



“ 对学校的管理制 度不满 意 ” 等 , 等 而关注 自身主观 原因 的
很 少。因此 我们假设 , 如果 学生 能够 比较 正确、 面地认 识 全
e) 17 年首次提 出的。他认 为 , 是工作本 身对 个人 r 94 倦怠
的能力 、 精力 以及 资源过 度要 求 而导 致 工作 者感 到 情绪 枯 竭、 精疲 力竭 的现 象 。倦 怠 的研 究 也 主要 是针 对工 作 压力 中, 特别 是那些 以“ 为工作 对象 的工作 者 , 们需要 将情 人” 他 感投入到对方身上的一 些职业 ( 医生 、 如 教师 、 社会 工作者 、 管理者等) 。随着倦怠在 工作领 域 中的进一 步研究 , 一些学
怠 。
发放问卷 40份 , 回有 效 问卷 40份 , 效率9.7 , 8 收 4 有 16% 被 试的基本情 况见表 1 :


文理 年级 二年级 三年级 四年级 文科 理科 兼收
l3 1 19 1 17 1 9 1 15 7 14 6 1 01
问卷共有 1 0个项 目, 用 Lkr 采 i t e 4点量 表评 分形 式 , 各项 目 均为 l一 4评分。把 1 0个项 目的得 分加起来 除 以 1 0即为 总
者开始逐渐关注学生学 习领域 中存 在的倦 怠现 象。连榕 等
自己 , 自己的价值所在 , 认识 相信 自己的努 力必然会 有同等
的回报 , 并且能多从 自身 寻找问题 的根源 , 那么学 习将不再
盲 目, 学习的积极性也会得到提高。
2 研究方法
2 1 被试 .



动机定向、成就归因、自我效能感与学业成就之间的关系研究综述1. 本文概述本文旨在深入探讨动机定向、成就归因、自我效能感与学业成就之间的复杂关系,通过综述国内外相关研究成果,梳理这些心理学变量在学生学业成就中的作用机制及其相互影响。




2. 动机定向理论概述动机定向理论是教育心理学中的一个重要概念,它涉及个体在学习和成就活动中的目标设定、努力投入以及应对策略的选择。











3. 成就归因理论概述成就归因理论是心理学中一个重要的领域,它探讨个体如何解释自己和他人成功或失败的原因。



问题 的提 出 监察、 节、 调 执行 、 激励 、 检验 和反思 ) 成 , 用 5 构 采 点 菇 在 高 职 教 育规 模 日趋 扩 大 的 背 景 下 ,如 何 有 计 分 , 分数越 高 , 明其 自我 监控 能力越 高 。该 量表 表 效 地 提 高高 职教 育 质 量 , 已成 为 人 们 十 分 关 注 的 结构的失拟指数 x/f 41, M E 003 拟 叠 d= .4 R SA= .5, 问题 。要 提 高 高职 教 育 质量 , 了加 大 硬 件设 施 的 和指数 G I 08,F= .7I = .7全量表的 _ 除 F= .2CI 09 , I 09 , F 投入 外 ,最 主要 的还 是 从 教 育 的 内部 因 素 来 加 以 内 部一致性信度为096重测信度为086 .5, .0。其他 _ 考虑 , 提 高 学生 自我 监控 学 习 能力 。张庆 林 提 出 测量学指标也比 如 较理想。 - 自我 监 控 学 习能 力 应 该 包 括 如 下 几 种 能 力 :会 激 自编 高职学 生学 习 自我 效 能感 问卷 。该 问卷也 一 励 自己勤 奋 学 习 ; 确立 学 习 目标 ; 于选 择 能达 采 会 善 用5 计分, 个维 1个项目 成, 部 _ 点 由1 度, 8 构 其内 到 目标 的最 适 当的 学 习 方 式 方 法 ;善 于 检测 达 标 致性 系 数为 074 再测 信度 为 08 1 .7 , .2 。 ・ 情况 , 必要 时采 取 补救 措 施 ; 于 总结 自己达 到 目 善 自 编高职学生学习动机问卷。该问卷也采用 5 一
收 稿 日期 :0 9— 5—1 20 0 4 作 者 简 介 : 克 英 (9 2一) 女 , 东 东平 人 , 育硕 屈 17 , 山 教 士, 泰山职业技术学院讲 师。




































































































2.2职业决策乔普森(Jep son, D. )认为职业决策是一个复杂的认知过程,它是个人以有意识的态度、行动、思考来选择学校或职业以符合社会期望的一种反应,通过这个过程,决策者组织有关自我和职业环境的信息,仔细考虑各种可供选择职业的前景,做出有效的合适的职业决策,这个过程中又与个人的心理特征密切相关,并且个人的决策会受到父母、朋友以及职业咨询人员的影响。






























作者单位:1.210029南京医科大学第四临床医学院2.导师,南京医科大学附属脑科医院[第一作者简介]赵峥(1977-),女,江苏南京人,在读硕士研究生,研究方向:医学心理学3通讯作者:张宁,zn6360@大学生一般自我效能感及其与归因方式的相关研究赵 峥1 张 宁23【摘要】 目的 调查大学生一般自我效能感状况并考察一般自我效能感与归因方式的关系。

