



Additionally, if we get up early and do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, without doubt we can build our bodies and become much healthier. That is why many people getting up early do physical exercise year after year.
view. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all.
②fresIhnefsatcat,nmd oprenoinpgleisarteheusbueasltlytiminethoef
a day. In the morning, best conditions. Many
In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best conditions. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than at any other time of the day.
efforts to do so. If you want to get up early, sleeping earlier the night before expect


ummary writing for argumentation
There is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt
② structure In what order does the passage develop to show the different “attitudes”?
⑤ 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面, 评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以考虑。 ⑥ 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一个档 次。
解读之内涵篇 概要写作:
提供一篇350词以内的短文,要求考生基于该短文 写出一篇60词左右的内容概要
• 评分要点 • 1)理解准确,涵盖全部要点 • 2)准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇 • 3)有效使用语句间的连接成分,结构紧凑 • 4)完全使用自己的语言
2.Explore (探究)
There is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt supporting ideas
Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph
Para 2: In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was thought to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirtEuropean in a friendly way. Henry Examples of some countries IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.



高考英语之概要写作概要写作(Summary writing),被称为“小作文".概要写作分值占据15分,考查的是考生阅读和写作的综合能力。

概要写作所给定的语篇一般在200—250字,内容丰富多样,包含故事、时政、科普等,体裁以记叙文、说明文为主,字数一般要求在50—60字,答案尽量符合“Key points of a summary”的要求。

一.正确认识概要写作1. Definition of summary writing(概要写作的定义)By summary, we mean a brief restatem ent, in your own words, of thecontent of a passage, an article, a chapteror a b ook。

...文档交流仅供参考...2. Key points of asummary(概要写作的要点)Conciseness(简要性):Omit unnecessary details like examples, explanations and other unimportant information. ...文档交流仅供参考...Length: 1/4—1/3 of the original text。

Completeness(完整性):To include all th e main andsupportingpointsdelivered in you own words in a condensed man ner....文档交流仅供参考...Accuracy(准确性):To give the same atte ntion and stress to thepoints as the author does....文档交流仅供参考...Coherence(连贯性):Rather than an out line listed as keywords and phrases, a summary is a paragraph with necessary transitions and function structures to make it flow. ...文档交流仅供参考...Objectivity(客观性):Do notinclude yourownideasor emotions on the topic. The summary should reflect the content of theoriginal passage only....文档交流仅供参考...3. Steps to write asummary(概要写作的步骤)1)Skim the text to find out the gen eral theme。


并用自己的话简单地写出来。(一句话) ➢ 写下每个主要想法的关键支持点,不要涉及小细节。 ➢ 以符合逻辑的顺序组织主要和相关的支持点,实现连贯性的必要过渡。 ➢ 校对语法、拼写和标点错误等。
六要素:what who when where why how
概要写作(小ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ文)
④Finally, the anxiety of dating is greatly lessened with cyber-dating. Traditionally, men take the lead in dating. They are the ones who have to ask a woman out on a date. They have to risk rejection. It’s no better for women, however. Many women still wait for a man to ask them out first. Then, if they don’t want to go out with him, they have to let the man down gently. While it’s true that sometimes with cyber-dating men still get rejected and women still reject, you experience this in the privacy of your own home. Moreover, you never have to see the person again because you have never met! It’s the perfect solution.


In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best conditions. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and accurately in the morning than at any other time of the day.
Summary writing for
expository writing(说明文)
阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。 Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times. Many
years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and got up early, we would be energetic the whole day. Nowadays, people still hold the same view. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all.
Additionally, if we get up early and do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, without doubt we can build our bodies and become much healthier. That is why many people getting up early do physical exercise year after year.

高考英语复习课件:书面表达之如何写文章概要 (共74张PPT)

高考英语复习课件:书面表达之如何写文章概要 (共74张PPT)

优秀ppt公开课ppt免费课件下载免费 课件20 21届高 考英语 复习课 件:书 面表达 之如何 写文章 概要 (共74张PPT)
读写任务型作文从审题到成文可采用以下七个步骤: 第一步:仔细审题,明确题目要求 通过审题明确文章主题、写作文体、写作内容、主 要时态和主体人称。主体人称需要特别注意。
近年来英语高考作文出现了读写任务型作文形 式。为让考生掌握这种文体的写作技巧和结构范式, 本部分从谋篇布局等写作技巧入手,通过感悟范文 和案例仿写,让考生在动手动脑中感悟满分作文的 组织架构和写作技巧,把作文写得规范合体、像模 像样。
读写任务型作文主要以记叙文和议论文为主, 议论性居多,其写作内容分为两个部分:
Still,don't go too far in the other direction.Not giving enough praise can be just as damaging as giving too much.Kids will feel like they're not good enough or that you don't care and,as a result,may see no point in trying hard for their accomplishments.
第二节 概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
Parents everywhere praise their kids.Jenn Berman,author of The A to Z Guide to Raising Happy and Confident Kids,says,“We've gone to the



