外研版高二英语必修五Module 4 Carnival知识点讲解与练习

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外研版高二英语必修五Module 4 Carnival



1.mark vt.

①to write, to draw a symbol, line...做记号

mark A with B; mark B on A 用B在A上做记号

eg. Some drivers mark the cars_____”New Drivers. Take Care Please”.

②to celebrate or officially remember an event 纪念

eg.This is a ceremony______the 100th anniversary of The Revolution of 1911.

③to be a sign that sth. new is going to happen 标志着

eg. ___________Ben Laden________a great change in anti-terrorism war in Afghanistan.(本拉登的死标志着在阿富汗的反恐战争发生了巨大变化。)

④to give marks to students’ work 批改

eg. I hate_______________.(我讨厌批改试卷)

n. 污点(spot,dirt); 符号,记号;成绩,分数

be marked with 标记着

be marked on 标记在……

mark down 记下,降低……价格、分数

make one’s mark 出名,成功



①He made marks with a pencil.

②The festival is to mark the city’s 200th anniversary.

③He was marking essay in his small study.

④He did well to get such a good mark.

There is no_____of rain today. It is not necessary for you to take your raincoat.





Through hard work, the girl has achieved______progress since the beginning of this semester.

A. remarked




2.dress vi./vt.

sb. dress sb.

be dressed in=dress oneself in

dress up as /for 装扮成;为……装扮

dress sb. up as /for 把某人装扮成……/为……装扮某人

eg. _________a long time__________.(她穿衣要花很长时间。)

He____________and went out in a hurry.(他给儿子穿好衣服就匆匆出去了。)Many people______________animals during carnival.


比较:put on, wear, dress, have on


①Hurry up! ______your coat______.

②She______a diamond necklace.

③She______her baby.

④Jane______a red jacket______.

⑤Do you know the boy who is______a red T-shirt?

A.putting on

B.wearing in

C.dressed in

D.having on

3.originate v. to happen or appear for the first time in a place or situation 起源,发源eg. The style of architecture_______Greece.


origin n. the point from which sth.starts 起源,源头

eg. Most coughs are viral________. (大多数咳嗽是由病毒引发的。)


①adj. at the beginning of a particular process 原来的,起初的

②n. a document or art produced for the first time 真迹,原稿

eg. This painting is a copy._________is in the Summer Palace.


e to an end to reach the point at which sth. can no longer continue 结束eg. The meeting_______________.(会议午夜才结束。)

put...to an end=put an end to... 使……结束

eg. Mankind must put an end to war or war will put mankind to an end.

come about come across come at come up

come up with an idea come on come out


①How did it come_______that you both got lost? I thought you had a map.

②Come_______, or we will be late for the opening ceremony.

③He came_______me like a tiger.

④When the examination result came______, he had already got a job.

⑤I sowed the seeds over a month ago, but they haven’t come______yet.


prepare for

prepare vt.

eg. Mon________a big turkey and Dad________the family union party.

be prepared for=_____________; (为……做好了准备)

eg. ------Are you_______the exam?

------No, I need two more hours. I haven’t remembered all the words.



C.prepared for

D.preparing for

6.extend v. 延长,延伸

eg. Students don’t like the teachers ____________ .


extension. n.伸展,延长,扩大

eg. We plan to have .
