

现代酒店前厅运营实务 3 礼宾服务PPT

现代酒店前厅运营实务  3  礼宾服务PPT
模块三 礼宾服务

礼宾服务(Bell Service),也称为制服服务(Uniformed Service),是酒店对客服务的重要组成部分,在很大程度上 体现酒店的对客服务质量。
迎宾 送客 指挥门前交通 做好门前保安工作 回答客人问讯 其他
做一个优秀的门童并不容易,世界著 名的日本新大谷酒店的负责人曾说过:培 养出一个出色的门童往往需要花上十多年 的时间。
门童服务的三要素 第一要素:细心观察 第二要素:适时服务 第三要素:有道别声
1.引车 结合前面所讲的指挥车辆的手势。 靠边停车、直行等…… 2.开车门护顶及迎接客人 (1)如果只有一排有客人,则面朝车尾背朝车头 站于车门一侧。拉开车门成70度。
注意: 1.用外侧的手迅速拉开车门,靠近 车门的手为客人护顶。 2.忌给伊斯兰教、佛教客人护顶, 会遮住了佛光。 3.忌给戴军帽客人护顶,会挡住了 国徽。 4、当无法判定客人身份时,可把手 抬起不护顶。
在一个秋高气爽的日子里,迎宾员XX,着一身剪裁得体的新制 服,迈着轻快的步伐,第一次独立地走上了迎宾员的岗位。一辆白色 高级卧车向饭店驶来,司机熟练而准确地将车停靠在饭店豪华大转门 前的雨棚下。XX看清车后端坐着两位身材魁梧体格健壮的男士,前排 副驾位上坐着一位身材较高且眉清目秀的女士。XX一步上前,以优雅 姿态和职业性的动作,为客人打开后门,做好护顶姿势,并目注客人 ,致以简短欢迎词以示问候,动作麻利规范,一气呵成,无可挑剔。 关好后门,XX迅速走到前门,准备以同样的礼仪迎接那位女士下车, 但那位女士满脸不快,使小贺茫然不知所措。 通常后排座为上座, 凡一般有身份者皆就此座。优先为重要客人提供服务是饭店服务程序 的常规。这位女士为什么不悦?XX百思不得其解。 女宾为何不悦? XX错在哪里? 如何正确地提供拉车门服务?


1.了解前厅礼宾服务的主要内容。 2.描述迎送宾客的服务程序。 3.懂得散客与团体的行李服务程序与标准。 4.掌握行李的寄存与提取的服务程序。 5.描述贵重物品保管的服务程序。 6.掌握“金钥匙”的相关知识与素质要求。
一、前厅礼宾服务概述 前厅礼宾服务处是能提供全方位“一条龙服务”的岗位,其英文名称为“Bell Service”(大厅服务)和“Concierge”(礼宾服务)。其服务项目主要包括宾客 迎送、行李服务、“金钥匙”服务、贵重物品保管及其他服务等。 二、门童概述 1.概念 门童(Doorman),亦称迎宾员或门厅应接员,是代表饭店在大门口迎送宾客 的专门人员,是饭店形象的具体表现。 2.职责 门童主要承担迎送、调车等工作,还要协助保安员、行李员等开展工作。
(2)为宾客提供护顶服务。 ①开车门的动作:趋前开启车门,用左手拉开车门约70°左右,右手挡在车门上 沿,为宾客护顶,防止宾客碰伤头部,并协助宾客下车。 ②护顶原则:护顶顺序:后排坐副驾驶后的座位→后排坐驾驶员后的座位→副驾驶 的座位。若遇有行动不便的宾客,则应协助他们下车,并提醒注意台阶。若遇 有信仰佛教和信仰伊斯兰教的宾客,则无须为其护顶,因为他们认为手挡在头 顶上,会挡住佛光或真主的眷顾。若遇雨天,应为宾客提供撑雨伞服务,并礼 貌地暗示宾客擦净鞋底后进入大堂,并将宾客随手携带的湿雨伞锁在伞架上, 以方便宾客。 (3)面带微笑,使用恰当的敬语欢迎前来的每一位宾客。 (4)协助行李员卸行李,注意检查有无遗漏物品。 (5)招呼行李员引领宾客进入饭店大堂(或总台)。
3.正确的站姿 通常应站在大门的两侧或台阶下、车道边,站立时应挺胸领首 ,手自然下垂,也可向前或向后互握,两脚与肩同宽。 三、门童迎送服务 1.上岗前的准备工作 (1)认真检查仪容仪表,确保符合饭店规范。 (2)调节情绪,调整心态,热情微笑迎接宾客。 (3)查看交班本,了解上一班的工作情况是否有改进事项。 (4)检查负责区域的设施设备及卫生安全状况。 2.迎接服务 (1)将宾客所乘车辆引领到适当的地方停下,以免引起店门前的交通堵塞。

