男人最爱的电影,你懂~一、《恋之罪恋の罪》(2011)导演: 园子温主演: 水野美纪/ 冨樫真类型:剧情/ 惊悚/ 情色/ 犯罪制片国家/地区: 日本在一处偏僻的住所里发生了骇人听闻的猎奇杀人事件,一具截成两段后又被砍掉手脚的女尸静静的散发出腐臭的气味,负责此案的女刑警吉田和子(水野美纪饰)随即展开了调查,在此过程中,菊池泉(神乐坂惠饰)和尾泽美津子(富樫真饰)这两个神秘女人的身影渐渐浮出水面。
这两个风马牛不相及的女人之间有着怎样的联系?和子也有着自己的秘密,表面上坚贞贤惠的她其实有着十分混乱的私生活,面对欲望逐渐扩大的欲望的黑洞,她要怎样才能够守住自己的底线?二、《坐情敌的出租车??? ??? ??? 》(2006)导演: 金泰植主演: 朴光正/ 郑宝石类型:剧情制片国家/地区: 韩国泰韩感觉自己的妻子有外遇了。
两对夫妻,四角复杂的关系,到最后会是怎样的一个故事发展与结果呢?三、《29颗棕榈树Twentynine Palms 》(2003)导演: 布鲁诺·杜蒙主演: 叶卡捷琳娜·戈卢别娃类型:剧情/ 情色制片国家/地区: 法国/ 德国/ 美国奇丽壮阔的加利福尼亚的沙漠,荒凉的“29片棕榈叶”小镇。
冷漠的自由摄影师戴维(大卫·沃森David Wissak饰),神经质的女友加茜娅(叶卡捷琳娜·高露别娃Yekaterina Golubeva饰)。
电影简介:导演: 托德·菲利普斯编剧: Jon Lucas / Scott Moore主演: 布莱德利·库珀/ 艾德·赫尔姆斯/ 扎克·加利凡纳基斯/ 贾斯汀·巴萨/ 海瑟·格拉汉姆/ 萨莎·巴瑞斯/ 杰弗里·塔伯/ Ken Jeong / 迈克·泰森类型: 喜剧/ 犯罪制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2009-06-05片长: 100 分钟/ 108 分钟(unrated version)又名: 醉后大丈夫(台) / 醉爆伴郎团(港) / 醉醒时分评分: 豆瓣7.6 / IMDB7.9剧情概要:道格(贾斯汀?巴萨Justin Bartha 饰)即将与女友结婚。
婚礼前两天,道格与朋友菲尔(布莱德利?库珀Bradley Cooper 饰)、西德(艾德?赫尔姆斯Ed Helms 饰)和阿兰(扎克?加利费安纳基斯Zach Galifianakis 饰)从洛杉矶驱车前往赌城拉斯维加斯为道格举办婚前单身派对,入住凯撒宫豪华套房。
故事发生在一个夜晚,一个小型的 24 小时超市。 李俊伟是超市的一名夜班营业员,外表沉默寡言的他偷偷喜欢同事唐晓莲,两人今天一 起值夜班。 两个月前,无业彩民何三水在超市里买了一张彩票,中了 9500 元奖金,可是由于超市 老板娘打错了一个数字导致奖金泡汤。于是他今晚带着傻表弟轮胎一起回到超市,一定要拿 回自己的奖金。 李俊伟和唐晓莲不能解决此事,无奈的何三水做出一个奇怪的决定——他要光明正大的 留在超市里,把货物卖出去来凑够属于自己的钱。晓莲和俊伟的朋友朱辽都被关进了办公室。 超市里陆续进来了一些性格各异的顾客,由于何三水的固执脾气和对超市业务不熟悉,在购 物过程中发生了不少有趣的插曲。而被关在办公室里的朱辽和晓莲想尽办法逃跑。 就在超市里稍微平静何三水终于就要凑够 9500 块钱的时候,一个愤怒的抢劫犯出现在 超市里…… 超市是一个人人都会进的地方,也是一个什么事都有可能发生的地方。 一个为了拍戏来超市练习打劫的好友,一个名为讨债形似打劫的彩迷,再加上一个真正 的劫匪,三组假假真真的“劫匪”共同上演了一场令人啼笑皆非的搞笑戏码,其间层出不穷 的意外与惊喜更是使得整个过程充满了变数与戏谑,令人大笑不止。
热门电影 美国主机
乔任梁 饰 李俊伟 乔任梁,昵称 Kimi,在好男儿选秀中脱颖而出,海选伊始就已经粉丝扎堆,很多人亲 切地叫他音乐小子。他不仅造型多变可以酷可以 Q,除了是自组乐队的主唱,还擅长架子鼓 和吉他。此次在《夜·店》中,乔任梁变身一个带副熊猫黑框眼镜,带牙套,锅盖头的木讷 的傻傻的宅男,一改往日活力帅哥的形象,来了一次大颠覆,这是乔任梁首次挑战大银幕便 出演男主角,乔任梁表示,自己虽然是个影视新人,第一次拍电影能有如此机会,一定会加 倍努力迎接这次挑战。
2013年2月视频播放记录播放影片《触不可及》播放时间:2012年2月1日下午3:00导演: 奥利维·那卡什 / 艾力克·托兰达编剧: 奥利维·那卡什 / 艾力克·托兰达主演: 弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞 / 奥玛·赛 / 安乐妮 / 奥黛丽·弗洛特/ Thomas Solivéres类型: 剧情 / 喜剧触不可及的剧情简介······因为一次跳伞事故,白人富翁菲利普Philippe(弗朗索瓦·克鲁塞François Cluzet 饰)瘫痪在床,欲招聘一名全职陪护。
直到黑人德希斯Driss(奥玛·赛 Omar Sy 饰)的出现才让他作出决定。
播放影片《飞屋环游记》播放时间:2013年2月15日下午3:00导演: 彼特·道格特编剧: 鲍勃·彼德森主演: 克里斯托弗·普卢默 / 约翰·拉岑贝格 / 爱德华·阿斯纳/ Paul Eiding / 乔丹·长井类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 动画 / 奇幻 / 冒险飞屋环游记的剧情简介······小男孩卡尔(Carl Fredricksen)怀揣着对于冒险的热爱偶遇假小子艾丽(Ellie),而艾丽把整个屋子当成一艘大飞船游戏居然使他对这个女孩子有些着迷,相同的爱好最终使两个人成为了一生的爱侣。
导演: 林庆洙主演: 申星一/ 裴瑟琪典型: 剧情/ 恋爱造片国家/天区: 韩国谈话: 韩语上映日期: 2013-11-07(韩国)片少: 95分钟又名: 夜闭门/ Door Tonight / 야관문: 욕망의꽃
上映日期: 2013-12-25(英国)
片长: 60min
评分:豆瓣7.5 / IMDB 5.6
A young bored boy spending time with his dull grandma decide to join hands with her and steal the crown jewels after finding to she used to be a Jewel thief.