方法 采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES )和归因方式问卷(ASQ )对559名大学生进行测定。

结果 不同性别、来自城镇或农村、是否学生干部、不同专业的大学生在一般自我效能感的得分上存在显著差异。


结论 不同群体大学生的一般自我效能感存在差异。

【关键词】 一般自我效能感 归因方式【中图分类号】 R395.6 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 100927201(2008)20320180203The status of general self 2eff icacy in college students and the correlation bet w een self 2eff icacy and attributional style.Z H A O Zheng ,Z H A N G N i ng.T he Fourt h Cli nical Medical I nstit ute ,N anj i ng Medical U ni versit y ,N anj i ng 210029,Chi na【Abstract 】 Objective To investigate t he stat us of general self 2efficacy in college st udent s and explore t he re 2lationship between general self 2efficacy and att ributional style.Methods A total of 559undergraduates were tested by General Self 2Efficacy Scale (GSES )and Att ributio nal Style Questionnaire (ASQ ).R esults Signifi 2cant differences in GSES scores were detected between participant s of different gender ,homeplace ,title and major.St udent s who were apt to attribute po sitive event s to internal ,stable ,and global causes had higher self 2efficacy.The tendency had a difference in gender.Conclusion General self 2efficacy of different group s made a difference.【K ey Words 】 General self 2efficacy Att ributio nal style 个体对有效控制自己生活诸方面能力的知觉或信念叫做自我效能感(perceived self -efficacy 或sense of self -efficacy ),它对人们的成就行为有着特殊而重要的作用。















二、文献综述学习倦怠是指学生在学习过程中出现的一种消极情绪状态,这种状态通常伴随着对学习的低兴趣、高焦虑和低动力(Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, Perry, 2002)。

