


用4ps分析 可口可乐
10722115 黄颖芳

2.在广告的创意表现中,对代表中国文化的元素进行了充分的 挖掘和运用1999年开始,在中国春节推出的贺岁广告“风车篇 ”; 在2000年,可口可乐推出其广告新作“舞龙篇”,由于龙是中 国传统的吉祥物,舞龙更是中国传统节日的庆典节目之一,因 此广告一经播出,随即就受到了广大公众的好评; 2001年新年,可口可乐又演绎出一场完美的深具中国文化特色 的广告风暴:推出全新的具有中国乡土气息的“泥娃娃阿福贺 年”广告片。
市场容量大但消费者 每次购买数量少;市 场区域范围大顾客比 较分 散;市场规模 大发展趋势更大。
竞争者因素:目前能 和可口可乐公司竞争 的就是百事可乐。
生产者因素:生产 者的实力和声誉、 生产者的经营能力 、生产 者愿意提供
服务的多少、生产者对渠道控 制程度的要求。
促销是营销 活动的关键 性因素,促 销的本质是 信息交流活
人员促销策略:针对销售人员的促销,是可口 可乐公司为了激励销售人员对其系列产品做额 外的销售努力,所采取的奖励措施。对销售人 员,可口可乐通常采取奖励直接与销售业绩挂 钩的形式,在规定的基数前提下,超额完成部 分奖励现金,或提供一定的福利奖励的方式。
产品策略 的核心是 如何满足 顾客的需 要



百事可乐公司营销策略分析目录1、百事可乐公司及其产品简介1、1 公司概况1、2 发展历程1、3 产品简介2、营销环境分析2、1 宏观环境分析2、1、1 一般宏观环境分析(PEST)2、1、2 行业环境分析2、2 微观环境分析(SWOT)2、2、1 S-优势2、2、2 W-劣势2、2、3 O-机会2、2、4 T-威胁3、4P策略分析3、1 Product策略分析3、2 Price策略分析3、2、1低价策略3、2、2 竞争导向定价策略3、3 Place策略分析3、3、1 分销渠道3、3、2、中间商3、4 Promotion策略分析3、4、1 名人代言3、4、2 音乐行销3、4、3 运动广告3、4、4 其他促销活动4、小结1、百事可乐公司及其产品简介1、1 公司概况百事可乐公司于1902年成立。








销往148 个国家和地区,重点是拉美地区。








1、2 发展历程1894年,在美国北卡罗莱纳州伯恩市,药剂师科尔贝.布莱德汉姆(Caleb Bradham)在配制有助于消化的药剂时,意外地发现其中的一种口味深受顾客喜爱。






Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Brief introduction
The Coca-Cola company,founded in 1892,headquartered in Atlanta,Qiao Ya, is the world's largest drinks company,has the global 48% three drinks before the two(coke,pepsi ranked first in the second,low heat coca third),coca-cola in 200 countries have 160 beverage brands,including soda,sports beverage,dairy drinks,juice tea and coffee,also is the worlds largest juice beverage dealers(including Maid brand ),how the no.1 in the united states for its coca-cola has more than 40% market share,and sprite is the fastest growing drinks,other brands include burke her the root,fruit kingdom and YOUR ATTENTION!



• 2) 传播策略而言:独特的音乐推销和名人广告效应,百 事可乐的广告策略往往别出心裁 • 3) 有强大销售网络和渠道,与肯德基和必胜客战略结 盟,利于营销; • 4) 百事可乐传播“渴望无限”、“年轻的一代”、“活力一族” 等品牌主张和个性,在年轻消费群体中有巨大的市场,有 忠诚的百事可乐年轻消费者; • 5) 良好的渠道管理,灵活多变的促销策略,严格系统的 销售人员管理。
1 2 3 4
百事发展 营销策略 SWOT 个人感想
• • • • 30年代,同样是5分钱 60年代,献给自认为年轻的朋友 70年代微笑的大多数 80年代新一代的选择
• 世纪之交渴望无限
30年代,同样是5分钱 1929年开始的大危机和二战期间,百事可乐为了生存,不惜将价格降 至5美分/镑,是可口可乐价格的一半,以致于差不多每个美国人都知 道“5分钱可以多买1倍的百事可乐”的口头禅。 60年代,献给自认为年轻的朋友 从1961年开始百事的广告代理商bbdo就在广告的策划中强调“现在百 事可乐献给自认为年轻的朋友。”1964年喊出“奋起把!你是百事新一 代”使这个观念明确风行大大影响了年轻人的传统意识。特别是一流行 音乐为载体,引起了广大青年人的共鸣。使百事形象不断上升。





