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摘要: (2)

Abstract: (3)

引言 (4)

一.社会政策下妇女发展指标 (9)

1.1妇女发展指标的推动作用 (9)

1.2社会主义下男女平等的观念的发展 (11)

1.3女性平等思想的前提 (11)

二.社会政策与性别平等的研究 (12)

2.1中国养老金制度的分析 (12)

2.2男女平等观念转变的分析 (13)

2.3国内外女性平等的对比分析 (13)

2.3.1中外参政的比较分析 (13)

2.3.2女性组织发展的现状 (14)

2.3.3政府思想和执行力的提高 (14)

三.我国女性的工作思考和实践 (14)

3.1社会性别的调研分析 (14)

3.2新时期下妇女发展的进步作用 (14)

3.3社会性别意识的重要性的判断分析 (15)

四. 对于社会性别的分析———以上海大学性别话语分析为例 (15)

4.1调查领悟分析社会性别概念 (15)

4.2对上海大学性别的调查 (16)

4.3调研结果 (17)

4.3.1学习成绩归因方面 (17)

4.3.2性别社会角色期望方面 (17)

4.4分析及思考 (17)

4.5启发和建议 (18)

4.5.1课堂上应多关注女生 (18)

4.5.2课外活动应多组织一些竞争性的游戏或比赛让女生参与 (18)

4.5.3培养女生的受挫能力 (18)

4.6研究存在的不足 (19)

结论 (19)

参考文献 (20)

致谢 (22)

附录 (23)






Nearly a decade of socialist economy under the push of, to promotes the change of women's status, for their own development and made a profound impact on the change of social status, to change the destiny of women, women theory innovation,

steady and women in the work of inequality changes the analysis and discussion, in the pursuit of equality between men and women concept and the process of implementation, the practice of social development has played a very positive role, but some policy negative effects on the status of women is often overlooked, or didn't get the attention it deserves this thesis mainly analyses and discusses the female fate, gender equality issues, strictly implement the scientific concept of development, building a well-off society in an all-round way, and the goal of harmonious society, on the premise of equality between men and women a better stability and insist on gender equality. Focus reflects the phenomenon of social gender equality, difference and solution, for the role of women development index, China's pension system, the analysis and research of the concept of equality between men and women change, etc.

Key words: women's status pension system Concept of equality between men and women


