
《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的The only thing stronger than your craving for blood 竟然是你对这姑娘的爱is your love for this one girl.你的人性会害死你Your humanity is killing you.封闭你的感情Turn it off.不No!封闭你的感情Turn it off!-你做了什么-我把他治好了- What did you do? - I fixed him.只要你尽力斗争用心去感觉Fight for it. Feel something,感觉一切斯特凡Anything, Stefan.因为如果你不这么做的话'Cause if you don't,你将永远失去我you're gonna lose me forever.这条项链是一个女巫先祖的The necklace is a talisman护身法宝from the original witch herself.那个老女巫可以通过她的护身符The old witch can draw power from this side从这边汲取力量because of her talisman.邦妮需要毁掉它Bonnie needs to destroy it.他们在找迈克尔They're looking for Mikael,猎杀吸血鬼的吸血鬼the vampire who hunts vampires.你可别去弄醒他他会把你们统统杀掉You don't want to wake him. He will kill all of you. 我以为你知道怎样杀死克劳斯I thought you might know how to kill Klaus.我可以杀了克劳斯我也会杀了他的I can kill Klaus, and I will.洛克伍德家族有一个古老的传说There's an old Lockwood family legend about it, 是关于一件能杀死吸血鬼先祖的武器a weapon that can kill an original vampire.就好像他们的那些秘密一样Like the rest of their secrets,它被埋了起来they kept it buried.-我找到了-什么东西- I found something. - What is it?我也不知道I have no idea.这么说洛克伍德家族对他们老宅下So the Lockwoods really have no idea这些地下通道完全一无所知吗that these tunnels are underneath their property? 没错你拿着电筒照亮的时候小心点Yeah. Careful where you shine that thing.蝙蝠讨厌亮光Bats hate the light.等等你说什么Wait. What?埃琳娜Elena.天啊达蒙God, Damon.胆小鬼Scaredy-cat.无视他就行了Just ignore him.我就是这么干的That's what I do.这么说你真的进不来吗So you really can't get in?没错No.看来洛克伍德家族的祖先对吸血鬼Seems even the ancient Lockwoods也没什么好感were anti-vampire.你说祖先是什么意思What do you mean, ancient?自己过来看See for yourself.我最远只能走到这里This is as far as I go.这些是什么What is all this?依我看是一个故事Well, as far as I can tell, it's a story.用古老的方式表述In simple archaeological terms,讲了一个非常古老的故事it's a really, really old story.那个是表示一个月亮周期That right there is a moon cycle.一个人一头狼A man. A wolf.一个狼人A werewolf.对这是洛克伍德家族日记Yeah. It's the Lockwood diaries,涂鸦风格pictionary style.我不明白I don't understand.我以为洛克伍德家族是19世纪60年代I thought the Lockwoods came here和创始人们一起迁徙过来的with the original founders in the 1860s.也许洛克伍德家族是那时候迁徙过来的Ah, maybe the Lockwoods did,但根据墙上的图画but according to this wall,这些狼人居住在这里的时间比那个久多了these werewolves have been here a lot longer than that. 多久How long?很久很久Long.不止呢给她看看里克Gets better. Show her, Ric.名字而且他们不是本国人Names, and they're not native.是用古北欧文字写的维京文They're written in runic, a viking script.维京人Vikings?这个名字This name here,翻译过来就是...when translated, it reads...尼克劳斯Niklaus.克劳斯Klaus.还有以利亚And Elijah,和丽贝卡and Rebekah.丽贝卡让我来Rebekah, let me have at it.安静点尼克劳斯Quiet, Niklaus.我必须集中注意力I have to have my concentration以免砍掉手指if I'm not to slice off a finger.父亲知道你一个女孩子玩刻刀会不高兴的Father will not like you handling the blade. 我想要玩刻刀If I want to wield a blade,我就玩I shall wield a blade.父亲不需要知道Father need not know.他会发现的什么都瞒不住他He will find out. He always does.那是因为你总是告诉他That is because you always tell him.我控制不了I cannot help it.我怕他He frightens me.我们都怕他He frightens us all.所以我们才要团结一致That is why we stick together as one,永永远远always and forever.对吧小叛徒Right, traitor?没错Right.给你弄完吧Here. You finish.我要去帮母亲准备饭菜了I'm to help mother with the meal.对去准备晚餐吧Yes. Go tend to dinner.把动刀子的活留给男人小妹妹Leave the blades to the men, little sister.贝卡Ahh. Bekka.只是一点血罢了It's just a little blood.像个男人挺过去Be a man about it.这些都是吸血鬼祖先家族的名字These are the names of the original family?还刻在一个...Carved into a cave that's--在神秘瀑布镇建立前很久就存在的洞穴里that's been here since way before the founding of mystic falls 甚至比整个新世界的建立都要早or even the entire new world, for that matter.好吧这可能又是克劳斯伪造的Ok, this has gotta be one of Klaus' fakes.我也这么认为That's what I said.可能是吧That could be true,但这里最后一个名字让我不能赞同你们except the last name up here made us think otherwise.什么名字What's the name?迈克尔Mikael.迈克尔Mikael.迈克尔那个知道怎么干掉克劳斯Mikael, as in the vampire hunter的吸血鬼猎人吗who knows how to kill Klaus?对Yep.而且我更想叫他祖先爸爸And I like to call him papa original.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆《吸血鬼日记》第三季第八集■翻译:兔子super 默默elsye 豚豚句号思朵■校对:草草内丘米苏时间轴:贝壳小猫Remember 子衿■后期制作:青衣总监:米苏这些图像讲了一个故事These images tell a story要想知道这个故事得翻译出这些图像to learn the story, you have to decipher these images.马马虎虎Sloppy.闭嘴我还是新手Shut up. I'm new at this.阴魂不散的梅森·洛克伍德说The ghost of christmas past, Mason Lockwood,这个山洞会指引我们找到said that the cave would lead us to a weapon杀死克劳斯的武器that could kill Klaus.但是迈克尔没有武器吗Yeah, but doesn't Mikael have a weapon?是啊这可能意味着这面墙会带我们找到迈克尔Yes, which probably means the wall will lead us to Mikael,我们虽然找到他了但又被他跑了who we've already found and lost.你死了You're dead.这些图像至少These images, at the very least,可以告诉我们这个武器是什么might tell us what that weapon is.那我们现在要做的就是弄明白它们的意义Then all we have to do is find out what they mean.好吧好吧Well, fine. Fine.就算我像你们俩一样恼人的乐观If I'm being irritatingly optimistic like you two你说说我们要怎么做到呢how do you suppose we do that?如果这个故事是关于住在这里的祖先家庭Well, if the story's about the original family living here, 那我们直接去找源头then we go straight to the source.是你啊You.太好了Goody.我希望我们能谈谈I was hoping we could talk.谈什么斯特凡吗About what? Stefan?别担心除非他开始善待我Don't worry. I'm off him我是不会打他主意的until he starts treating me better.实际上说实话In fact, you should probably take a page out of my book,你也该如此if I'm being honest.实际上我更想谈谈这个Actually, I'd rather talk about this.我很好奇为什么你和克劳斯I'm curious why you and Klaus会花一千年逃避你们的父亲have spent a thousand years running from your father. 我要回去了I should get back to the girls.快到返校节了Home coming's right around the corner.那或许我们唤醒迈克尔的时候去问他吧Well, then maybe I'll ask Mikael when we wake him.你在虚张声势You're bluffing.你不知道他在哪儿You don't know where he is.没人知道No one does.那在夏洛特的公墓里发霉的是谁So then who's rotting in that old cemetery in Charlotte?如果你把迈克尔叫醒那我们都死翘翘了If you wake Mikael, we are all doomed.-那你告诉我-为什么你要问这些- So then tell me. - Why do you want to know?为什么你不想让我唤醒他Why don't you want me to wake him?我得回去了I need to get back to the girls.快来啊亨里克Come on, Henrik.我们的哥哥们又打起来了Our brothers are fighting again.看妹妹都过来观看我即将到来的胜利了Oh, look. Sister's arrived to watch my fast-approaching victory.恰恰相反以利亚On the contrary, Elijah.她是过来嘲笑你的She's come to laugh at you.放松迈克尔Relax, Mikael.尼克劳斯没有恶意Niklaus means well.这正是我担心的That is precisely my problem.那么So...把你的小伎俩也教教我吧年轻的勇士why don't you teach me that trick, young warrior?父亲我们只是玩玩Father, we were just having fun.我们为生存而战We fight for our survival.而你却有时间玩And you find time for fun?!我也想玩玩教我啊快点I want to have fun! Teach me. Come on!父亲这不是大事Father, it was nothing.你既愚蠢又冲动我的孩子You are foolish and impulsive, my boy.怎么What?现在不笑了No more laughter?够了迈克尔You've made your point, Mikael.有时候我觉得你活着就是一个奇迹Some days, it's a miracle you're still alive...孩子Boy.吸血鬼吸血鬼狼人她会告诉我的She's going to tell me.她害怕他达蒙我看到她的表情了She's scared of him, Damon. I saw her face.我只需先跟她过两招耍点手腕I just have to engage in a little mean-girl power struggle first. 可小心别让她把你过到轮椅上Make sure she doesn't power struggle you into a wheelchair. 我搞得定达蒙I've got this, Damon.如果我们能够找到杀死克劳斯的方法If we can figure out a way to kill Klaus,斯特凡就能脱离他的控制了Stefan will be free of his compulsion.他看起来怎样So how does he look?苍白易怒Pasty and pouty.他必须得克服难关He'll have to get over it.再打给我Call me later.丽贝卡会回心转意的Rebekah will come around.你确定吗You sure about that?我是说做了一千年的吸血鬼我敢说I mean, a thousand-year-old vampire, I'm sure,过来谈谈丽贝卡她已经深谙耐心之道has learned the art of patience.她是个活了千年的吸血鬼She's a thousand-year-old vampire却加入了拉拉队who's joined the cheerleading squad.里克时代在变规矩也变了There's a whole different set of rules in play here, Ric. 我搞得定I've got this.如果你们俩You know, if you two打算把我在这儿关个十年are gonna keep me locked in here for the next decade, 我觉得就可以省了定期来访这套了I think we can skip the routine visits.你知道的我并不You know I'm not a big champion十分拥护莱希的恢复大计of this whole Lexi recovery plan.但是埃琳娜觉得这个地方But Elena thinks this place is gonna...可以让你虚脱搞垮你weaken you out, break you down,让你恢复情感and make you feel again.我们什么都该听埃琳娜是吗We should all listen to Elena, right?她的计划总能成功不是吗I mean, her plans always work out so well, don't they? -来这儿干嘛-你什么意思啊- Why are you here? - What are you talking about?今天是吸血鬼戒血所的探亲日It's family day at vampire rehab.只是来探望一下我亲爱的弟弟Just paying a visit to my baby brother.走开Go away.我觉得我们可以一起待会Nah, I thought we could hang out.兄弟间联络一下感情Little brother bonding.最近怎么样啊斯特凡How you been, Stef? Huh?克劳斯可能想让埃琳娜活着You know, Klaus may want to keep Elena alive,但这不代表她跟丽贝卡一起就很安全but that doesn't mean she's safe with Rebekah.说谎说谎鼻子长长兄弟Liar, liar, pants on fire, brother.克劳斯控制你去保护埃琳娜Klaus compelled you to protect Elena,如果你哪怕认为她有一丝一毫的危险and if you thought for even a second that she was in danger, 也会更使劲地挣脱了you'd be working a lot harder.-被你发现了-没错- You got me. - Yep.被你发现了你挺厉害啊You got me. You're good.恭喜Congratulations.现在你可以走了You can go now.你真的已经放弃了You really have given up.事实上这是我幸福的样子呢Actually, this is my happy face.你在干什么What are you doing?不管莱希的计划了Screw this Lexi plan.我觉得我俩能该喝上一杯I think we could both use a drink.你好啊Hey, what's up?你叫我过来谈谈的You invited me over to talk.好了姑娘们All right, girls.秀起来Have at it.好了请转个圈Okay, now twirl, please.你催眠她们给你走一个私人时装秀吗You've compelled your own private runway show?我需要一件返校节礼服I need a homecoming dress.你觉得怎么样选一件So what do you think? Pick one.我可不是来帮你购物的Heh. I'm not here to help you shop.我是来谈谈I'm here to talk about你为什么不希望我唤醒迈克尔why you don't want me to wake up Mikael. 我让你选一件埃琳娜I said pick one, Elena.红色那件The red one.好了没那么困难的嘛There. That wasn't so hard, was it?走吧忘记一切Go away. Remember nothing.你休想威胁我You do not threaten me.你只需知道我让你知道的You will learn what I allow you to learn.明白了吗Is that clear?你好啊Hey, there.邦妮快进来Bonnie. Come on in.收到你的信息了Got your message.很好Yeah, great. Uh...不好意思这里乱七八糟的I'm sorry the place is such a mess.我完全着魔了I'm obsessed.给你带来了毁不掉的项链Brought you the necklace that wouldn't die.太好了That's great.你还好吗Are you ok?不算最好Been better.杰里米就是个白痴Listen, Jeremy is an idiot,这一点我能充分肯定and I know this with certainty因为我也曾跟他一样because I was once a Jeremy.相信我他最终会清醒的Trust me. We learn eventually.我整天都盯着这幅图像看So I've been staring at this image all day,心里想为什么这个看起来这么熟悉...wondering why it looked so familiar...我是对的And I was right.这是同一个图案It's the same design.你的外婆说过这条项链So your grandmother said this necklace属于那位给克劳斯下了belonged to the witch that混血儿诅咒的女巫对吗put the hybrid curse on Klaus, right?这个符号在整个墙面反复出现This symbol is repeated all across the wall,我一直想搞清楚它的含义and I've been trying to figure out what it meant.现在我知道了Now I know.女巫这真是太有趣了How fun is this?我们不该来这里We shouldn't be here.我们当然该来了Of course we should.得了吧说得好像你从没想偷窥下似的Come on. Like you've never wanted to snoop.平脚裤Boxer briefs.这跟二十年代完全不一样啊Now, that's a change from the twenties.你是打算整晚把他的东西翻个遍吗Are you gonna root through his stuff all night,还是要开始跟我讲你的故事or are you gonna start to tell me your story?你真的很没趣You really are no fun.你想知道什么What do you want to know?以利亚说过你父亲曾在欧洲拥有一片土地Well, Elijah said that your father was a landowner in Europe. 为什么你们会到这来How did you guys end up here?我父母刚刚成家的时候My parents had just started a family一场瘟疫席卷了他们的家园when a plague struck their homeland.他们因此失去了一个孩子They lost a child to it.他们想逃离疫病They wanted to escape并且保护其他家庭成员不遭受同样的命运and protect their future family from the same fate.那为什么你们会到这So how did you end up here?当时这里还未被发现呢This part of the world hadn't even been discovered yet. 只是你们的历史上没有记录而已Heh. Not by anyone in your history books.但是我母亲认识一个叫艾安娜的女巫But my mother knew the witch Ayana,她听圣灵说有一片神秘的土地who heard from the spirits of a mystical land生活在那的人都很健康where everyone was healthy...天生敏捷强壮Blessed by the gifts of speed and strength.所以我的家族慕名而来That led my family here,和他们一起生活where we lived amongst those people.是狼人吗The werewolves.对我们来说他们只是邻居To us, they were just our neighbors.我们和平共处了二十余年My family lived in peace with them for over 20 years, 在这期间我们家族又新添了几个孩子during which time my family had more children,我也是其中之一including me.听你的口气你们的生活很平常You make it sound so normal.曾经是的It was.我们家族每个月Once a month, our family都要到村子下面的石洞里去避一避retreated to the caves beneath our village.狼人会咆哮一整晚The wolves would howl through the night,到了早上我们再回来and by morning, we'd return home.艾安娜你烫到我了Ayana, you burned me.那不是你可以碰的东西That is not yours to touch.母亲Mother!那是克劳斯吗Is that Klaus?出事了Something is wrong.-亨里克-母亲- Henrik! - Mother!有次满月克劳斯和我最小的弟弟亨里克One full moon, Klaus and my youngest brother Henrik 偷偷溜出去看人变成野兽snuck out to watch the men turn into beasts.这是不允许的That was forbidden.亨里克为此付出了代价Henrik paid the price.不不发生了什么事No. No. What happened?是那些狼The wolves.对不起I'm sorry.我真抱歉I'm so sorry.我们必须救他We must save him.求你一定有方法Please, there must be a way.圣灵不愿帮我们埃丝特The spirits will not give us a way, Esther.你的孩子已经死了Your boy is gone.不不No. No.就是此事And that was the beginning开启了与我们邻居的战争of the end of peace with our neighbors.也是我们家族最后几次以人类身份相聚的时刻之一And one of the last moments my family had together as humans.你最好接听You better get that.一定是达蒙打来问安的That'll be Damon checking up on you.你好Hello.达蒙你在哪Damon, where are you?不知道但我的打扮肯定是过于隆重了No idea, but I'm pretty sure I'm overdressed.还活着吗Still standing?是的我很好但现在不方便说话Yes. I'm fine, but I can't talk right now.我去吧台那边了I'll be at the bar.那是斯特凡吗Was that Stefan?是我没照章办事Yeah. I kind of went off-book,但是别担心我心里有数but don't worry. I know what I'm doing.达蒙你怎么能放他出去呢Damon, how could you let him out?我搞得定埃琳娜I've got this, Elena.我们喝什么What are we drinking?但愿是只热乎乎的金发尤物Hopefully something a little bit warmer, a little blonder.你好Hello...凯莉"Callie."给我上你们最好的威士忌I would love a shot of your best whiskey,而我弟弟则想要一亲芳泽and my brother here would love a shot of you.搞什么把戏达蒙What's the catch, Damon?没把戏老弟No catch, brother.喝个够算我请Drink up. It's on me.好啊凯莉Hi, Callie.干杯老哥Drink up, brother.-能再给我们拿一瓶吗-遵命- Will you get us another bottle of this, hmm? - Yes, sir.你已经乖乖吸了五十年的兔子血You been on this bunny diet for the better part of 50 years,敢问我们的大圣人斯特凡so how is it that Saint Stefan, of all people,怎么会擅长饮血gets good at a drinking game?吸兔子血的日子使我得到了充分的锻炼Well, the bunny diet gave me a lot of time to practice.陷于绝望Wallow in despair.沉溺于罪恶感Drown in guilt.唾弃自我Regret my existence.那段可悲无聊的日子练就了我的严谨It's precision born out of tragic boredom.干杯老哥Drink up, brother.我费尽唇舌让你知道自己活得有多无趣All that effort wasted trying to tell you how boring you were, 现在你终于同意我说的了and now you finally agree with me?达蒙你还没埃琳娜高明Damon, you are worse than Elena.把我灌醉说什么兄弟联络感情Getting me drunk. Brotherly bonding.怎么你以为我会敞开心扉What, you think I'll break down,你好把从悬崖边拉回去and you can pull me back from the edge?是不是Is that it?我喜欢站在悬崖边上斯特凡I happen to like the edge, Stefan.你的问题在于你无力Your problem is your inability阻止自己跌落悬崖to resist falling over it.你总是走极端伙计You're all or nothing, man.不会玩混搭You can't just be.尽管Although...我也没什么资格说教who am I to judge?干杯老弟Drink up, brother.你看够了吗Did you get your fill of snooping yet?我们能继续讲那个故事吗Can we get on with the story?老实说我不明白你们怎么会成一对Honestly, I don't get you two as a couple.你怎么会明白Why would you?你根本不了解他的本质You don't know anything about who he really is. 我清楚得很I know exactly who he is.他是吸血鬼He's a vampire.我们这个种族掠夺成性We're a predatory species.没时间去在乎人类We don't have time to care about humans以及他们可怜的小命and their silly little lives.所以你才办了之前的那个时装秀吗Is that why you did that runway show earlier? 因为你"不在乎"返校节舞会If you don't care about the homecoming dance? 你知道吗You know what?我还是走吧I'm just gonna go.那个故事你连一半都还没听完You haven't even heard half the story.你也不打算讲给我听And you're not going to tell it.你只是一时无聊想找个人欺负You're just bored and looking for someone to push around. 找别人玩去吧Find someone else to play with.也许你可以强迫某人做你的朋友Maybe you can compel yourself a friend.那条项链斯特凡根本无权送人The necklace wasn't Stefan's to give.它属于女巫祖先It belonged to the original witch.那个给克劳斯下了混血诅咒的人吗The one who put the hybrid curse on Klaus?不仅仅是混血诅咒Not just the hybrid curse.是她把我们变成了吸血鬼She's the one who turned us into vampires.求你艾安娜我恳求你Please, Ayana, I implore you.你必须在下个满月之前祈求圣灵帮助You must call upon the spirits before the next full moon.我不会这么做这是违背自然的罪恶I will not. It is a crime against nature.艾安娜我们已经失去了太多Ayana, we have already lost too much.不能再失去更多了We cannot lose any more.圣灵能够帮助我们找到保护孩子的方法The spirits can help us find a way to protect our children. 我渴了你想喝一杯吗I'm thirsty. Do you want a drink?这么说变成吸血鬼是为了保护你们So vampirism was a form of protection?不然是什么What else would it be?是个诅咒A curse.我的父母只看到这是保住孩子性命的方法My parents only saw a way of keeping their children alive.但是为什么偏要留下Yeah, but why stay?如果他们那么害怕狼人If they were so afraid of the werewolves,为什么不离开why not leave?自尊心作祟Pride.我的父亲不想再逃亡了My father didn't want to run anymore.他想要与狼人斗争并且超越狼人He wanted to fight and be superior to the wolves.若他们有尖牙我们就要有更利的尖牙Where they could bite, we had to bite harder.若他们很快我们要比他们更快Where they had speed, we had to be faster.敏捷度力量感觉Agility, strength, senses.一切都可以被强化Everything could be heightened.我们的家族可以长生不老Our family could live forever.代价呢At what cost?你所说的这种魔法是有后果的This magic you speak of breeds consequence.这是在制造瘟疫埃丝特This is the makings of a plague, Esther.圣灵会背弃你们The spirits will turn on you.求你了艾安娜Please, Ayana.我不想参与其中I will have no part in it.如果她不肯保护我们家族If she will not protect our family...那你只能凭你一己之力了亲爱的then it is in your hands alone, my love.凭她In her hands?她能做什么How could she do anything?因为我的母亲也是女巫Because my mother was also a witch.什么What?祖先家庭的女巫The witch of the original family,即是女巫祖先the original witch.他们把好酒放哪了Where do they keep their best vintage?但是如果你母亲也是个女巫那么But if your mother was a witch, then--我可不是Am I? No.女巫是大自然的仆人A witch is nature's servant.吸血鬼则是被自然所唾弃的生物A vampire is an abomination of nature.你只能做其中一个You can either be one or the other,不能同时是两者never both.我母亲为了我们才做了这一切My mother did this for us.她没有变成吸血鬼She did not turn.你怎么变成吸血鬼的How did you turn?她召唤了代表生命的太阳She called upon the sun for life和白栎树and the ancient white oak tree,它是大自然不朽力量的代表物之一one of nature's eternal objects, for immortality.那晚父亲给我们喝了混了血的葡萄酒That night, my father offered us wine laced with blood.然后他用剑刺穿了我们的心脏And then he drove his sword through our hearts.他杀了你们He killed you.而且丝毫没有手下留情And he wasn't delicate about it either.丽贝卡Rebekah.血发生了什么Blood. What happened?没事的It'll be all right.我们都会没事的We will be all right.你在做什么What are you doing?我们必须完成未完成的仪式We must finish what we started.如果你还想活就吸血You must drink if you want to live.我们必须喝更多的血来完成转变的仪式We had to drink more blood to complete the ritual. -喝下去-不- Drink. - No, no.喝下去Drink!喝Drink!喝血让我感到畅快It was euphoric.获得力量的感觉无法言喻The feeling of power was indescribable.但是女巫艾安娜But the witch Ayana说对了后果was right about the consequences.那些圣灵也背叛了我们The spirits turned on us,大自然也进行了反击and nature fought back.再强的力量都会有弱点For every strength, there would be a weakness.太阳成了我们敌人The sun became our enemy.我们很久都不能出门It kept us indoors for weeks.不久我母亲找到了解决的办法And then my mother found a solution.但是我们还有别的问题There were other problems.进屋Inside.那些曾经对我们友好的邻居们Neighbors who had opened to their homes to us 开始排斥我们could now keep us out.白栎树脚下的花会烧伤我们Flowers at the base of the white oak burned 并且能化解我们的催眠能力and prevented compulsion.而且那个咒语注定了And the spell decreed那棵赋予我们生命的树that the tree that gave us life也有能力摧毁我们could also take it away.所以我们把它烧成了灰烬So we burned it to the ground.最黑暗的报应The darkest consequence却连我父母都没想到was something my parents never anticipated... 是对血的渴望The hunger.是血让我们重生Blood had made us reborn,同时它也是我们唯一的欲望And it was blood that we craved above all else.我们控制不住对血的渴望We could not control it.正因如此And with that掠夺者就诞生了the predatory species was born.没什么好看的Nothing to see here.走开Just run along.好吧Okay?悠着点悠着点Hey, hey, hey. Ease up. Ease up.她也算给了我们员工折扣She's giving us her employee discount.你现在可以走了Now just run along.再来两杯Two more.现在是坦白的时间了All right, time to fess up.为什么要把我放出来What's the point of the jailbreak? Hmm?我以为你会给我个拥抱斯特凡I thought you could use a hug, Stefan.得了吧达蒙你知道埃琳娜Come on, Damon. You know Elena's如果知道了你放我出来会恨死你的gonna hate you for letting me out,我们都心知肚明你很在意她的想法and we both know that you care about what she thinks. 也许我只是想在克劳斯把你的自由剥夺之前Maybe I wanted to remind you what freedom was like 让你想起自由是什么样的before Klaus took it from you.只要克劳斯还活着As long as Klaus is alive,我就服从他I do what he says.我就知道斯特凡That's my point, Stefan.你已经放弃了You've given up.你可以坐以待毙当他的狗腿Now, you can sit around and be his little bitch,或者你可以恼怒到极限or you can get mad enough,然后试着去改变and you can do something about it.达蒙没人杀得了他Damon, he can't be killed.也许我能帮上忙Maybe I can help with that.我想你们是塞尔瓦托兄弟吧The Salvatore boys, I presume.迈克尔Mikael.为什么迈克尔开始搜寻克劳斯Why did Mikael start hunting Klaus?当尼克第一次杀了人类之后When Nik made his first human kill,他狼人的基因被触发it triggered his werewolf gene.因此他变成了我父亲最大的耻辱With that, he became my father's greatest shame. 以利亚告诉过我这段故事Yeah. Elijah told me this part of the story.你母亲跟一个狼人村民Your mother had had an affair with有了外遇one of the werewolf villagers.克劳斯不是他儿子Klaus wasn't his son.她试着去弥补She tried to make it right.她施了混血咒语在尼克身上She put the hybrid curse on Nik去抑制他狼人的一面to suppress his werewolf side,然后她就再不关心他了and then she turned her back on him,但是迈尔克作为人类最大的弱点but Mikael's greatest weakness as a human是他的自尊心was his pride.他变成了吸血鬼之后那也被放大了As a vampire, that was magnified.他开始发狂并杀掉了一半的村民He went on a rampage and killed half the village. 然后他回家杀了她Then he came home and killed her.是迈克尔杀了你母亲吗Mikael killed your mother?他说她伤了他的心He said she broke his heart所以他也要伤了她的so he would break hers.尼克亲眼看到他从她胸口撕裂了她的心脏He tore it from her chest as Nik watched.之后我父亲生气得离开了Afterwards, my father took off in a rage,剩余的家人分开了and the rest of my family scattered.尼克留下来帮我埋葬了她Nik stayed so he could help me bury her.他知道我必须跟母亲说再见He knew I had to say good-bye to my mother.尼克劳斯我知道你觉得她恨你。


SHERLOCK SEASON 3 EPISODE 1上次转了一个别人写的Sherlock英语学习笔记大家貌似很喜欢的样子,可是没有找到后续版本很可惜。
借此第三季上映之际,楼主班门弄斧稍微总结了一下第一集的比较不常见且有意思的英语用法,水平写的不好请大家多多谅解,如有不足请轻拍指教楼主是个心灵很脆弱的女汉子= = 另外楼主话痨,废话有点多,急性子的亲请自动忽略一切废话……以下按台词时间顺序排列。
1、Magician:Right the way down, right the way deep, right the way, sound asleep.片子开头,安德森第一次猜想Sherlock没死的原因时,引入了一个魔术师给John催眠。
此处的right the way可以理解为就这样,乖乖滴,completely的意思。
这个用法比较少,有人认为是字幕错听了right away(立刻,马上),可是楼主放慢加快听了几百遍确定人家帅哥说的确实是三个词,所以此句应该字幕无误。
而sound asleep则是固定搭配‘熟睡’的用法。
其实警长还是蛮喜欢说脏话的~后面Sherlock出现在他面前的时候他也骂了一句Bastard不是么!3、Journalist:... who became something of a celebrity two years ago.众多媒体为Sherlock洗白白的时候一个女记者说了这句话,something of 是‘某种程度上,或多或少的’意思,这里是说Sherlock两年前也算是个名人(太谦虚了吧喂)。
Something of 用法可以大致等同于sort of或者kind of。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的The only thing stronger than your craving竟然是你对这姑娘的爱for blood is your love for this one girl.你的人性会害死你Your humanity is killing you.封闭你的感情Turn it off!-你做了什么-我把他治好了- What did you do? - I fixed him.尽力斗争用心去感觉感觉一切斯特凡Fight for it. Feel something. Anything, Stefan.因为如果你不这么做的话你将永远失去我'Cause if you don't, you're going to lose me forever. 我听说过你的事情疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼I've heard about you. The crazy, impulsive vampire 爱上了他弟弟的女人in love with his brother's girl.只要克劳斯还活着我就服从他As long as Klaus is alive, I do what he says.你他妈做了什么What the hell did you do?他获得了自由He's earned his freedom.就差一点点所有这一切就可以终结I had Klaus. This could have all been over.我们会熬过去的We'll survive this.斯特凡再也不会回头了We're never getting Stefan back.那我们就放弃他Then we'll let him go.-那你现在干吗-现在我可以跟家人团聚了- What now? - Now, I reunite my family.你说的是那些你装在棺材里搬来搬去的人吗You mean, the people you cart around in caskets. 怎么了克劳斯丢了什么东西吗What's the matter, Klaus? Missing something?我会杀了你还有所有你认识的人I will kill you and everyone you've ever met.如果你这么做你就再也见不到你的家人了Do that, and you will never see your family again.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆■翻译:五号屠场KIMI Super 默默兔小跳■翻译:找翅膀的兔子蔷薇豚豚思朵■时间轴:小猫大肠水饺子衿后期制作: Ghost■校对: 五号屠场米苏总监: 米苏吸血鬼日记第三季第十集抱歉Excuse me.我应该看着路的I should have been watching where I was going.没事Don't worry about it.祝你今天过得愉快You have a nice day.我要疯了I think I'm going crazy.一直疑神疑鬼的I'm totally paranoid all the time.你这样很正常You have a right to be.克劳斯还活着而且他知道你试图杀他Klaus is sill out there, and he knows you tried to kill him.为什么他还不有所行动Why hasn't he made a move?他音讯全无完全不见踪影There's been no sign of him, nothing.我要渐渐疯掉了Just my slow spiral into insanity.我也是Join the club.每次我一闭上双眼Every time I close my eyes,我就反复做着那个噩梦I have that nightmare on repeat.-同一个梦吗-是啊- The same dream? - Yeah.四个棺材4 coffins.克劳斯躺在其中一个棺材里很奇怪Klaus is in one of them. It's weird.如果这不只是个简单的梦What if it's not just...some dream?如果这个梦跟魔法有什么关系呢What if it's, like, you know, a witch dream?只是压力太大而已我会搞清楚的It's just stress. I‘ll figure it out.斯特凡呢有没有他的消息What about Stefan? Has there been any sign of him?他背叛了我们邦妮He betrayed us, Bonnie.此斯特凡已非彼斯特凡The Stefan that we know is gone.达蒙怎么样呢How is Damon handling that?达蒙Damon is...还是达蒙Damon.你可以选择一下Uh, you have your choice--血腥玛丽鸡尾酒Bloody mary, screwdriver.能喝的早午餐Brunch in a bottle.来嘛里克我不能自己把这些喝光嘛Come on, Ric. I can't drink all this by myself.当然我喝得光但是那样的话I mean, I can, but then有人就要春光乍泄了somebody's getting naked.天哪哥们Oh, man.-真不能相信你让我一个人喝啊-我很忙- I can't believe you're making me drink alone. - I'm busy. 克劳斯就要把我们都灭了It's the eve of Klausageddon.你还批作业吗You're doing homework?可能有点打击你This may come as a shock,但我到这儿来不是来见你的but I am not here to hang out with you.我来找杰里米的他上班已经迟到一小时了I'm here to see Jeremy, who is an hour late for his shift.现在的孩子啊还有没有八荣八耻的概念了Kids today. Where are their values?美国历史201 杰里米·吉尔伯特不及格这是他的期中论文That's his midterm paper.直接从网上复制下来的Copied it straight off the internet.都没做任何改动Didn't even try to hide it.有人要被禁足咯Somebody's getting grounded.你说你在等杰里米吗Did you say you were waiting for Jeremy--是杰里米·吉尔伯特吗as in Jeremy Gilbert?-是-他上周被炒了- Yeah. - He was fired last week.真准Nice shot.再说一次我们这么做是为哪般So what's the point of this, again?为的是我在生卡罗琳的气The point is I'm pissed at Caroline,为的是邦妮把你甩了and Bonnie dumped your ass.为的是The point...喝个烂醉射箭泄愤is to get drunk and shoot stuff.见解深刻Profound.如果阿拉里克发现我拿走了这东西Alaric finds out I took this,他非宰了我不可he's going to use it on me.你们算什么情况So, what's the deal with that?他现在算是你的监护人吗He's, like, your guardian now?差不多我猜他觉得应该对我们负责Sort of, yeah. I think he feels responsible for us.你喜欢他You like him?是的我喜欢他Yeah. Yeah. I like him.你要不要挪个地方Hey, you want to move out of the way?我是个混血吉尔伯特I'm a hybrid, Gilbert.除非你砍了我的头You can't kill me掏出我的心脏否则你杀不了我的unless you cut off my head or rip out my heart.况且你也不会用这唬人的弩来杀我And you're not going to do it with that lame-ass crossbow. 来啊Go ahead.试试看Take a shot.除非你觉得你射不中我Unless you don't think you can hit me.杰里米接到讯息后马上回电Jeremy, the minute that you get this, call me.难以置信Unbelievable.你生气的时候就会坐立不安You're feisty when you're mad.我不是生气我只是很担心It's not that I'm mad. I'm just--I'm worried.为什么因为他丢了酒吧的工作Why? He lost his job at the Grill?他能熬过来的埃琳娜I think he'll survive, Elena.他的情况越来越糟He's spiraling.自从邦妮和他分手了之后Ever since Bonnie broke up with him,他就开始反复无常he's moody.他总是一人闷不吭声He's not really talking to anyone.青少年就这德行Just a typical teenager.可是他能看到鬼魂Who's seeing ghosts还失去了他所有在乎的人and who's lost everyone that he cares about.并不是所有人他还有你Not everyone. He still has you.你还好吧You ok?怎么会不好呢What makes you think I'm not ok?你大白天喝醉Well, you're a day drunk.这不是你最迷人的时候It's not exactly your most attractive look.那我什么时候最迷人Oh. What is my most attractive look?我没说你迷人我只是I'm not saying you have any attractive look. I'm just...