
• 国际商务合同概述 • 国际商务合同文体特点 • 国际商务合同翻译原则 • 国际商务合同翻译技巧 • 国际商务合同翻译实践案例分析 • 国际商务合同翻译的挑战与对策
国际商务合同是跨国或跨地区企 业间为明确双方权利和义务而订 立的具有法律效力的协议。
加强语言学习,提高词汇量和 语言表达能力。
深入了解不同国家和地区的文 化背景,尊重文化差异。
学习不同国家和地区的法律知 识,了解法律体系和法律术语
在翻译过程中遇到问题时,可 以寻求专业人士的帮助,如律
确保译文表达清晰,易于理解, 避免使用模糊或含糊不清的表述。
保持译文的格式整洁、规范,方 便阅读和审查。
遵循法律用语的习惯和规范,确保译文在法律用语上与原文保持 一致。
原文:The parties hereto agree that the Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.

Are they good sentences?
The buyer can ask for a claim against the seller because the seller caused the losses the buyer has to bear.
The buyer shall have the right to lodge a claim against the seller for the losses sustained if any.
Formal legal words
The Employer shall give correct technical guidance to the personnel. 雇主应该对有关人员给予正确技术指导。
The Employer shall render correct
technical guidance to the personnel.
Word Using in Business Contract
Formal legal words
Formal legal words
商务合同是具有法律效力的经济文书,其语言 属于法律范畴。商务英语合同中大量使用的是 正式的法律用语及专业词汇,它既不同于文学 文本中诗情画意的文字,也不同于生活用语中 随性而发的话语。
如在竣工期之前遇到不可抗力,双方应开会 讨论修改工程竣工的时间表。
Formal legal words
※“关于”常用“as regards”,“concerning” 或“relating to”,而不会用“about”;
This Contract shall be governed by and

§ PART THREE 国际商务合同的语言特 点与翻译技巧
Task I 请阅读和翻译英文合同条款,并说明商务
This Contract is made and concluded on __________, (date) __________, (year), by and between ___________ (hereinafter called Party A) on the one hand and __________ (hereinafter called Party B) on the other hand. 本合同于_________ 年 _________ 月 _________ 日 由 _________ (以下简称甲方)为一方,与 _________ (以下简称乙方)为另一方签订。
This contract, made and entered into in ___________ (place of signature) the (this/on), __________, (date) __________, (year) by and between ___________ (name of one party), a corporation duly organize and existing under the laws of _________ (name of country) with its domicile at __________ (address) (hereinafter called Party A), and _____________ (name of the other party), a company incorporated and existing under the laws of _________ (name of country) with its domicile at __________ (address) (hereinafter called Party B).

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“The Contract Factory” means the place where the Licensee manufactures the Contract Products by using the Technology supplied by the Licensor, That is ____ factory.
Definition Clause
2.英文合同中,通常按照该词语或表述开头 第一个字母的顺序排列,也可以按照简称 或缩略语在合同中出现的先后顺序进行排 列。双语合同应保证两者排列顺序一致
“Board of Trustees” refers to… “Contract” shall refer to… “Family Members” shall mean… “Head of Household” refers to…
1. 定义是对一个事物的本质特征或一个概念的 内涵和外延的确切而简明的说明。
2. 国际商务合同中的定义条款,通过对在合同 中即将重复出现的术语或概念进行专门解释, 赋予此类词汇以特有的意义,以避免理解上 的歧义。
3. 定义条款一般放在合同正文的前面,对于合 同中所涉及的关键问题和概念以明确的语言 予以限定和说明。
《商检机构实施检验的进出口商品种类表》 以下简称《种类表》
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The Board of Directors shall appoint a Construction Management Team (hereinafter referred to as the Team) within sixty (60) days of the Effective Date.

