必修一 unit 3词汇讲解

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explosion n 爆炸,爆发,激增

1) The bomb exploded at 11.15 p.m. 2) The audience exploded with/ into laughter.
17. count on 依赖/ 靠,指望(depend on/ upon)
▲ count on sb / sth 依靠,指望某人 count on sb to duo sth count on (sb) doing sth 指望某人做某事 count on it that...... 指望....... count in ... 吧某人算入,包括某人;把...计算在内
2) I couldn't make it to school because I was ill .
3) Being a student is easy, but it takes hard work to make it to the top.
5. recover vi 恢复健康;恢复常态 vt 全额收回;寻回;重新获得;恢复,重新控制
译 一译:
1) He konws he can count on his family and friends, which makes him very confident.
2) Few people can count on having a job for life.
3) Don't count it that the boy can turn in his homework in time.
2) be in contact / out of contact with sb 和... 有 / 失去联系 lose contact with sb
keep contact with sb make contact with sb 与某人取得联系
16. explode vi (愤怒等感情)爆发,迸发,爆炸 vt 使爆炸
judgement n 判断力;判决;评价;看法,意见
judge a person from/by his clothes
judge a book from/by its cover 根据 ...判断...
make a judgement on / about/ of sb /sth 对...做出评价
■ at a loss 不知所措
■ lose heart 灰心/ face 面子/ weight 减肥/
one's temper temper 发脾气
■ be lost in thought 陷入沉思 译:我不知道下一步该怎么办。
I am at a loss what to do next.
8. judge vt&vi 评价,(尤指)批评;判断,认为
sound the alarm. 4) In no case can you cheat in the exam./ should
you give up. 决不,无论如何都不 (置句首,句子部分倒装) 5) As is often the case, there's no simple answer
her __a_t __fi_r_s_t _s_ig__h_t (第一眼).
3. original adj 起初的;独创的;原作的;新颖的
n 原作,原稿,原件 n 起源,源头,出身
originally adv.
1) Our original plan was to see a film at the cinema that
1) 女售货员诱骗我买他的产品。
The salls girl tricked me into buying her goods. 2) 译:You can never teach an old dog new tricks.
13. let go of ... 放弃,摈弃,松手,放开 let go of our friendship / my past 放弃友谊/ 忘掉过去 let alne 更不用说 She has 6 children to look after ,let alone the dogs and cats.
in science. 通常情况下,情况常常如此,事情往往就是这样
12. trick vt 欺骗,欺诈
n 诡计,花招,戏法
trick sb into doing sth 诱/ 欺骗某人做某事
play a trick / tricks on sb = make fun of sb =
play a joke on sb Halloween : trick or treat 不招待就使坏
4) He responded that he would come. 5) 译:The law was passed in response to public pressure.
7. loss n. 丧失,失去;亏损,去世;损失
lose v. 丢失;失去;不明白 lost
adj 丢失的,迷路的,迷失的
对... 作出回应/ 反应
= make a response to ...
■ in response to ... 作为对... 的 答复, 反应
练: 1) 他们依旧没回复我的邮件.
They still haven't responded to my e-mail.
2) He responded to my joke with a cold silence / a laugh. 3) He made no response to my question.
take measures / steps / action to do sth 采取措施做某事 measure a student by his grades
1) The blackboard measures 3 × 1.5 metres. 2) It's high time that we should take some measures
UnitBiblioteka Baidu Getting along with others
1. on the rocks (关系)陷于困境,濒临崩溃
1) 他们的婚姻陷入崩溃边缘 。 Her marrage was on the rocks.
2) The ship was on the rocks.
3) 译: 现今电影产业陷入困境。 Film industry is on the rocks now.
1)Ju_d_g__in_g_ _f_ro__m_/_b_y__ what you say in your e-mail, you're not
getting on well with your parents. 根据你在邮件里的内容判断
tip:Judging from/by... 固定表达,做状语只用现在分词
2) This paiting is a copy .The original one is in the
summer place.
3) Many English works have Latin origins .
4. make it 能够出席,准时到达,获得成功
1) I think you can just make it .
suffer from headaches / heart attacks / floods / drought 患...; 因...受苦...(后常跟疾病或不幸,痛苦的名词)
15. contact vt & n 联系,联络
He hasn't contacted his parents for a long .
to protect environment.
20. seek sought sought vi 试图,寻找,争取 vt 寻找,寻求
seek to do sth = try to do sth seek one's fortune / advice / help / assistance
寻找发财致富之路;寻出路/ 征求某人的意见/ 请求某人的 帮 助/ 援助 1) He is seeking to improve his ability. 2) We're seeking for the right man for the job / the truth.
let out a cry / laugh / the secret 发出(叫声)/ 泄露秘密
14. suffer vi 受苦,受折磨,变差 vt 遭受,蒙受
suffer a great loss/ pain / hunger / punishment / a bad cold 受... 之苦
1) The baby cried __a_t _th_e_s_i_g_ht_o_f____ (一看到)his mum.
2) I _c_a_u_g_h_t_s_i_g_h_t_o_f_ (看到) an empty seat at the back of the bus.
3) Although they didn't met each other for years , he recognized
He didn't apologize to us though he was in the wrong.
2) 我必须因我的粗鲁而向我的朋友道歉。
I had to a_p_o_l_o_g_i_z_e _t_o_my freind _f_o_r_ b_e_i_n_g__ru_d_e__t_o__ him.
recovery n. 恢复,复苏,痊愈
■ recover from... 从 ...中恢复过来
■ recover oneself 镇定下来
练: 1) Johnson is in hospital recovering from a heart attack.
2) I _re_c_o_v_e_r_e_d_m__y_s_el_f (镇静下来) and spoke calmly.
18. respect
vt 尊重 / 敬
n 尊敬,敬意;重视 不可数名词
respectful adj 尊敬的/重的, 有礼貌的
respectfully adv 尊敬地
in respect of ...= with respect to ... 关于,至于
19. measure
vt 估量,判定,测量 n 措施,衡量
9. apologize vi 道歉,谢罪 apology n 道歉
apologize to sb for (doing )sth
= make an apology to sb for (doing )sth accept / refuse one's apology 接受/ 拒绝 某人道歉 1) 尽管他错了,他并没想我们道歉。
3) Four paintings stolen from the museum have been recovered.
4) 经济复苏 : _a_n__ec_o_n_o_m__i_c_r_e_c_o_v_e_ry__
6. respond vi&vt 回答,回应;作出反应,响应
■ respond to ...
2. sight n 视野,势力,看见, 风景,名胜(常用复数)
■ out of one's sight 脱离某人的视野
■ in / within sight 看的见,视野范围内
■ at first sight

■ catch sight of ... 看见...
■ lose sight of ...
10. behaviour n 行为,举止,态度 不可数名词
v 表现;表现得体;举止规范,有礼貌
behave oneself
He behaved as if nothing had happened.
11. case n 具体情况,事例,案件,容器 1) In any case , do your best. 无论如何,不管怎样 2) Take an umbrella,in case it rains. 以防,万一,以免,如果 3) In case of fire, telephone the number 119/