导演: Matt Lipsey
编剧: Kevin Cecil / Andy Riley / David Walliams
主演: India Ria Amarteifio / Tim Bentinck / Miranda Hart / Michael Haydon / Julia McKenzie
《情迷V女郎》情迷V女郎Milk Money (1994)第2张/共3张上一张/ 下一张> 浏览所有海报导演: 理查德·本杰明编剧: John Mattson主演: 梅兰尼·格里菲斯/ 艾德·哈里斯/ Michael Patrick Carter / 马尔科姆·麦克道威尔/ 安·海切/ 更多...类型: 喜剧/ 爱情制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 1994-08-31片长: 110 分钟又名: 风月俏佳人/ 恋爱攻略/ 企街俏佳人IMDb链接: tt0110516情迷V女郎的剧情简介· · · · · ·12岁小男孩弗兰克·惠勒(Michael Patrick Carter 迈克尔·帕特里克·卡特饰)正值青春期,情窦初开。
弗兰克就在如此偶然的机缘下结识了完全生活在另外一个世界的妓女V(梅兰尼·格里菲斯Melanie Griffith 饰)。
弗兰克对V倍感亲切,他打算把V介绍给单身多年的父亲汤姆·惠勒(艾德·哈里斯Ed Harris 饰)。
?豆瓣喜欢这部电影的人也喜欢· · · · · ·恋爱假期西雅图未眠夜当男人爱上女人风月俏佳人初恋50次美味情缘假结婚他其实没那么喜欢你人鬼情未了给朱丽叶的信。
ChicagoM ommy got sick. It happened just like that. There was nothing anybody could do. It isn’t fair. There’s no reason., but if we start asking why, we’ll go crazy(发疯,疯狂).F ive minutes in the microwave. any one of them. They’re done. Ready to eat. Do you know how to make juice? Microwave. Five minutes.M y shrink.(收缩,畏缩;美俚语:精神病医生)Call him. Loss of spouse support group(支持小组,支援团)Chicago cancer family network(家庭网)parents without partners (单亲)Partners without parents hug yourself. Hug a friend . hug a shrink or work. Work hard. Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see you through this. Don’t mind him. He’s just a guy who lost his wife. What I think we really need is a change(变化,交换,找回的零钱)Good idea! Take a couple of weeks off. Get some sun. take Jonah fishing. No, a real change. A new city. Some place where every time I go around(四处走动)a corner, I don’t think of(记起)Maggie. Where you gonna(=going to)go? I am thinking about Seattle.E ventually, in a few months,you’ll start seeing women. You’ll meet someone. Move on(往前走,前进;出发,离开). Right.--- that’s what I’m gonna do. And then in a few months, boom(繁荣,使发达),I’ll be fine. I’ll just grow a new heart. Sam, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that. I know,look. It just doesn’t happen twice.A song: you must remember this. A kiss is still a kiss. A sigh is just a sigh.The fundamental things apply. As time goes by. And when two lovers woo(求爱,追求) they still say,I love you. On that you can rely. No matter what the future brings. As time goes by. Moonlight and love songs(情歌,恋歌). Never out of date(过时的,过期的). Hearts full of passion, jealousy and hate. Woman needs man, and man must have his mate. That no one can deny. It’s still the same old story.(老一套,同一个老故事) A fight for love (为爱而战)and glory. A case of do or die. The world will always welcome lovers.T he tall one with red hair is your cousin Lrene. You’ll recognize her by the disappointed lookon her face. Who was married to Harold who ran off with(偷走,私奔)his secretary.But came back because Lrene threatened to put the dog to sleep if he didn’t. your brother Dennis is a professor at Johns Hopkins. He is married to Betsy. The most competitive woman in the world. I don’t see how I’m gonna remember all this(这一切). Oh,well Walter, you will.Y our uncle Miton lost all of his money. And some other people’s. in a pyramid scheme(金字塔骗局,非法传销).Don’t mention the IRS(internal revenue service=美国国税局)or the federal(联邦的)prison system. Your mother’s Barbara. Your father’s cliff. My father has electic trains. Really? Am I what they has in mind? Oh,Walter,they’re gonna love you.E verybody! Annie has an announcement. Walter and I are engaged(订婚). I don’t see aring. I don’t have a ring yet. C ongratulations! Bless you.My goodness(我的天啊),are you all right? It’s nothing. Maybe it’s the flowers. We’ll move them. Don’t touch them. I feel terrible, sneezing (打喷嚏)at a time like this. This is a very important moment for me. He’s allergic to everything. Don’t worry about it. Bees,I am allergic to bees. Harold is allergic to every type of bee. We always have to carry a hypodermic(皮下注射)of adrenaline(肾上腺素) wherever we go. If he eats even one tiny piece of a nut. My head swells up(膨胀)like a watermelon(西瓜),and I drop dead (倒毙,去死吧). It’s the same with Harold and bees. Your mother and I had salmon(大马哈鱼,鲑鱼)at our wedding. And I am really thinking a wedding without cold salmon. I’m not allergic to salmon. Oh,he’s not allergic to salmon. But you never know(天知道,世事难料). Harold wasn’t always allergic to bees. Honey,what a shame(真可惜,多遗憾,多丢脸)). We had some champagne, what did we use it for? Uncle Milton’s parole(语言,誓言,假释). And it was delicious. It was, wasn’t it,Milton. When are you getting married?In early June, in the garden. Doesn’t it have to be in the garden. What a great ideas. What about Harold and bees? I’m allergic to bees. We’ll spray you. Cold salmon, a lovely cucumber salad, strawberries. I’m afraid I am allergic to strawberries. Is this all right with you? Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth(地球表面). The Lou Gehring Line. The Lou Gehring Line from pride of the Yankees. It’s baseball. A historical reference.I would like to propose a toast(敬酒,干杯)to my kid sister(口语:妹妹). To Walter and my baby. Everyone, please eat before it gets cold.H ere it is(在这里,给你看). The historical society wanted this and I never would give it tothem. I noticed these things are back in fashion. Grandmother’s dress. He’s a lovely man.I know. He is wonderful, isn’t he? And he’s such a wonderful athlete(注意发音). Are his folks (家庭成员)nice? You’ll love them. We’ll going down to D.C. tonight to be with them Chrismas moring. How did it happen? ---well ,it’s silly(傻瓜,愚蠢的),really. I’d seen him at the office. He’s the associate publisher. One day we both ordered sandwich from the same place. He got my lettuce(生菜,莴苣)and tomato on wheat,which, of course,he was allergic to. And I got his lettuce and tomato on white. How amazing.It is, isn’t it? You make a million decisions that mean nothing, then one day you order take out, and it changes your life(你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的决定,但某天你的某个决定就能改变你的一生.). Destiny takes a hand.Because we can’t stand the fact that everything that happens is accidental. Destiny is something we’ve invented. How do you explain that you both ordered the same sandwich except for the bread? How many people in this world like lettuce and tomato without something else like tuna? Well,it’s wasn’t a sign,it was a coincidence. I was in Atlantic City with my family.Cliff was a waiter. He wasn’t even supposed to work that night, and suppose he hadn’t? he asked me to take a midnight walk on the steel pier(码头). I’ve probably told you this a million times,but I don’t care. Then he held my hand. At one point (在某刻)I looked down and I couldn’t tell which fingers were his and which were mine. And I knew magic. I knew we’d be together forever and that everything would be wonderful just the way you feel about Walter. It’s quite a formal name, isn’t it? One of the things I truly knew was that your father and I were going to have a wonderful time in the sack, I believe you call it. Of course, it took several years before everything worked like clockwork(顺利地) in that department. So don’t be worried if it takes a while(需要一段时间) –dee.How’s it working? You don’t believe in signs.T hey loved you! I told you they would love you,and they loved you! Did anyone ever call youanything other than Walter? Nope. Not even when you were young? You sure you don’t want to drive with me? How will I get back to Baltimore on Friday? I forgot the present. I left your stepmother’s present inside by accident. When we’re old and gray, you’re gonna have to remind me to put my teeth in.I’ll be walking all over town, smacking my gums(牙龈,牙床) together and not even noticing. I’ll wait. I’ll be ten minutes behind you.The woman in the car:Welcome to “you and your emotions”. I am Dr. M.F broadcasting live across America from the top of the Sears Tower in Chicago. Tonight we’re talking about wishes and dreams. What’s your wish this Chrismas Eve? My wish is to turn the radio station. Subject of this evening’s medical update is “you and your spleen(脾脏,坏脾气)”. Your host is……not in your life. Seattle,go ahead. No last name,Jonah. You sound younger than our usual callers. How old are you? How come you’re up so late?It’s not that late in Seattle. Of course. You’re absolutely right.What’s your Christmas wish? It’s not for me. It’s for my dad. I think he needs a new wife. You don’t like the one he has now? he doesn’t have one now. where’s your mum? She died. I am so sorry to hear that. Well,who can believe this? I’ve been pretty sad, but I think my dad’s worse. Have you talked to your dad about this? It’s like it makes him sadder.I can understand that. Is your dad home right now? what’s he doing?is he busy? Not really. He’s out on the deck.I am sure I can help, but I’m going to need you to help me help him. Bring your dad to the phone.Wretched(可怜的,卑鄙的) woman! Hang up. Don’t listen to her. No way. He’d kill me. Trust me. He won’t be angry when he realizes how concerned you are about him. Wanna(=want to)bet? If I get yelled at,I’m never going to listen to your show again. Fair enough(有道理,说得对).Dad? Yeah?There’s someone on the phone for you.(打电话找你)If you’ve justtuned in(收听,调谐), this is Dr.M.F. tonight’s topic is your wishes and dreams. I got it. We’re on the line with Seattle. What are you selling tonight? Micro hibachis or ginza knives? I’m not selling anything. just want to help. I want you to know that your son called and he asked me for advice on how you might find a new wife. Who is this? You are on the air. You called a radio station? Are you with me? Your son feels that since your wife’s death you’ve been very unhappy. He’s genuinely worried about you. Get out here. I’m not gonna go through this alone. I think it’s very hard for him to talk to you about all this. I thought maybe you and I could talk. It would make him feel better. Her first name could be “doctor”. It’s his Christmas wish. Okay. I know this is difficult. But how long ago did your wife die? About a year and a half ago. Have you had any relationships since? I don’t mean to be rude. I don’t want to invade your privacy.Sure you do. Go on. I’m listening. We had a pretty tough time there at first. But we’re dealing with it. And we will get along just fine again as soon as I break his radio. I have no doubt that you’re a wonderful father. You can tell a lot from a voice. But something must be missing if he still feels you’re under a cloud.Just a few questions. Are you sleeping at night? He doesn’tsleep at all. How do you know that? I live here. It’s Christmas. She really did it. She made everything beautiful. And it’s just tough this time of year. Any kid needs a mother. Could it be that you need someone just as much as he does? Don’t answer that. Let’s get into that right