Para 3-water
Topic Sentence: Water made life develop possibly
Tips: 补充说明第二段水的作用,可以作为次要点 放在第三段结合处理。
Para 4
Topic Sentence: None points:plants in water, shellfish, fish, plants on land land animals, forest, reptiles,dinosaurs,mammals.
It is a brief, thorough and objective restatement of the main idea and key points of a longer composition.
读者在正确理解文章的基础上, 在不改变原文中心思想、 体裁和结构的前提下,用简明、精练的语句高度浓缩文章 的主要内容和观点。
not look after the earth well. the earth may be too hot to liveon , whether ...depend on
Main idea: Fianlly, Humans rule the earth but the time of their existence is uncertain.
What is a summary?
A summary is a short statement that gives only the main points of sth, not the details 《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》
Unit 4 Astronomy: the science of the stars



(3) 上下文的连贯性; (4) 对各要点表达的独立性情况。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方 面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程度予以 考虑。 6. 如书写较差以致影响交际,可将分数降低一 个档次。
——理解准确,涵盖全部要点。 第五档 ——能准确使用相应的语法结构和词汇。 (21-25) ——有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使所完
四、熟知评分原则,明确写作方向 (一)评分原则 1. 本题总分为25分, 按5个档次给分。 2. 评分时, 先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确
定其所属档次, 然后以该档次的要求来衡量、 确定或调整档次, 最后给分。 3. 词数少于40的和多于80的, 从总分中减去2分。 4. 评分时, 应主要从以下四个方面考虑: (1) 对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; (2) 应用语法结构和词汇的准确性;
1. 顺序 first…second…third… 首先……第二……第三……
firstly…secondly…thirdly…finally… 首先……第二……第三……最后……
to begin with…then…furthermore…finally 首先……然后……此外……最后……
成的概要结构紧凑。 ——完全使用自己的语言。
——理解准确,涵盖绝大部分要点。 第四档 ——所使用语法结构和词汇可能有些许错误, (16-20) 但完全不影响意义表达。
——比较有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使 所完成的概要结构紧凑。 ——有个别整句抄自原文。
——理解较为准确,涵盖大部分要点。 第三档 ——所使用语法结构和词汇虽有些错误,但 (11-15) 不影响意义表达。
——应用简单的语句间连接成分,使上下文 内容连贯。 ——出现两句以上整句抄自原文现象。



[01] Reading for outline [02] Reading for information [03] Reading for writing [04] Writing for summary
新高考高中英语概要写作文章(共22张 PPT)
[02] Reading for information
Para. 2
While sports are for entertainment, it does not mean that they are not important to people's life. Why do so many people go to see football matches and NBA games? It is because they enjoy the games, and they are willing to pay to watch the performances. Because of the sports stars, our life becomes more exciting. Some sports stars gain honor for their country, and their countrymen are proud of them. They contribute to the spiritual well-being of their people.
Summary Writing
Do Sports Stars Deserve High Pay?
As is known to all, sports stars earn large amounts of money every year. LeBron James, the famous basketball star, for instance,


solutions(解决办法), the conclusion(结论)
二、明话题,定顺序,找中心句、高频词、连词,列提纲 根据文章写作顺序(时间、地点、原因…), 对文章进行分段,找
出各段的中心句和高频词以确定要点,再根据连词确定要点的主要 和次要关系。最后根据抄写原文列出提纲。
概要写作(满分25分) 阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and get up early, we would be energetic(充满活力的) the whole day. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all.
If we do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, we can build our bodies and become much healthier. Also we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early. However, if we get up late, we will probably have to do everything in a great hurry.


语言上:不够简洁; 基本错误多;使用文章原句
Step 1. Determine the type of writing and identify the topic as well as the author’s purpose
Step 2. Divide the passage & summarize the main idea of each part
paragraph. Rewrite each topic sentence, using your own words. Do not copy from the passage!
Step 3: Write your summary. First state the main idea of
the passage and then the topics covered by each paragraph. Remember, use your own words!
(1)对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; (2)应用语法结构和词汇的准确性; (3)上下文的连贯性; (4)对各要点表达的独立性情况。
1. 本题总分为25分,按5个档次给分。 2. 评分时,先根据所写概要的内容和语言初步确定其所属
档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量、确定或调整档次, 最后给分。
3. 词数少于40的和多于80的,从总分中减去2分。 4. 评分时,应主要从以下四个方面考虑: (1)对原文要点的理解和呈现情况; (2)应用语法结构和词汇的准确性; (3)上下文的连贯性; (4)对各要点表达的独立性情况。 5. 拼写与标点符号是语言准确性的一个重要方面,评分时,
Step 4: Swap summaries with your partners and give each



