55. 只停公用车public car only56. 不准停车restricted stop57. 不准滞留restricted waiting58. 临街停车parking on-street59. 街外停车parking off-street60. 街外卸车loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜caution animals63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥hump bridge65. 火车栅level crossing66. 修路road works67. 医院hospital68. 儿童children69. 学校school70. 寂静地带silent zone71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends72. 交通管理traffic control73. 人山人海crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤traffic jam76. 水泄不通overwhelm77. 顺挤extrusion direct78. 冲挤extrusion impact79. 推挤shoved80. 挨身轻推nudging81. 让路give way82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶driving without license89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌driving without a “L" plate92. 安全第一safety first93. 轻微碰撞slight impact94. 迎面相撞head-on collision95. 相撞collided96. 连环撞a chain collision97. 撞车crash98. 辗过run over99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

道路交通标识类中英文翻译1 爬坡车道Steep Grade2 长下坡慢行Steep Slope-Slow Down3 陡坡减速Steep Incline-Slow Down4 追尾危险Don’t Follow Too Closely5 小心路滑Slippery When Wet6 保持车距Maintain Safe Distance7 事故多发点Accident Area8 保护动物Watch for Animals9 道路交通信息Traffic Information10 多雾路段Foggy Area11 软基路段Soft Roadbed12 堤坝路Embankment Road13 明槽路段Underpass14 道路封闭Road Closed15 车辆慢行Slow Down16 道路施工Road Work Ahead17 车辆绕行Detour18 前方弯道Bend Ahead19 方向引导Direction Sign20 落石Falling Rocks21 双向交通Two-Way Traffic22 单行交通One-Way Traffic23 禁止驶入No Entry24 禁止超越线No Passing25 此路不通Dead End26 道路或车道变窄Road / Lane Narrows27 道路两侧变窄Road Narrows on Both Sides28 道路左侧变窄Road Narrows on Left29 道路右侧变窄Road Narrows on Right30 限制高度Max. ClearanceM.31 限制宽度Max. Clearance M.32 禁鸣喇叭No Horn33 停车领卡Stop for Ticket34 大型车靠右Large Vehicles Keep Right35 请系好安全带Buckle Up36 严禁酒后开车Don’t Drink and Drive37 请勿疲劳驾驶Don’t Drive When Tired38 禁扔废弃物No Littering39 禁用手机Don’t Use Cell Phones When Driving40 香山欢迎您Welcome to Fragrant Hills241 前方500m 进入无路灯路段No Road Lights after 500 m42 无路灯路段全长9 Km No Road Lights for 9 km43 深槽路段Underpass44 请勿疲劳驾驶Don’t Drive When Tired45 禁止超载Don’t Exceed Weight Limit46 禁止超高Don’t Exceed Height Limit47 严禁超速Don’t Exceed Speed Limit48 专心驾驶谨防追尾Drive Carefully49 紧急情况请拨打XXX Call XXX in Emergency50 禁止酒后驾车Don’t Drink and Drive51 请按车道行驶Use Correct Lane52 路面结冰Icy Road53 注意横风Danger! Cross Wind54 车道封闭Lane Closed55 其他危险Other Dangers56 前方学校School Zone57 让Yield58 停Stop59 警告标志Warning Sign60 禁令标志Prohibition Sign61 指示标志Mandatory Sign62 指路标志Guide Sign63 旅游标志Tourist Sign基本设施名称1 道(大道)Avenue (Ave)2 干道Main Rd3 国道National Rd4 省道Provincial Rd5 县道County Rd6 城市道路Urban Rd7 一般道路Ordinary Rd8 路Road (Rd)9 辅路Side Rd10 支路Access Rd11 公路Highway12 高速路Expressway (Expwy)13 一路No. 1 Rd14 二路No. 2 Rd15 中路Middle Rd16 东路East Rd17 南路South Rd318 西路West Rd19 北路North Rd20 环路Ring Rd21 东(西、南、北)三环E. (W. S. N.) 3rd Ring Rd22 东南(东北、西南、西。

专用公路accommodation highway
国家干线公路(国道)nationaltrunk highway省级干线公路(国道)provincialtrunk highway县公路(县道)countyroad
自行车道cycle path
分隔带lane separator
中央分隔带median divider
中线测量center line survey
施工测量construction survey
竣工测量final survey
虚交点imaginary intersection point
辐射式公路radial highway
环形公路ring highway
行驶速度running speed
运行速度operating speed平均速度average speed
路基排水subgradedrainage边沟side ditch

北路 North Rd 中路 Middle Rd Ring Rd 环路 E. (S. W. N.) 2nd Ring Rd 东(南、西、北)二环 South E. (North E., South W., North 东南(东北、西南、西北)二环 W.) 2nd Ring Rd 东(西)二环南(北)路 E. (W.) 2nd Ring Rd South (North) 南(北)二环东(西)路 S. (N.) 2nd Ring Rd East (West) Side Rd of E. 2nd Ring Rd 东二环辅路 3rd Ring Rd 三环路 4th Ring Rd 四环路 5th Ring Rd 五环路 6th Ring Rd 六环路

道路翻译中文名称英文译名英文缩写高速公路Expressway Expy.高架路Elevated Road Elevated Rd.公路Highway Hwy.环路(线)Ring Road Ring Rd.路/马路Road Rd.支路Branch Road Branch Rd.道/大道Avenue Ave.街/大街Street St.弄Alley ————支弄Branch Alley ————巷Lane ————径Path ————专名部分应当音译,使用汉语拼音: 3.1按照《汉语拼音方案》和普通话语音规范准确拼写。
如:中文名称英文译名英文缩写西街Xijie Street Xijie St.北大街Beidajie Street Beidajie St.新路Xinlu Road XinluRd. 阔街Kuojie Street Kuojie St.管弄Guanlong Alley ————属性词的译法:表示同一条道路不同路段,且位于专名前的属性词应当音译,使用汉语拼音。
如:中文名称英文译名英文缩写西宝兴路Xibaoxing Road Xibaoxing Rd. 东宝兴路Dongbaoxing Road Dongbaoxing Rd.表示同一条道路不同路段,但位于通名前的属性词应当意译,使用英语词语。
如:中文名称英文译名英文缩写南京东路East Nanjing Road Nanjing Rd.(E)北京西路West Beijing Road Beijing Rd.(W)河南南路South Henan Road Henan Rd.(S)中山北路North Zhongshan Road Zhongshan Rd.(N)西藏中路Middle Xizang Road Xizang Rd.(M)该类属性词中的数词“一、二、三、四”,翻译时置于整个路名之后。

交通类英语单词50个1. Car -汽车2. Bus -公共汽车3. Train -火车4. Bicycle -自行车5. Motorcycle -摩托车6. Truck -卡车7. Van -面包车8. Taxi -出租车9. Subway -地铁10. Aircraft -飞机11. Boat -小船12. Ship -船13. Helicopter -直升机14. Scooter -滑板车15. Tram -有轨电车16. Segway -赛格威(一种电动平衡车)17. RV (Recreational Vehicle) -房车18. Jet -喷气式飞机19. Yacht -游艇20. Ferry -渡船21. Lorry -货车22. Ambulance -救护车23. Police car -警车24. Fire truck -消防车25. Bicycle lane -自行车道26. Pedestrian crossing -人行横道27. Airport -机场28. Harbor -港口29. Railway station -火车站30. Bus stop -公交车站31. Traffic light -交通灯32. Traffic jam -交通堵塞33. Highway -高速公路34. Road -公路35. Street -街道36. Lane -车道37. Bridge -桥38. Tunnel -隧道39. Pedestrian walkway -人行道40. Roundabout -环形交叉路口41. Sidewalk -人行道42. Pavement -人行道43. Crosswalk -人行横道44. Parking lot -停车场45. Carpool -拼车46. Toll road -收费公路47. Speed limit -限速48. Traffic sign -交通标志49. Motorway -摩托车道50. Traffic congestion -交通拥堵。

有关交通和交通工具英语词汇总结有关交通和交通工具的英语词汇总结1. 交通规章 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗 traffic post11. 岗亭 police box12. 交通警 traffic police13. 打手势 pantomime14. 单行线 single line15. 双白线 double white lines16. 双程线 dual carriage-way17. 斑马线 zebra stripes18. 划路线机 traffic line marker19. 交通干线 artery traffic20. 车行道 carriage-way21. 帮助车道 lane auxiliary22. 双车道 two-way traffic23. 自行车通行 cyclists only24. 单行道 one way only25. 窄路 narrow road26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27. 陡坡 steep hill28. 不平坦路 rough road29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路 winding road31. 之字路 double bend road32. 之字大路 switch back road33. 下坡危急 dangerous down grade34. 道路穿插点 road junction35. 十字路 cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 制止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay51. 回路 loop。