《国际接待与应用英语》课件——Concierge Service 礼宾服务

《国际接待与应用英语》课件——Concierge Service 礼宾服务

Learning Guide List
Skills & Supplement Knowledge
Ideological and Political Element
01 Learning
Learning Objectives
Knowledge Objectives:
concierge service.
Learning Objectives
Competence Objectives: • Foster student’s ability of airport pick-up service. • Foster student’s ability of assisting guest while check-in
ticket, storing guest’s luggage, arranging transportation, and so forth.
Position Description
Concierge The Concierge offers comprehensive services-on-demand for Hotels and their guests. Most of us are familiar with the services of a concierge at fine hotels. They are the inexhaustible resource for everything you could possibly need to know about the town you're visiting. Knowing the best places to dine, the best seating in each theater production and the best attractions available, up-front theater tickets as well as popular concert tickets can be purchased without exorbitant broker fees, getting a reservation at a top restaurant is a piece of cake...etc. Here's just a sampling of the services available to guests:

Concierge礼宾部培训 PPT课件

Concierge礼宾部培训 PPT课件
认真检查行李; 搬运时,轻拿轻放,贵重物品让宾客自己拿; 照看好客人的行李; 引领客人时,走在客人左前方,距离二到三步; 引领客人途中,主动向客人介绍服务项目和设施; 离开房间前,向客人打招呼,并祝客人住店快乐; 将离店客人行李搬运到大厅后,询问客人是否结账; 做好行李搬运记录;
二 门厅迎接服务 门童(doorman)
迎宾; 指挥门前交通; 做好门前保安工作; 回答客人问讯; 送客;
女性门童:亲切,温和; 长者门童:稳重、可信、慈祥; 外国人门童:新奇、有特色;
形象高大、魁梧; 记忆力强; 目光敏锐、接待经验丰富; 知识面广;
介绍客房设备 客人离店时:
引领客人入房间 道别,离开客房
核对、装车、道别 填写记录表
客人离店时: 确定收取行李时间等
收存行李 清点检查
填写寄存卡 下联交给客人
存放行李 填写行李寄存登记表
主动迎宾 请客人出示寄存单
在行李寄存登记表备注“已 取”、时间、经手人等
核对寄存 单和行李
确认客人身份; 检查行李; 必须有有效证件才可以领取行李; 行李寄存与处理一定要按规定的手续进行;


