



The Guardian view on unaffordable homes: building injustice into the economy《卫报》关于难以负担的住房的观点:在经济中制造不公The average wage of the top 1% in Britain rose to £13,770 a month in December. Jeevun Sandher, an economist at King’s College London, points out the very richest saw their incomes rise the fastest during the pandemic. This group were also likely to have been able to save the most while Covid raged. Where do the very wealthiest spend their cash? One place is housing, for which there is a low level of stock being released on to the market. The result is rising house prices. Over the past 12 months, asking prices have gone up by 9.5%.12月,英国最富有的1%人群的平均工资上升至每月13770英镑。






This has a knock-on effect for renters. UK rents rose by 8.3% in the last three months of 2021. For would-be first-time buyers, the situation is as bad if not worse, with the current average price of £277,000 nearly £25,000 higher than just a year ago. Those looking to have a roof to live under will find little solace in official figures. These record an 11% drop in the number of total homes added in 2021 compared with the year before. The number of new affordable houses that began being built dropped 16% year-on-year. Shortages of labour and materials, as well as planning delays, will make it harder for the 11th Tory housing minister since 2010 to meet government targets for new homes.这对租客产生了连锁反应。



Defending Switzerland’s coffee stockpile捍卫瑞士的咖啡储备If disaster strikes,the Swiss want to be caffeinated当灾难来袭时,瑞士人需要咖啡因To defend their independence the Swiss have mountains,conscription and a fierce sense of self-reliance.They also have a vast stockpile of food, medicine,animal feed and cooking oil,which they have maintained since the1920s.This makes sieges easier to withstand,but costs a fortune.瑞士人靠着山脉、兵役制度和强烈的自力更生精神捍卫着国家的主权独立。



So in April the Federal Office for National Economic Supply announced a plan to trim it a little.In future,it suggested,it would no longer pay for a huge emergency supply of coffee.This wonderful drink,it claimed,is not “vital for life”.因此,今年4月,瑞士联邦国家经济供应办公室宣布了一项略微削减开支的计划。





A global house-price slump is coming全球房价即将暴跌It won’t blow up the financial system, but it will be scary虽然不会摧毁金融体系,但仍然令人恐慌Over the past decade owning a house has meant easy money. Prices rose reliably for years and then went bizarrely ballistic in the pandemic. Yet today if your wealth is tied up in bricks and mortar it is time to get nervous.过去十年里,拥有一套房就意味着轻松赚钱。



House prices are now falling in nine rich economies. The drops in America are small so far, but in the wildest markets they are already dramatic. In condo-crazed Canada homes cost 9% less than they did in February.九个发达经济体的房价都在下跌。



As inflation and recession stalk the world a deepening correction is likely—even estate agents are gloomy. Although this will not detonate global banks as in 2007-09, it will intensify the downturn, leave a cohort of people with wrecked finances and start a political storm.随着通货膨胀和经济衰退的风险在全球范围内蔓延,房价或将迎来一场深度调整——甚至房地产经纪人也对此感到悲观。



考研英语阅读英文原刊《经济学人》:收入与幸福感Happiness and Income收入与幸福感Everything that rises must converge幸福的家庭总是相似的Emerging markets are catching up with the West inthe happiness stakes新兴国家的幸福指数将要赶上西方POETS, songwriters and left-wing politicians hate theidea, but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear: money buys happiness and thericher you are, the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life. Until now. Asurvey of 43 countries published on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre of Washington,DC, shows that people in emerging markets are within a whisker of expressing the same levelof satisfaction as people in rich countries. It is the biggest qualification to the standard viewof happiness and income seen so far.诗人,作词家,左翼政治家总是反驳这样一个观点:钱可以买到幸福,一个人越有钱,他对生活的满意感就可能越高。





The legal cannabis market shrank in California last year去年,加州的合法大麻市场在萎缩Harbourside Cannabis in Oakland is a modern-day temple to the delights and possibilities of the botanical marvel that is the plant Cannabis sativa. Around the airy shop move a well-heeled clientele.They browse among offerings ranging from cannabis-infused chocolate to sparkling water and vape pens.奥克兰的哈伯赛德大麻公司是一座可供寻求快乐和见识到大麻种植奇观的现代庙宇。



