
七年级英语下册同步作文课件As a seventh-grade English teacher, I understand the importance of synchronizing writing skills and content with the curriculum. 作为一名七年级英语老师,我了解将写作技巧和内容与课程同步的重要性。
Writing is a fundamental skill that students need to develop for effective communication and expression. 写作是学生需要发展的基本技能,用于有效沟通和表达。
By incorporating writing exercises into the curriculum, students have the opportunity to practice and improve their writing skills. 通过将写作练习融入到课程中,学生有机会练习和提高他们的写作技能。
In the seventh-grade English class, students can be encouraged to write about a variety of topics, such as personal experiences, fictional stories, and persuasive essays. 在七年级英语课上,可以鼓励学生写各种各样的主题,如个人经历、虚构故事和劝说性文章。
By providing structured writing tasks and guidelines, teachers can help students develop their ideas and organize their thoughtseffectively. 通过提供结构化的写作任务和指导,老师可以帮助学生有效地发展他们的想法和组织他们的思维。

from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun.
Besides, our life becomes more convenient with the Internet. However, some
other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies
Compare (比较)
Different students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, our life becomes more convenient with the Internet. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study.
Internet. Only in this way, it can help us students a lot.

• It is important… • Changes have taken place since… • It is good/helpful/harmful to… • It’s said that… • What a/How+形容词…!
like good many and but …
a heavy rain a serious illness a long bridge a high rise/large building a terrible/serious mistake a capital letter
感谢亲观看此幻灯片,此课件部分内容来源于网络, 如有侵权请及时联系我们删除,谢谢配合!
原句:I have never seen such a lovely dog. Never have I seen such a lovely dog.
原句: We heard beautiful songs everywhere.
Beautiful songs were heard here and there.
Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成
Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧
Its never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老
要求二:语句通顺,语法正确 时态正确运用
be fond of
wonderful, excellent, amazing,

5.含蓄的内容能加以解说。语句的含 蓄,一 是作者 为了表 达的需 要或某 种目的 ,故意 不直接 表达想 表达的 内容, 而把它 隐含在 字里行 间;一 是运用 了象征 、双关 等修辞 格,采 用婉曲 的手法 来表达 自己的 思想、 观点、 看法。 对此类 材料, 不仅要 理解它 字面的 含意, 而且要 深入挖 掘其 所隐含 的信息 ,即能 用简洁 明白的 语言解 说材料 深层的 内涵。
(1) 格式是否有错。 (2) 拼写有无错误。 (3) 语言是否用错。 (4) 时态、语态错误。 (5) 标点错误。 (6) 人称是否用错。
3.表转折对比关系的:However,but Although+clause( 从句),In spite of+n/doing,On the one
hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others… 4.表因果关系的:Because,As,So,Thus,Therefore,As
a result 5.表换一种方式表达:In other words 6.表进行举例说明:For example,句子;For instance,句子;
such as+n/doing 7.表陈述事实:In fact 8.表达自己观点:As far as I know,In my opinion 9.表总结:In short,In a word,In conclusion,In summary
一 、认真审题,确定时态,人称,题材格式
初中英语作文写作课(精编版) PPT课件(共17张)

Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, the Internet makes our life more convenient. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study.
In my opinion, we should stay away from the unhealthy websites and make good use of the Internet. Only in this way, it can help us students a lot.
Outline (提纲)
Ending Linking words (连接词)
Outline Retell (提纲)
Different people have different ideas about …. First of all learn… from listen to…, enjoy … …also…
Enfferent students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, our life becomes more convenient with the Internet. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study. In my opinion, we should stay away from the unhealthy websites and make good use of the Internet. Only in this way, it can help us students a lot.
初中英语作文 PPT课件 图文