学习成就归因是指学生对自己学习成败的原因进行解释的倾向,它可以进一步分为内部归因和外部归因(Weiner, 1992)。

学业自我效能感则是指学生对自己完成学业任务能力的信心和评估(Bandura, 1997)。

在探讨学习倦怠与学习成就归因的关系时,研究发现,倾向于外部归因的学生更容易经历学习倦怠(Martin, 2006)。








关键词:自我效能感;归因方式;英语成绩;英语专业学生;归因训练;回馈The Relationship of Perceived Self-efficacy, Attributional Beliefs andAchievement for English MajorsAbstractThe present study adopts a quantitative approach and seeks to investigate language self-efficacy and students’ attributional styles by using a sample of 242 English major students from Guangxi province in China. Based on the theoretical foundations of Bandura’s self-efficacy theory and Weiner’s attribution theory, the study also examines the interactions among students’ language self-efficacy, attributional beliefs and their academic performance on TEM-4 in an EFL context.The general statistical results of the study indicate that:(1) there does exist a relationship between language self-efficacy and Englishacademic achievements —the high achievers have fairly good self-efficacy whilemoderate achievers have moderate self-efficacy and the self-efficacy of low ones isslightly lower than those of the other two groups;(2) language self-efficacy is positively correlated with the English academicachievements of the students;(3) ability attributions are the most powerful predictor in achievement-related settings,concerning students’ self-attributions to success and failure in English learning.However, luck-success attribution and effort-failure attribution are negativelyrelated with English achievement;(4) under different circumstances (successful/unsuccessful performance), theperceptions of students’ self-attributions to successes and failures may exertdifferent influence on language self-efficacy beliefs.The results lend support to the view that the beliefs of self-efficacy and casual attribution not only play an important motivational role in language learning, but are good predictors of language achievement. The findings of this study provide some useful insights into English teaching and learning: (1) Shape positive beliefs about the causes of success and failure, which will affect students’ attitude towards English learning. Teachers need to be aware of students’ attributional beliefs, and guide students to correct self-attributions by means of attribution training. (2) Provide constructive feedback. Teachers can help students cognitively realize the facilitation of self-efficacy beliefs in English learning. (3) Enhance students’ language self-efficacy and positive self-attribution with a variety of means.Limitations as well as possible pedagogical implications are also discussed in the study. For instance, the sample under investigation is relatively small; moreover, multiple data collection techniques are needed to get more accurate information. Therefore, the results obtained in the present study leave much to be improved and it is hoped that further research will lead to more overall and accurate results.Key words: self-efficacy; attributional style; English academic achievement; English majors;attribution training; feedbackAcknowledgementsI would like to express hearty appreciation to Professor Li Xiao, my supervisor for her critical acumen, constant encouragement and patient support throughout the process of writing and modifying the present thesis. Despite her full engagement in the teaching and research work, Professor Li has managed several careful readings of the thesis and made illuminating comments and revisions on it, without which the present thesis would not have been what it appears now. My gratitude to her is boundless.I’m greatly indebted to all the other teachers who have taught me during the three years of my study in College of Foreign Studies, Guangxi Normal University. Their excellent lectures and profound insights have presented me the essence of their knowledge and their indefatigable pursuits of academic achievement have exerted an uplifting influence upon me in the past years.Finally, I owe my thanks to my family who has kindly assisted me all along the way.Chapter I Introduction1.1 Research backgroundThe study of self-efficacy and attributions falls into the first general category of motivational constructs (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990). This category represents students’ perceptions about their ability to accomplish a task. The basic idea behind this family of motivational constructs revolves around students’ beliefs that they are able to perform a task and that they are responsible for their own performance. And they answer the student’s question: “Can I do this task?” Put it simply, such perceptions of ability play an important role in the social cognitive theories of motivation. Enhancing students’ perceptions of ability has been understood as an important part of the teaching-learning process.Self-efficacy, as one motivational construct, is a major component of Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive learning theory, which can be named alternatively as “self-efficacy beliefs”, “perceived self-efficacy”, “perceived beliefs of self-efficacy”, “sense of self-efficacy”. Bandura described self-efficacy as individuals’ confidence in their ability to control their thoughts, feelings, and actions, and therefore influence an outcome. These perceptions of self-efficacy influence individuals’ actual performances (Locke et al., 1984), emotions (Bandura, Adams, & Beyer, 1977), choices of behavior (Betz & Hackett, 1981), and finally the amount of effort and perseverance expended on an activity (Brown & Inouye, 1978).In the past few decades, self-efficacy has enjoyed a resurgence of interest among educational psychologists, and many studies have proved its influence on academic performance in various areas (Pajares & Johnson, 1996; Zimmerman & Bandura, 1994). Based on the self-efficacy theory, more and more researches point to the crucial nature and role of self-efficacy in the field of foreign language learning. It seems that the first important step towards successful learning of English is to help students to establish positive self-beliefs about one’s capabilities.Although educators have long recognized that students’ beliefs about their academic capabilities play an essential role in their motivation to achieve, researchers have suggested that the focus of self-efficacy research be expanded to include the often ignored mediating influence of attributional analysis (Quinones, 1995; Silver et al., 1995).Causal attributions are individuals’ perceptions of the causes of various achievement outcomes (Pintrich & Schunk, 1996). Students may attribute their successes or failures to two general types of antecedent conditions: environmental factors and personal factors. Environmental factors include teacher feedback, social norms, or situational features. Personal factors include causal patterns, personal bias, prior knowledge, or individual differences. These two general categories of perceived causes influence the actual attributions that individuals will make in terms of whether they attribute their failure to low ability, lack of effort, bad luck, a hard test, a bad mood, fatigue, unfairness, anxiety, or just about any other explanation, justification, or excuse students produce for failure at a test or task.Researchers in academic environments have found that attributions to success and failure to foreign language learning are relevant to foreign language learning, which may