哪呢你知道直接发这种英语教学方法吗?下面是店铺为大家整理的英语教学法中的直接法的相关资料,希望对大家有所帮助!英语教学方法中的直接法直接法(The Direct Method)产生于19世纪90年代,是通过运用外语本身进行教学的方法,也叫自然法或口语法,代表人物是德国外语教学法专家贝立兹(M.D.Berlitz)和英国语言学家帕默(H.E.Palmer)。
教学法理论 第4讲 直接法
Instead grammar should be acquired inductively by inducing the rules of how the language behaves from the actual language itself. "Never tell the children anything they can find out for themselves." (Jespesen 1904)
Questions for consideration
1. Compare the GTM and DM. 2. There are some problems with the
DM, can you find out some remedies? 3. Is the 1st language learning process
Howatt (1984) called Gouin and those like him “individual reformers ”They were inspired individual working alone. (Johnson and Johnson, 2001: 169)
Sweet’s 1899 book, The Practical Study of Languages was highly influential in the development or 20th century language teaching methods and was reprinted in 1964.
The principal figures, all phoneticians, were, besides Welhelm Vietor (German), Paul Passy, Otto Jespersen (Danish) and Henry Sweet(British). Reform, of phonetic and other natural methods emerged, often considered the variants of the DIRECT METHOD. (Johnson and Johnson, 2001: 272)
Direct method and audio-lingual method-G2-2013-5
During the World War II, American department of defense invited the linguists to develop plans for training the talented people.
Major features
Advantage and disadvantage
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Advantage: 1. 采用各种直观教具,广泛运用接近实际 生活的教学方式,有助于培养用外语思维 的能力; 2. 强调直接学习和直接应用,注重语言实 践练习,学生学习积极性高,学习兴趣浓 厚; 3. 重视口语和语音教学,能有效地培养学 生的语言运用能力。
Some techniques of the Direct Method
Reading aloud Getting Ss to self-correct Conversation practice Fill-in-the-blank exercise Dictation Map drawing Paragraph writing Use pictures, drawings, gestures TPR Commands Classroom language
The Direct Method & The Audio-Lingual method
By Group2
The Direct Method(直接法)
The direct method, also called natural method (自然法),Oral Method(口语法).
直接法 (1)
The direct method (直接法)一、定义:直接法也叫自然法(Natural Method)、心理法(Psychological Method)、口语法(Oral Method)、改良法(Reformed Method)。
艾盖尔特著作有.《现代藉言改革教学法中的心理关系》(Der psychologische Zusammenhang inder Didaktik des neus Praehliehen Reforunterriehts)。
英国学者帕默(Harold E.Palmer,1877~1949)以采用滚雪球的途径培养下意识的外语习惯而闻名于广大教师。
其中《口语教学法》(The Oral Method of Teaching Language)是他用于起始阶段的教学法体系;而《100个句子替换表》(100Substitution Tables)则是最早的句型操练体系,对单语练习很有作用。
• It was developed from the 1920s onwards into a more sophisticated method called situational language teaching.One key feature was that the language was explained using a situation . The language was practised using guided repetion,dictation,drills, and oral-based reading and writing tasks.
• Palmer believe that the language is a habit, to learn a language is to develop a new habit, Habit is formed by repeated use. • Natural Law is a natural process for children to learn their mother tongue imitation, and a preference to express things in foreign languages and it has a direct link only in teaching a foreign language, exclusion, language, visual means, directly or through a variety of learning, a direct understanding and direct application.
Listening comprehension tasks: Designing listening comprehension tasks is one of the ways to establish a favorbable classroom climate in the Direct Method. 8. Graded composition (分级作文): Writing can be introduced as a means of consolidation and evaluation in the Direct Method. Written work should be graded in the following sequence: ①reproduction of familiar reading texts;② reproduction of narrative orally presented by the teacher; ③ free composition