谢谢! 学妹给我打电话,说她又换工作了,这次是销售。电话里,她絮絮叨叨说着一年多来工作上的不如意,她说工作一点都不开心,找不到半点成就感。 末了,她问我:学姐,为什么想 找一份 自己热 爱的工 作这么 难呢? 我问她上一份工作干了多久,她 说不到 三个月 ,做的 还是行 政助理 的工作 ,工作 内容枯 燥乏味 不说, 还特别 容易得 罪人, 实在不 是自己 的理想 型。 我又问了她前几份工作辞职的原 因,结 果都是 大同小 异,不 是因为 工作乏 味,就 是同事 不好相 处,再 者就是 薪水太 低,发 展前景 堪忧。 粗略估计,这姑娘毕业不到一年 ,工作 却已经 换了四 五份, 还跨了 三个行 业。 但即使如此频繁的跳槽,她也仍 然没有 找不到 自己满 意的工 作。 2 我问她,心目中理想型的工作是 什么样 子的。 她说, 姐,你 知道苏 明玉吗 ?就是 《都挺 好》电 视剧里 的女老 大,我 就喜欢 她样子 的工作 ,有挑 战有成 就感, 有钱有 权,生 活自由 ,如果 给我那 样的工 作,我 会投入 我全部 的热情 。 听她说完,我尴尬的笑了笑。 其实每一个人都向往这样的成功 ,但这 姑娘却 本末倒 置了, 并不是 有了钱 有了权 有了成 就以后 才全力 以赴的 工作, 而是全 力以赴 工作, 投入了 自己的 全部以 后,才 有了地 位名望 钱财。 你要先投入,才会有收获,当你 真正投 入做一 件事后 ,会明 白两件 事:首 先你会 明白, 把一件 事认认 真真做 好,所 获得的 收益远 大于同 时做很 多事; 你会明白,有人风风火火做各种 事仍未 有回报 ,是因 为他们 从未投 入过。 从“做 了”到 “做” ,正如 “知道 ”到“ 懂得” 的距离 。 3 之前单位有一个姑娘,工作特别 拼命, 只要说 起她的 名字, 大家都 会赞不 绝口: 这姑娘 工作拼 命的程 度,连 男人们

所谓不一致不仅指主谓不一致,它还包括数的 不一致、时态不一致以及代词不一致等。
例1:Once one have money, he can do what he want to do. 人一旦有了钱,他就能想干 什么就干什么。
析:one 是第三人称单数,因此本句的 have 应改为 has。同理,want 应改为 wants。
例:She like it very much and reads it to the class. 她很喜欢它 并且读给同学们听。
析:在书面表达中,应根据上 下文或时间状语来确定动词的时态。
▪ 正:She liked it very much and read it to the class.
Writing points
一.审题 (体裁 结构 格式 内容 人称 时态) 二.抓要点 三.扩展句子 四.连句成文 (时间 空间 细节 连贯 呼应) 五.查错改错 六.眷写
“中小学生健康 ”为话题写一篇短文 【要求】
(1)内容包括①列举中小学生面临的健康问题。 ② 请谈谈怎样才能保持健康。
例:There are many ways to know the society. For example, by TV radio, newspaper and so on. 有许多 方式来了解这个社会,例如通过电视、广播、报纸等等。
析:本句后半部分 For example, by TV, radio, newspaper and so on 不是一个完整的句子,仅仅是一些 不连贯的词语,不能独立成句。 正:There are many ways to know the society, for example, by TV, radio, and newspaper and so on.

(二) 写什么 (细审题, 找要点) 1. 时态: 一般现在时 (一般现在时/一般过去时); 人称: 第第一一人人称称 (第一人称/第二人称); 2. 写作要点 1: 我的生活方式, 写三个方面 ; 写作要点 2: 对对于于你你不不健健康康的的生生活活方方式式要要怎怎么么改改正正 ; 写作要点 3: 呼呼吁吁大大家家养养成成健健康康的的生生活活方方式式 。
初中英语作文 ppt课件

1. 自然结尾,点明主题 随着文章的结束,文章自然而然地结尾。如“Helping the Policeman (帮助警察)”的结尾 可以是:The two children were praised by the police and they felt happy.再如 “The Tortoise and the Hare(龟兔赛跑)” 的结尾可以是:When the hare got to the tree, the tortoise had already been there。 2. 首尾呼应,升华主题 在文章的结尾可以用含义较深的话点明主题,深化主题,起到“画龙点睛”的效果。如 “I Love My Hometown(我爱家乡)”的结尾可以是:I love my hometown, and I am proud of it. 3. 反问结尾,引起深思 这种方式的结尾虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,而且具有一定的强调作用,可引起 他人的深思。如 “Learning English can give us a lot of pleasure (学英语能为我们带来许 多乐趣)” 的结尾可以是:If we learn English well, we can …Don’t you think learning English is great fun? 4. 表达祝愿,阐述愿望 这种方式的结尾常出现在书信或演讲稿的文体中,表示对他人的祝福或对将来的展望等。 如“A Letter to the Farmers(给农民们的一封信)”的结尾可以是:I hope the farmers' life will be better and better. 另外,书信的结尾常有以下形式的祝福语:Best wishes;I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year;I wish you have a good time等。 ppt课件 7