提供学习资源和平台,鼓励员工自主学习和提升,提高整体服务 水平。
运用互联网、大数据等 技术手段,实现服务的 智能化和个性化,提高 服务效率和质量。
根据市场需求和行业发 展趋势,不断拓展新的 服务领域,满足客户多 元化需求。
通过跨界合作、资源整 合等方式,创新服务模 式和商业模式,实现可 持续发展。
根据宾客的需求和行程安排,为 宾客提供合适的交通工具建议, 如出租车、公共汽车、地铁等。
为宾客预订合适的交通工具,确保 准时、安全地完成行程。
为宾客提供交通路线和乘车指引, 避免出现迷路或错过车次的情况。
根据宾客的口味和需求,为宾客推荐 当地特色餐厅或美食,并提供相应的 餐饮建议。
礼宾服务是酒店或旅游景区服务质量的重要组成部分, 直接影响客户对酒店或景区的评价和口碑。
根据服务范围和内容,礼宾服务可以分为门童服务、行李服务、前台接待服务、导游服务等 。
门童服务包括为客人开车门、叫车、指挥车辆停放等;行李服务包括行李寄存、搬运等;前 台接待服务包括客房预订、入住登记、咨询解答等;导游服务包括景点讲解、行程安排等。
在宾客离开时,及时与宾客进行沟通,了解宾客的需求和安排,协 助宾客完成行李搬运和离店手续。
为宾客提供必要的离店服务和信息支持,如交通指引、联系方式等 。
1 2



❖ Handling baggage for hotel guests ❖ Providing hotel-specific information ❖ Supplying directions ❖ Securing the services of outside
companies, such as for:
Offer concierge service for guests
Warming-up Activities
1. Match the duties on the left with the corresponding pictures on the right.
service at a hotel? What do you think of the importance of a concierge? ❖ What do you know about concierge service Les Clefs d’Or (金钥匙组织)? (open)
Post Introduction
restaurants tourist and sightseeing attractions shops nightlife theaters and shows sporting events
❖ In the service industry, the word “concierge” was first used by Mr. Ferdinand Gillet, who founded Les Clef d’Or in Paris, France in 1929. Les Clef d’Or (pronounced: “lay clay door”), is the oldest surviving personal, professional, international network serviceindustry organization in the world. It has no religious or political affiliation, but is solely focused on a genuine desire to serve hotel guests around the world.

Unit 3 Concierge Service

Unit 3 Concierge Service

Section 2: Speaking Practice
Collection of Special Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • Room service Restaurant Coffee shop Bar Cafeteria Bell captain Doorman Concierge Front office Reception desk Operator Lost and found
• •
Business center Shopping center Beauty salon Barber shop Indoor swimming pool Billiard room Squash court
Dialogue 2: Baggage Deห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ivery
• • • • • • • • • • • • • BC: This is the Bell Captain’s Desk. Can I help you? G: Yes, I’ve been waiting for my baggage to be sent up for almost half hour. What’s the matter? BC: I’m terribly sorry, sir. May I have your name and room number, please? G: Yes, it’s Mr. White, Room 412. BC: How many pieces do you have, Mr. White? G: Two suitcases and a shoulder bag. BC: Would you give me some features of your baggage? G: The suitcases are dark green and the shoulder bag is pink. BC: Are there name tags attached to them, Mr. White? G: Yes, they all have tags on them. BC: We are very sorry, Mr. White. I’ll check immediately and call you back. G: All right. But don’t keep me waiting too long. BC: We will try our best to find out the baggage…I’m sorry to have inconvenienced you. Your baggage was delivered to Room 712, Mr. Watson’s room upon his request. We failed to inform you in time. I assure you such things will never happen again.

酒店英语Unit 3 Concierge Service

酒店英语Unit 3 Concierge Service

luggage [‘lʌgɪdʒ] n. 行李 suitcase [‘suːtkeɪs] n.手提箱 handbag n.手提包 café [‘kæ feɪ] n.咖啡馆 cart [kɑːt] n.手推车 luggage cart 行李车 first-class 一流的 western-style 西式的 bar [bɑː] n.酒吧 convenience [kən‘viːnɪəns] n. 方便 at your convenience 在您方便之时 introduction [,ɪntrə‘dʌkʃ(ə)n] n.介绍 introduce V.介绍
What kind of service does the bellman offer to the guest?
The bellman carries luggage, provides hotel information and leads the guest to the room.
Dialogue 1
air conditioner [kən'dɪʃ(ə)nə] 空调 control panel [‘pæ n(ə)l]控制面板 laundry service ['lɔndri]洗衣服务 channel [‘tʃæ n(ə)l] n.频道 dial [‘dail] v. 拨电话 immediately [ɪ‘miːdɪətlɪ] adv.立即 tip [tɪp] n.小费 take tips 拿小费
• • • • • • •
Step 3 介绍酒店其他服务 Dial 16 for laundry service. Dial 12 for room service. Is there anything else I can do for you? else can I do for you? =What ____ Step 4 拒收小费 It’s very kind of you. But we don’t take tips. Thanks anyway.