facilitate or impede foreign language learning. Also research findings indicate that successful languagelearners tend to attribute their perceived success to internal controllable unstable attributions while unsuccessful learners tend to attribute their perceived failure to external uncontrollable stable attributions. Further researches into attributions in language learning demonstrate that the controllability of language learners over their language learning is greatly associated with language learning outcomes.However, in the Chinese context, the general empirical studies have been respectively conducted on self-efficacy and attribution theory in the domain of foreign language teaching and learning (e.g.: Zhang & Yuan, 2004; Qin & Wen, 2002; Zhang, 2002; Qin, 2002; Zhang, 2004, etc.). Since self-efficacy and attributions are considered to be the key factors in language teaching and learning, we are particularly interested in this general research question: how do Chinese EFL learners’ perceptions of self-efficacy and attributions relate to English achievements? Thus, this study attempts to investigate the relationship among English academic achievements, language self-efficacy, and attributions to success or failure in English learning for Chinese college English majors.1.2 Aims of the studyWith a view to promoting a comprehensive understanding of language self-efficacy and learners’ causal attribution, the purpose of the study, therefore, is three-fold: exploring the relationships between Chinese students’ perceptions of self-efficacy and achievement in English learning; examining how students’ attributions for success and failure correlate with English achievement; and investigating the interaction among students’ language self-efficacy, attributional beliefs and academic achievement.The specific purpose is to provide empirical evidence that self-efficacy both causes and is caused by performance experiences. The research is designed to find out the perceptions of language self-efficacy Chinese college students hold, and how they are related to English achievement and attributional beliefs. It draws attentions to students’ perceptions of their language self-efficacy and attributional beliefs in foreign language learning. The pedagogical implication is to try to arouse the awareness of the influence of these two personal factors on the language learning and promote effective language learning.Among Chinese students, English majors do not occupy a much larger proportion in China. It seems that they can take much more advantages in English learning than non-English majors, such as their supportive environment, adequate exposure to English, etc.. For the reason that they are part of foreign language learners in China, the study from English majors’ perspective can enrich the research on self-efficacy and attributions in Chinese setting. Undoubtedly the study under this homogeneous context will provide EFL teachers and students with some useful insights.1.3 Overview of the thesisThis thesis is composed of six chapters. To be more specific, it spreads out as follows:Chapter One firstly contextualizes the research topic, and then introduces aims of the present study, and finally provides the outline of the thesis.Chapter Two offers a discussion and critique of the previous literature related to the present study. First of all, it introduces the theoretical framework of self-efficacy theory. Then it gives an account of self-efficacy research conducted in the academic area in which self-efficacy has the power to predict academic achievements. Furthermore, attribution interms of Weiner’s attributional theory and its relation with academic achievement are also elaborated. Some empirical studies show insights into the relationship between language achievement, language self-efficacy, and attributional beliefs as well.Chapter Three formulates research questions, and then describes the survey of Chinese English majors concerning their English academic achievement, language self-efficacy, their attributions of success and failure in foreign language learning. It presents a discussion of the research methodology, including subjects, instrumentation, data collection and analysis procedures.Chapter Four provides a detailed description of the statistical results and findings of the survey in relation to the research questions.Chapter Five discusses and explains the results presented in Chapter Four. It also points out the limitations of the present study and puts forward some suggestions for the future study in this area. In addition, research and pedagogical implications are discussed.Chapter Six is the conclusion of the study.Chapter II Review of LiteratureIn this chapter, we will first report an overview of the self-efficacy theory, including the definition, sources and researches on self-efficacy which examine the literature on motivation constructs. Then we will review literature on attribution theory, as well as the linkage of self-efficacy, attribution and academic performance.2.1 Self-efficacy theoryPsychologist Bandura’s enlightening works (1977, 1982, and 1986) on self-efficacy provided a solid theoretical ground, on which subsequent investigation could continue to explore the role of self-efficacy both theoretically and empirically. Provided below are the definition, sources, and researches of self-efficacy, which are one of the theoretical foundations of the present study.2.1.1 Introduction of self-efficacyAlbert Bandura (1982, 1986, and 1989) has developed a social cognitive model of behavior that includes self-efficacy as a major construct. In this model, self-efficacy is defined as “people’s judgments of their capabilities to organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types of performances” (Bandura, 1986: 391).According to the self-efficacy theory, self-efficacy beliefs act as filters between a person’s prior achievement or ability and that person’s subsequent behavior (Bandura, 1986). Therefore, two persons of the same ability may exhibit different levels of performance because of their differing self-beliefs. Self-efficacy helps to govern how much effort and persistence a person will put forth on a task and how much resilience that person will demonstrate in the face of obstacles. Highly efficacious people are likely to exhibit greater effort and persistence, interpreting their self-beliefs to mean that their sustained effort will result in success. Those with low self-efficacy may give up easily on a task, interpreting their self-beliefs to mean that their sustained effort will be futile.Lying at the very core of social cognitive theory, self-efficacy functions as a mediator of the effects of prior achievement, knowledge, and skills on subsequent achievement. Consequently, it is often seen as a better predicator of success than are actual abilities. Self-efficacy affects behavior by influencing people’s behavioral choices, the amount of effort they expend, and the persistence they exhibit in the face of failure. This cognitive factor is the most influential arbiter in human functioning.2.1.2 Sources of self-efficacyFour sources of information contribute to the development of an individual’s self-efficacy beliefs (Bandura, 1997): enactive mastery experience, vicarious experience, social persuasion, and physiological and affective states. Information from these sources does not directly influence an individual’s self-efficacy: it is an