



读后续写背诵段落—心理描写读后续写微技能--心理描写之激动与兴奋On the journey to the lake, a wide excitement took hold of Mom. Mom insisted that we go camping in the next village, her eyes twinkling with excitement. When we arrived at the camping place, Mom couldn't wait to storm out and excitedly urged us to put up the tent. Then, Mom walked towards the lake, and then came a scream of excitement. Enjoying the beautiful view, Mom could hardly contain her excitement. Certainly, as it was the first time that we had helped fathercook food outdoors, my brother and I also felt thrilled. Breathing the fresh air and smelling the delicious food, we jumped up and down with excitement.读后续写微技能--心理描写之感激与感动Peter was nearly knocking into a passing car when a passer-by pushed him to safety. With tears of gratitude rolling down his cheeks, Peter said thankfully, “You've saved me today. I couldn't thank you enough.”It was very moving to see how much strangers could care for each other. Hesmiled with gratitude as he accepted the flowers given by a small boy. Touched deeply, the crowd clapped violently. Later, knowing what had happened, his mother shed tears of joy and gratitude.读后续写微技能--心理描写之愤怒Tom's recent behaviour made Mr Smith burst into anger. Finding his homework was unfinished again,Mr Smith let out a cry of anger, with his eyes shining with annoyance. Mr Smith,whose patience had worn thin, called Tom's father. Learning his son had been so badly-behaved,Tom's father felt so angry that he turned around and glared at Tom, “You'd better explain what's going on !”However, Tom hung his head and said nothing, which made him frown. He pulled a long face in anger. Eventually, unable to contain his anger, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door furiously behind him.读后续写微技能--心理描写之开心She stood by the window, joyfully and patiently watching. Golden sunlight danced in her long hair and the children's laughter floated in the air. She stared at the end of the road, hoping herclose friend would come earlier. It seemed as if she had been standing there for a century. Suddenly a wave of happiness and excitement seized/took hold of/swept over/came over her when she caught sight of a familiar figure. Her heart leaped with joy, and a shining smile lit up her face. She ran to her friend and threw herself into her friend's arms. Tears of joy/happiness /excitement welled up intheir eyes as they hugged tightly together.读后续写微技能--心理描写之悲伤Everyone in the classroom was chatting happily while Jane sat alone, at a loss. An air of sorrow and loneliness settled over her. Feeling left out, Jane was getting desperate with loneliness. She rode home from school slowly, numb with sorrow. Then she locked herself in her room, abandoning herself to great sadness. She felt so sad that she found herself crying unconsciously, unable to hold back her tears. She wept quietly, feeling it was the saddest moment for her young life.读后续写微技能--心理描写之惊恐I felt that the blood in my body froze rapidly at the sight of the polar bear. A burst of horror held me entirely in its power, and I was unable to move an inch. Extremely frightened, I felt my legs were trembling and my palms were sweating. Beside me was my wife, who was standing still, frozen with fear. Looking at the polar bear's bloody mouth, she was nearly dead with fright. Fear flooded over her, making her shaking all over. Her throat tightened and her knees felt weak.