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麦类作物学报 2011,31(3):554-559

Jo urna l of T riticeae Cr ops






摘 要:为给基层农情工作者及时准确判断冬小麦霜冻害灾损程度,以及为生产者采取科学有效的补救措施降低灾害损失提供依据,通过对冬小麦受害地区进行灾情田间调查,结合当地气象资料、农情专家评定以及多年农情工作经验,依据受冻株率及减产率等指标将冬小麦霜冻害分为无、轻度、中度、重度和特重度5个等级。其中,小麦轻度霜冻害受害植株少部分叶片受冻,部分受冻部位可以恢复生长,一般减产5%左右;中度霜冻害植株部分叶片受冻,受冻部位难以恢复生长,一般减产5%~30%;重度霜冻害植株冠层大部分叶片受冻,受冻部位不能恢复生长,减产达30%~50%;特重度霜冻害植株叶片大部分受冻,数日后叶尖干枯,减产达50%以上。


中图分类号:S512.1;S425 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-1041(2011)03-0554-06

Stu dy on Grading Standards for Field Investigation

of Frost Damage to Winter Wheat

DUAN Meng1,2,LI En-pu3,CHEN You-quan4,LI Mao-song2,

LI Xiang-zhou3,WANG Chun-yan2,ZHAO Tian-hong1

(1.College of Agronomy,S henyan g Agricultural University,S henyang,Liaoning110866,China;2.Ins titute of Ag ricultural

Resources and Regional Planning,CAAS,Beijing100081,China;3.Institute of Quality S tandards&Testing Technology for Agro-products,CAAS,Beijin g100081,C hina;4.Plan ting Indus try M anagement

Departm en t,M inistry of Agricultu re,Beijing100125,China)

A bstract:Frost damage of w inter w heat is a m ain meteorolo gical disaster for w inte r w heat production in North China.Fo r the field mo nitoring of this m eteoro logical disaster on w inter w hea t and evalua-ting its seve rity,info rmative g rading crite ria fo r classifying the fro st damage on winter w heat w o uld be established.In this study,based on the field tracking investig ation to w inte r w heat,the practical e xperiences of investig ating and assessing the m eteoro logical and ag ricultural da ta and the mo rpholog i-cal characteristics o f freezing-suffe red w heat,the grading crite ria of frost dam ag e to w inter w ere es-tablished w ith5grades o f no fro st damage,mild frost dam age,moderate frost dam ag e,severe fro st damage and serious fro st damage.The characte rs o f each g rade we re as follo wed.The w heat suffered fro m mild fro st dam age appeared that a few o f leaves were fro stbitten,parts of them could resume grow th and the yield reductio n rate w as about5%.T he w heat suffered from m oderate frost damage appeared that some leaves of w heat w ere fro stbitten,the g row ths of those parts w ere difficult to re-store and the y ield reduction rate w as by5%~30%.The w heat suffe red fro m severe frost dam ag e ap-peared that mo st leaves of plants leaf cano py w ere frostbitten,the g row th o f this part could no t be re-

*收稿日期:2010-12-10 修回日期:2011-01-20


作者简介:段萌(1986-),女,在读硕士,主要从事农业生态研究。E-mail:duan meng20082277@

通讯作者:赵天宏(1972-),男,博士,副教授,主要从事植物生理生态与全球气候变化研究。E-m ail:z th1999@
