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引导限制性定语从句的关系代词有that(指人或物,作主语或宾语),which(指物,作主语或宾语),who(指人,作主语),whom(指人,作宾语),whose(指人或物,作定语); 关系副词有:where(指地点),when(指时间),why(指原因),关系副词全是用来作状语的。


This is the man who / that helped me. 这位是帮助过我的那个人。

He is a man who / that means what he says. 他是一个说话算数的人。

Do you know the man who / that came to see me this morning?你认识今天早晨来看我的那


Those who want to see the film please put up your hands. 凡是想去看电影的人请举手。

The leader (that / whom) you are looking for is in the meeting room. 你找的那位领导在会议


He is a man (that / whom) we should all learn from. 他是一个我们大家都应该学习的人。

The music (that / which) they are playing is beautiful. 他们演奏的音乐很动听。

The pen (that / which) you gave me is very nice. 你送给我的钢笔很好。

There are many books (that / which) I’d like to read. 有很多我想看的书。

Do you know the girl whose father works in a hospital? 你认识她父亲在医院工作的那个女孩吗?

Is there anyone whose family is in the street? 有谁的家在街道吗?

He is the student whose handwriting is the best in our class. 他就是我们班书法最好的那个学生。

That is our teaching building whose top you can see here. 那是我们的教学楼,你在这里能看到它的顶部。

Have you visited the house whose color (the color of which) is red? 你参观过那栋红颜色的房子吗?



I know of a place where we can swim. 我知道一个可以游泳的地方。

Is there a shop where we can get fruit? 有可以买到水果的商店吗?

注意:先行词表示地点时,有时用where, 有时用that(which)引导定语从句,这时要看从句的谓语动词是及物动词还是不及物动词。如果是及物动词就要用that (which),否则用where. 例如:

This is the house where he lived last year. 这就是他去年住过的房子。

This is the house (that / which) he visited last year. 这就是他去年参观过的房子。

He works in a factory where (around which) the surroundings are very beautiful. 他在一个环境优雅的工厂工作。

He works in a factory that/which makes computers. 他在一个制造计算机的工厂工作。

2)when 通常用在表示时间概念的名词后。

Spring is the season when (in which) flowers are blooming. 春天是鲜花开放的季节。Sunday is the day when (on which) the students don’t go to school. 星期天是学生不上学的日子。

但在不少情况下,可以不用when, 特别是在某些句型和时间状语中,作状语用的名词前不用加介词,这时关系副


The second time (when / that) I saw him was in 1980. 我第二次看见他是在1980年。

Come any time you like. 你随便什么时候来都行。

3)why 通常用在表示原因的先行词reason后, 有时也可以用that 代替或省略:

The reason (why / that) he failed was his laziness. 他失败的原因在于他的懒惰。

That is the reason (why / that) I did it. 这就是我这样做的原因。



whose(指人或物,作定语),关系副词只有where, 非限制性定语从句一般要用逗号跟主句断开。

You should go to see Mary, who has been ill for a long time. 你应该去看看玛丽,她病了好长时间了。

Last night I saw a very good film, which is about the Second World War. 昨天晚上我看了一


My brother, whom you saw just now, is an engineer. 我弟弟是个工程师,你刚才见到他了。 My cousin, whose English is the best in his school, is going to study in Australia this week. 我


The building, whose roof (the roof of which) we can see from here, is a church. 那栋楼是教堂,我们可以从这里看见它的屋顶。

He is leaving for Beijing, where he will attend a meeting. 他要去北京,在那里参加一次会议。限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句在语法性质和用法上有区别,有时在意思上也有区别。例如:

He has a son, who is a writer. 他有一个儿子,儿子是作家。(他就一个儿子。定语从句起补充说明的作用。)

He has a son who is a writer. 他有一个是作家的儿子。(他有几个儿子,其中一个是作家。定语从句起修饰限定范围的作用。)


1、先行词way后的定语从句可用in which引导,也可以用that引导, 也可以省略,不要关系代词或关系副词。

That is the way I look at it. 这就是我对这件事的看法。

That was the way she looked after us. 她就是这样照顾我们的。

The way he talked reminded us of his grandfather. 他讲话的样子使我们想起了他的祖父。 2、As 的用法:


the same … as …, such …as …等结构。例如:

We should publish such good books as will help the young people grow healthily. 我们应当
