visaenglish--- 哈萨克斯坦签证模板


Visa form坦桑

Visa form坦桑

Embassy of the United Republic of Tanzania, BeijingHeNanLuMa8Tel:Liang 86-10-65321491/65321408 No.DistrictYangChaoLiTun,Fax:86-10-65324351/65321695 SanE-Mail: Beijing 100600. P. R. ChinaVisa Application Form签证申请表Type of visa requested: Travel visa Transit(签证种类)旅行签证过境签证Surname (姓):First name(名):Maiden name(曾用名):Date of birth(出生日期): Sex (性别):Male (男(女)旅行目的旅游其它friends, relatives 探亲访友外交政府特派公务Conference 会议day visitor 一天停留Requested number of entries:(Not for transit visa)非过境签证Single 单次Double 两次Multiple ※多次Requested duration of stay要求停留时间: days 天 (Max. 90不超过90天)Passport Number 护照号码:Type of Travel Document (Please specify)护照种类普通外交公务其它旅行证件(请说明)Issue on 签发时间: Valid until有效期至: Issued at签发地点:Place of birth出生地: Country of birth 出生国家:Present nationality现国籍: Nationality at birth出生国籍:Marital status婚姻状况: Single单身Married已婚Divorced 离异Widow(er) 丧偶Contact address联系地址: Postal Code邮编:City城市:Telephone No电话号码: _ Fax No传真号码:E-mail address电子邮件地址:Current occupation现有职业:Employer’s address雇主地址:Arrival date(s) in Tanzania到达坦桑日期: Departure date(s) from Tanzania离开坦桑时期:Your physical address while in Tanzania坦桑尼亚联系地址:(Name of hotel(s), tour operator(s), person(s) or organization(s) visited) 如宾馆、旅行社、邀请人或受访机构名称Budget available for your stay旅行预算: Cash美金现钞$/_______Credit card信用卡 Travelers cheques旅行支票Minors traveling in applicants’ passport: Name(s)姓名: ________Sex性别 ______ Year of birth出生日期 ______ 同本护照携行儿童Name(s)姓名: ________Sex性别 ______ Year of birth出生日期 ______Name(s)姓名: ________Sex性别 ______ Year of birth出生日期 ______ In case of transit: Do you have an entry permit for the final country of destinations?No 没有Yes, valid until:有截止至I hereby declare that the information stated above is true correct: 我宣誓以上披露信息均真实有效Date日期: ___________________ Place申请地点: __________________ Signature申请人签字: ___________ OVERLEAF 次页For official use onlyStationType of visa issuedVisa sticker No.Processing Officer:Authorizing Officer:Date。



申根签证申请模板英文版Below is a sample template for a Schengen Visa application in English. Please note that this is a general template and specific requirements may vary depending on the country's embassy or consulate where you are applying. It is advisable to check the official website of the embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date and detailed requirements.Schengen Visa Application Form1. Personal InformationSurname (Family Name): _______________________First Name (Given Name): _______________________Date of Birth (Day-Month-Year): _______________________Place of Birth: _______________________Country of Birth: _______________________Current Nationality: _______________________Nationality at Birth (if different): _______________________Sex: □ Male □ FemaleMarital Status: □ Single □ Married □ Separated □ Divorced □ Widow(er) □ Other: _______________________2. Contact InformationApplicant's Home Address: _______________________Email Address: _______________________Telephone Number: _______________________3. Travel Document InformationType of Trav el Document: □ Ordinary Passport □ Diplomatic Passport □ Service Passport □ Official Passport □ Special Passport □ Other Travel Document: _______________________Travel Document Number: _______________________Date of Issue: _______________________Valid Until: _______________________Issued By: _______________________4. Residence InformationResidence in a Country Other Than the Country of Current Nationality: □ No □ YesIf Yes, Residence Permit or Equivalent: _______________________Number: _______________________Valid Until: _______________________Residence Permit Type: _______________________5. Employment/Education InformationCurrent Occupation: _______________________Employer and Employer's Address and Tel. No.: _______________________For Students, Name and Address of Educational Establishment: _______________________6. Purpose of JourneyMain Purpose(s) of the Journey:□ Tourism□ Business□ Visiting Family or Friends□ Culture□ Sports□ Official Visit□ Medical Reasons□ Study□ Transit□ Airport Transit□ Other (please specify): _______________________7. Travel DetailsMember State(s) of Destination: _______________________Member State of First Entry: _______________________Number of Entries Requested: □ Single Entry □ Two Entries □ Multiple EntriesDuration of the Intended Stay or Transit: _______________________ days8. Additional InformationHave You Been Issued a Schengen Visa During the Past Three Years?: □ Yes □ NoHave You Ever Been Denied a Schengen Visa?: □ Yes □ No9. Applicant's SignatureI hereby solemnly promise that I will not overstay or engage in illegal work while applying for a Schengen visa. I have provided true and complete personal information and travel plans in this application. I understand the importance of the Schengen visa and the responsibilities of visa officers. I will comply with all the regulations of the Schengen visa and must depart on schedule. Signature: _______________________Date: _______________________Please fill out the form with accurate and complete information. Remember to attach all required supporting documents, such as a valid passport, photos, travel insurance, itinerary, and proof of financial means. Submit the application form and supporting documents to the designated Schengen embassy or consulate.。