交通标识英文词汇大全Transportation标志1.道路交通信息road traffic information2.公共交通信息public transportation information3.高速公路Expressway4.公路Highway5.道路Road6.高架道路Elevated Road7.环路Ring Road8.312国道G3129.前方学校School Ahead10.禁止长时停车No Parking11.禁止临时停车、停留No Stopping12.飞机场Air Port13.火车站Railway Station14.大型港口Port15.客运码头、轮渡站Ferry Terminal 或Pier16.货运码头Wharf17.装卸码头Loading/Uploading Dock18.轨道交通线路Line19.具体线路Line+阿拉伯数字20.公共汽车线路Bus Route21.具体公交线路Route 可省略,直接用阿拉伯数字表示22.公交63路Bus 6323.轨道交通站点Station24.公共汽车始发站和终点站Terminal或Station25.公共汽车沿途站点Stop26.飞机或列车上的厕所Lavatory27.行李Baggage或Luggage28.民航售票用Airline TicketsTransportation词汇1 公路Highway2 高速公路Expressway3 干线公路Trunk Highway4 国道National Highway5 省道Provincial Highway6 县道County Highway7 城市道路Urban Road8 地面道路Ground-Level Road9 高架道路Elevated Road 或Elevated Highway10 支路Access Road11 辅路Side Road12 绕城公路; 环路Beltway 或Ring Road13 主干路Arterial Road14 次干路Sub-Arterial Road15 收费公路Tollway 或Toll Road16 桥梁Bridge17 高架桥Overpass [指城市中的高架桥]; Viaduct [指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥]18 立交桥[车行] Highway Interchange 或Flyover19 安全岛; 交通岛Refuge Island 或Pedestrian Refuge20 环岛; 环形交叉口Roundabout21 交通信号灯Traffic Lights22 标线Marking23 人行横道线Pedestrian Crossing24 车辆上下客区Passenger Pick-up and Drop-off Area [Area 可以省略]25 车辆下客区Passenger Drop-off Area [Area 可省略]26 卡车停靠点Truck Parking Only 或Trucks Only27 路侧停车点Roadside Parking28 公共停车场Public Parking29 内部停车场Private Parking [私人用]; Staff Parking [员工用]30 全日停车场[昼夜服务] 24-Hour Parking31 免费停车场Free Parking32 收费停车场Pay Parking33 残疾人专用停车位Parking for People With Disabilities34 出租车专用停车位Taxi Parking Only 或Taxi Only35 非机动车专用停车位Non-motor Vehicle Parking Only 或Non-motor Vehicles Only36 大客车停车位Bus Parking Only 或Buses Only37 停车港湾Parking Bay38 专属停车位Reserved Parking39 临时停车位Temporary Parking40 计时停车位Hourly Parking 或Metered Parking Transportation路牌1.no u-turns–This sign indicates that u-turns are not allowed at the intersection where the sign is posted。

中英术语对照公路highway道路road公路工程highway engineering公路网highway network公路网密度highway density公路等级highway classification公路自然区划climatic zoning for highway公路用地highway right-of-way高速公路freeway; expressway等级公路classified highway辅道relief road干线公路arterial highway支线公路feeder highway专用公路accommodation highway国家干线公路(国道)national trunk highway省级干线公路(国道)provincial trunk highway 县公路(县道)county road乡公路(乡道)township road辐射式公路radial highway环形公路ring highway绕行公路bypass交通结构traffic structure交通组成traffic composition混合交通mixed traffic交通流traffic flow交通流理论traffic flow theory车流vehicle stream交通密度traffic density车头间距space headway车头时距time headway车间净距vehicular gap延误delay地点速度spot speed行驶速度running speed运行速度operating speed临界速度critical speed平均速度average speed计算行车速度(设计车速)design speed交通量traffic volume年平均日交通量annual average daily traffic 月平均日交通量monthly average daily traffic 年第30位最大小时交通量thirtieth highest annualhourly volume年最大小时交通量maximum annual hourly 设计小时交通量design hourly volume通行能力traffic capacity基本通行能力basic traffic capacity可能通行能力possible traffic capacity设计通行能力design traffic capacity道路服务水平level of service公路交通规划traffic planning交通调查traffic survey交通量调查traffic volume survey交通量观测站traffic volume observation station起迄点调查(OD调查)origin-destination study 出行trip境内交通local traffic过境交通through traffic交通发生traffic generation交通分布traffic distribution交通分配traffic assignment交通预测traffic prognosis行车道carriageway分离式行车道divided carriageway车道lane变速车道speed-change lane加速车道acceleration lane减速车道deceleration lane爬坡车道climbing lane停车道parking lane错车道turn-out lane自行车道cycle path路侧人行道sidewalk分隔带lane separator中央分隔带median divider中间带central strip路肩shoulder;verge路缘带marginal strip路缘石kerb;curb侧向余宽lateral clearance路拱camber;crown路拱横坡crown slope公路建筑限界clearance of highway公路路线highway route公路线形highway alignment平面线形horizontal alignment纵面线形vertical alignment线形要素alignment elements平曲线horizontal curve极限最小平曲线半径limited minimum radius of horizontal curve复曲线compound curve反向曲线reverse curve断背曲线broken-back curve回头曲线switch-back curve缓和曲线transition curve竖曲线vertical curve弯道加宽curve widening加宽缓和段transition zone of curve超高superelevation超高缓和段superelevation runoff纵坡longitudinal gradient最大纵坡maximum longitudinal gradient最小纵坡minimum longitudinal gradient变坡点grade change point平均纵坡average gradiant坡长限制grade length limitation高原纵坡拆减highland grade compensation缓和坡段transition grading zone合成坡度resultant gradient视距sight distance停车视距non-passing sight distance, stopping sight distance超车视距passing sight distance道路交叉road intersection;道口railroad grade crossing平面交叉at-grade intersection;grade crossing正交叉right-angle intersection斜交叉skew intersection环形交叉rotary intersection十字形交叉"+"T形交叉T intersection错位交叉offset intersection; staggered junctionY形交叉Y intersection立体交叉grade separation分离式立体交叉simple grade separation, separate grade crossing互通式立体交叉interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉full cloverleaf interchange 部分苜蓿叶形立体交叉cloverleaf interchange 菱形立体交叉diamond interchange定向式立体交叉directional interchange喇叭形立体交叉three-Leg interchange环形立体交叉rotary interchange匝道ramp 交叉口road crossing;intersection交叉口进口intersection entrance交叉口出口intersection exit加铺转角式交叉口intersection with widened corners拓宽路口式交叉口flared intersection分道转弯式交叉口channelized intersection渠化交通channelization交织weaving交织路段weaving section合流converging分流diverging冲突点conflict point交通岛traffic island导流岛channelization island中心岛central island安全岛refuge island沿线设施roadside facilities交通安全设施traffic safety device人行横道crosswalk人行地道pedestrian underpass人行天桥pedestrian overcrossing护栏guard fence防护栅guard fence,safety barrier遮光栅anti-dizzling screen应急电话emergency telephone反光标志reflective sign反光路钮reflective button弯道反光镜traffic mirror道路交通标志road traffic sign警告标志warning sign禁令标志regulatory sign指示标志guide sign指路标志information sign辅助标志auxiliary sign可变信息标志changeable message sign路面标线pavement marking防雪设施snow protection facilities防沙设施sands protection facilities隔音墙acoustic barrier停车场parking area踏勘reconnaissance可行性研究feasibility study线形设计highway alignment design公路景观设计highway landscape design选线route selection路线控制点control point定线location比较线alternative line展线line development初b鹰㈤ai初测pre +使ment件希驰衍䰮﹡[䗹u n驰乘赐rods锚碇板式挡土墙anchored bulkhead retaining wall石笼rock filled gabion抛石riprap路基排水subgrade drainage边沟side ditch截水沟intercepting ditch排水沟drainage ditch急流槽chute跌水drop water蒸发池evaporation pond盲沟blind drain渗水井seepage well透水路堤permeable embankment过水路面ford填方fill挖方cut借土borrow earth弃土waste取土坑borrow pit弃土堆waste bank回填土back-filling黄土loess软土soft soil淤泥mud泥沼moor泥炭peat盐渍土salty soil膨胀土expansive soil冻土frozen soil多年冻土permafrost流砂quicksand软弱地基soft ground强夯法dynamic consolidation预压法preloading method反压护道loading berm砂井sand drain路基砂垫层sand mat of subgrade压实compaction压实度degree of compaction(标准)最大干容重maximum dry unit weight相对密实度relative density毛细水capillary water土石方爆破blasting procedure抛掷爆破blasting for throwing rock爆破漏斗blasting crater松动爆破blasting for loosening rock 爆破作用圈acting circles of