• 3)商务合同的种类 • 时间:长期合同、中期合同、短期合同、 年度合同、季度合同、月份合同、临时 合同。 • 当事人的数目:双边合同和多边合同 • 文本形式:表格式合同、条纹式合同、 表格条纹结合式合同 • 内容:购销合同、来料加工合同、补偿 贸易合同、财产保险合同等等。
• 原文:如果一方未行使或延迟行使其在 本合同项下的某种权利,不构成该方对 此项权利的放弃,如果该方已经行使或 者部分行使某项权利,并不妨碍其在将 来再次行使此项权利。
• 译文:Either Party’s failure to exercise or delay in exercising any right,power or privilege under this contract shall not operate as a waiver thereof and any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege shall not preclude the exercise of any other right ,power or privilege.
• 商务合同的文本形式大致有三类: • 1. 表格式 • 2.条文式 • 3.表格条文结合式合同
• 商务合同的文本格式有四部分组成: 1.合同名称 Title 2.约首Preamble 1) Date of signing 2) Signing parties 3) Each party’s authority (当事人的合法依据) 4)Place of signing 5) Recitals or WHEREAS clause (定约缘由)

Incoterms are Legally binding
卖方的商品供应对买方的付款 谁为许可证、官方授权和正式手续负责 谁为运费与保险费合同负责 由卖方交货与买方接收交付货物 风险转移 买方与卖方之间的费用分配 对买方或卖方分别通知 交货证据,运输文件等 卖方的检查、包装、标记对买方的检验
风险 与费用
Incoterms are Legally binding
Incoterms are legally binding and the following must be given consideration:
•Which party will pay the costs to move the goods from the seller to the buyer? •Which documents will be required and at whose expense? •At what point will the risk, to which the goods may be subjected to, transfer from the seller to the buyer? •Which party, the exporter or importer, will be responsible for the creation of the contract of carriage?
Structure of Incoterms Incoterms
主要运费未付 主要运费已付

第7章国际商务合同翻译7.1 国际商务合同介绍7.1.1合同的概念7.1.1.1 西方法中的合同概念7.1.1.2 国际法中的合同概念7.1.1.3 中国法中的合同概念7.1.1.4 Contract与Agreement的区别7.1.2 国际商务合同的概念、法律特征和分类7.1.2.1 国际商务合同的概念7.1.2.2 国际商务合同的法律特征7.1.2.3 国际商务合同的分类7.2 国际商务合同的语言特征7.2.1 国际商务合同的词汇特征7.2.1.1 古体词7.2.1.2 外来语7.2.1.3 累赘词7.2.1.4 正式词汇7.2.1.5 专业词汇7.2.2 国际商务合同的语句特征7.2.2.1语句的长度和复杂性7.2.2.2语句的结构特征7.2.3 国际商务合同的语篇特征7.2.3.1 篇幅特征7.2.3.2 结构特征7.2.3.3 逻辑特征7.3 遵循翻译原则7.3.1 翻译的基本原则7.3.2 合同翻译的具体原则7.3.2.1 准确严谨7.3.2.2 规范通顺7.3.3 对合同译者的要求7.4 合同原文理解7.4.1 宏观理解7.4.1.1 合同的类别7.4.1.2 合同的结构和要点7.4.1.3 合同内容归类7.4.2 微观理解7.5 合同词语的翻译7.5.1 Shall的翻译7.5.2 古体词语的翻译7.5.3“系指”词语的翻译7.5.4易混淆词的翻译7.5.4.1拼写相近的词7.5.4.2 意义相近的词7.5.5 多义词的翻译7.5.5.1 根据词性确定词义7.5.5.2 根据专业确定词义7.5.5.3 根据搭配关系确定词义7.5.6 大写字母词语的翻译7.5.6.1 合同当事人7.5.6.2 合同关键词7.5.6.3 机构组织和法律7.5.6.4 其他词语7.5.7其他特定词语的翻译7.5.7.1 this7.5.7.2 Whereas7.5.7.3 Subject to7.5.7.4 be entitled to7.5.7.5 in consideration of7.5.7.6 the above-mentioned, said, aforesaid7.5.7.7 in witness whereof/thereof7.5.7.8 其它常见特定词语7.6 合同语句的翻译7.6.1 状语从句的翻译7.6.1.1 if状语从句7.6.1.2 in case/in case of状语从句7.6.1.3 in the event of/in the event that状语从句7.6.1.4 should状语从句7.6.1.5 unless状语从句7.6.1.6 provided (that)状语从句7.6.1.7 where状语从句7.6.1.8 after状语从句7.6.1.9 when状语从句7.6.1.10 before状语从句7.6.2 定语从句的翻译7.6.2.1 限制性定语从句的翻译7.6.2.2 非限制性定语从句的翻译7.6.3 被动态句子的翻译7.6.3.1 被动语态的转换翻译7.6.3.2 被动语态的顺序翻译7.6.4句子成分的转化翻译7.6.4.1 主语转换7.6.4.2 宾语转换7.6.4.3 表语转换7.6.4.4 定语转换7.6.4.5 状语转换7.7 审订合同译稿7.7.1 审校标准7.7.1.1准确忠实7.7.1.2通顺流畅7.7.1.3得体简洁7.7.2 审校的步骤和方法7.7.2.1 审校步骤7.7.2.2 审校方法7.8 练习国际商务合同是国际商务中当事人确立商务关系、履行权利和义务、以及解决纠纷的基本法律文件,其形式主要包括正式的合同书、电报、传真、口头合同、以及由证人证明的合同等等。
国际商务合同的文体与翻译chapter 1

