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E选项第一段提及,还没涉及两种植物,不选; F选项对应第二段,属于annual特征; G选项 对应第四段,属于Perennials 特征。
Annual: BF Perennial: ADG
2.2.2 真题演练二
TPO24-PASSAGE2 Directions: From the seven statements below, select the statements that correctly characterize breathing during wakefulness and those statements that correctly characterize breathing during sleep. Drag each answer choice you select into the appropriate box of the table. Two of the answer choices will NOT be used. This question is worth 3 points. Wakefulness(2个) Sleep (3个)
2.2.2 真题演练二
Answer Choices E. Upper airways are resistant to colds and allergies. F. There is a drop in the volume of air that is exchanged. G. Automatic and voluntary respiratory systems are both involved.
C. The coughing reflex is extremely complex.
D. A great deal of effort is used for breathing.
Wakeful与sleep相互对比 A选项对应文章第一段第三句,属于wakeful; B选项对应文章第五段第四句,属于sleep; C选项文章中并没有说complex,不选; D选项a great deal of effort ,对应第四段第三句,属于sleep
Answer Choices
2.2.2 真题演练二
A. The role of the rib cage increases and the role of the diaphragm
B. Carbon dioxide in blood rises and oxygen drops.
2.2.1 真题演练一
Answer Choices E. Minimization of the amount of water used for photosynthesis F. Short life cycle G. Leaves designed to minimize water loss
2. 做题方法
2.1 解题步骤
1. 找到题目中对比的关键 2. 分别找出描述两个关键词最显著特征的选项
2.2 解题技巧
正确选项:1. 原文明确提及; 2. 与引导词一致
错误选项:1.与原文矛盾或未提及 2.与引导词无关
2.2.1 真题演练一
TPO26-PASSAGE2 Directions: Directions: Select from the seven phrases below the two phrases that correctly characterize special adaptations found primarily in desert annuals and the three phrases that correctly characterize special adaptations found primarily in desert perennials. Select each phrase you select in the appropriate column of the table. This question is worth 3 points.
A选项对应文章中dwarfed and woof 是属于Perennials特征p2; B选项跟文章produce large numbers of flowers and fruit,对应annual p2 ; C选项 long, thin, shallow roots,原文没提,不选; D选项对应原文中第四段water-storing,属于Perennials特征
E选项 upper airways 原文中没说,不选; F选项对应文章第三段开头,属于sleep; G选项对应第二段首句,属于wakeful。
Wakefulness AG
Baidu Nhomakorabea
3. 表格题练习
1.正误选项特征 2.解题步骤
1.表格题介绍 2. 做题方法 3.练习
1. 表格题介绍
题型描述 数量 答题时间
1.1 基本介绍
从多个选项中选出符合题目要求的选项,完 成表格
1.2 题型识别
Directions: selected from the seven phrases below the phrases that correctly characterize punctuated equilibrium and the phrases that correctly characterize gradualism. Two of the phrases will NOT be used. This question is worth 3 points. 7选5,选对5个得3分;选对4个得2分; 选对3个得1分;选对2个及以下的不得分
Adaptations of Annuals(选2个) Adaptations of Perennials (选3个)
2.2.1 真题演练一
Answer Choices A. Woody structures B. Explosive growth in wet years C. Long, thin, shallow roots D. Storage of water in plant tissue