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Key Words: Hospitality, investment environment, agreement, joint venture
听辨,预测关键词(key words)

词汇层面:名词、动词等实词 1. 预测词语搭配 随着中国综合国力的_____和国际地位的_____, 中国在国际舞台上越来越令人瞩 目。 (国力增强enhance the comprehensive national strength,地位提高 improve its international status) 类似的搭配有“加快改革开放,打开了解世界的窗户,提高机会,促进发展”等。 The United States and China have made great progress in building a relationship that can ______ the challenges of our time, ______ global prosperity and ____ the cause of peace. (meet, promote, maintain 应对挑战,迎接挑战,促进繁荣,维护和平)
有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 “_________________________。”这句中国古话可以表达我此刻的心情。
努力 贸易理事会为加强我们这两个伟大国家商业界的联系而做出的______和起

1. unknown words 生词 2. culturally-burdened phrases or idioms 英语中 的文化陷阱(容易望文生义) 3. illogical flow of thought逻辑混乱 4. heavy accent 口音浓重 5. unfamiliar topic 不了解主题知识 6. too quick a delivery speed 语速过快 7. blurred point of view 意思不明确 8.numbers数字
Keys: cancel order; packaging not up to standard; high percentage of breakages, look for another supplier

This is a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for all the members of my delegation. I’d like to thank you for the gracious hospitality and the warmth with which we have been received. I am very happy with your arrangement. In accepting your gracious invitation to Shanghai, I have an excellent opportunity to learn about the investment environment here. It is my sincere wish that we should reach an agreement on the establishment of joint venture in this most promising city.

Permit me to say again this evening: Let us act according to the principle of mutual respect mutual benefit and___________, to the principle of both dignity and fairness.
Debug Methods 杀虫“计”
the pauses at meaning chunks 意群停顿 the context 上下文 cultural awareness 文化意识 communicatively conscious 交际性 be clear of the intent of the speaker 意图 sharpen your ears by practice 练耳
Practice- What are the key words in this passage?

I am sorry, but we’ve decided to cancel our order with you. As you know the packaging in the last order wasn’t up to standard. This resulted in a high percentage of breakages, which meant we couldn’t supply our customers on time. As a result, they were dissatisfied with our service and threatened to go else where. Therefore we really had no alternative but to look around for another supplier.
(interesting, places of interest, ancient buildings, Chinese cultural relics, and local snacks ) operas and circus performances, cuisine
Practice 2

1, 与经济、金融等相关的数字题: 失业率、失业数字(jobless, unemployment rate, lay off) 通货膨胀、通货紧缩(inflation, deflation) 股指(Dow Jones, Nasdaq, S&P(标准普尔500指 数)) 油价(oil price, crude oil, barrel, OPEC(石油输出 国组织) 房地产市场(real estate) 汇率(exchange rate) 利率(interest rate)
What to do?
Logical Listening

generalization classification cause-effect compare & contrast sequencing simple listing problem-solution
1. 抓关键词语( keywords and expressions)
名胜 古建筑群 各位将要游览举世闻名的景点和______,参观雄伟的__________,观 中国文物 戏剧和杂技表演 赏珍贵的__________。你们还将有机会欣赏中国_________________,品尝 烹调和地方风味小吃 中国__________________。我国人民传统的热情和好客将使各位的访问愉 难忘 快而又_________。
丰富 拿大是一个工业发达、资源______的国家,中国则是一个劳动力充足、
拥有庞大市场 ___________的国家。我们希望看到加拿大的企业能够充分利用自己在技
术和财力上的优势,赢得中国市场。 (It is always a pleasure to greet a friend from afar; efforts/endeavors, abundant, a huge market )
It is certainly in the fundamental interest of our people to trade and be friends with the Chinese people. We are very _________ by your modernization program, an impressed ambitious undertaking which makes our future __________ cooperation promising relationship very ___________. China today , I understand , is taking a practical and ___________ approach and we wish you success and offer you our cooperation in effective this great endeavor.
Listening Skills

Main Idea - brief introduction to Broadway Key Words
美国纽约市 娱乐场所 戏剧、娱乐演出 戏剧和娱乐中心 、代名词 林肯表演艺术中心

Logical Listening (what / who/when /where/ how / why)

1. 预测主要成分 从语篇的上下文中预测出说话人将要表达 的信息,从而获得相应的语言表达方式或 主要成分,如主语,谓语部分。 例如: 神州5号的发射是一次壮举,它显示 了中国的太空科技已经 _________. “达到很高水平,处于世界前列”
Practice 1
有趣的 中国国际旅行社为各位安排了富有中国民族文化特色的________旅游线
2. 预测表达方式 译员听到 “文化在促进国际关系中的作用…” , “作用” 这个词英语的习惯表达方 式“ to play a role in..。” 又如当听到” 我代表中国政府和人民,对布什总统来华访问表示热烈欢迎”。 译员从“代表。。。“ 可以预测出英语的习惯表达结构为” On behalf of …, I extend my…to…”
表达信息的关键词语当属实意词, 即名 词、动词、形容词和副词。在英语口语 中, 关键词语往往重读。译员抓住了关 键词语, 整个段落就如“纲举目张”, 迅 速被译员理解。

百老汇 - broadway是一条纵贯美国纽约市的 “百老汇大街”,这条大街集中了众多 家剧院,电影院,餐馆,酒吧等娱乐场 所,每天都有大量的戏剧和娱乐演出, 因此,百老汇被公认为是纽约戏剧和娱 乐中心。是美国戏剧和娱乐业的代名词。 著名的林肯表演艺术中心就坐落在百老 汇大街上。

(Listening Analysis / Active Listening)
听的目的:用另一种语言完整地表达和复述听到的 全部内容。 自主听力: 把握主题及关键信息; 捕捉话语脉络; 预测下文; 判断词义。 困难是什么?

BuБайду номын сангаасs in LCII 恼人的听辨“虫”

Listening for Meaning instead of for Words

How to 1. topic/ theme 话题、主题 2. context ( textual & situational)语境(上下文本 & 交际情景) 3. tone (语气) 4. gestures & facial expressions(手势 & 表情) 5.intent (说话人意图) 6. Key words (关键词) 简而言之,who, what,why, how,when,where