California was the first state to allow sales of medical cannabis in1996, and Harbourside one of the first shops in America to sell pot legally.Since January last year,the firm has also been able to sell pot for purely recreational purposes.1996年,加州成为美国首个允许销售医用大麻的州,哈伯赛德也是美国首批合法销售大麻的商店之一。


Thanks to its large number of“medical”users,California’s is the largest legal cannabis market in the world.But since the legalisation of adult sales, that market has been shrinking.得益于大批的“医疗”用户,加州成为了全球最大的合法大麻市场。



Why eating bugs is so popular in Congo刚果人为什么这么爱吃虫子?The creepy superfood is rich in protein and magnesium这种让人毛骨悚然的超级食物富含蛋白质和镁At a market in Goma,a city in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo,an old woman pulls the wings off live grasshoppers and tosses their wriggling bodies into a bucket.She collected the insects from the airport at5am that morning,and will go back the next day.Grasshopper season has just begun.在刚果民主共和国东部城市戈马的一个市场上,一位老妇人将活蚱蜢的翅膀扯下来,然后把它们扭动的身体丢进桶里。



Throughout November dozens of grasshopper-hunters gather at Goma airport most mornings.It is one of the few buildings in the city with constant electricity,and the lights that mark the runway attract swarms of the bug.整个11月,几乎每天都有几十个蚱蜢猎人聚集在戈马机场。


People stuff them into plastic bottles to take to market.Buyers season them with salt and eat them with rice or cassava.他们捉住蚱蜢塞进塑料瓶,然后拿到市场上去卖。



In praise of dissenters赞扬那些持不同意见的人It pays companies to encourage a variety of opinions鼓励员工发出不同的声音有利于公司的发展The story of the emperor’s new clothes is one of Hans Christian Andersen’s best-known fables.Conmen fool the monarch into believing they have made him a fabulous suit that the unworthy will be unable to see.Courtiers dare not say that the emperor is naked;it takes a child to point out the obvious.《皇帝的新装》是安徒生最著名的寓言之一。



The moral is that people are often too hidebound by social convention to state their views.How many companies have ploughed ahead with expensive projects that were favoured by the chief executive,even when other managers have had doubts?这则寓言的寓意是,人们往往过于墨守成规,而不愿意说出自己的观点。

有多少公司会奋力推行首席执行官所青睐的成本高昂的项目,即使有其他管理者对该项目表示怀疑?In his new book“Rebel Ideas:The Power of Diverse Thinking”,Matthew Syed,a sportsman-turned-journalist,argues that the key to dealing withthis problem is“cognitive diversity”.In other words,assembling a team of people with different perspectives and intellectual backgrounds.运动员出身的记者马修·施雅德在其新书《反叛思想:多元化思维的力量》中认为,解决这一问题的关键在于“认知多样性”。



Wealth taxes have moved up the political agenda征收财富税已经被提上了政治议程Some economists are reconsidering their aversion to levies on large fortunes一些经济学家正在转变他们对向巨额财富征税的反感态度Five years ago Thomas Piketty’s“Capital in the Twenty-First Century”, a weighty analysis of rising inequality,flew off shelves and ignited fiery debate.Fans and detractors alike tended to agree on one thing,at least: its proposal to fix inequality—a tax on wealth—was a dud.五年前,托马斯·皮凯蒂撰写的《21世纪的资本》(一本对日益加剧的不平等现象进行了深入分析的著作)一经上架便引发了激烈的辩论。


A half-decade later the mood has shifted.Several candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination promise to tax wealth;Bernie Sanders recently announced a plan to tax fortunes of more than$32m at1%per year,and those larger than$10bn at8%.五年后的今天,人们的态度发生了转变。



Have baby, stay in school生孩子还是继续上学?Why teenage mothers in Zimbabwe struggle to get educated为什么津巴布韦的未成年妈妈很难继续接受教育Brilliant Ndlovu has never really known childhood. Since the age of seven she has headed her household in Tsholotsho, a town in rural western Zimbabwe, after her parents went to work abroad. The oldest of five, she scraped a living growing crops while trying to keep up with her schoolwork.聪明的恩德洛夫从未真正经历过童年。



