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- Now I'm sad. 现在我郁闷了 - Hi, honey. Mmm! - Hi. I, uh 你好 宝贝 -你好 我... - I- I didn't know you were in town. You didn't call. 我不知道你要来 你之前没给我打电话啊 - Well, I couldn't wait to see your new baby. Where is she? 我等不及要见我的小孙女了 她在哪儿 - Mitchell, who was that? - It's my mom. 米奇尔 是谁啊 -是我妈 - Oh, yeah, right, 你就使劲儿忽悠吧 - 'cause the last time she was here, 上回她来的时候 - the refrigerator magnets rearranged themselves into a penta... 冰箱门上的磁铁被摆成了五边... - Grandma! 真是奶奶啊 - Mom. Mom, what are you doing to her legs? 妈 你拽着她的脚干嘛呢 - Tai chi. I did it every day in Sedona. 打太极 我在塞多纳时每天都打 - Cameron, you should try it. 卡梅隆 你也该试试 - Mitchell's mother has a problem... 米奇尔的妈妈对我... - with me. 有成见 - Last Christmas, for example, 比如去年圣诞节 - she gave me a piece of exercise equipment and a lettuce dryer.
他们怎么不打架了 - I don't know, but I'm afraid to move. 我也不知道 我震惊得都不敢动 - You're really good at this. - Thanks. 你玩得真好 -谢谢 - What is happening, Claire? 克莱尔 这是怎么一回事啊 - What do you think? 味道如何 - Now, that is a scone. 绝对正宗的松饼啊 - No butter. Nonfat. 零黄油 无脂肪 - Shut up. 得瑟 - I'm gonna go check on Lily. 我去看看莉莉 - Surprise! - Mom! 惊喜哦 -妈 - What's that? 怎么回事 - Sounds like a bird hit the window. 听起来像是有鸟撞上玻璃了 - Oh, God. That's a bad sign. 天呐 这是个凶兆 - Ow! That hurt, jerk! 很痛啊 混蛋 - Ow! I'm gonna kill you, stupid! 我要杀了你 你个白痴 - What happened? 剧情峰回路转吗
她送了我一台健身器材和生菜烘干机 - So, to recap, 问题的重点是 - I gave her a gorgeous pair of diamond earrings, 我送给她的是一副华丽的钻石耳环 - and she gave me a hint. 她送的礼物却暗示我很肥 - And living in Sedona has been transformational. 住在塞多纳让我改变了许多 - I get up every morning, and I go to a Vortex meditation site... 我每天早上起床后 去参加冥想集会 - and work with a shaman to 在高僧的指导下 - finally understand how to live my spirituality. 终于参透精神世界的奥秘了 - Yikes. 真棒 - And I've learned that 我领悟到 - the only way I can move to the next level of my awakening... 让我的修行更上一层楼的唯一方法... - is if we all can somehow... 就是要想办法... - get past... 克服... - the incident. 那件事的阴影 - Oh, no. 完了 - The incident. "那件事"
- Oh, boy. 不堪回首啊 - I would like to congratulate Jay and the lovely Gloria. 我想恭喜杰和可爱的歌洛莉亚 - I'm very happy for them. 我为他们感到高兴 - I wanted a big, beautiful wedding with Jay... 我想和杰举办一次盛大的婚礼 - because my ex-husband and I got married... 因为我和我前夫的婚礼是在 - in a tiny little office of a judge in Colombia. 哥伦比亚一间很小的法官办公室里举办的 - My mother wanted to go to the wedding 我妈妈想去参加婚礼 - to show everyone how okay she was with all of it, 以显示自己对前夫再婚一事十分大度 - so I convinced Dad and Gloria to invite her. 所以我说服我爸和歌洛莉亚邀请她 - Who warned you that that was the worst idea ever? 当时是谁警告你 那是史上最烂的主意 - Anyone? 是谁 - Anyone? 是谁啊 - Of course, I've-I've moved on. 当然 我已经开始新生活了 - I was supposed to come with a date, 我本来要带男朋友来的 - but he just hurt his back, 但他闪到腰了 - which is very ironic because he's young and-and healthy.
--------------------- - Jay, I'm home. 杰 我回来了 - Did Manny call? 曼尼打电话回来了吗 - No, because he's fine. 没 因为他啥事也没有 - It was a slumber party, not a gang fight. 他是去睡衣派对 又不是黑帮火拼 - I just want him to fit in. 我只是想他融入集体 - I'm gonna take a shower. Do you care to join me? 我要去冲个澡 你要一起来吗 - You know, honey, there's a gun in the footlocker in the garage. 宝贝 车库的小提箱里有一杆枪 - If I ever say no to that question, 要是我哪天脑袋发昏拒绝和你共浴 - I want you to use it on me. 你直接一枪打死我吧 - Miss Mary Mack, Mack, Mack. 玛丽·马克小姐 马克马克 - All dressed in black, black, black. - Shh, shh. 穿成黑色 黑色黑色 -嘘 别出声 - What's wrong? - With silver buttons, buttons, buttons. 怎么了 -银色扣子 扣子扣子 - All down her back, back, back. 在她背上 背上背上 - Why aren't they trying to hurt each other?
- That's a joke. 开个玩笑而已 - Seriously, I knew they were perfect for each other... 说真的 我知道他们是天生一对 - when I saw his wallet and her boobs. 因为新郎"财大"气粗 而新娘"胸大"乳挺 - Take your hands off me! 把你的脏手拿开 - Mom. Mom. - Oh, relax, Mitchell. 妈 妈 -米奇尔 放松 - What, did you take your Claire pill? 怎么 你今天也变得跟克莱尔一样了吗 - No, no. - Let's just go get a little fresh air, okay? 别别 -我们去呼吸一下新鲜空气 好吗 - And then it got weird. 然后就变得诡异了 - I'm Gloria! I'm Gloria! - I got her. 我是歌洛莉亚 我是歌洛莉亚 -我抓住她了 - Kiss me! Oh, hey, kiss me! 吻我吧 吻我吧 - No! Oh, geez. 不 天呐 - Nanna is really strong. 外婆力大如金刚 - Ayayayayay! Ooh! Ayayayayay! 哎呀呦 哎呀哟 啊嘶嘚啊嘶哆 - During my vows to my first husband, 当我对前夫说出婚誓时 - drug dealers burst in and assassinated the judge. 几个毒贩子冲了进来 暗杀了法官 - This was way worse.
真有点讽刺啊 因为他可是又年轻又健康 - My mom started drinking... 我妈妈在婚宴上... - these cocktails called "Horny Colombians"... 狂饮一种叫做"哥伦比亚淫棍"的鸡尾酒 - with some of Gloria's uncles, 和歌洛莉亚的叔叔们大拼酒量 - whom apparently the drink was named after. 那酒名显然说的就是那帮家伙 - Oh, come on. They were funny. 拜托 他们很好玩 - They kept patting my butt. 他们一直摸我屁股 - Somebody's full of herself. 有人自恋了哦 - It's a- It's a Colombian wedding tradition, they said. 他们说 那是哥伦比亚婚礼的传统习俗 - I would like to make a toast. 我来祝个酒 - Yeah. Nanna got totally wasted. 是啊 外婆醉得不行了 - Uh, it was really funny. 真的很好玩 - Then it was gross. 然后就乌七八糟的了 - To the bride and the groom- my ex. 敬新娘 以及新郎 也就是我的前夫 - Thirty-five years we were together, 我们一起生活了35年 - and he couldn't wait 10 minutes to run off with Charo. 而他见到小骚货10分钟不到就跟着跑了