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‘My kids have to wait until they are 13 to get a cell phone’ --Billionaire Bill Gates opens up about his strict parenting rules
2.Do you freak out if you're in a car and there's no GPS?
3. If your house were on fire, would you run in to rescue your laptop?? 4. Have you ever turned down a romantic encounter in order to play video games? www.gizmodo.com
www.lifehacker.com Adam Dachis
How to Tell If You Are Addicted to Technology
Clara Moskowitz
How to Tell If You Are Addicted to Technology?
How to Tell If You Are Addicted to Technology? 1.Do you eat most of your meals while at the computer or in front of the television?
Sparrow Betsy, et al. Science 333,776(2011); DOI: 10.1126/science.1207745
1. Studies suggest that people share information easily because they rapidly think of computers when they find they need knowledge. 2. The social form of information storage is also reflected in the findings that people forget items they think will be available externally and remember items they think will not be available. 3. Transactive memory(交互记忆) is also evident when people seem better able to remember where an item has been stored than the identity of the item itself.
www. Psychcentral.com
What Makes the Internet So Addictive?
Studies are finding that video games trigger dopamine(多巴胺) releases in the brain .
(Nicotine causes dopamine release. So does Caffeine)
2、Using iPads before bed can lead to a poor night's sleep Using tablet computers like Apple’s iPad and Samsung’s Galaxy Note just before bed can lead to a poor night’s sleep, according to research. Researchers at the Lighting Research Centre, at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, are warning that looking at tablet displays for more than two hours “leads to a suppression of our natural melatonin(褪黑激素) levels as the devices emit optical radiation at short wavelengths”
www.telegraph.co.uk Andrew Hough
What Makes the Internet So Addictive?
John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
What Makes the Internet So Addictive?
“Since the aspects of the Internet where people are spending the greatest amount of time online have to do with social interactions, it would appear that socialization is what makes the Internet so ‘addicting’.”
"Internet addiction has become a serious problem in China." said Li Jianwei, an official at the Culture Ministry.
Experts say thousands of teenagers in China are addicted to the Internet. "The unhealthy content online, such as violence and obscenity, has damaged young people, physically and mentally," Wang Ping said. ( Wang Ping is the managing director of the Chinese Society for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Research, an NGO specializing in helping young offenders.) "But what symptoms define Internet addiction? How to diagnose young addicts, and at what level of addiction, is still vague."
So Technology Is Rubbish?
NO !
Psychologist Corinne Sweet says: "Wanting to communicate with others when you experience emotions such as sadness, entertainment, fear or awe is a part of the human condition. As television often prompts these feelings, it is not surprising that more of us are taking advantage of
How about
Google Effects
on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at Our Fingertips
Addiction to New Technology
New technologies
smart phone
New technologies
Video games
New technologies
The serious addiction
The study, published by the university’s International Centre for Media & the Public Agenda (ICMPA) and the Salzburg Academy on Media & Global Change, concluded that “most students… failed to go the full 24 hours without media”. A “clear majority" of almost 1,000 university students, interviewed at 12 campuses in 10 countries, including Britain, America and China, were unable to voluntarily avoid their gadgets for one full day
Cited Problems along with the New Technology
1、-- Does mobile using cause cancer?
These results suggest that processes of human memory are adapting to the advent of new computing and communication technology. We are becoming symbiotic(共生的) with our computer tools, growing into interconnected systems that remember less by knowing information than by knowing where the information can be found. The experience of losing our Internet connection becomes more and more like losing a friend. We must remain plugged in to know what Google knows. (我们必须要继续使用这个外部记忆器,去了解Google还知道些什么)
evolving technology to share our thoughts."
The World Health Organization urged limits on mobile use last year, calling them a Class B carcinogen (致癌物). International radiation biology expert Michael Repacholi said: "Studies show no evidence of cancer. But if you are worried, use a headset, handsfree or loudspeaker.“