Commercial Contract
(International) Commercial Contracts
International Commercial Contract
International sales of goods and/or services between parties from different countries a dispute settlement clause should be inserted, or a third-party settlement is needed for the disputes
SEC 3பைடு நூலகம்
Offers and counteroffers
Contractual relations involved:
the consignor or the shipper (who sends goods), the carrier (who carries the goods), the consignee (who receives the goods at the destination).
Commercial Contracts Commercial Contracts usually refer to contracts of daily businesses and contracts involving economic constructions such as mining construction, railway construction and tapping of natural resources, etc.
国际商务合同的文体与翻译chapter2 4 优质课件

Rescission and Termination
1.合同解除是单方法律行为(one-sided act in law) 由于主客观情况的出现,导致不可能或不必要 履行合同时,当事人一方根据法律或约定,通 知另一方解除原合同法律关系。
2.合同的终止是基于合同履行完毕,生效裁决或 合同当事人合意(meeting of minds)等法律事实, 而导致合同法律关系归于消灭。
※After the rescission of a contract, the p has not been performed shall be suspended; with regard to the part that has been performed, one party may ask the other party to restore it to the original state or adopt other remedial measures, and shall have the right to demand compensation
如果乙方在6个月内不能销售双方同意的数量, 甲方有权书面通知乙方解除本合同
Rescission of Contract
In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract:
1. If the objective of a contract cannot be reached
Rescission of Contract
合同的解除是指合同未履行或未完全履行前 (has not or wholly been performed),由于发生 导致合同履行成为不必要或不可能的主客观情 况,当事人一方通知另一方(the notice by the other party)解除原合同法律关系的法律行为。 合同解除是一种单方法律行为(one-sided act in law)。只要法定或约定的合同解除原因发生,当 事人一方有权通知另一方解除合同。

动宾结构的名词化 In case of substitution of the vessel or alteration of the shipping schedule, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller to this effect. Once the vessel is substituted or the shipping schedule is altered, the buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the seller to this effect. 发生船只替换或船期改变情况,买方或其船公 司应及时通知卖方。
Thank You!
Textual Function of Nominalization
增强语篇的客观性 …after the two parties consider the premise and consulate friendly, they agree to enter into the contract… …in consideration of the premise, the two parties through friendly consultations agree to enter into this contract… „„在双方考虑了上述各项并进行了友好磋商 后,同意签订合同„„
Different Types of Nominalization

Default Clause
• 承担违约责任的方式: • 2. Penalty (违约金) • 如果合同当事人采取违约金的形式,一定要 在合同中明确违反合同时,一方向另一方支 付的具体数额的违约金和违约金支付的形式 • 违约金可以分为法定违约金(1egal penalty)和 约定违约金(contractual penalty)
Default Clause
• 违约是指国际商务合同的一方当事人或双方 当事人未能按双方签订的合同或有关法律或 公约规定的内容认真地、全面地、有效地履 行合同中约定的义务,从而有损于一方或双 方在订立该合同时预期的经济目的。
• 如果合同当事人一方或双方不履行合同或 者履行合同义务不符合约定条件,就构成 违约,必须承担违约责任,赔偿违约受损 方(aggrieved party)的经济损失,并受到必 要的制裁。
the breach),当事人可以请求仲裁机构或者法院予以
适当减少或者增加(the party concerned may request an arbitration or a court to reduce or increase them appropriately )
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Should either Party A or Party B fail to pay on schedule the Contributions in accordance with the provisions defined in Chapter____ to this Contract, the breaching party shall pay to the other party___% of the contribution starting from the first month after exceeding the time limit.