blasting路面pavement弹性层状体系理论elastic multilayer theory (回弹)弯沉deflection加州承载比(CBR)California bearing ratio,(CBR)路面宽度width of pavement路槽road trough刚性路面rigid pavement柔性路面flexible pavement路面结构层pavement structure layer面层surface course磨耗层wearing course联结层binder course基层base course垫层bed course隔水层aquitard隔温层thermal insulating course封层seal coat透层prime coat保护层protection course补强层strengthening layer高级路面high type pavement次高级路面sub-high type pavement中级路面intermediate type pavement低级路面low type pavement水泥混凝土路面cement concrete pavement沥青路面bituminous pavement沥青混凝土路面bituminous concrete pavement 沥青碎石路面bituminous macadam pavement沥青贯入碎(砾)石路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青表面处治bituminous surface treatment 块料路面block pavement石块路面stone block pavement泥结碎石路面clay-bound macadam pavement水结碎石路面water-bound macadam pavement 级配路面graded aggregate pavement稳定土基层stabilized soil base course工业废渣基层industrial waste base course 块石基层Telford base层铺法spreading in layers拌和法mixing method厂拌法plant mixing method路拌法road mixing method热拌法hot mixing method冷拌法cold mixing method热铺法hot laid method冷铺法cold laid method贯入法penetration method铺砌法pitching method缩缝contraction joint胀缝expansion joint真缝true joint假缝dummy joint横缝transverse joint纵缝longitudinal joint施工缝construction joint传力杆dowel bar拉杆tie bar路面平整度surface evenness路面粗糙度surface roughness路面摩擦系数friction coefficient of pavement附着力adhesive force水滑现象hydroplaning phenomenon桥梁bridge公路桥highway bridge公铁两用桥highway and rail transit bridge 人行桥pedestrian bridge跨线桥overpass bridge高架桥viaduct永久性桥permanent bridge半永久性桥semi-permanent bridge临时性桥temporary bridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥prestressed concrete bridge 钢桥steel bridge圬工桥masonry bridge木桥timber bridge正交桥right bridge斜交桥skew bridge弯桥curved bridge坡桥bridge on slope斜桥skew bridge正桥right bridge上承式桥deck bridge中承式桥half-through bridge下承式桥through bridge梁桥beam bridge简支梁桥simple supported beam bridge连续梁桥continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge联合梁桥composite beam bridge板桥slab bridge拱桥arch bridge 双曲拱桥two-way curved arch bridge空腹拱桥open spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥filled spandrel arch bridge系杆拱桥bowstring arch bridge桁架桥truss bridge刚构桥rigid frame bridgeT形刚构桥T-shaped rigid frame bridge连续刚构桥continuous rigid frame bridge斜腿刚构桥rigid frame bridge with inclined legs斜拉桥(斜张桥)cable stayed bridge悬索桥suspension bridge漫水桥submersible bridge浮桥pontoon bridge开启桥movable bridge装配式桥fabricated bridge装拆式钢桥fabricated steel bridge涵洞culvert管涵pipe culvert拱涵arch culvert箱涵box culvert盖板涵slab culvert无压力式涵洞non-pressure culvert压力式涵洞pressure culvert半压力式涵洞partial pressure culvert倒虹吸涵siphon culvert上部结构superstructure主梁main beam横梁floor beam纵梁longitudinal beam, stringer挂梁suspended beam拱圈archring拱上结构spandrel structure腹拱spandrel arch拱上侧墙spandrel wall桥面系floor system, bridge decking桥面铺装bridge deck pavement伸缩缝expansion and contraction joint桥面伸缩装置bridge floor expansion and contraction installation安全带safety belt桥头搭板transition slab at bridge head下部结构substructure桥墩pier墩身pier body墩帽coping盖梁bent cap破冰体ice apron重力式桥墩gravity pier实体桥墩solid pier空心桥墩hollow pier柱式桥墩column pier排架桩墩pile bent pier柔性墩flexible pier制动墩braking pier单向推力墩single direction thrusted pier 桥台abutment台身abutment body前墙front wall翼墙wing walls台帽coping锥坡conical slope耳墙wing wallsU形桥台U-shaped abutment八字形桥台flare wing wall abutment一字形桥台head wall abutment, straight abutment重力式桥台gravity abutment埋置式桥台buried abutment扶壁式桥台counterforted abutment锚锭板式桥台anchored bulkhead abutment支撑式桥台supported type abutment地基subsoil加固地基consolidated subsoil天然地基natural subsoil基础foundation扩大基础spread foundation沉井基础open caisson foundation管柱基础cylindrical shaft foundation桩基础pile foundation桩pile预制桩precast pile就地灌注桩cast-in-place concrete pile摩擦桩friction pile支承桩bearing pile承台bearing platform支座bearing固定支座fixed bearing活动支座expansion bearing索塔cable bent tower索鞍cable saddle调治构造物regulating structure丁坝spur dike顺坝longitudinal dam桥位bridge site桥梁全长total length of bridge 主桥main bridge引桥approach span跨径span桥涵计算跨径computed span桥涵净跨径clear span矢跨比rise span ratio计算矢高calculated rise of arch桥下净空clearance of span桥面净空clearance above bridge floor桥梁建筑高度construction height of bridge 荷载load永久荷载permanent load可变荷载variable load偶然荷载accidental load荷载组合loading combinations车辆荷载标准loading standard for design vehicle设计荷载design load施工荷载construction load梁beam简支梁simple-supported beam连续梁continuous beam悬臂梁cantilever beam板slab拱arch桁架truss刚构rigid frame柱column强度strength刚度stiffness rigidity抗裂度crack resistance稳定性stability位移displacement变形deformation挠度deflection预拱度camber流域catchment basin集水面积runoff area径流runoff水文测验hydrological survey河床river bed河槽river channel主槽main channel边滩side shoal河滩flood land河床宽度bed width河槽宽度channel width过水断面discharge section水位water level最高(或最低)水位maximum (minimum)water level通航水位navigable water level设计水位design water lever水面比降water surface slope河床比降gradient of river bed湿周wetted perimeter糙率coefficient of roughness水力半径hydraulic radius水文计算hydrological computation设计流量designed discharge设计流速designed flow velocity行近流速approach velocity洪水调查flood survey洪水频率flood frequency设计洪水频率designed flood frequency潮汐河流tidal river悬移质suspended load推移质bed material load水力计算hydraulic computation水头water head冲刷scour桥下一般冲刷general scour under bridge桥墩(或台)局部冲刷local scour near pier自然演变冲刷natural scour冲刷系数coefficient of scouring淤积silting壅水back water流冰ice drift先张法pretensioning method后张法post-tensioning method缆索吊装法erection with cableway悬臂拼装法erection by protrusion悬臂浇筑法cast-in-place cantilever method 移动支架逐跨施工法span by span method纵向拖拉法erection by longitudinal pulling method顶推法incremental launching method转体架桥法construction by swing浮运架桥法erecting by floating顶入法jack-in method围堰cofferdam护筒pile casing隧道tunnel洞门tunnel portal衬砌tunnel lining明洞open cut tunnel 围岩surrounding rock隧道建筑限界structural approach limit of tunnels明挖法open cut method矿山法mine tunnelling method盾构法shield tunnelling method沉埋法(沉管法)immersed tunnel导坑heading隧道支撑tunnel support构件支撑element support喷锚支护lock bolt support with shotcrete 隧道通风tunnel ventilation隧道照明tunnel lighting养护maintenance定期养护periodical maintenance巡回养护patrol maintenance大中修周期maintenance period小修保养routine maintenance中修intermediate maintenance大修heavy maintenance改善工程road improvement抢修emergency repair of road加固strengthening of structure回砂sand sweeping罩面overlay of pavement路面翻修pavement recapping路面补强pavement strengthening车辙rutting路面搓板surface corrugation路面网裂net-shaped cracking路面龟裂alligator cracking路面碎裂pavement spalling反射裂缝reflection