优势1. 品牌知名度高:百事可乐是全球最知名的饮料品牌之一,享有较高的品牌美誉度和忠诚度。

2. 广泛的产品线:百事可乐拥有丰富的产品线,包括不同口味的碳酸饮料、果汁、纯净水等,能够满足不同消费者的需求。

3. 全球化战略:百事可乐在全球范围内拥有广泛的分销网点和销售渠道,能够迅速进入新兴市场并扩大市场份额。

4. 研发能力强:百事可乐公司拥有强大的研发团队,投入大量资源用于产品创新和技术改进,以满足消费者的不断变化的需求。

劣势1. 健康问题:碳酸饮料被指责为导致肥胖和糖尿病等健康问题的罪魁祸首,这可能影响到百事可乐的销售和形象。

2. 市场竞争激烈:百事可乐面临来自可口可乐等竞争对手的强烈竞争,市场份额可能受到一些挑战。

3. 税收和监管压力:一些国家和地区对碳酸饮料征收高额税费,并对其营销和广告活动进行限制,这可能会影响到百事可乐的盈利能力和市场推广。

机会1. 健康饮品趋势:随着人们健康意识的提高,对健康饮品的需求正在增加,百事可乐有机会开发和推广更多健康饮品。

2. 新兴市场增长:一些新兴市场的经济发展迅速,百事可乐可以抓住机会加大在这些市场的市场份额。

3. 可持续发展:百事可乐可以加大对环境保护和可持续发展的投入,推出更多环保产品和倡议,以满足越来越多消费者的关注。

威胁1. 替代品增多:随着健康意识的提高,人们转向健康饮品和替代品,对传统碳酸饮料的需求可能下降。

2. 负面媒体报道:百事可乐可能面临媒体的负面报道,特别是与健康问题相关的报道,对公司形象和销售造成负面影响。

3. 供应链问题:全球范围内的供应链问题,如原材料供应和运输问题,可能会影响到百事可乐的生产和交付能力。




The perception and marketing strategyPerception is the human brain whole reflect about the stimulus various attributes and each part. The perceptual process can be divided into revealed, pay attention to and understand the three stages. Products, advertising, packaging and marketing stimulation will influence consumers behavior only when their brains produce perception.Understand consumers' perception process, can help company to better grasp the consumer psychology, can help enterprises to better design and producing products, can help enterprises to formulate more suitable marketing strategy, it's has vital significance about the enterprise.Retail Strategy:Exposure occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person’s relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves. Retail often use exposure very effectively attract consumers interesting and curiosity. Example The United States Pepsi company, Pepsi company produce many difference products that based on the different age and need of consumers, such as fashion relaxed drink Hepy, sport drink Gatorade,the taste is numerous Mirinda, and the earliest Pepsi, etc. And these goods at a retail store put the position will also be different, such as teenagers like to drink Hedy and Pepsi will put more conspicuous place revealed out. This kind of retail strategy the product show in front of consumers, successfully attracted the attention of consumers and interest, let consumers have the purchase desire and motivation,stimulate consumption.Brand name and logo developmentBrand name can influence anything from food taste to color preference. Example Pepsi is have a long history brand name even in 1890 in the United States has been widely known.Because of its brand influence many people joined the drink coke ranks, now the American people even drink Pepsi cola every day.T oday ,The United States Pepsi company has push-off in addition to coke outside more new beverage, we see is the company will also want to try to drink, this is the so-called brand strategies.And it’s also very important of a company that the logo design and Typographics. And the company use and Pepsi the same trademark, let when people think of PepsiCo will think of Pepsi,see Pepsi can think of PepsiCo, let the brand image promotion the crowd influence.Media strategyThe explosion of media alternatives makes it difficult and expensive to gain exposure to key target audiences.Consumer involvement can drive media exposure and strategy. Example Pepic company according to the different product consumer degree of intervention for the different media strategy, such as Pepsi propaganda bigger than hedy. In addition, the pepic company often collaborate with other companies, such as KFC the coka only use pepic ,and pepic always as sponsorship about some activ ity like Olympic Games , this way is called ambush marketing, and some TV programs, magazine, newspaper, website promotion,all for the consumer to cause subliminal stimuli, attract consumer.AdvertisementsAdvertisements could capture consumers attention and convey meaning,this is the second step in the process of perception.Increase attention have many different way,some stimulus is very important like size, intensity, repetition, attractive visuals, color and movement, interestingness...Pepsi advertisements Let people have a deep memory, like some very famous football stars team up with PepsiCo's cooperation, including football star hands Pepsi and all kinds of fluent luxuriant scene let a person have a high interest, at the same time advertising pages is the use of Pepsi packaging blue, memory is very profound.There are some other very humorous advertising, such as hedy advertising in humorous funny humor is given priority to. PepsiCo in advertising joined the different stimulating factors, and success has attracted the attention of consumers and to convey the product informationPackage design and labelingPackaging has functional and perceptual components, it’s also must attract attention and convey information. In the Pepsi company, each product has different packaging. Such as Pepsi company according to different products have different packing, example Mirinda have many taste so the packing is very beautiful. Different sizes have different packing, miniature more convenient, and large bottle more benefits. But the packing will have PepsiCo's trademark, such as Pepsi packing is blue is given priority to, a Pepsi trademark, this kind of packing already let the people remember and can realize when they see the logo. PepsiCo let consumer attention and understand its product information, to part icipate in the whole process of feeling, so its marketing means very successful.TANG YIDONG。



