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Sucking up is really not your strong suit, is it? 拍马屁貌似不是你的强项。

Your didn’t mean a word of it, did you? 不过没有一个字发自内心,对吧

It’s complete crap. 这完全是胡扯。

Thanks for the tip. 多谢提醒。

Self-comfort 自我安慰

Test scores shot up. 测试成绩一路飙升。

Your national ranking went through the roof. 在国内的排名直冲云霄。

I’m wondering how you pulled that off. 我很好奇你是怎么办到的。

You got a future as a housekeeper. 你有当管家的潜质。

I wasn’t paying attention. 我刚刚走神了。

Clear my head. 整理下思绪。

Grab some coffee. 喝杯咖啡。

I’m flattered. 我受宠若惊。

Survival of the fittest. 适者生存。

Adaptable to change. 随机应变。

She keeps flashing contempt, anger. 她不断流露出蔑视,愤怒。

Nothing is real or a lie. 任何事都非真非假。

It all depends on the color of the glass you’re looking through.都是由你看待事物的方式决定的。He disrespected the code. 他违反了规则。

We adapt to survive. 只有适应才能生存。

Cover it up. 隐瞒真相。

You can walk away. 你不用自找麻烦。

I’m on my way back. 我马上回去。

But without more hard data, my hands are tied. 但若没有确凿证据,我也无能为力。

Do you mind if I use your name? 你不介意我以你的名义

Throw it around, see if I can open a few doors? 去尝试下能不能有其他渠道吧。

He’s as eager to get to the bottom of this as we are. 他和我们一样渴望弄清事实真相。

The walls at the FDA have ears. 我们还在食品药物管理局呢,隔墙有耳。

They can tell you were lying. 他们也能看出你在撒谎。

How much proof would you need before you hung them out? 你要如何才能说服自己认定他们有罪?

Puff themselves up 自我膨胀

This guy’s definitely compensating for something. 那个人一定是想要弥补什么弱势。

You’re on to something. 你说的没错

That could be our leverage. 我们可以利用这一点。

Enough money and fame to make heads spin, I suppose. 我想他应该是被财势冲昏头脑了吧。He skipped out of college. 他逃了课。

He show signs of deception leakage? 他露出马脚了吗。

She is totally freaked out. 她完全吓坏了。

Not as well as you thought. 你就别夸大了。

We’re having an affair. 我们在偷情。

That would be rich. 受益匪浅。

A state dinner. 官方晚宴。

I can count on one hand the number of people I’d do anything for. 我能够为之赴汤蹈火的人屈


He will come around eventually. 他最终会明白的。

One second. 稍等。

Do you want me to pick something up? 要我买点东西吗

He stuck at work? 他要加班吗

We’re almost on the right schedule. 我们就快步调一致了。

You’re avoiding the conversation. 你不要扯开话题。

You need to forge on, fight the good fight. 你得向前看,该出手时就出手。

Scapegoat 替罪羊

Recession 经济衰退

You really should,you know, try opening up to me. 你真的该试着跟我说说心里话。went public 上市

holy crap 太扯了

micro expression 微表情

No expense will be spared to save them. 我们会不遗余力的救出他们。

Out of your mind 疯了

We were on cloud nine. We felt like kids again. 我们无比幸福,像是返老还童。

Usually these inspections are pro forma. 听着,通常这些检查也就是走个形式。

He wanted to move things along faster. 他想让事情尽早结束。

You’re minimizing , you’re playing down. 你想大事化小,你在推脱。

Step back. 退后

This is an order. 这是命令。

Human nature. 人性

Never mind. 别放在心上

Highly enjoyable 相当有趣

It is rare. 很罕见

You have such a gift for small talk. 你说话真是一字千金啊

Opened yourself up 让自己开放点

The witness has a slight credibility issue. 证人在可信度上有点小问题。

Contempt 轻蔑

You grow older, things change. 岁月蹉跎,事与愿违

We shared a past. 我们过去是有交情的。

Acted like I was squeezing him for the money he owed me. 搞得好像我是要跟他讨债似的。Sweet place. 漂亮的地方

Put his money where his mouth is. 如愿以偿

We can put him behind bars where he belongs 我们就能送他去坐牢

He is under a mountain of debt. 他的债务堆积如山

Desperate 绝望的,经济窘迫的

Holding her breath 屏住呼吸

This one was set in broad daylight. 这是在光天化日之下

Bolder 猖獗

Right away 立即

Jog 慢跑

It was all up in flames. 火光冲天