crack路面坑槽pot holes路面冻胀surface frost heave路面沉陷pavement depression路面滑溜surface slipperiness露骨surface angularity啃边edge failure泛油bleeding拥包upheaval拱胀blow up错台faulting of slab ends错法slab staggering滑坡slide坍方land slide崩塌collapse碎落debris avalanche沉降settlement沉陷subsidence泥石流mud avalanche(振动)液化liquefaction翻浆frost boiling岩溶karst沙害sand hazard雪害snow hazard水毁washout好路率rate of good roads养护质量综合值general rating of maintenance quality路容road appearance路况road condition路况调查road condition survey路政管理road administration民工建勤civilian labourers working on public project养路费toll of road maintenance养路道班maintenance gang粒料granular material集料(骨料)aggregate矿料mineral aggregate矿粉mineral powder砂sand砾石gravel砂砾sand gravel卵石cobble stone碎石broken stone, crushed stone片石rubble块石block stone料石dressed stone石屑chip工业废渣industrial solid waste结合料binder有机结合料organic binding agent沥青bitumen地沥青asphalt天然沥青natural asphalt石油沥青petroleum asphalt煤沥青coal tar乳化沥青emulsified bitumen氧化沥青oxidized asphalt路用沥青road bitumen有机结合料inorganic binding agent粉煤灰fly ash混合料mixture沥青混合料bituminous mixture 沥青混凝土混合料bituminous concrete mixture 沥青碎石混合料bituminous macadam mixture 沥青砂asphalt sand沥青膏asphalt mastic水泥砂浆cement mortar石灰砂浆lime mortar水泥混凝土混合料cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土cement concrete钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete预应力(钢筋)混凝土prestressed concrete早强混凝土early strength concrete干硬性混凝土dry concrete贫混凝土lean concrete轻质混凝土light-weight concrete纤维混凝土fibrous concrete外掺剂admixture减水剂water reducing agent加气剂air entraining agent早强剂early strength agent缓凝剂retarder钢筋steel bar预应力钢材prestressing steel高强钢丝high tensile steel wire钢铰线stranded steel wire冷拉钢筋cold-stretched steel bar冷拔钢丝cold-drawn steel wire高强螺栓high strength bolt空隙率porosity孔隙比void ratio粒径grain size颗粒组成grain composition细度fineness筛分sieve analysis级配gradation级配曲线grading curve最佳级配optimum gradation含水量water content最佳含水量optimum water content稠度界限consistency limit液限liquid limit塑限plastic limit缩限shrinkage limit塑性指数plasticity index水泥标号cement mark水泥混凝土标号cement concrete mark水泥混凝土配合比proportioning of cement concrete水灰比water cement ratio和易性workability坍落度slump硬化hardening水硬性hydraulicity气硬性air hardening离析segregation徐变creep老化ageing(沥青)稠度consistency(of bitumen)针入度penetration粘(滞)度viscosity软化点softening point延度ductility闪点flash point溶解度dissolubility热稳性hot stability水稳性water stability油石化asphalt-aggregate ratio含油率bitumen content压碎率rate of crushing磨耗度abrasiveness弹性模量modulus of elasticity回弹模量modulus of resilience劲度(模量)stiffness modulus模量比modulus ratio泊松比Poisson's ratio疲劳试验fatigue test劈裂试验splitting test三轴试验triaxial test击实试验compaction test触探试验cone penetration test弯沉试验deflection test环道试验circular track test承载板试验loading plate test透水性试验perviousness test车辙试验wheel tracking test马歇尔试验Marshall stability test压实度试验compactness test铺砂法sand patch method硬练胶砂强度试验earth-dry mortar strengthtest软练胶砂强度试验plastic mortar strengthtest (水泥)安定性试验soundness test(of cement) 击实仪compaction test equipment长杆贯入仪penetration test equipment承载板loading plate杠杆弯沉仪beam lever deflectometer路面曲率半径测定仪surface-curvature apparatus路面平整度测定仪viameter路面透水度测定仪surface permeameter五轮仪fifth-wheel tester制动仪skiddometer速度检测器speed detector万能试验机universal testing machine三轴(剪切)仪triaxial shear equipment加州承载比(CBR)测定仪California bearing ratiotester标准筛standard sieves(沥青)针入度仪penetrometer(沥青)粘度仪viscosimeter(沥青)延度仪ductilometer(沥青)软化点仪(环-球法)softening point tester(ring-ball method)闪点仪(开口杯式)flash point tester (open cup method)马歇尔稳定度仪Marshall stability apparatus (沥青混合料)抽提仪bitumen extractor砂浆稠度仪mortar penetration tester坍落度圆锥筒slump cone标准工业粘度计standard concrete consistometer饱和面干吸水率试模saturated-surface-dried moisture retention tester撞击韧度试验机impact toughness machine圆盘耐磨硬度试验机wear hardness machine狄法尔磨耗试验机Deval abrasion testing machine洛杉矶磨耗试验机Los Angeles abrasion testing machine压碎率试模crushing strength tester单斗挖掘机single-bucket excavator推土机bulldozer除根机rootdozer铲运机scraper平地机grader挖沟机trencher耕耘机cultivator松土机ripper松土搅拌机pulvi-mixer稳定土拌和机stabilizer凿岩机rock breaker碎石机stone crusher碎石撒布机stone spreader装载机loader羊足压路机sheep-foot roller手扶式单轮压路机walk behind single drum蛙式打夯机frog rammer内燃夯实机internal combustion compactor铁夯(铁撞柱)tamping iron压路机roller振动压路机vibratory roller沥青加热器asphalt heater沥青泵asphalt pump沥青洒布机asphalt sprayer沥青洒布车asphalt distributor沥青混合料拌和设备asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt paver散装水泥运输车cement deliver truck水泥混凝土混合料拌和设备concrete mixing plant(水泥混凝土混合料)搅拌concrete deliver truck运输车水泥混凝土混合料摊铺机concrete paver振捣器concrete vibrator水泥混凝土混合料整面机concrete finisher真空泵vacuum pump水泥混凝土路面切缝机concrete joint cutter 水泥混凝土路面锯缝机concrete saw水泥混凝土路面清缝机concrete joint cleaner 水泥混凝土路面填缝机concrete joint sealer 水泵pump泥浆泵mud pump张拉钢筋油泵prestressed steel bar drawing oil pump砂浆泵mortar pump水泥混凝土混合料泵concrete pump钢筋切断机bar shear钢筋冷轧机cold-rolling mill钢筋冷拉机steel stretcher钢筋冷拔机steel bar cold-extruding machine 钢筋冷镦机steel bar heading press machine 钢筋拉伸机steel extension machine钢筋弯曲机steel bar bender钢筋调直机steel straighten machine对焊机butt welder钻孔机boring machine打桩机pile driver拔桩机pile extractor千斤顶jack张拉预应力钢筋千斤顶prestressed steel bar drawing jack手拉葫芦chain block 起重葫芦hoisting block卷扬机hoister缆索吊装设备cableway erecting equipment起重机crane架桥机bridge erection equipment砂筒sand cylinder盾构shield全气压盾构compressed air shield半盾构roof shield隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine全断面隧道掘进机tunnel boring machine for full section喷枪shotcrete equipment装碴机mucker盾构千斤顶main jack拉合千斤顶pull-in jacks复拌沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer路面铣削机pavemill回砂车sand sweeping equipment除雪机snow plough装雪机snow Loader洗净剂喷布车detergent spray truck清扫车sweeper洒水车water truck划标线机Line maker振动筛vibrating screen撒布机spreader输送机conveyer提升机elevator翻斗车dump-body car自卸汽车dumping wagon牵引车tow truck拖车头tractor truck挂车trailer平板车flat truck工程车shop truck万能杆件fabricated universal steel members 交通规则traffic rules交通事故traffic accident交通事故率traffic accident rate人口事故率population accident rate车辆事故率vehicle accident rate运行事故率operating accident rate交通控制traffic control中央控制台central control unit点控制spot control线控制line control面控制area control交通信号traffic signal交通信号灯traffic signal lamp信号周期signal cycle绿信比split ratio信号相位signal phase相位差phase difference绿波green wave交通监视系统traffic surveillance 交通公害vehicular pollution 英汉术语对照索引abrasiveness磨耗度absolute datum绝对基面abutment桥台abutment pier制动墩acceleration lane加速车道accidental load偶然荷载accommodation lane专用车道acoustic barrier隔音墙acting circles of blasting爆破作用圈 additional stake加桩adjacent curve in one direction同向曲线 