读后续写微技能--心理描写之紧张Upon entering the big hall, she found there were a huge number of audience waiting for their performance. Suddenly, nervousness came flooding over her. She stepped forward, her face white and nervous, and her legs trembling. She tried to hide her nervousness, but she could feel her heart thump, thump, thump; and the painful beats choked her and made her feel faint. Finally she made it to the front. Breathing deeply, she tried to calm herself down, her mind getting blank. Therefore, she reached to grab her partner's hand, only to find her freezing fingers sweating and trembling.读后续写微技能--心理描写之尴尬与羞愧When Jenny rolled, she fell heavily on the blanket. Kids laughed in surprise at the noise. Standing uncomfortably and hopelessly and feeling as if the whole world was laughing at her, Jenny was so ashamed that the color flooded her cheeks. She must be really stupid to fall down in the game! Disappointment and embarrassment written in her burning face, she felt tears began to well up in her eyes. In bitter disappointment and desperation, she ran swiftly to her room and locked herself in. Embarrassment and the feeling of failure flooding to her, she threw herself into the bed,weeping wildly.读后续写微技能--心理描写之惊讶John had always told him that outside the window there was an amazing park. Mike struggled to walk to the window. Surprisingly, it faced a blank wall. Mike rubbed his eyes hard,and stared. His mouth dropped/hung open in surprise. He froze there for a while, wide-eyed, as if rooted to thespot. He was speechless with shock when he thought of the beautiful scene John had described to him every day. Confused and astonished, he gaped at the wall,“Why is it a wall?”he murmured. Shaking his head in disbelief, he still couldn't believe his eyes.读后续写微技能--心理描写之宽慰与温暖Alice felt relieved to see a car approaching. When the driver with a smile offered a ride to her, she gasped with relief. Alice finally got in the car, and a mixture of warmth and relief flooded over her. Reaching the tall building where her office was, Alice breathed a sigh of relief. Tears of appreciation welled up in her eyes as she thanked the stranger for his help, but he just smiled warmly. She felt warm in the cold day, and believed there was kindness in every corner.读后续写微技能--心理描写之内疚与自责Looking at Anne's face wet with tears, I began to feel regretful and guilty. Suddenly, Anne let out a cry of regret,“I'm so silly.”Then she dashed out before I could say a word, leaving me dumb with deep regret. I froze there, with regretful tears in my eyes. If only I had not quarreled withAnne! Finally, with guilt and regret flowing in my mind, Irushed out to apologize to Anne.读后续写微技能--心理描写之焦虑与担忧Lost in the mountain, they had nothing to do but wait for rescue anxiously. As the evening wore on, they grew increasingly/more and more worried. Worse still/Even worse, fog began creeping into the forest. Everything around them was swallowed by the darkness, undoubtedly leaving them even more helpless. Tony stood there helplessly, frowning. Mary was close to crying with anxiety and fear.。