《语言教学的流派》课程教案Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching1、Approach and method2、Language teaching --- second language teaching or foreign language teachingThis book is a book on the history of language teaching, but it’s more than that. According t o the authors, the aim of this book is to present an objective and comprehensive picture of a particular approach or method. The authors have avoided personal evaluation, preferring to let the method or approach speak for itself and allows readers to make their own appraisals. So this book is not intended to popularize or promote particular approaches or methods described. It is designed to give the teacher or teacher trainee a straightforward introduction to commonly used an less commonly used methods, and a set of criteria by which to critically read, question, and observe methods. The goal is to enable teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of methods and so they can better arrive at their judgments and decisions.第一章 A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史在这章中,我们将了解两种传统的教学法:The Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法)和The Direct Method(直接法)第二章The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching 外语教学法理论与方法的性质本章为以后的分析立下了一个基本的理论分析框架(framework)。
• 捷克教育家夸美纽斯提倡直观性,由具体到抽 象,由近及远,由已知到未知,由简到繁,由 事实到论据,由易到难等教学原则。
• 美国教育学家杜威主张从做中学,教学脱离系 统学习科学知识,只要掌握解决问题需要的一 点知识和运用知识的熟巧。
• 英国教育家斯宾塞认为,应当引导儿童自己去 探索,然后自己从中得出结论,要尽量少教, 尽量让他们自己去发现。
• 重视学习者年龄、个性、动机、知识背 景和过去学习语言的经验等诸多方面, 并坚持学习语言最适宜的是导致形成“ 自动化”习惯和不自觉地使用语言的学 习过程,而不是导致形成概念和系统思 维的学习过程。
• 学生学习外语要像幼儿学习母语的过程 一样,要在自然环境中按思维动作的先 后顺序模仿操练学得。
• 直觉主义哲学家帕格提出直觉是获得知识的唯一源泉 ,在语言心理中起主要作用的是感觉与直觉,而非思 维与理智,最强有力的感觉是音响表象所引起的。
• 外语教学应使外语与客观事物直接联系并以有声语言 口语为基础,以模仿为主的心理学为理论基础。
• 语言学习的心理学基础就是联想规律, 学习语言的整个过程就是形成联想的过 程,强调重复和记忆的必要性。
• 忽视母语的中介作用,在外语课堂上生硬地排 斥或禁止使用母语,既容易造成理解错误,造 成学习困难,又浪费了课堂上宝贵的时间。
• 忽视学生或成年人学习外语的特点及已形成的 阅读技能,完全照搬幼儿从小学习母语的方法 ,而不顾及二者全然不同的语言环境和学习动 机,给外语教学带来不必要的困难。
• 难以教授复杂和抽象的语言内容和结构,因此 一般不适用于高中和大学外语教学,一些内向 的学生也不欢迎直接法,他们在教师采用直接 法时态度比较消极。
英语教学法教案与讲义模板一、引言1. 课程目标:通过本课程的学习,使学生了解和掌握英语教学的基本方法和技巧,提高英语教学效果。
2. 课程内容:本课程将介绍英语教学法的基本概念、教学技巧、课堂管理、教学评价等方面的内容。
3. 教学方法:采用讲授、讨论、实践相结合的方式进行教学。
二、英语教学法的基本概念1. 直接法(Direct Method)定义:直接法是一种以目标语言作为唯一教学媒介的教学方法,强调听、说、读、写的技能的综合运用。
2. 交际法(Communicative Approach)定义:交际法是一种以语言功能为纲,培养学生在实际语境中运用语言的能力的教学方法。
三、教学技巧1. 启发式教学(Heuristic Teaching)定义:启发式教学是一种以学生为中心,引导学生主动探索、发现和解决问题的教学方法。
2. 任务型教学(Task-Based Language Teaching)定义:任务型教学是一种以完成实际任务为目标,培养学生综合语言运用能力的方法。
2. 课堂纪律管理3. 小组合作学习方法:合理分组、明确任务、引导学生积极参与。
五、教学评价1. 形成性评价(Formative Assessment)定义:形成性评价是在教学过程中对学生的学习进展和教师的教学效果进行评价的方法。
2. 终结性评价(Summative Assessment)定义:终结性评价是在教学活动结束后对学生的学习成果和教师的教学效果进行评价的方法。
六、教学活动的设计1. 热身活动(Warm-up Activities)目的:激发学生的学习兴趣,调动课堂气氛。
THE DIRECT METHOD 直接教學法(DM)在GTM沒落後,語言學界興起了一股改革風潮。
擁護DM派的學者認為,語言的形與意之間存在著關連性,所以不論學習L1或L2,只要學習環境全部都是標的語(target language),學習者將沈浸在最自然的氣氛中,不必透過教師的翻譯和文法解析就可自然地學成一口流利的標的語。
以下試舉一教學實例(國小英語師資訓練手冊,p. 7,師德):(教學過程全用英語)步驟一老師拿著顏色卡,指著卡片說“It is white. It is black. It i brown.”步驟二老師手指「白牆、頭髮、門」,重複上面句子。
步驟四類似步驟一,老師教red, purple。
步驟五老師拿著頻果、香蕉,學生說:”It is red. It is yellow.”四、教師與學生的角色教師是L2唯一的示範者,所以教學時一律不用學生的L1講解,而必須使出十八般武藝,運用身體語言和輔助教具來傳授語言知識,使學生能用極初級程度的L2來瞭解新的標的物,並學會用口語來表達。
1. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language.
2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught.
3. Oral communication skills were
4. The best known reformer in the mid-19th century was a Frenchman named E. Gouin. He developed an approach to teaching a foreign language based on his observations of children’s use of language.
8. Correct pronunciation and grammar
were emphasized.
Main activities
1.Direct association (new language items)
2. Question and answer exercise. (asking questions in target language and having students answer in full se ntences)
2. The rapid development of linguistics, psychology and education .
3. And the Grammar Translation Method could not meet the need. The Reform Movement has began. The International Phonetic Association was founded and its International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) was designed.
英语教学法 直接法 direct method(课堂PPT)
3. And the Grammar Translation Method could not meet the need. The Reform Movement has began. The International Phonetic Association was founded and its International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA) was designed.