说我最不喜欢你这样子Saying this is my least favorite one.记住了看看我能不能改Noted. See if I can make any improvements.二位继续别管我Don't mind me.你不会当着这么多人You going to do this in the Grill,在这里生事吧in front of everyone?不觉得这有失你的身份吗It's a little beneath you, don't you think?我不明白你在说什么I don't know what you're talking about.我只是和朋友一起来酒吧I just came down to my local pub喝喝酒罢了to grab a drink with a mate.托尼到处晃晃好吗Get around, then, would you, Tony?happy hour是指酒吧于黄昏至晚上九时提供优惠的时段没想到你还会待到酒水减价的时段I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour. 我妹妹貌似失踪了必须找到她My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out.惊艳的金发美女失心疯Cute, blonde bombshell? Psycho?应该不会太难找Shouldn't be too hard to find.事实上Truth is,我开始慢慢喜欢这座小镇了I've grown to rather like your little town.在考虑是否在这里安家Thinking I might fancy a home here.我猜你在想这与你何干I imagine you're wondering how does this affect you.答案是一点干系都没有And the answer is, not in the slightest.只要我得到我想要的As long as I get what I want,所有人都规规矩矩的and everyone behaves themselves,你就可以继续过你的逍遥日子you can go on living your little lives however you choose. 我保证You have my word.你还想要什么What more could you possibly want?首先Well, for starters,你可以告诉我在哪里可以找到斯特凡you can tell me where I might find Stefan.斯特凡救了你之后就离开了镇子Stefan skipped town the second he saved your ass.看吧太遗憾了Well, you see, that is a shame.你弟弟偷了我的东西Your brother stole from me.我要找到他拿回那样东西I need him found so I can take back what's mine.这应该是克劳斯和斯特凡之间的恩怨That sounds like a Klaus and Stefan problem.我这叫扩大搜索范围亲爱的Well, this is me broadening the scope, sweetheart.你好邦妮Hello, Bonnie.斯特凡Stefan.-你跟踪我-是的- You followed me here? - Yeah.跟踪你不难你或许该多加小心It wasn't too hard. You should probably be more careful.你想干嘛What do you want with me?放松我只是需要你的帮助Relax. I just need your help.我为什么要帮你Why would I help you?埃琳娜说你救了克劳斯的命Elena said you saved Klaus' life.我告诉你一个关于克劳斯的小秘密Let me fill you in on a little secret about Klaus.他用匕首把他的家人封在棺材里He kept his family with him at all times,一直带在身边daggered, stored in coffins.但是现在他们在我这里And now, I have them.我需要你帮我藏好And I need you to help keep them hidden.你疯了这样会让他更生气You're out of your mind. You're just going to make him angrier. 家人是他的一个弱点His family is his one weakness.只要我有了这些棺材就能毁了他As long as I have that, I can ruin him.我没有足够的法力藏住四个吸血鬼祖先I don't have enough power to hide 4 originals.你是个女巫你恨克劳斯You're a witch. You hate Klaus.我知道你能想出办法I know you can figure something out.准备好了吗You ready?吸血鬼混血儿吸血鬼祖先Vampires, hybrids, and originals.不要紧No problem.只是我那叛逆的弟弟我很担心My rebellious brother... I'm worried.证明你还是人类Proof you're still human.来的正是时候我们在做饭呢Just in time. We're cooking.抱歉我只是路过Sorry. Just passing through.作为不寻常的一家人I thought we'd all stay in,我觉得我们该像寻常家庭那样一起在家吃have a meal together like a typical atypical family.-为什么-可能是因为你被解雇了- Why? - Maybe because you got fired但没告诉任何人and you didn't tell anyone.我们能不能过会再说这个Look, can we do this later?我跟泰勒有约他正在外面等我呢I made plans with Tyler. He's right outside.等等Wait.你什么时候跟泰勒·洛克伍德混到一起了When did you start hanging out with Tyler Rockwell? 不记得了有什么关系吗I don't know. Does it matter?是的杰里米当然有关系Yeah, Jeremy, it matters.他对克劳斯认祖归忠这人很危险He was sired by Klaus. He's dangerous.他能听见你他就在外面呢He can still hear you. He's right outside.再说了你是最没资格教训我Besides, you of all people are going to lecture me该跟什么人交往的人了on who I can and can't hang out with?你为什么这么冲What is with the attitude?随便真没劲泰勒在等着呢Whatever. This is lame. Tyler's waiting.不行站住你哪儿都不许去No. Oh, no, no. You're not going anywhere,尤其不许跟泰勒一起especially not with Tyler.这点我赞成她杰里抱歉I'm with her on this, Jer. Sorry.好想要我待在这里是吧All right. Fine. You want me to stay in?行啊让我们都在这里呆着Let's all stay in, then.泰勒进来吧Yo, Tyler, come on in.杰里米Jeremy--我觉得我们该喝一杯了你说呢I think it's about time we had a drink, don't you?要我说早该喝一杯了I'd say we're overdue.你之前一直忙嘛Well, you've been so busy,忙着策划你的阴谋诡计what with all your plotting and scheming.你知道我这人从不错过策划滑铁卢的机会You know me-- never miss a chance to plan an epic failure.别对自己这么苛刻Don't be so hard on yourself.谁会想自己的亲弟弟会背叛自己呢Who could have guessed your own brother would betray you? 我可是亲自见识到你妹妹对你说谎Well, I did have a front row seat when your sister lied to you. 没错不过她比较善变Yeah, well, she's fickle that one.你一点都不清楚她去哪儿了么And you say you have no idea of her whereabouts?这就是和弟弟妹妹相处的问题了That's the thing with younger siblings.你永远猜不到他们会做什么You just-- never know what they're going to do.来一杯吗Drink?谢谢Thanks.这太奇怪了This is weird.克劳斯让混血儿们跟踪我Klaus has hybrids stalking me,而现在你却就坐在我家的厨房and now, you're just sitting in our kitchen.也许我该走了Look, maybe I should go.不不待着你并没有做任何事No, stay. You're not doing anything.除非你不得不向你的主人汇报情况Unless you have to, you know, check in with your hybrid master. 不是这样的埃琳娜It's not like that, Elena.泰勒告诉我Tell me, Tyler--认祖归忠和被控制What is the difference有什么不一样between being sired and being compelled?控制只是对思想的控制Compulsion... that's just mind control,像是催眠like hypnosis.而认祖归忠And being sired is...就像是一种信念it's like faith.你做一件事是因为你相信那是对的You do something because you believe it's the right thing.所以你认为效力于克劳斯是对的So, you believe that serving Klaus is the right thing.我不是效力于他I don't serve him.卡劳斯把我从一个Klaus released me正在毁掉我的生活的诅咒中解脱出来from a curse that was ruining my life.我欠他一个人情I owe him for that.如果他让你What if he asked you to...从桥上跳下去jump off a bridge?他不会的即使如此He wouldn't. And even if he did,我也不会有事我是个混血儿I'd be fine. I'm a hybrid.好那如果他让你掏出自己的心脏呢Ok. So what if he asked you to rip your own heart out?-他不会的-如果他要你这么做呢- Again, he wouldn't. - What if he did?我不知道估计我要掏出我的心脏I don't know. Then I'd rip out my heart.你们怎么都和卡罗琳一样You guys sound like Caroline,陷于对无法理解的事情的恐惧中getting all freaked out over something you don't understand. 泰勒你是对的我不理解You're right, Tyler. I don't understand.克劳斯曾经恐吓过我们每一个人Klaus has terrorized every single one of us,而你却盲目地忠诚于他and you're just blindly loyal to him.你太多虑了You're overthinking it.我还能够自己做决定I can still make my own decisions.干杯伙伴Cheers, mate.干杯Down the hatch.你知道吗其实你和我有很多共同点You know, we've actually got a lot in common, you and I.真的Really?是啊或许我们能Well, yeah. Maybe we can...借对我弟弟的同仇敌忾联络下感情bond over our mutual loathing of my brother.你为什么生他的气Why are you so mad at him?他偷了什么吗He stole something?我的家庭成员那些始祖My family. The originals.我用匕首封住了他们装在棺材里I had them daggered, boxed up,等待着最佳时期唤醒他们awaiting the day when I saw fit to wake them.可他却打乱了我的计划And he went in and pinched the bloody lot.当然他会那样Of course he did.我弟弟就是这么扫兴Ah, such a buzz kill, my baby bro.我很希望能找到他Well, I'd love to find him.问题是Just the trouble is我绝对不给你卖命I sure as hell don't work for you.你的饮品中有马鞭草You know, your drink stinks of vervain,所以我不能精神控制你so I can't compel you.我没必要干掉你There'd be no point in killing you,因为你其实是最有可能because you're actually the one with the most hope找到我要的东西的人不过of getting me what I need. And yet,似乎有必要展示一下我的决心it would seem a demonstration is in order.也许我说让你找斯特凡时Perhaps I wasn't clear enough说得不够清楚when I told you to find Stefan.没事Oh, well.似乎你们应对暴力行为的反应能力比较强It seems you people respond best to displays of violence. 不如就把把这个当做我能力的证明吧Why don't you take this as an example of my reach?他接了There he is.那么我叫你去做的那件事So, that thing I told you to do.为什么不抓紧开始呢Why don't you go ahead and get on with it?-有什么事吗-没什么- What was that about? - It was nothing.我得走了I got to go.多谢你们留我吃饭不过...Thanks for the food offer, but...下次吧next time.真令人大开眼界Well, that was illuminating.所以泰勒·洛克伍德So, Tyler Lockwood is是个能进入我们房子的疯子a lunatic who has access to our house.我是说认祖归宗的事完全无理可寻I mean, this whole sire bond thing is wild.我觉得泰勒自己也没意识到I don't even think Tyler's fully aware of他说的话有多荒谬what little reason lies behind what he's saying.就是个诡异的崇拜逻辑It's--it's his weird cult logic.很好看来你近朱者赤啊杰里Well, great. That's a wonderful influence for you, Jer. 杰里米Jeremy?那是他的戒指That's his ring.他去哪儿了Where'd he go?杰里米Jeremy?他在做什么What is he doing?-我的天啊-杰里米- Oh, my god. - Jeremy!杰里米杰里米快让开Jeremy! Jeremy, move!瞧瞧我又撞着人了There I go again, bumping into people.他会没事的你还好吗He's going to be all right. Are you ok?怎么回事I don't understand.之前是谁给你打电话Who was that on the phone earlier?是克劳斯It was Klaus.你被精神控制了杰里米You were compelled, Jeremy.我们得把他抬进去帮我一把We've got to get him inside. Help me.控制一个人把这堵墙凿通Compel the men to open up this wall.我们需要太阳We need sun.我想要一个堡垒而不是地牢I want a fortress, not a dungeon.-风云人物大驾光临-一切顺利吗- There he is. Man of the hour. - So everything went ok? 托尼撞倒的不是杰里米而是阿拉里克Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy,但不管是谁but apples, oranges.都一样Message learns the same.你说过你只是给他们一个警告You said you were sending them a warning.的确而且是个强有力的And I did-- an effective one.埃琳娜的家人遭受苦难Elena's family suffers,她就会主动帮我得到我想要的she's motivated to get me what I want.我以为我们不必真的杀死任何人I didn't think that we'd actually have to kill anyone.泰勒伙计Tyler, mate.你的感觉是你心中残余的内疚在作祟What you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience.我需要你摆脱掉它好吗I need you to get over it, ok?说到底End of the day,人类的性命只是用来达到目的的手段human life here is just a means to an end--是我们的手段达到我们的目的Our means to our end.你务必要记牢You'd do well to remember that.他怎么样了How is he?他死了但戴着戒指He's dead, but he had his ring.克劳斯的混血儿撞了他现在只有静等Klaus' hybrid hit him. Now we just wait.杰里米你怎么没带着马鞭草Jeremy, why aren't you wearing vervain?你的手镯呢Where's your bracelet?我不知道I don't know.是泰勒干的It was Tyler.肯定是他之前干的It had to have been.那就是他和你出去玩的原因That's why he was hanging out with you,让你不受马鞭草保护to get you off the vervain.克劳斯是在警告我们Klaus is trying to send us a message.他想让我们找到He wants us to find Stefan,偷走了他所有死去亲人棺材的斯特凡who stole his coffins of all his dead family members. -棺材-没错- Coffins? - Yep.所以我们只要找到四具棺材So all we have to do is find 4 coffins,然后呢and voila,你的亲朋好友就能逃过一死了no one else on your family's Christmas list has to die.等一下这就是你的宏伟计划Wait, that's your big plan,把四具吸血鬼祖先尸体偷回来to steal back 4 dead originals,然后邪恶的混血儿就不会杀我so this evil hybrid doesn't kill me也不会杀我们认识的人and everyone else we know?-你有更好的建议吗-有- You got a better idea? - Yeah.我们离开这个鬼地方吧Let's get the hell out of here.卷铺盖走人Pack our bags and go.杰里米冷静一点Hey, Jeremy, calm down.不不我不要冷静埃琳娜No, no, I'm not going to calm down, Elena.不管我们做什么总是这样This happens every time no matter what we do...你老说我上学打工的事谁在乎You get on my case about school and work. Who cares. 再这样下去我们谁也活不了None of us are going to make it out of this town alive.他要我们交出他的家人He said he wants his family back.不行不行我知道你在想什么No. No, I know what you're thinking.但是我不同意The answer's no.如果我们给他丽贝卡If we give him Rebekah...然后克劳斯把她救活Yeah, then Klaus un-daggers her.她活回来第一件事就是杀了你First thing she does is kill you.把你生吞活剥了Frying pan, fire.不能还Not an option.克劳斯的棺材Klaus' coffins.你刚说有几口棺材How many did you say there were?埃琳娜Elena?克劳斯在找四口棺材跟你梦到的一样Klaus is looking for 4 coffins, just like in your dream.看来不只是因为压力大I think it's not just stress.埃琳娜别管这事Elena, don't get involved.不管克劳斯在找什么千万别跟着掺和Whatever Klaus wants, stay as far away from it as you can.我是被克劳斯逼的邦妮Klaus won't let me. Bonnie...他差点杀了杰里米He tried to kill Jeremy.你想让我做什么What do you want me to do?我们得找到斯特凡We need to find Stefan.听着我知道Look, I know that你觉得你的定位咒失灵了you don't think that your locator spell still works,但至少要试一试but we have to at least try.没必要用定位咒You don't need a locator spell.邦妮说这里没有女巫的法力了Bonnie said this place lost all its mojo.邦妮救活了杰里米The dead witches were angry at her女巫们很生气for bringing Jeremy back to life.她们现在大概是有事要告诉她I guess now they have something they want her to know.这就是我讨厌女巫的原因她们变化无常That's why I hate witches. So fickle.以退为进Passive-aggressive.斯特凡Stefan?快出来斯特凡游戏结束了Come on, Stef. Olly olly oxen free.有没有搞错还这样Really? Still?怎么了What?死女巫还是不喜欢我The witchy spirits aren't a big fan,她们施法让我的戒指失灵了and they used their juju to screw with my daylight ring. -那你去外面等-埃琳娜- Then wait outside. - Elena...不确定他在不在我不会走的I'm not leaving until I know if he's here.斯特凡Stefan?走开Go away.你不该来这儿埃琳娜You shouldn't be here, Elena.斯特凡我需要你的帮助Stefan, I need your help.邦妮告诉我你在这儿Bonnie said that you would be here.邦妮真是个大嘴巴Well, Bonnie sucks at keeping secrets.你必须把克劳斯的家人还给他Listen, you need to give Klaus his family back. 是吗我必须还给他Oh, really? Is that what I need to do?克劳斯控制了杰里米Klaus compelled Jeremy让他呆呆地站在路中间等车来撞to stand in front of a speeding car.你还不明白吗Don't you get it?斯特凡他得不到想要的Stefan, he's not going to stop是不会住手的until he gets what he wants...埃琳娜别说了Elena, stop talking.我不会还给克劳斯任何东西I'm not giving Klaus anything.你有在听吗Are you listening to me?他会杀了杰里米的He's going to kill Jeremy.跟我没关系Not really my problem.你去死吧You can go to hell.谈得不顺利That didn't go over well.别说话达蒙Don't even start, Damon.-我跟他谈谈-你进都进不去- Let me talk to him. - You can't get in.女巫不让你进去The witches won't let you.给Here.拿着车钥匙Take my car keys.你跟你弟弟谈You go deal with your brother.我跟我弟弟谈I'll deal with mine.勇气可嘉啊That was impressive.可惜棺材不在这儿But the coffins aren't here,你现在可以走了so you can go away now.我才懒得管那些棺材I don't care about the coffins.我们得谈谈We need to talk.好啊Ok.谈吧Let's talk.吃硬不吃软是吗Nothing's ever easy with you, is it?这是为你毁了我的计划That is for screwing up my plan.你阻止我杀克劳斯You stopped me from killing Klaus,又把他的棺材偷了为什么and you steal his family. Why?没有道理啊It doesn't make sense.说Answer me!克劳斯一点点地夺走了我的一切Piece by piece, Klaus took everything from me.我也要以牙还牙I'm doing the same to him.但我差点就得手了斯特凡But I had him, Stefan!-你为什么要阻止我-为了救你- Why'd you screw it up? - I did it to save you.什么What?不不可能No. No way.你不会是为了救我You didn't do this for me.他总是先人一步He was one step ahead of us.如果克劳斯死了If Klaus died,他的混血儿就会把你杀了his hybrids would have killed you.你什么时候才能听进去When are you going to get it through your head?别再救我了Stop saving me.别这么做杰里米Don't do it, Jeremy.有何不可这叫以其人之道还治其人之身Why not? You stab my back, I stab yours.我可没暗箭伤人I didn't stab you in the back.你是为这约我出来的吗Is that why you wanted to hang out,让我不受马鞭草保护to get me off the vervain?克劳斯让我这么做的Klaus asked me to.我也没想到他想要杀了你I never thought he would try to kill you.那可是克劳斯泰勒It's Klaus, Tyler.你觉得难道会有什么好事吗What did you think was going to happen?他根本不在乎你He doesn't care about you.他只想找回他的家人All he wants is to get his family back.发什么神经What the hell!无论克劳斯想得到什么总会有人丧命Whenever Klaus wants something, someone ends up dead.请你下次盲目去执行You think about that next time他命令之前好好想一想before you blindly do whatever he says.杰里你该回家了别出来Jer, you should get home. Stay inside.克劳斯未找回所有的棺材之前Klaus isn't going to stop是不会收手的until he gets all those coffins back.他不会放过你的He's not done with you.里克你什么时候活过来的Ric. Hey. When did you return to the living?几分钟之前杰里米怎么样了Oh, just a few minutes ago. How's Jeremy?他恨我Hating me.恨生活Hating life.恨我们都不能一家人好好吃顿饭Hating the fact that we can't even have a family dinner而不用担心有人会在上甜点前死去你还好吗without somebody dying before dessert. Are you ok?天哪Oh, my god.情况不对那个戒指Something's wrong. The ring.里克Ric.发生什么了What happened?他被车撞了都咳出血来了He got hit by a car, and he's coughing up blood.测一下他的生命体征Get his vitals.脉象很微弱Pulse thready and weak.似乎是内出血我们得把他搬离这里Looks like internal bleeding. We got to get him out of here. -搬吧-别搬就当你们搬过了- Let's move. - Let's not and say we did.你们二位直接与我们医院见吧Why don't you two meet us at the hospital?什么What?不不不不等等No. No, no, no. Wait.等等你们必须得帮他No, wait. You have to help him.你在做什么What are you doing?你仍然可以救他的埃琳娜You can still save his life, Elena.来用我的血Here. Take my blood.我进不来I can't get in.你得请我进来You're going to have to invite me.你为什么要这么做No. Why are you doing this?克劳斯想要他的家人Klaus asked for his family.你不给他You didn't deliver.里克Ric!天哪里克我在这儿呢Oh, my god, Ric. I'm right here.你看看他就快死了Hey, look. He's gonna die.换了我一定会请我进来的埃琳娜My word I would invite me in, Elena.-杰里米-他还没死呢- Jeremy. - He's not dead yet.你要去哪儿Where are you going?你要做什么What are you doing?现在他才真死了Now he's dead.我们现在得赶快把阿拉里克送去医院We've got to get Alaric to the hospital, now.你知道我想不通什么吗You know what I can't figure out?你为什么要救我Why save me?是手足情深还是你问心有愧Was it brotherly love, guilty conscience,你的感情现在是封闭着还是恢复了is the switch on, is the switch off?你还有别的事要忙吧达蒙Do you have somewhere you need to be, Damon? 别打岔Ah, deflection.对我没用的那可是哥最拿手的That's not going to work on me. I invented that. 我们没什么可谈的了你就不能滚吗We're done. Can't you just go away?。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...你夺走了我的一切克劳斯You took everything from me, Klaus.让过去的事过去吧时间会淡化愤恨的Let bygones be bygones. Resentment gets old.-你知道时间不会淡化什么吗复仇-不- You know what never gets old? Revenge. - No.怎么了克劳斯丢了什么东西吗What's a matter, Klaus? Missing something?三个沉睡的祖先却有四口棺材Three sleeping originals, four coffins.那么上锁的这个里面是谁Who is in the locked box?他认祖归忠了克劳斯的血He's been sired. Feels loyal to Klaus创造了他所以他忠于克劳斯because Klaus' blood created him.他把我从一个He released me正在毁掉我的生活的诅咒中解脱出来from a curse that was ruining my life.我欠他一个人情I owe him for that.我需要你咬你女朋友一口I need you to bite your girlfriend.吸血鬼被混血儿咬一口会死的A hybrid bite would kill a vampire.所以可以把这当做是我在测试你永恒的忠诚Consider this me putting your undying loyalty to the test. 克劳斯不能控制我只要和你有关Klaus can't control me. Not when it comes to you.哦不Oh, no.你刚刚...咬我了Did you just...bite me?!-卡罗琳-滚开- Caroline! - Get away from me!■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆■翻译:爱卿遛小鸟暮羽Josie 默默兔小跳思朵■时间轴:子衿小猫六水校对:米苏草草亲爱的祖母希拉·贝内特阿米莉娅·贝内特她受人尊敬且对人忠诚■后期:灰灰是菇凉监制:米苏丢丢纪念欧内斯廷·贝内特我想到怎么打开它了I figured out how to open it.你能打开吗Can you?放我出去Let me out!拜托Please!天呐天呐Oh, my God, oh, my God.我在这里我在这里I'm in here! I'm in here!我在这里啊I'm in here!我已经连着几天做这种梦了I've been having these dreams for days now.好像是女巫们想要给我传递一个信息It's like the witches are trying to send me a message.我真不敢相信I just can't believe you guys你们居然一直瞒着我这件事have kept this from me this whole time.斯特凡觉得如果你知道了棺材在哪里Stefan thought if you knew where the coffins were,克劳斯会以他人为要挟逼你说出这事Klaus could threaten people to get the information out of you.那这些就是他余下的家庭成员了吗So these are the rest of his family?是的以利亚以及另外两位Yeah, Elijah and two others.而这个棺材Now this one...我们无法打开is the one we can't open.我们不知道里面是谁或里面有什么We don't know who's in it or what's in it,不过我觉得我的梦境only that I think my dream's是想告诉我它能帮忙杀了克劳斯telling me it'll help kill Klaus.你在干什么What the hell are you doing?我得让她知道棺材的事I needed her to know about the coffin.而我让你瞒着她的邦妮And I needed you to keep her out of it, Bonnie.你要怎么做斯特凡So what are you going to do, Stefan?你要绑架我好让我没法告诉别人吗Are you going to kidnap me so that I won't tell anyone? 别逼我埃琳娜Don't tempt me, Elena.我想我知道谁能打开这个棺材斯特凡I think I know who can open the coffin, Stefan.我需要埃琳娜帮我找到她And I need Elena to help me find her.找到谁你在说什么Find who? What are you talking about?我一开始记不起她是谁I couldn't place her face at first.后来我意识到Then I realized...天呐邦妮Oh, my God, Bonnie.这是谁Who is this?我妈妈It's my mom.吸血鬼日记第三季第十二集洛斯阿拉米托斯市的这位呢Los Alamitos?太老了吧Um, too old.檀香山的呢[美国夏威夷州首府]Honolulu?我倒想Ugh, I wish.一共有多少啊How many of these are there?很多我让警长办公室A lot. I asked the sheriff's office调出了全美国所有叫艾比·贝内特的人to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country.我知道我们还没有真正地...I know we haven't been able to really...因为杰里米我们之间that things have been weird变得怪怪的谢谢你能帮我because of Jeremy. So thank you for helping me with this. 我知道你自己也有很多事要处理I know you have a lot to deal with.没什么比这事更重要了邦妮There's nothing more important, Bonnie.感觉好不真实It's surreal.去追寻一个抛下自己亲生孩子的母亲Having to track down a woman who bailed on her own kid.你知道你没必要这么做的对吧You know you don't have to, right?打开棺材的事就让斯特凡去操心吧Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin.这事没必要落到你肩膀上It doesn't have to fall on you.这个棺材是被施了咒语才打不开的The coffin is spelled shut.也就是说这是女巫的事情了That makes it a witch problem.所以的确应该由我负责So it does fall on me.我注定早晚都要再见到我母亲的I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later.赶早不赶晚Sooner.艾比·贝内特·威尔森Abby Bennett Wilson,北卡罗来纳州门罗市Monroe, North Carolina.出生于神秘瀑布镇医院Born in Mystic Falls Hospital,毕业于神秘瀑布镇高中graduated Mystic Falls High,等等等等Blah, blah, blah.用了一点意念控制帮忙加速调查进程A little compulsion helps to speed up the research process.北卡罗来纳州艾比·贝内特·威尔森-是她-没错上路吧- This is her. - Yep, road trip.-我要副驾驶位-不行- I call shotgun. - Yeah, no.怎么你要我跟你一起坐在后面吗Why? You want me to hang out in the back with you?-你不一起来-为什么是我找到她的- You're not coming, Damon. - Why? I'm the one who found her. 达蒙听着Ok, Damon, look,邦妮已经十五年多没有见过她妈妈了Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over 15 years.我们不需要你在一旁做无礼地评论We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience. 你们俩怎么回事What's going on with you two?我们接吻了现在尴尬了We kissed. Now it's weird.好好享受旅途吧Have a great trip.你在这里干什么What are you doing here?我来道歉I came to apologize.道歉Apologize?你咬了我我可能会死的You bit me. I could have died.这已经不是道歉能解决的了泰勒I think we're way past apologies, Tyler.问题就在这里That's the problem.克劳斯叫我这样做但我拒绝了Klaus told me to do it and I said no.可无论如何这事后来还是发生了And then, it just happened anyway.就像我完全失控了Like it was completely out of my control.因此我让你妈妈打电话给他That's why I had your mom call him.-爸爸-卡罗琳- Daddy? - Hi, Caroline.我想既然他能抵抗意念控制I thought since he could resist compulsion,也许他也能教我抵抗对克劳斯的认祖归忠maybe he could teach me to resist a sire bond.你能帮帮他吗Can you help him?我尽量试试I'm going to try.为什么Why?因为他犯了个错Because he made a mistake.而现在他想补偿And now he wants to make good.我能理解And I understand that.你还要什么吗啤酒Do you want anything else? A beer?我也想但我十五分钟后要去值班Ah, I'd love one, but I've got rounds in 15 minutes. 醉酒的医生可不是好医生And a drunk doctor is a bad doctor.那得看你是哪种醉了Well, that depends on what kind of drunk you are. 愤怒的那种Angry.谢谢你请我吃午餐Thanks for lunch.不客气Yeah, sure.那么Ah, so, um,下次一起吃晚餐吗next time, dinner?好的那太棒了Yeah, that would be great.那好小心点Cool. Take care.再见谢了Bye. Thanks.-那是谁-我的医生- Who's that? - My doctor.她是个医生She's a doctor?她哪里有问题What's her damage?没问题No damage.拜托里克现实残酷Come on, Ric, it's a fact of life.那么性感聪明的女生有问题啊A girl that hot, that smart...damage.要知道我也在等着危险信号呢Well, you know, I'm looking for red flags.她的她的前男友那天说她精神不正常Her, uh, her ex called her a psycho case the other day.但如果是前男友说的那就不算数了Yeah, but if it comes from her ex, it doesn't count.我想你说得对你埋单I guess you're right. It's yours.不知我的前任都叫我什么呢I wonder what my exes would call me.没叫什么她们都死了Nothing. They're all dead.她前男友是验尸官Well, her ex is the medical examiner,所以说他跟死亡很接近so he's dead-adjacent.她跟验尸官谈过恋爱She dated the medical examiner?我想他不是接近死亡他已经死了Well, I don't think he's dead-adjacent. I think he's just dead. 什么What?被杀害的Murdered.警长在极力掩盖这件事Sheriff's trying to keep a lid on it因为他被木棍穿胸而死像吸血鬼一样because he was staked in the chest like a vampire.梅雷迪斯完全没提这事Well, Meredith didn't say anything about that.第二个危险信号了Well, red flag number two.是谁杀的他Who do you think killed him?我不知道但如果我是警察你的美女医生朋友But if I was a cop, your sexy doctor lady friend绝对是嫌疑人之一would definitely be a suspect.你在这里做什么呢克劳斯What are you doing here, Klaus?享受我们之间的僵局Enjoying our stalemate.你想要什么What do you want?问题是你想要什么Question is, what do you want?我的混血儿们已经如你要求离开瀑布镇了My hybrids left town as you demanded,现在请告诉我如何才能拿回我的家人so please tell me what I need to do to get my family back. 克劳斯你看...See, Klaus...我没想跟你讨价还价I'm not negotiating.那你知道长期挟持我的家人And you understand that holding them indefinitely和把他们扔进海里效果是一样的吗is the same thing as dropping them in the ocean?不不你离开瀑布镇No, no, you leave Mystic Falls过几年再给我打个电话and then give me a call in a few years,我们到时再谈and...we'll talk.我再给你一次机会I'm going to give you another chance.就一次了Just one more.我们来制订个合理的协议Let's make a reasonable deal.否则呢Or what?你敢动一下我就...You make one move, and I will--是啊对了Yes, that's right.你是疯子斯特凡了近况如何啊How's that working out for you?还剩下几个朋友了Any friends left?不敢相信我真的要见到她了I just can't believe I'm actually going to see her.或者说算是跟她见面吧Or meet her. Sort of.我都不记得她的样子了Since I don't really remember her.你都不怎么提她You don't really talk about her.提她说什么呢What's to say?她就那么走了没写过信没来过电话She left, never wrote, never called.我外婆去世时都没来Not even when my grams died.我们能改聊你和达蒙的事吗Can we talk about you and Damon instead?我不会聊这个的I'm not talking about it.他吻了我这种事不会再有了He kissed me. It's not going to happen again.我想问...I mean...那个吻感觉好吗Was it good?那不重要It doesn't matter.那就是说挺好的That means it was.是斯特凡的电话It's Stefan.我跟他说一查到地址就会给他打电话I told him I'd call him as soon as I got the address.挂了吧Ignore.邦妮你15年来第一次见你妈妈Bonnie, you're about to see your mom for the first time 我不会让任何事破坏这时刻的in 15 years. I'm not letting anyone ruin that moment.没错但我不接的话他会一直打的Yeah, but he's going to keep at it until I pick up.好吧Fine.怎么了What?你们在哪呢Where are you?我和邦妮要在湖边别墅过夜Bonnie and I are going to spend the night at the lake house等福布斯警长给我们多查些地址来while we wait for sheriff Forbes to give us some more addresses.你开玩笑呢是吧You're kidding me, right?没斯特凡没开玩笑No, Stefan, I'm not.我们也得清净一晚不用忍受你的疯狂We need a night off from your insanity.克劳斯不耐烦了Klaus is getting antsy.他知道我在玩拖延战术He knows I'm stalling him.我们得赶紧行动了We need to move faster.我们正在尽力Well, we're doing everything we can.所以别五分钟就打个电话可以吗So could you maybe not call every 5 minutes?没问题埃琳娜Sure, Elena.北卡罗琳娜州艾比·贝内特·威尔森我听你的Whatever you say.在路上还好吗How's life on the road?风景不错混血儿都走了在瀑布镇过得还好吗Scenic. How's life in Mystic Falls without any hybrids?目前很无聊Boring. For now.如果你希望我们中哪个回去说话就行If you want any of us back, you just have to say the word.不用There's no need.我一直在结交镇上的公务员I've been making friends with the town's civil servants.有个副警长有点话唠There's a deputy who's awfully chatty, 但很有用but useful nonetheless.你明白你的任务吗Are you clear on what you need to do? 我能搞定I've got it covered.需要帮助吗Can I help you?艾比·贝内特·威尔逊吗Abby Bennett Wilson?是我That's me.房子很不错Cute house.是啊就这荒郊野外算不错了Yeah, for the middle of nowhere.准备好了吗You ready?嘿你们Hey there.我们来找...Hey, we're looking for, um,艾比·威尔逊Abby Wilson.她不在家She's not home.还有别的事吗Is there anything I can do for you?没了我们以后再来拜访That's OK, we can come back.抱歉但你看起来很眼熟I'm sorry, but you look so familiar.艾比是我妈妈Yeah, Abby's my mom.我是詹米I'm Jamie.你们进来说话吧You guys want to come inside?这边走Right this way.你们真不喝点什么吗You guys sure you don't want anything?我这儿鲜有橙汁椰汁We got fresh O.J., coconut water,还有芒果番石榴some mango guava something.-喝水就行了-好- Water's fine. - Cool.那个我们有血缘关系吗So, are we like related?没有艾比不是我妈妈Oh, no. Abby's not my mom.很好Good.她过去曾跟我爸爸约会过Yeah, she, uh, she dated my old man back in the day.他基本上就是个废物He was kind of a deadbeat,所以他们分手时她收留了我so when they broke up, she took me in.供我上学我把她的车毁了也没生气Put me through school. Didn't freak out when I totaled her car. 两次都没生气Twice.她听起来...挺好的She sounds...great.詹米Jamie?门口是谁的车Whose car's out front?是我的That's mine.我是邦妮I'm Bonnie.你的女儿Your daughter.邦妮你好Hello, Bonnie.你怎么知道这么做能行How do you know this is going to work?这是一个过程我花了数十年It's a process. It took decades来训练自己抵抗思想控制to train myself to resist compulsion.大脑就像肌肉一样The brain's like a muscle.用得越多越强大The more you use it, the more it can do.认祖归忠的本质就是一点A sire bond, at its core, is about one thing--感恩之心gratitude.如果你觉得你欠克劳斯一条命If you believe you owe Klaus your life,问问你自己为什么ask yourself why.我被诅咒了I was cursed.每到满月就要变成狼Every full moon, I had to change into a wolf.对我是莫大的折磨克劳斯救了我It was torture. Klaus took that away.帮你脱离了痛苦Freed you from your pain让你觉得亏欠他and you feel indebted to him.想要解除认祖归忠To break the sire bond,你要让你自己变身you've got to make yourself turn.掌控自己的痛苦Own your pain,然后你就跟克劳斯两不相欠了你就自由了then you'll owe Klaus nothing and you'll be free. 他怎么能变身现在又不是满月But how can he turn? It's not a full moon.不需要满月你现在不是混血儿吗He doesn't need one. You're a hybrid now, right? 你不是可以随意选择要不要变身吗I mean, you can turn at will or not, am I right?是啊我就是不知道怎么开始Yeah, but I don't know how to just...start.