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The pursuit of both conciseness and exquisiteness alike is atop the priority of English writing. Albeit the dilemma it seems to be, prominent essayists, with agility of an acrobat and sophistication of an architect, explore, amongst the mist of labyrinth of sentence patterns, a waterway, steering the readers to pass through rocks and reefs of clusters of words and to appreciate the beauty of the language. Parallel structure is the most commonly seen.

with agility of an acrobat and sophistication of an architect和steering the readers to pass through rocks and reefs of clusters of words and to appreciate the beauty of the language便是用最为平常的and连接而成。

英语写作中的平行结构有点数学运算中“提取公因式合并同类项”的那么一点儿意思,假设with就是a, 而agility of an acrobat 就假设是b;同理,sophistication of an architect就是c。and 就是”+”。则原来的句型形式用数学表达式可以定义为:

a*b + a*c, 即with the agility of an acrobat and with sophistication of an architect

根据数学合并同类项的法则:a*b + a*c=a*(b + c), 这个就是上文出现的句子。


再引一句Mark Twain关于“经典”的论述:

A classic is something that everyone wants to have read and nobody wants to read.

in me the tiger sniffs the rose(我心里有猛虎在细嗅蔷薇)


Linguistic Form and Cognition: A Relevance-Theoretic Interpretation of the Style of English Parallelism


As such, we employ Sperber & Wilson's Relevance Theory to make a detailed interpretation of the style of English Parallelism through a cognitive point of view.


This thesis aims to expound the cognitive basis of linguistic form through a relevance-theoretic interpretation of the style of English

Parallelism, with an attempt to explore the correlation between linguistic form and cognition.


On English Parallelism and is Rhetorical Effect


Textual functions of English parallelism from a pragmatic perspective 英语排比结构的语篇功能

English Parallelism and Its Function


Chinese and English Parallelism and Their Use: A Comparative Perspective


On the Cohesive Function of English Parallelism


The paper makes an analysis and comparison on Chinese and English parallelism.


English parallelism is a kind of forceful statement. The proper use of parallelism can make sentences forceful, clear and rhythmic. The paper studies the structure, type and rhetoric function of parallelism,