individual’s interpretation of this information that results in an increase or decrease in self-efficacy. Many factors, personal, situational, and cultural, have an effect on the interpretation of these experiences.Enactive mastery experiences, in which individuals interpret the results of their performance, have the strongest influence because they provide the most direct evidence ofwhether one has the capability needed to succeed at a task (Bandura, 1997). Accomplishments can foster a strong sense of efficacy to succeed at similar task in the future. Likewise, failure can lower a person’s self-efficacy beliefs. People who have a strong belief that they can succeed will more often persevere in the face of difficulty, thereby increasing their chances of attaining a successful outcome, an outcome which then provides further support for a positive sense of self-efficacy. People who do not believe that they will succeed often make fewer and briefer attempts at a task, thus decreasing their chances of success, further eroding their already low self-efficacy. However, it must be remembered that it is the interpretation of these events that has the strongest effect on self-efficacy.The second source of information is vicarious experience (Bandura, 1997) that people may have when they observe others engaged in a task. Through observing the success or failure of others, people may process this information to evaluate their own likelihood of success at the same or similar tasks. This source of information is particularly salient in novel situations and when the model is perceived to possess characteristics similar to the observer. Coping models, in which the model demonstrates perseverance and self-confidence, are the most effective models in increasing self-efficacy in the observer.Social persuasions, which include exposure to the verbal and nonverbal judgments that others provide, are also an important source of information (Bandura, 1997). Typically, positive messages encourage the development of self-efficacy, and negative ones hinder its development. As regards, individuals who are verbally encouraged or told that they have the ability to accomplish a task, may gain stronger self-efficacy as a result, particularly if they already possess reasonably high self-efficacy. Similarly, verbal discouragement may reduce a person’s self-efficacy, especially if that person has relatively low self-efficacy initially. Yet, social persuasion alone may not produce a positive sense of self-efficacy, but may operate in concert with other sources of self-efficacy, such as mastery experiences, to increase self-efficacy.Finally, people interpret their own physical and emotional states as sources of self-efficacy information. Feelings of extreme anxiety and signs of tension may be interpreted as signals that an individual is vulnerable or apt to fail, thereby reducing that person’s self-efficacy. However, people’s interpretation of these physiological states is key to their effect on self-efficacy. For instance, arousal may be interpreted as an energizing factor, fostering higher self-efficacy, or as an incapacitating factor, resulting in lower self-efficacy.People construct their self-efficacy beliefs through the integration of information from these four sources (Bandura, 1997). The strength of the contribution made by each source varies depending on the domain in question and on the cognitive processing strategies of the individual. Moreover, information for judging personal efficacy, whether conveyed enactively, vicariously, persuasively, or somatically is not inherently informative. It is only raw data. Experiences become instructive through cognitive processing of efficacy information and reflective thought (Bandura, 2000).2.1.3 Self-efficacy and self-conceptA construct closest to self-efficacy is self-concept, which also influences academic outcomes across domains (Skaalvik, 1997). Self-concept is a global term, referring to “the amalgamation of all of our perceptions and conceptions about ourselves which give rise to our sense of personal identity” (Williams & Burden, 2000: 97). It is a more general self-descriptive construct that incorporates many forms of self-knowledge and self-evaluativefeelings (Marsh & Shavelson, 1985; cited from Zimmerman, 2000:84). Self-concept is a hierarchical system of self-beliefs, each level divided into more specific components of self-concept (Marsh, 1990), with a global self-concept at the apex of a self-hierarchy, subcategories such as academic self-concept in the middle of the hierarchy and academic domain-specific self-concepts at the bottom.Figure 2-1 Structure of self-conceptGeneral self-conceptNonacademic Academic English Academic mathematicsself-concept self-concept self-conceptPhysical Physical Peer Parent Reading General Mathematicsability appear- relation- relation- school ance ships ships(Source: H. W. Marsh & R. J. Shavelson, 1985; cited from Woolfolk, 1995. Educational Psychology (6th edition). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon, A Simon & Schuster Company)Self-concept beliefs differ from self-efficacy beliefs in that self-concept includes judgments of self-value (Bandura, 1986), whereas self-efficacy is a cognitive judgment of ability. Self-concept is thus a more inclusive construct as it includes descriptive, evaluative and affective components (Bong & Clark, 1999). Although some researchers use the terms interchangeably, self-efficacy is distinct from self-concept and, in fact, self-efficacy contributes to an individual’s self-concept. These differences between self-concept and self-efficacy are apparent in the items used to measure the two constructs. A math self-concept item such as “I am a good math student” differs in tone and substance from a self-efficacy item that asks “How sure are you that you can make appropriate predictions (hypotheses) about results in mathematical problem solving?”. Students may feel confident about their performance in math but may fail to take pride in their performance. Pajares and Miller (1994) found that math self-efficacy was more predictive of problem solving than was math self-concept when using path analysis procedures to examine the predictive and mediational roles of these two constructs in mathematical problem solving by college students.Basically, self-concept could be considered as our attempt to explain ourselves to ourselves, to build a scheme (in Piaget’s term) that organizes our impressions, feelings, and attitudes about ourselves. Therefore, self-concept research involves more general measures, both of self-concept and of the criterial measures with which it is associated strongly such as anxiety, apprehension, intrinsic motivation, and value, etc., while self-efficacy is domain-specific, generalizing only to highly related areas, which implies one can have more or less firm self-beliefs in different domains or particular situations of functioning; and measures of self-efficacy should be much more specific and correspondent to varying performance tasks and contexts than self-concept. In other words, they are not only conceptually distinctive, but also have discriminant validity in predicting a variety of academic outcomes.2.1.4 Researches on self-efficacy in academic contextsSince it is introduced as a key component in social cognitive theory, self-efficacy hasreceived a lot of attention in research. Most self-efficacy research in academic contexts