你就是在找借口Now you're making excuses.你不明白当我变身时You don't understand! When I turn,我身上的骨头都会断掉I break every bone in my body.你求我帮忙这是唯一的办法You asked for my help. This is the only way.你有多想获得自由How badly do you want your freedom?-好吧-好- Ok. - Ok.你怎么样How are you holding up?我不会有事的I'll be fine.我不是来抢回我妈妈的I'm not here to get my mom back,我只是想找她帮忙I'm just here to get her help.我希望你们都饿了So I hope you guys are hungry.因为食物是我打破尴尬局面的绝招'cause, uh, food has always been my go-to icebreaker.你家真的很漂亮You have a really beautiful home.嘴真甜跟你妈妈一样You're so sweet. Just like your mom.你认识我妈妈You knew my mom?米兰达是我最好的朋友Miranda was my best friend.你有女儿有朋友却依然选择离开So you had a daughter and a best friend and you still left? 我就是因为我最好的朋友才会离开My best friend is why I left.十五年前15 years ago,有个吸血鬼到镇上a vampire came to town.来找你埃琳娜looking for you, Elena,来寻找二重身looking for the doppelganger.没人能杀得了他No one could manage to kill him,所以我把他引出城so I lured him out of town用咒语把他的血吸干and cast a spell to desiccate him.并把他封在夏洛特的墓地中and encrypt him in Charlotte.迈克尔Mikael.他是个吸血鬼祖先He was an original vampire.这用尽了我所有的法力It took every ounce of power I had.差点要了我的命Almost killed me.我慢慢恢复了I recovered.但我的法力却没有But my magic didn't.我的法力再没有回来My powers never came back.你也没回来And neither did you.事情没你想得那么简单It wasn't that simple.没那么简单It wasn't?你施法降服了迈克尔You cast a spell, put Mikael down, then...然后呢你就得教詹米开车What? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?-邦妮-来这就是个错误- Bonnie... - This was a mistake.她已经没有法力不能帮我们了She has no magic, she can't help us.邦妮等等Bonnie, wait, please.别走跟我谈谈Don't go. Talk to me.求你了Please?我在外面等你I'll wait outside.埃琳娜好个湖边别墅Hi, Elena. Nice lake house.要知道我们还没正式见过面You know, we never got a chance to officially meet. 菲尔医生Doctor...Fell.你是阿拉里克的朋友吧You're Alaric's friend, right?达蒙·塞尔瓦托Damon Salvatore.在委员会会议上见过你Saw you at the council meeting.你在这干什么What are you doing here?在走廊里闲逛Strolling the halls.我喜欢隔着窗户冲新生儿挥手I like to wave at the newborns through the window.你男朋友的事我很抱歉Sorry about your boyfriend.动物袭击致死Animal attack.太惨了Brutal.前男友Ex-boyfriend.谢谢我还没完全接受这个坏消息And thanks. I'm still kind of processing.是啊我能理解我本来想过来Yeah, I'm sure. You know, I just thought I'd come by顺便告诉你他不是动物袭击致死and tell you that it wasn't an animal attack.然后我意识到And then I realized.是你在死亡证明上签的字You signed the death certificate.难道我要说他是像吸血鬼一样被刺死的吗Would you rather I say he was staked like a vampire?不是他想出"动物袭击致死"这个说法的吗Wasn't he the guy that coined the phrase "Animal attack"? -这关你什么事-因为里克喜欢你- Why do you even care? - Because Rick likes you.如果你是个精神病And if you're a psychopath,对他来说可真不是什么好事it would probably really suck for him.你觉得我杀了我的前男友You think I killed my ex-boyfriend?我觉得精神病都很难满足I think psychopaths are incredibly high-maintenance.如果你关心你的朋友If you care about your friend,去查清阿拉里克怎么能奄奄一息地进了重症监护室go figure out how Alaric came into the ICU on his deathbed 却在一小时后毫发无损地走出来and walked out an hour later without a scratch.好吧Fair enough.我做不到I can't.-我做不到-再加把劲- I can't. - Try harder.他就不能休息一会儿吗Can't he just rest for one second?!要用我的方式处理这事卡罗琳We're doing this my way, Caroline.如果你无法忍受你最好离开If you can't handle it, you should go.他说得没错卡罗琳走吧He's right, Caroline. Just go.-不泰勒-快走卡罗琳- No, Tyler! - Go, Caroline.你要做什么What are you doing?到底要干什么伙计What the hell, man?这样惹恼你了吗Does it bother you?-住手-很好- Knock it off! - Good.点燃心中的怒火吧它就在你心中这你清楚Get angry. It's in you. You know it is.我说了住手I said knock it off!你对克劳斯的认祖归忠置我女儿于险境Your bond to Klaus is putting my daughter in danger.现在要么你变身Now either you turn要么我就在此时此就杀了你or I kill you right here, right now.你出落成一个年轻漂亮的姑娘了邦妮You've grown into such a beautiful young woman, Bonnie. 拜托了不要再拿糖衣炮弹搪塞我了Please, just stop with the muffins and the compliments.我只想知道真相I just want to know the truth--你为什么不回家Why didn't you come home?我失去了法力I had no magic.我身在一个新的城市I was in a new city,我意识到我有机会以另一种身份生活and I realized i had a chance to be somebody else. 变成普通女人艾比·威尔逊To be Abby Wilson, the woman...而不是女巫艾比·贝内特Not Abby Bennett, the witch.我并不以我所做的事为豪邦妮I'm not proud of what I did, Bonnie.我逃离了I ran.我知道我逃开了但你的父亲I know I ran. But you had your dad和你的外婆好吧老实说and your grams, and, ok, let's face it--你外婆的巫术造诣比我高深得多Your grams is way better at this stuff than I am.你不知道吗You don't know?什么What?怎么去世的How?我们在施一个晦涩艰难的咒语We were doing a rough spell...我们的法力和体力都几乎用尽And we both exhausted ourselves.但她的程度比我更严重Her more than me.她把你教养得很好Well, she raised you right.她一定以你为豪I'm sure she was very proud of you.现在你知道我的全部经历了Well, now you know my whole story.没错Yep.说说你的吧How about you tell me yours?你为何来找我What brings you to me?实际上是因为一个梦It was a dream, actually.我以为你应该能帮助我们I thought you were supposed to help us.但如果你失去了法力But if you don't have any magic, it's...对不能使用咒语Well, no spells, no.但我多少也能帮上忙But I'm not completely useless.比如使用药草之类的I mean, the earth still provides herbs and such.总有些我能做的There might be something I can do.我不这么认为I...don't think so.邦妮拜托了Bonnie, please.让我帮帮你Let me help you.怎么你以为我就发现不了吗So what, you'd think I wouldn't find out?说实话我不在意Honestly, I didn't care.这正是我不想告诉你的原因埃琳娜This is exactly why I didn't want you in the loop, Elena. 对因为你没法做你想做的事了Yeah, because now you can't do whatever you want. -他妈的-喂- Damn it! - Hey!这里一切还好吗Everything all right out here?詹米回屋里去好吗Jamie, go back inside, ok?拜托了相信我Please. Trust me.你最好呆在屋里It's better off for you there.我可不这么认为I don't think so.换了我就听她的回楼上去哥们I'd listen to her. Get back upstairs, man.我说了我不这么认为I said I don't think so.给我上楼去Get back upstairs别逼我撕碎你的喉咙明白了吗before I tear your damn throat out, do you understand me?我觉得你没意识的自己有多么穷凶极恶I don't think you realize how bad you've gotten!只能这样埃琳娜This is the way it has to be, Elena.是啊没错Oh, yeah, right.比坏人更坏Out-villain the villain.我明白了I get it.你不应该来这里You're not supposed to be here.詹米你在做什么Jamie, what are you doing?服从指令What I was told.他不应该来这里He's not supposed to be here.埃琳娜他被精神控制了Elena, he's compelled.那是什么声音What was that?!你来这里做什么What are you doing here?找兔子Ah, looking for a bunny.你现在暂时没事You're good. For now.还在调查梅雷迪思的事吗You still obsessed with Meredith?我是说你不是还要担心一个吸血鬼祖先吗Ah. I mean, don't you have an original vampire to worry about? 别停别停再做十个卧推Ah, ah, ah, do ten more of those.如果你要和这位约会可得先练成肌肉男You're going to want to buff up if you start dating this one.-以便自卫什么的-你有病吗- Self defense and all. - What is your problem?你的医生拿马鞭草针管扎了我Your doctor vervained me.然后抽了我的血And then she bloodjacked me.什么你什么时候见过她What? I mean, when did you even see her? 当我去医院When I went to the hospital指控她杀死了她的前男友时to accuse her of killing her ex-boyfriend.顺便说一句这可是相当敏感的话题Which, by the way, very sensitive subject.达蒙你到底在做什么Damon, what the hell are you doing, huh?你干嘛冲我发火Why are you mad at me?我告诉过你我会处理这事I told you I'd handle this!我证明了你的推测确诊为精神病人I proved your theory-- diagnosed psycho case.不用谢我You're welcome.你为什么要这么做Why are you doing this?别动Stop moving.詹米放开我詹米他需要帮助Jamie, let me go. Jamie, he needs help.-詹米-邦妮- Jamie! - Bonnie!邦妮Bonnie!我的天呐Oh, my god.这些链条不够牢固These chains aren't strong enough.你得走了快跑You need to leave. Run!结果如何So?她没有告诉我棺材在哪儿She didn't tell me where the coffins are.那个吸血鬼出现了The vampire showed up.詹米处理掉他了吗Did Jamie take care of him?处理了He did.但她现在就是不肯说我试过了各种方法But she's not going to talk now. There's no way. I tried. 那你就该再试试看Well, you should try again.-你对我做什么了-你不会有事的- What did you do to me? - You'll be fine.但不要试图使用咒语But don't try and use spells.我用的那些草药削弱了你的法力Those herbs I used muted your magic.-埃琳娜在哪-她也不会有事的- Where's Elena?! - She'll be fine, too.邦妮听我说我需要你的帮助Bonnie, listen to me. I need your help.你得告诉我那些棺材在哪I need you to tell me where those coffins are.-为什么-如果你不说- Why? - Because if you don't,那个人控制了詹米让他自杀that man compelled Jamie to kill himself.我不能说I can't.这事不止牵扯到你和我那么简单This goes beyond you and me.你只要告诉我它们在哪All you need to do is tell me where they are.我们也会信守承诺Then we'll have held up our end of the bargain.邦妮拜托了Bonnie, please.警告你的朋友们我就要解开这个绳子了I've almost got it.艾比还没有打电话Abby hasn't called yet.詹米拜托了放了我们吧Jamie, please, just let us go.不行求你别动了No! Please, don't do anything.听着我不知道为什么要给他一枪Look, I don't know why I shot him.也不知道我为什么拿枪指着你I don't know why I'm holding this gun,但如果你有任何动作but if you move or do anything,我会再给他一枪I'm going to shoot him again.好了我不动了Ok, I won't.这枪是谁给你的Who gave you that gun?今天早些时候来的一个男子A man came by here earlier today.他说里面是木制子弹He said it was wooden buckshot.而且告诉我如果有人妨碍了我们Told me if anyone got in our way,我就要开枪打他I'm supposed to shoot 'em.他还说什么了What else did he say?如果艾比不能查到什么棺材的下落If Abby didn't find the location of some coffins... 我就得给自己一枪I'm supposed to shoot myself.那我呢What about me?他有没有说怎么处置我What did he say about me?我不能伤害你I'm not supposed to hurt you.你确定吗Are you sure? Because...因为这个绳子太紧了有点伤到我了These ropes are so tight that it is hurting me.我该怎么做What can I do to help?我每动一次木头都会嵌入的更深一点Every time I move, the wood shifts inside of me.我可以感觉到它摩擦我的心脏了I can feel it scraping against my heart.你需要把碎片都取出来You need to get the pieces out.你怎么这么久才来What took you so long?躲在你的女巫朋友的身后Hiding behind your witchy friends.还在这么个脏兮兮的地方And in squalor, no less.侮辱一群死去的女巫也太不明智了Insulting a bunch of dead witches... not smart.我第一次进来时也犯了同样的错I made the exact same mistake first time I came in here.你知道关于女巫最有趣的是Well, you know the funny thing about the witches无论是死是活他们都关心自己人is that living or dead, they care about their own.成百个死去的女巫该有成千个活着的后人吧A hundred dead witches have a thousand living descendents... 如果我拿不回棺材and I have no problem killing every last one of them就会杀光你们所有的子孙if I don't get my coffins back.我们说话这会儿我的混血朋友As we speak, my hybrid friend is prepared已经准备好灭掉贝内特一族了to end the Bennett line.现在Now.拜托Please...让我见到那些棺材Show me the coffins.这就对了Here we are.第四个呢Where's the fourth?给我看Show me!事情是这样的Well, here's the thing.他们不能They can't.第四个不在这It's not here.你干了什么What did you do?邦妮警告了我。


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英语 朋友
以当下最流行最时尚的美剧为语料库来源,结合中国人学英文特点,精选英语常用108个情景,配备原汁原 味的美式发音,让你的英语不再“有口难言”,走到哪都能说到哪。1.真人实境TalkShow演出,听力口说一次掌 握!2.十大情景主题,一百二十个情景对话,轻松应对各种场合!3.举一反三口语表达大公开!4.美国流行用语、 背景文化知识一次到位!
8-1让他人冷静下来|让Elena操心的弟弟 8-2闺蜜谈心|姐妹互吐心事 8-3安慰朋友|Caroline好心安慰Tyler 8-4朋友之间|Damon的坦白换来的是绝交 8-5做出选择|姐妹间的真情 8-6朋友分别|Matt嘱咐Elena路上小心 8-7举杯|Klaus和Stefan敞开心扉的交谈 8-8母女争论|Isobel出现 8-9改善母女关系|可怜天下父母心
4-1尾随心仪女生|Stefan“跟踪”Elena 4-2暧昧关系|朋友之间的晚宴派对 4-3真情表白|Katherine, Stefan曾真心爱过你 4-4表露爱情|Caroline的疯狂表白 4-5醋意大发|爱你多深,醋意就有多浓 4-6提出分手|Matt无法忍受Caroline的无理取闹 4-7和好如初|对不起,我爱你 4-8恋人之间的隐瞒|Caroline心中的秘密 4-9被阻挠的爱情|Tyler母亲阻止他和Caroline来往
视听说 吸血鬼日记 讲解

【吸血鬼日记】第三季第二集(2) Elena&Damon /listen/52510/-Elena: Seriously?-Damon: I was wrong.-Elena: Are you drunk?-Damon: No. _I thought Stefan was gone, but I was wrong._-Elena: You saw him out there? Damon, is he OK?-Damon: No, he's not OK, Elena. He's an insufferable martyr that needs his ass kicked... but he can be saved.-Elena: What happened out there? What changed your mind?-Damon:_I changed my mind because even in his darkest place, my brother still can’t let me die. So I figure I owe him the same in return. I’ll help you bring him back.__-Elena: Thank you.-Damon: But before I do, I need you to answer one question. What made you change your mind? -Elena: What do you mean?partB-Damon: You were so hellbent on staying on that mountain. Then you just gave up. So what changed your mind?-Elena: We were under attack, Damon.-Damon: You had a bag full of weapons and a teacher with an eternity ring. You could have kept going.-Elena: It was too dangerous.-Damon: It was too dangerous going out there to begin with, so what was it?-Elena: Why are you being like this?-Damon: What changed your mind, Elena?-Elena: __I didn’t want to see you get hurt, OK? __ I was...I was worried about you.-Damon: Thanks.-Elena: _Yes, I worried about you. Why do you even have to hear me say it?_ _-Damon: __ Because when I drag my brother from the edge and deliver him back to you, I want you to remember the things you felt while he was gone..Good night, Elena.Teaching procedures:Presentation:Step1: lead-in;give them a picture of The Vampire Diaries and ask them what is the favorite character they like best?Step2:have a brief introduction of today’s conversation(内容简介:Damon 告诉了Elena他见到了Stefan,并说要救他。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...你一定就是埃琳娜了You must be Elena.我们怎么会长得一模一样How do we look exactly alike?我杀了个二重身I killed the doppelganger.我打破了那诅咒I broke the curse.我哪里做错了So what am I doing wrong?得跟下咒的那个女巫连通You'd have to contact the witch who created it.那就是女巫祖先了That would be the original witch.那条项链是女巫祖先的护身符The necklace is a talisman from the original witch herself.凯瑟琳Hi, Katherine.要一起上路吗Feel like hitting the road?何不呢Why not?丽贝卡该醒来了妹妹Rebekah. Time to wake up, little sister.当我遇到你们俩的时候有个男的在找你们When I met you two, there was a man looking for you. 你们俩看起来都很害怕那个人是谁You both seemed afraid. Who was that man?怎么了What's going on?他问我关于迈克尔的事He was asking about Michael.他不是和我们一伙的尼克我能感觉到He's not with us, Nik, I can sense it.你隐瞒了一些事情You're holding on to something.我认为我得亲自来看看I thought I would see for myself你隐瞒了什么what it is you've been hiding.欢迎回到神秘瀑布镇斯特凡Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Stefan.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:句号草草思朵Elsye 孜然羊肉■校对:草草内丘米小勒时间轴:Remember 菜六水小猫■后期:Ghost 监制:米苏不是吧搞什么啊Oh, come on! Seriously?!你知道我们布置这个花了多长时间吗Do you know how long it took for us to set all this up?!忘了高年级恶作剧之夜的事了吗Forgot about senior prank night, huh?-显然-你怎么能忘呢- Clearly. - How could you forget?我们可是从高一就盼着这一天呢We've only been waiting for this since like freshman year.对啊马特我都参与了你也别想逃Yeah, Matt. If I'm doing this, you're doing this.你们居然真会做这个才让我惊讶呢I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this.卡罗琳逼我们的Caroline's making us.我们就要高三了We're about to be seniors.这才是我们会永远珍藏的记忆These are the memories that stay with us forever,-如果不... -如果不趁现在制造记忆- and if we don't-- - And if we don't create these memories now, 那高中生涯意义何在then what's the point of it all?你尽管取笑我吧我不在乎Go ahead and make fun, I don't care.你们真逊我还要去"布置"十个教室呢You're all lame. And I've got ten more classrooms to prank.你去哪啊Hey! Where are you going?去把阿拉里克的桌子粘上To superglue Alaric's desk shut.制造记忆嘛I'm making memories.爱死你啦给职工厕所的马桶圈涂上Get the faculty toilet seats,体育馆那边唐娜需要尸体行动and Dana needs bodies in the gym. Let's go.-你在这儿呢-克劳斯- There's my girl. - Klaus!你应该死了才对You're supposed to be dead.这可怎么办好What are we going to do about that?吸血鬼日记第三季第五集你饿不饿我们停车吃点东西吧Are you hungry? Let's stop for a bite.去路边[卡车]餐馆或找个卡车司机来A truck stop. Or a trucker.少逞口舌之快了[别这么可爱]Oh, stop being cute.不太可能It's not possible.我们漫无目的地开了几个小时了We've been driving around aimlessly for hours.我们到底要去哪Where are we going?要去你不能回头的地方Far enough away so that you can't go running back. 别担心我跟神秘瀑布镇处于"冷战"期Not to worry. Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break. 是跟小镇冷战还是跟埃琳娜You and Mystic Falls, or you and Elena?这么说吧我和埃琳娜Let's just say Elena and I are having在我的行为问题上产生了分歧a bit of difference of opinion on how I should behave. 我猜猜埃琳娜希望你做个英雄Ooh. Let me guess-- Elena wants you to be the hero, 而你不想伪装自己and you don't like playing pretend.差不多吧Something like that.那是她的损失了Her loss.What are you doing?想试试嘛I thought I'd give it a shot.不过说实话我现在对你没兴趣了Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore.你又活了Oh, he lives.-怎么回事-你昏过去了- What happened? - You took a beating.我哥哥一下午都在不停地拧断你的脖子My brother's been breaking your neck all afternoon.他火气不小呢Quite the temper.他为什么带我们回神秘瀑布Why did he bring us back to Mystic Falls?你现在就别装傻了You can stop playing dumb now.他很快就想通了你在隐瞒什么It didn't take him long to figure out what you'd been hiding. 我没隐瞒什么I'm not hiding anything.克劳斯让我做的我都做了I've done everything Klaus has asked me to.你就是忘了提No, you just failed to mention二重身还活着的事that the doppelganger's still alive.克劳斯现在在哪Where is Klaus now?运气好的话在扯掉那头母牛的脑袋With any luck, ripping that cow's bloody head off.她在哪Where is she?你还真爱她呢You really do love her, don't you?我羡慕嫉妒恨了Consider me jealous.你还真是给我惹了大麻烦啊甜心You put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart.打破诅咒成为混血儿就是为了The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid 制造更多混血儿was to make more hybrids.而我却没能做的我敢说I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is,这跟你依然活着有些联系it has something to do with the fact that you're still breathing. 你要是想杀我就动手吧If you're going to kill me, just do it!要等到我确认这么没错Not until I know I'm right.但我确实有办法折磨你But I do have ways of making you suffer.高三生注意了Attention, seniors.你们已经被发现了恶作剧之夜结束了You have officially been busted. Prank night is over.回家吧Head on home.你们俩我记得你You two. I remember you.抱歉你是谁I'm sorry. Who are you?别担心我们上次相遇时我不太清醒Oh, don't worry, I wasn't in my right head last time we met. 请把你脚抬起来唐娜Lift your foot up, please, Dana.查德要是她脚放下来了你就打死她If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death.懂了吗Understood?别这样克劳斯你不必伤害别人Don't, Klaus. You don't have to hurt anybody.得了吧亲爱的这当然必要Oh, come on, love. Of course I do.为什么停车Why are we stopping?我想活动一下筋骨I thought we might want to stretch our legs.缓和一下异性相吸的张力Take a break from the sexual tension.我开累了I'm tired of driving.-换你来-行啊- It's your turn. - Fine.你不说清你的鬼主意我们哪都不去We're not going anywhere until you spill your guts.好吧Fine.认得这个吗Do you recognize this, hmm?有只小鸟告诉我克劳斯想得到这个A little birdy told me that Klaus wants to get his hands on it.克劳斯要埃琳娜的项链做什么Why would Klaus want Elena's necklace?管他呢他想要的在我手上Does it Matter? He wants it, and I have it.这就是筹码达蒙It's leverage, Damon.总要比你的敌人早一步Always stay one step ahead of your enemy.-谨遵教诲-但是更重要的是- I'll keep that in mind. - But more importantly,我从邦妮那里偷到项链的时候when I stole the necklace from Bonnie,我发现了一件事更棒的事I found out something else-- something better.是吗什么事Oh, yeah? What's that?你愿为阻止克劳斯无所不用其极吗Are you willing to do whatever it takes to stop Klaus?-不会反悔-我不反悔- No turning back? - I'm not turning back.很好因为这会让埃琳娜他们不太高兴Good. 'Cause this isn't going to win you any points at home.杰里米不是吧Jeremy? Really?马特不会有事吧Do you think Matt's going to be ok?我在吻你你却想着你的前男友吗I'm kissing you and you're wondering about your ex-boyfriend? 我在问你认为我们的朋友I'm asking you if you think our friend,我们都爱的朋友有没有事who we both love, is ok.我想他现在大概I think he probably doesn't have没有几个能谈心的人了a lot of people to talk to anymore.我想他的挣扎比他表现出来的更多I think he's struggling more than he lets on.我想我爱你宽广的胸怀I think that I love how big your heart is.我只是希望这个学期能很棒I just want this school year to be great, you know? 我只是希望大家都能快乐I just want everyone to be happy.即使我们处在一片疯狂的不快乐因素中Even in the midst of all the crazy unhappy bits.我很快乐I'm happy.你俩真有爱You two are adorable.我们认识吗Uh, do we know you?你是卡罗琳埃琳娜的朋友You're Caroline, Elena's friend,那么你就是泰勒which makes you Tyler.狼人The werewolf.那么你是谁And who are you?新来的I'm the new girl.卡罗琳Caroline!挺有趣的不是吗This is fun, right?你口气像卡罗琳You sound like Caroline.别这样嘛我在接受她的理论Come on, I am embracing her philosophy.你该投入一点You should be more into this.我知道杰里米去哪了I know. Where's Jeremy tonight?我一天都没跟他说话了I haven't talked to him all day.我们...We're having, um...他告诉我看到薇姬的事了He, uh, he told me about seeing Vicki.太好了幸好你知道了Ohh. Good, I'm glad that you know.对不起这样谈论你的妹妹是不是很怪I'm sorry. Is it weird talking about your sister like this?不我只是希望自己能看到她No, I--I just kind of want to see her myself, you know?我没捞着跟她道别的机会I mean, I never got to say good-bye to her.你想没想过去年夏天Do you realize that just last summer,我们还是泳池的救生员you and I were lifeguards at the pool?我人生中只有两个问题And the only two problems I had in my life埃琳娜跟我分手我心脏复苏术做的不好were that Elena was breaking up with me and I sucked at CPR.那时真是另一番风景Everything was so different then.是啊现在埃琳娜跟吸血鬼约会你是女巫Yeah. Now Elena's dating a vampire, you're a witch,我妹妹是个鬼my sister's a ghost, and...而我则琢磨着我的人生怎么会变得一团糟I'm--I'm just a guy who's wondering how life got so screwed up.确实很疯狂马特...It's crazy, Matt. I--我很难想象你是什么感受I can't imagine what it must be like for you.我...这大概就是为什么It just, uh, kind of explains我不那么热衷于高年级恶作剧之夜吧why I'm not that into senior prank night.是啊Yeah.我去多拿点纸卷来I'll go grab a couple more rolls.然后我们去体育馆Then we hit the gym.薇姬·多诺万我在这儿马特I'm here, Matt.我能帮你I can help you.不许放下Keep it up.斯特凡在哪儿你把他怎么样了Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?斯特凡暂时缺席Stefan's on a time out.邦妮快跑Bonnie, get out of here!我还在想你什么时候出现呢Ah, I was wondering when you'd show up.现在游戏开始Now we can get started.唐娜休息一下吧Ah, Dana, why don't you relax?你和查德老实坐好You and Chad sit tight.我猜伊琳娜还活着是你的杰作吧I assume you're the reason Elena's still walking around alive? 没错如果你想报复找我好了That's right. If you want to blame someone, blame me.甜心谁说要报复了Oh, there's no need for blame, love.不过你的小巫术Just your witchy interference造成了一些不良后果seems to have caused some undesirable side effects.既然事情因你而起And since you caused the problem,那么解铃还需系铃人I'm going to have you find the fix.-放开我-闭嘴- Get off of me! - Hush now.诸位见过我妹妹丽贝卡I'd like you all to meet my sister Rebekah.事先警告她可不好惹Word of warning-- she can be quite mean.-别那么讨厌-放开他- Don't be an ass. - Leave him alone!我简单明了地解释一下I'm going to make this very simple--每次我试图将狼人转化为混血儿时Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, 他们都在转化中死去they die during the transition.那真是惨不忍睹It's quite horrible, actually.我希望你想个办法拯救我的混血儿邦妮I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie.看在泰勒的份上...And for tyler's sake...你要抓紧时间了You better hurry.他杀了泰勒He killed him.泰勒没死克劳斯的血会将他转化为吸血鬼He's not dead. Klaus's blood will turn him into a vampire.如果邦妮成功找到解决办法And if Bonnie's successful,他就会在转化时活下来he'll live through his transition.去吧去查查你的魔法书Go on, then. Go and fetch your grimoires和巫术什么的and enchantments and what-not.为了安全起见埃琳娜先由我照看着I'll hold on to Elena. For safe-keeping.这就是新的二重身吗So this is the latest doppelganger.她的祖先可比她漂亮多了The original one was much prettier.够了丽贝卡Enough, Rebekah.把这个狼孩带走好吗Take the wolf boy elsewhere, would you?别理她Just ignore her.小心眼一个Petty little thing.你准备怎么办What are you going to do?毫无头绪他说的诅咒I have no idea. The curse he's talking about是几千年前的事情我的魔法书里没有记载is a thousand years old. My grimoires don't go back that far. 你能向之前帮助你的巫师亡灵们求助吗Can you ask those dead witches that helped you before?我已经无法和她们通灵了I don't have contact with them anymore--救活杰里米之后他们就和我切断了联系They cut me off when I brought Jeremy back to life.有办法了That's it!我无法和她们通灵I can't contact the dead.但杰里米可以Jeremy can.继续说I'm listening.如果说我有办法杀死克劳斯呢What if I told you there was a way to kill Klaus?不是用匕首封住他而是彻底杀死他And not dagger dead. Dead dead.那我只能说你病急乱投医I'd say you were desperate and lying.或是醉得不轻Or drunk.或者说孤注一掷胡说八道又喝醉了Or desperate, lying and drunk.-还记得我朋友珍珠吗-往事历历在目- Do you remember my friend Pearl? - Vividly.几百年前Centuries ago,她告诉我有个吸血鬼知道如何杀死克劳斯she told me about a vampire who knew how to kill Klaus. 但她不肯多说Then she wouldn't tell me any more.-为什么-因为她想以此作为筹码- Well, why not? - Because it was her leverage.她清楚这筹码很有价值She knew it was valuable information,所以不肯告诉我and wouldn't share it with me.这消息真太振奋人心了...Well, this is all great...但她已经死了but she's dead.所以我一直没提这事Which is why I never brought it up.因为她只告诉过一个人Because she only ever told one other person.-谁-她女儿- Who? - Her daughter.-安娜-也死翘翘了- Anna. - Also dead.所以我们需要...Which brings us right back around to...我To me.需要我帮忙Back around to me.斯特凡Stefan...克劳斯Klaus.来拯救你的心上人吗伙计Come to save your damsel, mate?我来请求你的宽恕I came to ask for your forgiveness.并向你保证我的忠诚And pledge my loyalty.你已经背叛了我Well, you broke that pledge once already.我和伊琳娜已经再无关系Elena means nothing to me anymore.无论你要求我做什么And whatever you ask of me...我都遵命I will do.说得好Fair enough.我们庆祝吧Let's drink on it.现在杀了他们Kill them.你在犹豫什么杀了他们What are you waiting for? Kill them.不斯特凡不要No! Stefan, don't.他不会伤害我他说过...He's not going to hurt me. He already said--ahh!你和她再无关系啊She means nothing to you?你真是谎话连篇Your lies just keep piling up.放了她你说什么我都照办我保证Let her go! I'll do whatever you want, you have my word! 你的保证已经失去意义了Your word doesn't mean much.你信了你一个夏天I lived by your word all summer,所以我一直没对你用过这个during which time I never had to resort to this-- 停止反抗Stop fighting.不要不要这样Don't do this, don't do this.这并非我本意我只要你忠诚于我I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. 现在我来确保你的忠诚是可靠Now I'm going to have to take it.不不要Don't...Don't...你将对我言听计从You will do exactly as I say.对我的命令When I say it.不畏缩不逃避You will not run, you will not hide,按命令行事you will simply just obey.不No!斯特凡Stefan!现在杀了他们开膛手Now kill them. Ripper.这没用This isn't going to work.我想你的巫师女友正担心I think that your witchy girlfriend's worried你已经跟你的鬼女友私奔了that you've run away with your ghostly lover.别这么狗血了好吗Stop with the teeny bopper drama.集中注意力Focus.我不会帮他们的I'm not helping them.不没事No, it's ok to help.他们正想法阻止克劳斯They're looking for a way to stop Klaus.我不在乎凯瑟琳不是你朋友I don't care. Katherine is not a friend to you.-他们也不是你的朋友-她说什么- Neither of them are. - What's she saying?她说她不想帮你们Well, she doesn't want to help you.听听我的建议吗My advice?舍不得孩子套不住狼啊If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 杰里米跟你说声我倒不是针对你Jeremy, I just want you to know, it's nothing personal.-搞什么鬼-杰里米- Ow! What the hell?! - Jeremy!安娜我知道你能听见Anna, I know you can hear me.告诉我们你知道的事Tell us what you know.越快对你的小男友越有利The sooner, the better for your little boyfriend here.-他们在找迈克尔-迈克尔- They're looking for Michael. - Michael!迈克尔他叫这个吗Michael. Is that his name?迈克尔是谁Who's Michael?猎杀吸血鬼的吸血鬼The vampire who hunts vampires.你可别去弄醒他他会把你们统统杀掉You don't want to wake him. He will kill all of you.-她在说什么-有人吗- What's she saying? - Hello!他是个吸血鬼也是个猎人He's a vampire and a hunter,如果你们想去弄醒他那就蠢毙了and you guys would be idiots to wake him.弄醒他是什么意思What do you mean, wake him?该去找钥匙了It's time to go find the keys.在我们那年代还没有手机We didn't have mobile telephones in my day.我觉得有的话肯定让生活方便多了Would have made life a whole lot easier, I suppose.泰勒在哪里Where's Tyler?他死了He's dead.假死Ish.你对他做了什么What did you do to him?就当他是在打盹吧Think of it as he's having a nap.他醒来了他就是个混血了When he wakes up, he'll be a hybrid.呸真恶心Ugh. Vomit.那是我的项...Is that my neck--这个双重身贱人怎么会戴着我的项链Why is that doppelganger bitch wearing my necklace?! 能看到一个吸血鬼本性的一面也不错啊It's always nice to see a vampire in his true element. 我族人的嗜血本领大有增进The species has become such a broody lot.不是是你逼他这么做的No. You did this to him.我只不过是开导他一下亲爱的I invited him to the party, love.又没指挥他这么做He's the one dancing on the table.它在哪里Where is it?!我的项链在哪里Where's my necklace?-你在说什么-我的项链在她那里- What are you talking about? - She has my necklace. 你看Look.很好又骗我Well, well. More lies.它...在哪里Where...is it?-它不在我这儿-你说谎- I don't have it anymore. - You're lying!住手Knock it off!让她告诉我项链在哪里尼克Make her tell me where it is, Nik!项链在哪里小甜心老实点Where's the necklace, sweetheart? Be honest.我说的是真的I'm telling the truth.凯瑟琳偷走了Katherine stole it.卡特琳娜Katerina.果然Of course.真是很不幸Well, that's unfortunate.如果我们有项链你们的女巫If we had the necklace it would make things办事会方便很多a whole lot easier for your witch,不过既然我们要这么麻烦but since we're doing this the hard way,我们来定个闹钟怎么样let's put a clock on it, shall we?二十分钟20 minutes.如果邦妮到时候没找到解决的办法If Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then,我要你再喝一次血不过这次I want you to feed again. Only this time,我要你喝埃琳娜的I want you to feed on Elena.你知道你想的You know you want to.