初中仁爱英语写作文ppt优秀课件Dear audience,。
Today, I am going to share with you an excellent PowerPoint presentation on the topic of "Compassion English Writing for Junior High School Students." In this presentation, we will explore various aspects of English writing, focusing on the importance of compassion in our writing skills. Let's dive right into it!Firstly, let's understand the concept of compassion. Compassion is the ability to understand and empathize with others, showing kindness and concern for their well-being. In English writing, compassion plays a significant role as it helps us connect with our readers on a deeper level. When we write with compassion, our words have the power to touch hearts and inspire change.Moving on, let's discuss the key elements of compassionate writing. The first element is understanding your audience. Before we start writing, we need to consider who will be reading our work. By understanding their background, interests, and emotions, we can tailor our writing to resonate with them. This way, our words will have a more significant impact.The second element is choosing the right topic. When selecting a topic, it's essential to choose something that evokes emotions and connects with the reader's experiences. For example, writing about acts of kindness or personal stories of compassion can create a strong emotional response in the reader. This emotional connection will make our writing more memorable and impactful.Next, let's discuss the structure of a compassionate essay. A well-structured essay should have an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, we should provide a brief overview of the topic and grab the reader's attention with a compelling hook. The body paragraphs should present our main ideas, supported by relevant examples and evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize our key points and leave the reader with a lasting impression.Now, let's talk about the language and tone of compassionate writing. To convey compassion effectively, we should use language that is warm, empathetic, and sincere. Avoid using complex vocabulary or technical jargon that might alienate the reader. Instead, opt for simple and concise language that is easy to understand. This will ensure that our message is accessible to a wide range of readers.Additionally, incorporating storytelling techniques can enhance the compassionate nature of our writing. By sharing personal anecdotes or real-life stories, we can create a sense of connection and empathy with the reader. This will make our writing more relatable and engaging.Finally, let's discuss the impact of compassionate writing. When we write with compassion, we have the power to inspire positive change in the world. Our words can motivate others to show kindness, empathy, and understanding towards one another. Through our writing, we can create a more compassionate society, where everyone feels valued and supported.In conclusion, compassionate writing is a powerful tool that can touch hearts, inspire change, and foster empathy. By understanding our audience, choosing the right topic, and using warm and sincere language, we can create impactful and memorable writing. Let's embrace compassion in our writing and make a difference in the world.Thank you for your attention, and I hope you found this presentation on "Compassion English Writing for Junior High School Students" informative and inspiring.。

在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
文章一开头就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如 "How I Spent My Vacation"(我怎样度假)的开头是:
I spent my last vacation happily.
在整堂课的教学中,刘教师总是让学 生带着 问题来 学习, 而问题 的设置 具有一 定的梯 度,由 浅入深 ,所提 出的问 题也很 明确
在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如 通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个 什么问题等。如"Pollution Control"(控制污 染)的开头:
People often say that gold and silver
are the most valuable things in the world.
But I say that to read books is more
valuable than anything else, because
表示并列关系的:and, as well as, or… 表示转折关系的:but, yet, however… 表示时间关系的:when, while, after, before, then,
after that… 表示因果关系的:so, therefore ,as a result… 表示目的的:in order to, in order that , so as to, so

Different students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students
think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot
On the Internet
Beginning Different people have different ideas about ….
Key sentence1
Most students…
First of all learn… from …also… listen to…, enjoy … Besides make…more convenient
Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, the Internet makes our life more convenient. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study.
初中英语作文写作课(精编版) ppt(完美版)

Free talk
WWheactacnan…we do on the Internet? WThheartebadreth…ings are there on the Internet? HInowmdyooypoinuiuosne, wthee sInhtoeurnldet…in .a right way?
Supporting sentences
Key sentence2 unhealthy …, make … lose …
However,… In my opinion, stat away from, make good use of
Ending Only in this way, help… a lot
Key sentence1
Most students…
First of all learn… from …also… listen to…, enjoy … Besides make…more convenient
Supporting sentences
Key sentence2 unhealthy …, make … lose …
on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study. In my opinion,
we should stay away from the unhealthy websites and make good use of the
Internet. Only in this way, it can help using