150901最新 签证发给申请表(中文,英文)

150901最新 签证发给申请表(中文,英文)

210mm×297mm[백상지80g/㎡(재활용품)]■ 출입국관리법시행규칙[별지제17호서식] (第一页/ Page1)签证发给申请表APPLICATION FOR VISA<申请表填写方法>‣申请人须以事实为根据,并将在以下空格处完整记载。




<How to fill out this form>‣ You must fill out this form completely and correctly.‣ You must write in block letters either in English or Korean.‣ For multiple-choice questions, you must check [√] all that apply.‣ If you select‘Other’, please provide us with more information in the given space.1.8您以前出境或入境韩国时是否使用过其他姓名?Have you ever used any other names to enter or depart Korea?否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] → 如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide details(姓 Family Name , 名 Given Name )1.9 您是否拥有双重国籍?Are you a citizen of more than one country ? 否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ]→如您选择"是",请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please write the countries ( )< 영수필증부착란/印花税票粘贴处 >‣签证发给认定书持有者直接移到第12部分(誓约),填写以下空格后提交申请表(不用写第3~11部分)Those who have confirmation of visa issuance must move to section 12 (Declaration) to complete this from(Those with visa issuance confirmation must not fill out section 3~11).3. 护照信息/ PASSPORT INFORMATION3.1 护照类型 Passport Type外交护照 Diplomatic[ ]公务护照 Official [ ]普通护照 Regular[ ]其他Other [ ]→ 如您选择‘是’,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide detailsa) 护照类型Passport Type外交护照 Diplomatic[ ]公务护照 Official [ ]普通护照 Regular[ ]其他Other [ ]4. 联系信息/ CONTACT INFORMATION4.1 本国地址 Address in Your Home Country4.1 现居住地Current Residential Address *仅限于现居住地与本国地址不同者/ Write if it is different from the above address4.6 紧急联系人信息 Emergency Contact Information5. 婚姻状况/ MARITAL STATUS DETAILS5.1 目前婚姻状况 Current Marital Status已婚 Married [ ]离婚 Divorced [ ]未婚 Never married [ ]5.2 配偶个人信息*仅限于已婚者If‘Married’please provide details of your spous e210mm×297mm[백상지80g/㎡(재활용품)](第三页/ Page3) 6. 学历/ EDUCATION6.1 最终学历 What is the highest degree or level of education you have completed ?硕士/博士 M a s t e r’s/D o c t o r a l D e g r e e[ ] 学士Bachelor’s Degree[ ]高中 High School Diploma[ ] 其他Other [ ]→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容If‘Other’please provide details ( )7. 职业/ EMPLOYMENT7.1 职业What are your current personal circumstances ?企业家 Entrepreneur [ ] 个体经营 Self-Employed [ ]工作者 Employed [ ] 公务员Civil Servant [ ] 学生Student [ ] 退休者Retired [ ]无职Unemployed [ ] 其他Other [ ]→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容If‘Other’please provide details ( )8. 邀请人信息/ DETAILS OF SPONSOR8.1 邀请人/邀请单位 Do you have anyone sponsoring you for the visa ?无 No [ ] 有 Yes [ ] → 如您选择“有”,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide detailsa) 邀请人/邀请单位(名称) Name of your visa sponsor (Korean, foreign resident in Korea, company, or institute)210mm×297mm[백상지80g/㎡(재활용품)](第四页/ Page4) 9. 访问信息/ DETAILS OF VISIT9.1 访韩目的Purpose of Visit to Korea观光/通过Tourism/Transit [ ] 参加会议/Meeting, Conference [ ] 医疗观光Medical Tourism [ ] 短期商务 Business Trip [ ] 留学/研修 Study/Training [ ] 就业 Work [ ]贸易/投资/驻在 Trade/Investment/Intra-CorporateTransferee [ ]探亲 VisitingFamily/Relatives/Friends [ ]结婚移民 Marriage Migrant [ ]外交/公务 Diplomatic/Official [ ] 其他 Other [ ]→ 如您选择“其他”,请写具体内容If‘Other’please provide details ( )9.6 最近5年内是否访问过韩国? Have you travelled to Korea in the last 5 years ?否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] → 如您选择“是”,请写具体内容 If‘Yes’please provide detai l s of any trips to Korea( ) 次 times, 最近访韩目的 Purpose of Recent Visit ( )9.7 最近5年内是否访问过其他国家(韩国除外)Have you travelled outside your country of residence, excluding to Korea, in the last 5 years ?否 No [ ] 是 Yes [ ] → 如您选择“是”,请写具体内容If‘Yes’please provide details of these trips9.8. 同行家属Are you travelling to Korea with any family member ?无No [ ] 有Yes [ ] → 如您选择“有”,请写具体内容If ‘Yes’please provide details of the family members you are travelling with* 注:家属范围-配偶, 子女, 父母, 兄弟姐妹Note: Definition of a Family Member - your spouse, father, mother, children, brothers and sisters10. 访问经费/ FUNDING DETAILS10.1 访问经费(以美元为准) Estimated travel costs(in US dollars)10.2 访韩费用支付者 Who will pay for your travel-related expenses ? (any person including yourself and/or institute)210mm×297mm[백상지80g/㎡(재활용품)](第五页/ Page5) 11. 填写申请表时是否接受过帮助/ ASSISTANCE WITH THIS FORM11.1 您在填写申请表时是否接受过别人的帮助? Did you receive assistance in completing this form?12. 誓约/ DECLARATION* 签证发给认定书持有者也须填写Those who possess confirmation of visa issuance must only complete section 1,2, and 12 of this form根据本人所知所信,我声明以上所有陈述均真实、准确、完整。
