Marketing市场营销 | MODERN BUSINESS 现代商业25基于4P_4C理论浅析可口可乐的包装营销策略赵敬宜 浙江省富阳中学 311400摘要:在信息经济时代,包装是产品的盛装物,有着产品推销和品牌推广的功能。


关键词:4P;4C;促销;品牌;包装营销一、可口可乐公司简介可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company) 为全球最大的饮料公司,成立于1892年,总部位于美国乔亚州的亚特兰大。


















1. 产品:可口可乐公司以其广受欢迎的可口可乐汽水为主打产品。



2. 价格:可口可乐公司采用了多层次的定价策略。




3. 渠道:可口可乐公司建立了一个庞大的分销网络,以确保产品能够覆盖更广泛的市场。



4. 促销:可口可乐公司在促销方面采取了多种策略。









可口可乐在进入中国市场以后一直采用渗透 定价法,以低价格迅速占领市场,等到百事可 乐公司进入中国市场时,作为市场追随者,他 们在产品零售价上也只好跟随,由于市场份额 小,还需要做更多的广告促销来吸引消费者, 所以百事可乐在进入中国市场10几年后一直没 有盈利。这就是可口可乐定价战略的成功所在。
除了可口可乐外,其他三个主要的国际品牌和众多其他品 牌的产品包装下都注明“可口可乐公司荣誉出品”字样。 可口可乐公司的这种多品牌战略是以可口可乐这一强势品 牌为核心,雪碧、健怡可口可乐、芬达为二线保护产品, 其他品牌为第三线的补充产品,组建其品牌家族。这种品 牌结构的主要优势在于三线品牌之间保持着相对合理的品 牌距离,使得他们既可以相互支持和保护,一荣俱荣;又 可以适当的规避品牌间的连带风险,不至于一损俱损。
为庆祝奥运会到来而特别推出系列 纪念包装——七款印有奥运城市地 标性建筑的“可口可乐奥运城市纪 念包装”即将在全国新装上市。这 一系列的纪念包装不仅延续了可口 可乐“畅爽开始”的设计理念,即 五彩缤纷的图案从可口可乐瓶中涌 现而出,而且每款包装的主画面都 由奥运承办城市的标志性建筑及当 地承办的体育项目相关元素组成, 让广大消费者可以在体验奥运畅爽 的同时,留下终生难忘的纪念。
可口可乐通过广告宣传提高了产品知名度和公 众的购买欲望,在树立与加强产品及品牌良好 形象方面,广告也起着非常重要的作用。
公共关系上通过传统的火炬传递赞助在人们心 目中树立良好的品牌形象
可口可乐与腾讯充分利用了大众渴望参与奥运、 祝福奥运的热情,通过与腾讯的合作开展奥运 火炬在线传递活动。腾讯QQ软件作为平台,而 可口可乐作为内容,以一种高效的信息传播方 式,像病毒一样迅速蔓延,吸引力亿万网友的 眼球,达到了极好的营销效果






百事公司的系列产品中有19 个品牌的年销售额都在10 亿美元以上。

这19 个品牌包括:百事可乐(Pepsi-Cola)、激浪(Mountain Dew)、佳得乐(Gatorade)、乐事(Lay's)、百事轻怡(Pepsi Light)、百事极度(Pepsi Max)、纯果乐(Tropicana)、多力多滋(Doritos)、立顿茶(Lipton Teas)、桂格麦片(Quaker Oats)、奇多(Cheetos)、七喜(7-UP)、美年达(Mirinda)等。









可口可乐公司是全世界最大的饮料公司(第一名).也是软饮料销售市场的领袖和先锋,透过全球最大的分销系统,畅销世界超过 200 个国家及地区,每日饮用量达 10 亿杯,占全世界软饮料市场的48%,其品牌价值已超过700亿美元,是世界第一品牌。