读后续写心理描写80句必背好句!以下是80句关于心理描写的读后续写好句:1. 我感到内心的害怕和恐惧,心跳加速,仿佛血液都凝固了。

2. 当听到他的声音时,我心中充满了喜悦和兴奋,脸上也不禁露出了微笑。

3. 我的心沉入了悲伤的深渊,眼中充满了泪水。

4. 我感到羞愧得不敢抬头看他,脸也红得像个苹果。

5. 我的内心充满了尴尬和紧张,手心也因为紧张而出汗。

6. 听到那个消息,我感到生气和沮丧,无法接受这个残酷的现实。

7. 我感到绝望,失去了前进的勇气,只能像个木头人一样站在那里。

8. 他的嘲笑让我感到无比的难过和愤怒,我内心的火山爆发了。

9. 他的温暖和关怀让我感到如释重负,心里的沉重感也减轻了不少。

10. 看到他的笑容,我心中的阴霾也渐渐消散了,心情也变得轻松愉快起来。

11. 她的温柔和耐心让我感到深深的感激和感动,内心的孤独感也得到了治愈。

12. 他的话语像阳光一样穿透了我心中的阴霾,让我重新找回了前进的勇气。

13. 她的眼神让我感到有些害怕,但我却无法躲避,只能任由她注视着我。

14. 他的声音像音乐一样温柔,让我感到无比的安心和舒适。

15. 看到他的笑容,我感到心中充满了喜悦和满足,仿佛世界都因此变得更加美好。

16. 听到她的哭泣,我感到心中充满了担忧和焦虑,我不知道该如何安慰她。

17. 她的愤怒让我感到害怕,但我却无法躲避,只能任由她对我发泄。

18. 他的话语让我感到内心一阵温暖,仿佛所有的痛苦都得到了释放。

19. 她的眼神让我感到有些疑惑,但我却无法逃避,只能任由她凝视着我。

20. 他的动作让我感到有些不安,但我却无法躲避,只能任由他触碰我。

21. 他的声音像利剑一样穿透了我心中的阴霾,让我重新找回了前进的勇气。

22. 她的话语让我感到内心一阵刺痛,仿佛所有的期望都破灭了。

23. 他的动作让我感到有些尴尬,但我却无法躲避,只能任由他接触我。

24. 他的话语让我感到有些无助,但我却无法逃避,只能任由他靠近我。



读后续写之细微心理描写一、表达喜悦的心理1. Nothing could please me more.没有什么能使我更开心了。

2. Her heart was brimming over with happiness.他的心中洋溢着幸福之情。

3. She was walking on air after she found out she'd won the prize.她发现自己获奖之后有些得意忘形。

4. When the host announced that she won the prize, a wide excitement took hold of her.当主持人宣布她获奖时,她的激动之情溢于言表。

二、表达悲伤绝望的心理1. My heart seemed to be torn.我的心似乎被撕裂了。

2. The loneliness and grief came in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。

3. The last word went like a bullet to my heart.最后一句话像子弹一样射穿我的心脏。

4. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him.他的心中涌起阵阵悲伤。

5. His heart sank when he heard the news that he failed to win the prize.听到他没有获奖的消息,他心都沉下来了。

6. On blue days, you feel like you're floating in the ocean of sadness.在忧郁的日子里,你会觉得自己在悲伤的海里沉沉浮浮。

7. As a result of the accident, Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.因为一场事故,托尼的世界突然陷入一片黑暗与绝望之中。



一.读后续写心理情感描写:1.【喜乐】(1)I was wild with joy,overflowing with happiness.我欣喜若狂,洋溢着幸福感。

2.【恐惧/害怕/紧张】(1)Asense of terror/fears/tension slowly crept upon me.My face turned pale and I stood there with my heart beating violently.恐惧感/紧张感慢慢向我袭来.我的脸色苍白,站在那里,心脏跳得很厉害。

(2)Seized by a sense of horror/terror/fears/tension,my palms were sweating and I was unable to utter a single word.-深深地被恐惧/紧张所控制,我手心冒汗,说不出来。

3.【生气愤怒】I stood there silently for a moment,blood rushing me until I felt I was on a fire.-我安静地站在那里一会儿,鲜血涌向我,直到我感到我在火中。

4.各种“绝望”表达1.Tony felt sick with despair and a flash of grief came upon him.托尼因绝望而感到恶心,突然感到一阵悲伤2.As the result of an accident,Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness.由于一次事故,托尼突然被抛进了一个黑暗的世界,陷入了绝望由于一次事故,托尼突然被抛进了一个黑暗的世界,陷入了绝望3.Tony felt left out and was getting desperate with loneliness.托尼觉得自己被冷落了,因为孤独而变得绝望。



1. 他的心跳如擂鼓般急促,使他无法平静下来思考。

2. 她的手指颤抖着,仿佛它们有自己的生命。

3. 他的脸一下子变得苍白,如同冬日的雪花。

4. 他的内心充满了矛盾和挣扎,仿佛被两种力量撕扯着。

5. 她感到一股寒意从脊背升起,仿佛有什么不好的事情即将发生。

6. 他的眼神中充满了恐惧和不安,仿佛看到了什么可怕的东西。

7. 他的内心如同被撕裂一般,痛苦不堪。

8. 她感到自己的心在狂跳,仿佛要跳出胸膛。

9. 他感到一股强烈的紧张感,仿佛有什么大事情即将发生。

10. 她的脸色变得苍白,仿佛所有的血液都被抽走了。



读后续写素材(心理描写)【素材1】Tom’s mind was made up now.He was gloomy and desperate.He was an abandoned,friendless boy,he said;nobody loved him;when they found out what they had driven him to,perhaps they would be sorry,tears would be shed and hearts would be broken.Although he had no friend to complain to,he had tried to do right things and get along with others.汤姆现在下定了决心。




