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他本不应该占她的便宜。 他本不应该占她的便宜。 He shouldn't have taken advantage of her sexually.
他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了 他们的关系已经闹得满城风雨,人人皆知了。 满城风雨 There had been too much publicity about their relationship.
然而争取男女平行的过程仍然是一项未竟之业。 然而争取男女平行的过程仍然是一项未竟之业。 一项未竟之业 Yet the process of achieving gender equality is still an ongoing one.
由于对硅谷房价出奇的高早有所闻, 所以看到房子还 由于对硅谷房价出奇的高早有所闻 , 所以看到房子 还 过得去,真出乎我意料。 过得去,真出乎我意料。 With Silicon Valley’s notorious housing prices in mind, I expected to see a much worse house.
Baidu Nhomakorabea
就职典礼那天天气晴朗,寒风凛冽。 就职典礼那天天气晴朗,寒风凛冽。 天气晴朗 The Inauguration took place on a bright, cold, and windy day.
谢谢您的忠告 谢谢您的忠告.Thank you for your advice and counsel. 忠告
清华附中的小记者走出校门,采访了 位路人 位路人。 清华附中的小记者走出校门,采访了76位路人。 A group of teenage reporters from the middle school to Qinghua University took a poll on the street on 76 passersby. 3. 添加主语 读书可以增长知识。 读书可以增长知识。 Through reading one can acquire knowledge. 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 得第一名获金牌,第四名什么也拿不到。 Whoever comes first wins a gold medal but anyone who comes fourth gets nothing.
五十年代初期,美国企图征服朝鲜, 五十年代初期,美国企图征服朝鲜,但是中 朝军民共同努力,最后打败了他们。 朝军民共同努力,最后打败了他们。 In the early 1950s, the U.S tried to conquer Korea, but finally were defeated by the joint efforts of the army and people of Korea and China.
证券法要求公司给所有持股人既合理又平等的待 证券法要求公司给所有持股人既合理又平等的待 遇。 Securities laws require companies to treat all shareholders reasonably equally.
时代华纳愿会给TCI三亿六千万美圆购买南 三亿六千万美圆购买 时代华纳愿会给 三亿六千万美圆购买南 方卫星这家公司。 方卫星这家公司。 Time Warner will pay TCI 360 million for Southern Satellite company.
6. 搭配主语 因为我们国家的建设事业不仅仅需要的是工 程师和科学家,同样需要各行各业的能工巧 程师和科学家, 匠。 For China in her development needs not only engineers and scientists, but talent of different kinds. 身体虽弱,但精神还好。 身体虽弱,但精神还好。 He is physically weak but mentally sound.
2. 词义的表达 汉语中的“ 水平” 汉语中的 “ 水平 ” , 英语根据不同搭配用不同的 词: 提高生活水平upgrade the living standard 提高生活水平 提高会话水平 improve one’s conversational ability 提高领导水平 improve the art of leadership 提高文化水平 raise the intellectual level (of people) 提高英语水平 to improve English
什么地方发生过盗案或者凶杀案, 什么地方发生过盗案或者凶杀案 , 什么地方有鬼魂出 现过,我都知道。 现过,我都知道。 I knew every spot where a murder or robbery had been committed or a ghost seen.
即使妇女的HIV被丈夫传染,病情一旦泄露, 被丈夫传染,病情一旦泄露, 即使妇女的 被丈夫传染 还是会遭受冷待或抛弃。 还是会遭受冷待或抛弃。 A woman infected with HIV may be ostracized or abandoned by her husband if her condition is revealed, even when he is the source of the disease.
大多数人对学生的要求持同情的态度。 大多数人对学生的要求持同情的态度。 There is considerable public sympathy for the students demands.
8. 断句与合句 世界上一些国家发生问题,从根本上说, 世界上一些国家发生问题, 从根本上说,都是 因为经济上不去,没有饭吃,没有衣穿,没有 因为经济上不去, 没有饭吃, 没有衣穿, 房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消, 房住,工资增长被通货膨胀抵消,生活水平下 大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。 降,大批人下岗和失业,长期过紧日子。 Basically, the root cause for social unrest in some countries lies in their failure to boost their economy. Consequently they lack food, clothing and shelter, and their wage increases are offset by inflation. With a decline in living standards, widespread layoffs and unemployment, people have to suffer chronic hardships.