Different students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students
think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot
Internet. Only in this way, it can help us.students a lot.
Linking words (连接词)
OR(u提etlt纲ine)ell (复述)
On the Internet
Beginning Different people have different ideas about ….
Compare (比较)
Different students have different ideas about the Internet. Most students think that the Internet is very useful in our life. First of all, we can learn a lot from the Internet. We can also listen to music and enjoy movies for fun. Besides, our life becomes more convenient with the Internet. However, some other students feel differently. There are lots of unhealthy pictures or movies on the Internet. They make students lose interest in their study.

初中英语作文写作课优秀课件目录CATALOGUE •Course Introduction andObjectives•Fundamentals of Writing•Writing skills and methods•Common Theme WritingGuidelines•Appreciation and Analysis ofMasterpieces•Writing training andimprovement01CATALOGUECourse Introduction andObjectivesThe Importance of Middle School English Composition•Improving students' comprehensive English proficiency: Throughwriting training, students can better grasp language elements such asvocabulary, grammar, and sentence structures, and improve theiroverall English proficiency.•Developing students' cross-cultural communication skills: Englishwriting is one of the important means of cross-culturalcommunication. Through writing training, students can betterunderstand the culture and thinking patterns of English speakingcountries, and improve their cross-cultural communication abilities.•To lay a foundation for students' future learning and work: GoodEnglish writing ability is an important foundation for students' futurelearning and work, which can provide more opportunities for theirfurther education and career development.Course objectives and requirementsKnowledge objectiveTo master the basic knowledge and skills of English writing, including writing process, article structure,paragraph development, sentence structure changes, etc.Ability objectiveTo independently complete an English article with clear structure, rigorous logic, and fluent language, andpossess certain critical thinking and innovative abilities.Emotional goalTo cultivate students' interest and enthusiasm for English writing, improve their self-learningability and collaborative spirit.Course arrangement and scheduleCourse arrangementThis course is divided into 10 class hours, each lasting 45 minutes. The coursecontent includes explanation of basic writing knowledge, analysis of sampleessays, writing practice, and homework review.Class timeOnce a week, the specific time will be arranged according to the student'sschedule and actual situation.Teaching methodAdopting a combination of online and offline methods, providing coursewareand teaching videos online, and conducting face-to-face tutoring and Q&Aoffline.02CATALOGUE Fundamentals of WritingVocabulary accumulation and application•Positive vocabulary and negative vocabulary: Positive vocabulary refersto words that can directly express the author's intention in the article,while negative vocabulary refers to words that cannot directly expressthe intention but can increase the richness and readability of thearticle.•Semantic analysis and accurate word usage: In English, many wordshave similar meanings, but their usage scenarios and contexts aredifferent. Therefore, when writing, it is important to pay attention toword meaning analysis and choose the most accurate vocabulary toexpress one's thoughts.•Phrases and idioms: There are many fixed phrases and idioms inEnglish, and mastering these expressions can make the article moreauthentic and natural.Sentence Structure and Changes•Simple sentences, compound sentences, and compound sentences:Simple sentences only contain one subject and one predicate; Parallelsentences are composed of two or more simple sentences connectedby parallel conjunctions; A compound sentence contains a main clauseand one or more subordinate clauses.•Sentence pattern transformation and expansion: Through sentencepattern transformation, declarative sentences can be transformed intointerrogative sentences, exclamation sentences, etc., increasing thediversity and expressive power of the article. At the same time,sentence components can also be expanded, such as addingattributives, adverbials, etc., to make the sentence more specific andvivid.There are multiple tenses and voices in English, and using them correctly can make the article more accurate and fluent.The subject and predicate mustbe consistent in person andnumber, otherwise it will lead togrammar errors.Articles, pronouns, andprepositions play importantconnecting roles in English. Usingthese vocabulary correctly canmake the article more coherentand clear. Meanwhile, it is alsoimportant to avoid commonusage errors.Tense and voice Subject verbconsistency Articles, pronouns, and prepositionsGrammar rules and common errors03CATALOGUEWriting skills and methods03Conceptual contentBased on the theme, develop associations, and conceptualize the content and key points of the article.01Carefully review the questioncarefully read the question, understand its meaning, and clarify the writing requirements and limitations.02Determine the themeBased on the requirements of the title, determine the theme and central idea of the article.Topic review and conceptionArticle structure and layoutReasonably arrange paragraphs01Based on the content of the article, arrange paragraphsreasonably to make the article clear in hierarchy.Highlight topic sentences02Set topic sentences at the beginning or end of each paragraphto clarify the central idea of the paragraph.Pay attention to transitions03Use transitional words or phrases between paragraphs to makethe article coherent and natural.Language expression and rhetoric•Accurate wording: Choose appropriate vocabulary to express ideasand avoid using obscure or overly simple words.