【素材2】Surprised, I didn’t know what to say, and I just shook my head and went into my room.I thought hard and realized that nobody was going to give me a spot on that team.I would have to earn it.Having decided to work toward my goal of making the team, I biked to the gym near my school every day after school and trained for two hours.我很惊讶,不知道说什么好,我只是摇了摇头,走进了我的房间。




常用词块1.throw a curious glance at sb.好奇地向某人看了一眼2.look at sb. with a fixed gaze凝视着某人3.feel out of place感觉很不适应4.pace back and forth来回踱步5.say sth. deliberately故意地说6.break into shouts of applause爆发出阵阵喝彩声7.sing one's own praise自吹自擂8.pick one's words字斟句酌9.say sth. clearly and impressively说得明白而深刻10.give a murmur of approval低声表示赞同11.bear all the blame承担全部责任12.listen impatiently不耐心地听13.gaze up at the stars凝视着天上的星星14.be ignorant about sth. 对……一无所知15.regardless of concerns over不顾对……的忧虑常用词句1.My heart began to race and my mind went blank. 我心跳开始加速,脑子里一片空白。

2.So many thoughts crowded into her mind,all at once.那么多的想法立马涌入她的脑海中。

高考英语读后续写技巧与训练专题14 读后续写背诵素材:情绪和心理描写

高考英语读后续写技巧与训练专题14 读后续写背诵素材:情绪和心理描写

读后续写背诵素材情绪和心理描写目录第一部分积累篇 (2)Part1恐惧 (2)Part2震惊 (4)Part3愤怒(生气) (5)Part4绝望 (7)Part5悲伤 (8)Part6愧疚 (10)Part7失望 (11)Part8激动 (11)Part9高兴 (12)Part10其他 (16)第二部分实战检测篇 (18)她感到非常羞愧。

(20)第一部分积累篇Part1恐惧1.At the sight of the ferocious wolf,I felt so scared that my throattightened and my knees felt weak.(嗓子发紧,膝盖发软)2.At the sight of the ferocious wolf,I froze with terror,too scared to movean inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)3.At the sight of the ferocious wolf,I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating.(被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)4.He turned to me,with his eyes full of horror.他转过身来,眼里充满了恐惧。

5.Fear slowly creeps upon her.恐惧慢慢地蔓延到她身上。

6.She was struck with horror when...她感到恐惧……7.She was choked by fear.她因恐惧而窒息。

8.Her face turned pale and stood there tongue-tied.她脸色苍白地站在那里,舌头打结。

9.A flood of fear welled up in him./Fear flooded over him.他心中涌起一阵恐惧。



《2024年高考英语读后续写高分宝典》专题10读后续写情感心理描写20类80句素材积累2(讲义)(背诵版)(一)喜悦1.Her smile bloomed like a flower.她的笑容像花朵一样开放。

2.A bright smile spread across her face.她脸上洋溢着灿烂的笑容。

3.He was in high spirits,and felt like being on top of the world.他情绪高涨,感觉自己好像站在了世界之巅。

4.She laughed,her eyes shining/twinkling with excitement.她笑了起来,她的眼睛因兴奋而闪闪发光。

(二)同情1.She pressed my hand in sympathy.她握了握我的手表示同情。

2.His painful eyes seem to beg me to spare.他痛苦的眼睛似乎在恳求他。

3.Franklin stood silently,torn by sorrow and compassion,weighing what to say.当富兰克林默默地站着,悲伤和同情让他心碎,犹豫着该说些什么。

4.Seeing her condition,I immediately felt a huge sympathy for her.It was coming deep from within my heart.看到她的情况,我立即对她产生了极大的同情。