哈萨克斯坦旅游签证签证时间及签证有效期签证类型: 商务签证(1个月)-上海服务费:1100(含签证费)有效期:1个月最多停留:1个月工作日:5-10个工作日为参考时间以使领馆实际出签为准收客范围:上海领区签证费用:0(仅供参考)签证资料1. 中文个人信息资料表2. 护照及老护照原件(至少还有6个月的有效期)3. 2张2寸白底彩照(3.5*4.5厘米)4. 经哈萨克斯坦外交部领事司批准的公司邀请函原件及签证注册号码(该邀请函须含签证注册号);5. 护照身份页和身份证合在一起复印件一张;(若护照是延期的,须附延期页的复印件一张)6. 中方公司或单位出具的介绍信原件。


(样本见表格下载)7. 中方公司或单位的营业执照复印件(须加盖原章);8. 公司简介或宣传册(建议提供)。



外国人签证、居留许可申请表VISA AND RESIDENCE PERMIT APPLICATION FORM1、英文姓名Name in English (as it appears in your passport)中文姓名国籍Name in Chinese (if applicable) Nationality性别男□女□职业Sex M F Occupation出生日期年月日出生地Date of birth Y M D Place of birth2、护照或者证件种类外交□公务□普通□其他Type of passport of certificate Diplomatic Service Ordinary Others护照或者证件号码有效期至年月日Passport or certificate number V alid until Y M D 3、现持签证或者居留许可号码签发机关Current visa or residence permit number lssued by签证种类或者居留事由有效期至年月日Type of visa or purpose of residence Valid until Y M D 4、在华邀请单位名称或者个人的姓名、地址和电话Company or person to vistit in China ,name (s), address and telephone number申请人在华住址、电话Address and telephone number of applicant inn China5、使用同一护照的偕行人Accompanying persons included in psaaport姓名性别出生日期与申请人关系Name Sex Date of birth Relationship to applicant6、申请签证的种类Type of visa you are applying forF商务□C乘务□ J-2记者□G过境□Business Crew Correspondent TransitL探亲□L旅游□L因其他私人事务□Visiting relatives sight seeing for other private purposes7、申请签证的有效次数和有效Number of entries and validity of visa you are applying for零次□一次□二次□多次□有效期至年月日Zero once twice Multiple Valid until Y M D8、申请居留许可能性Applying for residence permit居留事由学习□记者□记者家属□Purpose of resi dence Study Correspondent Fanily member of Correspondent 任职□家属□就业□家属□TaKing up post Family member employment family member有效期至年月日Valid until Y M D9、申请居留情况变更登记Register such changes住址□就读院校□任职或者就业单位□其他□Address Educational institute Place of work Others10、申请其他证件Applying for other certificate外国人出入境证人外国人旅行证其他Aliens’Exit-Entry Permit Aliens’Travel Permit Others我谨声明我已如实和完整地填写了上述内容并对此负责(如属代办,代办人签字)I hereby declare that the information given above is true,correct and complete.I shall take full responsibility for the above informarion.申请人签字代办人签字年月日Applicant signature Agent signature Y M D。



[Your Title/Position][Your Company/Organization Name][Company/Organization Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Recipient's Name][Recipient's Title/Position][Recipient's Company/Organization Name][Recipient's Company/Organization Address][City, State, ZIP Code]Subject: Visa Invitation Letter for [Name of Applicant]Dear [Recipient's Name],I am writing to extend a formal invitation to [Name of Applicant] to visit [Country/City] for a period of [Number of Days] from [Start Date] to [End Date]. As [Your Title/Position] at [Your Company/Organization Name], I am authorized to issue this visa invitation letter on behalf of our organization.[Name of Applicant] is currently employed with [Applicant'sCompany/Organization Name] as [Applicant's Position]. They have been selected to participate in [Purpose of Visit, e.g., conference, training program, business trip, etc.] in [Country/City], which is scheduled to take place from [Start Date] to [End Date]. This event is an excellent opportunity for [Name of Applicant] to gain valuable insights, network with industry professionals, and contribute to the advancement of their career.Below is a detailed breakdown of the visit:1. Purpose of Visit:[Name of Applicant] is invited to [Country/City] to attend [Name of Event/Conference/Training Program]. The event is known for its industry expertise and provides a platform for [Name of Applicant] to learn from leading experts in the field.2. Accommodation:[Name of Applicant] will be staying at [Hotel Name] during their visit. The hotel is conveniently located near the venue and offers comfortable accommodations.3. Travel Arrangements:[Name of Applicant] will be traveling to [Country/City] via [Mode of Transportation, e.g., flight, train, etc.]. The travel itinerary includes the following:- Departure: [Departure Date] from [Departure City]- Arrival: [Arrival Date] in [City/Country]- Return: [Return Date] to [Departure City]4. Financial Responsibility:[Name of Applicant] will be responsible for all expenses related totheir visit, including transportation, accommodation, meals, and any other personal expenses. [Your Company/Organization Name] will cover the costs associated with the [Purpose of Visit], such as registration fees, event materials, and any other required expenses.5. Return to Work:Upon returning from the visit, [Name of Applicant] will be expected to share their experiences and insights with their colleagues. We believe that their participation in this event will contribute significantly to the growth and development of [Your Company/Organization Name].6. Health and Safety:[Name of Applicant] is in good health and has no pre-existing conditions that would prevent them from participating in the [Purpose of Visit]. They will adhere to all local health and safety regulations during their stay in [Country/City].I assure you that [Name of Applicant] is a responsible individual who will comply with all local laws and regulations during their visit. We kindly request your assistance in facilitating the visa application process for [Name of Applicant] and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.Please find attached the following documents for your review and consideration:- A copy of [Name of Applicant]'s passport- A detailed itinerary of the visit- Proof of financial means (e.g., bank statements, pay stubs)If you require any additional information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me at [Your Email Address] or [Your Phone Number].Thank you for your attention to this matter. We look forward to [Name of Applicant]'s participation in the [Purpose of Visit] and trust that this invitation letter will be sufficient for the visa application process.Yours sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Title/Position][Your Company/Organization Name][Company/Organization Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address] [Phone Number]。















