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肖仕明3 姜淮芜3 陈 进3 肖 平3 郭海燕3 孙 燕3

【摘要】 目的 介绍一种新的全胃切除消化道重建术。方法 选取我院2004年6月至2006年3月期间行全胃切除病例38例。在行消化道重建时,对功能性空肠间置代胃(FJ I)术作如下改良:将输出袢适度丝线结扎改为部分缩窄缝合2~3针,适当缩短输入袢肠管至20~25cm,Braun吻合口距Treitz韧带10cm,以食管空肠及Braun 吻合口无张力为度。结果 全组病例无围手术期死亡、吻合口漏及倾倒综合征发生。Roux2en2Y滞留综合征2例;

返流性食管炎1例;Visick分级:35例Ⅰ级,3例Ⅱ级。血清营养学指标:仅2例血红蛋白低于正常。术后6个月,36例进食量和体重恢复术前水平,仅2例体重下降。造影钡剂主要进入十二指肠通道,少量通过部分缩窄通道。结论 对FJ I重建术的改良,不仅保留了原法的全部优点,而且可进一步降低并发症,改善患者生活质量,但需进行进一步的前瞻性对比研究。

【关键词】 功能性空肠间置代胃术 改良 全胃切除 消化道重建

【中图分类号】R656.61∶R735.2 【文献标识码】A

N ew Double T ract Digestive R econstruction of T otal G astrectomy:The Modif ied Functional Jejunal I nterposition X IA O S hi2ming3,J IA N G H uai2w u3,C H EN J in3,X IA O P ing3,GUO H ai2yan3,SUN Y an3.3The Second Department of General S urgery,The Second A f f iliated Hos pital of N orthern Sichuan Medical College,Mianyang621000,China

Corres ponding A uthor:J IA N G H uai2w u,E2mail:J huaiw u@y

【Abstract】 Objective To describe a new technique for digestive tract reconstruction of total gastrectomy.

Methods The modified f unctional jejunal interposition(FJ I)was performed in38patients who underwent total gas2 trectomy between J une2004and March2006.At digestive tract reconstruction,the jejunum with suitable suture li2 gated at2cm distal to side2to2end jejunoduodenostomy was changed to sew up2-3needles and to narrow it.End2 to2side esophagojejunostomy to Treitz ligament was shortened to20-25cm befittingly.Side2to2side jejunojejunosto2 my to Treitz ligament was10cm.Both esophagojejunostomy and jejunojejunostomy must not be tensioned.R esults No patients died or had anastomotic leakage in perioperative period.Roux2en2Y stasis syndrome(RSS)was in2 patients.The Visick grade:35patients were gradeⅠ,3patients were gradeⅡ.Serum nutritional parameters in2 patients hemoglobin was only lower than normal.At6months after operation,food intake per meal and body weight were recovered to the preoperative level in36patients,and only2patients appeared weight worse.One patient had reflux esophagitis and no dumping syndrome occurred.Through the upper gastrointestinal radiograph,the bariums entered into duodenal channels mostly,and a little into the narrow channels.Conclusion The modified FJ I not only reserved all advantages of the primary procedure,but also could f urther lower the complications and improve of the quantity life of the patients who were underwent total gastrectomy.It would be necessary for f urther prospective randomized controlled trial in the largescale cases.

【K ey w ords】 Functional jejunal interposition Modified Total gastrectomy Digestive tract recon2 struction




 【作者简介】肖仕明(1969年-),男,四川省绵阳市人,学士学位,主治医师,主要从事胃肠肿瘤的基础与临床工作,E2mail:xsmingd @。胃综合征,严重影响患者生活质量[4~8]。全胃切除术后患者的生活质量与消化道重建方式相关,但至今尚无标准的重建方式[4,5,9~11]。因此,积极探索改善患者术后生活质量的重建方法就成为胃肠外科学者追求的目标[9,10]。我们对郝希山等[4]设计的功能性空肠间置代胃(f unctional jejunal interpo sition, FJ I)术进行了进一步改良,取得了较好的治疗效果,现报道如下。