after these messages. Don’t go away.If you’ve just tuned in, we’re talking to sleepless in Seattle. We’ll be right back after this break with your listener response. What’s she talking about? This is when other people get to call in and dump on what you said.I’ll bet he’s tall with a cute butt. Bet he hasn’t bathed in(bathe: n,洗澡,游泳;v,洗澡,沐浴;bath: n, 浴盆,浴室;v, 洗澡) weeks and he stinks.Tea with the bag out. Maybe I’ll hustle myself out to Seattle. Give him a gift for new year’s eve. You go on out there if you want to, but don’t open his refrigerator. They don’t cover anything when they put it in the fridge. They just stick it in there and leave it till it walks out by itself. What I’m saying is,I wouldn’t kick this guy out of my bed for eating crackers(咸饼干);, you know what I’m saying?sixty-five cents.L et’s take a call before we get back to sleepless. I would just like to know where I could getthis man’s address. Get in line(排队). Next caller, go ahead. If there was one question I was allowed to ask . people who truly loved once are far more likely to love again. Do you think there’s someone out there you could love as much as your wife? That’s hard to imagine. What are you going to do? I’m going to get out of bed every moring, breathe(动词)in and out all day long(整天,全天). And then after a while, I won’t have to think about how to get out of bed in the morning and breathe in and out. And then after a while, I won’t have to think about how I had it great and perfect for a while. Tell me what was so special about your wife?How long is your program? It was a million tiny little things. when you added them all up. It just meant we were supposed to be together. I knew it the very first time I touched her. It was like coming home. Only to no home I’d ever known.I was just taking her hand to help her out of a car.W ell,folks,it’s time to wrap it up.and to all my listeners,a magical and merry(愉快地)christams.We’ll hope you can call again soon. Let us know how it’s going. You can count on(指望,依靠)it.T his man sells the greatest soup you’ve ever eaten and he is the meanest(卑鄙的)man inAmerica. I feel very strongly about this. It’s not just about the soup. Do it. what else? New year’s eve. Please don’t make me write it. Phone service in the greatest Chicago area was tied up(占线)for two hours on Christmas eve when some kid calls a phone-in radio show and says that his dad need a new wife. Two thousand women called the station asking for the guy’s number. I heard it. This kid calls up . this shrink forces the guy to the phone and says. As a matter of fact(事实上), I don’t.S uddenly, for no reason at all, he talks about how much he loved his wife and how he just fell inlove with her like he was one of those cows in Michigan. What cows in M? it was on 60 minutes. There were those cows that got zapped by stray voltage. No one knows why.Maybe it was Wisconsin. But anyway, it was listening to him talk about how much he loved his wife and suddenly I was crying. It’s like what happens when I watch those phone company ads.I don’t have to see the whole thing, just the part where the daughter gives the mother the refrigerator with the big red bow on it. The polarold commercial(商业广告). Two 5- year-olds at their grandfather’s birthday party. They’re making the album.with the gule. That kills me. You should write something about this. Whatever it is two thousand women calling a radio station for a husband. There are a lot of desperate(不顾一切的,极度渴望的,令人绝望的)women out there looking for love.Especially over a certain age. It’s easier to be killed by a terrorist than get married over the age of 40. that statistic is not ture. There’s practically(实际上的,事实,)a whole book about how that’s not ture.Calm down you brought it up. Did you even read that book? Did anyone read it all the way through? Are you two finished? Now where were we? If someone is a widower (鳏夫), why do they say that he was widowed? Why don’t they say he was widowered?I was just wondering.Y ou know,I’ve got to go to Boston for the convention,right? Then I got to visit Winston-Hughesabout switching over our computers. But why don’t we meet in new york for Valentine’s day weekend? Register you know,for dishes,glasses,sliver,everything. How about it? I will take you Chinatown(唐人街,中国城)for dim sum(点心). Does it have wheat in it? I don’t think so.W ake up. The ball’s dropping. Okay,pal. I got ya(年轻人). There we go.W hat do you want to do? We’ll tell him when he gets here. I don’t mind telling him. She’shere. She’s back. She has another idea I don’t need. I am so glad you’re here. I heard you on the radio. I told everyone about it. We already knew. The dispatcher(送信人)? All of Seattle knows. I was brushing my teeth and suddenly there you were. I couldn’t believe my ears.I called my mother in Las Vegas(拉斯维加斯). I said mother, turn on the radio. That’s my architect.”It is so nice when a man can express his feelings. It’s wonderful. I wish I could express my feelings. Is there a problem? I was tossing and turning(辗转反侧)last night. I realized I am never going to fit my platters in the refrigerator we ordered. When I give parties,I always put in platters. So I thought I would get the sub-zero refrigerator instead. we have to redo all the cabinets(陈列柜). We’ll be into this wall. That’s a bearing wall(承重墙). delay the important thing is to get it right. Absolutely. Your words. i’ve got to rush La decorateur calls.T his is fate. She’s divorced. What do they call that when everything intersects(相交,交叉)? The Bermuda Triangle(百慕大三角洲).A nd here’s another one. You got room for one more here? There you go(这边请,这下你会懂了,你又来这一套). You all right there? Look at this. They’re all for you. In care of sb (由….. 