Express 三天加急Normal 七天VISA APPLLICATION FORM 签证申请表Applicationform should be filled in fully and accurately in capital letters,submitted with passport, which is valid. Please, ensure that the photograph isattached.请准确、完整地填写申请表并提交护照及其复印件和照片.1.Full name 姓名____________(pinyin)___________________________2.Date of birth 出生日期______________3.Place of birth : 出生地点:City/Province 市/省__________________ Country 国家______________4.If applicant is married, his/her wife ’s/husband ’s full name and present nationality_______________________ 已婚者请填写妻子或丈夫的姓名及其国籍__________________________________________5. Applicant ’s Permanent Address : 申请者固定地址:Present Nationality 国籍 ___________________ Country 国家 ________________________City/Province 市/省 _______________________________ County/District 县/区 ____________________Street/Village 街道/乡村_________________________ Flat & House No 楼,房号 _______________________ Contact Phone 联系电话___________________6.ID card №身份证编号_______________________ Place of issue 签发单位________________________7.Passport № 护照编号_____________________ Place of issue 签发单位______________________8.Date of issue 签发日期 ____________________ Date of expiry 有效期至______________________9.Marital Status 婚姻状况: single 未婚married 已婚sex 性别: female 女丧偶 ivorced 离婚separated 分居Male 男10. Applicant ’s Place of work 申请者工作单位 _________________________________________________11.Address of work 单位地址_________________________________________________________12.Occupation: 职务_____________________ Office Phone 电话_____________________________13.If any children accompanying applicant are included in his/her passport, give the details如有孩子同行,请写:Name 姓名 Place and date of birth 出生地点日期 Sex 性别 Relation 关系 _________________________________________________________________________________________14. Dates and places of all your previous visits to Kazakhstan _______________________________________ 您过去访问哈萨克斯坦的所有地点和时间__________________________________________15.If permission to visit to Kazakhstan or extend stay in Kazakhstan has been refused previously, if so, when & by whom?以前是否被拒绝访问或延长停留在哈萨克斯坦? 16.Purpose of Visit (give details): 请详细填写访问目的______________________________________17.Approximate duration of stay in Kazakhstan 在哈萨克斯坦停留的时间________________________18.Period of stay 停留的时段:from 自_________________________ till 至 ________________________19.Places of destination: 目的地点: _________________________________________________________20.Port of First entry to Kazakhstan: 进入哈萨克斯坦的第一入口: ____________________________________21.Inviting side( full name ,address, Tel/Fax) 邀请方(姓名、地址、电话/传真)____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________I undertake that I shall utilize my visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose for which visa has been applied. I also understand that if any information given above is found to have withheld the visa and permission to enter Kazakhstan is liable to be refused.I also know that the given visa is not guarantee for entering the country if the immigration authorities have suspicion of its forgery correcting or disparity of visa with the true intention of its holder.Date: ______________________ Signature: _____________________________________ 我遵守我在此签证里所申请的访问哈萨克斯坦共和国的目的,我得知,如果所填写的内容中,有被限制的信息,前往哈萨克斯坦共和国的签证和许可将会被拒绝。























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【精品文档】哈萨克斯坦签证邀请函-精选word文档 (7页)

【精品文档】哈萨克斯坦签证邀请函-精选word文档 (7页)
3、申请签证所需资料:签证申请表、哈萨克斯坦境内公司邀请函、护照及身份证复印件、公司 介绍信 及担保函、公司营业执照复印件加盖公章等。
5. 公司空白抬头纸4张,需有领导签字并加盖公章. (红字打印,右上角贴本人照片盖公章 2张)
邀请函 外方公司邀请函原件,内容应包括邀请人姓名,邀请公司名称,地址,电话,被邀请人姓名,生日,护照号,所在公司,商务访问目的,商务访问时间,旅行费用
3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件.
1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份.
2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份.
营业执照 所在单位为企业单位的申请者,请提供营业执照副本的清晰复印件,用A4纸复印,有年检记录,并在复印件上加盖单位公章.



