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第1页 Where there is a will, there is a way.

课题 Unit 4 The Information Age/Reading Ⅰ


(一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading and speaking ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some reading and acting skills.

(三)情感目标:Make the students know how to make full use of TV and the Internet. Step1: 导入/复习(8 minutes) Revision about words . Step2: 自学(5 minutes)

1 ) Read the text and find out the main idea of each part?(弄清楚每一部分的 主旨大意) Part1(Para.1)

________________________________________________________________. Part2(Para.2-3)

_______________________________________________________________. Part3(Para.4-5)

_______________________________________________________________. Part4(Para.6)


2 ) Get the Ss to read the text by themselves then decide True or False. 1.Watching TV is a waste of time.

tells us what is going on across the country and all over the world.

3.The Internet is getting smaller and faster.

4.Someone waste too much time and money in front of the computer screen.

5.We can benefit a lot from TV and the Internet. 3) Read the text and answer the questions 1. How does TV make our life colorful?

___________________________________________________________ 2. If many children watch too much TV ,what do they always forget to do? ___________________________________________________________

3. What has been changed by the Internet?

_________________________________________________________________ 4. Have you ever chatted online with some strangers?

_________________________________________________________________ 5. What problems are mentioned in the text?

_________________________________________________________________ Step3:讨论 (8 minutes) Discuss in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(15 minutes) Please show your answers to the whole class Step5:点评

Step6:检测(3 minutes)

Read the text and finish the comprehensive exercises on Page32 on Workbook. Step7:反思 Write down what you have learned today on your notebooks (整理笔记) Step8:应用

Read the text as much as possible .

第2页 Where there is a will, there is a way.

课题 Unit 4 The Information Age/Reading Ⅱ


(一)知识目标:To train and improve the reading ability of the students. (二)能力目标:Have the students master some sentences and language points. (三)情感目标:Make the students know more about how to use the Internet . Step1: 导入(5 minutes )

Get the students to read the text. Step2: 自学(15 minutes )

①Get the Ss to read the passage by themselves and find out the compound


1. It tells us what is going on across the country and all over the world. 以上句中划线部分是由what 引导的___________ 从句. 完成下列句子: 1)You can find ______________________ (你需要的) in the book. 2)We can easily learn ________________( 发生的事情)all over the world . 3)Don ’t forget to do _______________________(叫你做的事).

2. … and finally settle on the one they like.

The Internet has changed the way we live, work, learn, and play.

以上句中划线部分是引导的______ 从句,引导词______. 完成下列句子: 1) I like the way________________________________(你解这道题).

2) The way ___________________(他走路) is interesting. 3) 我不喜欢他们的生活方式.


② Deal with the language points.

1. Sitting at home, we can visit places of interest, enjoy …and even watch live sports games.

Some students often stay up late playing computer games.

句中划线部分是_________短语作______语。完成句子: 1) He sat on the chair, _________________.(什么也不做) 2) They came here ________ (跑)all the way.

3) _______(知道) his address, we easily found his house.

※ The Internet addiction, mostly resulting from playing … ,is doing a lot of

harm to the growth and development of teenagers and interfering with their studies.

句中划线部分是_________短语作______语。理解并翻译下列例句: 1) Those wishing to join this club should sign here. _______________________

=Those who wish to join the club should sign here.

2)Anyone having passed the test has got a prize.__________________________ = Anyone who has passed the test has got a prize.

2. They do nothing but turn on the TV , slowly go through all the channels … do nothing but do 翻译为_______________, 试着翻译其他几个固定搭配:

have nothing to do but do can do nothing but do have no choice but to do There is no choice but to do … 翻译句子

1)He did nothing but eat and sleep all day.

__________________________________________________________ 2) Last night Mike did nothing but ____. A to play the guitar B playing the guitar C played the guitar D play the guitar

3. However, some people are not using it in a good way. in a …way

1) He solved the problem _______________________(用简便方法). 2) Only in this way can you succeed.

翻译_____________________________________________________. Step3:讨论(5 minutes) Discuss the answers in groups with your teammates. Step4:展示(10 minutes) Please show your answers to the whole class. Step5:点评

Step6:检测:Find out the useful expressions in the text.(找出文中实用短语) 1)_____________________________ 2) _______________________________ 3)_____________________________ 4) __________________________________ 5)_____________________________ 6) __________________________________ 7)_____________________________ 8) __________________________________