转交)if you have trouble sleeping, drink a glass of water from the other side(从另一面). I thought that was for hiccups(打嗝).Does it work for hiccups?For hiccups,take a spoonful of sugar(一匙糖)and hold it in your mouth for a minute.W hat possessed(疯狂的,着魔的)you (你为什么这么傻)to give them our address?They called and asked for it. How did they get our number? Let me guess. You gave it to them. You have to give them your phone number, or they won’t let you on the air. I’m not even gonna think about what they’re not teaching you in school? Generally speaking, we should rule out(排除,取消,划去)anyone that doesn’t live near here(附近). She’s willing to fly anywhere. She looks like my third grade teacher. I hated her. Aren’t you gonna read any of these? This is not how it’s done. I’d much rather just see somebody I like and get a feeling about them and ask them if they want to have a drink or a slice of pizza not dinner. Not necessarily on the first date. Halfway through dinner you could be really sorry you asked them to dinner. Whereas, if it’s just a drink. If you like them, you could always ask them to dinner. But if not, you can just say: well, that was great. And then you go home. See what I mean? I wonder if it still works this way.It doesn’t . they ask you. I’m starting to notice that.I f you get a new wife, I guess you’ll have sex with her, huh? I certainly hope so.Will she scratch up your back? In movies, women are always scratching up the man’s back and screaming. How do you know this ? cable(电缆,电报). Hand me that towel(毛巾)behind you. I need it too. Let me get you.B ride groom welcome back to ……clinical psychologist(临床心理学家)and the friend you never had beforehand(事先,预先)I think I’m going crazy.Are you happily married? I mean, why did you get married?Was it all trumpets(喇叭,小号)and fireworks? I got married because she said we had to break up or get married. So we got married. Did you believe she was the only person for you? That in some mystical,cosmic(神秘的宇宙)way it was fated? When you’re attracted to someone , it just means that your subconscious(潜意识;潜在意识的)is attracted to their subconscious subconsciously. What we think of as fate is two neuroses knowing they’re a perfect match. I don’t even know him. I am having all of these fantasies(幻想)about some man I have never even met who lives in Seattle. It rains nine months of the year I do not want to move to there but what I really don’t want to do is end up always wondering what might have happened and knowing I could have done(本来能做成的)something. What do you think? It’s just cold feet(害怕,胆怯), isn’t it? Everybody panics before they get married. Didn’t you? I feel so much better just having blown(风吹)this off.S he’s a weight lifter(举重员). It’s not like her neck is bigger than her head. I’m not askingyou to set me up. I don’t need your help with that. I just want to know what it’s like out there. That’s what I’m trying to tell you, what women are looking for pecs(胸大肌)and a cute butt. He has the cutest butt? Where did I hear that recently? Everywhere. You can’t even turn on the news nowadays without hearing about how some babe thought some guy’s butt was cute. Who the first woman to say this. But it caught on(流行). Not bad. Is it cute though? Are we grading on a curve?W hen’s the last time you were out there? Things are a little different now. first you have befriends. You have to like each other. Then you neck(搂着脖子亲吻). This could go on for years. Then you have tests. Then you get to do it with a condom(避孕套). The good news is, you split the check. I don’t think I could let a woman pay for dinner. They’ll throw a parade in your honor. You will be man of the year in Seattle magazine. Tiramisu(意大利式甜点,提拉米苏)you’ll find out. Some woman will want me to do it to her. I’m not going to know what it is. This is going to be tough. This is going to be much tougher than I thought it was going to be. How about that decorator(装饰者)? She’s perk. I’m far away from that. I’m just assembling notes. How would I do that? What do you mean? Call her up. We’ll look at swatches. Color schemes(配色方案). She’s not gonna see through that? You don’t do it like I do it. You do it on your own suave (柔和的,文雅的)way. It is not a swatch(样本,样品)kind of movie. Who knows what he did in real life?I f you play this backwards.(倒播,倒放) How do you know? Could you shut the door? Sure I am wondering if you would like to have a drink with me? Dinner would be even better.I hear that’s a good place.A re you in love with him? Now those were the days when people knew how to be in love.You are a basket case(废物,完全没有希望的人). They knew it. Time, distance, nothing could separate them because they knew it was right. Read it to me. Dear sleepless and son, I have never written a letter like this in my life. That’s what everyone writes at the beginning of the letters to strangers. You think I don’t know that? I would give anything to marry him. He’s so unexpected.You think you can tell that he’s like by just looking at him, but you can’t.I should write something in this about magic. What if I never meet him? What if this man is my destiny and I never meet him? Your destiny can be your doom. The top of the Empire State Building. I can squeeze it in. if I hadn’t married him, I wouldn’t have had the house with the dead tree. on account of which, I got divorced. I hit a car and met Rick while buying a neck brace. You never told me you got a divorce because of a dead tree. you fell in love with the tree man?It’s now or never.