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去喝点小酒 吃些美食 - You know, we would do something like this 原本我们可以经常组织此类小资活动 - a lot more often if it wasn't for, you know, Manny. 但是 因为曼尼 就少了很多 - He's good. He keep us grounded. - Yeah. 他很好 他让我们过着朴实的生活 -是啊 - Like fog at an airport. 就像机场起雾 飞机停飞 - Limo gets here at 4:00. 豪华轿车4点到 - This morning, I thought I'd go to the club, hit a few balls. 早上嘛 我想去俱乐部打会球 - No! What about the fan in Manny's room? 不行 曼尼房间的风扇怎么办 - 0h, yeah. Call a guy. 那个 叫个人修吧 - No! You're supposed to do it with him. 不行 你该跟他一起修 - It's important that we teach him how to do things for himself. 我们得学着教他做些事情 - In my culture, men take great pride in doing physical labor. 在我的家乡 男人以干体力活为荣 - I know. That's why I hire people from your culture. 我知道 所以我才雇你们那儿的人给我干活 - You're too funny. 你真搞笑呀 - I'm gonna share that one with my next husband 我跟我下个老公狂花你的钱的时候 - when we're spending all your money. 我就给他讲这个笑话
--------------------- - What's the key to being a great dad? 成为伟大父亲的秘诀是什么 - Ah, that's a tough one. 有点难回答啊 - Giving them the freedom to be whatever they want to be. 让孩子们自由成长 - Right. Exactly. - Whether that's a painter, 对 没错 -不管是画家 - a poet, a pilot, a president 诗人 飞行员 总统[董事长] - And for us, we're gonna 对于我们来说 那就 - of a company or of a country. 企业领头人 或是一国之君 - Patience. 耐心是关键 - Well, be their buddy. 很简单 做他们的好朋友 - That's your answer? - And stay in school. 你的答案就是这个吗 -还有认真学习 - No. - And don't do drugs. 不对 -还有别吸毒 - No! 不对 - Just give me the answer. - 0h, God. 快告诉我正确答案嘛 -我的天呐 - Still thinking.
- Thanks. I'm just there till my divorce is final. 谢谢 我离婚手续办好就搬走了 - No, who is coconuts enough to divorce you? 怎么会 谁傻到想要跟你离婚 - We gotta go, but we'll see you around. 我们该走了 再见了 - We'll have to have you over sometime. 有时间请你过来玩 - I'd love it. - All right. 我很愿意 -好啊 - Bye. - Bye. 拜拜 -拜拜 - She's awesome. - No, we are never having her over. 她真不错 -滚 我们不可能请她做客 - Heard she already slept with two dads from the school. 听说她已经勾引过两个孩子的爸爸了 - What? - Mm-hmm. 什么 -就是 - That's horrible. 品行不端啊 - Dad, watch out! - Whoa! Watch it, buddy! 爸爸 小心 -小心点呀 伙计 - Grandma. - I'm sorry. 老太太 -抱歉 - That still looks like a girl's bike. 那车看起来还是像个女孩车 - We'll add more black tape. 我们再绑点黑胶带 - My son has been riding his sister's old bike. 我儿子一直在骑他姐姐的旧车 - Until he's responsible enough to take care of his own bike.
