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1.我们在过去的几个月里已经成功地加快了生产速度( speed up)

We have succeeded in speeding up the production rate in the last few months.

2. 货款一付,货物就会在你方便的时候运到。(at one’s convenience)

Once the payment has been made, the goods will be delivered at your convenience.

Unit 3

1.我建议你把钱存入银行(make a deposit)

I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank.

2.昨天王先生结账离开了那家旅馆。(check out)

Y esterday, Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel.

Unit 5


We predict good weather for several days ahead though the temperature may be rather low.


She has experienced quite a lot for such a young age.

Unit 6

1.多参加一些社会活动对我们大有好处。(do good to, take part in)

It will do us a lot of good to take part in more social activ ities.

2.他们迟早会意识到保护环境的重要性。(realize, sooner or later)

They will realize the importance of environmental protection sooner or later.

Unit 7

1.他们对祖国的热爱之情表达在“我的祖国”的甜美歌声中。(express, melody)

Their love of the country is expressed in the sweet melody “My Homeland”.

2.尽管粤菜闻名全世界,但是许多广东菜肴已不再保留它们的特有风味了。(maintain)Though Guangdong dishes are popular the world over, many of them no longer maintain their special flavors.

Unit 8

这些外国朋友在中国观光游览了西安、桂林及大连等城市。(such as)

These friends from abroad have visited such cities in China as Xi’an, Guilin , and Dalian.


This method is indeed effective. I do appreciate your help.


Friendly Boating Match

All Are Warmly Welcome

Under the auspices (赞助) of Recreational(娱乐的)and PE Department of the Students’ Union (协会) of the College, a friendly boating match will be held between Chinese students and overseas students of the university on South Lake, Saturday, Sept. 21, 2006, 4:00 p.m.

Recreational and Physical Education Department,

Students’ Union of the College


Y ou won’t want to miss this!


China vs. Korea

Place: Capital Stadium

Time: 3:30 p.m., January 18, 2007

Fare: 25 yuan

Please book tickets at the Reception Office (Tel: 4679561)

Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for the teams!


English Party

The Students’ Union is organizing an English Party at the coming weekend. All performances will be given by the staff members and the students. Lily, who won last year’s Gold Prize, will play the role of Snow White, and the guest teacher, Prof. Smith, will join the senior students in a Chinese opera, The Storm, in the English version. And the freshmen will put on The Sound of Music.

Why not join us for an exciting evening! It’s a chance to enjoy yourself and learn English! Time: 7:30 p.m., May 5

Place: The Students Center