But in 2020 the covid-19 pandemic struck, coming shortly after a devastating drought. Farmers could not afford to pay child labourers like Ms Ndlovu. “So I looked for a man to help support my family,” she recalls. She found one who demanded sex in exchange for money. Aged 17, she got pregnant.但在2020年,经历一场毁灭性的干旱后,新冠疫情又紧随其后。



Britain’s young face a poorer future英国年轻一代面临更加贫穷的未来Economic statistics will never fully capture the extent of the sacrifices of Britain’s youth during the pandemic. For a generation of students and pupils it was a lost chance to make friends, explore who they are and, gradually, become adults — as well as to learn, in person. In the face of the deaths in the broader population, it is easy to dismiss as frivolous the setbacks of those who missed partying, travelling and dating during the long months stuck inside but these are still years of carefree youth they will not get back. What is more, most of these privations were primarily to protect those from older generations, the most vulnerable to the coronavirus.经济统计数字将永远不能完全反映出英国青年在这场大流行病中牺牲了多少。





China’s “dreamchild” is stealthily winning the battery race中国“梦之子”悄然引领电池竞赛In America, if you want to dominate an industry, you channel your inner Elon Musk and shout about it. But CATL, the Chinese company that makes batteries for some of Mr Musk’s Tesla electric vehicles (EVs), is different. When your columnist first contacted it in 2017, the brush-off was swift.在美国,如果你想主宰一个行业,你就得调动自己内心的埃隆·马斯克并大声咆哮。



“We want to concentrate on our products only and do not accept any interviews at present.” These days it is only marginally less blunt. “Unfortunately, we are sorry that it’s hard for us to arrange [interviews] at the moment.” The temptation is to give it a dose of its own medicine and ignore it.“我们只想专注于我们的产品,目前不接受任何采访。




Japan’s state-owned version of Tinder日本官方版TinderLocal authorities are setting up matchmaking websites to pair their residents with lonely-hearts in the cities政府当局创办相亲网站,为当地居民牵线搭桥Even after years of attending match-making parties,a professional in Tokyo explains,she has not found any suitable marriage prospects.“I’m tired of going to these events and not meeting anyone,”she gripes.东京一名职场人士表示,虽然参加了多年的相亲会,但她仍然没有找到合适的结婚对象。


”So she has decided to expand her pool of prospective partners by looking for love outside the capital.To that end she has filled out an online profile detailing her name,job,hobbies and even weight on a match-making site that pairs up single urbanites with people from rural areas.因此,她决定将她寻找伴侣的范围扩大到首都之外。




Plastic surgeons make a bundle despite Lebanon’s economic crisis尽管黎巴嫩遭遇经济危机,但整形外科医生还是赚了一大笔钱Many people have no jobs. Others, nose jobs许多人失业了,除了隆鼻医生Rhinoplasty has long been a rite of passage in Lebanon. Teenage girls want a dainty new nose in time for their graduation parties, celebrated in selfies. Lebanon’s many woes have not hindered the habit.隆鼻手术一直以来都是黎巴嫩人的一种成人礼。



Plastic surgeons are apparently making as much as or more than they did before an economic crisis, starting in 2019, that the World Bank has ranked as the third-worst anywhere, ever.从2019年开始,整形外科医生的收入显然与经济危机(世界银行将其列为有史以来最严重的第三大经济危机)前持平,甚至更高。

The World Health Organisation reckons that Lebanon’s economic meltdown prompted nearly 40% of the country’s doctors to leave. But for those who have stayed, the pickings, especially for nose jobs, may have increased. The pool of patients has stayed the same. There are fewer dexterous doctors to paddle in it.世界卫生组织估计,黎巴嫩的经济崩溃促使该国近40%的医生离开。



The absurd language used by job adverts招聘广告走向了夸张化Superheroes need not apply超级英雄才不需要去应聘呢There is an old Army joke about a sergeant-major who asks his platoon whether any of them are interested in music.When four hands go up,the sergeant says“Right,lads.You can carry this grand piano down to the officers’mess.”军队里有个广为流传的笑话,长官问他的队伍中是否有人对音乐感兴趣。



”Job recruitment has become more sophisticated since that story first did the rounds.Today’s careers require a lot more than just raw muscle but that sometimes makes jobs hard to define.The unfortunate result is a form of“adjective inflation”in recruitment ads as employers attempt to make routine tasks sound exciting.自这个笑话流传以来,求职招聘变得越来越复杂了。



