短文改错 PPT

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As we climbed the mountain,__u_s__
2.设置多处疑点,带着问题去判断正误 以上分析可以看出,错词主要涉及到词在句子和 语篇中的功用,因此,如不能迅速在该行中找出 错误,可先设置几个疑点,再逐个考虑。如看到 该行中的动词,便应考虑到该动词的时态、语态、 语气是否正确,该处应该是谓语动词还是非谓语 动词,与词后的介词搭配是否适当。看到该行中 的名词,便应考虑该名词形式应该是单数还是复 数,该词前是否应该加冠词等等。
“catch sigh of”意为“看见”是一个固定搭配的 词组,冠词a是多余的词。 • I have neither brothers nor sisters--in any other
words, I am an only child. _____.
in other words是一个固定搭配的词组。 any多余
高考英语短文改错点拨 与训练
一、短文改错的命题特点 高考英语短文改错取材通常是类似学生的作
品,以叙述文为主,内容相对完整,一般是100词 左右的短文,该项考察内容均在考试大纲规定的 范围以内,主要包括词汇、短语、句型和语法, 并兼顾语篇。近几年的短文改错题设置的错误一 般为,多词(1题)、少词(1题)、错词(8题)。 二、短文改错的命题分析
mountain. The food was expensive a—n—d the service was good._b_u_t__
三、短文改错的解题技巧 1. 进行快速阅读,根据语感去判断正误 考生学了多年的英语,朗读与背诵了一定量的课文,己初 步具有了一 定的语感。因此,快速阅读短文有助于考生 从语篇整体上去把握该文的错误所在。一般说来,具有一 定水平的考生,快速阅读短文一遍,发现几个明显的错误 是完全有可能的。。例如:
a. Sudden1y, I caught sight of my English teacher
in the crowd. She was smiling but nodding at me. ——
_an__d__ b. We spent the night in a hotel at the top of the
b. On 源自文库he way up I was busy taking pictures since
the scenery was so beautiful. The time passes ————
quickly. Evening came down. _p_a_s_se_d (3)连词的误用
考生做短文改错题时,首先要判断错误,然 后才能考虑怎样去改正错误。我们将以部分高考 短文改错题为例,谈谈多词、少词和错词对语篇 正确性的影响。
1、多词:多词往往影响了词组的固定搭配。例如: • Sudden1y, I caught a sight of my English
teacher in the crowd_____.
根据题意,应在“make”之前加上“to”,“to make sure”为不定式短语,在该句中作目的状语。
c. The weather was fine. It was about
noon∧we arrived at the foot of the mountain. ___.
该句when we arrived at the foot of…为定 语从句,修饰“noon”,关系副词when引导该从 句,并在从句中担任时间状语,根据语法规则, 不能省略。
a. I felt so nervous as I shook like a leaf. There were —
so many people. _____ that b. It was about noon when we arrived at the foot of
the mountain. The three of them were very excited. ———
b. On the way up I was busy taking picture.p_ic_t_u_r_es
(2)动词的时态和非谓语动词的形式 ————
a. I remembered her words and calm down. I did a good job and won the first. c_a_lm__ed
2.少词:少词往往破坏了句子的结构。 a. The day before the speech contest∧English teacher talked to me . _____
English teacher前应有限定词,根据上下文的内容
“English之前应加上物主代词“my” 。
b. My parents love me dear1y of course and will do all they can∧make sure that I get a good education. _____
这类错误主要表现在以下几个方面: (1)名词单复数的一致,例如:
a. They want me to devote all my time to my studies so that I”ll get good marks in all my subject.su_b_j_e_c_ts
改错口诀 改错题,技巧多,五大问题容易错。 非谓语、相关词、动词、名词、形容词、主谓一 致和从句
“使”动词要分清,看到V-ed 想V-ing ,主语为人用-ed 主语为物用-ing
遇见a /an要想the ,分清可数不可数。 But ,and 再加or ,关联词语不可混。 But/however 要分清,关键要看小逗点。 动词、名词、形容词、作用位置看搭配。 Either否定too肯定,also放在句中间。 Too与also可互换,需有标点放两边。 除去之外还有余,except改为besides。 访问某人要用on,访问某地要用at, 单复同形需牢记,牛羊鹿鱼和警察。 前后主谓要一致,单对单,双对双。 否定词语放句首,句子要用倒装句。 定语从句无what,所有从句要成述。