admixture外加剂adverse grade for safety反坡安全线aerial photogrammetry航空摄影测量 aerophoto base航摄基线aerophoto interpretation航摄像片判读 ageing老化aggregate集料(骨料)air hardening气硬性alignment design(城市道路)平面设计,线形设计alignment element线形要素alligator cracking路面龟裂allowable rebound deflection容许(回弹)弯沉 alternative line比较线anchored bulkhead abutment锚锭板式桥台 anchored bulkhead retaining wall锚锭板式挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods锚杆式挡土墙anionic emulsified bitumen阴离子乳化沥青 annual average daily traffic年平均日交通量 anti-creep heap(厂矿道路)挡车堆anti-dizzling screen防炫屏(遮光栅)antiskid heap(厂矿道路)防滑堆approach span引桥aquitard隔水层arch bridge拱桥arch culvert拱涵arch ring拱圈arterial highway干线公路arterial road(厂内)主干道,(城市)主干路 asphalt distributor沥青洒布车asphalt mixing plant沥青混合料拌和设备 asphalt paver沥青混合料摊铺机asphalt remixer复拌沥青混合料摊铺机 asphalt sand沥青砂asphalt sprayer沥青洒布机asphaltic bitumen地沥青at-grade intersection平面交叉auxiliary lane附加车道average consistency(of soil)(土的)平均稠度 average gradient平均纵坡azimuth angle方位角balance weight retaining wall衡重式挡土墙 base course基层base line基线basic traffic capacity基本通行能力beam bridge梁桥beam level deflectometer杠杆弯沉仪bearing支座bearing angle象限角bearing pile支承桩bearing platform承台bed course垫层bench mark水准点benched subgrade台口式路基bending strength抗弯强度Benkelman beam杠杆弯沉仪(贝克曼弯沉仪) bent cap盖梁berm护坡道binder结合料binder course联结层bitumell沥青bitumen extractor(沥青混合料)抽提仪 bitumen-aggregate ratio油石比bituminous concrete mixture沥青混凝土混合料 bituminous concrete pavement沥青混凝土路面 bituminous macadam mixture沥青碎石混合料 bituminous macadam pavement沥青碎石路面 bituminous mixture沥青混合料bituminous pavement沥青路面bituminous penetration pavement沥青贯入式路面bituminous surface treatment(沥青)表面处治 blasting crater爆破漏斗blasting for loosening rock松动爆破 blasting for throwing rock抛掷爆破blasting procedure土石方爆破bleeding泛油blind ditch盲沟blind drain盲沟block pavement块为路面block stone块石blow up拱胀boring钻探boring log(道路)地质柱状图boring machine钻孔机borrow earth借土borrow pit取土坑boundary frame on crossing道口限界架 boundary frame on road道路限界架boundary line of road construction道路建筑限界bowstring arch bridge系杆拱桥box culvert箱涵branch pipe of inlet雨水口支管branch road(城市)支路,(厂内)支道bridge桥梁bridge decking桥面系bridge deck pavement桥面铺装bridge floor expantion and contraction installation桥面伸缩装置bridge girder erection equipment架桥机 bridge on slope坡桥bridge site桥位bridge road驮道broken chainage断链broken stone碎石broken back curve断背曲线buried abutment埋置式桥台bus bay公交(车辆)停靠站bypass公交绕行公路cable bent tower索塔cable saddle索鞍cable stayed bridge斜拉桥(斜张桥) cableway erecting equipment缆索吊装设备 california bearing ratio(CBR)加州承载比(CBR)california bearing ratio tester加州承载比(CBR)测定仪camber curve路拱曲线cantilever beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙 capacity of intersection交叉口通行能力 capacity of network路网通行能力capillary water毛细水carriage way车行道(行车道)cast-in-place cantilever method悬臂浇筑法 cationic emulsified bitumen阳离子乳化沥青 cattle-pass畜力车道cement concrete水泥混凝土cement concrete mixture水泥混凝土混合料 cement concrete pavement水泥混凝土路面center-island中心岛center lane中间车道center line of road道路中线center line survey中线测量center stake中桩central reserve分隔带channelization渠化交通channelization island导流岛channelized intersection分道转弯式交叉口 chip石屑chute急流槽circular curve圆曲线circular road环路circular test环道试验city road城市道路civil engineering fabric土工织物classified highway等级公路classified road等级道路clay-bound macadam泥结碎石路面clearance净空clearance above bridge floor桥面净空 clearance of span桥下净空climatic zoning for highway公路自然区划 climbing lane爬坡车道cloverleaf interchange苜蓿叶形立体交叉 coal tar煤沥青cobble stone卵石coefficient of scouring冲刷系数cohesive soil粘性土cold laid method冷铺法cold mixing method冷拌法cold-stretched steel bar冷拉钢筋column pier柱式墩combination-type road system混合式道路系统 compaction压实compaction test击实试验compaction test apparatus击实仪 compactness test压实度试验composite beam bridge联合梁桥composite pipe line综合管道(综合管廊) compound curve复曲线concave vertical curve凹形竖曲线concrete joint cleaner(水泥混凝土)路面清缝机concrete joint sealer(水泥混凝土)路面填缝机 concrete mixing plant水泥混凝土(混合料)拌和设备concrete paver水泥混凝土(混合料)摊铺机 concrete pump水泥混凝土(混合料)泵concrete saw(水泥混凝土)路面锯缝机cone penetration test触探试验conflict point冲突点conical slope锥坡consistency limit(of soil)(土的)稠度界限 consolidated subsoil加固地基consolidation固结construction by swing转体架桥法 construction height of bridge桥梁建筑高度 construction joint施工缝construction load施工荷载construction survey施工测量continuous beam bridge连续梁桥contour line等高线contraction joint缩缝control point路线控制点converging合流convex vertical curve凸形竖曲线corduroy road木排道counterfort retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙 counterfort abutment扶壁式桥台country road乡村道路county road县公路(县道),乡道creep徐变critical speed临界速度cross roads十字形交叉cross slope横坡cross walk人行横道cross-sectional profile横断面图cross-sectional survey横断面测量crown路拱crushed stone碎石crushing strength压碎值culture地物culvert涵洞curb路缘石curb side strip路侧带curve length曲线长curve widening平曲线加宽curved bridge弯桥cut挖方 cut corner for sight line(路口)截角cut-fill transition土方调配cut-fill transition program土方调配图 cutting路堑cycle path自行车道cycle track自行车道deceleration lane减速车道deck bridge上承式桥deflection angle偏角deflection test弯沉试验degree of compaction压实度delay延误density of road network道路(网)密度depth of tunnel隧道埋深design elevation of subgrade路基设计高程 design frequency(排水)设计重现期design hourly volume设计小时交通量design of elevation(城市道路)竖向设计 design of vertical alignment纵断面设计 design speed计算行车速度(设计车速)design traffic capacity设计通行能力design vehicle设计车辆design water level设计水位designed elevation设计高程designed flood frequency设计洪水频率 dislicking treatment防滑处理Deval abrasion testing machine狄法尔磨耗试验机(双筒式磨耗试验机)diamond interchange菱形立体交叉differential photo微分法测图direction angle方向角directional interchange方向式立体交叉 diverging分流dowel bar传力杆drain opening泄水口drainage by pumping station(立体交叉)泵站排水drainage ditch排水沟dressed stone料石drop water跌水dry concrete干硬性混凝土ductility(of bitumen)(沥青)延度 ductilometer(沥青)延度仪dummy joint假缝dynamic consolidation强夯法economic speed经济车速economical hauling distance土方调配经济运距 element support构件支撑elevation高程(标高)embankment路堤emergency parking strip紧急停车带 emulsified bitumen乳化沥青erecting by floating浮运架桥法erection by longitudinal pulling method纵向拖拉法erection by protrusion悬臂拼装法erection with cableway缆索吊装法 evaporation pond蒸发池expansion bearing活动支座expansive soil膨胀土expantion joint胀缝expressway(城市)快速路; 高速道(公)路 external distance外(矢)距fabricated bridge装配式桥fabricated steel bridge装拆式钢桥 factories and mines road厂矿道路factory external transportation line对外道路factory-in road厂内道路factory-out road厂外道路fast lane内侧车道faulting of slab ends错台feeder highway支线公路ferry渡口fibrous concrete纤维混凝土field of vision视野fill填方filled spandrel arch bridge实腹拱桥final