(此刻不做永无机会)never is a frightening word. We’d be fools to let happiness pass us by. Winter must be cold for those with no warm memories. We’ve already missed the spring. Men never get this movie.I t’s sinking. There was water coming in all the windows. Your mother used to sing to youwhen you had bad dreams. What do you think happens to someone after they die? Do you believe in heaven? I never did. Or the whole idea of an after life, but now I don’t know. She could peel an apple in one long curly strip.S ee you tomorrow.I am doing an article on call-in(电话交谈节目)radio shows. I am doing a piece on how people handle bereavement(丧友,丧亲)and I understand you had a caller the other night(前两天的夜里,不久前的一个晚上).Next partClarise I’m gonna be back either by midnight. If disaster strikes. here’s one for both of us.I left the restaurant’s phone number. If there’s a problem, the pediatrician’s (pediatrist)(儿科医生)number is right above the phone. Here’s a bottle of ipecac(吐根,催吐剂)if anybody drinks poison.by the juice glasses. How do I look? Do I look okay? Do I look all right?I look stupid. I look like I’m tryin’(设法) too hard. I was gonna get a haircut, but then I’d look like I got one. This is a good letter. The heels on these shoes are grotesque(v:奇形怪状的,可笑的;n:奇异风格). Look like I’m tryin’to be tall. Blah(俚语:废话) I’ve been an excellent third baseman for as long as I remember(只要我记得)and while we’re on the subject. He was the best third baseman(三垒手)ever. It’s important you agree with me, because I’m from Baltimore. Everyone thinks he’s the greatest. It’s a sign. I’ll show you a sign. Here’s a sign. It’s right there. There’s like 26 states between here and there(从此地到彼地). I’m outta(=out of)here. Did you move your car?I’ll have white wine(白葡萄酒). You look good(你看上去真不错). You look goodyourself. I thought you were gonna call me. You did? But I really wanted you to, and I thought you were never going to. There’a phone call for you. Dad, can we go to new york city for Valentine’s day? Have you fallen down? Are you bleeding? Has she been strangled(掐死,把掐死,勒死,抑制)? So this is the only reason for this phone call? If we book now, we can get an excursion fare(旅游票价). He is travel agents(旅行社,旅行社代理人).I’m not going to have this conversation now. we’ll talk about it at a later time.I can’t believe this conversation has lasted this long(这样久). You go to bed.E verything all right? Do you have kids? I will have an Absolut(绝对伏特加)straight up(直率的,真实的;(酒)不加冰块的).P ut that down. There she is. Why is she bringing those groceries(杂货,食品,生活用品)? She’s cooking for us, so be prepared(所以要准备好). The car’s down this way.S he’s on her sixth painter and we’re never gonna finish this job. Now she wants the fireplacere-bricked.I know her pretty well(相当好,几乎). I could give her a call. I’ve got it solved. I’m just gonna hit her with one of those fireplace bricks. That is so funny. Whenever she wants anything done, she does this song and dance(不着边际的废话,大肆宣扬)about I don’t know, I’m stupid, you tell me. You know better than i. but couldn’t we flip(翻转) the house. So everything on one side is now on the other, and the back becomes the front. Could the whole house open up on a hinge(铰链,关键)? That way I could just get in with the garage door opener(汽车库门开门器). Bring that stuff. My firm has box seats(驾驶员座位,箱座)to the Mariners. Why don’t we all go sometime(改天,来日)? What about camping? I went camping once. We oughta(=ought to应该,应当)start camping more often. Time for bed.D on’t you wanna thank her for this delicious dinner? I never saw anybody cook potatoes that way.I’m glad you liked it. We don’t see a lot of potatoes around here. We’re rice men.T urn on your radio. You’ve got me listening to this garbage(垃圾,废物). Who is it?She’s having trouble with him again. I’ll downstairs. i’ll call you back. Are you bleeding?H e’s kissing her right this minute. Tell the truth. Are you spying on(监视)your father?I have to make them stop. How am I gonna explain this to him? She came over and cooked dinner. She brought two bags of groceries, like she was staying for a year. It’s good that your father’s dating. It’s just hard on you. it’s something you think you want. Then when it happens, it scares you. Shouldn’t your father be the judge of whether someone is right or wrong for him. He’s not sane(健全的,神志正常的)enough to judge anything. Now he’s kissing her on the lips.She’s a “ho”(俚语:妓女)! my dad’s been captured by her. What am I going to do? Tomorrow morning when you’re having breakfast with your dad, tell him how you feel. It’s not good to keep your feelings inside you.In the broom closet(杂物室,清洁间). You scared me. Don’t ever do that again.I thought I saw a black widow. You scared me to death. It was right over there.The next time you think you see a black widow spider, I want you to say”excuse me, I believe a poisonous insect is in the house” and I