5. Wilhelm Viёtor, a Germany scholar
Language Teaching Must Start Afresh
Speech patterns
In Henry Sweet’s book The Practical Study
of Languages (1899), he set forth principles
1. The Direct method offered innovations at the level of teaching procedures.
2. The Direct method was quite successful in private language schools, such as those of the Berlitz chain, where paying clients had high motivation and the use of nativespeaking teachers was the norm.
英语教学法之Direct Method(直接法)
(5) Sentence is the minimum unit of speech communication. According to Gouin, verbal expression is closely linked with thought about real events. Thought and corresponding utterances do not occur randomly or singly; they come in sequences and end-means series. In addition, concrete meaning and usage of words can only be learned in sentences. (6) Historically speaking, spoken language came into being before written language. So speech patterns are fundamental while written language derivational. This view accounts for the emphasis on the priority for spoken language teaching in the Direct Method. (7) Spoken language is a learnable system of sounds, and sounds are best described by phonetic transcription. Therefore we should attach great importance to phonetic teaching.
• A reaction against the GrammarTranslation Method. • In the mid and late 19th century, European industry developed rapidly.
• The foundation of the IPA and other organizations.
Theoretical Basis
• Direct means takes the place of translation as the main technique in foreign language learning. • Speech patterns should be the fundamental elements of language.
2. Without explicit grammar explanantion, students lack a necessary knowledge of the target language.
3. The Direct Method places a high demand on teachers.
Basic Principles
• Main features:
1. The first language and translation exercises are completely avoided.
2. Grammar is learned inductively through listening and speaking activities (an explicit grammar rule may never be given).
2. 2 Major features of the direct method
2.2.1 Teaching vocabulary through pantomiming, realia and other visuals 2.2.2 Teaching grammar by using an inductive approach (i.e. having learners find out rules through the presentation of adequate linguistic forms in the target language) 2.2.3 Centrality of spoken language (including a native-like pronunciation) 2.2.4 Focus on question-answer patterns 2.2..5 Teacher-centeredness
2.6.1. The goals of using the Direct Method
Teachers using the Direct Method intend that Ss learn how to communicate in the target language. In order to do this successfully, Ss should learn to think in the target language.
2.The Direct Method
• 2.1 Introduction
• • 2.1.2 Background Late 19th-early 20th century, practical needs and interests for modern languages calls for reform: GT was found to be inadequate for teaching living languages, so DM was developed which emphasized the primacy of speech. • the founding of IPA in 1886, • 2.1.3 Theoretical Foundation: • Pragmatism & Descriptivism
1.In the late 19th century, with the development of capitalism, all European countries increasingly communicated with each other. It created a demand for oral proficiency in foreign languages.
6. Dictation (It is used as a means to reinforce and test what the students have learned. )
1. The Direct method offered innovations at the level of teaching procedures.
5. New teaching points were introduced orally.
6. Concrete vocabulary was taught through demonstration, objects, and pictures; abstract vocabulary was taught by association of ideas.
for the development of teaching method,
which systematically discussed about The
202D1/i5/r26ect Method.
It was established in Germany and France it the late 1800s and contrasts with the Grammar Translation Method and other traditional approaches. It became widely known in America through its use by Sauveur and Berlitz in successful commercial language school. It faded in the early 1900s.
2. Question and answer exercise. (asking questions in target language and having students answer in full se ntences)
3. Error correction
(students are allowed to correct their
3. Oral communication skills were
built up in a carefully graded
progression organized around
question-and-answer exchanges between
teachers and students in small,
6. Dictation (It is used as a means to reinforce and test what the students26
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Background (2)
• Revolution to Grammar Translation Method. One of the revolutionists was Francois Gouin. • First introduced in France and Germany. • Berlitz (Maximilian D. Berlitz,18521921) used extensively in Rhode Island, USA, and opened the first language school.
Students may be afraid of asking Qs. It’s hard to practice the methods in a class with more than 20 students. It needs a great amount of teachers It’s hard to explain abstract words. It takes much time for teacher to explain the words that might be trivial.
• Use the natural way to communicate, like a baby learning its mother tongue.
The Direct Method is one method of foreign language learning. The main characteristic is only use the language what they learning, students remember the sentence of teachers teaching in class. Familiar with some structures and sentences ,then they imitated it again and again.
Good points
students learn the correct pronunciation and better oral skills because no native Good language is used and communication is main activity points in the class. Whereas, students’ enterprising spirits and the teacher speaking the target language fluently are required.
The Direct Method
The Direct Method
Background (1)
In the late 19th century in Europe, for economic development, the communication among nations became more frequent. Foreign languages learning was highly demanded. Oral communication became the main goal of foreign language teaching.
பைடு நூலகம்
It’s to make up with the Grammar-Translation Method, which emphasizes reading and writing, fixed rules for sentences patterns, and grammar and translation skills. So, in DM, no translation, no native language but with meaningful context, realia, pictures, visual aids, demonstration and dramatization to help students learn words, preposition, grammar of the target language.