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Unit 1 Book 1 Personal Relationships

I. Background information

The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War (1954-1975) is a long civil war between South Vietnam and the Vietcong and North Vietnam, ending in Communist victory.

The United States was fully involved in the Vietnam War, which had a deep and lasting effect on US society and on the way that Americans thought about their own country. Military failures and loss of public support eventually forced the government to bring US forces back from Vietnam in 1973. American people have very divided feelings about the war.Many Vietnam Veterans feel angry because they were made to fight, and because they were not praised for their courage when they came home, but were sometimes criticized by people who opposed the war.

II. Preparation activities.

Brainstorming : Tell the class any words you know to describe the qualities of a true friend.

III. In-class reading

A .Text structure

1.context (para.1~2)

When in Vietnam War

Where in a small village

Who several children, including one young girl

What Bombs landed in the orphanage and some children were wounded. 2. In time order, what happened next? (para.3~18)

1) Medical help arrived and they found the young girl needed blood. (Para.3)

2) Only several children had the correct blood type. (Para.4)

3) Because of language barrier, they had difficulties in asking the children for blood. (Para.5)

4) Heng was willing to give blood but he was always sobbing and then crying silently during the operation. (Para.6 ~ 13)

5) Under the help of the Vietnamese nurse, the Americans knew the reason. Heng thought that he would die, but he still did it because she was his friend. (Para.14 ~ Para.18)

3. meaning of the story (para.19)

There is no love greater than this, that a person lay down his/her life for a friend.

B .Sentence study and oral translation

1.Nobody knows what these bombs were supposed to hit during the terrible Vietnam War, but they landed in a small orphanage run by a missionary group. (Line 1)


轰炸什么目标,而它们却落在了一所由传教士办的小孤honest helpful generous


Every student is supposed to be in the classroom before 8 o’clock.

所有学生8点以前应该到教室。2. …it was clear that without immediate action, she would die from loss of blood and shock. (Line 9) 如果不能立即采取行动,显然她将因失血过多和休克而死亡。

此句型中clear 常可被其他形容词替换

如:it is obvious that, it is true that, it is evident that等


It is true that w ithout English course, college life may become much easier. But it is obvious that you can’t keep pace with the modern society if you don’t study English. Using what little common language they could find, together with a lot of sign language, they tried to explain to the frightened children that unless they could give some blood to their little friend she would certainly die. (Line 16)


1. Using + 宾语从句在句中作状语

2. together with 相当于as well as,与前面短语一起作状语

3. they tried to explain… 是句子的主语和谓语部分

4. the frightened children 是句子的一个宾语(间接宾语)

5. unless they could give… 既是句子的直接宾语又是后面句子的条件从句

4. Heng was quickly laid on a bed, his arm cleaned with alcohol, and the needle inserted into his arm. (Line 27)

此句中his arm cleaned with alcohol 和the needle inserted into his arm是独立主格结构。独立主格结构在句中作状语,有自己的逻辑主语, 表示一种伴随的动作或情况。

◊ She lay on her back, her hands crossed under the head.


◊ Mother being ill, she has to take care of the family.


◊ The clock having struck, we had to go to work.


◊He has been working very hard, his first novel to be published soon


◊There are four factories in this region, each having 200 workers

这个地区有四个工厂,每个有200名工人。(同位语)5. The medical team now was very worried because the needle should not have been hurting their tiny patient. (Line 42) 现在医疗小组非常担忧,因为针不该使他们的小病人一直感到疼痛。

should + have + 过去分词这一结构的肯定形式表示本应该做却没有做;其否定形式表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。

◊She shouldn’t have left the hospital so soon, for she had not yet recovered.


◊You should have got Mark A in your final examination but your handwriting is too bad.


C.Words and phrases

1. suffer (Line 5): feel or have pain, loss , etc.

vt. 忍受,容忍,承受,耐住

If you break the law, you must be prepared to suffer the consequences. 你如果违犯法律,就必须准备承担后果。That young man had to suffer the injuries caused by the chemical weapons left by Japanese troops in World War II.


2) vi. 受痛苦,受苦难,患病


It is natural for many freshmen to suffer from homesickness now and then.