Concierge service

Concierge service

礼宾服务,是由法语“concierge”一词翻译而来,也可译为委托代办服务。许 多高档次的饭店都设立了礼宾部,这是为了体现饭店的档次和服务水准。而 在一些中小规模的低星级饭店中,则称为行李部。 礼宾服务由饭店的礼宾部 提供,其主要职责就是围绕客人需求提供“一条龙服务”。前厅礼宾服务提 供迎宾、行李等各项服务。 礼宾服务是现代饭店对客服务中的一种新概念它把迎送宾客服务和为进出店 客人提供行李服务合为一体,并作出具体分工。按照服务程序标准化要求对 上述两项服务作合理分工,突出宾客应享受的礼宾待遇。它较只过去传统的 行李服务的概念更能体现饭店与宾客之间的关系,拓宽了对客服务的内容。 礼宾部代表酒店直接负责迎送每一位客人,是前台部的一个分部门,为客人 搬运行李及行李的寄存服务,此外,还整理客人的邮件及整个酒店的报纸和 邮件的派送,并负责客人车辆的安排。礼宾部的的工作渗透于其他各项服务 之中,缺少这项工作,会直接影响到酒店内部沟通以及酒店对外的声誉和形 象。客人入住酒店第一个接触的部门便是礼宾部,而离店时最后所接触的也 是礼宾部,所以,礼宾部的言行、举止直接代表着酒店,是酒店前台的“门 面”。 礼宾部的工作特点是:人员分散工作,服务范围大。在大中型饭店中,礼宾 部一般下设迎宾员、门童、行李员、派送员、机场代表等几个岗位。礼宾部 的工作人员在客人心目中常被视为“饭店代表”,其服务态度、工作效率和 质量都会给饭店的经济效益带来直接的影响

Shall I show you to your room?

Let me show you to your room. May I have your key card?