survey竣工测量fineness细度fineness modulus细度模数fixed bearing固定支座flare wing wall abutment八字形桥台flared intersection拓宽路口式交叉口flash point闪点flash point tester(open cup method)闪点仪(开口杯式)flexible pavement柔性路面flexibie pier柔性墩floor system桥面系flush curb平缘石foot way人道道ford过水路面forest highway林区公路forest road林区道路foundation基础 free style road system自由式道路系统 freeway高速公路free-flow speed自由车速freeze road冻板道路freezing and thawing test冻融试验frost boiling翻浆frozen soil冻土full depth asphalt pavement全厚式沥青(混凝土)路面function planting功能栽植general scour under bridge opening桥下一般冲刷geological section(道路)地质剖面图 geotextile土工织物gradation级配gradation of stone(路用)石料等级grade change point变坡点grade compensation纵坡折减grade crossing平面交叉grade length limitation坡长限制grade of side slope边坡坡度grade separation简单立体交叉grade-separated junction立体交叉graded aggregate pavement级配路面grader平地机grain composition颗粒组成granular material粒料gravel砾石gravity pier(abutment)重力式墩、台gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙green belt绿化带gridiron road system棋盘式道路系统 ground control-point survey地面控制点测量 ground elevation地面高程ground stereophotogrammetry地面立体摄影测量guard post标柱guard rail护栏guard wall护墙gully雨水口gutter街沟(偏沟)gutter apron平石gutter drainage渠道排水half-through bridge中承式桥hard shoulder硬路肩hardening硬化hardness硬度haul road运材道路。

道路交通标识中英翻译-公共场所-标识中英文双语翻译对照表序号中文名称英文名称1 爬坡车道 Steep Grade2 长下坡慢行 Steep Slope-Slow Down3 陡坡减速 Steep Incline-Slow Down4 追尾危险 Don't Follow Too Closely5 小心路滑 Slippery When Wet6 保持车距 Maintain Safe Distance7 事故多发点 Accident Area8 保护动物 Watch for Animals9 道路交通信息 Traffic Information10 多雾路段 Foggy Area11 软基路段 Soft Roadbed12 堤坝路 Embankment Road13 明槽路段 Underpass14 深槽路段 Underpass15 道路封闭 Road Closed16 车辆慢行 Slow Down17 道路施工 Road Work Ahead18 车辆绕行 Detour19 前方弯道 Bend Ahead20 方向引导 Direction Sign21 落石 Falling Rocks22 双向交通 Two-Way Traffic23 单行交通 One-Way Traffic24 禁止驶入/严禁通行/禁止入洞 No Entry25 禁止超越线 No Passing26 此路不通 Dead End27 道路或车道变窄 Road / Lane Narrows28 道路两侧变窄 Road Narrows on Both Sides29 道路左侧变窄 Road Narrows on Left30 道路右侧变窄 Road Narrows on Right31 限制宽度 Max. Clearance___M.32 限制高度 Max. Clearance M.33 禁鸣喇叭 No Horn序号中文名称英文名称34 停车领卡 Stop for Ticket35 大型车靠右 Large Vehicles Keep Right36 公共汽车优先 Bus Priority37 请系好安全带 Buckle Up38 严禁酒后开车 Don't Drink and Drive39 请勿疲劳驾驶 Don't Drive When Tired40 禁扔废弃物 No Littering41 禁用手机 Don't Use Cellphones When Driving42 禁止超载 Don't Exceed Weight Limit43 禁止超高 Don't Exceed Height Limit44 严禁超速 Don't Exceed Speed Limit45 专心驾驶谨防追尾 Drive Carefully46 请按车道行驶/分道行驶 Use Correct Lane47 紧急情况请拨打XXX Call XXX in Emergency48 前方500m进入无路灯路段 No Road Lights after 500 m49 无路灯路段全长9km No Road Lights for 9 km50 路面结冰 Icy Road51 注意横风 Danger! Cross Wind52 车道封闭 Lane Closed53 其他危险 Other Dangers54 前方学校 School Zone55 让 Yield56 停 Stop57 警告标志 Warning Sign58 禁令标志 Prohibition Sign59 指示标志 Mandatory Sign60 指路标志 Guide Sign61 旅游标志 Tourist Sign62 禁止摆卖 Vendors Prohibited/No Vendors63 禁止跳下 Stay Clear from Tracks64 暂停售票 Temporarily Closed65 禁止翻越 No Crossing66 请勿挤靠 Keep Clear of the Door67 请勿登踏 Don't Step On68 注意安全,请勿靠近 Keep Away for Safety69 服务区域 Service Area70 办公区域 Administrative Area71 当心夹手 Watch Your Hand72 贵重物品,随身携带 Please Don't Leave Valuables Unattended73 电梯故障停运正在维修,请原谅 Escalator under repair. Sorry for theinconvenience.74 施工(检修)给您带来不便请原谅 Under construction (repair). Sorry for theinconvenience.序号中文名称英文名称75 正在检修,请绕行 Detour. Maintenance in Progress.76 正在检修,请您稍候 Wait. Maintenance in Progress.77 电梯维修,暂停使用 Escalator Out of Service78 靠右站立、左侧疾行 Stand on Right. Pass on Left.79 紧急时击碎玻璃 Break Glass in Emergency80 请勿手扶 Don't Touch81 请勿挤靠车门,以免发生危险 For your safety, please keep clear of the door.82 为了行车安全,请勿打扰司机 Don't Distract the Driver83 车内发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警 Press Button in Emergency84 按下红色按钮,绿灯亮时对准话筒报警 Press red button, wait for green light andspeak into the microphone.85 仅供紧急情况下使用 Emergency Use Only86 请在前后门下车 Please Get Off at the Front or Rear Door87 下车请刷卡 Please Swipe Card Before Getting Off88 严禁非本部门人员入内 Staff Only89 行人绕行 No Through Route forPedestrians/Pedestrians Detour90 雨雪天气请慢行 Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow91 注意行人 Watch Out for Pedestrians92 减速慢行,避让行人 Slow Down. Give Way to Pedestrians93 消防通道,禁止停车 Fire Engine Access. No Parking.94 出口请慢行 Slow Down at Exit95 请停车入位 Park in Bays Only96 转弯慢行 Turn Ahead-Slow Down97 换乘(机场、火车站) Transit98 换乘(出租车、公交) Transfer99 设施服务时间 Service Hours序号中文名称英文名称1 道(大道)① Avenue (Ave)2 干道 Main Rd3 国道 National Rd4 省道 Provincial Rd5 县道 County Rd6 一般道路 Ordinary Rd7 城市道路 Urban Rd8 路 Road (Rd)9 辅路 Side Rd序号中文名称英文名称10 支路 Access Rd11 公路 Highway12 高速公路 Expressway (Expwy)13 东路 East Rd14 南路 South Rd15 西路 West Rd16 北路 North Rd17 中路 Middle Rd18 环路 Ring Rd19 东(南、西、北)二环 E. (S. W. N.) 2nd Ring Rd20 东南(东北、西南、西北)二环 South E. (North E., South W., North W.) 2nd RingRd21 东(西)二环南(北)路 E. (W.) 2nd Ring Rd South (North)22 南(北)二环东(西)路 S. (N.) 2nd Ring Rd East (West)23 东二环辅路 Side Rd of E. 2nd Ring Rd24 三环路 3rd Ring Rd25 四环路 4th Ring Rd26 五环路 5th Ring Rd27 六环路 6th Ring Rd28 街(大街) Street (St)29 小街(条、巷、夹道) Alley30 东街 East St31 南街 South St32 西街 West St33 北街 North St34 前街 Front St35 后街 Back St36 中街 Middle St37 上街 Upper St38 内大街 Inner St39 外大街 Outer St40 斜街 Byway41 胡同 Hutong42 里(芳园北里) LI (FANGYUAN BEILI)43 区(芳城园二区) QU (FANGCHENGYUAN ERQU)44 园(惠谷根园) YUAN (HUIGUGENYUAN)45 桥 Bridge46 1桥 Bridge 147 2桥 Bridge 248 环岛 Roundabout49 小型车道 Car Lane序号中文名称英文名称50 大型车道 Large Vehicle Lane51 行车道 Through Lane52 避车道 Lay-by/Passing Bay53 应急车道 Emergency Vehicle Lane54 大型车 Large Vehicle55 小型车 Car56 非机动车 Non-Motor Vehicle57 机动车 Motor Vehicle58 自行车 Bicycle59 硬路肩 Hard Shoulder60 软路肩 Soft Shoulder61 起点 Start62 终点 End63 隧道 Tunnel64 应急停车带 Emergency Stop Area注:仅用于长安街、平安大街和两广路。