免费品尝 特价销售 增量包装 联合促销 有奖销售 瓶盖兑奖
SWOT Analysis Chart
1. 品牌效应 2. 产品多元化 3. 强有力的营销体系,良好的渠道 管理,灵活多变的促销战略 4. 人力资源优势
1. 组织庞大,管理困难 2. 现金牛产品百事可乐在消费者印象中为不 健康饮料 3. 没有很好的推广自己的新产品
1981年,百事公司与中国政府签约在深圳兴建百事可乐灌瓶厂, 宣告了投资中国历程的开始,成为首批进入中国的美国商业合作 伙伴之一。 1995年,百事(中国)投资有限公司成立,总部设在上海。 2008年,百事大中华区已成为百事国际集团(饮料)第一大市场。 11月,百事公司宣布未来四年内再向中国投资10亿美元。 2010年5月21日,百事公司董事长兼首席执行官卢英德在到访中 国参观上海世博会时宣布,百事公司计划未来三年在中国继续追 加投资25亿美元,主要用于建立新厂,增强在华研发实力,拓展 农业项目及加强品牌建设。
二战后,美国诞生了一大批经过大危机和战争洗礼的 年轻人,自信乐观,与他们的前辈们有很大的不同, 他们对一切事物的胃口既大且新,这就为百事可乐针 对“新一代”的营销活动 提供了基础。 1960年百事可乐将广告业务交给BBDO(巴腾-巴顿德斯廷和奥斯本)广告公司,把百事可乐描绘成年轻 人的饮料。经过4年的酝酿,“百事可乐,新一代的选 择”的广告语的口号正式面世,并一直沿用了20多年。 10年后,可口可乐试图对百事可乐俘获下一代的广告 做出反应时,它对百事可乐的优势已经从之前的5:1减 至2:1了。而此时,BBDO又协助百事可乐制订了进一 步的战略,向可口可乐发起全面进攻,被称为“百事 可乐的挑战”



百事 可乐
可口 可乐
11.8 %
13.7 %
碳酸 饮料
果汁或 蔬菜汁
此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考! 感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢
在气候相对偏热城市规模偏大的 地区多进行市场投入,在人口密 度偏少、气温偏低和小城市相对 较少的投入而非不投入,不放弃 每个可能的潜在市场,然后再根
百事可乐在市场上的占 有率还是很高的,而在 不同的时间及时调整营 销策略也是很明智的做 法
将自身定位于“创新、年轻并 富有活力”。公司分析了消费 者构成和消费心理的变化,将 火力对准了可口可乐“传统” 的形象,做出种种努力来把百 事可乐描绘成年轻人的饮料
把自己定位为新生代的可乐;并 且邀请新生代喜欢的超级巨星作为 自己的品牌代言人, 把品牌人格 化形象,结果使自己的销售量扶摇 直上。 百事可乐由于价格并不昂 贵,所以与消费者的经济收入、文 化程度和职业没有绝对的关系
更偏向于年轻,生活方式简单,生 活节奏较快,具有娱乐精神的消费 群体。对喜欢娱乐以及追求创新的 消费者的购买欲是一个很好的提升 ,而这一部分也正是百事的消费主 体
在中国市场的旗舰品牌是百 事可乐、七喜、美年达和激 浪。可口可乐公司的经营非 常单纯,仅仅从事饮料业。 而百事公司除了软饮料外, 还涉足运动用品、快餐以及 食品等。
3.目标市场选择 百事在原来碳酸饮料的基础上将会很 好地整合果汁和运动饮料,在时机成 熟的时候,还会陆续推出其他消费者 喜爱的饮料,如茶饮料、纯净水等, 让中国的消费者有更多的选择。


