has been conducted in language arts and mathematics. For example, mathematics self-efficacy predicts mathematics problem solving to a greater degree than self-beliefs such as mathematics anxiety or self-concept, previous mathematics experience, or self-efficacy for self-regulatory practices (Pajares & Miller, 1994). It has also been demonstrated that across ability levels, students whose self-efficacy is stronger are more accurate in their mathematics computation and show greater persistence on difficult items than students whose self-efficacy is low (Collins, 1982). The predictive utility of self-efficacy beliefs holds true for gifted as well as for regular education students (Pajares, 1996a). In general, self-efficacy research in the domain of mathematics supports Bandura’s contention that self-efficacy is a strong predictor and mediator of performance.In writing, as in mathematics, self-efficacy predicts performance across grade levels (Pajares et al., 1999). Self-efficacy to complete writing tasks correlates with achievement and increases as students progress through school (Grade 4, 7, 10), although self-efficacy to use grammar and composition skills does not increase (Shell, Colvin, & Bruning, 1995). Some gender differences in writing self-efficacy are evident, with girls reporting higher confidence in their writing abilities than do boys (Pajares & Valiante, 1997). This gender difference favoring girls was not evident in a study using students from Grades 3, 4, and 5, even though the girls were rated as better writers by their teachers (Pajares et al., 1999). Overall, the research on perceived ability in writing confirms the findings from the domain of mathematics on the usefulness of the self-efficacy construct in academic contexts.Lent, Brown, and Gore (1997) found that global academic self-efficacy among college students correlated more highly with mathematics course self-efficacy than with problem-specific self-efficacy. These two broader measures of academic self-beliefs also correlated with the achievement measures, thus supporting Bandura’s (1986) assertions that self-efficacy is most useful as a predictor when matched appropriately to the criterial measure.All this is to say that the capabilities assessed in the self-efficacy measure and the capabilities assessed in the outcome measure should be similar capabilities. Self-efficacy assessments often lack the specificity of measurement and consistency with the criterial task that optimizes the predictive power of self-efficacy beliefs, thus minimizing the influence of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1986; Pajares, 1996b). Self-efficacy measurements that are carefully matched with criterial measures and administered in close temporal proximity are the most effective predictors of subsequent achievement.2.2 Attribution theoryAttribution theory is concerned with how individuals interpret events and how this relates to their thinking and behavior. It explores how individuals “attribute” causes to events and how this cognitive perception affects their motivation. In simple words, it is about how people answer questions beginning with “why?”. The theory deals with the information they use in making causal inferences, and with what they do with this information to answer causal questions.Attribution theory develops within social psychology as a means of dealing with questions of social perception. Gradually, it achieved a unique status among contemporary motivation theories as the first theory that successfully challenged Atkinson’s classic achievement motivation theory (Dörnyei, 2003). Subsequently it became the dominant model in researchon student motivation in the 1980s. It is also unique because it manages to link people’s past experiences with their future achievement efforts by introducing causal attributions as the mediating link: As the main proponent of the theory, Bernard Weiner (1992), has argued, the subjective reasons to which learners attribute their past successes and failures considerably shape their motivational disposition. If, for example, they ascribe past failure on a particular task to low ability on their part, the chances are that they will not try the activity again, whereas if they believe that the problem lay in the insufficient effort or unsuitable learning strategies that they employed, they are more likely to give it another try. Because of the generally high frequency of language learning failure worldwide, attributional processes are assumed to play an important motivational role in language studies, as confirmed by the qualitative research by Marion Williams and Bob Burden (1999).2.2.1 Heider’s attribution theoryFritz Heider (1958) was the forerunner of contemporary cognitive-social psychology, interested in what he called “naïve” or “commonsense” psychology —that is, how the average person formed psychological concepts such as intention and motivation or how individual explained behavior. A central aspect of Heider’s theory was that it was how people perceived events rather than the events in themselves that influenced behavior. In his view, people were like amateur scientist, trying to understand other people’s behavior by piecing together information until they arrived at a reasonable explanation or cause.When required to give reasons for the outcomes of events or the behavior of others, Heider suggested that people would tend to refer to a limited range of internal (personal) and external (environmental) factors — two attributions a person can make: (1) internal attribution, the inference that a person is behaving in a certain way because of something about the person, such as attitude, character or personality; (2) external attribution, the inference that a person is behaving a certain way because of something about the situation he or she is in. A simple example is that success on a test could be perceived as resulting from personal factors (ability, the amount of time spent studying) or factors in the environment (an essay test, grading policy).Heider believed that the internal and external forces combine additively to determine behavior. Besides, he stressed the consequences of differential ascriptions to internal versus external factors, which is opposed to Atkinson’s theory of achievement motivation, individual differing in resultant achievement motivation (personal factor) differentially work to achieve success at tasks varying in difficulty (environmental factors) —that is, both the person and the environment influence action.2.2.2 Kelley’s attribution theoryAttribution theory emerged from Heider’s (1958) “naïve” or “lay” psychology and Kelley (1967) advanced Heider’s theory by adding hypothesis about the factors that affect the formation of attribution: consistency, distinctiveness and consensus. Kelley’s theory concerned the subjective experience of attributional validity. He proposed that perceivers identify the causes of an effect by using a principle of covariation which specifies that an “effect is attributed to that condition which is present when the effect is present and which is absent when the effect is absent” (1967:194).Furthermore, he asked the question: “How do individuals establish the validity of their own or of another person’s impression of an object?” He, then, suggested that perceivers examine three different kinds of information in their efforts to establish validity (Ross &。


