distraction to drivers.
Para 2: Argument (论点) 1 Para 3: Argument (论点) 2
Para 4: Suggestion Para 5: Conclusion
Para 1: Viewpoint
a fact
Para1 Cell phones are used everywhere, but on the road they are a dangerous distraction to drivers and should be forbidden.
Para 4: Suggestion
Q1:Before using a cell phone, what question should drivers ask themselves?
Is this call really that important?
Yes. Suggestion1:Use a phone wisely
Point2:Drivers using a cell phone were 4 times more likely to have an accident than those not using a phone.
Point3:Just like drunk driving, California need laws to restrict the use of cell phones in cars.
Para 2: Argument (论据) 1
1. Cell phones used on the road are a dangerous distraction to drivers.
Drivers using a
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Step 4 : Polish your writing
• Sample writing :
• The importance of getting up early in the morning can never be overemphasized . In the first place, It enables us to have a better memory. What’s more, we can be increasingly healthy by breathing fresh air and working out in the morning. Last but not the least, we will have enough time to make a good preparation for the day.
• In conclusion, getting up early will benefit us a lot.(71 words)
Beginning sentences:
1) The passage/ author discusses the importance of ---(本文/作 者讨论了---的重要性)
第二步:阅读材料,回答以下两个问题。 (1) 谁做了什么?Sam got to a boarding school and he felt homesick.
He got sick soon because he could not eat the school food. He could not concentrate in the classroom. All he could think was being at home with his family. He had no mobile phone or other means to get in touch with his parents. He was angry and felt lonely. He thought his parents hated him and that was why they left him in a boarding school.
The photo is of importance to us = The photo is important to us.
4. 句式变化法
Parents should give children more praise=?
Children should be given more praised
A good preparation for the day can be achieved .
Para 4:
It will be of great benefit to us . It will do great good to us.
Step 3 :writing a summary transitionalwords ,coherent , logic,strucure
Para3 : Conclusion/ Suggestion
. Language requirements : 1) To use your own words* 2) To be concise(leave out the details; Reduce the examples; Simplify the descriptions; Eliminate all repetitions. ) 3) To present the information fairly, do not give your own comments 4) Tenses (narration often in the past tense) 少用长难句
friend whom she could tell everyting to, In one of her diaries, she described ----
After first writing • Polish your writing
(content, coherent,logical, transitional words, different structures )
1.同意替换法. We can benefit from it = It does good to us. 2.正话反说或反话正说. 1)You will not succeed = You will fail. 2)You can’t be too careful when driving=You should be careful when driving. 3) I can’t agree more=I agree with you
• Who? • When? • Where? • What? • Why? • How?
To write a summary with about six sentences from the six factors
While writing 1)To use your own words*
• 2)To present the information fairly, do not give your own comments
2) The passage/author argues that---(本文/作者主张--- )
3) The passage/ author compares --with ---(本文/作者比较了— 与----)
当然, 不一定每篇记叙文都包含这六个 要素,但“某人做了某事, 结果如何”是应当 包括的。因此, 要写好概要, 须找到以下两 个问题的答案:
[写作内容] 以约60词左右概括上文的主要内容;
解题过程 第一步, 扫视材料可知是记叙文, 于是可推 知,本文的概要框架应是:Sam想家的时间、 地点、原因、影响和结果。
写作方法—串联要素法 记叙文的概要, 一般包括记叙文的六个
要素(who; when; where; what; how; why), 也就是考生应先通读阅读短文,找出这六 个要素,然后用自己的话将这六个要素串成6 句话即可。
Summary Writing
Tips on summary writing While reading
1.What's the style of the passage? A. Narration 记叙文 B. Exposition 说明文 C. Argumentation 议论文
To find out six factors in Narration (记叙文)
He was given uniforms and all other things that he would need for the term. He started crying when it was time for his parents to leave. He was then taken to the dorm, where he saw other children happy. He tried as much as he could to fit in but could not because his mind was at home. He started feeling homesick(想家)and wanted to go homes as soon as possible.
Para1 : Getting up early plays an important part in our daily life . The importance of getting up early in the morning can never be overemphasized.
Para2-3 : It enables us to have a better memory and a healthier body. we will have enough time to make a good preparation for the day.
• 3)To use the third person to retell
• 4)Tense(narration often uses the past tense)
• 5) About 60 words
Write a summary of Anne’s bestFriend
• Who is the main character?
• Hadwriting (neat and clear )
议论文概要写作 :
Summary writing About Argumentation
Passage structure:
Para1: Topic sentences Para 2: Main supporting points/evidence
Para4 : conclusion senetnce ? We will certainly benefit a lot from it .
Step2 : Paraphrase the sentences above in your own words
系,不能简单地照搬原句,即用自己的话改 写,做到“雁过不留痕”.不改变原意
• When did the story happen?
• Where did the story happen?
• What happened to Anne and her family?
• Why did Anne and her family hide away?
• How did Anne spend her lonely and frightened len? ---- During the World War II Where?--- In Amsterdam What?--- Hide away here and there Why?--- They were Jewish How?---- Made her diary her best