public transporttransport cafe 公路路边小餐馆transport shiptransport capacitymechanical transportair transportsea transporttransport processtransport machinerytransport mechanismsupersonic transportmembrane transporttransport networktransport vehiclemass transportcontainer transport 集装箱运输elevated railway, overhead railway, aerial railway 高架铁路mine railway 矿区铁路funicular (railway) 缆索铁路 , 登山铁路light railway line 轻便铁道urban railway 市区铁路railway network 铁路网railway transport 铁路运输trial run 试车open to traffic 通车porter 搬运工人ticket inspector 查票员ticket 车票single ticket, oneway ticket 单程票return ticket, roundtrip ticket 来回票platform ticket 站台票railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅information desk 服务台waiting room 候车室passenger station 客车站time-table 时刻表arrival time-table 到站时刻表departure time-table 发车时刻表ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket office, booking office 售票处junction 枢纽站rail and water terminal 水陆联运站platform bridge 天桥luggage barrow 推行李车enquiry office, information desk 问讯处way station 小站label 行李标签luggage office 行李房left-luggage office 行李暂存处platform-ticket 验票口barrier 栅栏门platform 站台(electric) platform truck 站台车platform tunnel 站台地道platform roofing 站台顶棚station-master 站长terminal; terminus 终点站escalator 自动扶梯The train leaves the station at..., The train is due out at... 火车在(某时)离站to have one's ticket punched (给检票员) 检票10 minutes behind schedule 晚点十分钟to change trains at ... 在(某地)换车The train is due at ... 在(某时)到达to break the journey 中途下车dining car, restaurant car, diner 餐车pantry 餐车食品室open wagon, (railway) wagon, (railway) truck 敞车carriage, coach, car 车厢roof 车顶concertina walls (车厢通道两侧的)伸缩篷step; foot board (车厢门口的)踏板gangway (车厢的)通道lidded ashtray 带盖烟灰盒tank wagon 罐车mixed train 混合列车freight train, goods train 货物列车engine, locomotive 机车window seat 靠窗座位coach, passenger train 客车express train, express 快车refrigerator wagon 冷藏车car attendant; train attendant 列车员guard, conductor 列车长slow train, way train 慢车covered wagon van, box car 棚车ordinary train 普通列车sleeping carriage with cushioned berths 软卧客车up train 上行车livestock wagon 牲畜车sleeping car, sleeper 卧车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车rack, baggage rack 行李架sleeping carriage with semicushioned berths 硬卧客车ordinary seat 硬席carriage with semicushioned seats 硬座车mail car 邮政车mail and luggage van 邮政行李车through train 直达车special train 专车pointsman, switchman 道岔工人signal for blocking the track, block signal 闭塞信号semaphore signal, home signal 臂板信号warehouse 仓库siding, sidetrack 侧线, 旁轨turnout 岔道weighing machine 秤重机derailing (火车)出轨single line (track) rail 单线points, switches 道岔switch lock, point lock 道岔锁wait sign, wait signal 等候标志(信号) marshalling yard, shunting yard 调车场dispatching 调度dispatcher 调度员crossover 渡线, 转线轨道rail 钢轨track 轨道sleeper, railroad tie 轨枕rail chair 轨座buffer stop, bumping post 缓冲桩goods shed, freight depot 货棚goods station 货运站 , 货站container 集装箱locomotive (engine) shed 机车库station warning sign 进站预告标barrier (道口)拦路木section 路段reduce speed sign(al) 慢行标志(信号) bell and whistle sign, whistle sign 鸣笛预告标platform car, flat car 平车, grade crossing, level crossing, (道路与铁路的)平面交叉track-laying machine, tracklayer 铺轨机double line (track) rail 双线volume of railway freight 铁路货运量railway connections 铁路交叉点 , 铁路联络线railway warning sign 铁路警告标志railway clearance 铁路净空railroad bed 铁路路基railway curve 铁路曲线(弯道)railway tunnel 铁路隧道railway line, railroad line 铁路线stop sign(al) 停车标志(信号)danger sign(al) 危险标志(信号) unprotected crossing 无防护设备的道口signal light (lamp) 信号灯signal box, signalman's cabin 信号房signalman 信号员wing rail (of frog) 翼轨distant signal, disk signal,target 圆盘信号机back-turning section 折返段frog 辙叉, 岔心turn-table 转车台 , 旋车盘point (box), switch (box) 转辙器switch signal, point indicator 转辙信号城市公共交通urban public transport 城市中供公众乘用的、经济方便的各种交通方式的总称。

66. 修路
road works
67. 医院
68. 儿童
69. 学校
70. 寂静地带 silent zone
71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends
72. 交通管理 traffic control
73. 人山人海 crowded conditions
100 个 交通指示相关英语 1. 交通规则 traffic regulation
2. 路标
guide post
3. 里程碑
4. 停车标志 mark car stop
5. 红绿灯
traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
60. 街外卸车 loading off-street
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
62. 当心牲畜 caution animals
63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead
64. 拱桥
hump bridge
65. 火车栅 level crossing
82. 粗心行人
careless pedestrian
83. 犯 交 通 罪 offences
committing traffic
84. 执 照 被 记 违 章 endorsed on driving license
85. 危险驾驶
dangerous driving
86. 粗心驾车
careless driving
46. 此路不通 blocked

道路交通标识中英翻译\公共场所\标识中英文双语翻译对照表作者:未知文章来源:未知更新时间:2009-9-26 【字体:小大】序号中文名称英文名称1 爬坡车道Steep Grade2 长下坡慢行Steep Slope-Slow Down3 陡坡减速Steep Incline-Slow Down4 追尾危险Don't Follow Too Closely5 小心路滑Slippery When Wet6 保持车距Maintain Safe Distance7 事故多发点Accident Area8 保护动物Watch for Animals9 道路交通信息Traffic Information10 多雾路段Foggy Area11 软基路段Soft Roadbed12 堤坝路Embankment Road13 明槽路段Underpass14 深槽路段Underpass15 道路封闭Road Closed16 车辆慢行Slow Down17 道路施工Road Work Ahead18 车辆绕行Detour19 前方弯道Bend Ahead20 方向引导Direction Sign21 落石Falling Rocks22 双向交通Two-Way Traffic23 单行交通One-Way Traffic24 禁止驶入/严禁通行/禁止入洞No Entry25 禁止超越线No Passing26 此路不通Dead End27 道路或车道变窄Road / Lane Narrows28 道路两侧变窄Road Narrows on Both Sides29 道路左侧变窄Road Narrows on Left30 道路右侧变窄Road Narrows on Right31 限制宽度Max. Clearance___M.32 限制高度Max. Clearance M.33 禁鸣喇叭No Horn序号中文名称英文名称34 停车领卡Stop for Ticket35 大型车靠右Large Vehicles Keep Right36 公共汽车优先Bus Priority37 请系好安全带Buckle Up38 严禁酒后开车Don't Drink and Drive39 请勿疲劳驾驶Don't Drive When Tired40 禁扔废弃物No Littering41 禁用手机Don't Use Cellphones When Driving42 禁止超载Don't Exceed Weight Limit43 禁止超高Don't Exceed Height Limit44 严禁超速Don't Exceed Speed Limit45 专心驾驶谨防追尾Drive Carefully46 请按车道行驶/分道行驶Use Correct Lane47 紧急情况请拨打XXX Call XXX in Emergency48 前方500m进入无路灯路段No Road Lights after 500 m49 无路灯路段全长9km No Road Lights for 9 km50 路面结冰Icy Road51 注意横风Danger! Cross Wind52 车道封闭Lane Closed53 其他危险Other Dangers54 前方学校School Zone55 让Yield56 停Stop57 警告标志Warning Sign58 禁令标志Prohibition Sign59 指示标志Mandatory Sign60 指路标志Guide Sign61 旅游标志Tourist Sign62 禁止摆卖Vendors Prohibited/No V endors63 禁止跳下Stay Clear from Tracks64 暂停售票Temporarily Closed65 禁止翻越No Crossing66 请勿挤靠Keep Clear of the Door67 请勿登踏Don’t Step On68 注意安全,请勿靠近Keep Away for Safety69 服务区域Service Area70 办公区域Administrative Area71 当心夹手Watch Your Hand72 贵重物品,随身携带Please Don’t Leave Valuables Unattended73 电梯故障停运正在维修,请原谅Escalator under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience.74 施工(检修)给您带来不便请原谅Under construction (repair). Sorry for the inconvenience.