不克劳斯别这样对他No, Klaus! Don't do this to him!都留在这里如果她逃跑折断她的脊椎No one leaves. If she tries to run, fracture her spine.你找到杰里米了吗Did you find Jeremy?没有我给他打了20个电话了No! I called him like 20 times.好吧我去拿钥匙我们直接去他家All right, I'll grab my keys, we'll head to his house.好的我在你的卡车旁等你Ok. I'll meet you by your truck.这么回事What the hell?这是在耍我吧Oh, you've got to be kidding me!马特Matt!我能帮你马特但你得听到我说话I can help you, Mattie, but I need you to hear me.薇姬Vicki?怎么会这么久What is taking so long?这听起来很疯狂This is going to sound crazy,可是我觉得薇姬在设法和我交流but I think Vicki's trying to reach out to me.-什么-我觉得她能帮到泰勒- What? - I think she can help us save Tyler.不杰里米才能帮我们救泰勒No, Jeremy can help us save Tyler.我们找不到杰里米我们得试试别的法子We can't find Jeremy. We need to try something else. 我有个办法不过得要你帮忙I have an idea but I'm going to need your help.-来泳池找我-我没明白- Meet me at the pool. - I don't understand.杰里米能看见鬼魂Jeremy can see ghosts是因为你让他起死回生because you brought him back from the dead.-我需要你对我做一次-什么- I need you to do that for me. - What?!不马特那太疯狂了No, Matt, that's crazy!-会有用的相信我-不行马特- This is going to work, trust me. - No, Matt.我再也施不了那样的魔法了I can't do that kind of magic anymore.你不用施魔法邦妮You don't need magic, Bonnie.你只要比我在行心肺复苏术就行You just have to be better than I was at CPR.别睡过去了杰里你可能脑震荡了Don't fall asleep, Jer. You might have a concussion.多谢关心混蛋Thanks for the concern, dick.别不高兴了他这是为了集体利益Oh, stop pouting. He took one for the team.克劳斯死后大家回到家都会感谢你的Everyone back home will thank you once Klaus is dead.我的手机呢Where's my phone?你是要给埃琳娜申报一下吗Do you need to check in with Elena?确认一下她不介意你揍了她的宝贝弟弟Make sure it's ok you pummeled her little baby bro?-你知道在你那里-我能说什么呢- You know you have it. - What can I say?我要你现在待在这里I need you present here now.凯瑟琳手机给我Katherine, phone, now.邦妮一直在给我发短信Bonnie's been texting me.说什么了What is it?-是克劳斯-没得回头了达蒙- It's Klaus. - No turning back, Damon.-闭嘴凯瑟琳-大局为重- Shut up, Katherine. - Hey, look at the big picture.找到迈克尔才是除掉克劳斯的最佳选择The best shot at taking out Klaus is by finding Michael. 和她待一块让安娜引导你我去去就回Stay with her so Anna can guide you. I'll be back.你这是回去找死You're going to get yourself killed.我心目中的达蒙不会做这种蠢事The Damon I remember wouldn't have been that stupid.要是为了你就不会I wouldn't have done it for you.马特拜托我做不到Matt, please! I can't do this.我没什么能做的了There's nothing else I can do!马特马特Matt. Matt.薇姬Vicki?马特Matt.求求你Please!我能看到你I can see you.我要你非常认真的听我说I need you to listen to me very carefully.我没多少时间I don't have much time.为什么怎么回事我们在哪Why, what's happening? Where are we?这不要紧我要你给邦妮带个信It doesn't matter. I need you to give Bonnie a message.没事了It's ok.你没事了You're ok.卡罗琳的爸爸Caroline's dad!斯特凡他能够抵御控制Stefan, he was able to resist compulsion.我不知道原理但他确实做到了I don't know how, but he did it.也许你也做得到Maybe it's possible.是啊也许只要用意识控制Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's just mind control, right?也许只需要一点专注再加上几十年的训练Maybe it just takes some focus, a couple decades of training. -没什么大不了-斯特凡你可以的- No big deal. - Stefan, you can control this.这一阵过去之后When that buzzer goes off,只管喝我的血just--just drink from me.你不明白我停不下来埃琳娜You don't get it. I can't stop, Elena!我是个杀人狂杀人狂不会停I'm a ripper! A ripper doesn't stop!我想听清你口中说出的话I listen to the words that come out of your mouth,却只听见你的心脏and all I hear is the sound of your heart泵血到你全身的脉动声pumping blood through your body.随着时间推移And when that clock ticks down...我将不得不喝你的血I'm going to have to feed on you.你知道更糟的是什么吗And you want to know what's worse?我根本停不下来I'm not going to be able to stop.我不相信你可以克服的I don't believe that. You can fight it.只要你的愿望足够强烈You just have to want it bad enough.-为什么就因为我爱你吗-对- Why, because I love you? - Yeah!没错斯特凡因为你爱我That's right, Stefan. Because you love me.你会克服的因为我们共度了那么难关You'll fight because after everything that we've been through, 这是你欠我的you owe me that!知道吗你说得对You know what, you're right.你是对的我欠你太多了You're right. I owe you everything.因为在那个过程中是你Because through all of this, you are the one thing让我坚持下去that has kept me from giving up,让我保有人性from turning it all off.但我无法自控埃琳娜But I can't help what I am, Elena.喝越多血我就越想要更多The more blood that I get, the more I want,如果让我喝到你的血and if I get so much as near yours...你就死定了You are dead.我在哪里我怎么了Where am I? What happened?-泰勒-别害羞-Tyler -Don't be shy about it.发生了什么What's going on?克劳斯要把你变成吸血鬼Klaus is turning you into a vampire.变成混血儿A hybrid.你在转化You're in transition.别避重就轻亲爱的Don't leave out the hard part, sweets.小巫女成功了你才能活下来You'll only survive if your witch is successful.若非如此If not...你就死定了you're pretty much dead.你会没事的You're going to be ok.好吧会没事的Ok? It's gonna be ok.我想知道她是怎么做到的I wonder how she's doing.体育馆的计时钟在读秒Tick tock goes the gym clock.一旦你感觉好点了As soon as you're feeling better,我会马上杀了你I'm going to kill you.这样做有用我看见薇姬了It worked. I saw her, I saw Vicki.-你看见了吗-她说她要给你带个话- You did? - She said she had a message for you.-给我吗-那是给克劳斯下混血诅咒的- For me? - From the witch that put巫女留下的话the hybrid curse on Klaus.她说不该让埃琳娜从克劳斯的仪式上生还She said that Elena shouldn't have survived Klaus' ritual. 混血儿无法转化是因为埃琳娜还活着The hybrids can't transition because Elena's still alive. -泰勒-他会死对吗- Tyler... - He's going to die, isn't he?我还不能肯定I wouldn't be too sure about that.鉴于二重身和混血儿之间的选择Given the choice, doppelganger or a hybrid,我总是选混血儿I go hybrid every time.埃琳娜你必须逃跑Elena, you're going to have run.但克劳斯说如果我逃But Klaus said that if I run--我知道他说了什么I know what he said,但你若留下也无济于事but if you stay, it won't matter.埃琳娜求你求你了Elena, please, please, please.埃琳娜Elena...没别的办法There's no other way.有办法斯特凡那就是为自己而战There is another way, Stefan. It's for you to fight. 斯特凡我爱你Stefan... I love you.挺住斯特凡别放弃Fight, Stefan. Don't give up.我撑不住了I can't hold it.埃琳娜跑快Elena, run! Go!我们别再这样见面了We've got to stop meeting like this.实在太妙了我还从没见识过Now this is fascinating. I've never seen this before. 唯一比你的嗜血欲望更强烈的The only thing stronger than your craving for blood 竟然是你对这姑娘的爱is your love for this one girl.干嘛不封闭你的感情Why don't you turn it off?-不-来吧- No! - Come on.你的人性会害死你Your humanity is killing you.被罪恶感纠缠一定不好受All the guilt must be exhausting.-封闭你的感情-不- Turn it off. - No!-斯特凡-你很强大- Stefan... - You're strong.但还不够强大But you're not that strong.封闭上Turn...it...感情off.不No!封闭上感情Turn it off!你做了什么What did you do?我把他治好了I fixed him.但我想使用前得先测试一下对吧But I think a test is in order, don't you?开膛手Ripper...你想不想把这个二重身Perhaps you'd like a drink...喝个干净from the doppelganger's neck.有结论了女巫祖先说Well, the verdict's in. The original witch二重身应该死掉的says the doppelganger should be dead.就是说我们可以杀了她Does that mean we can kill her?不我很肯定事实正相反No, I'm fairly certain it means the opposite. 什么What?!也许是直觉吧Call it a hunch--这是埃琳娜的血喝下去Elena's blood. Drink it.不别别泰勒不要No! No, no, no, Tyler, don't!如果他不吸血他也终究会死亲爱的If he doesn't feed, he'll die anyway, love.把这想成是个实验。

吸血鬼日记第三季(6)Elena:You saw him out there? Damon,Is he ok?Damon:No.he's not ok,Elena. He's an insufferable martyr that needs his ass kicked...But he can be saved.Elena:What happened out there? What changed your mind?Damon:I changed my mind because even in his darkest place,my brother still can't let me die.So I figure I owe him the same in return. I'll help you bring him back.Elena:Thank you.第三集Stefan:It's never going to be same,Elena.Elena:I know that.Stefan:I don't think you do.Elena:Lexi found you like this before. In the 20s,and she saved you.Stefan:And you know what I did after that?I spent 30 years trying to pull myself together. To a vampire,that's nothing.To you,that's half your life.Elena:I can't give up on you,Stefan.Stefan:Yes,you can. It's done. That part of my life is done.I don't want to see you. I don't want to be with you. I just want you to go.第四集Tyler:What are you doing here?Caroline:Hiding out from my dad. He's here.Tyler:Are you OK? Do you want me to kick his ass?Caroline:Yes. No.I bought him the shirt he's wearing,it is really expensive.And through everything... ...he's still my dad.第五集Klaus:Now this is fascinating.I've never seen this before.The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl.Why don't you turn it off?Stefan:No.Klaus:Your humanity is killing you.All the guilt must be exhausting.Turn it off.Stefan:No!Klaus:You are strong,but you are not that strong.Turn it off.Stefan:No第六集Damon:compulsion or not,stefan's high on human blood.OK?A lot of it.Elena:You've gotten him off it before.Damon:This is different .It's not a stint in rehab, Elena. His humaninity's gone.Light‘s out. No one's home.Elena:Then do it for me,Damon.Every single time I look at him,I feel like I'm going to break.And I'm not going to,give him that satisfaction.Damon:I'll do whatever it is you need me to do,Elena.八、获奖记录2010美国青少年选择奖科幻/幻想类男演员选择奖:保罗-韦斯利《吸血鬼日记》科幻/幻想类女演员选择奖:妮娜-杜波夫《吸血鬼日记》新人男演员选择奖:保罗-韦斯利《吸血鬼日记》新人女演员选择奖:妮娜-杜波夫《吸血鬼日记》反面角色选择奖:伊恩-萨默海尔德《吸血鬼日记》科幻/幻想类电视剧选择奖:《吸血鬼日记》2011美国青少年选择奖科幻/幻想类男演员选择奖:伊恩-萨默海尔德《吸血鬼日记》科幻/幻想类女演员选择奖:妮娜-杜波夫《吸血鬼日记》科幻/幻想类电视剧选择奖:《吸血鬼日记》选择奖抢戏奖:卡特琳娜·格兰厄姆、迈克尔·特瑞威诺九、播出信息回归日期(美国):2011年9月15日回归日期(中国):2011年9月16日番外篇番外篇(36张)一般情况下每周五播出(以下日期皆为北京时间)2011-11-18 暂停播出改播剧中Stefan的演员Paul Wesley演出的电影“蔚蓝之下”2012-01-06 第三季第10集回归2012-02-24 暂停播出2012-03-16 第三季第16集回归2012-05-10 第三季大结局十、相关新闻在本周的《吸血鬼日记》第三季第8集中,我们将了解更多关于吸血鬼始祖的故事,还有神秘瀑布镇的起源。

"吸血鬼日记"前情提要Previously on "the Vampire Diaries"...比你对血的渴求更炽热的竟是对这姑娘的爱The only thing stronger than your craving for blood is your love for this one girl. - 关掉- 不要!- Turn it off. - No!关掉!Turn it off!- 你干嘛了? - 我治好了他- What did you do? - I fixed him.克劳斯走了Klaus is gone.他要我看着你直到他回来He's asked me to keep watch on you until he returns.从现在起我保护你From now on,you're under my protection.有点像一边推一边拉It's kind of a push and pull.我在另一边推着自己试着联系你I'm pushing from the other side trying to contact you,而有时就比如刚才如果你拉...and sometimes,like just now,if you pull...邦妮别忽略我电话啦Bonnie,stop dodging my calls.为什么你打她电话时还想着我?Why are you thinking about me when you're calling her?我觉得我是不自禁想你I don't think I canstop thinking about you.- 凯琳旁边的男人是谁? - 梅森.洛克伍德- Who's the guy with Carol? - Mason Lockwood.梅森.洛克伍德是狼人Mason Lockwood is a werewolf.他一有机会就会宰了我He'd kill me the first chance he got.这下好玩了This is going to be fun.哦搞笑呢吧Oh,you got to be kidding me.疼吧?Hurts,doesn't it?哦斯特凡!Oh,Stefan!没下限啊斯特凡没格调Low blow,Stefan. Low blow.你这是怎么了哦?What the hell happened to you?不管你玩啥撕裂者把戏别把我扯进来Whatever twisted ripper game this is,leave me out of it.不是我干的I didn't do this.别胡闹了!Quit screwin' around!我真没I didn't.哟还挺严重的嘛?It's pretty messed up though,isn't it?是呀你别担心了Yeah,not to worry.我自个儿解开就好啦I'll just untangle myself.作为历史协会资深会员As a long-time member of the historical society,今天我很荣幸地在此为庆典揭幕I am especially proud to be kicking off this day of festivities. 多谢志愿者们Thank you,volunteers.今晚我们关掉全镇的灯光Tonight,we turn off our town's lights .点起灯来以此纪念我镇创始人于150年前点起的小镇启明之火and flare up our lanterns in honor of the night of illumination started by our founders 150 years ago.有请创始人家族成员Tobias Fell为大家做历史演讲Here's founding family memberTobias fell with a history lesson.咱在这干嘛哦?What are we doing here?Tobias Fell是历史系的头头Tobias fell is the headof the history department.我也没的选I didn't have a choice.好吧所以你只能在这儿All right,that explainswhat you're doing here.你也得在这帮我不然我可是能让你挂科的哦Well,I'm the one who can failyou if you don't help me out.嘿抱歉我来迟了错过啥了?Hey,sorry I'm late. What did I miss?- 一堆历史谎言- 没错过啥- Just a bunch of historical lies. - You didn't miss anything.第一盏灯是为了庆祝神秘瀑布镇The first illumination was held in celebration with the new found prosperity在战后重建的繁荣而点的that Mystic Falls enjoyed after the war.那也是创始人从吸血鬼那偷的After the founders stole from all the vampires.什么那么好笑了?What's so funny?为向他们的友邻显示他们又能安全出门了To indicate that it was safe for their neighbors to come outside again.没吸血鬼侵袭了吧Safe from the vampires.话说你施了个咒把薇琪送走也把安娜弄走了咩?So when you did the spell to sendVicki away,did that get rid of Anna,too?我倒想呢I wish.我不过是挡住了帮助薇琪在这边找实物支点的魔法All I did was block the magic that was helping Vicki get a physical foothold here. 杰米还是和另一边保持直接联系Jeremy's still got a directline to the other side,只要他们还想互相见面她还是会在这儿and as long as he wants to see Anna andshe wants to see him,she's still here.好吧你知道我忍不住要吐槽几句吧Ok,you don't think I can actuallyresist commenting on that.好啦刚不就是嘛There. You commented.- 邦妮...- 你想让我咋说呢凯罗琳?- Bonnie...- What do you want me to say,Caroline?我把杰米救活时可是违反了自然界平衡的I went against the balance of naturewhen I brought Jeremy back to life,现在活该自讨苦吃and now I'm paying the consequences.我想你说你不乐意Well,I want you to sayyou're not ok with it.我可是千万个不乐意啊只是不知道该咋办I'm a thousand times not ok with it.I just don't know what to do about it.你们好啊金发女巫女Greetings,blondie. Witchy.你把Vicki Donovan赶走那次把你那些魔法线都搞乱了吧I think you got your voodoo wires allcrossed when you got rid of Vicki Donovan.啥意思怎么了?What do you mean,why?我很确定我刚被梅森.洛克伍德的亡魂给火烤了Because I'm pretty sure I just gotspit-roasted by Mason Lockwood's ghost.- 啥? - 为啥你会这么想?- What? - And why would you think that?可能是因为他把我绑椅子上将个拨火棒塞进我胸腔Maybe because he chained me to a chairand shoved a hot poker in my chest.有种似曾相识的感觉呢Let's just say I'm having deja vu.我记得你说鬼魂接触不到人I thought you said that ghosts couldn'tphysically interact with people.是不能They can't.我可没空应付一个复仇的亡魂啊杀了谁谁就应该永远死了Yeah,well,I don't have time for a vengeful Lockwood.When I kill someone,they're supposed to stay dead.不管你搞砸了什么补救一下Whatever you screwed up,fix it.- Jer 帮个忙- 怎么了?- Hey,Jer,I need you to help me with something.- What's up?我在看斯特凡的旧日记I've been going through Stefan's old journals.过去每当他越轨脱缰时Every single time that he'sgone off the rails in the past,他的好友Lexi都帮他回头his best friend Lexi's beenthe one to bring him back.- 她在哪? 我们需要她- 死了- So where is she now that we need her? - She's dead.你是不是想让我召唤她?And you want me to tryto reach her,don't you?我想如果我知道她怎么做的也许我能帮他I thought if I knew how she did it,maybe I could help him.我都不知道她是否在另一边I don't even know if she's on the other side.- 这是专用叫法? - 安娜这么叫- Is that what it's called? - That's what Anna calls it.这可没有宣传册之类There's not like an official brochure or anything.那像什么? 超自然炼狱?So what is it,like some sort of supernatural purgatory?安娜说像和我们一起但我们听不到也看不到她Well,Anna said it's like being here with all of us, only we can't see her or hear her. 她不能接触到人很孤独And she can't interact with anyone. She's all alone.薇琪能她炸了我的车Vicki could interact.She blew up my car.那边有女巫帮Vicki 安娜...Vicki had help from a witchon the other side. Anna...就她一个人She's doing this all by herself.关于召唤死人也许我们也该吸取教训了I'm just saying,maybe we learned ourlesson about summoning dead people.我发誓没再看到过薇琪I haven't seen Vicki,I swear.- 我照你说的让她回去了- 你确定?- I sent her back like you told me to.- Are you sure?她和梅森一样有理由去缠着戴蒙Because she has just as much reasonto haunt Damon as Mason Lockwood does.邦妮她走了如果她在我感觉得到She's gone,Bonnie. Ifshe was here,I'd know it.为什么你觉得是薇琪不是梅森?Why do you think it'sVicki and not Mason?因为如果除了薇琪其他鬼魂也有在这世界的支点Because if any ghost other than VickiDonovan has a physical foothold on our side,就像戴蒙说的出大错了then that means Damon's right andsomething has gone really,really wrong.我受够了这鬼魂的事I've had enough of this ghost stuff to last forever.这次就不搅合了So you guys can leaveme out of this one.他真惨让妹妹离开伤透了他心I feel so sad for him. It took alot for him to send his sister away.是啊Yeah.男人得有多大勇气哦So much strength as a man.凯罗琳我还要对付鬼魂I've got a ghost problemto deal with,Caroline.杰米的事以后你再教训我Save the Jeremy lecture for later.- 你的魔法书... - 我觉得是- Ok,did your grimoire just... - I think so.请告诉我这是女巫曲奇配方Ok,please tell me that's a recipe for witch cookies.是显像咒语用来使隐藏的事物现形It's a manifestation spell. It's used to reveal veiled matter.- 隐藏的事物是什么? - 鬼魂- What's veiled matter? - Ghosts.你觉得能和莱西联系吗?Do you think it's even possible to contact Lexi?不知道I don't know.我和她没感情联系都没见过她I didn't have an emotional connectionwith her. I never even met her.- 能不能放弃这个? - 里克我不能我不知道还能做什么- Can we just drop it,please?- No,I can't drop it,Ric. I don't know what else to do.你不觉得咱在这儿坐着Don't you think we have a few too many dead vampires考虑着的过往的死吸血鬼也忒多了点儿么?in our past to be sitting herethinking of them watching us?不是所有超自然生物都去那边I don't think all supernatural spirits go to the other side.有些会归于平静I think some of them find peace.- 安娜就在这儿? - 别说实话- Is Anna here right now? - Don't tell her I'm here.她会生气的She won't like it.没有我去查下排班表No,no. I'm going to go,uh,check my work schedule.大家好Hey,guys.谁忘了邀我来家庭聚会?Who forgot to invite me to the family summit?这些文字哟All these words.我都忘记我曾多在乎I forgot how much I used to care.我没忘I didn't.艾琳娜别拿过去的记忆折磨自己You know,Elena,it's probably best you nottorture yourself with memories from the past.我们最好向前看接受事物的本质It's best we both just move on and accept things as they are. 斯特凡你不必在这儿You don't have to be here,Stefan.Alaric说得对我不必在这儿You know what,Alaric,you're right. I don't.但艾琳娜在我是保护她的But Elena's here,and I look out for Elena.而且今晚人山人海Besides,there's going to be people everywhere tonight.食物充足哦So there's going to be lots to eat.开玩笑的放松点I'm kidding,I'm kidding. Loosen up.里克我不能放弃I can't drop it,Ric.这就是你救活杰米的地方So this is where youbrought Jeremy back to life.是Yeah.抱歉是有点恐怖但我们需要清净地方来施咒语Sorry,I know it's creepy,but we needed aprivate place around here to do the spell.这里不闹鬼吧?There's no chance it's hauntedby the hundred dead witches正是在这儿烧死了数百女巫呢吧?who were horrifically burned to death in this very spot,is there?女巫不在了她们确定永远不回来They're not here anymore. And they madeit clear they were never coming back.好吧Right.拉个勾?A pinkie swear?怎么了?What's wrong?为什么要我撒谎?Why did you tell me to lie?艾琳娜是邦妮最好的朋友Elena is Bonnie's best friend.她会介意我们的事She won't like what'sgoing on between us.我们有什么事?What is going on between us?为什么我们可以接触彼此?薇琪可是用了魔法Ok,how are we able to touch? Vicki had to use magic to do that.不知道I don't know.说实话我一点也不知道Honestly,I have no idea.另一边世界帮薇琪找到支点的女巫她在帮你吗?This witch on the other side that gave Vicki her foothold,is she helping you now? 啥? 没有!What? No!- 我是独自一人杰米我跟你说过了- 向我发誓- I'm all alone,Jeremy,I told you that. - Swear to me.我发誓I swear.我对你对任何人不构成任何威胁我保证I'm not any danger to you or anybody,I promise.我需要你相信我I need you to believe me.我都不该跟你说话的I shouldn't even be talking to you.这不正常This is not ok.那就送我走吧Then send me away.我们都很想与彼此共处这是我在这的唯一原因I'm only here because you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you. 送我走就好了杰米Send me away,Jeremy.就这么简单It's that easy.我不知道这是怎么回事也不知道什么时候会停下I don't know why this is happening or when it's going to stop.但在一切结束前我不能放手But before it's done... I have to do this.可以了吗? 还要我...Ready? Do you need me to do...哦好吧Right. Ok.- 我去找杰米- 我马上就回- I'll grab Jeremy. - I'll be right back.我今天受够吸血鬼了谢谢You know,I've had enough vampires today,thanks.得了陪我喝杯吧咱有麻烦了Oh,come on. Have a drink with me. We've got trouble.是你有麻烦吧我们可不是一起的你还想杀我了着No,you've got trouble. See,we're not a team. You tried to kill me.好吧? 我们不是朋友我不喜欢你了All right? We're not friends. I don't like you anymore.但你记着当初还喜欢我时我们谋划着杀了狼人叔叔梅森.洛克伍德的事吧? But remember back when you liked me and weconspired to kill Uncle werewolf Mason Lockwood?- 记着所以呢? - 他可能还没消气呢- Yeah,and? - I think he's still a little pissed.邦妮我不喜欢这样Bonnie,I don't like this.邦妮...Bonnie...天呐那是你...Oh,my God. Is that your...奶奶?Grams.安娜?Anna?莱西Lexi.- 梅森- 天呐我太怀念威士忌了- Mason! - God,I miss whisky.我说了吧Told ya.- 嗨- 你死了- Hi.- You're dead.实际上你也死了Well,technically,so are you.- 那我怎么可以看到... - 看到我? 我也不知道- Then how the hell can I see... - See me? Yeah,I have no idea.我也不知会持续多久所以就直奔主题好了And I have no idea how long it's going to last,so let's get right to the point. 你又走上歧途了走太远了You're off the rails. Big time.我不知道你怎么会在这但你不要烦我了好吧?Look,I don't know how you're here,but you need to leave me alone,ok?我要是不帮你还算什么朋友?Now what kind of a friend would I be if Ididn't help you out of this mess you're in?- 我不想要你帮忙- 你每次都这样讲- I don't want your help.- You know,you say that every time."我不想你帮我我不想好转别管我""I don't want your help,I don'twant to get better,leave me alone."也许这回你该听我的了Well,maybe you should listen this time.或者我这样Or maybe I should do this.我不敢相信你真的在这I can't believe you're here!别哭了没时间哭哭啼啼了Now stop your crying,we don't have time for tears.- 很高兴再见凯罗琳- 你好Sheila夫人- Nice to see you again,Caroline.- Hi,miss Sheila.你捅了好大的篓子啊宝贝A fine mess you've made,honey.女巫们说了让杰米复活会有后果的你还是这样做了The witches told you there'd be consequencesto bringing Jeremy back and you did it anyway.我别无选择I didn't have a choice.我爱他...我没法就这样放手I love him and I... I couldn't just let him go.我明白I understand.但你使通向另一边世界的门产生了裂缝But you cracked open the door to the other side.这边有个老女巫There's an old witch over here.她利用了这一点她利用了你亲爱的She took advantage of it. She took advantage of you,honey. 你施咒送走Vicki Donovan时她趁机打开了那道门When you did that spell to send VickiDonovan away,she wedged the door wide open.让心愿未了的鬼魂都有机可乘Giving a free pass to anybody with unfinished business.- 你怎么知道这些的? - 女巫也闲聊的- How do you know this? - Witches talk.在另一边也如此Even on the other side.你以为那么多规矩是谁定的?Who do you think makes all the rules?她们想怎样?What does the witch want?那是初代吸血鬼的事了跟你无关That's original vampire business,not yours.我不想让你搅进去I don't want you getting in the middle of that.我来这是因为你打破了自然界的平衡I'm here because you upset the balance of nature.你有责任让其恢复正常And it's your duty to set it right.你要把那扇门关上You need to close that door.那要怎么做?How do we do that?显然那女巫可以通过她的护身符从这边获取力量Apparently the old witch can draw powerfrom this side because of her talisman.护身符...我的项链?Talisman... My necklace?它是个力量源泉之类的东西It's some ju ju power source.我知道你不想但邦妮得把它毁掉And I know you're not going to like this,but Bonnie needs to destroy it. 我刚撞见杰米和安娜接吻我对此完全没意见I just walked in on Jeremy kissing the reason I'm completely ok with that. 什么?! 不是开玩笑吧?What?! Are you kidding?我倒希望是但项链不在我这I wish. Look,I don't have the necklace.在戴蒙那里给他发短信我马上给你回话Damon has it somewhere. Text him. I'll call you right back.艾琳娜...Elena...你得马上消失或者蒸发掉或者...就是你们鬼魂的那些事You need to disappear or evaporate or whatever it is that you ghosts do. - 这不是她的错- 你说得对是你的错- Hey,it's not her fault. - You're right,it's yours.- 这是怎么回事? - 我不知道好吧?- How did this happen? - I don't know. Ok?我不知道就这样发生了I don't know. It just... it did.艾琳娜拜托别告诉邦妮Elena,please. You can't tell Bonnie.别担心这该你来告诉她Don't worry. I'm going to let you do that.等我帮她把鬼魂赶走的Right after I help her send the ghosts away.看来今天想见我很合适啊艾琳娜Looks like today was a good day to be thinking about me,Elena.- 莱西? - 跟我来- Lexi? - Come with me.- 去哪? - 杀手戒瘾第一课大突击- Where? - Ripper detox 101. Crash course.我...I...不好意思你不是迫切的想让我帮忙救斯特凡吗?I'm sorry,did you not just say how desperateyou were for my help in saving Stefan's life?我们走吧我这辈子都没法知道那项链的去向了I am never going to hear the end of that damn necklace.会有人帮我付酒钱的吧?One of you will pay for this,right?干Cheers.说正事吧我杀了你Let's get to it. I killed you.你想报仇先排个队吧You want revenge. Get in line.其实我想要的是道歉Actually,I want an apology.祝你好运Good luck with that.你没有家人可以缠吗?Don't you have a family to haunt?你外甥可变成没主见的混血奴才了You know your nephew has turned into a mindless hybrid Minion.我就是为这个来的帮泰勒一把That's why I'm here. To help Tyler.老兄都不忍心告诉你你帮不了泰勒的Well,sorry to break it to you,buddy,but Tyler can't be helped.除非克劳斯死掉这又不大可能At least not while Klaus is alive. Which is,like,always.这不一定要是能找到可以杀掉他的武器呢Not necessarily. Not if you found a weapon that could kill him.没有武器可以...There is no weapon that...- 你都知道什么? - 我知道你需要道歉- What do you know? - I know you need to apologize.开什么玩笑You got to be kidding me.你从不悔过吗? 道歉就是!Are you incapable of remorse? Just apologize!你说得对You're right.我不该杀你的I didn't have to kill you.我会做很多不该做的事I do a lot of things I don't have to do.可以了That's good enough.到洛克伍德家的老地牢来Meet me at the old Lockwoodcellar. Bring a shovel.自己来就好And come alone.- 你是要把我活埋吗? - 别诱惑我- What,you're going to bury me alive?- Don't tempt me.克劳斯把他毁的不轻啊Klaus really did a number on him,huh?他蛊惑他摒弃了自己人性的一面He compelled him toturn off his humanity.我们只要说服他再打开就好了Well,we're just going to have to convince him to turn it back on.我得提醒你不会好看的I have to warn you,it's not going to be pretty.我受得了I can handle it.醒醒瞌睡虫Wake up,sleepyhead.感觉怎么样?How you feelin'?这是干什么?What is this?放我走!Let me out of here!小点声拜托Inside voices,please.我正试着进入你大脑呢I'm trying to get inside your head.艾琳娜Elena.- 把她弄走拜托- 不- Get rid of her,please. - No.第一步把他饿干First step,drying him out.逼走饥饿Starve away the blood lust.消除诱惑Strip away the temptation.不会有用的莱西你做不到This isn't going to work,Lexi. You can't do this.跟你说了不好看吧?You heard the not pretty part?听到了I heard you.你在干什么?What are you doing?你在干什么莱西?!What are you doing,Lexi?!做我最拿手的事呀亲爱的Doing what I do best,sweetness.救你的命I'm saving your life.你还真来啦I'm surprised you showed.你拿能干掉克劳斯的唯一办法引诱我那我的积极性当然相当高咯You put a snag in my only other Klaus lead. So I'd say I'm highly motivated. Mikael? 这样啊Mikael? Yeah.他那边不行了是吧?That didn't turn out so great,did it?你怎么知道这么多?How do you know so much?在那边没事可做嘛就看着其他人把事情搞砸咯There's not much to do on the other side but sitaround and watch other people screw things up.我们要找什么?What are we looking for?洛克伍德家族有个古老的传说有一件武器能杀死初代吸血鬼There's an old Lockwood family legend abouta weapon that can kill an original vampire.就跟其他的秘密一样被埋起来了Like the rest of their secrets,they kept it buried.行了我来吧Oh,come on,give me the thing.闪边去看我的Move. I got it.进去吧Go for it.您先请You first.怎么? 怕我阴你啊?What,you think I'm leading you into a trap?明枪易躲暗箭难防The thought crossed my mind.我饿了饿死了!I'm starving. I'm starving. I'm starving!放我走! 放我出去求你们了Let me out! Let me out. Please let me out.他这是怎么了?What's happening?幻觉作祟3个月未食鲜血的状态He's hallucinating. That's three months without any blood.放我走!Let me out!现在是9个月Now he's at nine months.2年5年Two years... Five.你死了我超级开心这话我告诉过你吗?Did I ever tell you how glad I am that you're dead?我也想你朋友I missed you,too,friend.喂?Hello?项链不在戴蒙说的地方而且现在也联系不上他So the necklace isn't where Damon said it would be and now we can't reach Damon. 听着叫邦妮把驱鬼的事缓一缓Listen,I need you to get Bonnie to hold off on sending the ghosts back.什么?! 你不是完全赞成这事吗?What?! But you said you were in full support of getting rid of them.之前是现在也是I was. I am.听我说莱西在这她在帮斯特凡Look,Lexi's here and she's helping with Stefan.好吧先找到项链再处理你俩的男友问题Ok,let's just find it first and then we'll choose between boyfriend ghost dramas.你说什么?What are you talking about?莱西回来了艾琳娜叫我们先别摧毁项链Lexi's back,so Elena wants us to hold off on destroying the necklace.你说男友问题包括我了You said boyfriend dramas. Plural.怎么了凯罗琳?What is it,Caroline?艾琳娜看到杰米亲了安娜Elena caught Jeremy kissing Anna.- 什么? - 很抱歉- What? - I'm sorry.他亲了她?He kissed her?她现在有支点了可能觉得自己能留下吧She's got a foothold now,so she probably thinks that she's here to stay. 但我们要找到项链好吗?But you and I,Bonnie,we'regoing to find that necklace. Ok?好Ok.安娜! 安娜Anna! Anna.抱歉Sorry.安娜!Anna!- 对不起- 没关系- Hey,man sorry about that. - No problem,buddy.你看见Tobias Fell了吗?他应该来主持点灯仪式的Have you seen Tobias Fell? He's supposed to do the lighting ceremony.没见No.- Frederick? - 这不是Pearl的女儿嘛- Frederick? - If it isn't pearl's daughter.AnnabelleLittle Annabelle.晚上好女士们先生们Good evening,ladies and gentlemen.Fell好像有事抽不开身Mr. Fell seems to have been detained,历史系的Saltzman老师毛遂自荐来为我们主持点灯仪式so the history department's very ownMr. Saltzman has agreed to fill in.安娜!Anna!