will calmly come and take care of it. Scream again.S he was hysterical(歇斯底里). That doesn’t make any sense. Thank god my life is in place. Y ou have to write to her. You think so?I thought I would look into doing a story on those radio shows. You’d probably have to go somewhere to really look into it. Definitely.C ouldn’t you do a phone interview? Not for the kind of piece I wanna do. I won’t be in Chicago that long.When you get back. I’ll be gone.T his is captain browning. We’re at our crusing altitude of approximately 35,000 feet. Theweather is clear to the west, and we expect to arrive in Seattle on schedule(按时). Don’t you hate flying? I just told the terrible one to the man I’m about to marry.Do you feel that any lie is a betrayal(n:背叛)?T hanks for bringing me out here. Can I bring something back for you? A souvenir? Doeshe like snow globes? You shake them up and then the snow floats down. I’d really like that.I read an article about this. All children are hideous(丑陋的,可怕的)at age eight. It’s quite normal. Maybe when I come back, the two of us oughta spend some time together on our own.I hardly know her myself. She is a mystery to me. She tosses her hair a lot. Why does she do this? I have no idea. Is it a switch? Does she need a haircut? Should she use abarrette to keep her hair out of her face? These are things I’m willing to get to the bottom of(弄清事实真相). And that is why I am dating her. That’s all I am doing. I’m not living with her. I’m not marrying her. Can you appreciate the difference? This is what single people do. They try other people on and see how they fit. But everybody’s an adjustment. Nobody’s perfect. There’s no such thing as a perfect. Reincarnation.(再生) She says you knew her in another life. So your hearts are like puzzles(v:使迷惑;n:谜题,智力游戏)with missing pieces. And when you get together, the puzzle is complete. Godanm it. The reason I know this and you don’t is because I’m younger and purer.So I’m more in touch with cosmic forces. Who told you this stuff? I sincerely hope you’re not marrying herW ink(眨眼,使眼色) how did I get here? You told a lie and got on a plane. That’s notwhat I mean. I’m going back over there tomorrow and talk him. That’s the weirdest part about it.S o then what happened? So then I left,obviously. You were standing in the middle of thestreet? You know that dream when you’re on the street naked and everyone is looking? That was nothing compared to humiliation(丢脸,耻辱,蒙羞,谦卑). You were face-to–face. All I could say was hello. It’s a sign that I have watched this movie too many times. Since I listend to that stupid program on the radio.i’ve been a complete jerk. Detective that’s exactly she looks like. This is a picture of someone’s back. He was crazy about her. So I mailed your letter.You sound neat. Made for each other.(天造地设)) It’s like a little clue(线索,情节). Big deal(大人物,了不起的事)verbal ability(言语能力)is a highly overrated(评价过高)thing on a guy and our pathetic(可怜的)need for it is what gets us into trouble. I will be running back to Walter’s arms, if he’ll still have me. She looked like somebody we would’ve been friends with.Y ou saw her in the airport? I was like I knew her. It was weird. Like a déjà vu(似曾相识)thing? It was a very French déjà vu-ish kind of thing. Oui.(是的)At least you’re out there seeing people again. That’s terrific. She laughs like a huena. Is it ture? Sort of(有几分), a little bit(有点). Tell them what you did. They wanna hear it. That’s so sweet(俚语:酷毙了). He’s obsessed with a lady who wrote me . you serious? She wants to meet me at the top of the Empire state building it’s like that movie. An Affair to remember. Did you ever see it? Cur(杂狗,杂种)and he waited and waited.(他等啊等)She’s too proud to tell him.Crippled but he comes to see her anyway. I forgot why, but it’s so amazing when he comes to see her because he doesn’t even notice that she doesn’t get up to say hello. And he’s very bitter.(adj:苦的,痛苦的;尖刻的,充满仇恨的;n:苦啤酒)And you think that he’s just gonna walk out the door and never know why she’s just lying there. On the couch(在沙发上)with this blanket(毛毯)over her shriveled(枯萎的)legs. Are you all right? Suddenly he goes. “I already sold the painting”and he like goes to the bedroom. And he looks and he comes out and he looks at her and he kind of just they know and then they hug. That’s a chick’s (胆小的;小鸡,少妇)movie. I would say so. What kind of a person would write to someone they heard on the radio? I got hundreds of letters from women all over the country(遍及全国). Desperate women. Just because。
[2013墨西哥最卖座喜剧][我们是贵族][◎译名我们是贵族◎片名Nosotros los Nobles◎年代2013◎国家墨西哥◎类别喜剧◎语言西班牙语◎字幕中字◎IMDB评分7.7/10 from 2,306 users◎文件格式BD-RMVB◎视频尺寸1280 x 720◎文件大小1CD◎片长108 min◎导演Gary Alazraki◎主演Gonzalo Vega ....Germán NobleKarla Olivares ....Bárbara NobleLuis Gerardo Mendez ....Javi NobleJuan Pablo Gil ....Cha NobleIanis Guerrero ....LuchoJuan Carlos Gascón ....Peter (as Juan Carlos Gascón)Alberto Zeni ....Juan PabloQuetzalli Cortés ....Gilberto Marín◎简介本片讲述的是一位白手起家的有钱人和他三个游手好闲的子女的故事。
Ben Willis(肖恩·比格斯代夫饰)是在艺术学院就读的学生,他被女朋友Suzy甩了之后,开始变得失眠。
他对不太爱说话的女收银员Sharon Pintey(艾米丽雅·福克斯饰)的美貌特别敏感,似乎在这个女孩的身上能够找到解决Ben失眠的办法。
想要了解更多精彩的朋友可以持续关注店铺网,我们将会为你奉上最全最新鲜的内容哦! 店铺,因你而精彩。
什么意思? 哦! 谁在捏我? 抱歉 你太迷人了 是啊 你嘴巴太甜了 隐形人 你好 "见"到你很高兴 (从未变老)还跟从前一样 哈哈 没打到哦 打不到 打不到 打不到哦 好吧 你赢了 拿着这条培根 我为什么要拿着培根... 啊! 不! 快下来! 派对达人来啦! 你好啊 默里! 德库拉 你还好吗? 沙子 默里 到处都是沙子! 又是风尘仆仆而来 哟!