(三)感动1.Tears welled up in her eyes.她泪如泉涌。

2.A warm current rose in her heart.一股暖流涌上她的心头。

3.With tears streaming down her face,she thanked him again and again.她泪流满面,再三感谢她。
















1. 我心里那个纠结啊,就像有两个小人在打架,一个说要勇敢去做,另一个却在喊怕啥呀!就像我面对那高不可攀的山峰,到底要不要去攀登呢?
2. 他当时心里七上八下的,好像十五个吊桶打水——团团转,看着那扇门,心想里面到底有啥呢,这不是让人心里痒痒嘛!
3. 她心里的喜悦简直要溢出来了,仿佛春天里绽放的花朵那般绚烂,哎呀,这感觉可太棒了吧!
4. 我心里一阵慌乱,如同热锅上的蚂蚁,天哪,这可咋办呀,难道真的没办法了吗?
5. 他心里的紧张感如潮水般涌来,好像即将面临一场大战,面对那未知的挑战,能不紧张吗?
6. 她心里充满了期待,就像等待礼物的孩子,想着那即将到来的惊喜,会是什么呢,真让人好奇呀!
7. 我心里的懊悔啊,犹如被千万只蚂蚁啃噬,为啥当时就那么冲动呢,这不是自找麻烦吗?
8. 他心里的自信爆棚,仿佛自己就是世界的主宰,面对困难,哼,那都不是事儿!
9. 她心里的悲伤如乌云般笼罩,好像整个世界都失去了色彩,这痛苦
10. 我心里的兴奋难以言表,就像中了大奖一样,哇塞,这种感觉也太爽了吧!



高考英语读后续写高分讲义:万能语料之心理描写一、表达“愧疚”1.1 could feel my face turning beet red as I realized my mistake.当我意识至U我的错误时,我能感觉到我满脸通红。

beet red:(窘得)满脸通红2.So ashamed was I that I could feel the blood rush to my face.我也口“匕羞'愧以至于感觉到血液涌上脸颊。

3.The embarrassment was overwhelming as the speaker stumbled over his words on stage.当演讲者在台上结结巴巴地讲话时,他感到非常尴尬。

4.Standing in the classroom, I became increasingly embarrassed and could feel my heart thumping wildly, my face burning badly.站在教室,我越发尴尬,能听见心跳加速的声音,脸烧得厉害。

5.A lump came into my throat, and tears rolled down my cheeks without struggle.我觉得鼻子一酸,不争气地的眼泪掉了下来。

6.She cringed inwardly as she remembered the awkward conversation from the night before.她想起前一天晚上的那场尴尬的谈话,心里不由得有些畏缩。

7.1 was caught off guard and ended up tongue-tied and red-faced.我猝不及防,结果舌头打结,面红耳赤。

be caught offguard:猝不及防8.1 wished I could crawl into a hole and disappear from the embarrassment.我真希望自己能爬进洞里,从这种尴尬中消失。