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具有多维性。 早期的自我效能相关研究主要是个体的效能情况。班杜拉发展了这一概念,提出了集体效能。这代表着自我效能感理论的研究方向,同时丰富了了自我效能感理论,使得自我效能感理论到应用延伸到了我们的集体社会。集体效能感就是集体成员对集体能力的判断或对完成即将到来的工作的集体能力的推断与判断。它主要研究的是集体的操作性能力上,还是对操作性能力的判断或评价。但需要注意的是集体效能不是集体中个体效能的总和,而是个体相互作用的过程中所创造的一种其群体无意识。对集体效能感的研究其实并未超越个体的效能感,大部分都是在个体效能的理论上建立起来的。当然,集体效能的研究主要在它研究主体的特殊性必然有其研究的特点,如影响集体效能的领导因素:个人崇拜、随大流。这方面还有待学者们进一步的研究。 自我效能感理论的应用主要涉及教学活动、身心健康领域和职业组织领域。 1.3归因方式研究定义 归因是指对自己或他人的行为原因作出解释和推论的过程,而归因方式则是由归因所产生的特有的归因倾向,美国心理学家维纳(B.weiner)对行为结果的归因进行了系统探讨,并把归因分为三个维度;内部归因和外部归因(内外源),稳定性归因和非稳定性归因(稳定性),可控归因和不可控归因(可控性)。当人们对一个行为或一个事件做归因时,经常遵循三大线索:一是外部归因,就是将所发生的事情归结为外在的情境因素;二是内部归因,就是把事物发生的原因归结为个人内在的因素,如性格、努力程度以及情绪等;三是综合归因,就是把事物发生的原因归结为内、外因素相互作用的结果。人们在对他人或自己的行为进行归因时,并不总是合情合理又合逻辑的,难免会因为这样那样的原因出现归因偏差。它包括认知性的偏差、动机的性偏差和性别的偏差。 1.4归因方式研究现状 现在的归因的研究从范围上看,主要涉及学习、工作、生活中的事件、投资等诸多方面;从内容上看,涉及自我方面的归因、外界的归因、群体归因及偏见;从研究对象上看,有学生群体、城市居民;从归因因素方面看,有能力、努力(持续努力、及时努力)、运气、宿命、神灵、因果报应、事情难易程度、他人帮助、心境、家庭背景或出身、社会关系、天才、受教育水平等。尤其是关于学生学习成绩的归因,涉及到各成长段学生(本科生、初、高中生、小学生)在各种生活情境中(上课、考试、学习)与不同因素的关系(焦虑、个性特征、竞争情境、预期与意外信息)的归因情况,并且有很多的归因训练实验,相关研究结果很多。这些研究成果对促进教师加深对不同成长段学生的归因方式、改进教育教学提高教学质量起到了很大的推动作用。 1.5自我效能感与归因方式之间的相关研究 对于自我效能感与归因方式之间的的关系,研究者们给出了不同的结论[3-4]。我们通常都以为自我效能感越高越好,但是,无限增高人的自我效能感并非是一件好事,例如传销、不负责任的成功学还有一些营销方式都是对自我效能感的滥用,长期以此,会对人的身心产生巨大不健康的影响。 自我效能感绝不仅仅由当前的活动结果和他人的评价才决定的,在某种程度上,它是由于人们对过去经验的归因决定的。虽然失败的经验对于个体都是一样的,但它可能降低一些人的自我效能感,而对另一些人而言自我效能感却不一定降低。如果将失败归因于内部的、稳定的因素时,个体的自我效能感可能会较低。当个体把失败归因于外部、不稳定的因素时,则他的自我效能感不一定会下降。比如说考试,成绩不理想可以归因为孩子在一段时间内没有认真学习,也可以归因为孩子天生比较笨,但我们一般都主张把孩子考试成绩不理想归因为孩子没有好好学习,希望他多努力,好好学习争取下次取得更好的成绩。如果归因为孩子比较笨那么,孩子的自我效能感就会比较低,需要强调的是,归因引导要做的是使学生形成积极的归因方式,而不是帮助学生寻找正确的、真实的原因。积极的归因方式有利于动机的激发、自信心的培养,而真实的原因有时会挫伤学生的积极性、上进心。成功的个体经验是否提高个体的自我效能感,很大程度上取决于个体的归因方式。只有当成功被归因于内部的、稳定的因素时,个体很可能会产生较高的自我效能感;而把它归因于外部原因时并不一定能提高个体的
较少[12]。 2研究对象与方法 2.1对象 此次我们采用随机抽样方法。共调查陕西理工学院各专业学生共150人,得到有效问卷111个。主要包括各个年级的25个不同专业,主要归为文科、理工科和艺术。男生50人,女生61人。大学一年级27人,大学二年级58人,大学三年级22人,大学四年级3人。年龄18-27,平均年龄21.16岁。 2.2方法 问卷调查法,主要内容:(1)陕西理工学院大学生
定义 这一概念是美国心理学家班杜拉于20世纪70年代在其著作《思想和行为的社会基础》中提出来的。班杜拉认为自我效能感是通过中介过程包括:选择、思维、动机和心身反应等而实现其主体作用机制的。对于自我效能的形成,Bandura认为是个人通过对动作性掌握经验、替代经验、言语说服及生理和情感状态四方面信息来源进行认知加工而形成的,许多个人、社会及情境因素会影响这一过程[1]。 综上所述,自我效能感(perceived self-efficacy或sense of self-efficay)是指个体对自己是否有能力完成某一项行为所进行的推断与判断【2】; 1.2自我效能感研究现状 班杜拉等学者的研究指出,自我效能感具有下述功能:①决定了人们对活动的选择的可能性及对该活动的坚持性的大小;②影响人们在困难面前的态度;③影响新行为的获得和习得行为的表现;④影响活动时的情绪。自我效能感又受到多种因素的影响。对大学生的成就行为,认知观念、交往关系等方面有着重要影响。