Excuse me, sir. What? What? Ow. I'm okay. It's ready. Looks good. Only monsters can get in? Oh, absolutely. It's hidden real nicely. You got 400 acres of haunted forest in front of you. You got the Land of the Undead on the perimeters. Any humans daring to even look over there will run away real quick. But, of course, be smart. No bonfires, no firework shows. Yeah, yeah, no, no. No fire, I get it, I get it. It's time, my darling Martha. The place we always talked about for Mavis. No one will ever harm her here. N 年后 Yeah, it's a mess back there.
# My beautiful May-vay # #Let me wipe all your poop away # #Those humans are nasty # #So with Daddy you will stay #
导演: 林庆洙主演: 申星一/ 裴瑟琪类型: 剧情/ 恋爱制片国家/地区: 韩国语言: 韩语上映日期: 2013-11-07(韩国)片长: 95分钟又名: 夜关门/ Door Tonight / 야관문: 욕망의꽃剧情概要:
影片对白: 影片对白:
• Ben: After my breakup with Suzy, I just couldn't fall asleep anymore. The more I tried to sleep, the less tired I felt. I was wide awake. I tried everything. I'd just become immune to sleep. I suddenly found I had eight extra hours. My life had been extended by a third. I wanted time to pass quickly, but instead I was forced to witness the passing of every second of every hour. I wanted the hurt I felt to go away. But in some cruel trick of events, I now had even more time on my hands. More time to think about Suzy.
• 2. cling to: 紧紧抓住。请看例子:She wore a silk dress that clung to her figure. (她穿了一件紧身的丝绸衣服。)
• • • •
Sharon: Two pounds 75, please. Ben: Ah, how much is it without these two? Sharon: One pound 70. Ben: It was getting obvious that I needed to trade some of my time.
the big sleep摘抄
the big sleep摘抄摘要:I.简介- 电影《The Big Sleep》的导演和主演- 电影类型:黑色电影II.故事情节- 故事发生在1940 年代的洛杉矶- 私家侦探Philip Marlowe 接到任务,调查一个赌徒的死亡- Marlowe 在调查过程中遇到了多个嫌疑人,包括一个神秘的中国医生、一个色情出版商和一个黑帮头目- 故事中涉及多起谋杀案,Marlowe 需要揭示真相III.主要角色- Philip Marlowe:冷静、机智的私家侦探- General Sternwood:Marlowe 的雇主,一个年迈的富翁- General"s daughters:Camilla 和Owen,姐妹俩都和Marlowe 有感情纠葛- Lash Canino:黑帮头目,和Sternwood 家族有关系- Dr.Sonderborg:神秘的中国医生,可能涉及谋杀案IV.电影风格- 黑暗、神秘的氛围- 大量使用阴影和夜景- 对话中带有黑色幽默V.结论- 电影《The Big Sleep》是一部经典的黑色电影- 通过其扣人心弦的故事和独特的电影风格,赢得了观众和评论家的好评正文:《The Big Sleep》(1946 年)是一部经典的美国黑色电影,由导演Howard Hawks 执导,主演是Humphrey Bogart 和Lauren Bacall。
电影改编自Raymond Chandler 的同名小说,讲述了一个充满谋杀、欺骗和黑暗势力的故事。
故事发生在1940 年代的洛杉矶,Philip Marlowe(由Bogart 扮演)是一个冷静、机智的私家侦探。
在调查过程中,他遇到了多个嫌疑人,包括一个神秘的中国医生(Dr.Sonderborg)、一个色情出版商和一个黑帮头目(Lash Canino)。
Marlowe 在揭示真相的过程中,不断陷入危险。
导演: 西恩·埃利斯编剧: 西恩·埃利斯主演: 肖恩·比格斯代夫/ 艾米丽雅·福克斯/ 迈克尔·迪克森/ 肖恩·埃文斯/ 米歇尔·雷恩类型: 剧情/ 喜剧/ 爱情制片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语/ 西班牙语上映日期: 2006-05-18(戛纳电影节)片长: 102 分钟又名: 爱情回水/ 现金回馈/ 找零/ 超市未眠夜
艺术学院学生本(肖恩?比格斯代夫Sean Biggerstaff 饰)在被女友苏芝甩了之后,夜夜无法入睡。
在超市上夜班,本遇到了形形色色的人,包括喜欢恶搞的同事巴里和马特、超级迷恋中国功夫的布莱恩,还有收银员莎伦(艾米丽雅?福克斯Emilia Fox 饰)。
ortant;">ortant; display: inline !important;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;"> ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">不知不觉间,本发现自己喜欢上了莎伦,并且不再失眠。
对现代生活的脆弱反抗Comel 4 2012-11-20 14:38:43很多人说短片比长片更好,但由于本人没看过长片,因此只谈谈短片。
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西班牙剧情片《超市夜未眠》(完整未删版)导演: 西恩·埃利斯编剧: 西恩·埃利斯主演: 肖恩·比格斯代夫 / 艾米丽雅·福克斯 / 迈克尔·迪克森 / 肖恩·埃文斯 / 米歇尔·雷恩类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 / 爱情制
片国家/地区: 英国语言: 英语 / 西班牙语上映日期:
2006-05-18(戛纳电影节)片长: 102 分钟又名: 爱情回水 / 现金回馈 / 找零 / 超市未眠夜
艺术学院学生本(肖恩?比格斯代夫 Sean Biggerstaff 饰)在被女友苏芝甩了之后,夜夜无法入睡。
在超市上夜班,本遇到了形形色色的人,包括喜欢恶搞的同事巴里和马特、超级迷恋中国功夫的布莱恩,还有收银员莎伦(艾米丽雅?福克斯 Emilia Fox 饰)。
ortant;">ortant; display: inline !important;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">orta nt;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">ortant;">o rtant;"> 不知不觉间,本发现自己喜欢上了莎伦,并且不再失眠。