•Diverse sentence structures: Use different sentence structures toexpress ideas, such as simple sentences, compound sentences, etc., toenhance the expressive power of the article.•Using rhetoric: Use appropriate rhetorical devices such as metaphors,personification, and parallelism to make the article more vivid andvivid.•Pay attention to grammar and spelling: avoid grammar and spellingerrors, and maintain the accuracy and standardization of the article.04CATALOGUE Common Theme WritingGuidelinesNarrative Writing•Select a theme and plot: Choose an interesting story theme and planthe plot development, including the cause, process, and outcome.•Shaping character images: By describing the appearance, personality,behavior, and other aspects of characters, vivid character images arecreated.•Pay attention to detail description: Use vivid details to help readersbetter understand and feel the story context.•Reasonable arrangement of narrative sequence: Different narrativemethods such as sequential, reverse, or interlude can be used to makethe story more engaging.Choose a familiar objectof explanation, such as an object, event,phenomenon, etc., and provide a detailedintroduction and explanation.Clearlyexplain the objectCollect and explain information andinformation related to the target through channels such as books and theinternet.Collect relevant informationOrganize the content ofthe article in an organized manner according to differentexplanation orders suchas time order, spatial order, or logical order.Arrange explanation orderUsing different methodssuch as definition,classification, comparison, and examples to make the article moreaccessible and understandable.Usingexplanatory methodsExpository writingargumentative writing•Identify arguments and evidence: Choose a controversial topic, clarifyyour viewpoint and stance, and prepare supporting evidence tosupport the argument.•Reasonable arrangement of argumentation structure: Differentargumentation structures such as total score, listing themes, andfinding several parallel viewpoints to discuss the themes can be usedto make the article clear and organized.•Using argumentation methods: using different argumentationmethods such as factual argumentation, rational argumentation, andcomparative argumentation to enhance the persuasiveness of thearticle.•Pay attention to language use: Use accurate and concise language toexpress opinions, and avoid using words that are too absolute orvague.05CATALOGUE Appreciation and Analysis of MasterpiecesExhibition of excellent works by studentsWork 1"My Favorite Teacher"Work 2A Memorable DayWork 3"The Power of Friendship"Teacher comments and suggestions•Comment on work one: The article has a clear structure and fluentlanguage, showcasing the excellent qualities of the teacher throughspecific examples, expressing the author's love and gratitude towardsthe teacher. Suggest adding some detailed descriptions to make thecharacter image more vivid.•Commentary on Work 2: The article features novel material selectionand vivid narration, showcasing the author's love and optimisticattitude towards life by recounting interesting events that happenedduring the day. Suggest refining the language expression to enhancethe infectiousness of the article.•Comment on work three: The article has a profound meaning and clearviewpoint. By discussing the power of friendship, it expresses theauthor's appreciation and admiration for friendship. It is suggested toadd some specific examples during the argumentation process tomake the viewpoint more convincing.Interactive session: Student self-evaluation and peer evaluation•Self evaluation: I believe that I have a certain foundation in writing andcan express my thoughts fluently. But there is still room forimprovement in the selection of materials and ideas, and moreattention needs to be paid to observing and thinking about life.•Mutual evaluation one: I think his works have concise language andclear expression, but there are still shortcomings in detail descriptionand emotional expression. I hope he can pay more attention to detailsand emotional presentation in his writing.•Mutual evaluation two: I think her works have novel material selectionand unique perspectives, but in the process of argumentation, thereare some that are too simplistic and one-sided. I hope she can addsome specific examples and data support in the argument to make theviewpoint more convincing.06CATALOGUE Writing training and improvementClassroom timed writing exercisesStrictly set the timein a simulated exam environment, students are required to complete theiressays within the specified time.Diversity of topic selectionProvide different types of questions to expose students to and practice variousgenres and themes.On the spot reviewProvide real-time feedback on students' compositions, pointing out theirstrengths and weaknesses, and providing suggestions for improvement.Suggestions for independent training after classPersist in writingEncourage students to develop the habit of writingevery day, such as writing diaries, weekly notes, oressays.Expand readingRecommend English original works or articlessuitable for middle school students to read, broadentheir horizons, and accumulate materials.Reflection and revisionGuide students to reflect and revise their owncompositions, and improve their self correctionability.RegularassessmentConduct a formal writing assessment at regular intervals to assess students' learning outcomes.PersonalizedfeedbackProvide specific feedback andsuggestions for each student'sessay to help them identify theirshortcomings.Display andCommunicationSelect excellent compositions fordisplay and communication,allowing students to learn fromeach other and progress together.010203 Regular evaluation and feedbackTHANKS感谢观看。
初中英语作文 课件