Candidates must sometimes wonder whether they are applying for a 9-to-5role or to become part of the Marvel“Avengers”franchise.应聘者有时不免会感到困惑,他们到底是在申请一份朝九晚五的工作,还是准备成为漫威系列电影《复仇者联盟》中的一位超级英雄。



The rise of the rooftop farmer越来越多人在屋顶种菜Government subsidies make excellent fertiliser政府补贴成为了最好的肥料Benjamin Swan’s farm is on the fourth floor of an office building in an industrial part of Singapore.To see his crops,visitors are escorted past a door unlocked with a thumbprint and through an airlock.(“Our air is certified,”says an assistant.)Room after room is filled with plumes of kale and lettuce,evenly spaced on long trays stacked in floor-to-ceiling racks.本杰明·斯旺的农场位于新加坡工业区一幢办公楼的四楼。




Cables snake across the racks and ceilings,like an electrical root system. LED lights,designed to emit only the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that plants can absorb,cast a purple glow.The greens are planted in a substrate—not a speck of soil is in sight.电线蜿蜒曲折地穿过架子和天花板,仿佛电子根系一般。



How spider silk avoids hungry bacteria蜘蛛丝是如何免于被饥肠辘辘的细菌蚕食的No antibiotics are involved它们并非以抗生素抗菌Tougher than any fibre made by humans and extraordinarily good at transmitting vibrations to the predators that weave it,spider silk has been a source of inspiration for the development of everything from scaffolding for regenerating bones to bulletproof vests,remote sensors and noise reducers.蜘蛛丝比任何人类制造的纤维都要坚韧,而且它还特别利于将震动传递给编织出它的捕食者。


Yet one of its most remarkable attributes,its resistance to decay,has received little attention.Some researchers speculate that spider silk keeps hungry bacteria at bay by being laced with antibiotics.然而,作为其最显著特性之一的抗腐坏性却很少受到人们的关注。


But work by Wang Pi-Han and Tso I-Min at Tunghai University,in Taiwan, published in the Journal of Experimental Biology,suggests this is not thecase.Rather,silk manages to avoid being eaten by locking the nutrients it contains behind an impenetrable barrier.但据台湾东海大学的王必汉和曹一鸣发表在《实验生物学杂志》上的研究表明,事实并非如此。



There is no cure for HIV—but scientists may be getting closer科学家们虽然无法根治艾滋病- 但希望还是有的By Alice Park文/爱丽斯·帕克CURE ISN’T A WORD NORMALLY USED IN THE CONTEXT OF AIDS.“根治”一词通常不适用于艾滋病这一语境。

For most of the 35 years since HIV, the virus responsible for the disease, was first identified,自艾滋病病毒,也即诱发艾滋病的病毒,被首次发现以来的35年间,doctors have viewed the notion of a cure as more fantasy than fact.大部分时间医生们都认为根治艾滋病的概念更像是一种幻想而非事实。

That’s because HIV is a virus unlike any other.这是因为艾滋病病毒不同于其他任何一种病毒。

It disables the very immune cells that are supposed to destroy it and also sequesters itself in the body’s cells,它能摧毁原本应该反过来摧毁它的免疫细胞,然后将自身隔离在人体的细胞中,staging the ultimate deadly ambush whenever the immune defense’s guard comes down, months or sometimes even years later.准备着发动最后的致命伏击,只等免疫系统受损,无论是数月之后还是数年之后。

Yet for the first time in the HIV epidemic that currently affects nearly 37 million people worldwide,然而,就在目前影响着全世界近3700万人的这一流行病领域,some experts are starting to aim for a cure—cautiously—as they fashion the next generation of HIV treatments.一些专家率先开始了 - 谨慎地开始了- 艾滋病的根治研究,研制出了新一代艾滋病疗法。



A new idea for diagnosis一个关于疾病诊断的新想法A system based on AI will scan the retina for signs of Alzheimer’s一个基于人工智能的系统将通过眼部扫描来探寻痴呆症的患病迹象And,after that,of stroke susceptibility and heart disease此外,还包括中风和心脏病的诊断The different parts of a health-care system have different focuses.A hospital’s dementia unit keeps records of patients’mental abilities.The stroke unit monitors blood flow in the brain.The cardiac unit is interested in that same flow,but through and from the heart.医疗卫生体系的不同部门有着不同的关注点。