产品(Product):1. 定位:明确饮料产品的定位,包括针对目标市场、目标消费者群体以及竞争对手的分析,将产品特点与市场需求相匹配。

2. 品质:确保饮料产品的品质和口感符合消费者的期望和需求,提供安全、健康、可口的产品。

3. 包装设计:通过精美的包装设计来吸引消费者的注意,并传达产品的价值和特点,提高产品的辨识度和竞争力。

4. 创新研发:持续进行产品的研发和创新,提供不同口味、不同功能和不同包装形式的产品,以满足不同消费者的需求。

价格(Price):1. 定价策略:确定饮料产品的价格,可以采用市场定价、竞争定价、成本定价等不同的定价策略,根据产品的独特性和价值来确定合适的价格水平。

2. 促销策略:通过促销活动,如折扣、捆绑销售、满减等手段来吸引消费者,提高产品的销量和市场份额。

3. 定价弹性分析:了解产品价格对需求的影响程度,根据市场反应和竞争情况,调整价格策略,以提高产品的市场竞争力。

4. 价值传递:向消费者传递高品质产品所提供的价值,通过价格与品质的匹配来建立消费者对产品的认可和忠诚度。

渠道(Place):1. 渠道选择:选择适合饮料产品销售的渠道,如超市、便利店、餐饮店等,根据产品特点和目标市场来决定。

2. 分销策略:建立稳定的分销网络,与经销商和零售商建立合作关系,确保产品能够顺利地流通到终端消费者手中。

3. 物流管理:优化物流管理流程,确保产品能够及时、准确地被送达给消费者,提高渠道效率和顾客满意度。

4. 渠道跟踪:定期跟踪渠道销售情况和市场反馈,根据销售数据和市场需求来调整渠道策略,提高销售效果和市场占有率。

推广(Promotion):1. 品牌建设:通过品牌宣传和推广活动,如广告、宣传册、品牌大使等,塑造饮料产品的品牌形象和价值,提高消费者对品牌的认知和好感度。
























Marketing Plan and Research Report of Coca-ColaTable of ContentExecutive summary (2)External environment analysis (2)Market strategy (6)Marketing research result (6)Marketing mix summary (7)Detailed strategy for promotion (9)Controls (11)Reference list (13)Executive summaryThe Coca-Cola Company (“Coca-Cola”) was founded in 1886 which is ranked number one in the beverage industry. The company manages more than 500 nonalcoholic beverage brands, and four of the top five nonalcoholic sparkling beverage brands are owned by Coca-Cola. According to its 2012 annual report, the whole group’s net operating revenue amounted to 48.02 billion USD (The Coca-Cola Company Annual Review, 2012). In addition, Coca-Cola accounts for approximately 37.1% of all the soft drink market, followed by PepsiCo at about 30.2%, and Dr. Pepper Snapple Group at 21.4% (Faber, 2012).In the long-standing viewpoint, Coca-Cola has an inclination to expand its market share to 50% and its sales revenue to 500 billion USD in the 2015 (Hofstede, 2012). Although its prosperous status quo, the company is also facing against an intensified competition. This report is aimed at analyzing the overall marketing strategy of Coca-Cola to find out the potential vulnerabilities. Then, based upon the analysis and in-depth research, it will outline the strategic plan for the future in order to further enhance Coca-Cola’s marketing status.External environment analysisA well-rounded analysis of company’s environment will be beneficial for the comprehensive understanding of the situation. First, it is better to research Coca-Cola’s external situation which includes three parts: macro-environmental factors, micro-environmental factors and competitive strategy.For the macro aspect, this report utilizes PEST model which examines the changes in a marketplace caused by Politics, Economy, Social and Technological factors.•Political AnalysisShifts of government’s attitude towards the foreign-invested enterprise may pose a threat to the company. Especially in the emerging countries, the political stability is essential to a successful business. In addition, changes of laws and regulations, including non-alcoholic drinks regulation should be considered.•Economic AnalysisAccording to IMF, while there have been some encouraging signs of economic recovery, the global economic growth seems to be losing momentum. In other words, the company still needs to be vigilant to the outside world and the emerging economy to seize opportunities.According to the Standard and Poor's Industry surveys, "For major soft drink companies, there has been economic improvement in many major international markets, such as Japan, Brazil, and Germany." These markets will continue to play a major role in the success and stable growth for a majority of the non-alcoholic beverage industry.•Social AnalysisLiving a healthier lifestyle is so prevalent all around world that has affected the non-alcoholic beverage industry as some consumers are switching to bottled water and diet colas instead of beer and other alcoholic beverages. This continued tendency will impact the non-alcoholic beverage industry by increasing the demand overall and in the healthier beverages.•Technological AnalysisThe rapid advancement of science and technology may deeply impact Coca-Cola as well. For example, novel distribution channel, diversified promotion campaign and new production line etc.In terms of micro-environmental factors, it is advisable to use Porter's Five Forces model to analyze the market condition.•Threat of new entrantsCompared with other industry, soft drinks industry has a relatively higher gross profit rate and lower barriers to entry, accordingly, there do exist many potential entrants. •Threat of substitute productsAs is mentioned above, healthier drinking has been a new trend for the consumers. So, enough attention must be paid to the substitute products such as tea drinks, bottled water and sports drinks.•Bargaining power of customerWith thousands kinds of non-alcoholic beverage in the market, consumers have a wide range of options. Additionally, they are also becoming sensitive to price which render them to have more bargaining power.•Bargaining power of suppliersAs the leading company in the market, Coca-Cola stays strong to the suppliers who are willing to collaborate with such a giant enterprise. In other words, bargaining power of suppliers is comparatively weak.