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1.I’m not sure whether I can cook it well. 我不知道我 能否煮得好。 (that) I can cook it well. 【思考】变成肯定句:I’m sure _____ 是否 【点拨】whether 是“ _____”的意思, 还可以换为 if _____。 or not 区别:whether 后面可跟______, 而 if没有 则不可以。 【总结】a.that引导的宾语从句,从句有 ___ (有/没有)疑问。 b.if/whether 一般引导的宾语从句,从句_____(有/没有)疑 问,是____(一般/特殊)疑问。 主 谓 特别注意:尽管从句有疑问,但从句一定要用陈述句语 序,即:______语+______语 if/whether 【练习】找出句子中的错误并改正。 whether ①I am not sure that he will come. ____________. henot. can ②He wants to make sure if he is right or ________. ③I don’t know whether can he swim. ____________.
After that
Task 1 校对预习Part2中练习的答案,讨论重难点。 Task 2 组长带领朗读2a文段两遍。
Task 3 展示预习答案,质疑解疑。
Fill the bowl 70%-80% full with bone soup. 往碗里倒入七八成满的骨头汤。 【点拨】fill A with B 把A装满 B 动 fill是“装,填”的意思, 是 _______词。 filled with 可变为被动结构be __________ ,等同于be full of 满的 full是“ _____ ”的意思,是 _____ 词。 形容 【练习】 ①请把瓶子装满水。 Please ________ the bottle _________ fill with water. ②不要在碗里盛太满的汤。 fill with too _______ full soup. Don’t ________ the bowl _______ ③屋里满是人。The room _____ ____ with ____ people. is filled
Unit 7 Food Festival
Topic 3 I’m not sure whether I can cook it well.
Section A
Pair work
默写本课重点单词,对号互改。 1.细微地 ________ 2.轻轻地 ________ 3健康地 _________ 4.油 ________ 5.平底锅 ________ 6.锅,壶________ 7.厨具 _________ 8.碗_________ 9.猪肉__________ 10.火腿__________ 11.洋葱__________ 12.面条__________ 13.添加________ 14.煎,炸,炒_______ 15.切碎__________
(Pair work) 展示提升(1c):编一个对话介绍如何做炒饭
A:I want to make fried rice. Would you mind teaching me?
B: Certainly not. It’s easy. First…
How to mLeabharlann Baiduke fried rice?
After that
Watch the flash of 1ap63-1a.wmv
组合作探究完成以下任务: Task 1 组长带领读1a对话两遍。 Task 2校对预习Part1中练习的答案,讨论 预习遇到困难并互相帮忙解决。 Task 3 展示预习答案,质疑解疑。
选择题: B I want to make sure whether____________ . A. can he speak English B. he works in a hospital C. does he likes basketball D. is he from England
carefully ①But you must cook very ____________. finely ②Cut some cooked meat very ____________. lightly ③Then fry the meat ____________. ④You need to add the rice ____________. slowly 动 词。 【思考】a.以上填空的都是副 __词,用来修饰句中的___ ly 可构成副词。 b.部分形容词后面加___ 以y结尾,把y改______ i 加______ ly 。 系动词后做表语。 c.形容词可以做___ 定 语修饰名词,也可放在____ 【练习】quick + ly → quickly ______ sad + ly →______ sadly happy + ly → happily ______ angry +ly →________ angrily happy happily ① Tom looks ____. He is chatting with Jim ____.(happy) ② “It’s a _____ sad story” , he told me _______.( sadly sad )
Aims and Demands
学习目标: 1、学习whether/if引导的宾语从句。 2、学习副词的构成及用法。 3、学习表示先后顺序的副词,能用英语介绍怎 样做炒饭和煮面条。
cooked rice
cooked meat
How to make fried rice?