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Phosphate fertilizer in soil mobility of small, and easy to be "fixed", therefore, the utilization rate / of nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer is low, generally only 10%-25%. So, how to improve the utilization rate of phosphate fertilizer?


1, application. Application of phosphate fertilizer concentration in the vicinity of seeds or roots, is an effective method of application. This method can reduce the contact / surface of phosphate fertilizer and soil, reduce the fixed effects, and is convenient for crop root uptake, generally improve the utilization rate of 28%-39%.


2, hierarchical application. The harrowing fertilizer 5-10 cm soil layer, for crop seedling absorption; the rest was p combination bands on 15-20 cm soil layer, in the middle and / late for crop absorption and utilization, but also can improve the utilization efficiency of P fertilizer. Among them, the shallow to available phosphorus as well, deep application of fertilizer application amount, can be delayed; shallow accounted for 30%-40%, deep 60%-70%.


3, and nitrogen fertilizers. Where the Phosphorus Deficient soils are generally deficient in nitrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus fertilizer application, the phosphate utilization rate reached an average of 23%-28%; according

to the test on wheat, Mu P 10 kg, with equal nitrogen, compared with the single application of the same amount of phosphorus fertilizer increased yield by 16.3%, improve the utilization rate of 3.91%. According to the test results, the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, when the soil fertility is low to medium fertility for 1:1, 1:0.5, fertility is 1:0.25.


4, and organic fertilizer application after mixing compost. According to the study, after the application of phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer by mixing pile, the phosphate fertilizer to improve the utilization rate of

10%-30%; wherein, phosphorite powder mixed with manure composting for 30 days, can make the weak acid soluble phosphorus increased 67.6%. Phosphate fertilizer and organic manure mixed composting, adding calcium superphosphate proportion accounted for 2%-3%, calcium magnesium phosphate accounted for about 5% of 5%-10%, phosphate rock powder.


5, focus on the application of leguminous crops. Practice has proved, the SSP and FCMP and applied directly to the previous crop legume crops, than in the stubble after gramineous crop utilization rate is high, the range of increasing in yield.


6, foliar application. Spraying on the leaf can fundamentally prevent the phosphorus fixed by soil, but also the important measures of increasing
