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(一)、用“主语 + 动词 + 形容词/副词最高级 + ( of / in ) ……”结构。副词最高级前可省略定冠词the 。此结构表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较,of / in 短语来说明比较的范围。如:

1.Spring is the best season of the year.春天是一年中最好的季节。

2.My father is the tallest in my family.在我家里,父亲个子最高。

3.Who can jump (the) highest of the three? 这三人中谁跳的最高?

4.Tom can run (the) fastest in my school.汤姆在我们学校跑得最快。(二)、用“比较级 + than any other + 单数名词”,“比较级 + than + all the others”,“比较级 + than any of + the others ”( the others 可用the other + 复数名词来代替)或“比较级 + than + anyone else”来表示,这种句型是用比较级形式表示最高级意义。比较级应注意避免和包括自身的对象比。如:

5.She is better than any other student in her class.她是她们班最好的学生。

6.Russia is larger than any other country in the world.俄罗斯是世界上


7. Mary is taller than anyone else in the class.玛丽比班级里其他所有的学生的个子都高。

8. Mary is taller than all the other girls in the class.玛丽的个子是班级里所有女生中最高的。

9. That building is higher than any of the others.这座建筑物比其它任何一个都要高。


10. Nobody loved money better than he.没有谁比他更喜欢金钱。(他最喜欢金钱。)

11. --- Are you satisfied with her answer?

--- Not at all. It couldn’t have been worse.


12. He likes nothing better.他最喜欢这个。

13. No other worker in his factory is as good as he.他是他们工厂最好的工人。

14. No one is so blind as those who won’t see.不愿意去看的人眼睛最瞎。(四)、用“can not / never be too ...”表示“再……也不过分”这一最高级意义。如:

15. You can not be too careful when crossing the street. 你过马路时再


16. It can never be too strongly emphasized that mathematics is the basis of science.数学是科学的基础,这一点无论怎样强调也不过分。

(五)、用the last表示“最不可能的”,“最不合适的”,“最不希望的”等概念。如:

17. He is the last man I want to see.他是我最不想要见的人。

18. The last thing I want to do is to disturb you.我最不愿意做的事就是打扰你。

(六)、一些名词,形容词,副词和动词也可表示最高级意义。如:bottom , maximum ,minimum ,summit , completely , climax , minimize , extreme, utmost , above all , all in all等。如:

19. Winning the Nobel prize climaxed his life.他人生的顶峰是获得了诺贝尔奖。

20. These goods are sold at bottom price.这些商品卖的是最低价。

21. The child is her all in all.她最疼爱这个孩子。

22. The sound has reached its maximum.声音以达到最高度。

23. Many states once set their minimum drinking age at 18.许多州曾把最低音就年龄定在18岁。

24. I wish the next summit meeting a full success.我预祝下次峰会取得圆满成功。

25. I think cheating in school should be completely forbidden.我认为在学校作弊一定要完全被禁止。

26. Above all, they knew how to use their brain.最重要的是,他们知道如何使用自己的大脑。

27. There are two ways to minimize this problem.两种方法可以最小化这个问题。

28. This is an extreme example.这是一个极端的例子。

29. Sunshine is of the utmost importance to health.日光对身体极为重要。(七)、其它表达最高级含义的方式。如:

30. Water is the treasure of treasures.水是最为宝贵的东西。

31. He is more Japanese than the Japanese.他是个地地道道的日本人。

32. He is all courage itself.他浑身是胆。

33. The old man is all skin and bone.这位老人瘦的皮包骨

