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考点:3.1 航海日志、夜航命令、常规命令(31题)

1. Which______ need NOT be entered in the Official Logbook?

A.The testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigated

B.The testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 months the vessel is navigated

C.The actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a port D.The testing of the line-throwing appliance once every 3 months

注:Official Logbook:船舶日志internal combustion engine 内燃机emergency generators:应急发电机emergency lighting and power systems: 应急照明及供电系统

2. A seaman assaults the Second Mate and injures him with a beer bottle while the ship is at se a.The incident is logged in the Official Logbook.In subsequent suspension and revocation proceedings against the seaman,according to the regulations,______.

A.the Second Mate and the Master must testify as to the facts of the assault B.the case will be dismissed if the logbook entries are improperly made

C.the logbook entry is prima facie evidence of the facts if it complies with the law D.the logbook is inadmissible if the logbook entries do not conform to the law 注:Assault:vt 攻击; injure:vt 伤害; log : vt 写进日志; Suspension: n停职; revocation:n 撤销(执照)C :prima facie evidence 初步证据

3. A seaman leaves a vessel before it sails from a foreign port.He informs the Chief Officer that he won't return.After the vessel sails,the Chief Officer finds the seaman's work clothes in his locker.How should the Master handle this matter ________.

A.Log the seaman as a deserter(出走船员)

B.Log the seaman as a fail to join(漏船)

C.Log the seaman for misconduct(错误行为)

D.Take no action

注:locker :n 房间;handle:vt 处理;

4. A wise Captain gives clear direction in his ______ for the officers on watch to call him if in any doubt whatsoever

A.Deck Logbook

B.Master's Note

C.Bell Book

D.Master's Standing Orders

注:Clear direction 清楚的指引In any doubt whatsoever 有任何值得怀疑的事情Logbook : 航海日志Bell Book :车钟记录簿Master's Standing Orders 船长常规命令

5. All events relating to the voyage,such as ship's position,speed and details of the weather,are recorded in ______.


B.Bell Book

C.Oil Record Book

D.Compass Error Book

注:relating to :与…有过的Oil Record Book: 油类记录簿

6.All of the following records are usually maintained by the watch-standing officers aboard a vessel EXCEPT the ______.

A.deck logbook

B.official logbook

C.compass record book

D.chronometer error book

注:official logbook : 船舶日志;chronometer :n 船钟; chronometer error:钟误差

7. As per the standing orders,you should carry out all the following operations except ______ upon having received words that a person has fallen overboar d.A.call the Master immediately

B.stop the engines

C.sound the “Man Overboard”signal of 3 prolonged blasts on the whistle and 3 prolonged blasts on the general alarm

D.prepare,as many as possible,rescue facilities,including warm clothes

注:As per:根据;rescue facilities: 救助设备;warm clothes:保温服;

8.Entrance Light Vessel beamed port,stopped eng.& Tug Ever took pilot off.From this remark,the ship is likely ______.

A.making inward operation

B.making outward operation

C.making cargo operation

D.at anchor

注:beam:vt 照亮;take pilot off: 接走引水;remark:n 备注;inward operation:进港作业;outward operation:离港作业;cargo operation:装卸货作业;

9. Every entry required to be made in the Official Logbook shall be signed by the ______.

A.Mate on watch

B.Master and Chief Mate or other member of the crew

C.Master only

D.Purser,one of the Mates,and some other member of the crew

注:sign: v 签名;