第1篇To Whom It May Concern:I, [Your Full Name], a citizen of [Your Country], hereby authorize [Authorized Person's Full Name] to act on my behalf in all matters pertaining to the application for a [Type of Visa, e.g., tourist visa, work visa, student visa] for [Country or Region].Personal Information:1. Full Name: [Your Full Name]2. Date of Birth: [Your Date of Birth]3. Passport Number: [Your Passport Number]4. Passport Expiry Date: [Your Passport Expiry Date]5. Place of Birth: [Your Place of Birth]6. Nationality: [Your Nationality]7. Current Address: [Your Current Address]8. Contact Information:- Phone Number: [Your Phone Number]- Email Address: [Your Email Address]Authorized Person Information:1. Full Name: [Authorized Person's Full Name]2. Relationship to Applicant: [Relationship, e.g., attorney, family member, friend]3. Address: [Authorized Person's Address]4. Contact Information:- Phone Number: [Authorized Person's Phone Number]- Email Address: [Authorized Person's Email Address]Authorization Details:I hereby grant the following authority to [Authorized Person's Full Name]:1. To Apply for the Visa: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to submit the visa application form, required documents, and any other relevant information on my behalf to the [Embassy/Consulate/High Commission] of [Country or Region].2. To Attend Visa Interviews: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to attend visa interviews on my behalf, if required, and to provide any additional information or answer any questions posed by the consular officer.3. To Pay Visa Fees: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to pay all visa fees and other charges associated with the visa application process on my behalf.4. To Collect Passport and Visa: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to collect my passport and visa from the[Embassy/Consulate/High Commission] of [Country or Region] after the visa application has been processed.5. To Make Travel Arrangements: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to make travel arrangements, including but not limited to booking flights and accommodation, on my behalf.6. To Represent Me in Legal Matters: [Authorized Person's Full Name] is authorized to represent me in any legal matters that may arise during the visa application process, including but not limited to responding to any inquiries or requests from the [Embassy/Consulate/High Commission].Conditions of Authorization:1. This authorization is valid until [Expiration Date or Event], after which it will automatically terminate unless renewed in writing.2. [Authorized Person's Full Name] shall use this authorization solely for the purpose of applying for and obtaining the visa for [Country or Region].3. [Authorized Person's Full Name] agrees to keep all information regarding my application confidential and shall not disclose any such information to any third party without my prior written consent.4. I retain the right to revoke this authorization at any time by providing written notice to [Authorized Person's Full Name] and the [Embassy/Consulate/High Commission] of [Country or Region].Acknowledgment of Receipt:[Authorized Person's Full Name] acknowledges receipt of this authorization letter and agrees to comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein.Signature of Applicant:_________________________[Your Full Name][Date of Signature]Note:This authorization letter is not a substitute for the original documents required for the visa application. The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all required documents are submitted with the visa application.---Please note that the above template is a general authorization letterfor visa application purposes. It is important to customize the letter to meet the specific requirements of the visa application process and the regulations of the country for which the visa is being applied. Additionally, it is advisable to consult with a legal professional orthe relevant embassy/consulate for any specific legal requirements or guidance.