礼宾标准服务程序英语版 PPT

礼宾标准服务程序英语版 PPT

Concierge PPT-Doorman area-lobby area-concierge desk-luggage storage-luggage deliver-post service-individual luggage-group luggage=check in and check outDoor man area1 this with white gloves, standing position, and bolt and split at shoulder width, her hands folded on his guard against the shop. ⒉ as guests to be smiling, open the door to welcome the guests, and action should be left to pull the door and opened the gate, the right rear door scuff to meet the guests, and remind our guests. ⒊ if you have my luggage, should help the guests, and had to check the baggage is not deteriorating, confirmation of order after the luggage trolleys, and leading to thereception for guests to the luggage from the immediate delivery and then back up the hill. ⒋ the old and handicapped our guests to take the initiative to help visitors need a taxi, you should try to offer guests, not to give visitors and guests when you should be polite to say good-bye.Lobby areathis with white gloves in his right foot on the door, a stride, the door, shall prevent the natural position. the door, the recovery of the existing standing position. ⒉ the guests into the guest with a friendly hello, good command of the protocol and smiling, remember, expressionless. ⒊ pay close attention to the dynamic and help solve some of the guests can accept the guests and tourist information office. ⒋ has a pet, shipment, the seller could not let it go into the hotel lobby, and should be friendly or due to the left. 5. a dishonest actions, found to be reported to the deputy director or the security make appropriate. 6. shall be coordinated closely with lobby areaConcierge deskThis the right counter to his standing position, the body from the blow, not against the wall, his hands crossed on his hands into his pocket, not a hill. ⒉ not make personal call, not to do with the work. the tourist information office ⒊ accept,smiling and looked at peace, to the thought that the guests, jealous, yawned and do an act. ⒋ accept all the service desk, divided ( including baggage until ). Luggage storageCheck this baggage ascertained the guest's room number, pieces of luggage and had to check is not deteriorating, ask the guest have any dangerous cargo or valuables.⒉ take my luggage ticket and boarding pass. fill out the date, the room number, baggage piece, management, to let guests up tag signature, then down tag to guests and remind him to pick up your luggage, will down tag to confirm and sign in the luggage. do the daily operation. ⒊ divided luggage time for three days. generally handoverTo fill out this form, the care which items to the name and piece, the depositor name and telephone, and took a person's name, telephone and room number. ⒉examination of the guests to is in good condition, confirm that no problem, the signature. ⒊ as guests of the special requirements should also note that was entrusted to write themselves should also be initialed by the way forward. for the daily operation. ⒋ transfer usually maturing in a week and three month. the time, it should let it show your identification card ( for valuables ), check the name and contact, are correct, please his guests in the guest to sign, the entrusted people should also initialed, and the cancellation to the goods is forward. ⒍ to transfer deadline, should take the initiative to contact to the guests, and descriptions thereof. post this letterSending the letterTo receive mail this letter, for the registration record. for enquiries. ⒉ in to the sender ( the name and number of staff )⒊ classification. the first time to time, and from the post office receipt of the home, to the office. a special department ⒋( accounting ) should get a chain.Individual guest luggageDoorman has to handover to the bellboy , double check with the doorman to count luggage piece,⒉ nodded a welcome guest in the register, standing about 1.5 metres behind the baggage must be in his hand with the guests, between the area to our visitors find articles, at the guests, and pay attention to the receptionist of hints, etc.a man ⒊ check in, the initiative forward to the guests or staff for the computer room key with trolleys , except on the luggage, to escort the guests into the room. And then guest luggage and room key to be right, do not making a small mistake. Group guests luggage check out1,team leader will follow with the group check out timing to arrage the bus to come to the hotel to pick up the hotel guests ,if we get call from the floor ,team leader will sending the bellboy to pick up the guests luggage ., 2bell boy will take room luggage to send to the lobby area, before loading we have to confirm with our guestluggage piece,, bell captain will put log book to make note before guest leaving from the hotel . 3.contact with the tour leader, we have to tell to guests to check the luggage condition and confirm the guests luggage piece before they leaving , a. 4.After we confirm with guests luggage piece , if tour guide agree about the luggage bell captain will write down tour guide contact NO,and then we can send all luggage to the bus , , the manager that luggage trolleys to the coach agreed, before loading the baggage. 5. the van before loading the van, and will try to avoid waste of space, while ensuring the luggage in the process of loading the baggage not happen. 6. the van is completed, please confirm and sign it. do the routine check the baggage condition私人礼宾服务、休闲礼宾服务、会议礼宾服务、商务礼宾服务引领性的四重礼宾服务代表着全球酒店行业的最高水准。

饭店情景英语(第二版)课件:Concierge 礼宾部

饭店情景英语(第二版)课件:Concierge 礼宾部

预订) ➢Nightlife information (夜间活动信息)
Concierge 礼宾部
II. Working Procedure
Concierge 礼宾部
II. Working Procedure
I. Leading-in
Other services may include: ➢Sightseeing tours (旅游观光) ➢Airport transfers (机场接送) ➢Limousine rentals (轿车租赁) ➢Tourist information (旅游信息) ➢Restaurant information and reservations (饭店信息及
May I have your room number? 请问您住哪个房间?
Concierge 礼宾部
IV. Tips for Service
Would you mind putting down your name here? 请在这里写下您的名字。 Where are you departing for? 请问您到哪里? At which date would you prefer to depart? 您选择哪天离开? 4. 电话询问票务中心客人指定日期飞往指定目的地的航 班详情。 Flight No. 航班号;Air Carrier航空公司;Plane Model机 型;Departure Time起飞时间;Price机票价格。