还跟Gilbert家的儿子来往哈?Still hanging aroundthe Gilbert kid,huh?看来你忘了你母亲是死在谁手上了I guess you forgot the fact that his family killed you and your mother. 找到你了There you are.- 没什么事吧? - 这就要问你祖先了- Is everything all right? - Ask your ancestors.你在这干什么Frederick?What are you doing here,Frederick?这是创始人家族的庆典啊Well,it's a founder's celebration.我们...And we...我们跟他们还有账没算清楚呢Have got some unfinished businesswith the founding families.我代表瀑布镇高中历史协会On behalf of Mystic Falls high school historical society,为大家主持点灯仪式let's light 'em up.艾琳娜我好难受求你帮帮我Elena,Elena. I'm hurting. Please help me.别听他的无视他Don't listen. Shut him out.- 我这就是在帮你斯特凡- 让我干什么都行我改还不行嘛- I am helping you,Stefan.- I'll do anything. I'll change. I promise.鬼扯现在他什么话都说得出来It's a lie. He'll say anything right now.艾琳娜对不起对不起Elena,I'm sorry. I'm sorry.让她住手求你了别这样对我Just make it stop. Please,just make it stop.不要感情用事You have to separate yourself from your emotions.别让他利用这一点Don't let him play with them.看着我看着我艾琳娜Hey,look at me. Look at me. Elena.我爱你我爱你I love you,ok? I love you.我非常爱你我很爱很爱你艾琳娜I love you so much. I love you so much,Elena.对不起斯特凡我不相信你的话I'm sorry,Stefan,Ijust don't believe you.那你给我听好You know what?反正也不指望你帮我真希望从来没遇见你I don't want your help,anyway. I wish I'd never met you. 跟你在一起度过的每分每秒都完全是浪费时间Every single moment that I've spent with you has been a complete and total waste. 看见了吧? 这就是他的阴暗面You see that? That's the ripper talking.等他虚弱了给他点苦头尝尝Once he's weak enough,you have to cause him pain.让他有所感觉生气愤怒什么都行Make him feel things. Anger,rage,anything.必须让他戒掉血瘾You have to make him see past the blood.就当是养生好了日复一日Think of it as a regimen.Day in and day out.好像在跑步机上锻炼好像煮咖啡Like running the treadmill.Like making coffee.直到他准备好缴械投降Until he's ready to be saved.我会把你大卸八块莱西!I will rip you apart,Lexi!不行诶我已经死啦You can't. I'm already dead.我做不到I can't...不找了根本都不在屋子里嘛I give up. It's not anywhere in this room.你想说什么杰米?What do you want,Jeremy?凯罗琳? 找到项链了吗?Caroline? Did you find that necklace?还没等下你问这干什么?Not yet. Wait,what's going on?坟墓里复活的吸血鬼魂杀了FellGhosts of the tomb vampires killed Tobias Fell.在创始人家族成员一个个被宰前你最好赶紧找到它You might want to find that necklace before they startgoing alphabetically through the founding families.它不在戴蒙说的地方嘛Well,it's not where it's supposed to be.除非有人拿走了Unless someone took it.- 谁? - 你觉得是谁?- Who? - Well,who do you think?我没拿I didn't.她说没拿She said she didn't take it.这么说你信她咯Oh,and you believe her.- 我没拿杰米- 你说对了我信她- I didn't take it,Jeremy.- You know what,yeah,yeah,I do believe her.那你就是宇宙无敌超级大蠢蛋You know what,you're an even bigger idiot than I thought.醒醒吧杰米在你失去一切之前So wake up,Jeremy,before you lose everything.杰米? 出什么事了?Jeremy? What happened?别再吊我胃口啦I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop.你的动机绝对不可能这么单纯Your motives are deceptively pure.你就一张嘴但我知道为了你弟你什么都愿做You talk the talk,but I know you'll do anything for your brother.只要我们战线相同你就不会动我You won't screw me over as long as we have the same agenda.那我是不是也要相信你不会动我?I'm supposed to believe you're not going to screw me over?- 走哪一边啊? - 不知道丢硬币好了- All right. Which way? - I don't know. Flip a coin.- 你不是什么都知道嘛- 我是鬼魂不是上帝- Aren't you supposed to be all-knowing? - I'm a ghost. I'm not God. 左边吧Go left.或右边Or not.你这人谁都不行有人说过你吧?You have trust issues. Anyone ever tell you that?来帮兄弟一把?Yo.Help a brother out?梅森?Mason?- 安娜在哪儿? - 不知道- Where is Anna now? - I don't know,ok?也不知道是不是她拿走了项链I don't even know for sure if she took the necklace.她是唯一听到我们谈话的人当然是她拿走的She was the only person who heard ustalking about it. Of course she took it.必须找回来毁掉它关上那扇门Ok? We have to get it back. We have to destroy it and then close the door. - 我知道但是- 但是什么,杰米?- I know,but... - But what? What,Jer?我能触摸到她艾琳娜I can touch her,Elena.我又能吻到她了I can kiss her again.我知道这样不对不该有感觉但我就是有And I know it's wrong,and I know that I shouldn't feel this way,but I do.我爱她I love her.一直都爱I've always loved her.但这不是真的But it's not real.她死了不存在的She's dead. Gone.你现在紧抓的感觉都是过往JerEverything that you're hold on to is in the past,Jer.你打算跟鬼魂过一辈子吗?Are you going to love a ghost for the rest of your life?他的人生才刚刚开始安娜He's at the beginning of his life,Anna.你这是在拖累他你心里清楚You're just holding him back. You know that.打给邦妮Call Bonnie.告诉她你拿到项链了Tell her that you have the necklace.让她把鬼魂送走Get her to send the ghosts away.今天糟透了Oh,I'm having a bad day.抱歉Sorry.我想你需要这个Thought you might need this.不用谢You're welcome.你到底想怎样What's your game,man?我杀了你I killed you.。
[吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍]吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍/分集介绍篇一: 吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍/分集介绍吸血鬼日记第三季剧情介绍:《吸血鬼日记》是由美国CW电视台播出的青春魔幻大剧,第三季于美国时间2011年9月15日,中国时间9月16日强势回归。
Tyler和Caroline 有了爱情因素,Elena和Damon的感情将会如何进展,都是这一季即将揭示的内容。
随着第三季开始,Tyler和Caronline 之间的友谊就会开花结果,迸发出爱情。
Bonnie会经常梦见,在郊外的一所破屋中,被Stefan偷走的棺材,而当Bonnie打开其中一具棺材时看到了Elena 的项链在棺材中沉睡的Kluas的手中。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜她一定乐在其中吧Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar? 我听说过你的事情I've heard about you.疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼The crazy, impulsive vampire.爱上了他弟弟的女人In love with his brother's girl.我想送你这个I wanted you to have this.天哪太漂亮了Oh, my god, it's beautiful.我不能放弃你斯特凡I can't give up on you, Stefan.到此为止我不想再见到你It's done. I don't want to see you.也不想和你在一起I don't want to be with you.爸爸Daddy?我要让你能够把吸血鬼本质与痛苦相连I'm conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain.你好比尔Hello, Bill.一个混血儿想制造更多的混血儿A hybrid out to make more hybrids?我哪里做错了So what am I doing wrong?我们得跟下咒的那个女巫连通We'd have to contact the witch who created it.那就是女巫祖先了Well, that would be the original witch.把丽贝卡带来她有我需要的东西Bring me Rebekah. She has what I need.该醒来了妹妹Time to wake up, little sister.-真漂亮-一位女巫给我的- It's beautiful. - A witch gave it to me.你有什么格洛莉娅需要的东西What do you have that Gloria needs?我的项链呢Where's my necklace?告诉我格洛莉娅要的不是那条项链Tell me that's not what she needs!吸血鬼日记第三季第四集芝加哥这裙子不会就这么点布料吧There has to be more to this dress.就这么点There's not.那21世纪的女人都穿得像妓女了So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes, then.我从前穿裤子都有人冲我翻白眼You know, I got dirty looks for wearing trousers.你从前穿裤子所以现在的女人就一丝不挂了You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing. 这叫什么音乐啊听着像缆车事故And what is this music? It sounds like a cable car accident. 这叫舞曲It's dance music.能跟着这个跳舞吗You would dance to this?闹够了没Are we done?你生个什么气And why are you so grumpy?我就要你拿一件东西给我的女巫I needed one thing from you for my witch以查明为什么我的混血儿都死了一件而已to find out why my hybrids are dying, one thing.你的项链你却给丢了Your necklace. And you lost it.我没弄丢只是有九十年没见着了I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for 90 years.你觉得怎么样So what do you think?我喜欢I like it.怎么了我说我喜欢了What? I said I like it.我总能看穿你的谎言斯特凡I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan.不错干得好Nice one, good work.是你把匕首拔出了她的身体You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her.我听到了I heard that.好了我去透口气All right. I'm going to get some fresh air.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:草草,句号,KIMI,思朵,豚豚,Albot,Elsye,Queen-N ■时间轴:小猫,子衿,菜六水校对:草草,小喜,米苏■总监:米苏后期:Ghost百乐餐每人自带一个菜的聚会真不理解你干嘛带辣椒去百乐餐I just don't know why you want to bring chili to a potluck.大家都会带辣椒的Everybody brings chili.里克早啊Hey, Ric. What's up?你想几点去参加洛克伍德家的宴会What time do you want to go to the Lockwood party?我不太想去创始人宴会Ah. Those founders parties aren't really my thing.去吧还会有另外九个人带辣椒去的Show up, there's going to be nine other people that brought chili.这是我家的祖传秘方行了吧It's an old family recipe, ok?对我知道我认识你的祖先Yeah! I know. I knew your old family.他们做的辣椒很烂They made sucky chili.-你到底来这儿干嘛的-她清楚- Why are you here, exactly? - She knows.他认为我会崩溃He thinks I'm going to break.我不会崩溃的我打算继续做辣椒I'm not going to break. I am just going to keep making chili,装作我没有花了一整个夏天的时间pretend like I didn't just spend the entire summer寻找一个不想被找到的人looking for someone who didn't want to be found.-她还处在抵赖阶段-我不是抵赖- She's in denial. - I'm not in denial.不是吗No?你还戴着这个项链You're still wearing this necklace.这不是你与斯特凡情比金坚的信物吗Isn't this the reminder of your unbreakable bond with Stefan? 你来这儿干什么What the hell are you doing here?你们俩挺亲的啊You two look chummy.克劳斯成了你的新闺蜜了吗Klaus your new bestie?他要是知道你在芝加哥你就死翘翘了You know, if he finds out you're in Chicago, you're dead.你依然对我如此挂记小女不胜欢喜Happy to know that you still care.现在是这么个情况吧So tell me if I'm wrong--克劳斯要找的丽贝卡的那条项链Rebekah's necklace that Klaus is looking for...就是你送给埃琳娜的那条吧that's the necklace that you gave to Elena.再见凯瑟琳Bye, Katherine.等等Hey, hey. Wait.告诉我你在谋划什么You're up to something, tell me.他们不知道项链的下落They don't know where the necklace is.我只需让他们一直找不到I just have to keep them from figuring it out.一切尽在我的掌握之中I have it all under control.拜托告诉我你有比这更好的计划Please tell me you have a better plan than that.你有吧You do.别傻了斯特凡Come on, Stefan.你不是坏坏的那种You're not the diabolical type.不管你的计划是什么都不会成功的Whatever you're planning, it's not going to work.如果我认识的Well, if the most diabolical最坏的女人都猜不透我的计划woman I know can't seem to figure it out,那我一定挺上道的then I must be doing something right.我都忘了你现在邪恶了I forgot. You're bad now.别太自信了Don't get too cocky.克劳斯比你聪明他比所有人都聪明Klaus is smarter than you. He's smarter than everyone.我听说他妹妹的事了And I've heard about that sister.当心Be careful.她会毁了你She'll ruin you.你依然对我如此挂记小生不胜欢喜Happy to know you still care.杰里米Jeremy.安娜Anna!-你能听得到吗-你在这做什么- You heard me? - What are you doing here?等等你真能听得到吗还是听着像...Wait, like heard me, heard me, or did it sound more like a- - -你去哪了-我得确认你能听见我- Where have you been? - I need to know you can hear me.你突然出现告诉我不要相信薇姬You drop in, you tell me not to trust Vicki,之后你就消失了and then you disappear?杰里米告诉我你能听见我Jeremy! Tell me you can hear me.是的我能听见你行了吧Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, all right?到底是搞什么鬼What the hell!怎么回事What is it?这些天我一直试图让你听见我I've been trying to get you to hear me for days. -喊着你的名字甚至是尖叫-你喊过我- Yelling your name and screaming. - You have? 发生了什么事What changed?我一直试着和你取得联系都失败了I've been trying to get through to you,现在怎么可以了why now?我刚刚梦见你了I was dreaming about you.我I...你梦见我了You were dreaming about me?真不敢相信这是真的I can't believe this is actually happening.你真的在这儿That you're actually here.我在这儿I'm here.我带礼物来了I come bearing gifts.别告诉我你带了辣椒Please say that's not chili.邦妮Bonnie!-我回来了-嗨- I'm back! - Hi!整个夏天我都不在镇上I leave town for the summer结果你们俩过得都不怎么好and everything goes to hell for the both of you.邦妮Bonnie!杰里米Jeremy!也就是说洛克伍德镇长So mayor Lockwood打电话找你同性恋的前夫来called your gay ex-husband拷问你的吸血鬼女儿to torture your vampire daughter.是的我一直关押着他Yes. I've been keeping him detained以确保他身体里的马鞭草都排净了to make sure the vervain's out of his system.这样你就可以...So you could, you know...我们就不能干掉他吗Can't we just kill him?不行达蒙他是卡罗琳的父亲No, Damon! He's Caroline's father.依我看他就是个混蛋He sounds like a douchebag to me.好吧虽然我们算是相安无事Yeah, well, just 'cause you and I are on ok terms 但不代表我赞同你的doesn't mean that I'm a suddenly a big生活方式advocate for your "lifestyle".你离婚的时候Is that what you told him也是这么和他说的吧when you two got divorced?市监狱建于1860年神秘瀑布镇在你强迫他之前Double check him for vervain要仔细检查他体内有没有马鞭草before you compel him.你又带了个吸血鬼来You brought another vampire into this?这对我们都好比尔It's the best thing for all of us, Bill.比尔我听过你拷问So, Bill, I hear you're into the whole你那吸血鬼女儿的来龙去脉daddy-daughter vampire torture thing.我是在帮她I was trying to help her.要是说谁最不需要帮助Well, if there's anyone who doesn't need help,就是你那个讨厌的控制狂女儿了it's your annoying control freak of a daughter. 是的Yep.他体内没有马鞭草He's vervain-free.你就快抹去他的记忆吧达蒙Just erase his memory, Damon.比尔我有个问题So, Bill, I have a question.你凭什么觉得你可以What makes you think that you can change改变吸血鬼的本质the basic nature of a vampire?思想是股很强大的力量The mind's a powerful tool.是可以反复训练的It can be trained and retrained.只要你够强大You just have to be strong enough.是吗我完全同意Oh, yeah? I completely agree.实际上我恰巧喜欢控制人的思想I actually happen to love mind control, myself.你马上离开镇上You will leave town immediately.你只会记得你来只是为了带你女儿All you remember is you came to bring your daughter 去买开学的东西back to school shopping.你把我们撇下了You left us.不好意思Yeah, sorry.购物疗法指靠购物解除焦虑购物疗法让我的头都要炸了Retail therapy was making my head explode.可不是嘛Tell me about it.-她在干嘛-让我失望- What's she doing? - She's failing.当你毫无头绪的时候It's hard to find something找东西是很困难的when you don't have anything to go on.那么我来帮你So use me.怎么说那项链我也带了一千年I only wore it for a thousand years.看到了没现在有人愿意帮忙了See? Now this one offers a solution.好的把手给我宝贝All right, give me your hand, sweetheart.她...她在找项链对吗She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?问题是我爸的家人太过正常了The problem with my dad's normal side of the family 正常得让我一夏天都很无聊is normal made for a really boring summer.经历了过去几天的事After the last few days,我宁愿有个正常的家庭I would kill for a normal family.你什么时候学会做饭了Since when did you learn how to cook?达蒙帮了点忙Damon helped a little.达蒙现在会帮你做饭了Damon's helping you cook now?你们俩别瞎想Both of you stop judging.他只是想做个好...He's just trying to be a good- - ow!我溅到你了吗Ahh! Did I splash you?不是是我的项链No, no, my necklace.我感觉到了I can sense something.它烫到我了It burned me.或许这意味着你不该再戴了Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it.-卡罗琳-怎么了我说说而已嘛- Caroline... - What, I'm just saying.反正你现在也不跟斯特凡一起做饭了If you're going to be "cooking" without Stefan.我看看Let me see it.我找到了I found it.-它在哪-没办法直接告诉你的姑娘- So where is it? - It doesn't work like that, doll.我能看到画面I get images.有个女孩和她的朋友在一起There's a girl with her friends--是嘛我要是拿不回我的项链Yes, a dead girl with dead friends,她和她的朋友就都得死if I don't get my necklace back.我得重新潜回去看详细点Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details.-那你潜-我需要点时间- So dive. - I need more time.还有空间And space.你们在干扰我的咒符You're harshing my ju-ju.我们不急We can wait.那是当然I'm sure you can.但我要的不是耐心But that's not what I asked.不如我们一会儿再回来Hey, you know, why don't we just come back later.我饿了I'm hungry anyway.我让你选我们的盘中餐I'll let you pick who we eat.我拿来了Hey. Ok, I got it.我有一个识别咒语可能让我知道I have an identification spell that might be able to tell me 这条项链被什么魔法控制了what magic affected the necklace.得花点时间如果有人来了就告诉我It's going to take a while, so tell me if anyone's coming, ok? 你是不是打算换个兄弟了So you're not, like, switching Salvatores, are you?什么What?-卡罗琳-集中精力- Caroline... - Stay focused.作为日夜为你担心的朋友As your friend who worries for you daily,说说你跟达蒙到底怎么回事what is the deal with you and Damon?没怎么回事There is no deal.他一直都像我那样全心全意找斯特凡He's been just as focused on finding Stefan as I have. 没错不过这不会让他改变什么Yeah, but that doesn't make him any less Damon.如果我挚爱的爸爸改变不了我If my own father, who I love dearly, can't change me? 没有人能改变得了达蒙No one's changing Damon.连你也不行Not even you.我们为什么要谈这个Look, why are we even talking about this?各位Hey. Guys?-你在做什么-我什么都没做- What are you doing? - I'm not doing anything.这是它自身的魔法It has its own magic.菲尔家族的辣酱我想告诉你一个小秘密I'm going to let you in on a little secret--创始人聚会不过是委员会的一个幌子founders parties are just an excuse for the council好让他们聚在密室里谋划怎么对付吸血鬼to gather in back rooms and plot against vampires.我觉得你该跟离埃琳娜远点了I think you need to take a beat with Elena.你说什么Excuse me?不管你们俩现在什么情况Whatever it is you two have going on,我都不赞同I think it's a bad idea.我觉得这不关你什么事里克I don't really think it's your problem, Ric.关我的事我应该好好照顾她It is my problem. I'm supposed to look after her,我这是在尽责and this is me doing that.你认为我在干什么What do you think I'm doing?我认为你该离她远点What I think is you need to take a beat.达蒙打扰Damon? Sorry.镇长要召集开委员会会议了Uh, the mayor just called the council meeting.我的女孩死了我很无聊My girl's dead. I'm bored.你还真是饿了You weren't kidding about being hungry.没错Yeah.今天挺辛苦的It's been a long day.-跟她做兄妹才辛苦呢-你真坏- Try being related to her. - You're being mean.你怎么也这么坏你以前是爱我的And why are you being mean? You used to love me. 都过去九十年了丽贝卡给他点时间It's been 90 years, Rebekah. Give him a minute.你为什么要帮他说话Why are you taking his side?因为我亲爱的妹妹我为所有Because, my dear sister, I feel pity不能如你愿的男人感到遗憾for any man who doesn't give you what you want. 你能不能别再把我当个小孩Will you stop making me out to be a brat?我不是小孩了I am not a brat!从我与你共处的一千年来看不是这样的A thousand years of life experience says otherwise.你也是半斤八两well, you're no picnic, either.我才跟你过了一个夏天I mean, I've only spent one summer with you我都觉得想把自己的头拧下来and I feel like I want to blow my head off.太好了Fantastic.我得走了I need to go.-他去哪-去往墙上写个名字- Where's he going? - To write a name on a wall.说来话长It's a long story.安娜Anna?你在哪我们没多少时间Look, where are you? We don't have much time.时间多得是We've got all the time in the world.之前的事我很抱歉我...被其他事绊住了I'm sorry about before. I just got, um, distracted.没关系我懂的It's fine. I get it.你为什么还不告诉她Why haven't you told her?她整个暑假都不在Well, she's been gone all summer.对啊我知道Yeah, I know that.你到底为什么还不告诉她Now why haven't you told her, really?我不知道我还无法完全理解I don't know. You know, I don't even understand这一切怎么可能发生how any of this is possible.我挤进来你拉我进来Well, it's kind of a push and pull.我从那边挤进来试图连通到你I'm pushing from the other side trying to contact you,而有时候就像现在这样如果你拉我...and sometimes, like just now, if you pull...那边这个...The other side? Is that...是这么叫的吗Is that what it's called?我是这么叫的That's what I call it.我在这儿孤身一人I'm all by myself here.就好比是我是你的世界的一部分It's like I'm a part of your world,只是谁也看不见我我只是...only no one can see me. I'm just...在那边on the other side.等等那薇姬又是怎么回事Wait, what about Vicki?每次你一说你见到她Whenever you say you see her,我就会感觉到一些东西I feel something.黑暗A darkness.当我试图警告你别让她进来时And when I try to tell you not to let her in,发生了很奇怪的事something crazy happens.就像是她想把我推出去似的Like, she's trying to push me out.所以窗子碎了Like the windows breaking.总之要小心Just be careful.试着别让她进来Try not to let her in.因为如果你不敞开心扉她就进不来'Cause she can't get through if you're not open to it. 你不知道我终于可以和你说话You don't understand how amazing it is是多么的美妙to finally be able to talk to you.我在这儿孤身一人I'm all by myself here. I mean,无依无靠I don't have anyone.我很抱歉I'm sorry.我知道你什么都感觉不到I know you can't feel anything.再来一次Do it again.你来了There you are.我还以为你在休息Thought you were resting.那么我们就各有秘密了Well, now we both have a secret.你看到什么了What did you see?我听到的才有趣It's what I heard that's interesting.拿着项链的那些女孩You know, the girls with the necklace,她们在谈论你呢they were talking about you.但你还没告诉克劳斯Yet you didn't tell Klaus.为什么Why?因为我不会帮那个混血儿做任何事'Cause I wouldn't help that hybrid half-breed with anything. 那条项链是女巫祖先的护身符The necklace is a talisman from the original witch herself.我想得到它I want it.我很抱歉Well, I'm sorry.我帮不了你I can't help you.别逼我上罚酒Don't be difficult.我不想告诉克劳斯You know, I'd hate to have to tell Klaus他的跟班是个大骗子what a liar his sidekick is.看来我还是得严刑逼供了是吗Guess I've got to get it out of you the hard way, huh?怎么回事What is this?为什么我不能动了Why can't I move?别紧张只是让你全身麻痹的咒语Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell.没什么大不了的Nothing major.只是想从你的小脑袋瓜里得到些消息Just got to get the information out of your pretty little head.现在的女巫You know, witches now days,她们喜欢全新的东西但是they're into that new age stuff, but...我更偏向老式的巫术I'm a little more old school voodoo.这能抑制你讨厌的愈合本领This will stop that pesky healing.我什么都不会告诉你的I won't tell you anything.你不用告诉我You don't have to.感受到了吗You feel that?那就是你的本质That's your essence.你的灵魂它让我建立联系Your spirit. It lets me make a connection.药草也能派上用场Herbs help, too.鼠尾草金缕梅Diviner's sage, witch hazel.但我最爱用的还是But my personal favorite...马鞭草Vervain.从春天开始就没发生过什么事There have no been no incidence of question since spring. 风平浪静It's been quiet.现在还有谁要补充什么吗Anyone else have anything to add to the minutes?达蒙有吗Damon?没有我觉得该说的警长都说到了Ah, no, I think the sheriff covered it,洛克伍德镇长mayor Lockwood.看来我们撑过最坏的时期了Looks like we've made it through the worst.我没有什么要补充的Well, I have nothing new to add,感谢你们的到来so thank you all for coming.很高兴见到你Good to see you.-卡罗尔-达蒙- Carol. - Damon.我想问个问题I have a question.比尔Bill.你们三个认为Do you three think that委员会的成员是都蒙在鼓里呢everybody on the council is clueless...还是就是愚蠢呢or just stupid?如果你在魔法书中见到Ok, tell me if you see anything in these grimoires与贵重的纪念章有关的that involves precious medals或者跟项链相似的标志就告诉我or a symbol that resembles a necklace.你怎么不直接问Well, can't you just ask你以前连通的那些死去的女巫all the dead witches you were channeling?我已经不能连通她们了I don't have access to them anymore.-她们不理我了-什么时候的事- They cut me off. - Since when?从我让你起死回生时开始Since I brought you back to life.我打破了自然界的平衡I messed with the balance of nature这就是给我的惩罚and there were consequences.我很抱歉Hey. I'm sorry.我本该告诉你的I know I should have told you.事后我立刻告诉埃琳娜了I told Elena when it happened.我只是不想让你心里怪怪的I just didn't want you to feel weird about it, you know?不不你不必为任何事情道歉Hey, no, no, look, you don't have to apologize for anything. 好吗你没做错任何事Ok? You didn't do anything wrong.埃琳娜说从那以后你一直不太好Elena said you've been having kind of a hard time since then.不我很好只是No, I'm fine. You know, just been, ah,最近有点神情恍惚而已a little out of it lately.我应该专注于更古老的书吧So should I concentrate on the older books?这条项链有多古老Or, uh, I mean, how old is this necklace?古老哈说的对Old. Yeah.杰里米那邪恶的感觉在这Jeremy. The darkness. It's here.杰里米Jeremy!你没事吧Are you OK?!刚刚发生什么事了What the hell just happened?我也不知道I have no idea.我很惊讶啊I'm impressed.你很有原则斯特凡You've got discipline, Stefan.这对你可没好处但是呢...It's not going to do you much good, but...还是放弃吧亲爱的just let go, honey.就这样就这样There we go, there we go.这个戴项链的姑娘There's the girl with the necklace.你爱她You love her.你愿意为她付出一切而且你已经这样做了You'd do anything for her, and you have.许多恶行许多罪咎A lot of darkness, a lot of guilt.全是为了不让克劳斯发现她All to keep her away from Klaus.他怎么会对这姑娘感兴趣呢Why would he be interested in one girl?别这样别这样Don't do this. Don't do this.她就是二重身She's the doppelganger.她本该死掉的正是因为她没死She's supposed to be dead, and that's why Klaus克劳斯不能制造混血儿对吧can't make hybrids, isn't it?真让人毛骨悚然啊Well, this is creepy.也许你还是需要我帮忙的Maybe you do need my help, after all.斯特凡有没有告诉你项链哪里来的Did Stefan ever tell you where he got the necklace?没有我也没问过No, and I never asked.希望邦妮能找到答案Hopefully Bonnie will be able to figure it out.拜托告诉我可以走人了Please tell me it's time to go.可以了达蒙哪儿去了Beyond. Where's Damon?八成又去欺负好人了Probably off somewhere doing bad things to good people. 请恕我心直口快Consider me the honesty please.-怎么了-什么事- What is it? - What's the matter?我爸在那边It's my dad.他怎么会出现Why would he even show up here?不知道但我不能...I don't know. But I can't--我明白I get it.-回头给你打电话-好- I'll call you later. - Ok.好吧这是咋回事Ok, what's that all about?说到欺负好人...Speaking of doing bad things to good people...等等休斯顿控制中心我们有麻烦了Wait, wait, Houston, we have a problem.-你去哪了-处理比尔·福布斯的事- Where have you been? - Managing Bill Forbes.显然他对精神控制免疫Apparently he's impervious to compulsion.-怎么做到的-我也不知道- How? - I have no idea.但他威胁我要让我出局But he threatened to out me.别让我开始就那么讽刺他啊Don't get me started on the irony of that.你对他做什么了What did you do to him?你怎么知道你的控制没起效果How do you know the compulsion doesn't work?那不是我想说的That's not the most important piece of information重点啊埃琳娜I mentioned, Elena.他要怎样What does he want?他想控制整个委员会He wants to control the council.-说委员会已经形同虚设-那倒没错- Says it's been compromised. - It has!他要给镇里的自来水里加马鞭草He wants to put vervain in the town's water supply.可能这不是个坏主意Maybe it's not a bad idea.至少能让大家神智清醒自己做主I mean, it'll help you keep yourself in control.-现在斯特凡又不在... -他在能怎样- Now that Stefan's not here to-- - To what?看住我让我别捣乱to keep me in check? Make me behave?我今早就应该杀了他I should have killed him this morning.-他是卡罗琳的爸爸达蒙-没错- He's Caroline's dad, Damon. - Yeah,就算我杀了他她还比咱俩多一个至亲呢and when I kill him, she'll have one more parent than we do. 别这样达蒙Oh, come on, Damon!你今天烦我一整天了里克You're repeatedly killing my buzz today, Ric.-滚一边去-不可能- Step aside. - Yeah, it's not going to happen.那你先死一会儿吧Your temporary funeral.达蒙不Damon, no!你怎么回事啊What is wrong with you?!我一直在想你那个毒辣的计划I've been thinking about your diabolical plan.说吧Oh. Do tell.你一定清楚克劳斯生性多疑Well, you must know that Klaus is too paranoid不可能完全相信你to ever fully trust you.但他妹妹还像过去一样爱你But the sister, she loves you like it was yesterday.糊弄她比较容易She's the easier mark.但你不能只假装关心她But you can't just pretend to care,因为克劳斯肯定会发现because Klaus will know better.所以你反其道而行之So you do the opposite.你和他搞好关系让她有失落感You bond with him; make her feel left out.那会让她更想得到你That will only make her want you more.你是说Oh! So you mean, I'm, uh,我要向凯瑟琳·皮尔斯学习一下玩人的技巧I'm taking a page out of the Katherine Pierce playbook.可你是为了什么呢斯特凡The only question is why, Stefan?我知道你不想让克劳斯靠近神秘瀑布镇I mean, I get it, you want to keep Klaus away from Mystic Falls, 但是你还想得到什么呢but...what else do you expect to get from it?你知道什么最有趣吗You know what's funny?你对着我喋喋不休You keep talking to me就好像我会相信你向你和盘托出一样like I actually trust you enough to tell you anything. 得了斯特凡你我还用说这些Oh, come on, Stefan, we're beyond that.我可从这法力高强的女巫手下救了你I saved you from hilda the high voodoo priestess.好吧Ok.我1920年代就认识他们I knew them, back in the twenties.他们当时在躲什么人They were running from someone.一个令他们害怕的人Someone who scared them.猎人The hunter.几百年前我听过他的故事I heard stories about him centuries ago.你难道不想知道Don't you want to know why an original vampire杀不死的吸血鬼祖先who can't be killed为何会惧怕一个吸血鬼猎人is afraid of a vampire hunter?如果你计划对克劳斯采取行动If you're planning on making a move against Klaus... 算我一个I want in.好啊That's good.有追求是件好事凯瑟琳It's good to want things, Katherine.斯特凡Stefan...凯瑟琳Katherine.我单干I'm in this alone.如果你想找个恶棍做你的共犯If you're looking for a diabolical partner in crime,劝你别处找去I suggest you look elsewhere.橄榄球练得怎么办How was football practice?你怎么在这儿What are you doing here?躲我爸爸Hiding out from my dad.他来了He's here.你还好吧Are you OK?要我帮你教训他吗Do you want me to kick his ass?行Yes.不行No.他穿的衬衫是我给他买的那件很贵I bought him the shirt he's wearing, it is really expensive. 而且不管怎么说And through everything...他还是我爸爸he's still my dad.你懂吗You know?-天啊你臭死了-什么- God, you reek! - What?-真的很臭-不会吧- That is bad. - No, this?-这是性感的味道-不我可受不了- This is sexy. - No! It's really bad.受不了No?等下我手机响Oh! Hang on, my phone.别这样Oh, come on!是朋友才接的没急事就挂了I'm only answering in case it's a friend emergency.确实有急事It's an emergency.是苏格兰威士忌吗Whoa, whoa. Is that Scotch?我还以为你滴酒不沾I figured you for an abstainer.懂得节制就好Everything in moderation.避免受到他人的影响Keeps the mind clear from...influence.比如吸血鬼的意念控制Like vampire compulsion.是啊我本想告诉你Yeah, I tried to tell you--知道你有两把刷子懂的Yeah, yeah, powerful tool. Got it.真厉害I'm impressed.不能否认我还从没见过这种本事Can't say I've ever seen that before.这要求一个人有很强的意念Well, it takes a certain human focus.为此我磨练了几十年It's a skill that I've been honing for decades.而且你的技术有点小退化Plus, your technique... is a little lazy.多谢提醒Duly noted.我很好奇I'm curious.你为什么不把我们交给委员会呢Why not just expose us to the council?我知道你把我当成坏人达蒙I know you think I'm the bad guy here, Damon,但我绝不会向那帮蠢货告发我女儿but I would never expose my own daughter to those morons.来惹我很是冒险啊你不觉得吗It's a pretty risky move, taking me on, don't you think?我知道自己没离开镇上会冒怎样的风险I knew what I was risking when I didn't leave town,但我觉得but I figured...你的自我毁灭倾向还没严重到you're not self destructive enough杀死警长的前夫to kill the sheriff's ex-husband.那你就是今天第三个低估我的人了Makes you the third person to underestimate me today.知道吗You know,最近被人盯着学好学乖with all this behavioral modification going on around here, 我几乎都忘了新鲜的人血。
吸血鬼日记 第三季 第1集