第2篇[Your Full Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Email Address][Phone Number][Date][Visa Officer's Name][Embassy/Consulate Name][Embassy/Consulate Address][City, Country][Embassy/Consulate Phone Number]Dear [Visa Officer's Name],Subject: Authorization Letter for Visa Application on Behalf of [Applicant's Full Name]I, [Your Full Name], hereby authorize [Applicant's Full Name], [Applicant's Relationship to You] and resident of [Applicant's Address], to apply for a [Type of Visa] visa at your esteemed embassy/consulate. This letter serves as a formal authorization for [Applicant's Full Name] to act on my behalf in all matters related to the visa application process.I confirm that [Applicant's Full Name] is a trustworthy individual and is authorized to provide all necessary documentation and information for the visa application. I assure you that all details provided by [Applicant's Full Name] are accurate and complete.The purpose of [Applicant's Full Name]'s visit to [Country Name] is as follows:[Please provide a detailed explanation of the purpose of the visit, including the duration of stay, the cities or regions to be visited, and the nature of the activities to be undertaken.][Applicant's Full Name] is fully aware of the terms and conditions of the visa, and I have informed [Applicant's Full Name] about the importance of adhering to the visa regulations and the legal obligations associated with the visa.I, [Your Full Name], am prepared to provide the following support to [Applicant's Full Name] during the visa application process:1. Financial Responsibility: I undertake to financially support [Applicant's Full Name] throughout their stay in [Country Name], ensuring that all expenses incurred are covered.2. Accommodation: I confirm that [Applicant's Full Name] will be staying with me at [Your Address] during their visit to [Country Name], and I am responsible for providing appropriate accommodation.3. Return Travel: I assure you that [Applicant's Full Name] will return to their country of residence at the end of their visit to [Country Name].4. Legal Obligations: I confirm that [Applicant's Full Name] will comply with all local laws and regulations during their stay in [Country Name].5. Contact Information: I provide the following contact information for any inquiries or clarifications required during the visa application process:- Name: [Your Full Name]- Address: [Your Address]- City, State, ZIP Code: [City, State, ZIP Code]- Email Address: [Email Address]- Phone Number: [Phone Number]I understand that the decision to issue a visa is at the sole discretion of the embassy/consulate, and I hereby release the embassy/consulate from any liability arising from the issuance or refusal of the visa.I further confirm that I have read and understood theembassy/consulate's visa application guidelines and have ensured that [Applicant's Full Name] has done the same.In the event that [Applicant's Full Name] is unable to attend the visa interview or any other requirement of the visa application process, I hereby authorize [Your Full Name] to act on [Applicant's Full Name]'s behalf in all matters related to the visa application.I hereby request the embassy/consulate to consider this authorization letter as a valid document for the visa application process and to provide [Applicant's Full Name] with any assistance required.Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to the prompt processing of [Applicant's Full Name]'s visa application.Sincerely,[Your Full Name][Your Signature][Date]Attachments:- Copy of [Your Full Name]'s Passport- Copy of [Applicant's Full Name]'s Passport- Proof of Financial Support (e.g., bank statements, pay stubs)- Proof of Accommodation (e.g., lease agreement, hotel booking confirmation)- Any other relevant documents---Please note that this is a general template for a visa authorization letter. Depending on the specific requirements of the embassy or consulate, additional information or documentation may be necessary. Always refer to the official guidelines provided by the embassy or consulate where the visa application is being submitted.。



