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1. Follow Sign ______ to run out of a building when there is a danger.

A. B. C. D.

2. —I’m sorry I took your dictionary by mistake. But wher e is ______?

—Don’t worry. Let me help you find it.

A. my

B. me

C. mine

D. myself

3. A fire broke out at the landmark Notre Dame Cathedral in central Paris ______ April , 2019.

A. at

B. on

C. in

D. of

4. —______ do you write a letter to your father?

—I seldom or never do that now. Instead, I call or email him almost every day.

A. How soon

B. How long

C. How much

D. How often

5. —How was your job interview yesterday afternoon?

—Oh, I couldn’t feel _____. I could hardly answer the questions they asked.

A. worse

B. better

C. easier

D. happier

6. —Where is your father, Kitty?

— He is trying to _____ a new shower head in the bathroom.

A. put out

B. put in

C. put off

D. put down

7. —Sandy, I saw the light in your room was still on at twelve o’clock last night.

—Oh, I ______ a football match of the World Cup.

A. watched

B. was watching

C. will watch

D. am watching

8. —It is raining again. We haven’t seen the sun for weeks.

—______ weather it is!

A. What good

B. What bad

C. How good

D. How bad

9. The secret of happiness is to treasure the thing we have now. But sometimes we won’t know i t _____ we lose what we own.

A. while

B. if

C. since

D. until

10. —If you always yourself with others, you may have much stress.

—I agree. We should believe in ourselves.

A. compare

B. communicate

C. connect

D. consider

11. Look at the text on Travelling. What kind of method is used to organize the ideas?

A. Time order.

B. Space order.

C. General to specific.

D. Specific to general.

12. —How can I get along with local people if I go to a foreign country?

— .

A. It never rains but it pours

B. A friend in need is a friend indeed

C. When in Rome, do as the Romans do

D. The grass is always greener than the other side

13. I accepted the with pleasure. I thought it as an honor to attend such a great play.

A. instruction

B. invitation

C. introduction

D. invention

14. We are sure that the environment in our city greatly through our work in the near future.

A. improved

B. was improved

C. has improved

D. will be improved

15. —

—T hat’s a good idea.

A. Would mind opening the window a bit more?

B. I’ve got the first prize in the English speech contest.

C. I’d like to invite you to my birthday party tomorrow.

D. Shall we go hiking in the South Mountain this weekend?


请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并


I’m sitting at the airport watching people in the last minutes before their loved ones arrive or leave. A woman is running to gather family members together for a 16 . When the final moment comes before boarding(登机), she puts her arms around her son, giving him a warm hug(拥抱) that should 17 him until he returns.

I sit with a book in my hands, waiting my turn to leave alone 18 nobody comes to see me off(为…送行).

I 19 other leaving and arriving. I remember seeing my daughter. I hugged her tightly as

if(好像) she had been lost. That year she was in her first year at university, coming home for the first time.

Today my flight is two hours late. When my flight is 20 called, I gather my book and luggage. Since there is no one to see me off, I 21 look back to see where I have come from.

As I walk towards the plane, I find myself 22 yet another arrival and leaving. That year,

Travelling is fun. We see different people and sights. We learn about different cultures. Travelling helps our mind relax. Travelling keeps us fit.