一、翻译的基本技巧 翻译的基本技巧
1. 词性转换法
一个穿着讲究的人上了车。他的外表和谈吐 外表和谈吐都像 一个穿着讲究的人上了车 。 他的 外表和谈吐 都像 个美国人。 个美国人。 A well-dressed man, who looked and talked like an American, got into the car.
7. 非人称主语 不同的人对退休持不同的态度。 不同的人对退休持不同的态度。 Different people have different attitudes towards retirement. Attitudes towards person to person. retirement vary from
1. 词义的理解
为促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。 为促进统一,就要有个适当的方式。 To promote the reunification of the motherland, we must find a proper means.
当今只有少数几个国家有资格打世界大战。 当今只有少数几个国家有资格打世界大战。 Only a few countries can afford to fight a world war.
4. 信息主语 报告的其他部分没有提到这一点。 报告的其他部分没有提到这一点。 The speaker made no mention of this point elsewhere in his report. This point was not mentioned anywhere in his report. 到去年年底, 到去年年底 , 已与好几个国签订了建造拉索桥的 合同或协议。 合同或协议。 By the end of last year, contracts or agreement were signed with some countries for the construction of chain bridges.
4. 分合移位法 越来越多的西方知识分子当时接受这种看法, 越来越多的西方知识分子当时接受这种看法,虽然从 数量上说,他们仍是少数。 数量上说,他们仍是少数。 And a growing minority of Western intellectuals agreed.
若以过去的增长率来预测未来,会显得考虑欠周 考虑欠周, 若以过去的增长率来预测未来,会显得考虑欠周,因 为那种预测会严重夸大未来的实际增长。 为那种预测会严重夸大未来的实际增长。 A naïve projection of their past growth rates into the future was likely to greatly overstate their real prospects.
欧洲也有它的美 欧洲的美较之美国的美更富于历 也有它的美, 但 欧洲 也有它的美 , 欧洲的美 较之美国的美更富于历 史与诗意的联想。 史与诗意的联想。 But Europe held forth the charms of storied and poetical association.
3. 反面着笔法
5. 连贯主语 机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券。 机构投资者和个人投资者踊跃购买每年发行的国库券。 企业债券因为期限短, 企业债券因为期限短,利率高于银行存款利率一到二个 百分点,因此也十分受欢迎。人们争相购买债券, 百分点,因此也十分受欢迎。人们争相购买债券,往往 前一天晚上就在银行外排队, 前一天晚上就在银行外排队,一个亿的债券几天就一售 而空。 而空。 Treasury bonds issued each year has been the most popular with institutional and individual investors. Enterprise bonds are also popular because they have a short maturity and offer an interesting rate of 1-2%more than the average bank deposit rate. Often RMB 100 million worth of enterprise bonds are subscribed within a few days by anxious investors who queue overnight outside banks.
2. 增减重复法
她比皇家成员更有皇家气质。 她比皇家成员更有皇家气质。 气质 She was more royal than the royals.
你必须九点前回来,没有什么可商量的余地。 你必须九点前回来,没有什么可商量的余地。 You must come back before nine. Period! ……看看各种表演,像激烈的格斗,精采的骑术, 看看各种表演,像激烈的格斗,精采的骑术, 看看各种表演 上流社会的形形色色 普通人家生活的情形 形形色色, 生活的情形, 上流社会的形形色色,普通人家生活的情形,专为 多情的看客预备的恋爱场面 轻松滑稽的穿插等等。 恋爱场面, 多情的看客预备的恋爱场面,轻松滑稽的穿插等等。 There are scenes of all sorts, some dreadful combats, some grand and lofty horse-riding, some scenes of high life, and some of very middling indeed; some lovemaking for the sentimental, and some light comic business.