 [摘要]目的 调查陕西理工学院大学生自我效能感、归因方式状况并考察自我效能感与归因方式的交互关系。方法 采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES)和归因方式(ASQ)问卷对陕西理工学院的大学生进行测定共得到有效问卷111份。结论 陕西理工学院不同群体
大学生的一般自我效能感、归因方式存在差异,一般自我效能感与归因方式的总分、正性事件、成就事件、人际事件、内外维度、普遍维度、普遍维度都呈现显著性相关,而与负性事件和宿命维度的相关不显著。 [关键词]大学生;自我效能感;归因方式;交互关系; 1自我效能感与归因方式研究现状 1.1自我效能感研究 [2.63%] 大学生一般自我效能感及其与归因方式的相关研究 [期刊论文]《精神医学杂志》,2008年 赵峥 等
关于自我效能感的研究现状主要存在两个方向:特质取向和非特质取向,或将其理解为自我效能的两个维度。前者认为自我效能感是跨情境的,具有特质性,不以具体情境为转移。后者认为自我效能感是具体的、非特质的,具有情境性。班杜拉就是这一研究取向的主要代表。当前研究更倾向于认同两种取向的共存。在自我效能感的结构上主要有两种观点:单维性和多维性。大多数趋向于认为自我效能感 [2.63%] 高校辅导员社会支持、自我效能感与职业倦怠相关研究 [学位论文]芮丽华,2009年 西南大学
自我效能感的调查:采用一般自我效能感量表(GSES),具有良好信效度,由Schwarzer等人编制,中文版由王才康等人翻译修订,一个维度,总共十个问题,都是李克特4点测试量表,将问卷所得的各题目分数相加得到总分,总分越高说明自信心越好。(2)陕西理工学院大学生归因方式调查:采用归因方式问卷(Attributional Style questionnaire),为王纯,张宁修订的Peterson等编制ASQ中文版 [2.63%] 医学院校大学生学习倦怠现状及影响因素调查研究 [期刊论文]《中华护理教育》,2013年 李玲 等
自我效能感。对于认知加工过程,作为一个重要的个人认知因素的归因,其与自我效能感之间的关系目前尚无统一看法[5-10],国内的有关研究多从归因的能力、努力维度或成功归因、失败归因维度[11]方面,从内外的归因、稳定等维度进行的研究 [2.63%] 大学生一般自我效能感及其与归因方式的相关研究 [期刊论文]《精神医学杂志》,2008年 赵峥 等
【13】,由十个情景组成,包括5个正性事件(第2、3、4、7、8题)和5个负性事件(第1、5、6、9、10题),其中三个人际事件(第1、4、10题)和三个成就事件(第2、4、8题)。每个事件包括内外、普遍和持续维度,并且还添加了宿命这一现实维度(第9题)。各题目分数相加,分数越高说明受测者越容易做有害的抑郁归因。 2.3数据处理 本研究主要采用问卷调查收集数据,结果用SPSS12.0统计软件进行数据录入、整理和分析。 3结果 3.1自我效能感得分情况 表1 不同群体大学生的GSES得分T检验 一般资料 分组 GSES平均分 标准差 性别 男 2.71 0.90 女 2.51 0.83 年级 大一 2.48 0.93 大二 2.66 0.85 大三 2.53 0.83 大四 2.87 0.56 专业 文科 2.65 0.88 理科 2.64 0.83 艺术 2.45 0.88 我们对陕西理工学院不同群体大学生自我效能感得分情况进行了T检验,结果见表1。结果显示,就总分而言,陕西理工学院大学生自我效能感得分情况良好;我们在对性别在对性别作比较后发现,男生的一般自我效能高于女生;年级的得分差距主要体现在,大二的自我效能感要高于大一,大四的自我效能感达到最高;从学科的得分情况可以看出,文理科之间自我效能感相差不大,但是艺术的自我效能感相对要小。 3.2归因方式得分情况 表2 不同群体大学生的ASQ得分情况 年级 ASQ平均分 标准差 专业 ASQ平均分 标准差 性别 ASQ平均分 标准差 大一 2.92 1.29 文科 3.13 1.23 男 3.11 1.24 大二 3.07 1.19 理科 3.07 1.25 女 3.04 1.21 大三 3.21 1.19 艺术 2.98 1.14 大四 3.34 1.47 陕西理工学院不同群体大学生的归生归因方式情况良好。从年级的得分情况可以看出大一到大四的总分分数逐渐增大,说明是由于年级增大及经历的增多造成的,也可能是面对毕业的压力造成的。得分情况在专业上也有区分,文科类平时可能会多愁善感,艺术类可能活泼开朗,主要取决于不同专业的训练模式。男生的平均分也要高于女生,可能还是由于现实生活中的压力及自身的价值期望的结果。 3.3一般自我效能感与归因方式的相关检验 将陕西理工学院大学生自我效能感的总分分别与归因方式总分、十个情景和各个维度的