•Intensity of competitive rivalryRelied upon its sales and distribution channels, Coca-Cola has undoubtedly established a mature marketing network. But what can’t be ignored is the threats posed by companies out of carbonated beverage, they all spare no effort to gain market share inBroadNarrow the relevant industry.After the analysis of the above two factors, keeping alert and further developing the core competency are extremely significant to Coca-Cola. Thus, how will the company compete with the major players in the market?Competitive AdvantageLower Cost DifferentiationAs can be seen in the chart, the company used differentiation and cost leadership tactics. Differentiation is achieved through superb quality of its product, which surpasses the company’s major rivals in the brand image and high customer recognition. What’s more, its promotion campaign and packaging strategy also differentiate Coca-Cola from competitors, for instance, its unique bottle design has become a world famous symbol.The positioning of cost leadership is achieved not only through economies of scale in research, development and promotion, but also through learning, knowledge and experience in production and operational processes. Furthermore, the company’s Cost LeadershipDifferentiation Cost Focus Differentiation FocusCompetitive Scopeefficient distribution networks and manufacturing systems contribute significantly to its cost saving..Market strategyBased on the above analysis, this report researches the interior part of Coca-Cola to determine its marketing and financial objectives, segmentation, positioning, and target market(s) in the future.Future growth for Coca-Cola will be embodied in two main areas: global emerging market health drinks. Besides United States Coca-Cola will continue to market to countries around the world. The company has an impressive performance in emerging markets like Latin America, the BRIC, and Western Europe which will be their major focus in the future for this is where major growth opportunities lie.In addition, consumers are moving towards a healthier lifestyle, which accordingly is causing Coca-Cola to expand product line to satisfy their needs. This new market is huge and creates a lot of growth opportunity for Coca-Cola.More specifically, Coca-Cola intends to increase its current market share in the soft drink to 50% in the end of 2015 (Hofstede, 2012), in particular, it will invest heavily in the health drink product to grab this developing cliché market and to cater for consumer’s aptitude. Then, the whole group will achieve 50 billion USD sales revenue and 13 billion USD profit margin (Marcial, 2007).Marketing research resultTo stay competitive, Coca-Cola has done well in understanding and satisfying consumers. It have been found that customers expect more from their beverages. To fill this desire Coca-Cola has developed the Beverage Institute for Health and Wellness. This institute develops new product ideas that can contribute to their product line. In addition, Coca-Cola is capable of maintaining their market vitality, so they continue to do research that will benefit their consumers, as well as being profitable for the company.Apart from flavor diversification, profitability in certain region has also been a major consideration. For instance, Coke Zero is a product that carries no carbohydrates orcalories and was not quite meeting the expected profits in the United States, but Coca-Cola started to advertise it more in Europe to areas that to enjoy it. This region seemed more concerned about their health and well-being, which contributed to Coke Zero becoming more of a profitable product.Special marketing techniques such as B2B strategies are also used to make their products more attractive to the young people. For example, Coca-Cola united with iTunes, so that whenever someone purchased a Coca-Cola product they would receive free songs to promote both products (Fuhrman, 2007).Even though, Coca-Cola is confronting with a number of challenges in the days to come. The most striking one is that the beverage industry is moving toward a health conscious consumer. “ In many European countries, the increasing consumer trend toward a healthier lifestyle continues to grow demand for functional beverages that offer physical or mental well-being, lower calories and other added values” (Fuhrman, 2007). Consumers’ value products that are going to help them live a healthy lifestyle and feel better both physically and mentally. Coca-Cola has to reconsider its existing product, pricing, distribution channel and promotion strategy to better adapt itself to the ever-changing atmosphere.In order to formulate a well-rounded market strategy for Coca-Cola, this report carefully establishes the relevant tactics which are in line with the analysis and data collected. It is recommended to use 4P which consists of product, place, price, promotion to analyze the specific details in the next part.Marketing mix summaryIn this report, 4P model is utilized to illustrate Coca-Cola’s marketing mix, i.e. product, place, price, promotion.Item DetailsProduct Coca-Cola has a huge product mix which contains about 400 brands, including diet and light beverages, waters, juice and juice drinks, teas,coffees, energy, and sports drinks (Coca-Cola Company, 2012).To attract new consumers and markets, product line must be extended,especially in the health drink product like tea, juice and sports drink etc.In addition, proper modification for the current product is also neededto maintain the current consumers.Price With the careful consideration of consumer’s price elasticity, the prices of the Coca-Cola's Companies products vary according to the brand andthe size in which they come in (Coca-Cola Company, 2012). Differentregion has differed preference and sensitivity to price. The distributorsand retail stores that the Coca-Cola Company deals with shouldimplement their own pricing strategy to gain the best profit marginwithin an accepted sales volume.Promotion There are four major parts of the promotional mix that integrate together to create a competitive advantage for an organization includingadvertising, public relations, sales promotion, and personal selling.Ads: Coca-Cola has invested heavily on advertising. The main purposeof ads are maintaining of brands awareness. Then, the ads in the futureshould focus on health conscious and environmentally friendly to caterfor the existing trend.Public relation: Product placements and sponsorships are frequentlyused by Coca-Cola (Marcial, 2007). Positive spokesperson to appeal tothe younger generation is another effective tool to publicize (Truini,2007)Personal selling: Personal selling in the Coca-Cola Company often isdone in a business-to-business fashion. This can be used in big businessalliance to satisfy consumers’ diversified needs.Sales promotion: coupons and rebates can be often used because theyare more likely to influence customers’ buying decision. Another