吸血鬼日记第三季第一集Previously on "The vampire diaries"...《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜她一定乐在其中吧I've heard about you.我听说过你的事情The crazy, impulsive vampire.疯狂而又冲动的吸血鬼In love with his brother's girl.爱上了他弟弟的女人Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline.克劳斯是含有狼人血统的吸血鬼The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting.诅咒一直封印着他的狼人特性But if he breaks it,但如果诅咒被解开he'll be a true hybrid.他就是真正的混血儿So that's what a werewolf bite looks like.原来狼人的咬伤是这样的Tyler Lockwood bit me.泰勒·洛克伍德咬了我We'll find something.我们会想出办法的A cure.能治好的A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire.吸血鬼被狼人咬一口立马死翘翘So don't be his friend. Do you understand me?别当他是朋友你听懂没Promise me no one will find out about us.你得保证不让其他人发现我们的真面目Where's Stefan?斯特凡呢He gave himself over to Klaus. To save his brother. 为了救他哥哥他把自己交给克劳斯了Just give me the cure, and I'll do whatever you want. 只要给我解药让我做什么都行You want your cure, there it is.你要找的解药就是这个Your blood is the cure.你的血就是解药You should have met me in 1864.你应该在1864年遇到我You would have liked me.那你喜欢的就是我了I like you now.我现在就喜欢你You can embrace what you truly are.做回真正的自己Leave town with me and save your brother's life.和我一起离开还能救你兄弟一命That's the spirit.这就对了{\pos(193,232)}田纳西州Rudy.鲁迪Rudy!鲁迪Come on.快回来It's too hot to make me come looking for you.让我去找你会热死我的I am so sorry.抱歉I didn't mean to scare you.没吓到你吧Can I help you?有什么事吗Yeah, my, uh, my car ran out of gas a couple miles back.是这样我的车没油了就停在几英里外I feel like I've been walking forever.我觉得我走了好久Yours is the first house I'd come to,你是我遇到的第一家so I was just hoping I could use your phone.我只想借用一下你的手机Don't you have a cell phone?你没有手机吗Heh. Yeah. Battery died.有没电了Look, I promise I'm not a serial killer.我保证我不是一个连环杀人犯I just want to use your phone.我只是想用一下你的手机Sure.当然可以So...I can come in?那我可以进去吗No.不行I'll get the phone and I'll bring it out to you. 我进去把手机拿出来给你I thought you country folk我还以为你们乡下人were supposed to be more trusting.会更容易信任别人I'm from Florida.我来自佛罗里达Well, that explains it.难怪呢Now show me a little southern hospitality...那给我展示一下南方人的热情Sweet pea.甜豆I bet you a hundred dollars我赌一百美元that dog ran off to a house with air conditioning. 小狗一定跑去一家有空调的屋子了What's going on?发生什么事了Please don't be alarmed.不必害怕I'm told Ray Sutton lives here.我听说雷·萨顿住在这里He's almost never here.他几乎从不来这里He's on the road mostly.他总是到处奔波But I expect he makes it home...但我想他每月once a month.回一次家的That's what I thought.我就猜到了Where is he now?那他现在在哪儿If I have to make you tell me,如果要我逼你说的话it's going to be infinitely more painful for you. 那你将会痛苦得多I love it when they run.我喜欢他们夺路而逃的样子He's in Tulley.他在图利It's near the border.在边境处A bar called Southern Comfort. It's off highway 41. 一个叫做南方甜酒的酒吧在41公路旁Thank you, my love.谢了亲爱的Now...那现在May my friend come in your home?我的朋友能进来吗Yes.可以Kill this one quickly.利落地杀了这个Make that one suffer.让那个受点折磨I'll be in the car.我在车里等你Please don't, please...别求你了{\pos(190,268)} 翻译:句号 super mango 阿拉蕾忆.. 孜然羊肉默默 Albot{\pos(190,268)} 校对:草草内丘米小勒时间轴:Remember Ghost 小猫爱卢小爽{\pos(190,268)}后期:丢丢监制:米苏{\pos(231,195)}{\an4}第三季第一集{\pos(131,175)}{\an4}日记{\pos(101,150)}{\an4}吸血鬼Ugh, early. Bad.哦太早了你真坏It's not early.不早了You're late for work. Matt just called.你上班迟到了马特刚刚来电话了Well, maybe they'll fire me.他们可能会解雇我Aim high.胸怀大志啊What are you doing?在做什么呢Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on. 为你的生日派对购物呢你别想溜I never said yes in the first place.我还没答应呢You were never going to,就知道你不会答应which is why I planned it anyway.所以我才自作主张And my mom wants you to call her.我妈让你打电话给她Did she find something?她查到什么了吗An animal attack in Memphis.孟菲斯发生了一起动物袭击案It's the third one this week in Tennessee.这已经是田纳西州这星期的第三起了And you're sure it's a vampire?确定是吸血鬼干的吗Yes, but that doesn't mean that it's Klaus.对但也不一定就是克劳斯干的Doesn't mean it's not. I'll call her.也难说不是我会给你妈打电话的Well. Call her on her cell.直接打她手机吧Tell her, thank you for her help.替我跟她说谢谢All right, well, I've got to go. I'll see you in a bit. 好我得挂了回见Oh, Caroline, wait.卡罗琳等等Just...Keep tonight small. Please.今晚的派对低调点Wear something pretty.穿漂亮点Hi.嗨Was that, uh, Stefan news?有斯特凡消息吗Could be more Klaus victims.有人死了可能是克劳斯干的You're certain Stefan's still with him.你确定斯特凡还是跟他在一起吗Easy to be certain与其相信他已经死了when the alternative is that he's dead.我更希望他是跟克劳斯在一起Are you sure you're still ok on the couch? 你睡沙发上没事吗Yeah, yeah. I'm good.没事挺好Because you spent half the summer on it. 你半个夏天都睡在那儿If you need your own bedroom...如果你需要房间And sleep in your dead parents' room那我是睡在你已故父母的房间or my dead girlfriend's room...还是我已故女友的房间Right.好吧Hey, Elena...埃琳娜Happy birthday.生日快乐Thanks.谢谢We are out of champagne.我们香槟不够喝了Huh. No, you are out of champagne,不是我们是你I don't drink in the morning.我早晨可不喝酒Well, would you be a dear and--那这位美女可否...I think you can probably get it yourself. 我看你还是自己去拿吧I'm not your slave.我可不是你的奴隶I mean, you're dripping a little...我说你在滴水啊...Jeez.天呐Mornin'.早上好Hey, I was going--嘿我正要...You heard me.你听到有人来了You knew that I was here.你知道我在这儿You know, you should learn to knock.你应该学会敲门What if I was... indecent?我说不定衣衫不整Sheriff Forbes gave us another location to check.福布斯警长又给了我们一个案发地Memphis.孟菲斯Another dead end, you mean?你是说又要白跑一趟- You don't know that. - You're right, Elena.-这还难说 -没错埃琳娜This could be the one.也许这次能找到Yep. After almost two months,将近两个月的追查this could be the clue that tells us Stefan's alive and well 这次也许会有线索证明斯特凡活得好好的and living in graceland.而且非常幸福呢Fine.算了I'll go by myself.And let Klaus know that you're tracking him?你想让克劳斯知道你在追踪他吗He thinks you're dead. Let's keep it that way.他以为你死了我们不能让他发现It's a new lead, Damon.这是新的线索达蒙We haven't had one in a while.已经好久没有进展了Ok. I'll check it out. If I find anything, I'll call you. 好吧我去看看有发现我会给你电话But...但是He moved on to Tennessee.他去田纳西州了That Florida victim you had me look into你让我查的那个佛罗里达州的死者had family in Tennessee.他在田纳西州有亲人Which one, the Pensacola guy?谁那个彭萨科拉人吗You up for a road trip?想外出转转吗Ha. No can do.I have got to work, but I can see if I can get you an address. 我得工作但是我会想办法拿到地址的See you at the party.派对上见Get me that address.把地址给我弄来You need to come home.你赶紧回来吧It's boring around here without you.你不在真是无聊透了You think you're bored?你很无聊吗My dad's side of the family我爸这边的事儿可多了is like wet paint that never dries.没完没了的How's the Grill treating you?酒吧工作怎么样Well, it's teaching me the value of a mundane human experience. 让我认识到了人类平凡生活经历的价值A summer job is good for you.暑期打工对你有好处You needed some normal in your life.你的生活里该有些正常的东西- What was that? - Nothing.-怎么了 -没事Look, I, uh, I got to get back to work.我要回去工作了I'll talk to you soon, ok?一会儿再聊好吗Wait, wait, Jeremy.等下等等杰里米Is everything ok with you?你确定没事吗Yeah.没事Yeah, normal and mundane.没事一切正常Come home soon, ok?快点回家好吗Ok.好的Vickie!薇姬- I need you to switch sections with me. - Why? -我要和你换下位置 -怎么了Caroline and tyler just sat in mine.卡罗琳和泰勒刚在我负责的位置坐下了So?那怎么了So I don't feel like waiting on my ex-girlfriend. 我不想给前女友做服务员Something's up with your mother.你妈肯定有什么事Like what?比如说When I was over yesterday, she just kept eyeing me. 昨天我过去她不停地盯着我看Hey, guys.嗨你们好Did Matt make you switch sections?马特逼你跟他换位置了吗He thinks we're dating.他以为我们在约会- So does my mother. - What?!-我妈妈也是这么想的 -你说什么We're together all the time. It's not a leap.我们总在一起这么想也不意外That's crazy.他们真能胡想Right?是吗{\an8}南方甜酒What's up, bro?你好老兄Hey, Red.你好瑞德Can I get a beer?给我杯啤酒Ray?雷Ray sutton?是雷·萨顿吗Who wants to know?你是谁I've been looking everywhere for you.我一直在到处找你We started in Florida, Pensacola.从佛罗里达州的彭萨科拉开始I met a young chap there who you worked with 我碰见一位你搬去孟菲斯之前before you moved to Memphis.曾和你共事过的年轻人Now he directed me to two lovely young women. 通过他又找到两位可爱的年轻女士And they led me here, to you.他们帮我找到这儿找到你I think I'll be going.我该走了Not so fast, mate.伙计别急着走啊You only just got here.你可刚到不久Now your type are very hard to come by. 现在可很难遇见你这种人Yeah, I wouldn't do that.别想走Vampires.你们是吸血鬼You're swifty swift, Ray.雷你真聪明Yes, my friend here is a vampire.没错我的朋友是吸血鬼He's compelled everyone in the bar,他把酒吧的人都催眠了so don't look to them for any help.所以别指望他们救你了I, however...而我...I'm something else.则有点与众不同A different kind of monster.与众不同的怪物I've got some vampire, I've got some wolf.一半吸血鬼一半狼人You what?你是什么A hybrid, ray. I'm both.混血雷我是混血You see, I want to create more of me.你瞧我想创造出更多的"我"Now, you being the first werewolf I've come across in many a moon, 你是我几个"月"来遇见的第一个狼人pun intended, Ray, heh,听懂双关语了吗雷I need you to direct me to your pack.带我去找你的族群So...那么...Where can I find them, Ray?告诉我他们在哪儿雷You can't compel me, it won't work.你无法强迫我催眠对我无效I need a scotch on the rocks, please.请给我一杯加冰的威士忌Ahem. Tell you what, Ray.这样吧雷We're going to play a little drinking game. 我们来玩一个喝酒的小游戏Something I like to call truth or wolfsbane. 我称之为敬酒不吃吃附子草Oh, this is going to be fun, Ray.雷这一定会很有趣Elena?埃琳娜的电话I don't know why you just don't come clean 我不明白你为什么不说实话and tell her where we are.告诉她我们在哪儿'Cause Andie said this was a half-lead因为安迪说她不确定and I don't want to get her hopes up.我不想让她抱太大希望Yeah, well, they're all half-leads,是啊都是不确定的线索and I'm your accomplice.而我成了你的同谋What do you want me to say to her?你想我怎么跟她解释I'm practically living there.我现在还住在他们家Still sleeping on the couch?还睡沙发吗You know, I keep waiting for them to kick me out, 你知道吗我一直等他们赶我走but they don't. I don't know why.但他们没有我不知道为什么It's not like I'm helping or anything.我在那儿什么忙也帮不上- It's quiet. - Yeah.-真静啊 -是啊Too quiet.有点太静了Vampire for sure.肯定是吸血鬼干的It's stefan for sure.肯定是斯特凡干的How do you know?你怎么这么肯定It's his signature.There is a reason they called him the ripper.他们喊他开膛手是有原因的He feeds so hard he blacks out, rips them apart, 他饮血过量就会丧失意识撕碎她们But then when he's done, he feels remorse.可一旦他这么做了之后他又觉得懊悔It's the damndest thing.这是最可恶的一点He puts the bodies back together.他会把肢体又重拼在一起Back together.重拼在一起Definitely Stefan.肯定是斯特凡了I feel like I have to fight Damon我觉得每次我们有了斯特凡的线索every single time we get a lead on Stefan.就会跟达蒙闹不快- Maybe he doesn't want to find him. - Tyler! -可能他压根就不想去找他 -泰勒What?怎么了He's into you.Isn't he?不是吗The only reason Stefan left with Klaus能让斯特凡和克劳斯一起离开的唯一原因was so that he could save Damon's life.就是只有这样才能救达蒙的命I mean, trust me,相信我Damon wants to find him.达蒙想找到他But you kissed him.可是你吻了达蒙Probably screwed with his head.这可能让他冲昏头脑Tyler!泰勒I'm sorry.对不起I--don't worry about it. Look,我...没事的Yes, I kissed him, but it was a...没错我是亲了他但那是...It was a good-bye kiss. I thought he was going to die.I just missed a call from Bonnie.我刚错过了邦妮的电话I'll be right back.我马上就回来Just because I tell you things我把事情告诉你doesn't mean you're allowed to know them!并不代表你有权了解个中原委Sorry.抱歉I've got to run if I'm going to change我得走了不然就来不及换衣服and pick up Sophie in time.准点去接索菲了Wait, you're bringing a date?等等你这是要带个舞伴回来吗Slutty Sophie is your date?荡妇索菲居然是你的舞伴Hey, it's been kind of slow in that department. 我在这方面比较迟钝And...并且...I am horny all the time now.Yeah, tell me about it.当然了这还用说Sometimes I feel like I'm going to explode. 有些时候我觉得我要爆炸了It's, um, a vampire thing.这...吸血鬼就是这样You know, our emotions are heightened我们的情绪被放大了And we're on overdrive, so...感知高度集中所以It's a werewolf thing, too.狼人也这样- It's like I can't turn it off. - Yeah. -就好像我无法克制住它 -没错Well, I hope you get lucky tonight.那祝你今晚走运I'll see you later.一会儿见Yeah.好的See you later.一会见What are you doing?Covering their tracks.掩盖他们的踪迹Clearly they have no interest in staying in the dark. 很明显他们没兴趣低调行事But I do.但我有兴趣Hang on.等一下Ok.好的Well, what do you know?真没想到啊Werewolves.狼人Ray. You can end this right now.雷你可以马上结束这一切的Just tell me where your pack gathers只要你告诉我满月的时候for the full moon.你们狼人在哪聚集I can't.我不能说I know, I know, you live by a code and all that.But see, he's not going to let me stop可是你看你不告诉我until you tell me.他是不会让我停手的And I do whatever he says.我什么都得听他的That's the way it goes around here.这就是这里的规矩Hello, Mr.Klaus.克劳斯先生I have some information for you.我有消息要告诉你You told me to tell you if I saw anything.你吩咐我如果看到什么就告诉你...I saw that guy's brother Damon at the farmhouse.我看到那个人的哥哥达蒙在那间农舍里Well, thank you, Claudine.谢谢你克劳汀You just tell your friends你就告诉你的朋友to keep up the good work with the neighborhood watch, huh? 继续做好监督邻里的差事My brother's still on our trail?He's getting closer.他越来越近了I'm going to have to deal with that.我不得不去处理一下了No, no, no. Let me handle it.别别别让我来解决Why should I let you leave?我为什么要让你离开呢- 'cause you know I'll come back. - Do I?-因为你知道我会回来的 -是吗You saved my brother's life.你救了我哥哥的命I'm in your service.我听你差遣Oh, that almost sounds so tedious and indentured.这听起来多沉重好像卖身契一样Aren't you even having the least bit of fun?难道你没感受到一丝乐趣吗I'll make sure that my brother doesn't bother us anymore. 我会确保我哥哥不会再来打扰我们了Don't worry, I'm not going to lose it.别担心我不会失控的At least not before the cake.It's your party, you can cry if you want to. 这是你的派对你想哭就哭Ah, Stefan.斯特凡Such a pack rat.就这么消失了I got you something.我有东西送给你I know I promised not to buy you anything, 我知道曾经保证不再给你买礼物so don't worry, I didn't pay for it.所以不用担心这不是买的- You stole it? - No.-你偷的吗 -当然不是Found it.而是找到的My necklace.我的项链I thought I'd never see it again.我还以为再也找不到了Alaric found it in his loft.阿拉里克在他阁楼里找到的I figured you'd be happy to get it back.I am happy.我的确很开心Thank you.谢谢你You're welcome.不客气Can you...能帮我...Ah, absolutely.当然Shall we?我们走吧- Happy birthday Elena. - Thank you. -生日快乐埃琳娜 -谢谢You don't want that.那可不是你想要的You want the cheap young stuff你想要的是新潮的东西over by the cheap young people.而不是年轻的傻小子You like?喜欢吗Don't answer that.This is "Keeping it small"?这就是所谓的"低调"吗What are we drinking?我们喝些什么Where did you get that?你从哪弄的Uh, Henry from the kitchen sold me a dime.厨房的亨利廉价卖我的So, what's got you on your spiral downward?什么事让你又开始堕落了I'm sure it's a lot more interesting than mine. 我想一定比我的经历还有趣You do not want to know.你不想知道的How bad can it be?还能有多糟I already know everything else.该知道的我都知道了Go for it.继续吧You know I died, right?你知道我曾经死过了是吧And Bonnie used magic to bring me back to life. 邦妮又用巫术救活了我- Yeah, Elena told me. - The thing is,-是的埃琳娜告诉我了 -问题是ever since I came back, I've been seeing...自从我复活后就看到很多...things.事物What kind of things?什么样的事物Just...things I shouldn't be seeing.一些我本不应该看得到的事物What's Bonnie say about it?邦妮怎么说No, I haven't told her. I haven't told anybody. 我还没有告诉她我没有告诉任何人It's just messing with my head, is all.它们只是不停的在我脑海中出现You know, I just need to chill out.你知道的我只是需要清醒一下So...this.所以... 需要这个Oh, the stoner den.瘾君子包间啊Buzz kill.真扫兴Hey, guys.你们好Matt, hey.你好马特Happy birthday.生日快乐Thank you.谢谢He hates me.他还记恨我His hatred of me has driven him to drugs.恨得都开始吸毒了He doesn't hate you. He hates that he's not with you. 他没有恨你只是恨自己没有和你在一起Is that my brother?那是我弟弟吗Thank you.帮我拿着谢谢I am every parent's worst nightmare.我是每个父母的噩梦I'm the chaperone teacher from hell.我没有给孩子们做好榜样I love high school parties.我喜欢高中的舞会Isn't Andie supposed to be coming?安迪不是也要来吗Tech on broadcast. She'll be here in a little bit. 有个广播节目她迟点会来Hello, birthday girl.你好寿星Drink.给我酒Jeremy's smoking again.杰里米又开始抽大麻了Is his stash any good?他那儿还有啥好货色没You're an ass.你真是混蛋Talk to him, please.拜托和他谈谈He looks up to you.他很尊敬你You're screwed.你完了Ok, I--I'm the last person here again.好吧我又是最后走的Dave, enough work, please.大卫不要谈工作了Can we do this in the A.M.?我们明早再解决好吗I have a party I have to get to我有个生日舞会必须要参加了and you have got to get a life.而且你也应该轻松一下了Ok, all right, bye, bye, bye.好的再见[演播室]Hello?有人吗Not cool, my retinas are burning. 这可不好玩我视网膜都快融化了Ok, seriously?好了来劲了是吧What--what the hell are you doing? 你到底在搞什么鬼Hello?有人吗Hello?有人吗{\an8}安全出口No.不Oh, Stefan. Oh, my god.哦斯特凡天啊Oh, my god.天啊What are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you! 你在这干什么我们到处找你呢Stefan...斯特凡Since when are they a thing?他们俩何时搞到一起去了I thought you were ignoring me.我以为你在无视我呢I'm not ignoring you.我没有无视你啊Well, you've only said five words to me all summer,你整个暑假只跟我说了五个词and those were four of them.你刚才就说了其中四个Maybe because every time I've seen you,可能是因为我每次见到你- you've been with him. - 'Cause he's my friend.-你都跟他在一起 -因为他是我朋友which is what I thought you were.我以为你也是我的朋友Aren't you guys supposed to be, like, mortal enemies? 你们俩不应该是...天生的死敌吗I mean, isn't that how it works我是说在吸血鬼狼人的世界里in the vampire-werewolf universe?不应该是这样吗Matt, shh!马特小声点What is wrong with you?你怎么回事啊I don't know.我不知道I'm, uh...我...I'm out of it, I guess.我不想管你们的事了Yeah.好吧Sorry.抱歉- What was that about? - Nothing.-怎么回事 -没事- Great party, Caroline. - Thanks.-很棒的聚会卡罗琳 -谢谢Now leave it.现在你可以闪人了What the hell?到底怎么回事Andie wants me to pick her up.安迪让我去接她Your fake, compelled girlfriend那个被你控制的假女友wants you to be a chivalrous boyfriend?想让你当一个极具骑士精神的男朋友吗Well, it's a complicated dynamic.这可是个复杂的故事了Hold the fort down, will you?看好这摊子好吗You mean the fort full of my drunk history students? 你是说看好我的满屋喝醉的历史学生吗Drink more.多喝点It'll feel less weird.感觉就不会这么奇怪了This room's off-limits.这房间不能进Caroline?卡罗琳吗Sorry.抱歉I just needed to take a beat.我只是想喝一口Are you hiding?你在躲避什么吗I was just looking for Damon.我只是在找达蒙Well, he'd better be here somewhere,他最好还在这because we haven't even done the cake yet.因为我们还没开始切蛋糕呢I think I'm going to pass on the whole cake thing. 我觉得切蛋糕还是算了吧No! No way, no! It's your birthday.不行绝对不行这是你生日No, it's the dawn of a new day,不行这是新一天的开始and you can't get on with your life除非你许了愿吹了蜡烛until you've made a wish and blown out the candles. 否则你无法继续你的生活Is that what you all want me to do,这难道就是你想让我做的吗just get on with my life?揭过这一页继续生活吗No.不是Maybe.可能是I just don't think anyone wants to see you like this. 我只是认为没人想看你这样折磨自己I'm not going to give up on finding Stefan, Caroline. 我不会放弃寻找斯特凡卡罗琳Of course not. And you shouldn't.当然不会而且你也不应该放弃But you have to admit that you're kind of但你得承认你已经有点just letting your life pass you by.虚度光阴了And isn't Stefan the one难道斯特凡不希望who wanted to make sure that you lived it?你有一个充实的生活吗You want me to make a wish?你想让我许个愿吗I just want to know that he's alive.我只想知道他是否还活着That's it. That's my wish.仅此而已这就是我的愿望I'm sorry, ok?我很抱歉好吗I'm just drunk and dumb tonight.我只是今晚喝醉了又傻乎乎的You know...你知道吧What are you doing?你在干什么呢What's all that?这些是什么It's Klaus.是克劳斯的踪迹Damon's been tracking him without me. 达蒙一直背着我在寻找他Why wouldn't he just tell you?他为什么不告诉你I don't know.我不知道Andie...安迪...Party central.这里是聚会中心Where are you?你在哪呢I'm by the... punch bowl.我在...潘趣酒碗旁边Don't do that, Damon, don't lie to me.别这么做达蒙别骗我I saw your closet.我发现你柜子里的东西了Oh, oh, gotta go--gotta go break up beer pong. 哦得挂了得去开啤酒桶了Wait, Damon...等等达蒙...Stefan.斯特凡Hello, brother.你好兄弟You don't write.你不写信You don't call.不打电话Need you stop following me.你别再找我了Causing some problems.你在添麻烦With who, Klaus? I'm supposed to care what he thinks? 给谁克劳斯吗我应该在意他的想法吗What you're supposed to do... Is let me go.你应该做的就是让我走Saw your latest artwork in Tennessee.看见你在田纳西的最新杰作了Walking a fine line there, my friend.要注意了兄弟Keep that up and there will be no saving you.你要再这样下去就没得救了See, the thing is,是这样的I don't need any saving.我不需要什么救赎I just want you to let me go.只想让你别再找我Oh, I got a birthday girl at home家里还有个小寿星呢who's not going to let me do that.她不会同意的You know, maybe I haven't made my point.看来我意思表述的还不够清楚Hey, Andie, you still there?安迪你还在吧Andie?安迪Damon?达蒙I can't move, Damon.我动不了达蒙He told me that I can't move.他说我动不了No, no, no, it's ok, Andie, stay calm. 不不不别紧张安迪冷静- Not cool, brother. - Oh, come on.-一点也不好玩兄弟 -别这样It's a little bit cool, huh?还是挺好玩的Hey, Andie.嘿安迪- You can move now. - No!-你现在可以动了 -不要No, no, no, no, no!别别别别I said let me go.我说了让我走What are you doin'?你干嘛呢I can't find my truck.忘记我的车停哪了That's probably a sign you shouldn't be driving it. 估计是老天让你不要开车吧Need a ride?我送你吧You're more stoned than I am.你抽得一点不比我少What the--Vickie?!老天薇姬Help me.帮帮我What'd you just say?你刚说什么Nothin'.没事Did you just say "Vickie",你刚是不是喊的薇姬as in my sister Vickie?我妹妹薇姬What? No, no. I, uh,什么没没我I didn't say anything.我什么都没说No...不要What's wrong?到底怎么了You know what, maybe we should just walk. 我觉得我们应该走回去Excuse me.借过Excuse me. Hey!借过What is your problem?!怎么了你You're pissed that I brought someone?是不是我带了个伴儿让你生气了Why would I be pissed? You brought a date. 我为什么要生气带了个伴儿而已You're dating. That's...Awesome.你恋爱了很不错啊Ok, should I not be dating?我是不是不该约会呢Hey, you're horny all the time, right?你不是说你一直都很饥渴吗I mean, a guy has needs.我是说男人总有需求嘛'cause if I shouldn't be dating,如果你不想我和别人约会all you've got to do is say something.你只要把话说清楚就可以了If you don't say something, then I'm going to keep dating. 如果你不说我就继续这样- What would I say? - Don't do that, Caroline!-我说什么呢 -别这样了卡罗琳I've already been there once with you, ok, and you said no. 我给你表白过你说的不You shut me down. I'm not going back there again是你拒绝我的我不会再一次那样unless you make it crystal clear that you--除非你明确表示Let's get out of here.我们找个别的地方Hey! You missed the cake.你错过切蛋糕了What? What are you doing here?怎么了你在这做什么Why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it a secret?你为什么不告诉我为什么偷偷摸摸地Can we not do this right now? I'm having a really bad night. 现在能别纠结这个吗今晚过得很糟All summer, every single time I came to you with a lead,整个夏天每次我带着一个线索来找你you made me feel like an idiot for having hope.你都让我感觉自己像个怀有希望的傻瓜一样You were an idiot.你就是We both were.我们都是Tell me what you know, Damon.把你知道的都告诉我达蒙I know you need to get back to your party, Elena.你应该回你的生日聚会去了埃琳娜We're supposed to be in this together.我们应该齐心协力的Why didn't you tell me you've been tracking Klaus' victims?你为何不告诉我你一直在追踪克劳斯的受害者们Because they're not Klaus' victims, Elena, they're Stefan's!因为凶手不是克劳斯埃琳娜是斯特凡What?什么He's left a trail of body parts up and down the eastern seaboard. 他在东海岸一路杀过去No. You're wrong.不可能肯定是你搞错了。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...洛克伍德太太Mrs. Lockwood.这么快就要走了吗Leaving so soon?我现在有麻烦与吸血鬼有关I've gotten myself into a vampire situation.有人吗Hello!爸爸Daddy?斯特凡呢Where's Stefan?他把自己交给克劳斯了He gave himself over to Klaus.你可以做回真正的自己You can embrace what you truly are.你是个猎人A ripper.斯特凡还有的救我会帮你把他带回来Stefan can be saved. I'll help you bring him back.那这就是你的大计划吗So is this your master plan?建立混血奴隶军队Build an army of hybrid slaves?不是奴隶是战士No not slaves. Soldiers.不太对劲他们都死了Something's wrong. They're all dead.我应该可以转化他们的I should be able to turn them.我杀了个二重身I killed the doppelganger.我做了一切该做的I did everything I was told!你打扰我小酌了You're interrupting my drink.想我没You miss me?是凯瑟琳啊你在哪Katherine. Where are you?在你窗外独徘徊为伊消得人憔悴Lurking outside your window, pining away.What do you want?我想家了发生什么新鲜事了I'm homesick. What have I missed?克劳斯还扣押着斯特凡Well, Stefan's still Klaus' little prisoner埃琳娜还觉得自己能救他and Elena still thinks she can save him你走了以后就没人想过你and no one's thought about you since you left.那你呢And what about you?我敢说你现在既然放弃你弟弟了I'm sure now that you've given up on your brother,一定在谋划怎么泡他女朋友吧you're plotting some sort of way of moving in on his girlfriend. 我没放弃他啊I didn't give up on him.我只是不知道他在哪I just don't know where he is.而你却知道But you do.你在跟踪他们吗Are you trailing them?我干嘛去跟踪一个想要我命的混血儿A hybrid who wants me dead还有他那个发了疯的跟班and his sidekick who's off the rails?我可离他们远远的呢I couldn't be further away.就是说你很清楚他们在哪Which means you know exactly where they are.我只知道克劳斯没能造出混血儿All I know is that Klaus pitched a fit为此大发脾气once his hybrids didn't work.他现在想查明原因Now he's looking for some answers.你怎么知道的How do you know that?逃了五百年了Spend 500 years running,一路上总会遇到几个and there will be a few people along the waythat are looking out for you.这就是你现在做的事情吗Is that what you're doing?照顾我弟弟吗Looking out for my brother?或许是或许不是Maybe, maybe not.我有点矛盾I'm conflicted.他们在哪Where are they?欢迎回到芝加哥斯特凡Welcome back to Chicago, Stefan.我们来这儿干嘛What are we doing here?我知道你很喜欢这里I know how much you loved it here.让你回忆起以前做猎人的美好时光Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days.大多没印象了Blocked out most of them.只记得血池肉林莺歌燕舞A lot of blood, a lot of partying.但具体的记不得了The details are all a blur.那真是太可惜了Well, that is a crying shame.具体内容才是传奇呢The details are what makes it legend.传言说蒙特雷的猎人寂寞了Word was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely,所以他来到城里寻找慰藉so he escaped to the city for comfort.正值禁酒令时期It was prohibition.什么都不让做Everything was off limits then,反而让一切都更有趣了which made everything so much fun.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:草草Albot 句号Super 默默KIMI 思朵■校对:草草内丘五号屠场米小勒小黑时间轴:小猫Remember Ghost ■后期:Ghost 监制:米苏《吸血鬼日记》第三季第三集吸血鬼日记第三季第三集猜猜我刚刚看到谁了女士们Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies?来找乐子了吗塞尔瓦托先生Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?给我留支舞啊格洛莉娅Save me a dance, Gloria.您别客气啊Please, help yourself.我从不客气Oh, I always do.小心点塞尔瓦托先生Careful, Mr. Salvatore.你还沾着你的女伴呢You're still wearing your date.她真甜She's lovely.你是什么人Who are you?芝加哥真是神奇Chicago was magical.好吧我姑且信了Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it.我说过很多事情我都记不得了Like I said, I don't remember most of it.那我们就直奔主题吧Ready to get down to business, then?你为什么还不放过我Why am I still with you?我们也玩过乐过了制造混血儿也失败了We had our fun, your hybrids failed.你就不想放下此事继续生活吗I mean, don't you want to move on?我们要去见我最喜欢的女巫We're going to see my favorite witch.混血儿的问题上如果有谁能帮上忙If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem,非她莫属it's her.起床了小懒猪Rise and shine, sleepy head.你在干嘛What are you doing?!出去Get out!你心里清楚你梦到我了You know you were dreaming about me.所以才流口水了Explains the drool.我的天啊Oh, my God.才早上六点你不是吧6:00 a.m.. Seriously?一大清早你就没别的事可做吗Do you really have nothing better to do at 6:00 a.m.? 好吧别跟我去带斯特凡回家了Fine, don't come with me to bring Stefan home.回见See ya.等等等等你说什么Wait. Wait, wait, wait. What?你在说什么他在哪What are you talking about? Where is he?风城[芝加哥的别称]Windy city.他在芝加哥吗He's in Chicago?-你怎么知道的-我梦见的- Well, how do you know? - It came to me in a dream. 我一丝不挂你肯定喜欢I was naked. You would have loved it.-赶紧收拾-他还好吗- Start packing. - Is he ok?奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey): “脱口秀女王”这么说吧他可不是去找奥普拉的Well, let's just say he's not there to meet Oprah.这个一定得带上Put these in the "yes" pile.爸爸你还在吗Daddy, are you there?你为什么不说话啊Why won't you talk to me?爸爸Dad!你发生这事我真的很难过I'm so sorry this happened to you.爸爸Dad...我有个问题I need an answer.你在阳光下为什么没被烤焦How do you walk in the sunlight?求你放了我吧Just let me go.亲爱的快回答吧Sweetheart, please, just answer me.然后我们才能继续Then we'll get on with it.你就只想知道这事吗Is that all you want to know?我就想知道这个That's all I want to know.有意思Interesting.别这样爸爸你要干...No, dad, no! What are you--你要干什么啊你要干什么What are you doing? What are you doing?你的祖先建造了这地方Your ancestors built this place.人们以为它是用来关在监狱里捣乱的犯人People figured it was for unruly prisoners at the jailhouse, 但是...but...其实他们想用它干点别的They had something else in mind.通风系统里有马鞭草Vervain in the ventilation system这样能削弱他们的关押对象to keep their subject weak.用精钢打造的绑人的椅子Reinforced steel containment chair,还有那个and that.什么What?你要干什么What are you doing?爸爸Dad?嗜血的欲望控制了你亲爱的Blood controls you, sweetheart.我准备这样来拯救你This is how I'm going to fix you.什么意思What?真希望我们能找到他如果斯特凡I sure hope we find him, 'cause it would suck留下的最后纪念就是那破项链的话if the last momento of Stefan那就太糟了was that crappy old necklace.这可是古董啊达蒙It's an antique, Damon,像你一样like you.看看这个Read this.对斯特凡初到芝加哥的经历Paints a pretty little picture进行了生动的描绘of Stefan's first experience in Chicago.这是斯特凡的日记It's Stefan's diary.我才不会去偷窥他的隐私呢I'm not going to invade his private thoughts.你得为你要见到的场面做好准备You need to be prepared for what you're about to see. 我见过斯特凡最黑暗的样子I've seen Stefan in his darkest periods.我受得了I can handle it.瞧瞧这个1922年3月12日Here's one. March 12th, 1922."我好几天昏醉过去"I've blacked out days.