序号中文名称英文名称75 正在检修,请绕行Detour. Maintenance in Progress.76 正在检修,请您稍候Wait. Maintenance in Progress.77 电梯维修,暂停使用Escalator Out of Service78 靠右站立、左侧疾行Stand on Right. Pass on Left.79 紧急时击碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency80 请勿手扶Don’t Touch81 请勿挤靠车门,以免发生危险For your safety, please keep clear of the door.82 为了行车安全,请勿打扰司机Don’t Distract the Driver83 车内发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警Press Button in Emergency84 按下红色按钮,绿灯亮时对准话筒报警Press red button, wait for green light and speak into the microphone.85 仅供紧急情况下使用Emergency Use Only86 请在前后门下车Please Get Off at the Front or Rear Door87 下车请刷卡Please Swipe Card Before Getting Off88 严禁非本部门人员入内Staff Only89 行人绕行No Through Route for Pedestrians/Pedestrians Detour90 雨雪天气请慢行Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow91 注意行人Watch Out for Pedestrians92 减速慢行,避让行人Slow Down. Give Way to Pedestrians93 消防通道,禁止停车Fire Engine Access. No Parking.94 出口请慢行Slow Down at Exit95 请停车入位Park in Bays Only96 转弯慢行Turn Ahead-Slow Down97 换乘(机场、火车站) Transit98 换乘(出租车、公交)Transfer99 设施服务时间Service Hours序号中文名称英文名称1 道(大道)①Avenue (Ave)2 干道Main Rd3 国道National Rd4 省道Provincial Rd5 县道County Rd6 一般道路Ordinary Rd7 城市道路Urban Rd8 路Road (Rd)9 辅路Side Rd序号中文名称英文名称10 支路Access Rd11 公路Highway12 高速公路Expressway (Expwy)13 东路East Rd14 南路South Rd15 西路West Rd16 北路North Rd17 中路Middle Rd18 环路Ring Rd19 东(南、西、北)二环 E. (S. W. N.) 2nd Ring Rd20 东南(东北、西南、西北)二环South E. (North E., South W., North W.) 2nd Ring Rd21 东(西)二环南(北)路 E. (W.) 2nd Ring Rd South (North)22 南(北)二环东(西)路S. (N.) 2nd Ring Rd East (West)23 东二环辅路Side Rd of E. 2nd Ring Rd24 三环路3rd Ring Rd25 四环路4th Ring Rd26 五环路5th Ring Rd27 六环路6th Ring Rd28 街(大街)Street (St)29 小街(条、巷、夹道)Alley30 东街East St31 南街South St32 西街West St33 北街North St34 前街Front St35 后街Back St36 中街Middle St37 上街Upper St38 内大街Inner St39 外大街Outer St40 斜街Byway41 胡同Hutong42 里(芳园北里)LI (FANGYUAN BEILI)43 区(芳城园二区)QU (FANGCHENGYUAN ERQU)44 园(惠谷根园)YUAN (HUIGUGENYUAN)45 桥Bridge46 1桥Bridge 147 2桥Bridge 248 环岛Roundabout49 小型车道Car Lane序号中文名称英文名称50 大型车道Large Vehicle Lane51 行车道Through Lane52 避车道Lay-by/Passing Bay53 应急车道Emergency Vehicle Lane54 大型车Large Vehicle55 小型车Car56 非机动车Non-Motor Vehicle57 机动车Motor Vehicle58 自行车Bicycle59 硬路肩Hard Shoulder60 软路肩Soft Shoulder61 起点Start62 终点End63 隧道Tunnel64 应急停车带Emergency Stop Area注:仅用于长安街、平安大街和两广路。

1. 交通规则 traffic regulation 2. 路标 guide post 3. ⾥程碑 milestone 4. 停车标志 mark car stop 5. 红绿灯 traffic light 6. ⾃动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light 7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post 11. 岗亭 police box 12. 交通警 traffic police 13. 打⼿势 pantomime 14. 单⾏线 single line 15. 双⽩线 double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way 17. 斑马线 zebra stripes 18. 划路线机 traffic line marker 19. 交通⼲线 artery traffic 20. 车⾏道 carriage-way 21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 22. 双车道 two-way traffic 23. ⾃⾏车通⾏ cyclists only 24. 单⾏道 one way only 25. 窄路 narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet 27. 陡坡 steep hill 28. 不平整路 rough road 29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road 30. 连续弯路 winding road 31. 之字路 double bend road 32. 之字公路 switch back road 33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点 road junction 35. ⼗字路 cross road 36. 左转 turn left 37. 右转 turn right 38. 靠左 keep left 39. 靠右 keep right 40. 慢驶 slow 41. 速度 speed 42. 超速 excessive speed 43. 速度限制 speed limit 44. 恢复速度 resume speed 45. 禁⽌通⾏ no through traffic 46. 此路不通 blocked 47. 不准驶⼊ no entry 48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead 49. 不准掉头 no turns 50. 让车道 passing bay 51. 回路 loop 52. 安全岛 safety island 53. 停车处 parking place 54. 停私⼈车 private car park 55. 只停公⽤车 public car only 56. 不准停车 restricted stop 57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting 58. 临街停车 parking on-street 59. 街外停车 parking off-street 60. 街外卸车 loading off-street 61. 当⼼⾏⼈ caution pedestrian crossing 62. 当⼼牲畜 caution animals 63. 前⾯狭桥 narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥 hump bridge 65. ⽕车栅 level crossing 66. 修路 road works blues traffic 交通 traffic light 交通信号灯 traffic sign 交通标志 vehicle 机动车 train ⽕车 bus 公共汽车 terminal 终点站 station 公交站 taxi 出租车 pedistrain ⼈⾏道 bycicle ⾃⾏车 motorcycle 摩托车 boat 船 ferry 渡船 jeep 吉普车。
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Part 1: Road Signs
1 范围
DB11/T 334的本部分规定了北京市道路交通双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 规范性引用文件
GB/T 16159-1996 汉语拼音正词法基本规则
3 术语和定义
地名place names
地名专名specific names and terms
地名通名common names and terms
4 总则
4.1 道路交通双语标识的英文译法应符合国际惯例,遵循英语习惯(见附录A)。
4.2 本部分汉语拼音用法应符合GB/T 16159的要求。
5 细则
5.1 警告提示信息
警告提示信息的翻译应按照国际惯例,遵循英语习惯,如爬坡车道Steep Grade。
5.2 地名通名
5.2.1 一般(基本)规定
5.2.2 街 Avenue (Ave) 仅用于长安街CHANG’AN Ave,平安大街PING’AN Ave和两广路LIANGGUANG Ave。 街、大街译为Street (St),如隆福寺街LONGFUSI St,惠新东街HUIXIN East St;西单北大街XIDAN North St,菜市口大街CAISHIKOU St。 小街、条、巷、夹道一般情况下译为Alley,当路宽达到一定规模时可译为St,如东直门北小街DONGZHIMEN North Alley,横一条HENGYITIAO Alley,东四十条DONGSI SHITIAO St,后海夹道HOUHAI Alley;斜街译为Byway。
5.2.3 路 路译为Road(Rd),如白云路BAIYUN Rd。 辅路译为Side Road(Side Rd),如京石高速辅路JINGSHI Expwy Side Rd。 高速公路译为Expressway(Expwy),如京津塘高速JINGJINTANG Expwy。 公路译为Highway,如京兰路JINGLAN Highway。
5.2.4 胡同
胡同的译法形式为Hutong,如前章胡同QIANZHANG Hutong。
5.2.5 立交桥
立交桥的英文译法全部译为Bridge,如京广桥JINGGUANG Bridge,国贸桥GUOMAO Bridge。
5.2.6 其他通名的译法
5.3 地名专名
5.3.1 地名专名通常采用汉语拼音标注,汉语拼音全部大写。
5.3.2 专用名词为路名专名时,专名采用汉语拼音,如天坛东路TIANTAN East Rd,白云观街BAIYUNGUAN St;但指路标志(或旅游区标志)指向内容为特定场所(而非周边道路)时则采用英文,如天坛Temple of Heaven。
5.3.3 指示以地区名称命名的街道或立交桥时,地区名用汉语拼音,街道或立交桥用英文,如牛街NIUJIE St,洋桥YANGQIAO Bridge,六里桥LIULIQIAO Bridge。
5.3.4 地铁、公交车站名称
地铁、公交站名中的地名专名和通名全部采用大写汉语拼音,如南礼士路NANLISHILU不要写成S. LISHI Rd。
但场馆、商店等名称作为站名时通常应翻译,如军事博物馆Military Museum, 八角游乐园BAJIAO Amusement Park等。
5.4 基础设施信息
5.4.1 各类“站”的译法
a) 一般的公共电汽车中途停靠站可译为Stop或Station;
b) 公共电汽车终点站可译为Terminus;
c) 公交中心站可译为Central Bus Station;
d) 公交枢纽站可译为Public Transport Hub;
e) 地铁中途停靠站可译为Station;
f) 地铁终点站可译为Terminus;
g) 换乘站可译为Transfer Station或Transfer;
h) 出租汽车调度站可译为Taxi Service;
i) 出租汽车上下站可译为Taxi Stop;
j) 出租汽车停靠站可译为Taxi。
5.4.2 其他基础设施如:机场、车站、医院、体育场馆等,采用相应的英文词语,如机场Airport,火车站Railway Station,医院Hospital,体育场Stadium等。
5.5 独词
5.6 方位词
5.6.1 方位词包括:“东、南、西、北、前、后、中、上、内、外”。
其对应的英文译法分别为East (E.),South(S.),West(W.),North(N.),Front,Back,Middle,Upper,Inner,Outer。
5.6.2 通常情况下,方位词含有指示方向的意义时应译成英文,特别是当一条街道按方位分为东西、南北或内外两段时,或多条街道在方位上构成平行等对应位置关系时,方位词应译成英文,如景山前街JINGSHAN Front St,马家堡东路MAJIAPU East Rd。
5.6.3 当方位词本身固化为地名的一部分时,方位词采用汉语拼音,如北纬路BEIWEI Rd,南池子大街NANCHIZI St。
5.6.4 通常情况下方位词译成英文时位置不变,如和平里西街HEPINGLI West St;在一些较为复杂的地名中,方位词的位置根据需要置于最后,如西直门外南路XIZHIMEN Outer Rd South,西三环北路W. 3rd Ring Rd North;当地名以方位词开头且需要译成英文时,英文方位词采用缩写形式,如东长安街E. CHANG’AN Ave。
5.7 序数词
5.7.1 通常情况下,道路交通标志中如有需要表达序数词,其英文写法采用字母上标形式,如1st,2nd, 3rd等,如东三环E. 3rd Ring Rd。
5.7.2 立交桥名称中的数字不使用英文序数词形式,应直接使用阿拉伯数字,如中关村一桥ZHONGGUANCUN Bridge 1。
5.8 冠词和介词
道路交通标志上地名的英译文中不使用冠词,尽量不使用介词,如颐和园Summer Palace,但有些约定俗成的说法和固定用法例外,天坛Temple of Heaven。
5.9 标点符号
道路交通标志上地名的英译文中尽量不用任何标点符号,特殊情况除外,如左安门桥ZUO’ANMEN Bridge,工人体育场Workers’ Stadium;作为缩写形式的Ave,St,Rd和Expw y后均无“.”。
5.10 特殊情况
已经被社会普遍接受的单位名称,如清华大学Tsinghua University在指地方时可延用此用法,但在指道路名称时,应符合本部分的译法原则,如:清华南路QINGHUA South Rd。
附录 A
公共场所通用标识的英文译法A.1 警告提示信息
A.2 道路与车辆信息
表 A.2 道路与车辆信息英文译法
A.3 基础设施信息