typeof sales promotion that the Coca-Cola Company is currently using istheir coke rewards points promotion.Place Coca-Cola Company also uses intensive distribution strategies to makesure their products can be available everywhere. Moreover, automaticvending machines are effective to extend distribution network. To copewith the changing diet conception, Coca-Cola should focus more onCoca-Cola’s Diet Coke and Coke Zero sales, especially in LatinAmerica, the BRIC, and Western Europe (Fuhrman, 2007).Detailed strategy for promotionOnly with superior product, efficient distribution network and sufficient inventory is far from a successful business. Promotion is the key element of the marketing mix designed to build a useful channel with the marketplace and to persuade the customers buying decision. The promotional mix is the combination of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion and public relations that it uses in its marketing plan. •AdvertisingThe Coca-Cola’s innovative ads are extremely impressive to consumers. So, next step, what the company should do is keep this unique advantage and focus much more on the localization with respect to different culture background. This can be contributable to develop the emerging market.•Public relationSponsorship in the sport area has been successful in the last few decades and left a positive brand image. To comply with the healthy trend, Coca-Cola needs to invest more in public benefit activities, for instance, giving sponsor Hope Primary School, making contributions to medical treatment cause. These activity may establish a positive image in all kinds of people.•Personal selling & sales promotionThe negative implication of several media has exerted a relatively profound impact upon carbonated beverage. Accordingly, juice, tea and sports drinks should be the main products for promotions. The company can improve health drink market share by using more personal selling booth and more sales discount or lottery coupon. These activities are effective for getting people's short-term attention.Survey experiment in the Fenwick’s department store also proved the above analysis. In the survey of consumers’ attitudes towards health consideration when purchasing drinks, more than 45% agree with the viewpoints (as is shown in the bar chart below).In addition, when asked about familiarity, 50% agree with that it plays a major role in purchasing decision.ControlsImplementationImplementation is the process on how well the business mixes its people, organizational structure and company culture into a cohesive program that supports the marketing plan (Clark, 2005).Coca-Cola should implement several major transformations. First, production capability need to be modified to meet the quota demanded. It must also be cost-effective to avoid inventory stocks wastes. The marketing team should be aware of knowledgeable management about the product. The styles and types of promotion must be appealing to target customers to obtain the potential amount of exposure for the product. Another thing is efficient distribution network. The pertinent issue is taken care of with expedient transportation routes to commercial areas and traffic. Monitoring And ControllingMonitoring and controlling allows Coca-Cola to take the necessary actions to meet the marketing goals. There are three methods Coca-Cola may use to monitor the marketing scheme.•Sales AnalysisThe sales analysis analyzes sales revenue by market segmentation to discover advantages and disadvantages in the different regions. Sellers of Coca-Cola products vary from big retail supermarkets to small corner stores. This tool gives the products maximum exposure to customers at their convenience.•Market Share AnalysisThis approach is a comparison to the major rivals in the relevant market. With the shifts Coca-Cola is currently undergoing, they aim to get an aggressive position to stable its strong power. Target market various age groups and lifestyles from high school students too universities, and male or female.•Marketing Profitability AnalysisThis method takes the cost factor into consideration which deem profitability as a key index. Three ratios can be used for supervising marketing profitability; they are market research to sales, advertising to sales and sales representatives to sales. These three indicators can assist Coca-Cola determine any developing tendency, such as the requirement for a novel product. Scientific and careful comparison of these outcomes with actual results offers the company a clear instruction.Reference listAlarcon, Camille. (2007, January). Coke grows from zero to hero. B & T Weekly, 6-7 McKenzie, M., Linden, R. W. A., & Nicholson, J. W. (2009). The effect of Coca-Cola and fruit juices on the surface hardness of glass–ionomers and ‘compomers’.Journal of Oral Rehabilitation,31(11), 1046-1052.Belch, G. E., Belch, M. A., Kerr, G. F., & Powell, I. (2008).Advertising and promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. McGraw-Hill.Clark, Nicola. (2005). PowerAde eyes feminine appeal. Marketing, 16-17Flagg, Michael. (2002). Pepsi Siphons Off Some of Coke's Lead In China by Learning to Pick Its Battles.Wall Street Journal (Eastern Edition),23(5), 12-13. Fuhrman, E. (2007, September). Western Europe: A mature market. Beverage Industry, 98(9), 24-26.De Mooij, M. & Hofstede, G. (2010). Convergence and divergence in consumer behavior: implications for international retailing.Journal of retailing,78(1), 61-69.Harnack, L., Stang, J., & Story, M. (2004). Soft drink consumption among US children and adolescents: nutritional consequences.Journal of the American Dietetic Association,99(4), 436-441.MacArthur,Kate and Thompson, Stephanie.(2006). Pepsi, Coke: We satisfy your 'need states'.Advertising Age,77(3), 54-56.Marcial, G. (2007). Coke Sparkles Again. Business Week,15(2), 51-53.The Coca-Cola Company 2012 Annual Review, 12-15Truini, J. (2007). Beverage maker plans biggest plastics plant. Waste News, 13. (10), 4-4.Tucker, W. T. (2006). The development of brand loyalty.Journal of Marketing Research, 32-35.。




