《酒店服务英语》—03 Concierge Service礼宾服务

《酒店服务英语》—03 Concierge Service礼宾服务
is here. After you. 6(Go into the room) • Guest: Thank you very much. • Bellboy: Not at all. Where would you like me to put your luggage? • Guest: Anywhere if you like. • Bellboy: Please check it. Is it the right number of your luggage? • Guest: Oh, yes. The tips are for you.
9.It’s about 45 minutes if the traffic is OK. 如果交通状况良好,大约需要45分钟。
①n. 交通 [u] Most of big cities suffer from traffic jam. 大多数大城市都饱受交通堵塞之苦。 ②v.在……上通行;来来往往 This is the most heavily trafficked highway in the state. 这是该州交通最繁忙的一条公路。 ③traffic jam塞车,交通拥塞 traffic light 交通灯,红绿灯 air traffic 空中交通;空运 traffic control 交通管理,交通管制 traffic signal 交通信号
Unit 3 Concierge Service 礼宾服务
Dialogue 2 • Doorman: Madam, can I help you? • Guest: Could you call me a taxi?3 I have just checked out. • Doorman: Yes, madam. Where will you go? • Guest: The airport. • Doorman: Just a moment, please. The taxi is waiting for

第三章 前厅礼宾服务管理

第三章 前厅礼宾服务管理
❖ 15副眼镜被客人陆续登记借走。
1.交际能力 彬彬有礼,善解人意,乐于、善于与人沟 通
2.语言表达能力 表达清晰、准确
3.身体健康,精力充沛 4.有耐性 5.应变能力
1.熟练掌握本职工作的操作流程; 2.通晓多种语言; 3.掌握中英文打字,电脑文字处理等
9. 控制酒店门前车辆活动; 10.对受前厅部经理委派进行培训的行李员进行指导和训练; 11.在客人登记注册时,指导行李员帮助客人; 12.与团队协调关系,使团队行李顺利运送; 13.确保行李房和酒店前厅的卫生清洁; 14.保证大门外、门内、大厅三个岗位有人值班; 15.保证行李部服务设备运转正常;随时检查行李车、秤、行李
❖ (一)散客离店行 李服务 (二)团队客人离 店行李服务
❖ 四、换房行李服务
❖ 五、行李寄存服务 (一)了解寄存需求 (二)办理手续 (三)存放客人行李 (四)提取行李 (五)行李寄存时的注意事项
❖ 六、行李房制度
❖ (一)客人行 李暂存服务 (二)传递函 件报表服务 (三)外修外 购服务 (四)贵重物 品保管服务 (五)贵重物
❖ 国际饭店金钥匙组织为拥有34个成 员国地区组织而自豪。他们是:澳 洲、奥地利、比利时、巴西、加拿 大、中国、捷克、丹麦、英国、法 国、德国、希腊、荷兰、中国香港
❖ 1997年,中国加入金钥匙组织,第31个成员国。 2006年底,中国金钥匙组织发展到27个省市,1200 多名金钥匙。
1. 客人抵达时,向客人点头致 意,表示欢迎。

第三章 礼宾

第三章 礼宾
• 2012年年底,中国政府反腐倡廉的行动, 限制了公款消费,这无疑给酒店的发展带 来了坏处。该行动一执行,许多单位取消 了原本在酒店预定好的团拜会场,政府单 位在酒店的宴请更是寥寥无几。
• • • •
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
一、摆正心态,找准位置 二、树立形象,内强素质 三、细分市场,抓住机遇 四、多项并举,全面营销
• 客人上下车时,主动开车门,女士优先, 注意护顶 • 记住车牌号及颜色 • 雨天时,为客人打伞 • 协助行李员卸行李,并检查有无遗漏 • 善于观察,遇到问题灵活处理
• 如果你是李女士,你会怎么想? • 一名优秀的门童应具备怎样的能力?
• 行李服务是礼宾部的一项重要职能,主要 负责往来客人的行李搬运及寄存服务。 • 行李员主要负责向客人提供店内、店外的 迎接服务、行李服务、报刊邮件服务以及 任何委托代办服务
• • • • 散客行李服务 团队行李服务 换房行李服务 行李寄存与提取服务
• 为大家讲述一个服务案例:
• • • • • • 2004年11月8日凌晨01:03时,白天喧嚣而繁华的大堂 此时显得格外的寂静。一辆绿色的士车停在了酒店大 堂门外,当值夜班行李员卓猛立即放下了手头的工 作迎了出去。走下车的是一对韩国夫妇和3个活泼 可爱的小孩子。卓猛用熟练的韩语与客人问候着 并将客人引进了大厅。
• • • • 素质八、创造性思维 素质九、处变不惊 素质十、幽默感 素质十一、平常心