Each agglomeration of equipment and data is effective in its own domain, but for the most part has little relevance to other bits of the body and the conditions that plague them.每一组仪器及数据都能够有效用于各自疾病的诊断,但往往无法用于同样折磨着病人的其他部位疾病的诊断。

Thus,like the proverbial blind men feeling an elephant,modern health care offers many fragmented pictures of a patient,but rarely a useful cohesive one.因此,就如同成语盲人摸象一般,现代医疗为病人提供的是许多零碎的疾病画像,但却无法汇聚为一个有用的整体画像。



The 19th century French philosopher Auguste Comte got it wrong: demography is not destiny.19世纪法国哲学家奥古斯特•孔德错了:人口并不决定命运。

Population trends are some of the strongest forces in economics, affecting global prosperity, the growth of individual nations and the strength of public finances. But reducing the success of countries and regions to their trends in births, deaths and migration is a simplification too far.各种人口趋势是经济学中最强大的一些力量,影响着全球繁荣、单个国家的增长和公共财政的实力。


As the coronavirus pandemic has shown, the confident predictions in 2020 of a lockdown baby boom followed by the 2021 fear of a Covid baby bust demonstrate that demographic trends are far less stable than often imagined. Small changes in fertility, mortality and migration can have immense effects.正如新冠疫情所显示的那样,2020年对疫情封锁会带来一波婴儿潮的自信预测,以及接下来的2021年对疫情会造成婴儿荒的担忧,表明人口趋势远没有通常想象的那么稳定。

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Climate change and the threat to companies
Firms urgently need to rethink how they approach climate risk
C hief executives who care about climate change—and these days most profess to—often highlight headquarters bedecked with solar panels and other efforts to lower their carbon footprint.

Last week Volkswagen, a carmaker, told its 40,000 suppliers to cut emissions or risk losing its custom.

Plenty of investors, meanwhile, say they are worried about being saddled with worthless stakes in coal-fired power plants if carbon taxes eventually bite. Yet the reality is that meaningful global environmental regulations are nowhere on the horizon.


The risk of severe climate change is thus rising, posing physical threats to many firms. Most remain blind to these, often wilfully so. They should start worrying about them.



Nature disrupting supply chains is nothing new. Businesses have coped with floods, droughts and storms since long before the joint-stock company became popular in the 19th century.


Two things have changed. First, supply chains have grown complex and global (just look at VW). As links have multiplied so, too, have points of possible failure. Many sit in the tropics, more given to weather extremes than the temperate West.




Second, global warming is fuelling more such extremes everywhere. In 2017 Houston experienced its third “500-year flood”in less than four decades, California suffered five of its 20 worst wildfires ever and parts of the Indian subcontinent were underwater for days following epic monsoon downpours.


That year insurers paid out a monumental $135bn in compensation. Another $195bn in estimated losses was uninsured. Power plants often run slow because the river water they use for cooling is too hot.



Last year commercial traffic along the Rhine, the world’s busiest waterway, ran aground when rains failed to replenish its sources.

Corporate-risk managers have just about come to grips with tangled supply chains. But they are rotten at assessing their exposure to a changing climate (see article).


Unfamiliar with bleeding-edge climate models, which tell you what disruption to expect next, risk managers fall back on retrospective tools like flood maps, which are tried, tested—and wrong.

One study last year found that accounting for physical risks to corporate assets would shave 2-3% off the total market value of over 11,000 globally listed firms.

That is less than many stocks move in a given day, and a fraction of the estimated 15% downward effect of a transition to cleaner energy. Unlike the energy transition, though, some physical harm to corporate assets is all but guaranteed.


Not only that, but the risks rise as the world warms. And the average conceals a huge range. Some companies would lose nearly one-fifth of their enterprise value. Most have no clue where they stand.



bedeck [bɪ'dɛk] vt. 装饰;修饰
wilfully ['wilfəli] adv. 任意地
subcontinent [,sʌb'kɑntɪnənt] n. 次大陆
downpour ['daʊnpɔr] n. 倾盆大雨;注下
monumental [,mɑnju'mɛntl] adj. 不朽的;纪念碑的;非常的compensation [,kɑmpɛn'seʃən] n. 补偿;报酬;赔偿金。