初中英语作文课件Possible essay:PowerPoint presentations have become a common tool in middle school English classes. These electronic slideshows allow teachers to display text, images, and multimedia content in an organized and engaging way, while students can follow along, take notes, and participate in class discussions. In this essay, I will discuss the benefits and challenges of using PowerPoint in English classes, based on my own experience and research.One advantage of PowerPoint presentations is that they can enhance students' comprehension and retention of information. By breaking down complex topics into smaller, visually appealing segments, teachers can help students grasp key concepts more easily. For example, a slide on the parts of speech can include a clear definition, examples, and colorful graphics that illustrate the function and usage of each type of word. Similarly, a slide on aliterary device can showcase a relevant quote, an image,and a brief explanation that highlights the effect and significance of the device in the text.Another benefit of PowerPoint is that it can foster student engagement and participation. By incorporating interactive features such as quizzes, polls, and discussion prompts, teachers can involve students in the learning process and assess their understanding and opinions. For instance, a slide on a controversial issue can ask students to choose a side and defend their position with evidenceand reasoning. This not only encourages critical thinking and communication skills but also makes the class more dynamic and fun.However, using PowerPoint in English classes also poses some challenges and limitations. One issue is that it can lead to passive learning and information overload if not used properly. Students may rely too much on the slides and miss out on the nuances and details of the lesson. Moreover, teachers may overload the slides with too much text, animation, or sound effects, which can distract or confusestudents and detract from the main message.Another challenge of PowerPoint is that it may not suit all learning styles and preferences. Some students may find it hard to follow the pace and structure of the slides, or may prefer more hands-on or experiential activities. Moreover, some students may have visual or auditory impairments that make it difficult for them to access or process the content of the slides. Therefore, teachers should be mindful of these differences and provide alternative modes of instruction and assessment.In conclusion, PowerPoint presentations can be a valuable tool for teaching and learning English in middle school, as long as they are used judiciously and creatively. By balancing the benefits and challenges of PowerPoint, teachers can create engaging and effective lessons thatcater to diverse learners and foster critical thinking and communication skills.。
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5. Writing task: 根据表格所提供的信息写一篇短文,描 述你的好朋友马小跳,80个左右的单词, 开头已经给出。
Name Age Look Favorite food Favorite classes Things he likes Things he likes to do Character (性格) Ma Xiaotiao 15 tall,thin,black hair, wear shorts and a T-shirt hamburgers,fried chicken science, art, PE little animals play with his good friends, help others kind-hearted(善良的), polite (有礼貌的)
