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Unit 7 Classroom Management

Part I Pronunciation

Task 1 Look at the mirror and read aloud the phonemes /f/, /v/, /∫/, /З/;/ t∫/, / dЗ/. Compare the shape of your mouth in the mirror with that in the picture and adjust it if necessary. Gather as many words as you can with these phonemes and fill them in the corresponding blanks. Then, read the words after the recording.

Example feel photo butterfly beef laugh

__fast, follow, friend, flow,_tough______________

___belief, chief, chef, _telegraph,__________________

___ laughter, _elephant,_geography,_biography_______

Example vow river shave

_________vouch,____ vast, voice,

even, ever, liver, shaver, fever, never

eve, starve, love, have__________

Example chair butcher ranch

_China,___chicken, charge, chase , choose, ___

teacher, franchise, stitcher_____________

__watch, bench, lunch____________________

Example usually television garage

casual, treasure, transfusion

mirage , prestige

Example shake wash machine

shoe, shoot, shut, shame_____________

ashamed, cashier, official __________

leash, mash, cash, trash _________


Example gentle fragile badge

gentile, gentleman, job________

stager, manager, pager________

change, charge, emerge, range________

Task 2 Please fill in the blanks according to the given transcription of the words that contain the required consonants /f/, /v/, /∫/, /З/;/ t∫/, / dЗ/. Then, listen to the recording and check the answers.

E.g. He was about to take a flight /flaɪt/ .

1) The country need to change its foreign /ˈfɔrin/ policy.

2) The test is used to diagnose a variety /və'raɪətɪ/ of diseases.

3) Children are sensitive to disapproval and adjust /ə'dʒʌst/ their behaviour accordingly.

4)He came to complain about the volume /ˈvɒlju:m/ of the music.

5) The hostess changed the sheet /ʃi:t/for the guest.

6) It causes blindness or serious loss of vision /'vɪʒn/.

7) Music is a great channel /'tʃænl/ for releasing your emotions.

8) He is a gentle /'dʒentl/ and modest young man.

9) Pay attention /əˈtenʃn/ to the spelling of the word.

10) He was chatting on the phone /fəʊn/ when the door bell rang.

Tasks 3 Elision means the omission of a sound (a phoneme) in speech. It is common in casual conversation. More specifically, elision may refer to the omission of an unstressed vowel, consonant, or syllable. Contraction means the shortened form of a word or group of words, with the missing letters usually marked by an apostrophe. Contractions are commonly used in speech and in colloquial forms of writing.

Please listen to the recording and identify the elision and contraction in the following sentences and expressions, marking out the dropping of sounds within a word and spelling out the full form of the words. Then read them aloud in pairs.


Elision: We arrived at the next day. /nekst dei/ simplified to /neks dei/

Contraction: Where’s the key? Where’s=Where is

1)She acts like she owns the place. (/kts/ can be simplified to /ks/)

2)Go away! /ə/ can disappear

3)I think we should call the police. (/ə/ can disappear in the first syllable of police)

4)Teachers use authentic texts to teach from. (/teksts/ can be simplified to /teks/)

5)He passed his exam. /hɪˈpaːst ɪz ɪgˈzam/

6)What’ve you done? (What have)

7)They weren’t bought at this store. (were not)

8) Who’ll give a speech? (Who will)

9) You’d better return it back soon. (You had )

10) You mustn’t leave the door open. (must not)

Task 4 Tone unit is the basic unit of intonation. It’s also called tone group. A tone unit may consist of one syllable or more. A tone unit/group, by definition, must contain a nuclear tone

(a Nucleus), that is a marked Pitch change. Pitch plays the most important part in intonation.

Optionally, it may contain a Prehead and/or a Head before the nucleus, and a final Tail.

E.g. I am writing a let ter to him.

Prehead Head Nucleus Tail