❖ Les Clefs d’Or boasts more than 5,000 concierge members located in more than 40 countries worldwide. Their motto, “There will be, in every country, Clefs d’Or members who are able to continue with our mission: to be of service to our profession, and the hotel and tourist industry,” speaks of their commitment to guest-service and satisfaction. Yearly, Les Clefs d’Or organizes and sponsors a global congress whose goal is to their brand and service-oriented network development through friendship, cooperation, education, and training.
restaurants tourist and sightseeing attractions shops nightlife theaters and shows sce industry, the word “concierge” was first used by Mr. Ferdinand Gillet, who founded Les Clef d’Or in Paris, France in 1929. Les Clef d’Or (pronounced: “lay clay door”), is the oldest surviving personal, professional, international network serviceindustry organization in the world. It has no religious or political affiliation, but is solely focused on a genuine desire to serve hotel guests around the world.
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  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

❖ Handling baggage for hotel guests ❖ Providing hotel-specific information ❖ Supplying directions ❖ Securing the services of outside
companies, such as for:
Questions for Discussion
❖ What should an ideal Concierge be like?
❖ Who found Les Clefs d’Or? Please introduce the organization.
Vocabulary Study
Vocabulary Study
service at a hotel? What do you think of the importance of a concierge? ❖ What do you know about concierge service Les Clefs d’Or (金钥匙组织)? (open)
Concierge Service
Action Learning
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱReading
Offer concierge service for guests
Warming-up Activities
1. Match the duties on the left with the corresponding pictures on the right.
picking up guests at the airport making bookings arranging travel informing guests of local services available delivering mail
❖ Suggesting local hotspots and entertainment, such as:
Unit 3
Concierge Service
情景 对话
学习 目标
岗位 简介
功能 句型
词汇 学习
工作 流程
Unit Three
2 Warming-up Activities
Post Introduction
Useful Sentences
❖ Les Clefs d’Or boasts more than 5,000 concierge members located in more than 40 countries worldwide. Their motto, “There will be, in every country, Clefs d’Or members who are able to continue with our mission: to be of service to our profession, and the hotel and tourist industry,” speaks of their commitment to guest-service and satisfaction. Yearly, Les Clefs d’Or organizes and sponsors a global congress whose goal is to their brand and service-oriented network development through friendship, cooperation, education, and training.
restaurants tourist and sightseeing attractions shops nightlife theaters and shows sporting events
❖ In the service industry, the word “concierge” was first used by Mr. Ferdinand Gillet, who founded Les Clef d’Or in Paris, France in 1929. Les Clef d’Or (pronounced: “lay clay door”), is the oldest surviving personal, professional, international network serviceindustry organization in the world. It has no religious or political affiliation, but is solely focused on a genuine desire to serve hotel guests around the world.
The Concierge serves a valuable function in larger, and sometimes more upscale, hotels. The ideal Concierge should be friendly, outgoing, helpful, courteous, knowledgeable, and professional. The Concierge has numerous duties. These may include, but are not limited to:
handling luggage
making dining reservations
Warming-up Activities
picking up guests at the airport arranging transportation
Warming-up Activities
❖ Questions for Discussion ❖ Have you ever enjoyed good concierge