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The perception and marketing strategy Perception is the human brain whole reflect about the stimulus various attributes and each part. The perceptual process can be divided into revealed, pay attention to and understand the three stages. Products, advertising, packaging and marketing stimulation will influence consumers behavior only when their brains produce perception.Understand consumers' perception process, can help company to better grasp the consumer psychology, can help enterprises to better design and producing products, can help enterprises to formulate more suitable marketing strategy, it's has vital significance about the enterprise.Retail Strategy:Exposure occurs when a stimulus is placed within a person’s relevant environment and comes within range of their sensory receptor nerves. Retail often use exposure very effectively attract consumers interesting and curiosity. Example The United States Pepsi company, Pepsi company produce many difference products that based on the different age and need of consumers, such as fashion relaxed drink Hepy, sport drink Gatorade,the taste is numerous Mirinda, and the earliest Pepsi, etc. And these goods at a retail store put the position will also be different, such as teenagers like to drink Hedy and Pepsi will put more conspicuous place revealed out. This kind of retail strategy the product show in front of consumers, successfully attracted the attention of consumers and interest, let consumers have the purchase desire and motivation,stimulate consumption.Brand name and logo developmentBrand name can influence anything from food taste to color preference. Example Pepsi is have a long history brand name even in 1890 in the United States has been widely known.Because of its brand influence many people joined the drink coke ranks, now the American people even drink Pepsi cola every day.Today ,The United States Pepsi company has push-off in addition to coke outside more new beverage, we see is the company will also want to try to drink, this is the so-called brand strategies.And it’s also very important of a company that the logo design and Typographics. And the company use and Pepsi the same trademark, let when people think of PepsiCo will think of Pepsi,see Pepsi can think of PepsiCo, let the brand image promotion the crowd influence.Media strategyThe explosion of media alternatives makes it difficult and expensive to gain exposure to key target audiences.Consumer involvement can drive media exposure and strategy. Example Pepic company according to the different product consumer degree of intervention for the different media strategy, such as Pepsi propaganda bigger than hedy. In addition, the pepic company often collaborate with other companies, such as KFC the coka only use pepic ,and pepic always as sponsorship about some activity like Olympic Games , this way is called ambush marketing, and some TV programs, magazine, newspaper, website promotion,all for the consumer to cause subliminal stimuli, attract consumer.AdvertisementsAdvertisements could capture consumers attention and convey meaning,this is the second step in the process of perception.Increase attention have many different way,some stimulus is very important like size, intensity, repetition, attractive visuals, color and movement, interestingness...Pepsi advertisements Let people have a deep memory, like some very famous football stars team up with PepsiCo's cooperation, including football star hands Pepsi and all kinds of fluent luxuriant scene let a person have a high interest, at the same time advertising pages is the use of Pepsi packaging blue, memory is very profound.There are some other very humorous advertising, such as hedy advertising in humorous funny humor is given priority to. PepsiCo in advertising joined the different stimulating factors, and success has attracted the attention of consumers and to convey the product informationPackage design and labelingPackaging has functional and perceptual components, it’s also must attract attention and convey information. In the Pepsi company, each product has different packaging. Such as Pepsi company according to different products have different packing, example Mirinda have many taste so the packing is very beautiful. Different sizes have different packing, miniature more convenient, and large bottle more benefits. But the packing will have PepsiCo's trademark, such as Pepsi packing is blue is given priority to, a Pepsi trademark, this kind of packing already let the people remember and can realize when they see the logo. PepsiCo let consumer attention and understand its product information, to participate in the whole process of feeling, so its marketing means very successful.TANG YIDONG2012.10.9。