• My favorite subject is English. I good at English ,too. • My favorite hobby is playing football. The best student in my class. (佟) • I looks tall and thin. I’m looks like is very tall and thin.(陈) • I’m appearance is very tall. I’m study English over five years.(范,王)I’m must to help he.(陈) • I have studyed English over five years .My hobby is reading ,drawing and playing the piano.(曹) • I’m a outgoing and easygoing boy. I’m going to be a English teacher. (闫) • There are lots of students want to make friends with me.(史)
中考英语 作文训练
——孙士写作兴趣 2 提高学生写作能力 A 基础稍差的学生学会写简单句 B 中等生句子通顺、行文连惯。 少量错误。 • C 优生学会应用丰富的语言结构 和词汇、语法正确。
• 一档13—15 分 包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言结构 和词汇、准确、语法正确、句子通顺、行文连惯、表达清 楚,具有较强的语言运用能力(从句,短语等)。 • 二档10—12分 基本包含所有要点,应用了较丰富的语言 结构和词汇,句子较通顺,表达较清楚,但有少量错误。 • 三档7—9 分 内容包含了多数要点,语言表达过于简单 ,句子不够通顺,有部分语言错误,基本上不影响总体理 解。 • 四档4—6 分 只包含了少数要点,语言表达不规范句子无 条理,行文不连惯,语言错误严重,影响理解。 • 五档0—3 分 只写出与要求的内容相关的一些信息词语, 语言错误多。
• • • • • • • 1 不一致(主谓 数 时态 代词) 2 修饰语错位。 3 句子不完整。 4 句子的短语与后面句子逻辑关系混乱不清 5 词性误用 6 指代不清 7 间断句子 8 措辞问题 9 累赘 10 不连贯 11综合性语言错误(时态 语态标点符号 大 小写等)
英语写作中流行的十句作文法是由专家 总结一种高分作文方法,考生在经过短期 训练之后便可较大程度地提高作文成绩。 需要指出的是:所谓十句作文并非一定是 10句,很多考生的高分作文(80字以下) 的句子数量都在8至10句之间(以句子长短 和结构不同而变化)。如按每个句子平均 8~12个单词计算,用7~10个句子便能完成 一篇要求在80词左右的作文。其基本模式 为:
第一段为开头,包括两句。第一句为主题 句,提出问题并通过问题点明全文主体;第二 句为扩展句,进一步说明和支持主题句。另外, 也可将两句顺序倒过来,由第一句说明情况, 第二句提出问题。 第二段为正文,共七句。第一句为主题句, 提出本段的主体,它应与第一段的主体相一致。 第二句至第七句为扩展句,说明和支持本段的 主体。句与句之间要注意运用好过渡词,以使 行文流畅。 第三段为结尾,简化为一句,是对全文的 总结,并说明作者自己的观点。 三段之间的衔接要灵活运用“启、承、转、 合”的过渡手段。
Ma Xiaotiao is my good friend. He…
10. 例文: Ma Xiaotiao is my good friend. He is 15 years old. He is tall and thin. He has black hair and he likes wearing shorts and T-shirts. He looks very cute. He likes hamburgers and fried chicken best. His favorite classes are science, art and P.E. He likes little animals. He often plays with his good friends at school and helps others who are in need. He is very polite and kind-hearted. He is a good boy. I like him very much.
5)检查纠错(字数、内容要点、主谓一致、 习惯用法、单词拼写、大小写 及标点符号)
6. 写作步骤
Think over
你叫林海(英文名叫 Joe),你的朋友 John 发给你的 电子邮件中提到了关于学校准备开办英语学习班的消 息,你对此事很感兴趣,请给 John 回一封邮件,询问 有关英语学习班的详情。邮件的要点如下: 1.对英语学习班很感兴趣。 2.希望可以练习英语,结识朋友。 3.问英语学习班的上课时间、地点、内容以及费用。 注意: 1.邮件要通顺、连贯。 2.词数80左右。 3 .不能在答卷上透露个人的任何信息(例如具体的 学校和姓名等)。
Dear John, Thanks very much for the information about the English evening class.(主题句) It sounds very interesting to me. (扩展句) You know I want to practise my English and make some new friends. (扩展句) I think this English evening class will be helpful to me. (扩展句) Could you please tell me a little more about the class? (扩展句) When does it begin and how much does it cost? (扩展句) Where will the class be held? (扩展句) Also, do you have any more information about what we will do in class? (扩展句) I’m looking forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. (结尾句) Yours Joe
——主题句 ——扩展句 ——扩展句 第二段 ——扩展句 (要视内容而决定扩 (正文) 展句 的多少) ——扩展句 ——扩展句 ——扩展句 第三段(结尾)—— 结尾句
1)审题 (定体裁、人称、格式、时态) (用单词、短语列出内容要点) 2)列纲 (加上主谓宾,把短语连成完整的句子) 3)连句 4)修饰句子(适当运用承上启下的过渡词,使 组织文章文章更完整更精炼)