亲爱的 - That's too damn bad. 让她自己气死算了 - Yes. Who's excited, huh? 没错 激不激动 - Cam, come on. Hurry up. We're gonna be late. 小卡 快点 要迟到了 - It's a toddler play class, not a flight to Cabo. 只是亲子课而已 又不是要飞到卡波去 - We're gonna be judged enough as the only gay parents there. 作为唯一的同性恋夫夫 我们已经赚够口水了 - I don't wanna be the late ones too. 我不想再给人迟到的坏印象 - Wow! Paisley and pink. 天呐 又是旋花呢又是粉色 - Was there something wrong with the fishnet tank top? 网眼套头衫为什么不穿了 - Obviously not. I'm wearing it underneath. 穿啊 穿在里面了 - Kidding. Just chill, please. Here. 开玩笑的 放松 给你 - I'm sorry. I just wanna make a good first impression. 抱歉 我只是想留下良好的第一印象 - You wanna fit in and not terrify the villagers? 你是想既融入大家又不吓到他们吗 - Hey, come on. 嘿 别闹了 - Today is about Lily, all right? 今天莉莉才是主角 好不好 - Her future best friend might be in that class, 那个班上可能就有她以后最要好的朋友
- and I don't wanna rub anyone the wrong way. 我可不想一开始就惹谁不高兴 - Can you please just change your shirt? 能换件衬衫吗 - Fine. You know what? 好吧 你猜怎么着 - I'll just go put on a pair of khakis, 我这就去换上一条卡其布裤子 - maybe a polo shirt, and everybody will think 高尔夫衬衫 让每个人都以为 - we're a couple straight golfin' buddies... 我们只是一对直男高尔夫球友 - who just decided to have a kid together. 碰巧决定一起养个娃 - Hey, I called that place in Napa and 我给纳巴那边打电话了 - got us upgraded to a villa with a hot tub. 把房间升级成带温泉浴缸的套房 - So pack whatever you wear in a hot tub. 所以准备点泡温泉的衣服吧 - I usually wear nothing when I'm in a hot tub. 我通常泡温泉都不穿衣服的 - And my college roommate's wife just had to get a new hip. 那我同事的老婆就得做个屁股整形了 - Sucker. 弱死了 - Manny's father is taking him for a couple of days to Disneyland, 曼尼的爸爸带他去迪斯尼玩了 - so we're gonna go to the wine country. 所以我们就脱身去葡萄酒园 - We're gonna drink some wine, eat some good food.
他现在还没能力照料好一辆新车 - Look, he spilled a soda on my computer, 他把一瓶苏打水倒在我的电脑上 - he ruined our digital camera 他还把家里的数码相机弄坏了 - taking pictures of himself underwater. 就因为他要给自己拍水下相片 - It's a girl's bike. I'm all for teaching him a lesson. 那是辆女车 我也想给他些教训 - But I worry about the ridicule he might get from some loudmouth bully. 可我担心大嘴巴的小混混们因此嘲笑他 - Hey, hey, hey. Nice bike, Sally. 嘿嘿嘿 车很漂亮啊 小姑娘 - Dad! 老爸 - Come on. He looks like Little Bo Peep on that thing. 拜托 他骑女式车 像洋娃娃一样 - Actually, not for long. He's getting a new bike this afternoon. 不会再这样了 他下午就会有辆新车 - I am? - Mm-hmm. 真的吗 -没错 - He is? 是吗 - Sometimes a man's gotta put his foot down 有时候做男人就应该一往无前 - and do what a man's gotta do. 勇敢踏出自己的脚步 - And if the old lady don't like it 如果那个死老太婆不满意 - Honey?
我再想想 - Hi, Claire. - Hey. 嗨 克莱尔 -嘿 - Hey. - Oh, okay. 嘿 -好吧 - Hi. Um, this is my husband, Phil. 嗨 这位是我老公 菲尔 - Hi. - And, uh, that's my son, Luke, right there. 嗨 -那是我儿子 卢克 就那个 - This is - Desiree. 这位是 -德希蕾 - Desiree, right. Sorry. - Oh, hi. 德希蕾 对 抱歉 -你好啊 - Desiree just moved in down the block. - Fun. Where? 德希蕾刚搬过来 -赞啊 哪户 - 314. - Oh! 314 -是嘛 - The two-bedroom cottage with the indoor-outdoor family room. 就那栋双卧室别墅 室内外兼配家庭活动室 - Very good. How did you 真厉害 你怎么 - Bet you're lovin' that steam shower. 你肯定很喜欢那个蒸气浴 - Phil, that's creepy. 菲尔 别吓到人家 - 0h, sorry. I'm a- I'm a real estate mogul. 哦 抱歉 我是 我是个房产大亨 - "What?" No, I'm a- I am a real estate agent. 什么! 不 我是个房产中介 - We caravanned that house. Great, uh, deck. 我们展览过那个房子 装饰很好