格式化 • 本合同于_________ 年 _________ 月 _________ 日在_________(签约地点)依 _________(国家名称)法律成立的、营业 地点在_________(公司地址)的公司(以 下简称甲方)和按_________(国家名称) 法律注册成立、营业地点在(公司地址) 的公司(以下简称乙方)共同签订。
• 在合同中,与时间有关的表述方式常引起歧义,例 如:“Seller may exercise its right between August 1, 2010 and August 29, 2010.”在这句话中,“between” 是否包括“August 1”和“August 29”不清楚。为了 避免产生歧义,英语中可以使用两个介词,或采用 其他增词手段。如该例句可根据合同意思改为: “Seller may exercise its right after August 1,2010 and before August 29, 2010.”或“Seller’s right begins on August 1, 2010 and ends on August 29, 2010.”
国际商务合同基本知识 合同的组成部分
• (1)合同标题
• (2)合同前言
• (3)合同正文 • (4)结尾条款
格式化 • 商务合同文本大都有沿用使用已久并相对 统一的格式,具有格式化、条款化的篇章 特点。同业见之,循例办理。 • 为了使商务合同译文的篇章规范、格式统 一,译文从整体上应符合译入语合同的编 排格式。 • 熟悉各种商务合同的格式是进行商务合同 翻译的基本要求。翻译者如果善于积累, 学会套用,将会收到事半功倍的效果。

一. 词法特征及其翻译
4. 法律词汇
1)shall 的使用:“shall”在法律文件中有其特殊的含义,表示“应当承担的责任和义 务”,通常表述各项具体的规定与要求,带有指令性和强制性,译为“应“、”应当” 或“必须”。(见专业词汇项例1和例2。同样,汉译英时通常用“第三人称主语+shall” 结构。
documents required for negotiation / collection to the banks. 卖方必须将下列单据提交银行议付或托收。 2)Under the usance draft, the bearer shall present it to the payer for acceptance before the date of maturity. 如为远期汇票,持票人应在汇票到期前向付款人提示 承兑。
3. The features of an English business contract 1) writing style: solemn / frozen style (契约文体) 2) make-up:
the preamble the main body, the final clauses
Resources (中外合作开采自然资源合同) Contract for Foreign Labor Services (涉外劳务合同) Contract for International Leasing Affairs (国际租赁合同) Contract for Sino-foreign Credits and Loans (涉外信贷合同) Contract for International Build-Operate-Transfer (国际BOT 投资合

“永久工程”是根据合同将实施的永久工程(包括机械设备)。 例2 Neither the Consultants nor their Sub-consultants nor the Personnel of either of them shall, either directly or indirectly, engage in such business or professional activities in China as conflict with the activities assigned to them under this Contract. 咨询人,分包咨询人或两类人员,均不能直接或间接地在中国从事与本合同所 赋予的活动相冲突的商业或职业活动。 例3 “Retention Money[❤21] ” means the aggregate of all monies[❤22] retained by the Employer pursuant to Sub-Clause 60.2(a). “保留金”是指业主根据第 60.2(a)款规定留存的所有款项的总额。 6 In Respect of; In Respect Thereof[❤23] 涉及,至于,在……方面,比 about, concerning, as regards 正式。 例1 Prior to making a claim under the performance security[❤24] , the Employer shall, in every case, notify the Contractor stating the nature of the default in respect of which the claim is to be made. Chinese version for reference: 根据履约保证,提出索赔之前,在任何情况下,业主应通知承包人,针对提出 的索赔说明违约的性质。 例2 The Employer shall indemnify the Contractor against[❤25] all claims, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses in respect of the matters (referred to in the exceptions) defined in Sub-Clause 22.2. 业主应保障承包人免除承担属于第 22.2 款规定情况下的所有索赔,诉讼,损害 ,诉讼费,指控费及其他开支。 例3 The Employer shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing arising out of or in connection with the Contract or execution of the Works, unless the Contractor shall have included a claim in respect thereof in his Final Statement[❤26] and in the Statement at Completion[❤27] referred to in Sub-Clause 60.5. 除非承包人在其最终报表中以及在第 60.5 款提及的竣工报表中已经包括索赔事 宜,对由合同及工程实施引起的或与之有关的任何问题和事件,雇主不应对承 包人负有责任。