丹麦签证材料作文模板英文英文回答:Visa Application Essay Template。


State your purpose for applying for the Danish visa.Briefly outline your itinerary and expected duration of stay in Denmark.Background Information。

Provide details about your personal information, including your full name, date of birth, nationality, and passport number.Mention your current occupation and employer.If applicable, state any previous travel experiencesto Schengen countries.Financial Stability。

Demonstrate your financial means to support your stayin Denmark.Provide proof of employment, income statements, orbank account balance.If applicable, include a letter of sponsorship from a family member or friend in Denmark.Accommodation。

State the address where you will be staying in Denmark.If you will be staying in a hotel, provide a hotel reservation confirmation.If you will be staying with family or friends, includea letter of invitation.Health Insurance。

【优质】签证申请信模板-word范文模板 (4页)

【优质】签证申请信模板-word范文模板 (4页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==签证申请信模板篇一:申请签证介绍信模板公司英文名称公司英文地址TEL: ****** FAX: ******VISA OFFICE,CONSULATE GENERAL OF The KINGDOM OF NORWAYBEIJING, CHINA13 APR. 201XDear Sir/Madam:公司英文名称expresses its compliments to the visa officer of Consulate General of the KINGDOM OF NORWAY, and has the honor to inform you that Mr. ****** and Mr. ******, will visit Kvinesdal, NORWAY to participate IMnI's 2nd Safety Workshop open on May 2-3, 201X. Our company shall look after all the expenses, including international and local transportation, accommodation including lodging and food, medical care, health insurance and all otherexpenses. The people mentioned above will go back China after the conference. Please kindly find the name list below:Full Name Passport no. Post****** ****** ************ ****** ******公司英文名称would like to take this opportunity to renew its highest considerations.Thanks and Regards!公司英文名称也可以列表形式列出详细内容:人名拼音护照号码职位篇二:签证申请书??????? 签证申请书※ ???????? 签证发给认证书号码(返签号):33.?? 5?? ???? 过去5年间旅行国家目的无关的活动。

