第三章第六节 钴缺乏症

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一、定义 Definition

在临床上是以厌食、消瘦和贫血等为主征的慢性代谢病。 Characterized clinically by: Inappetence (厌食), Gradual loss of body weight, Anemia or anaemia(贫血), Effects on reproductive performance. 本病属世界性地方病之一,反刍动物容易发病. Worldwide where soils are deficient incobalt.

六、临床病理 Clinical pathology

血清总蛋白含量减少,红细胞数减少,属红细胞大小不匀 症和小细胞低染性贫血。 Serum albumen Erythrocyte Anemia(贫血) 血浆、肝脏和瘤胃内容物中钴含量减少,血清碱性磷酸酶 活性下降。 Cobalt concentration of plasm、liver and rumen; Serum alkaline phosphatase levels ;
四、发病机理 Pathogenesis
3.缺钴影响纤维素的消化和能量代谢:缺钴导致VB12合成 障碍。 deficiency in Cobalt,effect on digestion of fibrin and energy metabolism result in hindrance of the synthesis of VB12 4.可代偿性促进造血:钴可以加速体内贮存铁的动员,抑 制许多呼吸酶活性,刺激红细胞生成素的合成。 accelerate haematogenesis 造血作用 accelerate mobilization of iron reserved in body 5.改善锌的吸收,缺钴引起厌食、异食等。 improve absorbption of zinc, result in anorexia厌食、pica异食癖
Baidu Nhomakorabea第六节、钴缺乏症
Section 6
Cobalt Deficiency
一、定义 Definition

钴缺乏症是由于饲料和稻草中钴缺乏或不足,以及维生素 B12合成因子受到阻碍, cobalt,

A disease of ruminants ingesting a diet deficient in Required for the synthesis of VB12.
三、流行病学 Epidemiology

主要是牛、绵羊多发,幼龄动物比成年动物常发 Occurs primarly in cattle and sheep, Cattle>sheep,lambs、calves>adults 杂食动物和食肉动物不发生 Unlikely to occur in pigs, or in other omnivores (不偏食的) or carnivores(食肉动物) 钴含量与季节有关 Variations in the cobalt content with seasonal.

二、病因 Etiology

土壤中钴含量:0.2-18mg/Kg(DM) The concentration of cobalt in the soil(0.2~18mg/KgDM) 长期放牧在钴缺乏土壤(钴含量在0.25 mg/kg以下)的牧草场地 或持续性饲喂钴缺乏(0.04-0.07mg/kg干重)草类或稻草的牛群, 多有发病。 Grazing on pastures in the soil (containing less than 0.25 mg/kg cobalt )with deficient cobalt for long period Persistently feed pastures or straw containing less than 0.07 and 0.04 mg/kg DM Result in clinical disease in sheep and cattle 凡阻碍奶牛瘤胃内发酵过程中合成维生素B12的因子或疾病,可 导致钴缺乏。 Resulting in a deficiency of vitamin B12.
五、临床症状 Signs
食欲减退;Inappetencev 消瘦;Loss of body weight; 苍白;Marked pallor of the mucous membranes; 贫血;Anaemia; 皮肤变薄、肌肉乏力;Skin attenuation(变薄), fatigued muscle; 流泪;Severe lacrimation; 异食癖;Pica (Cattle); 换毛延迟,体表残留皮垢(鳞屑). Wool production are severely retarded, and the wool may be tender or broken.
八、防治 Treatment

据牛生长发育过程中对钴的需要量,对病牛投服氯化钴 水溶液5~35mg/d, 或者口服一定剂量硫酸钴。同时,还可投服VB12制剂。 The oral administration of cobalt Or by the parenteral administration of vitamin B!2 对重型病牛,应用VB12和右旋糖苷铁合剂4-6ml,每3天 肌肉注射1次。
六、临床病理 Clinical pathology

尿液中甲基丙二酸(MMA)和亚胺甲基谷氨酸检验均呈阳性反应。 Methylmalonic acid (甲基丙二酸) in plasma(血浆) and urine,++ Formiminoglutamic acid (亚胺甲基谷氨酸) in urine,++ 剖检可见肝、脾血铁黄素沉着,机体极度消瘦. hemosiderosis (血铁质) of liver and dark spleen (脾), emaciation (衰弱), become thin.
七、诊断 Diagnostic confirmation

在低钴地区的牛群,凡出现厌食、营养性消瘦和可视粘膜 淡染(贫血)等症状时,便可怀疑钴缺乏症。 In area with deficient in cobalt, Inappetence;(厌食) Loss of body weight; (营养性消瘦) Anaemia; (贫血) 口服氯化钴水溶液,若使顽固性厌食等症消失,可治疗性 诊断。 After the oral administration of cobalt, Inappetence signs disappearence.
四、发病机理 Pathogenesis
Cobalt is unique as an essential trace element in ruminant nutrition it is stored in the body in limited amounts only and not in all tissues 2.钴只有在反刍动物瘤胃中,才能发挥其生物学作用:钴是 维生素B12的 组成成分; Its only known function is in the rumen to participate in the production of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin氰钴维生素)