8. 终止条款
在债务已履行,合同解除,债务相互抵消等情况下, 合同终止。
The validity period of the contract shall be five (5) years from the effectiveness of the contract and shall become null and void automatically upon the expiry of the validity period of the contract.
9. 违约处罚条款
If any invoice remains unpaid more than 15 days after the specified credit term, the unpaid amount will be considered overdue, and the SELLER reserves the right to levy a late payment charge based on prevailing interest rate on the overdue amount for the period for which it has been outstanding.
合同的概念 商务合同的形式 商务合同的语言特色
合同亦称“契约”。合同是指平等主体的双方或多方 当事人就建立、变更、消灭民事法律关系所签订的协 议。它是双方的法律行为,是双方当事人意思表示一 致的结果。
提出订约建议一方的意思表示称为要约,接受要约条 件一方的意思表示成为承诺。要约一经承诺,合同即 告成立。

Rescission of Contract
In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract: 5. If other conditions specified by law are present 法律规定的其他情形 ※After the rescission of a contract, the performance of
Rescission of Contract
In any of the following situations, the parties may rescind a contract: 4. If the objectives of a contract cannot be realized because a party delays performing its debts or commits other actions in breach of the contract 当事人一方迟延履行债务或者有其他违约行为 致使不能实现合同目的
由于一方不履行合同、章程规定的义务,或严重违反 合同、章程规定,造成合资公司无法经营或无法达到 合同规定的经营目的,视作违约方单方面终止合同。
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The other party shall have the right to terminate the Contract in accordance with the provisions of the contract after being approved by the original examination and approval authority as well as to claim damages. In case Party A and Party B to the Joint Venture Company agree to continue the operation, the party who fails to fulfill the obligations shall be liable to economic losses thus caused to the Joint Venture Company. 对方除有权向违约方索赔外,并有权按合同规定报原 审批机构批准终止合同。如甲、乙双方同意继续经 营,违约方应赔偿合资公司的经济损失。
国际商务合同翻译教程(第三版)Unit Two 国际商务合同的语言特征

The work shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.
工程须按照合同条款规定进行。 in accordance with 在合同等法律文件中常用,比 according to 要正式。
conform to~ in conformity with/to comply with~ in compliance with
在进行汉译英合同翻译时,如遇到具有同义词特 征的关键词现象,要了解同义词在表现出共性的同时, 还会体现着出它们的个性。因此,就要求译者深入细 致地精研其本质的区别,选出最恰当的单词。
“属于”是该句的关键词,可选择的同义词有 own, possess, 和belong.
b. Old words or clichés(陈词滥调) used使用古旧词汇 c. Latin words used 使用拉丁语 d. Unfamiliar French words used 使用大众词汇中比较陌生的法语词 e. Terms of art used 使用专业术语 f. Legal Argot(行话) used 使用法律行话 g. Big words used 使用程度较高的词汇 h. The most accurate words present the legal concept 用最精确的词语
The Principal shall be obliged to pay the commissions to the Sales Agent.
oblige(迫使、责成)是个典型的法律用词,替代 have the responsibility to do sth. 或be compelled to do sth.