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注意!请用正题完整认真填写此申请表请用正题完整认真填写此申请表,,未按准确要求填写的申请表会成为被拒签的原因之一Attention!Application form should be filled in fully and accurately, in block lettersWrong filling of application form can become a cause of refuse in issue of entry visa. 1. 姓名/Surname(s) First names_______________________ (pinyin)____________________________2. 其他姓名/Other names and surnames: ________________________________________________3. 性别 男/М女/Female4. 出生日期 /Date of birth: 年月日/day5. 国籍/Nationality: 出生地点 (市县和国家)/Place of birth (city and country): _______________________________________6. 出生时的国籍/Nationality by birth: ________________________________________________________________________7. 家庭情况未婚离婚widow(er)8.已婚者请填写妻子或丈夫的姓名及其国籍/If you are married, please, inform your spouse’s full name and nationality: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. 固定地址和电话 /Your permanent home address/tel: __________________________________________________________10. 职务和职业资格/Occupation (educational background and position): ____________________________________________11. 工作单位/Place of work:_________________________________________________________________________________12. 单位地址和电话/address/tel.:___________________________________________________________________________13. 护照类型/other type of document编号/Number: ____________有效期限/validity:______________________________签发地点/issued by:______________14. 您曾经是否访问过哈萨克斯坦否是/Yes 若是,请出示访问时间和访问目的/If yes, indicate the date and purpose of the visit(s): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________15. 以前是否被拒绝以前是否被拒绝入境入境入境哈萨克斯坦哈萨克斯坦?/Have you ever been refused entry to the Republic of Kazakhstan?:否是若是若是,,请写明原因请写明原因,,何时被谁拒绝/If yes, please give details below (when and by whom): ________________________ 16. 访问目的访问目的访问目的/Purpose of travel: ____________________________________________________________________________17. 邀请方邀请方 (地址地址、、电话电话.).).)/Inviting organization (address, tel.):_________________________________________________ __________或者担保人或者担保人或者担保人的信息的信息的信息((全称全称,,地址地址,,电话电话.).).)/or person, arranging your visit to Kazakhstan (full name, address, tel ): ________________________________________________________________________________________________________18. 在哈萨克斯坦访问的几个地点/Places of destination in the Republic of Kazakhstan:_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________19. 在哈萨克斯坦的第一个访问地点/The first place of entry into the Republic of Kazakhstan:__________________________20. 在哈萨克斯坦停留期间的住址/Temporary address in Kazakhstan:____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________21. 谁会承担您的旅行路费以及在哈萨克斯坦停留期间的生活支出谁会承担您的旅行路费以及在哈萨克斯坦停留期间的生活支出??/Who is paying for your cost of traveling and for your costs of living during your stay in Kazakhstan?:______________________________________________________________22. 若您是办理从哈萨克斯坦过境的签证若您是办理从哈萨克斯坦过境的签证,,您是否取得前往国家的签证或拘留证?/In case of transit through Kazakhstan, have you got an entry visa or residence permit for your destination?:否/Yes. 若是若是,,请指出前往国家/If yes, indicate the country of destination:________________入境口岸/border point through which entry is planned __________________________过境路线/route of transit ____________________________23. 所申请的签证期限/Period of requested visa: 自/from_______________________ 至/ to __________________________24. 所申请签证的入境次数多次往返 /multiple25 若注册至您护照的孩子与您同行若注册至您护照的孩子与您同行,,请填写请填写/Children (please indicate whether they are traveling with you and are entered in your passport):№ 姓名/ Surname, First names 出生地点和日期/ Date and plase of birth 国籍/NationalityI undertake that the above mentioned personal data are full and correct. I am aware, that wrong data can cause refuse and canceling of already issued visa. I am obliged to leave the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan before visa expiration.I am told, that in accordance with the article 554 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan №99-IV of the 10 of December 2008 the sum of money paid as consular fee is not subject for return; the issued visa does not fully guarantee entry into Kazakhstan and will not serve as basis for compensation in case the authorized bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan refuse entry for the owner of visa into territory of Kazakhstan. Within 5 working days to register to undertake the management of migration police of Kazakhstan.我保证以上提到的个人信息是完整准确的。
