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This meeting has brought together the best minds of the manufacturing sector.这次会议,制造业的专家齐聚一堂。

Our company operates in 35 countries.我们公司的业务遍及35个国家。

Our company employs over 5000 people across the globe.我们公司的全球雇员超过5000名。

We want to be part of your company’s success story.我们希望能与贵公司共创辉煌。We are a caring employer.我们是一家关爱员工的企业。

Our company has since had a strong track record of growth.自成立以来,我们公司保持了良好的发展态势。

Our company registered/recorded/posted 3 billion dollars in annual revenue.我们公司实现30亿美元的营业收入。

We value integrity in everything we do.我们恪守诚信。

Turn stumbling blocks into building blocks.化不利为有利

Turn foes into friends.化敌为友。

China and the US has a lot to offer each other.中美两国优势互补。

Beijing has a lot to offer historically and culturally.北京历史文化底蕴丰厚。

China has a lot to offer in terms of human resources.中国具有强大的人才优势。

We expand our business portfolio to include civil aviation.我们讲我们的业务范围扩大到民航领域。

Let out 顺口说出来

Compete to pay the bill抢着买单

We must not take this problem lightly./we must be mindful of this problem.我们不能对此问题掉以轻心。

In poverty, we change to win.穷则思变,变则通,通则达。

Thank you for you policy input.谢谢你的政策建议。

We stay ahead in the IT industry./we are a leader in the IT industry./we lead the world in the IT industry.我们在信息产业领先世界。

Spanish proficiency can be your asset.懂西班牙语可以是你的优势。

We hold ourselves to the most demanding /the highest possible standard.我们对自己高标准严要求。

We outpour our compassion and generosity to the earthquake-striken area.我们为地


The goings get tough,the tough get going.逆境当前,勇者胜。