商务英⽂合同⽂体(第⼆部分)从句中状语的位置如果法律⽂件中的句⼦为复合句,则从句中状语的位置通常应放在连词if 或when等的后⾯,从句句⼦的前⾯。
If, during the effective term of a takeover offer, the purchaser needs to alter any items in the takeover offer, the purchaser shall submit a report to the securities regulatory authorities under the State Council and the stock exchange in advance. The purchaser shall, after approval of the report, make the fact in question know to the public.在收购要约的有效期限内,收购⼈需要变更收购要约中事项的,必须事先向国务院证券监督管理机构及证券交易所提出报告,经获准后予以公布。
The Contractor shall, if called upon so to do, enter into and execute the Contract Agreement to be prepared and completed at the cost of the Employer in the form annexed to these conditions with such modifications as may be necessary.在被邀请签约时,承包⼈应同意签订并履⾏合同协议书,该协议书由业主按照本合同条件所附格式拟定,如有必要,可对其进⾏修改。
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In the event that the Party who holds the preemptive rights fails to make response to the assignor within thirty days of the assignor’s request for assignment, the assignor shall have the right to effect assignment to a third Party.
1. Neither of the Parties hereto shall assign this contractual rights and obligations to a third Party unless prior consent of the other party is given in writing.
not be interrupted or the organizational structure be affected during the assignment. After assignment has taken place, registration procedures for changes shall be conducted with the Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce within thirty (30) days. 转让期间不得使公司的工作受妨碍或组织机构受 到影响;在批准转让后,公司应在30天内向工商 行政管理局办理变更登记手续。
Section 3 Assignment
※The transfer to a third party of all or part of the debtor's obligations as prescribed in the contract shall be approved by the creditor.
Section 4 Warranty
陈述与保证条款 (Representation and Warranties )
用以说明合同各当事人对保证合同得以顺利签订与履 行的某些基本事实做出陈述并保证其真实性、准确性、 完整性,对此陈述所做的保证在合同签订时做出,并 贯穿整个合同有效期。一旦合同某方行为与其在陈述 与保证条款中的陈述不符,须承担违约责任。
(须经合营他方同意,并经审批机构批准 )
2. the other party has the pre-emptive right
(合营一方转让全部或部分出资额时,合营他方有优先购买权 )
3. the other party should enjoy more favorable
conditions than the third party
债务人将合同的义务全部或者部分转移给第三人, 应当经债权人同意
※If the transfer of rights or obligations shall go through the approval and registration procedures according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations, the parties shall act accordingly
Section 4 Warranty
(1)合同法中由合同一方做出的承诺或许诺, 如果违反,守约方可以请求损害赔偿 a term or promise in a contract, breach of which will entitled the innocent party to damages
(合营一方向第三方转让出资额的条件,不得比向合营他方转 让的条件优惠 )
转让权利 assign…rights 让渡义务 delegate… obligations 事先书面同意 prior written consent 无效,失效 null and void 尽管前述 notwithstanding the foregoing 有权做某事 have the right to do 兼并,并购,收购 merger, consolidation and acquisition
Chapter 2-2
Style and Translation of International Business Contract
Section 3 Assignment
Section 4 Warranty
Section 5 Confidentiality
公司一方向第三方转让其全部或部分投资时,第三方的资格和信 誉必须获得他方的书面认可,转让的条件不得比向公司他方转让 的条件优惠,转让方应将其受让方关于转让的相应部分权利和义 务的书面协议两份副本提交给公司他方
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The business of the Joint Venture Company shall
本合同对双方当事人的合法继承人或受让人都有 约束力。转让后受让人享有让与人的一切权利, 并负担让与人的一切义务
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this Agreement may not be assigned without prior notice by either party. Such assignment is subject to the mutual consent and approval of any such assignment.
合同中应明确订有“除事先取得另一方的书面 同意外,任何一方均不得将本合同的权利与义务 转让给第三方”的限制性条款。
2. No assignment shall be effective should there be any violation of the above stipulations.
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If one Party intends to assign all or part of its investment
to a third party, confirmation of the qualification and reputation of the third Party shall be obtained from the remaining Party and the conditions given shall not be more favorable than those given to the other Party. The assignor shall submit 2 copies of the written agreement concerning the relevant portion of rights and obligations so assigned to the other Party of the company.
Section 4 Warranty
国际商务合同中的当事人可以在合同中约定 担保,担保人在约定的担保范围内承担责任 In the contract the parties may agree to provide a guaranty. The guarantor shall be held le within the agreed scope of guaranty
如果,假如,就…来说 in the event of/that 优先购买权 preemptive right 让与人 assignor 有优先购买权的一方须在转让方提出转让要求后30天 内作出答复,否则转让方有权向第三方转让
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Either Party of the Joint Venture Company may not assign, pledge, sell or otherwise dispose of all or part of its investment subscribed to a third party without the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors and the consent by the appropriate Chinese Government Approving Department. 公司的任何一方未经董事会一致通过及中国主管 审批部门的批准,不得向第三方转让、抵押、出 售或以其他方式处置其全部或部分股份。
Section 3 Assignment
合同的转让是当事人一方将合同的权利和义务 的全部或部分转让给第三方。 A party assigns, wholly or in part, its contractual rights and obligations to a third party.
第三方是合同转让的受让人(assignee), 合同的转让是合同主体的变更。
Section 3 Assignment
The creditor may transfer all or part of its rights in a contract to a third party, except in any of the following situations:
1. The contract may not be transferred, according to its nature (根据合同性质不得转让) 2. according to an agreement made by the parties (根据当事人约定不得转让) 3. according to the provisions of laws (依据法律规定不得转让)