第17讲 长句的翻译

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This dual (double) quality of being sensitive to, and curious about, small accidental occurrences, and of possessing a frame of reference capable of suggesting their true significance, is probably what Pasteur meant when he said "chance benefits only the prepared mind." 巴斯德曾说过:“机遇只对有准备的人有 益。”这很可能就意味着这种双重性:对 一些微小的偶发事件敏感和好奇;又能识 别这些偶发事件的真正意义。
第17讲 长句的翻译
Translation of Long Sentences
... and the rest of the morning was easily whiled away, in lounging round the kitchen garden, examining the bloom upon the walls, and listening to the garderner's lamentations upon blights, in dawdling through the greenhouse, where the loss of her favourite plants, unwarily exposed, and nipped by the lingering frost, raised the laughter of Charlotte, and in visiting her poultry-yard, where in the disappointed hopes of her dairy-maid, by hens forsaking their nests, or being stolen by a fox, or in the rapid decease of a promising young brood, she found fresh sources of merriment. ... ...大家来到菜园,一面观赏墙上的花朵,一面听着园丁抱 大家来到菜园, 大家来到菜园 一面观赏墙上的花朵, 怨种种病虫。接着走进温室, 怨种种病虫。接着走进温室,因为霜冻结束得晚再加上管 理不慎,夏洛特最喜爱的几种花草被冻死了, 理不慎,夏洛特最喜爱的几种花草被冻死了,逗得她哈哈 大笑。最后来到了家禽饲养场, 大笑。最后来到了家禽饲养场,听饲养员沮丧地说起老母 鸡不是弃巢而去,就是被狐狸叼走, 鸡不是弃巢而去,就是被狐狸叼走,一窝小鸡本来很有希 不想纷纷死去,于是夏洛特又发现了新的笑料。 望,不想纷纷死去,于是夏洛特又发现了新的笑料。就这 上午余下的时间很快便消磨过去了。 样,上午余下的时间很快便消磨过去了。
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17.1 顺译法 Translation in Original Order In this chapter, we shall take a closer look at the structure of a few particularly interesting atoms and molecules in order to see how they are fitted to the use man makes of them. 在本章中,我们将更仔细地研究一下几天特 别有趣的原子和分子的结构。看看怎样使 它们便于为人类服务。
17.3 分译法
Happiness is like a visitor, a genial, exotic Aunt Tilly, who turns up when you least expect, orders an extravagant round of drinks and then disappears, trailing a lingering scent of gardenias. 幸福就像一位和蔼可亲、带有异国情调来拜 访你的蒂莉姨妈。她在你最意想不到的时 候来临,大大方方请你喝酒,然后翩然离 去,留下缕缕栀子花的清香弥漫在你周围
As for the unfortunate people who can command everything they want, who can gratify every caprice and lay their hands on alomst every object of desire -- for them a new pleasure, a new excitement is only an additional satiation. 至于那些不幸的人,他们拥有自己想要的一 切东西,他们的任何奇想都能得到满足, 并能得到他们渴望弄到手的每一件东西 ---对他们来说,新的乐趣、新的刺激只不过 是再一次厌腻 。
Various machine parts can be washed very clean and will be as clean as new ones when they are treated by ultrasonics, no matter how dirty and irregularly shaped they may be. 各种机器零件无论多么脏,形状多么不规则, 当它们用超声波处理后,可以被洗得非常 干净,甚至干净得像新零件一样
17.2 逆译法 Translation in Reverse Order Although her characters were portrayed in many settings and situations, they all reflected, by the often tragic outcome of their lives, her profound conviction that no human could be happy if that happiness was rooted in the wretchedness of another. 如果幸福是建立在另一个人的痛苦之上,那 就没有人会有幸福。她的这种深切信念反 映在一些人生结局通常都很悲惨的人物身 上,虽然她笔下的人物出现在多种多样的 背景和情节中。
25 years after the founding of the United Nations we can not fail to recognize the changes that have occured in the world of today in all essential aspects and, most particularly, with respect to international life upon the emergence of new States, all of which makes it incumbent upon us to find new formula to bring the constituent principles of the Organization up to date taking into account the experience gained over a quarter of a centruy and the ideals that justify its existence.
The development of industrial technology largely strengthened human physical capabilities, enabling people to harness more energy, process and shape materials more easily, travel faster, and so on while the development of microelectronics extends mental capabilities, enabling electric "intelligence" to be closely related to a wide range of products and processes.
I believe we are now moving into a period similar to that after the last war, where there is a general acceptance of the need for a mixed economy, that is, a capitalist economy combined with a substantial degree of government intervention. 我想我们正在步入一个酷似二战战后的一段 时间,人们普遍认为要建立一种混合经济, 是资本主义经济与一定程度的政府干预经 济结合起来。
We depend upon the sun's rays for the light and warmth which keep us alive, but there are some kinds of rays from the sun which would burn us to death if we were not protected from them 我们靠太阳的光和热生存,但是太阳光中有 几种射线会把我们烧死,如果我们不加防 护的话。
联合国已经成立25年了,我们不能不承认今天的世界在一切主要 方面所发生的变化,特别是一些新兴国家出现后国际生活所发 生的变化,所有这些变化都使得我们有义务找出新的方案,使 本组织的基本原则适应当前的形势。同时要把本组织在四分之 一世纪中所取得的经验和本组织的存在所依据的理想考虑进去。
பைடு நூலகம் Practice
工业技术的发展大大增强了人的体力,使人们能更广泛地利用 能源,更方便第对材料进行加工和成型,更快地进行旅游等 等,而微电子的发展则增强了人的智力,使电子“智能”用 于各种各样的产品和过程
There are various categories of bag ladies: those who live on the streets, claiming they enjoy the freedom from constraints of society; those who became homeless because a relative died or because they couldn't keep up rent payments, and they didn't know where to go or how to apply for relief; and quasi bag ladies who have an anchor point -- a sister or brother whom they can visit once in a while to take a bath. 流浪女有各种各样:有的栖身街头,说她们喜欢自由自在, 不受社会的约束;有的因亲属去世,或因无力继续支付房 租而变得无家可归,又不知道到哪里去申请救济,或如何 申请救济;也有些是准流浪女,她们那有个落脚点 -- 有个 兄弟或姐妹,偶尔可以前去洗洗澡。
And I take heart from the fact that the enemy, which boasts that it can occupy the strategic point in a couple of hours, has not yet been able to take even the outlying regions, because of the stiff resistance that gets in the way. 由于受到顽强抵抗阻挡,吹嘘能在几小时内 就占领战略要地的敌人甚至没有能占领外 围地带,这一事实使我增强了信心。