高考读后续写心理描写句子 -回复

高考读后续写心理描写句子 -回复

1. 她心如乱麻,压抑着满心的焦虑和紧张。

2. 脑海中一片空白,思绪仿佛被无形的力量束缚住。

3. 她的手心冷汗直冒,眉头紧皱,表情凝重。

4. 一股紧张的气氛笼罩着她,心跳声仿佛要从胸腔中蹦出来。

5. 深吸一口气,她竭力试图平复内心的激动和不安。

6. 眼神中透露着一丝忐忑和不确定。

7. 双手微微颤抖,她默默念着催眠自己的口诀。

8. 紧咬住嘴唇,以阻止自己的情绪泄露出来。

9. 内心的压力越来越大,她几乎无法承受。

10. 每一次呼吸都让她感到如坠深渊般的窒息。

11. 无形的紧箍带勒住了她的思维,让她感觉束手无策。

12. 眼前的一切都变得模糊起来,集中力几乎为零。

13. 内心的疲惫感让她觉得仿佛随时会倒地不起。

14. 她努力提醒自己要保持冷静,但内心的不安却越来越强烈。

15. 心理上的压力让她感到疲惫不堪,仿佛身体已经无法支撑。

16. 紧贴着额头的汗珠滚落下来,她的神情越发紧绷。

17. 想要平静下来,却发现内心像被无形的火焰燃烧着。

18. 她下意识地不断握紧拳头,试图借此释放压抑的情绪。

19. 心头仿佛有无数只蝴蝶翅膀拍动,让她心神不宁。

20. 内心的不安仿佛带来隐形的负重,让她感觉越来越沉重。

读后续写微技能指导之一 如何描写人物的内心世界 课件

读后续写微技能指导之一 如何描写人物的内心世界 课件
would __f_l_o_o_d__out at once, but actually no voice was made.
他张开嘴,仿佛有几十亿个字马上涌了出来,但实际上却 没有说话。
1、My heart began to race and my mind
_w__e_n_t _b_la_n_k. 我心跳开始加速,脑子里一片空白。
2. 她的心中洋溢着幸福之情。
Her heart was brimming (v. 盛满;)over_h__a_p_p_i_n_e_s_s_.
3、她发现自己获得了教学奖之后,有些得意忘形。 She was walking on __a_i_r_____after she found out she’d won the teaching award.
unrelenting arrow into my heart. 我目瞪口呆,完全没有了反应,只觉得四周空荡荡的,寒 风像无情的箭,扎进我的心窝里。
1、听到这个消息,他非常生气 Hearing the news, he got very _____a_n_g_r_y______.
he was filled with _____a_n_g_e_r_________.
and she was overcome with _s_a_d_n_e_s_s_/_so_r_r_o_w_s_/_g.rief 2、我的心似乎被撕裂了。
My heart seemed to be___t_o_r_n___.
The __l_o_n_e_l_in_e__s_s__and grief comes in waves
6、She__s_o_b_b_e_d___, hiding her face in her hands. 她掩面哭泣。

专题 16 读后续写之心理描写(悲伤、羞愧、消沉、气馁、后悔、遗憾等)

专题 16 读后续写之心理描写(悲伤、羞愧、消沉、气馁、后悔、遗憾等)

专题16 读后续写之心理描写(悲伤、羞愧、消沉、气馁、后悔、遗憾等)心理描写一悲伤之描写名词sadness悲伤; tear眼泪;必背金句1.Upon hearing the bad news, her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks.一听到这个坏消息,她心痛地眼泪直流。

2. They were immersed in sorrow.他们沉浸在悲痛之中。

3. Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn't help crying bitterly.一听到这个坏消息,她被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣。

4. Her eyes are flooded with tears.超越梦想她眼里充满泪水。

5.Grief comes in waves.悲伤如潮水一般涌来。

6. A ripple of sadness welled up inside him. 他内心涌起阵阵悲伤。

7.The news cast a cloud of gloom over his face. 这消息使他脸上蒙上了一层阴影。

8.These days he was in low spirits.这些日子他情绪低落。

9. My heart seemed to be torn.我的心都要被撕碎了。

10. Tears of anguish filled her eyes. 她双眸噙满了伤心的泪水。

11.She sobbed, hiding her face in her hands. 她掩面哭泣。

与羞愧相关描述形容词ashamed感到羞愧的; feel ashamed感到羞愧;embarrasse d尴尬的;awkward使人尴尬的;embarrassing令人尴尬/难堪的;shameful可耻的;shamefaced 羞愧的词组in/with embarrassment尴尬地;be struck dead with shame尴尬得要死;hide one’s embarrassment掩饰某人的尴尬;blush with embarrassment难为情得脸红;be increasingly embarrassed/awkward about..感到越来越尴尬;feel blood rush/rushing to one’s face感到脸阵阵发烫;one’s face flushed/burned/blushed with embarrassment/shame因尴尬而满脸通红;droop down/duck down/lower down one’s head with embarrassment/shame尴尬/羞愧地低下了头;必背金句1. My throat was dry and my face was burning up.我喉咙很干,脸也发烫。