在陌生人的血泊中醒来I wake up in strangers' blood,不记得身边的女人不知道自己在哪"in places I don't recognize with women I don't remember." 我可真吃惊啊Ahh! I'm shocked!原来斯特凡已经不是处男了Stefan's not a virgin?眼睛看路老奶奶Eyes on the road, grandma.好的Fine.那继续玩我的游戏吧Back to my game.要是看见弗罗里达牌照的车就说一声Tell me if you see a Florida plate.长途旅行常玩的一种游戏看见弗罗里达牌照的车后谁先说谁就赢抱歉打搅你们了伙计们Sorry to crash the fun, boys,但我们有人就是来这儿听音乐的but some of us actually came here to hear the music.不是听你们在这喧闹Not you.我真的很抱歉亲爱的I am so sorry, sweetheart.我们冒犯你了吗Are we offending you?要想冒犯我It would take a lot more than a baby face你还有点太嫩了like this to offend me.你不打算告诉我你的名字吗You ever going to tell me your name?当你配知道时可以告诉你Sure, when you earn it.行格洛莉娅个好把嘴闭上吧Now do Gloria a favor and stick a sock in it.挺眼熟的吧是吗Looks familiar, doesn't it?真不敢相信这地方还在I can't believe this place is still here.你开我心呢You got to be kidding me.一个混血儿走进一家酒吧对酒保说...So a hybrid walks into a bar, says to the bartender...别说了你可能无敌于天下Stop. You may be invincible,但你可不是个幽默的人but that doesn't make you funny.-我记得你-对- I remember you. - Yeah.你是格洛莉娅You're Gloria.你难道不应该已经...Shouldn't you be...老死了吗Old and dead?如果我死了谁来经营这地方啊Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh? 格洛莉娅是个法力强大的女巫Gloria's a very powerful witch.我可以延缓我的衰老I can slow the aging down some.用一些药材还有咒语但别担心Herbs and spells, but don't worry.大限之日总会来的It'll catch up to me one day.斯特凡你到吧台后面Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up给咱们弄点喝的吧a little something from behind the bar.好没问题Yeah, sure thing.-对了你真是美得让人陶醉-别说了- You look ravishing, by the way. - Don't.我知道你为什么来这I know why you're here.一个混血儿想制造更多的混血儿A hybrid out to make more hybrids?这样的消息可是会到处传的That kind of news travels.我哪里做错了我打破了那诅咒So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse.显然你有做错的地方Obviously you did something wrong.听着每个咒语都有漏洞Look, every spell has a loophole,但是一道这么古老的诅咒...but a curse that old...我们得跟下咒的那个女巫连通We'd have to contact the witch who created it.那就是女巫祖先了Well, that would be the original witch.-她可是长眠已久了-我知道- She's very dead. - I know.要想连通到她的话你得协助我And for me to contact her, I'll need help.-把丽贝卡带来-丽贝卡- Bring me Rebekah. - Rebekah.丽贝卡有点忙Rebekah is a bit preoccupied.她有我需要的东西带她来见我She has what I need. Bring her to me.这是怎么回事What is this?我早跟你说过斯特凡Well, I told you, Stefan.芝加哥是个神奇的地方Chicago's a magical place.可这是我But this is me.和你一起With you.卡罗琳是妈妈Caroline! It's mom.在局里熬了几个通宵了才喘口气Just coming up for air after a few all-nighters at the station. 我想跟你一起吃中饭I thought we'd have lunch你也可以顺便提醒我and you could remind me我保证过不会工作过度I promised not to work so hard.不要求你停下No! Please! Stop!求你停下Please stop!求求你Please!我不伤害别人我发誓I don't hurt anyone, I swear.爸爸我发誓Daddy, swear.我可以克制住嗜血的欲望我可以I can handle the urges. I can!你要是能克制得了就不会这样了If you could handle it, this wouldn't happen.对不起I'm sorry.对不起I'm sorry.让你能够把吸血鬼本质与痛苦相连By conditioning you to associate vampirism with pain,假以时日一想到人血in time, the thought of human blood会让你彻底抑制住你吸血鬼的本性will make you repress your vampire instincts completely.这是不可能的That's impossible.爸爸你没法彻底改造我的Daddy, you can't change who I am.-不我可以-不- Yes, I can. - No.记住这种感觉You remember this feeling.不...不不不No...No, no, no, no, no, no, no!芝加哥这座城那么大Stefan could live anywhere in Chicago斯特凡干嘛非住这儿and he chose this?拐角处曾有个女子中学There used to be an all-girls high school around the corner,但由于出勤问题关闭了but it shut down for attendance issues.真离奇Weird.如果你是想吓唬我好让我放弃回家If you're trying to scare me into giving up and going back,别费力气了it's not going to work.到了Here we are.斯特凡第二人格的家Stefan's second personality home.很明显他没来过这Pretty obvious he hasn't been here.我们还没看全呢Tour is not over yet.斯特凡把他的酒藏了起来Stefan hid his alcohol.真是个怪物What a monster.看仔细点Look harder.这是一份名单It's a list of names.这些都是他害死的人吗These are all of his victims?还受得了吗Still handling it?你在二十世纪二十年代在干什么What were you doing in the 1920s?为妇女解放运动效力吗Paving the way for women's liberation?我也在那混芝加哥可是个大城市I was around. Chicago's a big city.斯特凡那时是个狂妄的混蛋猎人Stefan was a cocky ripper douche.不过我能避开他But I could avoid him and still并沉溺在我自己找来的一群美女中indulge in a few Daisy Buchanans of my own.你上哪去Where are you going?-他常去的老地方-我和你一起- His old stomping ground. - I'm coming with you.不你留在这想一个可行的计划No. You stay here and whip up an actual plan.找到他了我就回来I'll come back when I find him.这说不通的为什么我不记得你This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you? 你自己说过那段时间遗忘了很多事You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes.不对如果你早认识我No, if you knew me,为什么你从没提起过then why haven't you said anything?我现在有点忙没工夫感怀往事I'm a little busy right now. Memory lane will have to wait.到底是怎么回事What the hell is going on?回答我Answer me.这么说吧我们的初识不太愉快Let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. 老实说我还讨厌你呢To be honest, I hated you.真漂亮It's beautiful.一位女巫给我的A witch gave it to me.-据说有魔法-是吗- Supposedly it's magical. - And is it?它把爱带给了我不是吗It brought me love, didn't it?不早了丽贝卡我们得走了It's late, Rebekah, we're leaving.-放开我-这人是谁- Get off of me! - Who is this guy?斯特凡不要他会杀了你Stefan, don't. He'll kill you.他比看起来强大多了He's a lot stronger than he looks.这就是我耳熟能详So this is the famous Stefan Salvatore大名鼎鼎的斯特凡·塞尔瓦托I've been hearing so much about.你说的对他发型是挺滑稽的You're right, he does have funny hair.我很无聊我想走I'm bored. I want to go.那你一个人走我又不是你的女朋友Then go without me, I'm not your girlfriend.不你是我妹妹No, you're my sister,也就是说...你必须得听我的which means... You have to do as I say.你的妹妹Your sister.这么说我还认识另一位吸血鬼祖先So I knew another original vampire.如果你接受不了那就别再问了If you can't handle it, then don't ask.我认不出她I don't recognize her.千万别告诉她Well, don't tell her that.丽贝卡的脾气比我还坏Rebekah's temper is worse than mine.该醒来了妹妹Time to wake up, little sister.快睁开眼丽贝卡Any day now, Rebekah.她这是演戏给我看呢She's being dramatic.你为什么不直接告诉我Look, why don't you just tell me这到底是怎么回事what the hell is going on?我是说你让我在这儿I mean, you obviously want me here总得有个理由吧for a reason, right?-你有很多有用的天赋-是吗- Well, you have many useful talents. - Do I?实际上我有几个经典伎俩还是跟你学的呢In fact, I learned some of my favorite tricks from you. 斯特凡你倒是说说看你哪里配得上So Stefan, enlighten me what makes you和我妹妹这样的吸血鬼祖先在一起worthy of an original like my sister?她可是纯种的吸血鬼She's pure vampire而你只不过是一个杂种and you're no more than a diluted bloodline.别听他的斯特凡尼克思想太陈腐了Don't listen to him, Stefan. Nik's an elitist.那你的家人呢Hmm. And where's the rest of your family?让我想想大部分被我杀了Well, let's see. Um, I killed most of them.也不是全部Oh! But not all.你也没什么意见And you're ok with that?我们都有选择权Well, we all had the chance to choose a side.最终我选对了方阵I chose the right one, eventually.我妻子在哪里Where the hell's my wife?不晓得啊我猜不到I don't know. I give up.你还以为自己很拽是么You think you're so tough?躲在酒吧烂醉如泥Hiding in your bar, drinking your liquor?我一个电话打到芝加哥警察局就够你受的了A telephone call to Chicago P.D. might set you straight. 莱拉莱拉请过来一下Lila? Lila, please come here for a second.哦谢天谢地Oh, thank god.快跟我离开这里Come on, we're leaving.哦别别别Oh, no, no, no, no. No.你们给我坐下You're sitting.斯特凡别这么邪恶Stefan, don't be mean.你在干什么What the hell are you doing?非常感谢你莱拉Thank you so much, Lila.快去包扎一下Why don't you go and bandage that up.我想请你喝一杯I'd like you to join me for a drink.你真是个变态What kind of sick freaks are you?我说了喝下去I said, drink!-我还不知道你的名字呢-去死吧- I didn't catch your name. - Go to hell.-你还想再来一口吗-利亚姆- Do you want another sip? - Liam.-利亚姆·格兰特-利亚姆·格兰特- Liam Grant. - Liam Grant!再来一口利亚姆Have another sip, Liam.干了Finish it.我是你的头号粉丝I was your number one fan.我为什么要相信你说的Why should I believe any of this?她醒了以后When she wakes up,让她去格洛莉娅的酒吧找我们tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar.然后自愿献出你的颈动脉喂她Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed-直到你死去-你要去哪儿- until you die. - Where are you going?你觉得我在撒谎斯特凡You think I'm lying, Stefan.我们以前就相互认识You and I knew each other.你信任我告诉过我一个秘密You trusted me with one of your secrets-而现在我要证明给你看-怎么证明- and now I'm going to prove it to you. - How?我们去你的旧公寓We're going to your old apartment.好的All right.什么风把你给吹来了Well, look what the wind blew in.之前我还听说你讨厌这个地方Last I heard, you hated this place.-格洛莉娅-该死- Gloria. - Damn!要知道你美艳如初If I knew you were going to age like this,我估计会经常光顾I would have stuck around.我就是喜欢你多一点I always did like you better.但我看你弟弟还是混在坏人堆里But I see your brother is still running in the wrong crowd. 你见过他了You've seen him?和克劳斯一起混蛋组合With Klaus. Bad combo.你知道他们去哪儿了吗You know where they went?今晚晚些时候他们会回来They'll be back here later tonight.他们出去为我完成一个小差事了They're out running a little errand for me.格洛莉娅Gloria...别挑逗我了Don't be a tease.是什么差事What kind of errand?我不觉得在挑逗你I don't think so.你可能很有魅力但你仍然是个吸血鬼You may be cute, but you're still a vampire.1922年四月April, 1922.莱克茜昨晚找到了我把我从铁轨上拽下来Lexi found me last night, dragged me off the train tracks. 觉得她能带我找回人性的一面Thinks she can make me care again.1924年6月莱克茜快把我搞疯了June, 1924--Lexi's driving me crazy.更多的动物血和更多的痛苦More animal blood, more misery.1935年嗜血之欲仍在但容易控制多了1935--cravings are there, but it's easier.莱克茜正在筹备她的下一个计划Lexi's on to her next project--让我大笑getting me to laugh.多迷人的小家园What a charming little homestead.你感受到了吗Do you feel that?有人在这里Is anybody here?已经空了几十年了It's been vacant for decades.肯定常有人闯进来People must break in all the time.你为什么带我到这儿来Why'd you bring me here?你的朋友利亚姆·格兰特就是那个Your friend, Liam Grant, the one who drank喝他妻子血的人我之前总不明白his wife's blood-- I never could figure out为什么你要知道他的名字why you wanted his name.于是你告诉了我你的小秘密And then you told me your little secret.那是因为你特殊的小仪式It was all part of your special little ritual.-写下它-然后一再地- To write it down. - And relive the kill...回味嗜杀的感觉over and over again.现在相信我了吧You believe me now?看我找到了什么Look what I found.1918年的1918.纯麦威士忌Single malt.我的最爱My favorite.我们去找人同饮吧Let's go and find someone to pair it with.你才回来我一小时前就打你电话了Finally! I called you an hour ago.把自己打扮漂亮点Make yourself presentable.我知道今晚斯特凡要去哪里I know where Stefan's going to be tonight.我告诉你我今天差点被克劳斯逮个正着I told you that I was practically discovered by Klaus 你却在担心我要穿什么and you're worried about what I'm wearing?我已经意识到I had an hour to realize把你单独留下是个是个错误what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone,可事已至此了process it, and move on.你还好吗Are you ok?非常好Ok, good.去打扮打扮你现在的样子真邋遢Get dressed. You're all road-tripy and gross.你知道他今晚的行踪So you know where he's going to be?是的和克劳斯Yes, with Klaus.所以我引开他的注意你去说服斯特凡So I'll distract Klaus and you deal with Stefan.好谢谢Ok. Thank you.但在那个混血怪物取出我的心脏前But you're going to have about five minutes tops 你最多只有五分钟before that hybrid freak rips my heart out.所以告诉我你能做到So please, tell me you can do this.我可以I can do this.-丽贝卡在哪里-她一会儿就到- Where's Rebekah? - She'll be here.她又不能随叫随到I can't just conjure her on demand.你怎么了What's with you?我还以为芝加哥是你的乐园I thought Chicago was your playground.所以这就是你拉我入伙的原因So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? 只是因为你喜欢Because you liked the way我折磨无辜人的方式that I tortured innocent people?毫无疑问那只是一半原因Well, that's certainly half of it.另一半呢What's the other half?斯特凡另一半The other half, Stefan,是你以前想和我合作is that you used to want to be my wingman.他们嫉妒They're jealous.你的家族希望你死Your family wants you是因为他们永远都不会像你一样dead because they can never be what you are. 什么一个讨厌鬼What? An abomination?不是一个王者No. A king.看看我们Look at us.都遭人厌恶Two sad orphans.你知道我妹妹对你很着迷My sister fancies you, you know.但是But...我应该提醒你I should warn you,丽贝卡做事从不犹豫Rebekah doesn't do anything half-speed,当然也包括爱情方面and that includes falling in love.所以小心点So just be careful.她绝对是很疯狂的She's totally mad.非常感谢你的提醒I appreciate the advice.等她厌倦你的时候And when the point comes where就会毫不犹豫的离开she inevitably leaves you--她控制不了自己那是她的本性She can't help it, it's just who she is.别让你的心沦陷Don't let your heart do anything stupid.尼克你真是个不可多得的朋友You know what, you're a good friend, Nik.很高兴遇到你I'm glad I met you.为友谊干杯To friendship.我想让你知道I want you to know,当卡罗尔·洛克伍德告诉我你的事后when Carol Lockwood called and told me about you... 我很难过大哭一场I sat down and cried.爸爸我很好Dad, I'm ok.我已经学会去适应了I've learned to adapt.我不需要改变I don't need to be fixed.我是改变不了的I can't be fixed.我一直教你要尽全力I've always taught you to try your best.我现在需要你尽全力I need you to try your best now.看到了吗There, see?-你要成功了-我做不到- You're doing it. - I can't.你一定行的要克制住欲望Yes, you can. Fight the urge.爸爸我很饿Daddy, I'm starving.我知道的你行的卡尔再试一次I know you are, Car. Try.为什么你知道这不管用Why? You know that this isn't going to work.它必须管用这是唯一的选择It has to work. It's the only option.你为什么想要改变我Why are you trying to fix me?这样就不用杀掉你了So I don't have to kill you!爸爸对不起Daddy, I'm sorry.太阳落山了The sun's gone down.我们明天再试一次We'll try again tomorrow.你好比尔Hello, Bill.莉兹把枪放下Put the gun down, Liz.我知道自己在做什么I know what I'm doing.在里面的是我们的女儿That's our daughter in there.她尊敬你爱你She looks up to you. She loves you.那她就会相信我的做法是正确的Then she'll trust me to do the right thing.莉兹不要阻止我不是因为她是个怪物Let me do this, Liz. Not because she's a monster, 而是因为我们爱她but because we love her.泰勒Tyler.你不能进去You're not going in there.快进去Go ahead.泰勒Tyler.没事了我们这就带你出去It's ok. We're going to get you out of here.我的戒指戒指My ring. My ring.好Ok.我很疑惑如果我们真是好朋友So I'm confused. If we were such great friends, 为什么我只记得你是个混血杂种why do I only know you as the hybrid dick在祭坛上把我的女友烧死了who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire? 美好的事物总是稍纵即逝All good things must come to an end.他们用的是木质的子弹他们知道了They're using wooden bullets. They know.-那就是说他在这-谁- That means he's here. - Who?谁在这里Who's here?丽贝卡快点我们得走了宝贝Rebekah! Come on, we've got to go, sweetheart. -到底是怎么回事-斯特凡- What the hell is going on? - Stefan!快走Go!斯特凡Stefan.对不起快乐时光得结束了I'm sorry, but the fun has to end here.你在说什么What are you talking about?你必须忘记丽贝卡和我You must forget Rebekah and me.除非我让你记起斯特凡你从不认识我们Until I say otherwise, you never knew us, Stefan. 谢谢我已经忘记Thank you. I had forgotten拥有一个兄弟是什么感觉了what it was like to have a brother.你强迫我忘记You compelled me to forget.我和丽贝卡得重新开始生活了It was time for Rebekah and I to move on.最好能抛开过去Better to have a clean slate.为什么But why?你并不需要隐瞒你的行踪You shouldn't have to cover your tracks...除非你在躲什么人unless you're running from someone.故事讲完了Storytime's over.我要再去喝一杯I need another drink.真正的一杯A real one.你到底是怎么回事What is wrong with you?!这话应该我问你What is wrong with you?你杀了安迪然后又救了我You kill Andie one day, you save my life the next. 你到底是善是恶选一个What are you good, bad? Pick one!克劳斯今天差点看到埃琳娜Klaus almost saw Elena today.你必须把她带离芝加哥You have to get her out of Chicago.在看到你开始戒除血瘾之前She's not going anywhere until she's got you她是不会离开这里的checked into vampire rehab and on the mend.相信我我试过了Trust me. I've tried.她是一切的关键She is the key to everything.不能让克劳斯知道她还活着Klaus can't know that she's alive.你在说什么What are you talking about?她本应该死在祭祀上的可她没有She was supposed to die in the sacrifice and she didn't. 现在克劳斯无法制造新的混血儿Now Klaus can't create any new hybrids.他的女巫很快就要想到办法了His witch is seconds away from figuring that out.让埃琳娜回去把我忘了Tell Elena to go home and forget about me.自己告诉她吧Tell her yourself.准备打烊快点喝吧Last call. Drink 'em up.他们现在居然连瘪三都放进来I see they've opened the doors to the riff raff now.宝贝更难听话的我都听过Oh, honey, I've been called worse.你不会放弃的是吧You don't give up, do you?把我的弟弟还给我Give me my brother back...我就再也不会出现You'll never have to see me again.很遗憾Well, I am torn.我答应过斯特凡不会杀你You see, I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die,但我到底答应了见面多少次之内呢but how many freebies did I really sign up for?而且你看上去真的是想死And clearly you want to die,。

《吸血鬼日记》前情提要Previously on "The Vampire Diaries"...你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜她一定乐在其中吧Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar? 你想与埃琳娜相爱可以啊You can be in love with Elena all you want.如果这意味着你会保护她If it means that you'll protect her.他已经完全失控了He's flipped the switch.斯特凡走了不会回来了Stefan is gone, and he's not coming back.摧毁克劳斯是我仅剩的事了Destroying Klaus is all I have left.你本来还有我You had me.我和他离开镇子的那一刻就已经失去你了I lost you the minute I left town with him.有那么一瞬间我竟然觉得'Cause I thought for one second我不必再感到内疚了that I wouldn't have to feel guilty anymore...-为什么内疚-为想我所想- Guilty for what? - For wanting what I want.我当时并不是有意去吻他的I didn't plan on kissing him.三个沉睡的祖先却有四口棺材3 sleeping originals,4 coffins.上锁的这里面是谁Who is in the locked box?现在我可以跟家人团聚了Now I reunite my family.你说的是那些你装在棺材里搬来搬去的人吗You mean, the people you cart around in caskets.现在你要按我的方式来You're doing this on my terms now.丽贝卡科尔Rebekah. Kol.芬恩不要Finn, don't.棺材打开了Coffin's open.妈妈Mother?你知道我为什么来这儿吗Do you know why I'm here?来杀我To kill me.是来给你宽恕的To forgive you.希望我们能做回一家人I want us to be a family again.萨尔茨曼老师怎么样了How's Mr. Saltzman?答应我会在观察病房过夜了Resigned to spending the night in observation,前提是我保证会给家里换锁so long as I promise to change the lock on the house.我刚刚跟邦妮谈过了So I talked with Bonnie earlier.她和她妈妈都好Her and her mom are fine.你跟卡罗琳通过话吗Have you talked to Caroline?通过她还撑得住Yeah. She's holding it together,毕竟她和她爸爸曾经很亲密considering how close she and her dad used to be.找到下黑手的人了吗Any word on who was behind all these attacks?没有福布斯警长说连嫌疑人都没有No. Sheriff Forbes said that there's no real suspects at all. 急诊室这一切你能对付得来吗How are you dealing with everything?我是说你总是被卷进这些事当中I mean, you keep getting dragged into all this.说实话Honestly...我还挺幸运的I'm kind of lucky.明天唯一需要我担心的事The only thing that I have to worry about for tomorrow 就是去酒吧值班is showing up for my shift at the Grill.今天的事谢谢你了Thank you for everything today.真谢谢你Really.回家路上注意安全Get home safe.谢谢Thanks.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:草草五号屠场Josie Marvis 凌魂Sherky 找翅膀的兔子■校对:草草米小勒米苏时间轴:小猫玖月Remember ■后期:Ghost 监制:米苏怎么回事What?常开车吗Drive much?丽贝卡Rebekah.想不到吧Surprised?你往我背上扎匕首埃琳娜很疼的You drove a dagger through my back, Elena. It hurt.以利亚Elijah.走吧Leave.你要向我挑衅吗Are you challenging me?你真可悲You're pathetic.你俩都是Both of you.我说...Well...我们可得聊聊了I believe we have a little catching up to do.吸血鬼日记第三季第十四集棺材里封的是他们的妈妈埃丝特It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin.就是女巫祖先吗As in the original witch?什么她怎么会活着What? How is she even alive?她那个混血怪物儿子I thought her hybrid freak show of a son不是一千年前就把她心掏出来了吗ripped her heart out a thousand years ago.不知道我想她大概I don't know. I'm guessing she has在女巫圈里有人吧a couple of connections in the witching community.以利亚说她想要和家人和平相处Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family,也包括克劳斯including Klaus.她该是帮我们杀掉克劳斯的武器She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus.是啊现在不是了Yeah, well, not anymore.至少根据以利亚的说法不是了At least, not according to Elijah.那个棺材本来是唯一That coffin was the only thing阻止克劳斯撕碎我们的筹码stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds.有没有人觉得被利用了Anyone else feeling a little used right now?以利亚跟我保证说他的家人并不想伤害我们任何人Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us. 我相信他I believe him.埃琳娜·吉尔伯特收什么东西What is it?是封请柬It's an invitation."请与迈克尔森家族一道"Please join the Mikaelson family跳舞喝鸡尾酒庆祝this evening at seven o'clock时间是今晚七点"for dancing, cocktails, and celebration."迈克尔森家族是谁啊Who the hell are the Mikaelsons?是祖先家族The original family.他们搬来镇上还不够糟糕It's not bad enough they're moving into town. 还要我们去温锅吗Now they want a housewarming gift?等等后面有留言Wait. There's a note on the back."埃琳娜我想我们该见面了"Elena, I think it's time we finally meet."埃丝特""Esther."丽贝卡快说说我有多帅Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am.科尔你知道我不能被思想控制的Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled.你去找埃琳娜麻烦了You went after Elena?你怎么回事What is wrong with you?开训了Here we go.你想心脏上再扎进匕首吗Do you want another dagger in your heart? 又用匕首来威胁我们Again with the dagger threats?你就没别的招数了吗Don't you have any other tricks?继续臭美吧你Oh, go back to staring at yourself.你算老几我爸爸吗And who are you, my father?不是科尔但你现在在我家No, Kol, but you're in my house.那或许我们该出去转转Then perhaps we should go outside.够了Enough!尼克劳斯来Niklaus, come.丽贝卡从棺材里爬出来不到一天Rebekah wasn't even out of her box a day就想要毁掉我的生活了before she tried to ruin my life.不是说要和平共处相互包容What happened to peace, acceptance,家人和睦吗family?你把匕首扎在他们的心上You put daggers in their hearts.你还指望他们会下跪You want them to go down on their knees亲吻你的脚感谢你让大家团圆吗and kiss your feet for reuniting them?那么希望我们的家人像从前那样是罪过吗So it's a crime to want our family to be as we were? 你得耐心点尼克劳斯You need to give it time, Niklaus.我在那边待了一千年I've had a thousand years on the other side生过气然后平息怒火to be angry and to heal.我来是想要我们的家人都能做到这一点I'm here to make sure this family does the same.我就是不理解I just don't understand.我杀了你你却还是宽恕我I killed you, and still you forgive me.一千年来我一直梦想着It's been my dream for a thousand years这个家族能重新合为一体that this family could be as one.宽恕不是难念的经Forgiveness is not a chore.而是恩赐It's a gift.你今晚要带谁来舞会Now, who are you bringing to the ball this evening? 别傻了Don't be ridiculous.我能去你就该庆幸了You're lucky I'm even going.我希望你能重新考虑Well, I wish you would reconsider.今晚会充满魔力It's going to be a magical evening.如果埃丝特想找我谈If Esther wants to talk to me,或许我该去听听她有什么事maybe I should find out why.这主意真蠢Well, that's a dumb idea.她已经尝试过杀你了She already tried to kill you once.不埃琳娜说得对No, Elena's right.邦妮受到指引打开棺材是有原因的Bonnie was led to open that coffin for a reason.我觉得这不会只是家庭团圆那么简单I think there's more to this than just some family reunion. 我们能不能让时间倒流Can we go back in time to the old Stefan回到斯特凡在乎埃琳娜死活的日子who cared if Elena lived or died?何必现在不是有你吗What for? That's your job now.斯特凡说的有道理达蒙Stefan has a point, Damon.我该去查明她的目的I should find out what she wants.你不能保护你自己You can't protect yourself.好吧我也去Ok, fine. Then I'll go.你惹火的先祖够你受一辈子的了You pissed off enough originals to last a lifetime.我去I'll go.就这么定了End of story.卡罗琳我是泰勒Caroline, it's Tyler.我知道我该早点打给你I know I should have called sooner.我只是吓坏了跑掉了I just kind of freaked out and left.但我听说你爸爸的事了我很难过But I heard about your dad, and I'm sorry.这是真心话卡罗琳I'm really sorry, Caroline.我按你父亲的教导在外训练自己I'm out doing what he said.我会治好我自己然后回去找你I'm going to fix myself and come home to you.我爱你I love you.卡罗琳·福布斯收留一曲与我共舞充满爱意克劳斯不是吧Seriously?感觉怪怪的It's all so weird.祖先要开舞会好像那种正经的舞会The originals are throwing a ball, like an actual ball.我看是对灰姑娘的迷信吧It's some twisted Cinderella fetish is what it is.那个邪恶的女巫为什么要跟你谈呢And why does the evil witch want an audience with you?我不知道I have no idea.想知道只有一种办法There's only one way to find out.你不是跟斯特凡和达蒙说你不去吗I thought you told Damon and Stefan that you weren't going.我是说了I did,所以我更需要一个不那么夸张的保镖了which is all the more reason why I need a drama-free bodyguard. 我想塞尔瓦托兄弟穿晚礼服会更养眼Well, I think a Salvatore would look a lot better in a tux,说兄弟我指的是弟弟and by that, I mean Stefan.我现在哥哥弟弟都应付不来I can't deal with either of the Salvatores right now.不管斯特凡是什么心理Whatever Stefan's feeling,他一心扑在对抗克劳斯上he's channeling it all against Klaus,达蒙就...and Damon...总之就是不太好it's just not a good idea.为什么Why?因为你俩接吻了吗'Cause you two made out?邦妮告诉我的Bonnie spilled the beans.我是打算告诉你的I was gonna tell you.只是你父亲的事...It's just after everything happened with your dad--埃琳娜新生入学那年你和马特接吻时Elena, when you and Matt kissed for the first time freshman year, 你立刻就告诉我了you called me the second it happened.可这次我到现在才知道I don't hear about this till now?还是别人来告诉我From somebody else?对不起I'm sorry.只是我都不知道我对此是怎么想的It's just I--I don't even know how I feel about it yet.我只知道...All I do know is that...以前没这么累Just used to be so much easier.小心哦卡罗琳Careful, Caroline.她说不准突然从背后也捅你一刀It's all well and good till she stabs you in the back.你来这儿干什么What are you doing here?我知道你妈妈的规矩I know your mom's rules.不许伤害当地人No hurting the locals.少自恋了埃琳娜Get over yourself, Elena.地球不都围着你转It's not all about you.天呐Oh, my god.她要请他去舞会She's inviting him to the ball.她为什么邀请他Why is she inviting him?大概就是想要我们这个反应Probably to get this reaction from us.这个该死的舞会是什么时候What time is this stupid dance?你好啊卡罗尔Hello, Carol.你好Hello.来找你的新闺蜜玩了吗Hanging out with your new besties?我可是镇长达蒙I'm the mayor, Damon.当史上最古老最致命的吸血鬼家族When the oldest, deadliest family of vampires搬来你的镇上要笑脸相迎moves into your town, you welcome them with a smile. 至少你知道Well, at least you know你的邻居是谁who you're borrowing that cup of sugar from.我是想要保护这个小镇I'm trying to protect this town.他们向我保证他们想和平共处They've assured me they want peace,我也保证我会以礼相待and I've assured them that I'd enforce it.洛克伍德镇长Mayor Lockwood.我们还没正式介绍过We haven't formally met.我是科尔·迈克尔森Kol Mikaelson.希望你们可爱的小镇能对我们张开双臂I hope your lovely town embraces us就像我们也打算拥抱这个小镇那样just as much as we plan to embrace it.我是达蒙·塞尔瓦托Damon Salvatore.我们见过吗Have we met?我见过很多人I've met a lot of people,对你没什么印象and you don't particularly stand out.失陪了卡罗尔Excuse me, Carol.你来这儿干什么What are you doing here?这话我也想问你I could ask you the same thing.没想到啊Surprise, surprise.礼服挺帅Nice tux.你不该来的You're not supposed to be here.我就是来了Well, I am,不查明埃丝特想要干什么我不会走的And I'm not leaving until I find out what Esther wants, 那么我们走吧so shall we?晚上好Good evening.我得喝一杯I need a drink.你是埃琳娜·吉尔伯特吧Elena Gilbert, I presume.我是芬恩·迈克尔森I'm Finn Mikaelson.你是来见我妈妈的You're here to see my mother.她在吗Is she here?她只要见你不见你的朋友Her request did not include your friends.他们是来保护我的They're protecting me.你或许不知道但你妈妈You may not know, but your mother's曾试图杀掉我already tried to kill me once.如果你想见我妈妈If you want to see my mother,你就得单独来you'll need to be alone.请大家过来一下Uh, if everyone could gather, please.失陪Excuse me.欢迎各位前来Welcome. Thank you for joining us.我妈妈每次像这样让我们家人齐聚You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, 我们的传统是用一曲舞蹈开始这个夜晚it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance.你看到我看到的人了吗Do you see who I see?看到了Oh, yeah.今晚我们选的是有一个世纪历史的华尔兹Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz,请各位选好舞伴so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner,与我们一同去舞厅please join us in the ballroom.想都别想Don't even think about it.她想单独见我达蒙She wants to see me alone, Damon.那就算她倒霉了Well, it sucks to be her, then.我今早没说清楚吗Was I not clear this morning?他们邀请我了I was invited.你走进龙潭虎穴之前要跟我说一声You have to tell me before you walk into a lion's den.-凭什么好让你阻止我吗-对- Why? So that you can stop me? - Yes.不跳舞就太失礼了It would be rude not to dance, you know.毕竟是传统嘛It is tradition.你真美不过这是明摆着的You look stunning, if it isn't obvious.谢谢Thank you.你能来我很高兴I'm glad you came.来这儿能吃鱼子酱在家只有砂锅菜Well, it was either caviar or sympathy casseroles.我听说你爸爸的事了I heard about your father.别说了我认真的Don't. Seriously.好吧那就说点有礼貌的话题吧Very well. On to more mannered subjects then,比如你穿这裙子多么美like how ravishing you look in that dress.我只是没时间去买衣服I didn't really have time to shop.那我送你的手链呢And the bracelet I gave you,你为什么戴上它what's your excuse for wearing that?要知道你舞跳得不错You know, you're quite the dancer.我可是练过的Well, I've had training.我可是神秘瀑布小姐I happen to be miss Mystic Falls.我知道I know.你还跳舞啊He dances,我都不需要哀求你呢and I didn't even have to beg.是洛克伍德镇长找我来的Well, mayor Lockwood dragged me out here.没法拒绝Couldn't exactly say no.你来这儿干嘛What are you doing?干嘛跟那个恶婆娘在一起Why are you here with the she devil?难道我该拒绝吗What was I supposed to say, no?你怎么会跟克劳斯在一起And why the hell are you here with Klaus?别逼我提那事Don't even get me started.你用三十秒就调动了达蒙的好心情Took you about 30 seconds to put Damon in a mood. 他只是想照顾我He's just looking out for me.我想他得明白你能自己照顾自己I think he needs to figure out that you can look out for yourself.我得跟你谈谈I need to talk to you.谈吧Ok, so talk.别在这儿I--not here.别瞪着了很恐怖的Stop staring. It's creepy.她当然漂亮了Of course she looks beautiful.她穿的衣服都是尼克给的Nik gave her everything she's wearing.你可不是这么刻薄的人Well, you're no dog yourself.你这话是赞美吗Was that supposed to be a compliment?昨天晚上你想干掉埃琳娜You tried to kill Elena last night.