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Disadvantages: (60-2-1)
1. Projects often lack focus; 2. There may be poor integration across functional units; 3. It generally takes longer to complete projects through this functional arrangement; 4. The motivation of people assigned to the project can be weak.

Weaknesses: (61-5-1)
1. Creating self-contained project teams to complete projects is expensive; 2. Sometimes dedicated projects teams take on an entity of their own and a disease known as projectitis develops; 3. Creating self-contained teams inhibits maximum technological expertise being brought to bear on problems; 4. Assigning full-time personnel to a project creates the dilemma of what to do with personnel after the project is completed。

The interface between the parent organization and the project teams will vary. (61-2-1) 1. In some cases the parent organization prescribes administrative and financial control procedures over the project.母体组织制定项目的管理与财务控 制程序 2. In other cases, firms allow the project manager maximum freedom to get the project done given the resources originally assigned to the project. 企业分配给项目团队一定的资源,然后授予项目经理 执行项目的最大自由 3. Finally, some organizations are experimenting with self-managing project teams without a formal project manager.一些组织的项目团队没有正 式的项目经理,他们是自我管理式的项目团队。

优点: 1. 母体组织的设计与运营不需要太大改变; 2. 人员使用上有很大的灵活性; 3. 可以发挥业务专长; 4. 职能部门正常的职业升迁路线不变。 缺点 1. 项目经常缺乏重点,职能部门会忽视项目的责任; 2. 各职能部门之间整合糟糕; 3. 完成项目需要更长的时间; 4. 参与者的积极性不够高。
• 1. 2. 3. 4.
Four forms: Functional Organization Dedicated Project Team Matrix Organization Structure Organizing Projects within Virtual Organization
• In most organizations authority is distributed hierarchically across functional lines. Because projects span across function areas, identifying and legitimizing project management authority is often problematic.在大多数组织中,权利是在各职 能领域按等级结构划分的,因为项目横跨各职 能领域,确立项目管理权威并使之合法化就必 然存在问题。(58-3-11)
Functional Organizations职能型组织
Functional Organization
• Advantages: (60-1-1)
1. Projects are completed within the basic functional structure of the parent organization. There is no radical alteration in the design and operation of the parent organization; 2. There is maximum flexibility in the use of staff; 3. If the scope of the project is narrow and the proper functional unit is assigned primary responsibility, then in-depth expertise can be brought to bear on the most crucial aspects of the project; 4. Normal career paths within a functional division are maintained.
Dedicated Project Team专业项目团队
Project Organization Structure项目化组织
Project Organization Structure • Strengths: (61-4-1)
1. It is a relatively simple means for completing a project that does not directly disrupt ongoing operations; 2. Projects tend to get done more quickly when dedicated teams are created; 3. A high level of motivation and cohesiveness often emerges within the project team; 4. Assuming that the appropriate resources are assigned to the project team, a high level of crossfunctional integration occurs。

许多组织一直在为创建一个这样的系统 而奋斗:在组织项目的同时管理企业当 前的运营。这样做很困难:
1. 项目与传统组织的基本设计原则存在冲突。 项目是独特的,一次性的,有独立的起点 和终点;而大多数组织的设计是为了有效 地管理企业运营; 2. 大多数项目本质上是跨学科的,需要各行 各业专家的共同努力才能完成;而多数组 织是根据职能专长的不同将专业人才分配 到不同的部门,而这会阻碍不同职能领域 的整合。
3.1.1: Functional Organization
• One approach to organizing projects is to simply manage them within the existing functional hierarchy of the organization. Once management decides to implement a project, the different segments of the project are delegated to the respective functional units with each unit responsible for completing its segment of the project.(58-4-1)
Chapter Three: Organization: Structure and Culture
3.1:Project Management Structure
Matrix management works, but it sure is difficult at times. All matrix managers must keep up their health and take Stress-Tabs.(57-1-1) ----A project manager
• The functional organization is also commonly used when, given the nature of the project, one functional area plays a dominant role in completing the project or has a dominant interest in the success of the project. Under these circumstances, a high-ranking manager in that area is given the responsibility of coordinating the project.(58-5-1)

Many business organizations have struggled with creating a system for organizing projects while managing ongoing operations. (58-2-1) 1. One of the major reasons for this struggle is that projects contradict fundamental design principles associated with traditional organizations.(58-2-2) 2. A second reason businesses find it difficult to effectively organize projects is that most projects are multidisciplinary in nature because they require the coordinated efforts of a variety of specialists to be completed.(58-3-1)
3.1.2: Dedicated Project Team
• At the other end of the structural spectrum is the creation of independent project team. These teams operate as separate units from the rest of the parent organization, usually a full-time project manager is designated to pull together a core group of specialists who work full time on the project.(60-3-1)
• Most organizations are departmentalized according to functional expertise with specialists from design, marketing, manufacturing, and finance residing in different units. Many researchers have noted that these groupings naturally develop unique customs, norms, values, and working styles that inhibit “integration” across functional boundaries.(58-3-5)