读后续写素材库之关于人物内心世界的描写及练习读后续写素材库之关于人物内心世界的描写及练习描述内心“害怕,恐惧”的常用词有:afraid [??fre?d] adj. 害怕的;恐怕;horror [?h?r?(r)] n. 恐怖,可怕的事物, 讨厌的人或事;复数:horrors horrible [?h?r?bl] adj. 可怕的;极讨厌的fierce [f??s] adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的scare [ske?(r)] v. (使)害怕;受惊吓fear [f??(r)] n. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心vt. 害怕;敬畏;为…担心描述内心“高兴,兴奋”的常用词有:excitement;glad;happy;cheerful;pleased;ful of joy;thrilled描述内心“悲伤”的常用词有:sad;sadness;heart ach;sorrow;sorrowful;描述内心“羞愧”的常用词有:ashame描述内心“尴尬”的常用词有:embarrassed描述内心“生气,沮丧”的常用词有:angry;upset描述内心“绝望”的常用词有:hopeless;despair增加细节描述的一个万能小技巧:可以把这些词和s o/s u c h.+a d j./n....t h a t...句型连用或者用w i t h+n.结构翻译练习1:当看到那只凶恶的狼时,我感到很害怕。



参考答案:1.At the sight of the fierce wolf, I felt very scared.2. 1)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak. (嗓子发紧,膝盖发软) 2)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)3)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating. (被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)翻译练习2:当主持人宣布她获奖时,她兴奋极了。



读后续写细节描写素材二:心理描写开心My heart is full of joy.我的心里乐开了花。

My heart is as sweet as honey.我心里像喝了蜜一样,甜滋滋的。

The surface of the calm lake stirred the waves, and my mood was as cheerful as a wave.平静的湖面激起了浪花,我的心情也像浪花一样欢腾。

I couldn’t restrain my joy and jumped into the house.我抑制不住内心的喜悦,蹦蹦跳跳地进了家门。

We were very pleased to hear this encouraging news. 听到这个令人鼓舞的消息,我们十分高兴。

He was delighted to receive such impressive recognition for his achievements.他的成就获得大家的认可,他很开心。

悲伤be in tears 含泪have tears in one’s eyes 眼里含着泪水burst into tears 放声大哭,突然哭起来?fight back tears 抑制住泪水be close to tears 快要哭了He stood silently, tears rolling down his cheeks.他静静地站着,眼泪顺着面颊流了下来。

I feel like I am floating in an ocean of sadness.我感觉正漂浮在悲伤的海洋里。

《Her hands were shaking. She was on the verge of tears.她的手在颤抖。


It was a time of great sorrow. 这是一个非常悲伤的时刻。

Words cannot express my sorrow. 言语无法表达我的哀伤。



读后续写原创高级素材专题:心理活动一、心理活动(一)My mind was in a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, like a storm raging within.我的思绪如旋风般涌动着矛盾的情绪,就像一场内心的暴风雨。

A surge of exhilaration washed over me, filling my heart with a radiant glow of happiness.一阵欣喜涌上心头,让我的内心充满了幸福的明亮光芒。

Anxiety gnawed at the edges of my mind, like a persistent itch I couldn't eliminate.焦虑在我脑海中蠢蠢欲动,就像一种无法摆脱的痒感。

My thoughts danced and weaved, forming intricate patterns of ideas and possibilities.我的思绪起舞飞扬,交织成错综复杂的思想和可能性。

A sense of elation pulsed through me, as if every cell in my body was electrified with excitement.一种令人兴奋的感觉在我体内流动,仿佛身体的每个细胞都被兴奋点燃了电流。