这样可得不到赞美You don't get compliments.真没礼貌Caveman.埃琳娜在哪Where is Elena?我们得弄清楚埃丝特是否是站在我们这边If Esther's secretly on our side, we need to know,但你们俩老跟着我我没法接近她but I can't get to her with 2 bodyguards.为什么要跟我说这些Why are you telling me this?因为达蒙不会让我只身一人近她的身Because Damon won't let me anywhere near her without protection, 而对你来说杀死克劳斯and you care about killing Klaus才是头等大事所以more than you care about anything, so...怎么了我说错了吗What? Am I wrong?没有你说得没错No, you're not wrong.你需要我干什么What do you need me to do?保证我能进入那个房间和埃丝特独处Make sure that I can get into that room with Esther alone. 你确定你能处理好吗You sure you can do this?我能I can do this.我们还在一起的时候When we were together,你就常常让我自己做决定you used to let me make my own decisions.那时候你相信我You trusted me.经历了这么多之后至少这点没有改变After all this, at least that hasn't changed.你的男伴呢Where's your date?在和他的前任调情呢Flirting with his ex.你变了贝卡You've changed, Becca.将就着和普通人一起You know, settling for mortals就预示着你在变的软弱is the first sign of weakness.我可没有I'm not settling.我带他过来就是为了要干掉他I brought him here to kill him.他是埃琳娜的朋友He's Elena's friend.如果他死了她也会备受煎熬If he dies, she suffers.但我已经被骂过一次But I've already been scolded once,所以我想你能否伸出援手帮帮你的妹妹so I was hoping you'd help your baby sister out.公然违反妈妈定的规矩吗And spit right in the face of mother's rules?算我一个I'm in.我收到你的短信了I got your text.来这儿做什么What are we doing in here?你最好抓紧时间Well, better hurry up.他很快就会醒过来Won't be down for long.埃琳娜Elena.我知道我母亲要求见你I understand my mother requested to see you.是的Uh, yeah.怎么了有什么问题吗Why? Is something wrong?在我弟弟无所不用其极地Well, her ability to forgive my brother毁了我们这个家之后我妈妈还能原谅他after everything he's done to destroy this family 这多少有些古怪至少对我来说strikes me as a little strange to say the least.你觉得那是逢场作戏吗Do you think that it's an act?这让我产生了许多我从未有过的疑问It has me asking questions I never thought I'd ask. 你能把她说的话转述给我吗Can I depend on you to tell me what she says?没问题Of course.我晚点再找你I'll find you later, ok?肯定是那个女孩That'll be the girl.你只身前来You're alone.明智的选择Wise choice.这只是鼠尾草It's only sage.我给它施了咒这样我们就能畅所欲言I've spelled it so we can speak freely不必担心隔墙有耳without fear of being overheard.这里没你的事了芬恩谢谢你That'll be all, Finn. Thank you.你肯定对我好奇不已埃琳娜You must have a million questions for me, Elena.请坐Please.你怎么会活着How are you alive?你是鬼还是...Are you a ghost or...并不是Not exactly.我死的时候女巫艾安娜When I died, the witch Ayana用咒语封存了我的躯体preserved my body with a spell.她是我的一个好朋友She was a close friend of mine,也是你朋友邦妮的祖先an ancestor of your friend Bonnie.所以只有邦妮和她的妈妈So that's why only Bonnie and her mother才能打开那个棺材could open up the casket.她们连结了贝内特一族的血脉They complete the Bennett bloodline.我从她们和她们的祖先身上获得能量I drew power from them and their ancestors,在那边她们的祖先和我在一起who were with me on the other side.所以你在那边待了一千年So you've been on the other side for a thousand years? 这是大自然用来惩罚我的方式Nature's way of punishing me惩罚我把家人变成了吸血鬼for turning my family into vampires.但我有办法解决掉我制造的罪恶But there is a way for me to undo the evil I created.你来这儿是帮我们杀死克劳斯的是吗You're here to help us kill Klaus, aren't you?一件一件来埃琳娜One thing at a time, Elena.目前我只是需要你的帮助For now, I simply need your help.你喜欢马吗You like horses?我是不会跟你说话的I'm not talking to you除非你告诉我为什么邀请我来这儿until you tell me why you invited me here.我喜欢你I fancy you.就这么难以置信吗Is that so hard to believe?-是的-为什么- Yes. - Why?你很漂亮又很坚强You're beautiful. You... you're strong.你光芒四射You're full of light.我欣赏你I enjoy you.我已经有主了Well, I'm spoken for.是泰勒By Tyler.我以为你们俩已经结束了I thought you two ended things.是啊拜你那诡异的认祖归忠所赐Yeah, because of you and your freaky sire bond with him. 所以你现在还是单身So you aren't spoken for.知道吗马和人是相反的You know, horses are the opposite of people.它们很忠诚They're loyal.我父亲追捕了我一千年My father hunted me for a thousand years,他离我最近的时候and the closest he ever came是他杀死了我最心爱的马的那天was the day he killed my favorite horse.他用剑割断了它的脖子来警告我He... he severed its neck with a sword as a warning.你想没想过和你爸爸坐下来Did you ever consider sitting down with your father谈谈这些and talking it out?恐怕我和我父亲的关系I'm afraid my relationship with my father比你的要复杂一些was a little more complex than yours.Maybe so.但我毫无遗憾地让我爸爸去了But I let my father go with no regrets.回答你的问题And to answer your question,是的我喜欢马yes, I like horses,不过我也喜欢人人们也喜欢我but I also like people, and they actually like me.所以我要进去了So I'll be inside.我理解丽贝卡说出了我家族的故事I understand Rebekah shared the story of my family...我是如何打破自然界的平衡How I upset the balance of nature把我的孩子们变成了吸血鬼by turning my children into vampires.她说你是为了保护他们不受狼人袭击She said you did it to protect them from the werewolves. 确实是It's true.但是没过多久But in no time at all,他们就开始吸人类的血they began to feed on human blood.他们血洗了整个小镇而且没有丝毫悔意They ravaged the town with no remorse.最终尼克劳斯背叛了我Eventually Niklaus turned against me.你打算怎么杀了他How are you gonna kill him?他是永生的He's immortal.魔法生效会花些时间It will take time, magic,我需要你的帮助and your assistance.我需要做什么What do I have to do with it?我的孩子们相信我办这个舞会My children believe I'm holding this ball是为了庆祝家庭破镜重圆to celebrate our reunion.But in truth,我把他们聚到一起是为了举行一个仪式I've gathered them together to perform a ritual.第一步就是获得二重身的鲜血The first step requires blood from a doppelganger.一滴就够Only a drop.血液的精气会掺在今晚稍后的祝酒香槟里Its essence will be in the champagne toast later on this evening. 你是自己动手Will you do it?还是由我代劳Or shall I?以利亚的疑心最重Elijah is more suspicious than the others,也许说服他更困难so he may need more persuasion,但敬酒时他们都必须喝酒But they must all drink at the toast这样他们才能合为一体in order to be linked as one.合为一体是什么意思What do you mean "linked as one"?你自己说过克劳斯是杀不死的You said yourself Klaus can't be killed,但今晚的咒语让我所有的孩子合为一体but tonight's spell links all of my children together杀死一个就全都死了so that if one goes, they all go.什么What?我爱我的家人埃琳娜I love my family, Elena,但他们十恶不赦but they are an abomination.我创造他们时违反了自然法则I betrayed nature when I created them.我不得不杀了他们It's my duty to kill them.我渴望杀戮I'm itching to kill something.我们还在等什么What are we waiting for?市长把我缠住了The mayor cornered me.给我十五分钟我把马特引到外面Give me 15 minutes to lure Matt outside.外面在这楼梯上怎么就不行呢Outside? What's wrong with right here on the stairs? 我们来大干一场Make a spectacle of it.说这话真傻科尔You sound like an idiot, Kol.你要是毁了妈妈的晚会你就死定了Mother would kill you if you ruined her party.外面见See you outside.放松伙计Easy, buddy.我可不想让你做傻事Don't want you doing anything stupid.埃琳娜在哪Where's Elena?在她该在的地方和埃丝特谈话呢Exactly where she belongs, talking with Esther.你都做了什么What did you do?别怪我全是她的主意Ah, don't blame me. This was all her,扭断你脖子也是她的主意right down to the broken neck.你还是把你那疯狂的You know, maybe you should stop being控制欲收起来吧达蒙such a controlling dick, Damon.等等这么说是我的问题了Wait. Hang on. I'm the problem here?你是个累赘哥哥You're a liability, brother.我在救她的命斯特凡I'm trying to keep her alive, Stefan.你对她的感情Yeah, well, your emotions妨碍我们的计划了are getting in the way of our plan.我对她的感情My emotions?现在到底是怎么了How is this even happening right now?也许你在乎的太多了Maybe because you care too damn much.我们出来做什么啊So what are we doing out here?从那拘谨的晚会里解放一下Just taking a break from the polite chitchat.外面真冷It's freezing.我给你件外套Let me get my coat.这是你的车吗This is your car?对啊Yep.要是我买得起马塞拉蒂我一定会买的If I could compel myself a Maserati, I would.马塞拉蒂:意大利著名跑车品牌但我买不起But I can't.我是个吸血鬼我们不需要Oh, I'm a vampire. We don't--谢谢你Thanks.我们回去吧Let's go back inside.我已经舒服了I've got all the fresh air I need.我母亲怎么样So how was my mother?很热情Intense.那是为什么And for what reason她想和你单独谈谈did she need to speak with you in private?埃琳娜Elena.我需要怀疑我母亲的动机吗Should I be concerned about my mother's intentions? 她只是想为我差点被杀She just wanted to apologize而向我道歉for trying to have me killed.所以是真的So it's true, then?她真的原谅克劳斯了She's forgiven Klaus?是真的It's true.晚上好女士们先生们Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.服务员现在给大家送上了香槟Waiters are coming round with champagne. 请大家与我共同举杯I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. 看到我的家人重新团聚It provides me with no greater joy我喜不自胜than to see my family back together as one. 谢谢在座的各位I'd like to thank you all和我们共度良宵for being part of this spectacular evening. 干杯Cheers.干杯Cheers.干杯Cheers.你想让我看什么So what did you want to show me?我的爱好之一One of my passions.很厉害嘛Impressive.因为卢浮宫的管理员没服马鞭草I take the curators at the louvre你就拿走了画aren't on vervain.是不过那是他们自己不小心Yeah, well, that's their mistake.那这个呢What about these?这又是从哪里偷来的Where'd you steal this from?这个说来话长了Well, that's a long story.不过可以告诉你它曾属于一位几乎But rest assured it was worn by a princess 和你一样漂亮的公主almost as beautiful as you.等等这些Wait a second. Did...这些是你画的吗Did you do these?是的Yeah.其实是我的一处房产Actually one of my landscapes很适合隐居is hanging at the hermitage,不会被人发现not that anyone would notice.你去过吗Have you been?我去过的地方很少I've never really been anywhere.我会带你去I'll take you.你想去哪儿就去哪儿Wherever you want.罗马巴黎Rome. Paris.东京Tokyo?只要稍动手脚就什么都能Must be really nice to just snap your fingers 得到的感觉很不错吧and get whatever you want?这就是为什么你要制造混血儿Is that why you collect hybrids?为你守家护院A little servant army to take you places为你端茶送水and bring you things?你开始胡说八道了You're making assumptions.你为什么非要泰勒Then why do you need Tyler?不要控制他了Stop controlling him.让他过自己的生活Give him his life back.你知道吗You know,我们今晚过得很愉快this has been a fun evening,但现在你该走了but I think it's time for you to leave.我知道了I get it.你父亲不爱你Your father didn't love you,所以你觉得全世界的人都不会爱你so you assume that no one else will either.这就是为什么你要控制别人And that's why you compel people或者让别人归忠于你or you sire them或者收买别人or you try to buy them off,但这些是没有用的but that's not how it works.你没有朋友You don't connect with people,是因为你从来不试着了解别人because you don't even try to understand them.你在这儿啊There you are.我刚在外面等你I was waiting outside for you.马特在哪里Where's Matt?那个我About that, I,我改变主意了I changed my mind.我不想毁了母亲的晚会I don't want to ruin mother's night.别跟我说你喜欢上那男孩了Don't tell me you like this boy.他做什么了就关心了你五秒钟And what did he do? He gave you 5 seconds of his attention? 丽贝卡别这么老套。

吸血鬼日记第三季百度云篇一:吸血鬼日记第三季20集剧本中英文对照 The Vampire Diary S03E20Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her altar?你们俩如此钦慕埃琳娜她一定乐在其中吧I love you. Now look me in the eye and tell me that you don't feel something for him. 我爱你看着我的眼睛,告诉我你对他没有感觉Drink it喝下去I just turned about a hundred times in the Appalachian Mountains. 我在阿巴拉契亚山脉变身了数百次Broke his sire bond. 解除你们之间的认祖归忠It's easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难Klaus drew this for you? 这是克劳斯为你画的Does Klaus have a thing for you or something?克劳斯是喜欢你还是怎么的I would know if I were killing people.如果我杀人了起码自己会知道You wear a ring that lets you cheat death, Ric. 里克你戴着一个可以躲避死亡的戒指How many times can you die before it changes you? 在它完全改变你之前你能死去多少次Are you telling me你是说that your vampire hating alter ego has a stake that could kill an entire line of vampires, possibly mine? 你憎恨吸血鬼的那个人格拿了能杀整条吸血鬼血脉,甚至可能是我那条的木桩吗There's only one stake out there. 现在只有一根木桩Which means only one original has to die. 也就是说只有一个祖先要死I want them all to die.我想他们都死You're not Rebekah. 你不是丽贝卡My name is Esther. 我是埃丝特And we have a great deal in common. 我们有很多共同之处What took you so long? 怎么这么久Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake阿拉里克不愿交出木桩Luckily I'm quite the charmer. 幸好我魅不可挡That's it?这就拿到了The last of the white oak stake that can kill us.最后一根能杀死我们的白栎木桩Do you want to do the honors or shall I?你来还是我来W ell that's that then终于了结了.Pack your bags, we're leaving. 收拾行李准备走人 Today?今天就走Why not? There's nothing keeping us here, 有何不可这里没什么事要做了we'll grab the doppelganger and be off by sunset.我们带上二重身日落前离开But tonight is decade dance. - So?但今晚是十年舞会-那又怎样So, I'm head of the committee, we have to go.我是委员会主席我们必须到场I'm not going to any dance.我才不去什么舞会呢Caroline will be there.卡罗琳会去的That means nothing to me.这与我何干Please I have big plans for tonight.拜托嘛我今晚有大计划呢Just go for me.为了我去吧Okay, fine.那好吧One last hurrah.最后的疯狂One last hurrah, Nik.最后的疯狂尼克Where you've been, I've been calling you all day.你死哪去了我打了一整天的电话了Yeah, sorry about that.抱歉了I... I just need to get my head together. 我就是需要点时间振作一下So, I take it Rebekah got the stake.这么说木桩被丽贝卡拿走了I don't know, I woke up alone,不知道我醒来时就独自一人了and um... there's no sign of it.木桩已经不见了Lovely., what now?好极了那现在怎么办W ell, I think I need to get out of town.我觉得我该离开镇子 You know, somewhere secluded.找个没人的地方待着I keep blacking out which means I'm still a threat to everyone.我老这么失忆所以对大家还是有威胁But I don't know if right now is the best time我觉得现在不是你去for you to be going on a spirit quest, Ric.探寻精神世界的最佳时机里克Just for a couple of days.就几天而已I'm stock up on Bonnie's herbs, so I should be fine.我存了很多邦妮的草药应该没事的I gotta go.我挂了Quite the cunning liar.还挺会撒谎Damon's too arrogant to think his only friend would betray him.达蒙很自大不会料到他唯一的朋友会背叛他Just as Niklaus would blindly accept就像是尼克劳斯会毫无顾忌地an invitation from his beloved sister.接受心爱妹妹的邀请Unaware that he's heading to his own death.全然不觉他是踏上了死亡之路Did you give him the stake?你把木桩给他了He burnt it without hesitation.他毫不犹豫地烧掉了So where's the real one.那真木桩在哪You'll get it when it can no longer be used against me in this body等我回到这副躯壳就给你So how do you... - How do I return to my true form?你要怎么-我怎么回到真身上吗With a little magic,需要一点魔法 and some help from a vampire hunter.还需吸血鬼猎人相助So Alaric is trying to pull himself together.阿拉里克想要重新振作起来Why is that a bad thing?这怎么成了坏事了呢I just... I wish there were something I could do.我就是希望我能帮上忙Where do you want me to hang this thing? 你要我把这挂哪 You know what?这样吧If Rebekah wants to hang this monstrosity, 丽贝卡想挂这么丑的东西she should've shown up and do it herself.她就自己动手吧Just.. no.不要了What are you doing?你们在干嘛呢You can't just hang them.不能就那么挂着They're suppose to trickle down.应该有滴落感Look at them all bromancy.瞧他俩一副好基友的样儿Yeah, I ask Matt to help Jeremy readjust.我让马特帮着杰里米重新适应这里的生活He got him his old job back at the Grill.他帮他找回了酒吧的工作That was nice of him.他还真热心呢Jeremy's got a lot on his mind.杰里米现在心里很多事 The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stress out. 阿拉里克的事给了他很大压力You're sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon你确定他烦的不是看到你和达蒙getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?在三流小旅馆亲热的事I didn't tell you that so you can torture me with that.我告诉你那事不是为了让你用来折磨我的What are friends for.为八卦插朋友两刀嘛So, who are you bringing to the dance.What do you mean?说啥呢I thought you and Bonnie and I are going as...你邦妮和我我们不是girl date. 要姐妹淘吗Bonnie has a date.邦妮有男伴了What? - Jamie called and wanted to see her, so...什么-詹米正好来电说想见她she asked him.她就请他去了So here's a thought.不如这样吧Why don't you ask Stefan.你请斯特凡去吧I can't ask him on a date.我不能邀他出去I just made out with his brother.我刚刚给他哥亲热过All the more reason.那就更应该了Look you're suppose to figure out what you want.你不是该理清自己的感情吗That's what Stefan wanted you to do.斯特凡不就是这个意思Right? - Yeah, but...-对吧-对可是But nothing.没什么可是的I've watched the bachelor, okay, fair is fair.我看过《非诚勿扰》公平竞争It is Stefan's turn.该斯特凡的了Yeah, and you're not bias or anything.是啊你完全不偏心什么的I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love.抱歉但斯特凡才是你的传奇恋人And I'm not going down without a fight.我可不会轻易放手有空吗Do... do you have a second?有怎么了Yeah, everything all right?没事就是...Yeah, yeah, I just...我想...I wanted to...卡罗琳和我说起去舞会的事Caroline and I were talking about going to dance, and...,,听我说Okay, look...我知道我们现在不是一对了I know I know where we're at, you and I...如果我想让事情都回到从前and I know it would be stupid to even think that 那就是犯傻we can go back to how things were, but...但我要去舞会我希望能和你一起去I'm going to the dance, and I'd like to go with you.好啊I'd love that.太好了Okay, great.Bye.给她个栀子花的胸花吧I'm thinking gardenia corsage.当然了得用腕式的Wrist obviously, you don't want to可别不小心用顶针扎伤了她的胸accidently stab her in the chest with the pin, 那就不可收拾了that could get messy.达蒙我...Damon, I...梅雷迪思Meredith...别那么做不好笑Don't do that it's not funny.少来了挺有意思的Oh, come on, it's a little funny.你想干嘛达蒙What do you want, Damon?需要点医学建议是为一个朋友I need medical advice, for a friend,记得阿拉里克吗Alaric, you remember him, right?一米八六大脑略凌乱About six foot two, Tried to hack you into pieces.他还好吗How is he?邦妮给他的那些草药起效了吗Are those herbs that Bonnie made for him working? 不知道啊不吃也能起效吗I don't know, can they work if he doesn't take them? 他阁楼里找到的根本没动I found these in his loft,untouched.我们来这儿干嘛Why are we here?很久之前我儿子在此掏出了我的心脏Long ago on this spot, my son tore my heart from my chest.我的惨死永远标记了这块地方The violence of my death mark this ground for all time. 我需要你的戒指I'll need your ring.我干嘛要把唯一保护我不死的东西给你And why would I give you the one thing that protects me from death?我会给你保护的I would give you all the protection you need.但是木桩杀死第一个人时就会在其体内焚毁However, the stake will burn up in the body of its first victim.要杀死我所有的孩子If you are to kill all of my children, 我得把你戒指上的保护咒语跟木桩相连I would need to bind the protective magic in your ring to the stake.以让白栎木桩不可摧毁Thus rendering the white oak indestructible.终极武器The ultimate weapon给终极猎人for the ultimate hunter.你看起来很有范儿You look very dapper.你看起来You look, uh...非常漂亮very beautiful.来我...Here. I, uh...我带了东西给你I got something for fou.谢谢Thank you.考虑到我们危险的舞会命运So given our dangerous dance karma...你确定你准备好了吗You sure you're up for this?这些天一起床就是危险的Getting out of bed is dangerous these days,但我们还得继续我们的生活but we have to live our lives.这恐怖的建议是谁给你的Who gave you that horrible advice?以前某个跟我约会的人说过一两次Some guy I used to date said it once or twice. 是的Right.可以吗Shall we?有请Please.我有没有说过你了不起的惊人Have I told you how amazingly awesome you are? 是的我是好人一个这我知道Yeah, I am one of the good ones. I know.哪来的恭维你还想要我做什么Why the compliments? What else do you want? 我知道你和埃琳娜I know that you and Elena近来比较亲近have been getting closer lately.你的意思是And your point is?不管怎么样One way or the other,她都心有所属了she's pretty much spoken for.埃琳娜是我的朋友卡罗琳Elena's my friend, Caroline.我只是在照顾她I'm just looking out for her.而我在照顾你And I'm just looking out for you,因为有时候那些爱她的人because sometimes the people who love her会陷入困境get caught in the crossfire.他来这儿干什么What's he doing here?你疯了吗Are you crazy?要是克劳斯看到你If Klaus sees you--篇二:吸血鬼日记迅雷全集下载《吸血鬼日记》第一季16集中英双语字幕迅雷下载追梦人博客|分享我所知道的BY:直接复制下载地址到迅雷下载,下载地址是我从网上收集的,如有侵权,请来信指出!ed2k://|file|%E5%90%B8%E8%A1%80%E9%AC%BC%E6%9 7%A5%E8%AE%B0.The.Vampire.Diaries.S01E01.Chi_Eng.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs%E4%BA%BA%E4%B A%BA%E5%BD%B1%E8%A7%86.mkv|498850088|ad4e5549 9e4fb92fb574d4f5e7bc132f|h=vktreb6bamvn56tm73gmsgio4gz ervpk|/ed2k://|file|%E5%90%B8%E8%A1%80%E9%AC%BC%E6%9 7%A5%E8%AE%B0.The.Vampire.Diaries.S01E02.Chi_Eng.H R-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264-YYeTs%E4%BA%BA%E4%B A%BA%E5%BD%B1%E8%A7%86.mkv|493645937|659c70e9 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situation.有人吗Hello!爸爸Daddy?斯特凡呢Where's Stefan?他把自己交给克劳斯了He gave himself over to Klaus.你可以做回真正的自己You can embrace what you truly are.你是个猎人A ripper.斯特凡还有的救我会帮你把他带回来Stefan can be saved. I'll help you bring him back. 那这就是你的大计划吗So is this your master plan?建立混血奴隶军队Build an army of hybrid slaves?不是奴隶是战士No not slaves. Soldiers.不太对劲他们都死了Something's wrong. They're all dead. 我应该可以转化他们的I should be able to turn them.我杀了个二重身I killed the doppelganger.我做了一切该做的I did everything I was told!你打扰我小酌了You're interrupting my drink.想我没You miss me?是凯瑟琳啊你在哪Katherine. Where are you?在你窗外独徘徊为伊消得人憔悴Lurking outside your window, pining away. What do you want?我想家了发生什么新鲜事了I'm homesick. What have I missed?克劳斯还扣押着斯特凡W ell, Stefan's still Klaus' little prisoner 埃琳娜还觉得自己能救他and Elena still thinks she can save him你走了以后就没人想过你and no one's thought about you since you left.那你呢And what about you?我敢说你现在既然放弃你弟弟了I'm sure now that you've given up on your brother,一定在谋划怎么泡他女朋友吧you're plotting some sort of way of moving in on his girlfriend.我没放弃他啊I didn't give up on him.我只是不知道他在哪I just don't know where he is.而你却知道But you do.你在跟踪他们吗Are you trailing them?我干嘛去跟踪一个想要我命的混血儿A hybrid who wants me dead还有他那个发了疯的跟班and his sidekick who's off the rails?我可离他们远远的呢I couldn't be further away.就是说你很清楚他们在哪Which means you know exactly where they are. 我只知道克劳斯没能造出混血儿All I know is that Klaus pitched a fit为此大发脾气once his hybrids didn't work.他现在想查明原因Now he's looking for some answers.你怎么知道的How do you know that?逃了五百年了Spend 500 years running,一路上总会遇到几个and there will be a few people along the way that are looking out for you.这就是你现在做的事情吗Is that what you're doing?照顾我弟弟吗Looking out for my brother?或许是或许不是Maybe, maybe not.我有点矛盾I'm conflicted.他们在哪Where are they?欢迎回到芝加哥斯特凡W elcome back to Chicago, Stefan.我们来这儿干嘛What are we doing here?我知道你很喜欢这里I know how much you loved it here.让你回忆起以前做猎人的美好时光Bringing back memories of the good old ripper days. 大多没印象了Blocked out most of them.只记得血池肉林莺歌燕舞A lot of blood, a lot of partying.但具体的记不得了The details are all a blur.那真是太可惜了W ell, that is a crying shame.具体内容才是传奇呢The details are what makes it legend.传言说蒙特雷的猎人寂寞了W ord was the ripper of Monterrey got lonely,所以他来到城里寻找慰藉so he escaped to the city for comfort.正值禁酒令时期It was prohibition.什么都不让做Everything was off limits then,反而让一切都更有趣了which made everything so much fun.■本字幕由YYeTs人人影视翻译制作更多字幕下载请登陆■翻译:草草Albot 句号Super 默默KIMI 思朵■校对:草草内丘五号屠场米小勒小黑时间轴:小猫Remember Ghost ■后期:Ghost监制:米苏《吸血鬼日记》第三季第三集吸血鬼日记第三季第三集猜猜我刚刚看到谁了女士们Guess who my eyes have just spied, ladies? 来找乐子了吗塞尔瓦托先生Looking for a good time, Mr. Salvatore?给我留支舞啊格洛莉娅Save me a dance, Gloria.您别客气啊Please, help yourself.我从不客气Oh, I always do.小心点塞尔瓦托先生Careful, Mr. Salvatore.你还沾着你的女伴呢You're still wearing your date.她真甜She's lovely.你是什么人Who are you?芝加哥真是神奇Chicago was magical.好吧我姑且信了Yeah, well, I'll take your word for it.我说过很多事情我都记不得了Like I said, I don't remember most of it.那我们就直奔主题吧Ready to get down to business, then?你为什么还不放过我Why am I still with you?我们也玩过乐过了制造混血儿也失败了W e had our fun, your hybrids failed.你就不想放下此事继续生活吗I mean, don't you want to move on?我们要去见我最喜欢的女巫W e're going to see my favorite witch.混血儿的问题上如果有谁能帮上忙If anyone can help us with our hybrid problem, 非她莫属 it's her.起床了小懒猪Rise and shine, sleepy head.你在干嘛What are you doing?!出去Get out!你心里清楚你梦到我了You know you were dreaming about me.所以才流口水了Explains the drool.我的天啊Oh, my God.才早上六点你不是吧6:00 a.m.. Seriously?一大清早你就没别的事可做吗Do you really have nothing better to do at 6:00 a.m.? 好吧别跟我去带斯特凡回家了Fine, don't come with me to bring Stefan home. 回见 See ya.等等等等你说什么W ait. Wait, wait, wait. What?你在说什么他在哪What are you talking about? Where is he? 风城[芝加哥的别称]Windy city.他在芝加哥吗He's in Chicago?-你怎么知道的-我梦见的- Well, how do you know? - It came to me in a dream. 我一丝不挂你肯定喜欢I was naked. You would have loved it.-赶紧收拾-他还好吗- Start packing. - Is he ok?奥普拉·温弗瑞(Oprah Winfrey): “脱口秀女王” 这么说吧他可不是去找奥普拉的W ell, let's just say he's not there to meet Oprah. 这个一定得带上Put these in the yes pile.爸爸你还在吗Daddy, are you there?。
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《吸血鬼日记》S03E01笔记:以为乡下人会更容易相信别人1、I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting.我还以为你们乡下人会更容易信任别人。
country/farming folk住在乡下的人;在乡下工作的人e.g:simple country folk普通村民2、Just shopping for the party you're trying to bail out on.为你的生日派对购物呢,你别想溜。
e.g:They bailed out after the dancing party.舞会后他们离开了。
3、Another dead end you mean?你是说,又要白跑一趟?e.g:The negotiations have reached a dead end.谈判陷入了僵局。
4、My dad's side of the family is like wet paint that never dries.我爸这边的事儿可多了,没完没了的。
like wet paint that never dries连续不断的;没完没了的e.g:There are so much work like wet paint that never dries.这么多工作没完没了。
5、Something's up with your mother.你妈肯定有什么事。
e.g:Is something up with Julie?She looks really miserable.朱莉怎么了?看着愁眉苦脸的。
6、Now your type are very hard to come by.现在可很难遇见你这种人。
e.g:How did you come by these pictures?你是怎么得到这些画的?7、I don't know why you just don't come clean and tell her where we are.我不明白你为什么不说实话,告诉她我们在哪儿。
e.g:The government should come clean about its plans.政府应该坦白告诉大家计划。
8、You know I just need to chill out.你知道的,我只是需要冷静一下。
e.g:I spent the afternoon chilling out.一个下午我都在冷静。
9、This room's off limits.这房间不能进。
禁止入内;禁区e.g:Footpaths are,of course,off limits to bikers.人行道是自行车和摩托车的禁区。
10、You put on a good show Stefan.演得不错,斯特凡。
e.g:Our team put up a pretty good show,but we lost in the end.我们队表演的非常好,但是最后还是输了。
《吸血鬼日记》S03E02笔记:他永远不会放弃我,我也不会放弃他1、Stefan's off the rails.斯特凡已经失常了。
be/go off the rails行为失常;发疯;走上错误的道路e.g:At17he suddenly went off the rails and started stealing.17岁他突然不务正业开始偷盗。
2、The sheriff has me slip it into the coffee here every now and then.警长让我时不时地在咖啡里加一些(马鞭草)。
every now and then/again=every so often不时地;偶尔e.g:I still see her every now and then.我任然偶尔能见到她。
3、I don't know why you think that you're a lost cause.我不明白为什么你觉得自己是个失败者。
lost cause注定失败;没有成功的机会e.g:Trying to interest my son in classical music is a lost cause.让我儿子对古典音乐感兴趣一定不会成功的。
4、Bottoms up.干了吧。
bottoms up干杯5、He's flipped the switch.他已经完全失控了。
flip a switch开/关开关。
e.g:You start the fan by just flipping this switch.拨这个按钮就能打开电风扇。
6、Did you miss the part where I checked out of all this?你该不会是忘了我已经撒手不管了。
check out这里是比喻义,表示不再插手某事e.g:I'm not the kind of person who checks out.我不是那种会撒手不管的人。
7、Yeah,but Damon's not exactly in the mood to help right now.可是达蒙现在根本就没心情帮忙。
be in the mood(for/to do something)愿意做某事;想要做某事e.g:I don't want to talk about it now.I'm not in the mood.现在我不想谈论此事,没那个心情。
8、Yeah,but he's still holding on to his humanity,which means he can still be saved.没错,可他仍然人性未泯,这说明他还有的救。
hold on to保持;不放弃e.g:The soldiers held on to the bridge for three more days.士兵们坚守着这座桥三天多。
9、Look,he would never give up on me.I'm not gonna give up on him.他永远不会放弃我,我也不会放弃他。
give up on放弃;对...不再期望;对...绝望e.g:He'd been in a coma for six months,and doctors had almost given up on him.他昏迷了6个月,医生几乎对他不抱有什么希望了。
《吸血鬼日记》S03E03笔记:在你窗外独徘徊,为伊消得人憔悴1、Lurking outside your window,pining away.在你窗外独徘徊,为伊消得人憔悴。
pine away(因为思念)憔悴,消瘦e.g:And so,like Echo,Narcissus began to pine away,wasted by an impossible love.因此,同艾科一样,纳西索斯开始消瘦,憔悴,为了一次不可能的爱情。
2、Blocked out most of them.大多没印象了。
block something out停止思考某事;忘记某事[en]e.g:a memory so terrible that she tried to block it out一段恐怖的让她想忘记的记忆3、Everything was off limits then,which made everything so much fun.什么都不让做,反而让一切都更有趣了。
off limits禁区;范围外e.g:His private life is off limits to the press.他的私生活是媒体不能涉及的范围。
4、Ready to get down to business,then?那我们就直奔主题了。
get down to business直奔主题;开始讨论5、Stefan,why don't you go and fix us up a little something from behind the bar.斯特凡,你到吧台后面给咱们弄点喝的吧。
fix up提供e.g:Can you fix me up with a bed for the night?你能给我张床让我过夜吗?6、No.You stay here and whip up an actual plan.不,你留在这想一个可行的计划。
whip up激起;使强烈感觉e.g:They'll do anything to whip up a bit of interest in a book.他们尽最大努力让这本书有趣。
7、Why don't you go and bandage that up.快去包扎一下。
bandage up用绷带包扎e.g:The nurse bandaged up his sprained ankle.护士包扎了他扭伤的脚踝。
8、She's not going anywhere until she's got you checked into vampire rehab and on the mend.在看到你开始戒除血瘾之前她是不会离开这里的。
on the mend好转;恢复e.g:He's had flu,but he's on the mend.他得了流感,但正在好转。
9、Last call.Drink them up.准备打烊,快点喝吧。
last call(酒吧快打烊时)最后的招待10、You see,I promised Stefan I wouldn't let you die,but how many freebies did I really sign up for?我答应过斯特凡不会杀你,但我到底答应了多少附加的条件呢。
sign up for报名参加;签名同意e.g:I'm thinking of signing up for a yoga course.我正考虑报名参加瑜伽课程。
11、I spent30years trying to pull myself together.我花了三十年让自己重新振作。
pull oneself together振奋起来;控制自己e.g:With an effort Mary pulled herself together.经过努力玛丽终于振作起来。