I was consumed by a wave of nostalgia, memories flooding into my mind like a bittersweet melody.一股怀旧之情涌上心头,回忆如一曲苦乐参半的旋律在我的脑海里涌动。

Doubt crept into my thoughts, like a whispering shadow casting uncertainty on every decision I made.怀疑悄然蔓延到我的思绪中,就像一道低语的阴影给我所作的每个决定带来了不确定性。

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afraid [əˈfreɪd] adj. 害怕的;恐怕;
horror [ˈhɒrə(r)] n. 恐怖,可怕的事物, 讨厌的人或事;复数:horrors horrible [ˈhɒrəbl] adj. 可怕的;极讨厌的
fierce [fɪəs] adj. 凶猛的;猛烈的;暴躁的
scare [skeə(r)] v. (使)害怕;受惊吓
fear [fɪə(r)] n. 害怕;恐惧;敬畏;担心vt. 害怕;敬畏;为…担心
excitement;glad;happy;cheerful;pleased;ful of joy;thrilled
sad;sadness;heart ach;sorrow;sorrowful;
可以把这些词和s o/s u c h.+a d j./n....t h a t...句型连用
或者用w i t h+n.结构



1.At the sight of the fierce wolf, I felt very scared.
2. 1)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I felt so scared that my throat tightened and my knees felt weak. (嗓子发紧,膝盖发软)
2)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I froze with terror, too scared to move an inch.(吓呆了,不敢动弹)
3)At the sight of the fierce wolf, I was seized by a strong sense of horror and my palms were sweating. (被深深地恐惧感所控制,手心出汗)



1.When the host announced that she won the prize, she felt thrilled.
2. 1) When the host announced that she won the prize, her eyes twinkled with excitement.(激动得两眼放光)
2) When the host announced that she won the prize, her heart was thumping with excitement. (激动得心砰砰跳)
3) When the host announced that she won the prize, a wide excitement took hold of her. (兴奋不能自已)



1. Upon hearing the bad news, she felt extremely sad.
2. 1)Upon hearing the bad news, her heart ached, tears streaming down her cheeks. (心痛,眼泪直流)
2)Upon hearing the bad news, she, numb with grief, had trouble speaking. (悲伤到失去知觉,不能开口说话)
3)Upon hearing the bad news, she felt seized by a burst of sadness and couldn’t help crying bitterly.(被一股悲伤之感控制,忍不住哭泣)



1.When his mother kissed him on the cheek, the baby was happy/delighted/full of joy.
2.1) When his mother kissed him on the cheek, it seemed as if the baby were on top of the world. (非常开心)
2) When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, his face beamed (堆满笑
容)and his bright smile lit up the room. (眉开眼笑;笑容照亮房间)
3) When the mother kissed the baby on the cheek, he danced with joy and sweetness.(欢欣雀跃)



1. She felt ashamed.
2.1) She felt so ashamed that she could feel her face burning.(脸上滚烫)
2) So ashamed was she that she could feel the blood rush to her face. (血液涌上脸颊)
3) So ashamed did she feel that she was close to tears. (快哭了)



1.Sheldon felt very angry.
2.1) Sheldon felt so angry that he stormed out of the room, slamming(砰地关上) the door furiously behind him. (冲出房间;狠狠摔门)
2) Boiling with rage(愤怒), Sheldon shook his fist at me.(怒火中烧;挥舞拳头)
3) Filled with angre/fury(狂怒), Sheldon was unable to utter a single word. (充满愤怒;说不出话)



1. Tony felt hopeless/desperate.
2. 1) As the result of an accident, Tony was suddenly thrown into a world of darkness and sank into hopelessness. (被投入黑暗之中;陷入绝望)
2) Tony felt left out and was getting desperate with loneliness. (感觉被遗忘、忽视)
3) Tony's beliefs in looking forward and seeing the positive in
everything deserted him.(被信念抛弃) (主语问题)。
